Textbook Thermal Physics Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics For Scientists and Engineers 1St Edition Robert Floyd Sekerka Ebook All Chapter PDF

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Thermal Physics Thermodynamics and

Statistical Mechanics for Scientists and

Engineers 1st Edition Robert Floyd
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Thermal Physics
Thermal Physics
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
for Scientists and Engineers

Robert F. Sekerka
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA


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ISBN: 978-0-12-803304-3

To Care . . . .

who cared about every word

and helped me write what I meant to say
rather than what I had written

Tableof Contents

About the Cover xv

Preface XVII

PART I Thermodynamic s 1
1 Intr oduct ion 3
1.1 Temper ature 3
1.2 Thermodynamics Versus Statistical Mechanics 5
1.3 Classification of State Variabl es 6
1.4 Energy in Mechanics 8
1.5 Elementary Kinetic Theory 12

2 First Law of Thermodynamics 15

2.1 Statement of the First Law 15
2.2 Quasistatic Work 17
2.3 Heat Capacities 19
2.4 Work Due to Expansion of an Ideal Gas 24
2.5 Enthalpy 28

3 Second Law of Thermod ynamics 31

3.1 Statement of the Second Law 32
3.2 Carnot Cycle and Engines 35
3.3 Calculation of th e Entropy Chang e 39
3.4 Combined First and Second Laws 41
3.5 Statistical Interpretation of Entrop y 47

viii Table of Contents

4 Third Law of Thermodynamics 49

4.1 Statement of the Third Law 49
4.2 Implications of the Third Law 50

5 Open Systems 53
5.1 Single Component Open System 53
5.2 Mu lticomponent Open Systems 55
5.3 Euler Theorem of Homogeneous Functions 59
5.4 Chemical Potential of Real Gases, Fugacity 64
5.5 Legen dre Transformations 67
5.6 Partial Molar Quantities 71
5.7 Entropy of Chemical Reaction 75

6 Equilibrium and Thermodynamic Potentia ls 79

6.1 Entropy Criterion 79
6.2 Energy Criterion 84
6.3 Other Equilibrium Criteria 88
6.4 Summary of Criteria 92

7 Requirements for Stabi lity 95

7.1 Stability Requirements for Entrop y 95
7.2 Stability Requirements for Internal Energy 100
7.3 Stability Requirements for Other Potentials 102
7.4 Consequences of Stability Requiremen ts 105
7.5 Extension to Many Variables 106
7.6 Principles of Le Chatlier and Le Chatlier-Braun 107

8 Monocomponent Phase Equi librium 109

8.1 Clausius-Clapeyron Equation 110
8.2 Sketches of the Thermodynamic Function s 115
8.3 Phas e Diagram in th e v, p Plane 118
Table of Contents ix

9 Two -Phase Equilibrium for a van der Waa ls Fluid 121

9.1 van der Waals Equation of State 121
9.2 Thermodynamic Functions 124
9.3 Phase Equilibrium and Miscibility Gap 127
9.4 Gibbs Free Energy 131

10 Binary Solutions 137

10.1 Thermodynamics of Binary Solutions 137
10.2 Ideal Soluti ons 142
10.3 Phase Diagram for an Ideal Solid and an Ideal Liquid 145
10.4 Regular Solution 148
10.5 General Binary Solutions 153

11 Externa l Forces and Rotating Coordinate Systems 155

11.1 Conditions for Equilibrium 155
11.2 Uniform Gravitational Field 157
11.3 Non-Uniform Gravitational Field 164
11.4 Rotating Systems 164
11.5 Electric Fields 166

12 Chemica l Reactions 167

12.1 Reactions at Constant Volume or Pressure 168
12.2 Standard States 171
12.3 Equilibr ium and Affinity 173
12.4 Explicit Equilibrium Conditions 175
12.5 Simul taneous Reactions 182

13 Thermodynam ics of Fluid-Fluid Interf aces 185

13.1 Planar Interfaces in Fluids 186
13.2 Curved Interfaces in Flu ids 197
x Table of Contents

13.3 Interface Junctions and Contact Angles 202

13.4 Liquid Surface Shape in Gravity 205

14 Thermodynamics of Solid-Flu i d Interfaces 215

14.1 Planar Solid-Fluid Interfaces 216
14.2 Anisotropy of y 22 1
14.3 Curved Solid-Fluid Interfaces 227
14.4 Faceting of a Large Planar Face 233
14.5 Equilibrium Shape from the~ -Vector 236
14.6 Herring Formula 240
14.7 Legendre Transform of the Equilibrium Shape 241
14.8 Remarks About Solid-Solid Interfaces 242

PART II Statistical Mechanics 245

15 Entropy and Information Theory 247
15.1 Entropy as a Measure of Disorder 247
15.2 Boltzmann Eta Theorem 251

16 Microcanonical Ensemble 257

16.1 Fundamenta l Hypothesis of Statistical Mechanics 258
16.2 Two-Stat e Subsystems 261
16.3 Harmonic Oscillators 265
16.4 Ideal Gas 267
16.5 Multicomponent Ideal Gas 273

17 Classical Microcanonical Ensemble 277

17.1 Liouville's Theorem 278
17.2 Classical Microcanonical Ensemble 280
Tab le of Contents xi

18 Distinguishable Part icles with Negligible

Interaction Energies 285
18.1 Derivation of the Boltzmann Distribution 285
18.2 Two-State Subsystems 289
18.3 Harmonic Oscillators 293
18.4 Rigid Linear Rotator 303

19 Canonical Ensemble 305

19. 1 Three Derivations 305
19.2 Factorizat ion Theorem 312
19.3 Classica l Idea l Gas 313
19.4 Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution 317
19.5 Energy Dispersion 320
19.6 Paramagnetism 321
19.7 Partition Function and Densit y of States 330

20 Classical Canonical Ensemble 337

20.1 Classical Ideal Gas 338
20.2 Law of Dulong and Petit 342
20.3 Averaging Theorem and Equipartition 343
20.4 Virial Theorem 346
20.5 Virial Coefficients 348
20.6 Use of Canonical Transforma tions 354
20.7 Rotating Rigid Polya tomi c Molecu les 356

21 Grand Canonical Ensemble 359

21.1 Derivation from Microcanonical Ensemble 360
21.2 Ideal Systems: Orbitals and Factorization 368
xii Table of Contents

21.3 Classical Ideal Gas with Internal Structure 380

21.4 Multicomponent Systems 388
21.5 Pressure Ensemb le 389

22 Entropy for Any Ensemb le 397

22.1 General Ensemble 397
22.2 Summation over Energy Levels 402

23 Un ified Treatment of Idea l Fermi, Bose, and Classical Gases 405

23.1 Integr al Formulae 406
23.2 The Functions hv(A, a) 408
23.3 Virial Expansio ns for Ideal Fermi and Bose Gases 410
23.4 Heat Capacity 412

24 Bose Condensat ion 413

24.l Bosons at Low Temperatures 413
24.2 Thermodynamic Functions 416
24.3 Condensate Region 421

25 Degenerate Fermi Gas 425

25.1 Ideal Fermi Gas at Low Temperatures 425
25.2 Free Electron Model of a Metal 428
25.3 Thermal Activation of Electrons 429
25.4 Pauli Paramagnetism 433
25.5 Landau Diamagnetism 436
25.6 Thermionic Emission 439
25.7 Semiconductors 442

