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OUTLINE  Health is a composite of the state in which one is able to
I Importance of Health
function well
II Aspects of Health
A Physically Healthy o Physically
i Economic Bearing of Physical Health o Mentally
B Mentally Healthy o Emotionally
i Economic Bearing of Mental Health o Socially
C Spiritually Healthy o Spiritually
i Economic Bearing of Spiritual Health o Sexually
D Sexually Healthy o Environmentally
i Economic Bearing of Sexual Health
E Emotionally Healthy
i Economic Bearing of Emotional Health PHYSICALLY HEALTHY
F Environmentally Healthy  Physically healthy means:
i Economic Bearing of Environmental Health o The human body functions well as a consequence of
III Determinants of Health right food and medicine intake, proper exercise and
A Sex and Gender Roles regulated diet that develop balanced energy and right
i Lead Agencies Attending to the Advocacies of weight
Gender Roles
B Environment
 This is the measure of physically health
i Aspects of the Environment  To be physically healthy, people must be
C Income conscious of the food they eat
D Occupation o People have different conditions
i High Risk Occupations (difference in blood chemistries, health
E Personal Health Practices conditions) as they age
F Health Services  As they age, people must be
G Culture, Tradition and Indigenous Practice
disciplined and they should not have
cholesterol buildup and the like
 There should be consciousness of
IMPORTANCE OF HEALTH the food intake and medicine also
 “Health is Wealth”  There are people who when they are
o A critical requirement to fully live a human life sick, they do self-prescription of
 Critical requirement in the sense that hindi medicine, they no longer refer
pwedeng pwede na matters to professional experts in
 Critical in the sense that it is both a personal and medicine, pharmacists
social responsibility  Exercise is necessary
 Also a governmental responsibility for people  People need to burn calories
in the country to live peacefully, to ensure  Proper diet, balanced energy and right weight
their health well-being, there has to be proper  Across age bracket, there is a prescribed
attention given by the person and also weight
attended to properly by the government o Obese at a young age – not physically
o Health and education are two (2) social healthy
government functions
o A state of complete physical, mental and social well- ECONOMIC BEARING OF PHYSICAL HEALTH
being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
[WHO]  Physical health could be maintained by natural or artificial
 There is a very intriguing point of view and here method
you can just confirm that even people who are o There are some people who are handicapped of time/
incomplete of body parts, for as long as they do not have luxury of time to do such exercises, and
perform well their tasks, they seem to be just they do not it regularly and they do it on a certain day
normally performing with what is expected of in a week, it is very expensive when they buy
them, they too are normal/healthy necessary physical fitness facilities but if and when/if
and only if there is just that what is called as proper
 Relating the case of the lady pilot who was
discipline and there is just patience to in partner with
granted with aviation permit to fly an aircraft
some physical tasks at home, then you perspire and of
(walang kamay, paa lang nagpapalipad sa
course you burn calories and there is no buildup in the
aircraft), so the lady is also healthy
human body that is harmful to the physical existence
 As going on, there is a need for understanding
 Physical fitness is not exactly costly when
on dimensions of health
o Consciously attended with proper discipline for diet
o How is it to be completely healthy?
o Regular exercise through routinely done household
tasks and some physical and sports-related exercises
such as jogging, body twisting and indoor or outdoor
sports activities during the weekends



 Expensive when body building among men and women  For the government to have these
o Requires facilities for stretching, weight lifting, running kinds of health amenities,
board and many other amenities government is spending much
o A person chooses expensive food and food ingredients o Health workers who are trained and highly competent
over those that are indigenously available to handle patients’ anxieties
 Government is spending for the training of nurses
MENTALLY HEALTHY to deal with this, because they are not just into
 Mentally healthy when: identifying the cure or medicine but they too are on
o Wellness (stability and consistency) in mind’s particular directions of knowing the behavioral
perceptual or conceptual perspective specially in patterns/behavioral attitudes of the person in order
judging and discerning pressing concerns or crucially that they are mentally rehabilitated
critical circumstances  It is expensive when workers are deployed to
 We can say that the person is healthy when in him, these institutions to take care to those clients
rationally, he/she has stability and consistency in of rehabilitation with which they are not well
mind’s perceptual or conceptual perspective trained
 People who are not judgmental, people who are
conscious of what they say (before they say SPIRITUALLY HEALTHY
something, they have to think it further)  Spiritually healthy when:
 There is really a need for a person to process o A person upholds the non-fanatic faith/religion bias-
first what he/she would like to tell otherwise, if free dimensions of ethics, virtues and values of life
people notice this, you know thinking beings, which will help him/her express the essence of maturity
they easily judge you on as whether you have and moral integrity
stability on your concepts or consistency over  How can we say that a person is spiritually
your perceptual views also, sometimes, our healthy?
