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Date: 26th September 2020

Name: ...............................
Class: 9th H, beginners PLACEMENT TEST

I. Choose the correct alternative:

(0,40 x 5 = 2p.)
1. I ........ my thumb while trying to slice some onion for the soup. What ...... I should do?
a. cut/ you think b. have cut/ did you think c. cut/ do you think
2. Many students want to got o the mall on their free time; only a minority ......... to read
books now.
a. wants b. is wanting c. are want d. will want
3. You ....... about the bush for days. You’d better stop now and tell me the truth.
a. are beating b. had been beating c. beat around d.have been beating
4. She used to prefer the classic style and always ......... black when she was invited to a
a. wears b. is wearing c. wore d. has worn
5. The maps hanging on the wall are torn; the kids .......... in the classroom again during the
a. are running b. were running c. had been running d. have been running

II. Circle the correct answer:

(0,40 x 5 = 2p.)
1. Later, he .............. me a glass of water.
a. buyed b. brought c. bringed d. bring
2. I will never forget what he has ........... for me.
a. did b. does c. done d. doing
3. I ........ that he was very tired.
a. seen b. was seeing c. seed d. saw
4. It was much later than I ....... .
a. thought b. sought c. thinked d. was thinking
5. The Indians ........ more about nature than the white men.
a. new b. knew c. knowed d. knowing
III. Each of these sentences contains a grammatical mistake. Find the mistake and correct
(0,40 x 5 = 2p.)
1. He stopped to taking a picture of the beautiful scenery. ...........................................
2. He speaks English the better of everyone in my class. .............................................
3. He tried open the door by force but he wasn’t strong enough. .................................
4. Steve worked more harder than he had ever worked before. ....................................
5. After lunch, she went on tell them about her life in China. ......................................

IV. Answer the question:

(3 p.)
1. What plans do you have for the future?

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