Muscle Testing

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Muscle Reflex Testing and Applied Kinesiology

What is muscle testing?

Muscle reflex testing uses muscle strength as a guide to help you identify
imbalances in your energy system.

Your energy system is every bit as real as your circulatory, nervous and immune
system. Unfortunately modern medicine does not fully acknowledge this system
however many other traditional modalities of treatment (acupuncture for example)
have been working with the human energy system for centuries.

Muscle testing can be used to identify blocks that short-circuit the normal energy
pathways with which we were born.

This short-circuiting frequently results in the chronic health symptoms that most
people have.

There are many different modalities available today that use muscle testing and
various techniques to identify energy blocks and restore normal energy flow. Some
of the more common forms are known as Applied Kinesiology, Neuro Emotional
Technique (NET), Touch for Health, Body Talk and Psych-K, EFT

How It Works
Muscle testing traditionally involves testing the body’s responses when applying
slight pressure to a large muscle, to provide information on energy blockages, the
functioning of the organs, nutritional deficiencies, and food sensitivities, among other
things. It can also be used to test the body’s responses to herbs, nutritional
supplements and other remedies.

There are many muscle testing techniques that can be used to measure your bodies
responses to substances and situations.

Client Resources Muscles testing 1

In a typical example of muscle testing, you’re given a food or nutritional supplement
to hold. You extend the other arm and are asked to keep it straight. The practitioner
presses down on this arm and the opposite shoulder with equal pressure (to facilitate
balance). If the product is something beneficial, you’ll be able to resist the downward
pressure and hold your arm rigid. If not, you won’t, as the cellular energy system of
that particular product is not beneficial your energy system (at that time). The same
procedure can be used to determine how often you should consume each food or
supplement and how much each time. It can also be used to test your body’s
responses to thoughts, sounds, colours, and emotions.

Why test?
The autonomic nervous system is frequently referred to as the master regulator of
metabolism because it controls all the involuntary activities of the body, all the
functions of the body that are not under your conscious control.

This would include functions like your heart rate, digesting, breathing, tissue repair
and rebuilding, regulation of your body temperature, immune system and countless
other functions.

Once the autonomic nervous system is rebalanced and improved, many physical
aspects of disease have a corresponding improvement.

Muscle testing can be used to identify foods and supplements that will be of the most
benefit those that may hinder your body’s ability to find balance.

It’s important to remember that your body is always changing and so are your
nutritional needs. It is therefore quite common for there to be variations in your
results over time.

Self Testing
Make sure you are well hydrated. Stand relaxed with your legs apart at shoulder
width and your arms at your side.

Find a relaxed and unstressed state, and close your eyes to switch off other
influences around.

Client Resources Muscles testing 2

Initial test

Ask the body to indicate its direction for ‘yes’ and ‘no’ by asking ‘show me yes’. The
body ‘should’ move forward after a few moments for a YES response.
Repeat by asking ‘show me no’. The body should move backward for a NO

If the opposite movement occurs it indicates that the body is dehydrated or not
relaxed enough.

In this case, drink 1 or 2 glasses of water and try again. If the response is still
reversed, place a finger firmly on the forehead between the eyebrows and hold for a
few seconds to reset the polarity. Test again. Repeat if needed.

If no movement occurs or if a sideways movement occurs, this may be due to

dehydration, extreme tiredness or stress. Have 1-2 more glasses of water and wait
10 minutes and try again.

To confirm that your are responding correctly resume the stance with your eyes
closed and say ‘my name is ...(your name)’. You should get a ‘YES’ response. Now
try substituting your name with someone else’s name. You should get a ‘NO’
response. The cells in your body know what is true for them and will tell you with

Muscle testing for foods or other substances can commence as soon as the
direction of ‘yes’ and ‘no’ is clearly established.

Testing food or products

Stand in a relaxed position with your feet apart as before. Hold the item in two
hands, close your eyes and say ‘this benefits me’. For determining doses ask ‘one
a day?’ ‘two a day? ’ etc

If there is no movement or a sideways movement this may indicate a neutral

Regular testing is recommended as the testing shows what the body wants right
now, today, at this moment.

Client Resources Muscles testing 3

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