mind is being affected by our emotions, by our  Description: when the person upholds the
psychological behavior non-fanatic faith
o At times, we are being put in a scenario  There are Filipinos who are religious, they have faith, and
wherein, it triggers us to react because even called faithful but there are also those beliefs which
people are sometimes categorized into are considered jurassic, but the worst, there are also those
three (3) beliefs of the disgruntled
 Active o Disgruntled: beliefs of those people who embrace
 Reactive something that has no very rational basis (very
 Proactive jurassic/very ancient) what they believe is no longer
o To discern such a thing, you will do, to applicable to our time and what they believe is not
think first and discern well on what you consistent to that requirement for ‘pro-life’
will do, so that you can be able to  Imagine if there are these religious who love so
minimize some sort of mistake, much to put something on their body and have
misjudgments, you have to take a little exploded in a certain public
time, you also have to recall what those  Even Muslims, Judaist, Hinduist, Christians
best moments that you can base on for do not like the idea
whatever that you are going to dispose  There are those who believe differently, that,
of/discern with. they can be able to somewhat assert that they
 It is difficult to make decisions in seem to be very much responsive and
times that you are angry, you will defensive and just be fair to their God, their
make the greatest blunder and that faith and religion when they do this but it is
is why you need to think of it first, but pottle in character
if you are put in crucial/crucially  A person is also spiritually healthy when the religion and the
critical circumstance or situation, it is religious faith he embraces is free from biases
your mind that work well, do not be o Ethics he/she observes
swayed by emotions, while it is true o Values and virtues – not far from the commonalities of
that EQ is very important in human mankind
person, it is nice that the EQ is  Human acceptable standards
balanced by the IQ o People are different across the world
 These things must be observed to say that we are
ECONOMIC BEARING OF MENTAL HEALTH spiritually healthy/have spiritual maturity
 Mental health care programs of hospitals could entail:
o Capital outlays that are also costly due to the nature of ECONOMIC BEARING OF SPIRITUAL HEALTH
their patients  Some sectarian counseling centers and hospitals operating
 Having a good mental state/having a mature around the world have become spiritually and customarily
mental conditions, it could be the concern of the adaptive to the practice of invoking God’s spiritual powers
person or it could be a concern of institutions and in medical undertakings
there are some people, who are psychologically o There are sectarian schools and hospitals managed by
and emotionally depressed, they do not find religious institutions and it is always a practice among
themselves in themselves them to put up a prayer corner and even if it is quite
 People who love them, who take care of expensive to put up that corner
them/caretaker to them bring them to hospital  Somewhat a way by which it can remind those who
o It could be mental hospital/rehabilitation practice their professions to also invoke God’s
center might power
 Ex. CVMC has prayer area



 There are some articles that doctors  Example: to curb the spread of diseases (AIDS,
seemingly do not have self-confidence, self- HIV), they have lots of IEC fliers/posters and do
trust, complete self-esteem if they do not intensive information dissemination
invoke the spiritual powers in their medical  Usually these are philanthropic organizations
undertakings o The government also have this kind of organization
 It is nice to remind the professionals for them with which is the DSWD
to be stronger, they must have that fighting  DSWD – lead government agency in promoting
spirit because as if they cannot just be able to information dissemination, however, it is just
do what they do humanly, sometimes, they expensive
also need spiritual powers  Congress always allocate budget for the
o But we are not the same with atheists operation of DSWD
 There are countries with which their  Family planning should also be disseminated to young
doctors, since it is their orientation, people who are still in school so that once they are already
their early inhabitants did not have there, they know what to do
the kind of embrace so, it is the area o Findings: mas maganda takbo ng pamilya at mas
with which we cannot cover in this malinaw ang direksyon ng mga anak kapag ang mga
part magulang ay may kinalaman sa mga bagay bagay
SEXUALLY HEALTHY  What stops them to have more children is to give
 Sexually healthy when: the best for their children
o A person is wholesome in understanding and
accepting what gender does to his masculine or to her EMOTIONALLY HEALTHY
feminine sexuality  Emotionally healthy when:
 If you feel that you are a girl, you are a girl, if you o A person adheres to balanced and non-destructive
feel you are boy then you are a boy feeling of sensibility or responsiveness over sympathy,
 If you think you are a boy but you feel you are a apathy, paranoia, anxiety, and varied forms of
girl, then, other people does not care about it baseless provocations
 Most important thing is that you must know  A person is emotionally mature/healthy when the
how to carry yourself in public because the person is not just being swayed by his/her
society where you are living in is a society with emotions or not just being immediately affected by
standards, ethical norms very pressing situation
 People around you are judgmental, if they find  Ex. people watching series gets swayed by
you a disturbance to them, they say nasty the emotions the character portrays (e.g.