26 Quantum Statistics 451

26.1 Pure States 451
26.2 Statistical States 453
Table of Contents xiii

26.3 Random Phases and External Influ ence 454

26.4 Time Evoluti on 455
26.5 Densit y Operators for Specific Ensembles 456
26.6 Examp les of th e Density Matrix 459
26.7 Indi stinguishable Particles 465

27 Ising Model 469

27.1 Ising Mod el, Mean Fie ld Treatment 470
27.2 Pair Sta tistics 477
27.3 Soluti on in One Dimension for Zero Field 479
27.4 Transfer Matrix 480
27.5 Oth er Methods of Soluti on 483
27.6 Monte Carlo Simulation 484

PARTIll Appendices 495

A Stirl ing 's Approximation 497
A.l Elem entary Mot ivation ofEq. (A.l ) 498
A.2 Asymptotic Series 499

B Use of Jacobians to Convert Partial Derivatives 503

B.l Properties of Jacobians 503
B.2 Connect ion to Thermody namic s 504

C Differential Geometry of Surfaces 509

C.l Alterna tive Formulae for ~ Vector 509
C.2 Sur face Differe nti al Geome try 511
C.3 ~ Vector for Genera l Surfaces 516
C.4 Herring Form ula 518

D Equi librium of Two-State Systems 523

xiv Table of Contents

E Aspects of Canonical Transformations 529

E.1 Necessary and Sufficient Conditions 530
E.2 Restricted Canonical Transformations 534

F Rotation of Rigid Bodies 537

El Moment oflnertia 537
F.2 Angular Momentum 539
F.3 Kinetic Energy 540
F.4 Time Derivatives 540
F.5 Rotating Coordinate System 541
F.6 Matrix Formulation 544
F.7 Canonical Variables 546
F.8 Quantum Energy Levels for Diatomic Molecule 547

G Thermodynamic Perturbation Theory 549

G.1 Classical Case 549
G.2 Quantum Case 550

H Selected Mathematical Relations 553

H.1 Bernoulli Numbers and Polynomials 553
H.2 Euler-Maclaur in Sum Formula 554

Creation and Annihilation Operators 559

1.1 Harmonic Oscillator 559
1.2 Boson Operators 560
1.3 Fermion Operators 562
1.4 Boson and Fermion Number Operators 563

References 565
Index 569
About the Cover

To represent the many scientists who have made major contributions to the foundations of
thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, the cover of this book depicts four significant
scientists along with some equations and graphs associated with each of them.
• James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) for his work on thermodynamics and especially the
kinetic theory of gases, including the Maxwell relations derived from perfect differen-
tials and the Maxwell-Boltzmann Gaussian distribution of gas velocities, a precursor of
ensemble theory (see Sections 5.2, 19.4, and 20.1).
• Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906) for his statistical approach to mechanics of many
particle systems, including his Eta function that describes the decay to equilibrium
and his formula showing that the entropy of thermodynamics is proportional to the
logarithm of the number of microscopic realizations of a macrosystem (see Chapters
• J. Willard Gibbs (1839-1903) for his systematic theoretical development of the ther-
modynamics of heterogeneous systems and their interfaces, including the definition
of chemical potentials and free energy that revolutionized physical chemistry, as well
as his development of the ensemble theory of statistical mechanics, including the
canonical and grand canonical ensembles. The contributions of Gibbs are ubiquitous
in this book, but see especially Chapters 5–8, 12–14, 17, 20, and 21.
• Max Planck (1858-1947, Nobel Prize 1918) for his quantum hypothesis of the energy of
cavity radiation (hohlraum blackbody radiation) that connected statistical mechanics
to what later became quantum mechanics (see Section 18.3.2); the Planck distribution
of radiation flux versus frequency for a temperature 2.725 K describes the cosmic
microwave background, first discovered in 1964 as a remnant of the Big Bang and later
measured by the COBE satellite launched by NASA in 1989.
The following is a partial list of many others who have also made major contributions
to the field, all deceased. Recipients of a Nobel Prize (first awarded in 1901) are denoted
by the letter “N” followed by the award year. For brief historical introductions to thermo-
dynamic and statistical mechanics, see Cropper [11, pp. 41-136] and Pathria and Beale [9,
pp. xxi-xxvi], respectively. The scientists are listed in the order of their year of birth:
Sadi Carnot (1796-1832); Julius von Mayer (1814-1878); James Joule (1818-1889);
Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894); Rudolf Clausius (1822-1888); William Thomson,
Lord Kelvin (1824-1907); Johannes van der Waals (1837-1923, N1910); Jacobus van’t
Hoff (1852-1911, N1901); Wilhelm Wien (1864-1928, N1911); Walther Nernst (1864-
1941, N1920); Arnold Sommerfeld (1868-1951); Théophile de Donder (1872-1957); Albert

xvi About the Cover

Einstein (1879-1955, N1921); Irving Langmuir (1881-1957, N1932); Erwin Schrödinger

(1887-1961, N1933); Satyendra Bose (1894-1974); Pyotr Kapitsa (1894-1984, N1978);
William Giauque (1895-1982, N1949); John van Vleck (1899-1980, N1977); Wolfgang Pauli
(1900-1958, N1945); Enrico Fermi (1901-1954, N1938); Paul Dirac (1902-1984, N1933);
Lars Onsager (1903-1976, N1968); John von Neumann (1903-1957); Lev Landau (1908-
1968, N1962); Claude Shannon (1916-2001); Ilya Prigogine (1917-2003, N1977); Kenneth
Wilson (1936-2013, N1982).

This book is based on lectures in courses that I taught from 2000 to 2011 in the Department
of Physics at Carnegie Mellon University to undergraduates (mostly juniors and seniors)
and graduate students (mostly first and second year). Portions are also based on a
course that I taught to undergraduate engineers (mostly juniors) in the Department of
Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science in the early 1970s. It began as class notes
but started to be organized as a book in 2004. As a work in progress, I made it available
on my website as a pdf, password protected for use by my students and a few interested
It is my version of what I learned from my own research and self-study of numerous
books and papers in preparation for my lectures. Prominent among these sources were
the books by Fermi [1], Callen [2], Gibbs [3, 4], Lupis [5], Kittel and Kroemer [6], Landau
and Lifshitz [7], and Pathria [8, 9], which are listed in the bibliography. Explicit references
to these and other sources are made throughout, but the source of much information is
beyond my memory.
Initially it was my intent to give an integrated mixture of thermodynamics and statis-
tical mechanics, but it soon became clear that most students had only a cursory under-
standing of thermodynamics, having encountered only a brief exposure in introductory
physics and chemistry courses. Moreover, I believe that thermodynamics can stand on
its own as a discipline based on only a few postulates, or so-called laws, that have stood
the test of time experimentally. Although statistical concepts can be used to motivate
thermodynamics, it still takes a bold leap to appreciate that thermodynamics is valid,
within its intended scope, independent of any statistical mechanical model. As stated by
Albert Einstein in Autobiographical Notes (1946) [10]:

“A theory is the more impressive the greater the simplicity of its premises is, the more
different kinds of things it relates, and the more extended is its area of applicability.
Therefore the deep impression which classical thermodynamics made on me. It is the
only physical theory of universal content concerning which I am convinced that within
the framework of the applicability of its basic concepts, it will never be overthrown.”