things against you crying due to a scene or when the character
 To be sexually healthy, carry well yourself in cries)
public and with it, people would accept you o Do not be swayed and it is better to
and even appreciate you appreciate the ability and competence of
o You should know how to meritoriously fit film maker rather than on acting because
in a society acting came from the direction of the
o You should be able to give respect to director
yourself because of it, you will be able to  There are cases when you are put in a
gain respect from others scenario that as if you are pushed against the
o If you are a parent, you should know your wall, there are things that you like to happen
limits, you must have agreement with the and they do not happen on time
partner, because it is not good for you o You became impatient and you suffer
(especially for mothers) to be treated as from paranoia, emotional anxiety
there in a corner to bear children, as you  Learn to cope with this, otherwise, if
also have parental responsibilities and it you cannot be able to withstand with
is obligatory to your part to give the best such, the drawbacks of your
to your children and therefore having an emotion, people judge you
ideal number children in the family is your differently and it is even burden in
responsibility and we can say that with it your part, therefore, you study well
knowing who you are, knowing your how you behave (behavioral
tasks and responsibilities to perform, we maturity is not one time)
can say you are sexually healthy  As you encounter people, as
 Same sex marriage, cause of HIV/AIDS, different you go through life, as you
diseases which can be transmitted from one practice your profession, time
person to another sometimes is caused by the will come that will know how to
disrespect of the sexual identity of the person be emotionally mature
o An individual fits him/herself in society that is set with  Making experience
ethical norms, moral standards and religious tents
ECONOMIC BEARING OF SEXUAL HEALTH  High IQ gets a person to a high paying job but high EQ gets
 Social institutions or agencies as well as NGOs spend a person stay longer in a stressful but high paying and time
millions of cash for the distribution of healthcare supplies bound job (Howard Gardner)
and IEC fliers or posters for information-dissemination o Sometimes what is crucial in a person is more on the
o For the sexual health to be push straight forward, for EQ
people to be oriented, there are NGOs whose o Intellectual intelligence
objectives, whose goals, whose direction is to intensify
information dissemination and they are spending much
on such

 Many are intellectual but they do not know how to ECONOMIC BEARING OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH
go down to the level of those people they are  Investment of gov’t and people is required to maintain:
talking with o Harm-free supplies of food and drinking water
 If talking with a child, do not talk like a o Facilities used in the treatment and disposal of solid
graduate of PhD or prestigious universities and toxic wastes and/or hazardous chemicals
 If talking with a mature people, you should  Maintenance facilities
also project, so that we can say that you do  Government must make policies
not only have sensibility, responsiveness o Ex. No bottling industries could operate without water
(responsibility to respond) but also sensitivity treatment plant
o Sensitivity is one competence a person  Produces waste waters – contains chemicals that
has can kill living organisms
 We can say that a person that is  Compliance with the safety production and sanitation
sensitive over things and match it standards entails investment among private industrial firms.