Of course thermodynamics only allows one to relate various measurable quantities to

one another and must appeal to experimental data to get actual values. In that respect,
models based on statistical mechanics can greatly enhance thermodynamics by providing
values that are independent of experimental measurements. But in the last analysis, any
model must be compatible with the laws of thermodynamics in the appropriate limit of

xviii Preface

sufficiently large systems. Statistical mechanics, however, has the potential to treat smaller
systems for which thermodynamics is not applicable.
Consequently, I finally decided to present thermodynamics first, with only a few
connections to statistical concepts, and then present statistical mechanics in that context.
That allowed me to better treat reversible and irreversible processes as well as to give a
thermodynamic treatment of such subjects as phase diagrams, chemical reactions, and
anisotropic surfaces and interfaces that are especially valuable to materials scientists and
The treatment of statistical mechanics begins with a mathematical measure of disorder,
quantified by Shannon [48, 49] in the context of information theory. This measure is
put forward as a candidate for the entropy, which is formally developed in the context
of the microcanonical, canonical, and grand canonical ensembles. Ensembles are first
treated from the viewpoint of quantum mechanics, which allows for explicit counting of
states. Subsequently, classical versions of the microcanonical and canonical ensembles
are presented in which integration over phase space replaces counting of states. Thus,
information is lost unless one establishes the number of states to be associated with a
phase space volume by requiring agreement with quantum treatments in the limit of high
temperatures. This is counter to the historical development of the subject, which was
in the context of classical mechanics. Later in the book I discuss the foundation of the
quantum mechanical treatment by means of the density operator to represent pure and
statistical (mixed) quantum states.
Throughout the book, a number of example problems are presented, immediately
followed by their solutions. This serves to clarify and reinforce the presentation but also
allows students to develop problem-solving techniques. For several reasons I did not
provide lists of problems for students to solve. Many such problems can be found in
textbooks now in print, and most of their solutions are on the internet. I leave it to teachers
to assign modifications of some of those problems or, even better, to devise new problems
whose solutions cannot yet be found on the internet.
The book also contains a number of appendices, mostly to make it self-contained but
also to cover technical items whose treatment in the chapters would tend to interrupt the
flow of the presentation.
I view this book as an intermediate contribution to the vast subjects of thermody-
namics and statistical mechanics. Its level of presentation is intentionally more rigorous
and demanding than in introductory books. Its coverage of statistical mechanics is much
less extensive than in books that specialize in statistical mechanics, such as the recent
third edition of Pathria’s book, now authored by Pathria and Beale [9], that contains
several new and advanced topics. I suspect the present book will be useful for scientists,
particularly physicists and chemists, as well as engineers, particularly materials, chemical,
and mechanical engineers. If used as a textbook, many advanced topics can be omitted
to suit a one- or two-semester undergraduate course. If used as a graduate text, it could
easily provide for a one- or two-semester course. The level of mathematics needed in most
parts of the book is advanced calculus, particularly a strong grasp of functions of several
Preface xix

variables, partial derivatives, and infinite series as well as an elementary knowledge of

differential equations and their solutions. For the treatment of anisotropic surfaces and
interfaces, necessary relations of differential geometry are presented in an appendix. For
the statistical mechanics part, an appreciation of stationary quantum states, including
degenerate states, is essential, but the calculation of such states is not needed. In a few
places, I use the notation of the Dirac vector space, bras and kets, to represent quantum
states, but always with reference to other representations; the only exceptions are Chapter
26, Quantum Statistics, where the Dirac notation is used to treat the density operator, and
Appendix I, where creation and annihilation operators are treated.
I had originally considered additional information for this book, including more of my
own research on the thermodynamics of inhomogeneously stressed crystals and a few
more chapters on the statistical mechanical aspects of phase transformations. Treatment
of the liquid state, foams, and very small systems were other possibilities. I do not address
many-body theory, which I leave to other works. There is an introduction to Monte Carlo
simulation at the end of Chapter 27, which treats the Ising model. The renormalization
group approach is described briefly but not covered in detail. Perhaps I will address some
of these topics in later writings, but for now I choose not to add to the already considerable
bulk of this work.
Over the years that I shared versions of this book with students, I received some
valuable feedback that stimulated revision or augmentation of topics. I thank all those
students. A few faculty at other universities used versions for self-study in connection with
courses they taught, and also gave me some valuable feedback. I thank these colleagues
as well. I am also grateful to my research friends and co-workers at NIST, where I have
been a consultant for nearly 45 years, whose questions and comments stimulated a lot
of critical thinking; the same applies to many stimulating discussions with my colleagues
at Carnegie-Mellon and throughout the world. Singular among those was my friend and
fellow CMU faculty member Prof. William W. Mullins who taught me by example the love,
joy and methodologies of science. There are other people I could thank individually for
contributing in some way to the content of this book but I will not attempt to present
such a list. Nevertheless, I alone am responsible for any misconceptions or outright errors
that remain in this book and would be grateful to anyone who would bring them to my
In bringing this book to fruition, I would especially like to thank my wife Carolyn for
her patience and encouragement and her meticulous proofreading. She is an attorney,
not a scientist, but the logic and intellect she brought to the task resulted in my rewriting
a number of obtuse sentences and even correcting a number of embarrassing typos and
inconsistent notation in the equations. I would also like to thank my friends Susan and
John of Cosgrove Communications for their guidance with respect to several aesthetic
aspects of this book. Thanks are also due to the folks at my publisher Elsevier: Acqui-
sitions Editor Dr. Anita Koch, who believed in the product and shepherded it through
technical review, marketing and finance committees to obtain publication approval;
Editorial Project Manager Amy Clark, who guided me though cover and format design as
xx Preface

well as the creation of marketing material; and Production Project Manager Paul Prasad
Chandramohan, who patiently managed to respond positively to my requests for changes
in style and figure placements, as well as my last-minute corrections. Finally, I thank
Carnegie Mellon University for providing me with an intellectual home and the freedom
to undertake this work.

Robert F. Sekerka
Pittsburgh, PA
Thermal physics deals with the quantitative physical analysis of macroscopic systems.
Such systems consist of a very large number, N , of atoms, typically N ∼ 1023 . According
to classical mechanics, a detailed knowledge of the microscopic state of motion (say,
position ri and velocity vi ) of each atom, i = 1, 2, . . . , N , at some time t, even if attainable,
would constitute an overwhelmingly huge database that would be practically useless.
More useful quantities would be averages, such as the average kinetic energy of an atom
in the system, which would be independent of time if the system were in equilibrium.
We might also be interested in knowing such things as the volume V of the system or
the pressure p that it exerts on the walls of a containing vessel. In other words, a useful
description of a macroscopic system is necessarily statistical and consists of knowledge of
a few macroscopic variables that describe the system to our satisfaction.
We shall be concerned primarily with macroscopic systems in a state of equilibrium.
An equilibrium state is one whose macroscopic parameters, which we shall call state vari-
ables, do not change with time. We accept the proposition, in accord with our experience,
that any macroscopic system subject to suitable constraints, such as confinement to a
volume and isolation from external forces or sources of matter and energy, will eventually
come to a state of equilibrium. Our concept, or model, of the system will dictate the
number of state variables that constitute a complete description—a complete set of state
variables—of that system. For example, a gas consisting of a single atomic species might be
described by three state variables, its energy U, its volume V , and its number of atoms N .
Instead of its number of atoms, we usually avoid large numbers and specify its number
of moles, N := N /N A where NA = 6.02×1023 molecules/mol is Avogadro’s number.1
The state of a gas consisting of two atomic species, denoted by subscripts 1 and 2, would
require four variables, U, V , N1 , and N2 . A simple model of a crystalline solid consisting of
one atomic species would require eight variables; these could be taken to be U, V , N , and
five more variables needed to describe its state of shear strain.2

1.1 Temperature
A price we pay to describe a macroscopic system is the introduction of a state variable,
known as the temperature, that is related to statistical concepts and has no counterpart
in simple mechanical systems. For the moment, we shall regard the temperature to be an
1 The notation A := B means A is defined to be equal to B, and can be written alternatively as B =: A.
2 This is true if the total number of unit cells of the crystal is able to adjust freely, for instance by means of
vacancy diffusion; otherwise, a total of nine variables is required because one must add the volume per unit cell to
the list of variables. More complex macroscopic systems require more state variables for a complete description,
but usually the necessary number of state variables is small.
Thermal Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-803304-3.00001-6 3
Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

empirical quantity, measured by a thermometer, such that temperature is proportional to

the expansion that occurs whenever energy is added to matter by means of heat transfer.
Examples of thermometers include thermal expansion of mercury in a long glass tube,
bending of a bimetallic strip, or expansion of a gas under the constraint of constant pres-
sure. Various thermometers can result in different scales of temperature corresponding to
the same physical states, but they can be calibrated to produce a correspondence. If two
systems are able to freely exchange energy with one another such that their temperatures
are equal and their other macroscopic state variables do not change with time, they are
said to be in equilibrium.
From a theoretical point of view, the most important of these empirical temperatures is
the temperature θ measured by a gas thermometer consisting of a fixed number of moles
N of a dilute gas at volume V and low pressure p. This temperature θ is defined to be
proportional to the volume at fixed p and N by the equation
θ := V, (1.1)
where R is a constant. For variable p, Eq. (1.1) also embodies the laws of Boyle, Charles,
and Gay-Lussac. Provided that the gas is sufficiently dilute (small enough N /V ), exper-
iment shows that θ is independent of the particular gas that is used. A gas under such
conditions is known as an ideal gas. The temperature θ is called an absolute temperature
because it is proportional to V , not just linear in V . If the constant R = 8.314 J/(mol K),
then θ is measured in degrees Kelvin, for which one uses the symbol K. On this scale,
the freezing point of water at one standard atmosphere of pressure is 273.15 K. Later,
in connection with the second law of thermodynamics, we will introduce a unique
thermodynamic definition of a temperature, T, that is independent of any particular
thermometer. Fermi [1, p. 42] uses a Carnot cycle that is based on an ideal gas as a working
substance to show that T = θ, so henceforth we shall use the symbol T for the absolute

Example Problem 1.1. The Fahrenheit scale ◦ F, which is commonly used in the United States,
the United Kingdom, and some other related countries, is based on a smaller temperature
interval. At one standard atmosphere of pressure, the freezing point of water is 32 ◦ F and the
boiling point of water is 212 ◦ F. How large is the Fahrenheit degree compared to the Celsius
The Rankine scale R is an absolute temperature scale but based on the Fahrenheit degree. At
one standard atmosphere of pressure, what are the freezing and boiling points of water on the
Rankine scale? What is the value of the triple point of water on the Rankine scale, the Fahrenheit
scale and the Celsius scale? What is the value of absolute zero in ◦ F?

3 The Kelvin scale is defined such that the triple point of water (solid-liquid-vapor equilibrium) is exactly

273.16 K. The Celsius scale, for which the unit is denoted ◦ C, is defined by T(◦ C) = T(K) − 273.15.
Chapter 1 • Introduction 5

Solution 1.1. The temperature interval between the boiling and freezing points of water at
one standard atmosphere is 100 ◦ C or 212 − 32 = 180 ◦ F. Therefore, 1 ◦ F = 100/180 = 5/9 ◦ C =
(5/9) K. The freezing and boiling points of water are 273.15 × (9/5) = 491.67 R and 373.15 ×
(9/5) = 671.67 R. The triple point of water is 273.16 × (9/5) = 491.688 R = 32.018 ◦ F = 0.01 ◦ C.
The value of absolute zero in ◦ F is −(491.67 − 32) = −459.67 ◦ F.

In the process of introducing temperature, we alluded to the intuitive concept of

heat transfer. At this stage, it suffices to say that if two bodies at different temperatures
are brought into “thermal contact,” a process known as heat conduction can occur that
enables energy to be transferred between the bodies even though the bodies exchange
no matter and do no mechanical work on one another. This process results in a new
equilibrium state and a new common temperature for the combined body. It is common
to say that this process involves a “transfer of heat” from the hotter body (higher initial
temperature) to the colder body (lower initial temperature). This terminology, however,
can be misleading because a conserved quantity known as “heat” does not exist.4 We
should really replace the term “transfer of heat” by the longer phrase “transfer of energy
by means of a process known as heat transfer that does not involve mechanical work” but
we use the shorter phrase for simplicity, in agreement with common usage. The first law
of thermodynamics will be used to quantify the amount of energy that can be transferred
between bodies without doing mechanical work. The second law of thermodynamics will
then be introduced to quantify the maximum amount of energy due to heat transfer
(loosely, “heat”) that can be transformed into mechanical work by some process. This
second law will involve a new state variable, the entropy S, which like the temperature
is entirely statistical in nature and has no mechanical counterpart.

1.2 Thermodynamics Versus Statistical Mechanics

Thermodynamics is the branch of thermal physics that deals with the interrelationship of
macroscopic state variables. It is traditionally based on three so-called laws (or a number
of postulates that lead to the same results, see Callen [2, chapter 1]). Based on these
laws, thermodynamics is independent of detailed models involving atoms and molecules.
It results in criteria involving state variables that must be true of systems that are in
equilibrium with one another. It allows us to develop relationships among measurable
quantities (e.g., thermal expansion, heat capacity, compressibility) that can be represented
by state variables and their derivatives. It also results in inequalities that must be obeyed by
any naturally occurring process. It does not, however, provide values of the quantities with
which it deals, only their interrelationship. Values must be provided by experiments or by
models based on statistical mechanics. For an historical introduction to thermodynamics,
see Cropper [11, p. 41].