with sense of rationality is a person  Early safety warning devices installed in:
who is mentally and emotionally o Nuclear power generation plants using plutonium and
mature uranium
 Happy people are more likely to work toward goals. They  Happened in Russia (melting) and have radiation
possess key building blocks of success to find the o Weather forecast facilities
resources they need to attract others with substantive o Seismologic forecast facilities (for tsunami, volcanic
energy and optimism (APA, 2015) activity, and geological structure movements)
o People who are happy have better ways of looking  In other countries, they have well equipped
things since they have positive minds, which is very facilities
 If you entertain more of the negativities, then you DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH
cannot move on, it is more of the weaknesses that
 Factors of health
work with you
 You try to see first your strength then try to
study well your weaknesses and try to cope
 Sex refers to being naturally, biologically and physically by
with whatever requirements necessary
birth male or female. Thee basis of reproductive health
therein for you to entertain
program focused on population development (e.g. family
o Emotional health can be seen to those people selling
planning, human resource management, nutrition program)
insurance but we can also see it with medical
o Health to be on its stable state, it is the making of health
and gender role, it is influenced by our way of
 Even though the patient suffers a lot, because of
responding to that on our being male or being female
their encouragement, it looks like their pieces of
 On that ability on our part to understand our role if
advice can be a cure, like they know that their
we are man, woman, or homosexual
patients are suffering a lot but because of those
words coming from the mouth of the professional,  You know where to place yourself
one person who has a high education but go down o Sex as to male or female, gender as to male, female
to the level of the patient and say something which and even LGBT+
consists of hope o Role of male/female should be well understood by
people and must be concern of government
 It can be a cure even just a touch on shoulder
 POPCOM – lead agency in population
sometimes can be curative
 Not only concern on to number of population,
rather, as DSWD has the data on such, it
 Environmentally Healthy when: should be able to give very good advisory to
o A person lives in a geographical place where there is
national government or to legislature on what
fresh air, peace and security from lawlessness,
else of basic social services must be done
topographically free from disease outbreaks and o There are countries with higher number
regular visit of natural calamity of male rather than female
 It is not the environment that makes it healthy but
 In the Philippines, females are
is the person that makes good environment
generally higher than males (not so
 It is the people in the society who should sure ratio 7:1)
construct and reconstruct and enhance the  In China, it is difficult to have a
environment, so the environment is friendly to spouse since they have fewer
the inhabitants of the place or the females
environment or they are secured in the  In Canada, there are higher number
environment that is if they know how to take of adults (70%)
care of the environment
 Has 35 M in population
 Nature is there, it is ready, but it requires
 In Metro Manila alone, we have
nurture from people 1/3 of the total population of
 We can say that the person is environmentally Canada
healthy when that person is so conscious,
 Higher number of adults just like
conscientious in giving and performing his/her
in Canada implies that there are
responsibility and accountability
sufficient number of agencies
 Destruction of Pasig river, Flashfloods, Global catering to the needs of the
Warming are all because of the humans
elderly that is why they live
 In order that the environment to be fresh, it needs longer
participation from the government
o Needs regulation

 In Philippines, there are higher  Humanity needs kind of exceptionality therefore,

number of youth and middle aged whatever your gender is, you should know your
population (65 – 70%) role
 Cause: agencies failing to  It is nice that psychologists, psychiatrist, students in the
provide the full potentiality, like medical field would always be ready to tell something about
that of their programs human identity so that the human can be able to identify
 Effect: poverty rises and there who he/she is in function as human person
would be higher liabilities since o Necessarily human person should be human being, not
they lack enough being human
capability/manpower/ able-
 We have resources and OF GENDER ROLES
some of such are in the  DOH (health care services)
hands of private individuals o Tasked to perform its mandated to provide the
 If most of the population are necessary health care services
young, then they do not have  POPCOM (population development)
yet the wholesome o Tasked to perform the task of doing population
competence, exceptional development
abilities to manage the  Population development in its meaning is not just
resources promoting the contraceptive but it is some kind of
 We become poorer knowing how in certain way there is balance in the
because our population population, in the area of age, in the area of male
ratio is on factor of health and female
which is imbalanced, in as  If females are only 10 percent, what would be
much as possible, it should the population?