4 Such a quantity was once thought to exist and was called caloric.

Statistical mechanics is based on the application of statistics to large numbers of atoms

(or particles) that obey the laws of mechanics, strictly speaking quantum mechanics, but
in limiting cases, classical mechanics. It is based on postulates that relate certain types of
averages, known as ensemble averages, to measurable quantities and to thermodynamic
state variables, such as entropy mentioned above. Statistical mechanics can be used to
rationalize the laws of thermodynamics, although it is based on its own postulates which
were motivated by thermodynamics. By using statistical mechanics, specific models can
be analyzed to provide values of the quantities employed by thermodynamics and mea-
sured by experiments. In this sense, statistical mechanics appears to be more complete;
however, it must be borne in mind that the validity of its results depends on the validity
of the models. Statistical mechanics can, however, be used to describe systems that are
too small for thermodynamics to be applicable. For an excellent historical introduction to
statistical mechanics, see Pathria and Beale [9, pp. xxi-xxvi].
A crude analogy with aspects of mathematics may be helpful here: thermodynamics is
to statistical mechanics as Euclidean geometry is to analytic geometry and trigonometry.
Given the few postulates of Euclidean geometry, which allow things such as lengths
and angles to be compared but never measured, one can prove very useful and general
theorems involving the interrelationships of geometric forms, for example, congruence,
similarity, bisections, conditions for lines to be parallel or perpendicular, and conditions
for common tangency. But one cannot assign numbers to these geometrical quantities.
Analytic geometry and trigonometry provide quantitative measures of the ingredients of
Euclidean geometry. These measures must be compatible with Euclidean geometry but
they also supply precise information about such things as the length of a line or the size
of an angle. Moreover, trigonometric identities can be quite complicated and transcend
simple geometrical construction.

1.3 Classification of State Variables

Much of our treatment will be concerned with homogeneous bulk systems in a state of
equilibrium. By bulk systems, we refer to large systems for which surfaces, either external
or internal, make negligible contributions. As a simple example, consider a sample in the
shape of a sphere of radius R and having volume V = (4/3)πR3 and surface area A = 4πR2 .
If each atom in the sample occupies a volume a3 , then for a  R, the ratio of the number
of surface atoms to the number of bulk atoms is approximately
r= ∼ 3(a/R)  1. (1.2)
(4/3)π(R/a)3 − 4π(R/a)2
For a sufficiently large sphere, the number of surface atoms is completely negligible
compared to the number of bulk atoms, and so presumably is their energy and other
properties. More generally, for a bulk sample having N atoms, roughly N 2/3 are near the
surface, so the ratio of surface to bulk atoms is roughly r ∼ N −1/3 . For a mole of atoms,
we have N ∼ 6 × 1023 and r ∼ 10−8 . In defining bulk samples, we must be careful to
Chapter 1 • Introduction 7

exclude samples such as thin films or thin rods for which one or more dimension is small
compared to others. Thus, a thin film of area L2 and thickness H  L contains roughly
N ∼ L2 H/a3 atoms, but about 2L2 /a2 of these are on its surfaces. Thus, the ratio of surface
to bulk atoms is r ∼ a/H which will not be negligible for a sufficiently thin film. We must
also exclude samples that are finely subdivided, such as those containing many internal
From the considerations of the preceding paragraph, atoms of bulk samples can be
regarded as being equivalent to one another, independent of location. It follows that
certain state variables needed to describe such systems are proportional to the number
of atoms. For example, for a homogeneous sample, total energy U ∝ N and total
volume V ∝ N , provided we agree to exclude from consideration small values of N that
would violate the idealization of a bulk sample.5 State variables of a homogeneous bulk
thermodynamic system that are proportional to its number of atoms are called extensive
variables. They are proportional to the “extent” or “size” of the sample. For a homogeneous
gas consisting of three atomic species, a complete set of extensive state variables could
be taken to be U, V , N1 , N2 , and N3 , where the Ni are the number of moles of atomic
species i.
There is a second kind of state variable that is independent of the “extent” of the sam-
ple. Such a variable is known as an intensive variable. An example of such a variable would
be a ratio of extensive variables, say U/V , because both numerator and denominator are
proportional to N . Another example of an intensive variable would be a derivative of some
extensive variable with respect to some other extensive variable. This follows because a
derivative is defined to be a limit of a ratio, for example,
dU U(V + V ) − U(V )
= lim . (1.3)
dV V →0 V
If other quantities are held constant during this differentiation, the result is a partial
derivative ∂U/∂V , which is also an intensive variable, but its value will depend on which
other variables are held constant. It will turn out that the pressure p, which is an intensive
state variable, can be expressed as
p=− (1.4)
provided that certain other variables are held constant; these variables are the entropy
S, an extensive variable alluded to previously, as well as all other extensive variables of a
remaining complete set. Another important intensive variable is the absolute temperature
T, which we shall see can also be expressed as a partial derivative of U with respect to the
entropy S while holding constant all other extensive variables of a remaining complete set.
Since the intensive variables are ratios or derivatives involving extensive variables, we
will not be surprised to learn that the total number of independent intensive variables is
one less than the total number of independent extensive variables. The total number of

5 The symbol ∝ means “proportional to.”


independent intensive variables of a thermodynamic system is known as its number of

degrees of freedom, usually a small number which should not be confused with the huge
number of microscopic degrees of freedom 6N for N particles that one would treat by
classical statistical mechanics.
In Chapter 5, we shall return to a systematic treatment of extensive and intensive
variables and their treatment via Euler’s theorem of homogeneous functions.

1.4 Energy in Mechanics

The concept of energy is usually introduced in the context of classical mechanics. We
review such considerations briefly in order to shed light on some aspects of energy that
will be important in thermodynamics.

1.4.1 Single Particle in One Dimension

A single particle of mass m moving in one dimension, x, obeys Newton’s law
d2 x
m = F, (1.5)
dt 2
where t is the time and F(x) is the force acting on the particle when it is at position x. We
introduce the potential energy function
V (x) = − F(u) du, (1.6)

which is the negative of the work done by the force on the particle when the particle
moves from some position x0 to position x. Then the force F = −dV /dx can be written
in terms of the derivative of this potential function. We multiply Eq. (1.5) by dx/dt
to obtain
dx d2 x dV dx
m + = 0, (1.7)
dt dt 2 dx dt
which can be rewritten as
d 1
mv 2 + V = 0, (1.8)
dt 2
where the velocity v := dx/dt. Equation (1.8) can then be integrated to obtain
mv 2 + V = E, (1.9)
where E is independent of time and known as the total energy. The first term in Eq. (1.9)
is known as the kinetic energy and the equation states that the sum of the kinetic and
potential energy is some constant, independent of time. It is important to note, however,
that the value of E is undetermined up to an additive constant. This arises as follows: If
some constant V0 is added to the potential energy V (x) to form a new potential Ṽ := V +V0 ,
the same force results because
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
CARMEL LEE had been told by everybody, ever since she could
remember being told anything, that she was headstrong and
impulsive. Her parents had impressed it upon her and, rather
proudly, had disseminated the fact among the neighbors until it
became a tradition in the little Michigan town where she was born.
People held the idea that one must make allowances for Carmel and
be perpetually ready to look with tolerance on outbursts of impulse.
Her teachers had accepted the tradition and were accustomed to
advise with her upon the point. The reputation accompanied her to
the university, and only a few weeks before, upon her graduation, the
head of the Department of Rhetoric (which included a course in
journalism) spent an entire valuable hour beseeching her to curb her
willfulness and to count as high as fifty before she reached a
So Carmel, after being the victim of such propaganda for sixteen or
seventeen years, could not be censured if she believed it herself.
She had gotten to be rather afraid of Carmel and of what Carmel
might do unexpectedly. Circumspection and repression had become
her watchwords, and the present business of her life was to look
before she leaped. She had made a vow of deliberation. As soon as
she found herself wanting to do something she became suspicious
of it; and latterly, with grim determination, she had taken herself in
hand. Whenever she became aware of a desire to act, she
compelled herself to sit down and think it over. Not that this did a
great deal of good, but it gave her a very pleasing sensation of self-
mastery. As a matter of fact, she was not at all introspective. She
had taken the word of bystanders for her impulsiveness; it was no
discovery of her own. And now that she was schooling herself in
repression, she did not perceive in the least that she failed to
repress. When she wanted to do a thing, she usually did it. The
deliberation only postponed the event. When she forced herself to
pause and scrutinize a desire, she merely paused and scrutinized it
—and then went ahead and did what she desired.
It may be considered peculiar that a girl who had inherited a
newspaper, as Carmel had done, should have paid so cursory a first
visit. It would have been natural to rush into the shop with
enthusiasm and to poke into corners and to ransack the place from
end to end, and to discover exactly what it was she had become
owner of. However, Carmel merely dropped in and hurried away....
This was repression. It was a distinct victory over impulse. She
wanted to do it very much, so she compelled herself to turn her back
and to go staidly to lunch at the hotel.
She ate very little and was totally unaware of the sensation she
created in the dining room, especially over at the square table which
was regarded as the property of visiting commercial travelers. It was
her belief that she gave off an impression of dignity such as befitted
an editor, and that a stern, businesslike air sat upon her so that none
could mistake the fact that she was a woman of affairs. Truthfulness
compels it to be recorded that she did not give this impression at all,
but quite another one. She looked a lovely schoolgirl about to go
canoeing with a box of bonbons on her lap. The commercial
travelers who were so unfortunate as to be seated with their back
toward her acquired cricks in their necks.
After dinner (in a day or two she would learn not to refer to it as
luncheon) she compelled herself to go up to her room and to remain
there for a full fifteen minutes. After this exercise, so beneficial to her
will, she descended and walked very slowly to the office of the Free
Press. Having thus given free rein to her bent for repression, she
became herself and pounced. She pounced upon the office; she
pounced upon the shop. She made friends with the cylinder press
much as an ordinary individual would make friends with a nice dog,
and she talked to the little job press as to a kitten and became
greatly excited over the great blade of the paper cutter, and wanted
Tubal to give her an instant lesson in the art of sticking type. For two
hours she played with things. Then, of a sudden, it occurred to her to
wonder if a living could be made out of the outfit.
It was essential that the paper should provide her with a living, and
that it should go about the business of doing so almost instantly. At
the moment when Carmel first set foot in Gibeon she was alone in
the world. Old Man Nupley had been her last remaining relative. And
—what was even more productive of unease of mind—she was the
owner of exactly seventy-two dollars and sixteen cents!
Therefore she pounced upon the records of the concern and very
quickly discovered that Old Man Nupley had left her no placer mine
out of which she could wash a pan of gold before breakfast. She
had, she found, become the owner of the right to pay off a number of
pressing debts. The plant was mortgaged. It owed for paper; there
were installments due on the job press; there were bills for this, that,
and the other thing which amounted to a staggering total....
She was not daunted, however, until she examined the credit side of
the affair. The year had brought the Free Press a grand total of five
hundred and sixty-one paid subscriptions; the advertising, at the
absurd rate of fifteen cents an inch, had been what politicians call
scattering; and the job work had hardly paid for the trouble of
keeping the dust off the press. The paper was dead on its feet, as so
many rural weeklies are. She could not help thinking that her uncle
Nupley had died in the nick of time to avoid bankruptcy.
It is worth recording that Carmel did not weep a tear of
disappointment, nor feel an impulse to walk out of the place and go
the thousand miles back to Michigan to take the job of teaching
English in the home high school. No. The only emotion Carmel felt
was anger. Her eyes actually glinted, and a red spot made its
appearance upon each cheek. She had arrived in Gibeon with a
glowing illusion packed in her trunk; unkind fact had snatched it
away and replaced it with clammy reality.
She got up from her desk and walked into the shop, where Tubal
was pretending to be busy.
“Gibeon is the county seat, isn’t it?” she asked.
“Yes ’m.”
“How many people live here?”
“We claim two thousand. Ol’ Man Nupley allowed the’ was four
thousand in the township.”
“Then” (her manner put Tubal in the wrong at once and compelled
him to fumble about for a defense) “why have we only a little more
than five hundred subscribers?”
“Wa-al, one thing or another, seems as though. Folks never took to
this paper much.... Mostly they take in the Standard from over to
Tubal shifted the blame to Gibeon. “Seems like this hain’t much of a
town.... It’s a dum funny town. I guess folks didn’t set much store by
this paper on account of Abner Fownes.”
“Abner Fownes? Who is he, and what has he to do with it?”
“Abner,” said Tubal, “comes clost to bein’ a one-man band. Uh huh!...
Owns the saw mills, owns half of Main Street, owns the Congo
church and the circuit judge and the selectmen, and kind of claims to
own all the folks that lives here.... Ol’ Man Nupley was a kind of
errand boy of his’n.”
Carmel’s intuition carried her to the point. “And the people didn’t take
this paper because they didn’t trust it. That was it, wasn’t it—
because this Abner Fownes—owned Uncle Nupley.”
“I calc’late,” said Tubal, “you’re twittin’ on facts....” He chuckled. “Las’
fall the folks kind of riz ag’in’ Abner and dum nigh trompled on him at
election time. Yes, sir. Made a fight fer it, but they didn’t elect nobody
but one sheriff. Good man, too.... But Abner was too slick for ’em
and he run off with all the other offices.... He holds a chattel
mortgage onto this plant.”
“Is he a bad man?”
“Wa-al I dunno’s a feller could call him bad. Jest pig-headed, like,
and got the idee nobody knows nothin’ but him. My notion is he gits
bamboozled a lot. The Court House crowd tickles his ribs and makes
him work for ’em. No, he hain’t bad. Deacon, and all that.”