only go with 55 – 45 so that  PCW (gender sensitivity and mainstreaming through rights
we do not have much advocacy)
liabilities o Women can also do what men can do
 We also need to have o In terms of intellectual abilities, not all men has
high number of assets superiority over women
 It means that  In the history of England, they have female prime
there are people minister in the name of Margaret Thatcher
who have specific  In the Philippines, we also have women president
skills and good  CHED (education, training and reorientation)
health, which can o It is not just CHED, but also DOH that undertakes the
also help for the education, training and research function
country to be  CSC (employment and workplace rights advocacies)
developed and o DOLE should also be identified here
make it grow
since they are in ENVIRONMENT
good condition,
 Environment as a determinant of health refers to the
which can then
immediate surrounding that account for the social, physical,
help balance
biological, chemical as well as climatic conditions where the
assets and
humans live with the biotic and abiotic organism or species.
o Environment is a factor of health
 Responsibility of o Environment can make or unmake the society or the
DSWD on its role people in a certain place
as agency to look o For environment to be friendly, stable, to provide life,
into population ensure safety, security, stability, it is the making of
development humans
 Population
development will
look into how
members of  Social aspect of the environment – refer to the social
society would look support and social networks within a community where
into growth and people share resources in order to improve the wellbeing of
development of individuals and society. The relationship that is formed
the country reduces or avoids many potential risk to good health
 Gender refers to the sexual orientation that widely covers o Social aspect means the behavioral attitudes of the
gender roles in being (e.g. male, female, lesbian, gay, persons in the society
bisexual or transgender) o Environment that can be influenced by people
 People who inhabit from it are the ones making the
 Gender role – the set of behavioral functions that a person
in a specific gender desires to perform in life based on,
 People can make or unmake the environment
economic challenges, permissive socio-cultural norms
o Social support
o Implication of gender role: if you are gay, then you are
 Ability of the humans to be subservient to the
gay, world does not care but the most important thing
simple sanitation rules
is your choice as livelihood should not rude and not
 Ability and the willingness and the voluntariness
disadvantageous in the society and the one that is
and the aspiration of humans to do a little of a
promoted through the goodness of people



sacrifice in order that they can be able to promote  There are areas that are hot and there are those
the wellbeing of the majority in the environment that are having cold climates
o Social network  In Tuguegarao City alone, temperature can
 Not just a responsibility of one group rise up to 420C, which is why air conditioning
 Not just a responsibility of the environmentalist units are always in households in Tuguegarao
 It is the responsibility and business of the City
everybody  When temperature are cold, it is mostly
 Business of the government affecting in the northern parts of the country
 Concern of all people be it young or old, be it in  Many people get sick because of the climate
different affiliations (e.g. religious or political conditions especially those which are
affiliations (across affiliations)) advanced in age
 Networks within community where people share  In other countries, they have ‘fire place’
 There should be self-invocation
 Physical aspect of the environment – refers to absence of INCOME
man-caused (e.g. radiation, pathogens and pollution) and  Income as determinant refers to readiness or availability of
natural phenomenal hazards (e.g. global warming) adequate budget allocation of a person or the agencies of
o Physical the country to finance the health prevention and
 Has something to do with whatever is man-made intervention programs and health care services
structures available in the environment o Money cannot buy all because money is not the be –
 Whatever is, those called as “kung anong ginawa all and end – all but what is said is that people who are
ng tao na meron diyan” better well off are people who have the freedom to
 Make-up of the environment is knows decide on how they can be able to immediately and
guarantees that can be made available by quickly respond to their health ends
people  Ex. Enrile (he’s 98) – he has money and he can
o We cannot avoid the creation of nuclear have stem cell
power plants but these power plants  If you have the money, subject yourself for medical
should be regulated, well monitored and check-up, easily and immediately there is a
well assessed medical intervention
 It should be well studied
 People who have good education in OCCUPATION
engineering should be the ones
 Occupation as a factor refers to the nature of work, work
managing it
tasks or employment of a person that is determined with
 Small amounts of leaks or workplace safety and sanitation as well as risks involved in
radiation can give big impact in the performance of duties and responsibilities
the environment (pathogens, o Many get sick because of their occupation but there are
pollutions) those who have good life because of their occupation
 Metro Manila has airport (MIA/NAIA) o There are those who have hard job, harmful job but
– it was created during the time of they have measures/safety procedures
Americans  Those who have risky jobs (those who go up on
 It should not be created there cables, in electricity connection wiring and all)
because airports should be far  Those working in shoe-making factories, they use
from the heart of the city strong chemicals like rugby causing the worker to
because the turbines of the be at risk and etc.