“The local politicians flatter him and make use of the power his
money gives him, is that it?”
“You hit the nail plumb on the head.”
“Who is the real boss?”
“Wa-al now, that’s kind of hard to say. Kind of a ring. Half a dozen of
’em. Calc’late Supervisor Delorme is close to bein’ the queen bee.”
She could visualize Abner Fownes, smug, fatuous, in a place of
power which he did not know how to use, a figurehead and cat’s-paw
for abler and wickeder men.... It must be confessed that her interest
in him was not civic, but personal. He was, at that moment, of no
importance to her except as the man who held a chattel mortgage on
her plant and whose influence over her uncle had withered the
possible prosperity of the paper.
She was saying to herself: “I’ve got to find a way. I’ve got to make a
success of this. I can’t go back home and admit I couldn’t do it....
Everybody said I couldn’t run a paper. But I can. I can.”
The field was there, a prosperous town with a cultivated countryside
to the south and rich forest lands to north and west. There was a
sufficient population to support well a weekly paper; there was all of
Main Street, two dozen merchants large and small, whose
advertising patronage should flow in to the Free Press.
“What it needs,” she told herself, “is somebody to get behind and
As a matter of fact she was convinced the failure of the paper was
not due to Abner Fownes, nor to politics or outside influences, but to
the lack of initiative and ability of her uncle. So much of the town as
she had seen was rather pleasing; it had no appearance of resting
over subterranean caverns of evil, nor had the men and women she
saw on the streets the appearance of being ground down by one
man’s wealth, or of smarting under the rule of an evil political ring.
On the contrary, it seemed an ordinary town, full of ordinary people,
who lived ordinary lives in reasonable happiness. She discounted
Tubal’s disclosures and jumped to a conclusion. No, she told herself,
if she proved adequate, there was no reason why she could not
succeed where Uncle Nupley failed.
The telephone interrupted her reflections and she lifted the receiver.
“Is this the Free Press?” asked a voice.
“Wait a moment, please.”
After some delay another voice, a large, important voice, repeated
the question, and Carmel admitted a second time the identity of the
“This,” said the voice, evidently impressed by the revelation it was
making, “is Abner Fownes.”
“Yes,” said Carmel.
“Are you the young woman—Nupley’s niece?”
“I am.”
“Will you step over to my office at once, then. I want to see you?”
Carmel’s eyes twinkled and her brows lifted. “Abner Fownes,” she
said. “The name has a masculine sound. Your voice is—distinctly
“Eh?... What of it?”
“Why,” said Carmel, “the little book I studied in school says that when
a gentleman wishes to see a lady he goes to her. I fear I should be
thought forward if I called on you.”
“Not at all.... Not at all,” said the voice, and Carmel knew she had to
deal with a man in whom resided no laughter.
“I shall be glad to see you whenever you find it convenient to call,”
she said—and hung up the receiver.
As she turned about she saw a young man standing outside the
railing, a medium-sized young man who wore his shoulders slightly
rounded and spectacles of the largest and most glittering variety.
The collar of his coat asked loudly to be brushed and his tie had the
appearance of having been tied with one hand in a dark bedroom.
He removed his hat and displayed a head of extraordinarily fine
formation. It was difficult to tell if he were handsome, because the
rims of his spectacles masked so much of his face and because his
expression was one of gloomy wrath. Carmel was tempted to laugh
at the expression because it did not fit; it gave the impression of
being a left-over expression, purchased at a reduction, and a trifle
large for its wearer.
“May I ask,” he said, in a voice exactly suited to his stilted diction, “if
you are in charge of this—er—publication?”
“I am,” said Carmel.
“I wish,” said the young man, “to address a communication to the
citizens of this village through the—er—medium of your columns.”
So this, thought Carmel, was the sort of person who wrote letters to
newspapers. She had often wondered what the species looked like.
“On what subject?” she asked.
“Myself,” said he.
“It should be an interesting letter,” Carmel said, mischievously.
The young man lowered his head a trifle and peered at her over the
rims of his glasses. He pursed his mouth and wrinkled one cheek,
studying her as a naturalist might scrutinize some interesting, but not
altogether comprehensible, bug. Evidently he could not make up his
mind as to her classification.
“I fancy it will be found so,” he said.
“May I ask your name?”
He fumbled in an inner pocket and continued to fumble until it
became an exploration. He produced numerous articles and laid
them methodically upon the railing—a fountain pen, dripping slightly,
half a dozen letters, a large harmonica, a pocket edition of Plato’s
Republic, a notebook, several pencils, and a single glove. He stared
at the glove with recognition and nodded to it meaningly, as much as
to say: “Ah, there you are again.... Hiding as usual.” At last he
extracted a leather wallet and from the wallet produced a card which
he extended toward Carmel.
Before she read it she had a feeling there would be numerous letters
upon it, and she was not disappointed. It said:
Evan Bartholomew Pell, A.B., Ph.D., LL.D., A.M.
“Ah!” said Carmel.
“Yes,” said the young man with some complacency.
“And your letter.”
“I am,” he said, “or, more correctly, I was, superintendent of schools
in this village. There are, as you know, three schools only one of
which gives instruction in the so-called high-school branches.”
“Indeed,” said Carmel.
“I have been removed,” he said, and stared at her with lips
compressed. When she failed to live up to his expectations in her
manifestations of consternation, he repeated his statement. “I have
been removed,” he said, more emphatically.
“Removed,” said Carmel.
“Removed. Unjustly and unwarrantably removed. Autocratically and
tyrannically removed. I am a victim of nepotism. I have, I fancy,
proven adequate; indeed, I may say it is rare to find a man of my
attainments in so insignificant a position.... But I have been cast out
upon the streets arbitrarily, that a corrupt and self-seeking group of
professional politicians may curry favor with a man more corrupt than
themselves. In short and in colloquial terms, I have been kicked out
to provide a place for Supervisor Delorme’s cousin.”
Carmel nodded. “And you wish to protest.”
“I desire to lay before the public my ideas of the obligation of the
public toward its children in the matter of education. I desire to
protest against glaring injustice. I desire to accuse a group of men
willing to prostitute the schools to the level of political spoils. I wish to
protest at being set adrift penniless.”
His expression as he uttered the word “penniless” was one of
helpless bewilderment which touched Carmel’s sympathy.
“Penniless?” she said.
“I am no spendthrift,” he said, severely. “I may say that I am
exceedingly economical. But I have invested my savings, and—er—
returns have failed to materialize from the investment.”
“What investment?”
The young man eyed her a moment as if he felt her to be intruding
unwarrantably in his private concerns, but presently determined to
“A certain gold mine, whose location I cannot remember at the
moment. It was described as of fabulous wealth, and I was assured
the return from my investment of five hundred dollars would lift me
above the sordid necessity of working for wages.... I regret to say
that hitherto there has been no material assurance of the truth of the
statements made to me.”
“Poor lamb!” said Carmel under her breath.
“I beg your pardon?”
Carmel shook her head. “So you are—out of a job—and broke?” she
“Broke,” he said, lugubriously, “is an exceedingly expressive term.”
“And what shall you do?”
He looked about him, at his feet, through the door into the shop,
under the desk, at the picture on the wall in a helpless, bewildered
way as if he thought his future course of action might be hiding some
place in the neighborhood.
“I haven’t the slightest idea,” he said.
Carmel considered. Inexperienced as she was, new to the intrigues
of Gibeon, she was able to perceive how the professor’s letter was
loaded with dynamite—not for him, but for the paper which published
it. Notwithstanding, it was her impulse to print it. Indeed, her mind
was firmly made up to print it. Therefore she assumed an attitude of
deliberation, as she had schooled herself to do.
“If you give me the letter,” she said, “I will read it and consider the
wisdom of making it public.”
“I shall be obliged to you,” he said, and turned toward the door.
Midway he paused. “If,” he said, “you chance to hear of a position—
as teacher or otherwise—to which I may be adapted, I shall be glad
to have you communicate with me.”
He moved again toward the door, opened it, paused again, and