airplanes can destroy the ears o There should be safety nets in the occupation
and ear systems of the people o Being a driver needs having ‘airbag’ as you might be
in the surrounding (ear can hold very careful in driving but those whom you are
10 decibels) interacting in the road are not that careful
 Emissions can also affect o Lifetime of people in respect to their occupation: those
 Physical setup – Proper Zoning who do office work or those working outside?
 Biological aspect of the environment – refers to the non-  Can be a research topic
existence of pathogenic organisms (e.g. bacteria, viruses
and parasites that cause outbreak of diseases) HIGH RISK OCCUPATIONS
o Areas that diseases can be present – low lying areas  Exposure for longer time to radiation
(especially if there are flood), dingy and tickly
 Manufacturing of toxic or acidic chemicals
populated places (especially in Manila (squatter area)
 High tension electric lines
 Chemical aspect of the environment – refers to the absence
 Garbage collection
of hazardous reagents and substances (e.g. petro-gas
pipes, natural gas deposits and toxic elements in  Traffic Management in urban areas (susceptible to ling and
workplaces heart malfunction and brain capacity deteriorations)
o As stated earlier, in America, there are those pipes that  Employees in hazardous workplaces enjoy hazard pay
fuel supplies pass through, but in order to be safe, which is twenty five percent of their salary but is subject to
there are flexible hose, pipes that even there are the availability of funds
earthquakes, there will be no breakage since if there
would be breakage, there would be friction and it would PERSONAL HEALTH PRACTICES AND COPING
be the start of the fire SKILLS
o They also supply their tubes with water as there are  Refers practices /skills of a person to prevent him/her from
instances of forest and bush fires since it is difficult to diseases, e.g. management of illness during the early
have chopper to extinguish such fires stage, conduct of first aid and basic life support
o Chemical – refers to the climatic aspect of the o The personal discipline can contribute to good health



 Too much food intake, sedentary lifestyle can lead CULTURE, TRADITION AND INDIGENOUS
to greater risks PRACTICE
o Leproso can be experienced by those who usually eat  Refers to KAP of people along health care that are affected
foods which are stinky by the culture and traditions of the communities
 Sometimes it can also be affected by genes o KAP – Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices
o Good Practice: intervention kapag nabalian: use of
HEALTH SERVICES ‘tawa-tawa’ tree which has curative value
 Refer to sound policies, programs, and activities of
government and private institutions anchored to
maintaining and promoting quality health, treatment of REFERENCES
diseases and rehabilitation or post-ailment activities like
improving nutrition status and vaccination of patients
o Has something to do with the programs, projects and Notes from the discussion by Prof. Romeo C. Clemente,
policies of the government and those auxiliary and all PhD, DPA
those other partners of the government
 There are health and environment enthusiasts
outside the country that could be international in This subject may not that be too important in the course but, it
character can help you to learn that health anchored with economics is
 When there is collaboration between and also an important aspect.
among these internal and external
governmental and non-governmental We must therefore learn that it should not be taken for granted,
people’s organization, when they are being by faith, God had proven that He will be always there. You might
put together and they are all geared towards think of this as like a burden to the learning because time and
trying to come up with programs, projects and time again, you also need to pass it, but take it slowly.
activities and in commonality, they are all for
health services, this will become determinant It is not just a subject that we must be memorizing each concept,
of health but also a subject we must take by heart as it will help to make
o The ability, the desire, the aspiration and us better each day when we perceive our future profession.
the willingness of these institutions, be
external, be it internal, be it Be the professional you are needing! Lead by example
governmental, be it private, once they
collaborate, they contribute to the Work ahead, future RMT!
composite or to the totality of the health
services deserving to our people


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