turned full to face Carmel. Then he made a statement sharply
detached from the context, and astonishing not so much for the fact
it stated as because of the man who stated it, his possible reasons
for making the statement, and the abruptness of the change of
subject matter.
“Sheriff Churchill has disappeared,” he said. Having made the
statement, he shut the door after him and walked rapidly up the
CARMEL more than half expected Abner Fownes to appear in the
office, but he did not appear. Indeed, it was some days before she
caught so much as a casual glimpse of him on the street. But she
was gathering information about him and about the town of Gibeon
and the county of which it was the center. Being young, with
enthusiasm and ideals, and a belief in the general virtue of the
human race, she was not pleased.
She set about it to study Gibeon as she would have studied some
new language, commencing with elementals, learning a few nouns
and verbs and the local rules of the grammar of life. She felt she
must know Gibeon as she knew the palm of her hand, if she were to
coax the Free Press out of the slough into which it had slipped.
But it was not easy to know Gibeon, for Gibeon did not know itself.
Like so many of our American villages, it was not introspective—
even at election time. The tariff and the wool schedule and Wall
Street received from it more attention than did keeping its own
doorstep clean. It was used to its condition, and viewed it as normal.
There were moments of excited interest and hot-blooded talk.
Always there was an undercurrent of rumor; but it seemed to Carmel
the town felt a certain pride in the iniquity of its politics. A frightful
inertia resides in the mass of mankind, and because of this inertia
tsars and princes and nobilities and Tammany Societies and bosses
and lobbies and pork barrels and the supreme tyranny of war have
existed since men first invented organization.... Sometimes it seems
the world’s supply of energy is cornered by the ill-disposed. Rotten
governments and administrations are tolerated by the people
because they save the people the trouble of establishing and
conducting something better.
In a few days Carmel perceived a great deal that was going on in
Gibeon, and understood a little of it, and, seeing and understanding
as she did, an ambition was born in her, the ambition to wake up
Gibeon. This ambition she expressed to Tubal, who listened and
waggled his head.
“One time,” he said, “I worked fer a reform newspaper—till it went
into bankruptcy.”
“But look—”
“I been lookin’ a sight longer ’n’ you have, Lady.” At first he had
called her Lady as a dignified and polite form of greeting. After that it
became a sort of title of affection, which spread from Tubal to
Gibeon. “I been lookin’ and seein’, and what I see is that they’s jest
one thing folks is real int’rested in, and that’s earnin’ a livin’.”
“I don’t believe it, Tubal. I believe people want to do right. I believe
everybody would rather do right and be good—if some one would
just show them how.”
“Mebby, but you better let somebody else take the pointer and go to
the blackboard. You got to eat three times a day, Lady, and this here
paper’s got to step up and feed you. Look at it reasonable. What
d’ye git by stirrin’ things up? Why, half a dozen real good folks claps
their hands, but they don’t give up a cent. What d’ye git if you keep
your hands off and let things slide? You git the county printin’, and
consid’able advertisin’ and job work that Abner Fownes kin throw to
you. You git allowed to eat. And there you be.... Take that letter of
the perfessor’s, fer instance——”
“I’m going to print that letter if—if I starve.”
“Which is what the perfessor’s doin’ right now.... And where’s Sheriff
Churchill? Eh? Tell me that.”
“Tubal, what is this about the sheriff? Has he really disappeared?”
“If you don’t b’lieve it, go ask his wife. The Court House crowd lets
on he’s run off with a woman or mebby stole some county funds.
They would.... But what woman? The’ wa’n’t no woman. And
Churchill wa’n’t the stealin’ kind.”
“What do you think, Tubal?”
“Lady, I don’t even dast to think.”
“What will be done?”
“You mean the sheriff of a county can disappear—and nothing be
done about it?”
“He kin in Gibeon. Oh, you keep your eye peeled. Delorme and
Fownes’ll smooth it over somehow, and the folks kind of likes it.
Gives ’em suthin’ to talk about. Sure. When the’ hain’t no other topic
they’ll fetch up the sheriff and argue about what become of him. But
nobody’ll ever know—for sure.”
“I’m going to see Mrs. Churchill,” said Carmel, with sudden
determination. “It’s news. It’s the biggest news we’ll have for a long
“H’m!... I dunno. Deputy Jenney and Peewee Bangs they dropped in
here a few days back and give me a tip to lay off the sheriff. Anyhow,
everybody knows he’s gone.”
Carmel made no reply. She reached for her hat, put it on at the
desirable angle, and went out of the door. Tubal stared after her a
moment, fired an accurate salvo at a nail head in the floor, and
walked back into the shop with the air of a man proceeding to face a
firing squad.
Carmel walked rapidly up Main Street past the Busy Big Store and
Smith Brothers’ grocery and Miss Gammidge’s millinery shop,
rounding the corner on which was Field & Hopper’s bank. She cut
diagonally across the Square, past the town pump, and proceeded to
the little house next the Rink. The Rink had been erected some
twenty-five years before during the roller-skating epidemic, but was
now utilized as a manufactory of stepladders and plant stands and
kitchen chairs combined in one article. This handy device was the
invention of Pazzy Hendee, whose avocation was inventing, but
whose occupation was constructing models of full-rigged ships. It
was in the little house, square, with a mansard roof, that Sheriff
Churchill’s family resided. Carmel rang the bell.
“Come in,” called a woman’s voice.
Carmel hesitated, not knowing this was Gibeon’s hospitable custom
—that one had but to rap on a door to be invited to enter.
“Come in,” said the voice after a pause, and Carmel obeyed.
“Right in the parlor,” the voice directed.
Carmel turned through the folding doors to the right, and there, on
the haircloth sofa, sat a stout, motherly woman in state. She wore
her black silk with the air common to Gibeon when it wears its black
silk. It was evident Mrs. Churchill had laid aside her household
concerns in deference to the event, and, according to precedent,
awaited the visits of condolence and curiosity of which it was the
duty, as well as the pleasure, of her neighbors to pay.
“Find a chair and set,” said Mrs. Churchill, scrutinizing Carmel.
“You’re the young woman that Nupley left the paper to, hain’t you?”
“Yes,” said Carmel, “and I’ve come to ask about your husband—if the
subject isn’t too painful.”
“Painful! Laws! ’Twouldn’t matter how painful ’twas. Folks is entitled
to know, hain’t they? Him bein’ a public character. Was you thinkin’ of
havin’ a piece in the paper?”
“If you will permit,” said Carmel.
In spite of the attitude of state, in spite of something very like pride in
being a center of interest and a dispenser of news, Carmel liked Mrs.
Churchill. Her face was the face of a woman who had been a faithful
helpmeet to her husband; of a woman who would be summoned by
neighbors in illness or distress. Motherliness, greatness of heart,
were written on those large features; and a fine kindliness, clouded
by present sorrow, shone in her wise eyes. Carmel had encountered
women of like mold. No village in America but is the better, more
livable, for the presence and ready helpfulness of this splendid
“Please tell me about it,” said Carmel.
“It was like this,” said Mrs. Churchill, taking on the air of a narrator of
important events. “The sheriff and me was sittin’ on the porch, talkin’
as pleasant as could be and nothin’ to give a body warnin’. We was
kind of arguin’ like about my oldest’s shoes and the way he runs
through a pair in less’n a month. The sheriff he was holdin’ it was
right and proper boys should wear out shoes, and I was sayin’ it was
a sin and a shame sich poor leather was got off on the public. Well,
just there the sheriff he got up and says he was goin’ to pump
himself a cold drink, and he went into the house, and I could hear the
pump squeakin’, but no thought of anythin’. He didn’t come back,
and he didn’t come back, so I got up, thinkin’ to myself, what in
tunket’s he up to now and kind of wonderin’ if mebby he’d fell in a fit
or suthin’.” Carmel took note that Mrs. Churchill talked without the air
of punctuation marks. “I went out to the back door and looked, and
the’ wa’n’t hide or hair of him in sight. I hollered, but he didn’t
answer....” Mrs. Churchill closed her eyes and two great tears oozed
between the tightly shut lids and poised on the uplands of her
chubby cheeks. “And that’s all I know,” she said in a dull voice. “He
hain’t never come back.”
“Have you any idea why he disappeared?”
“I got my idees. My husband was a man sot in his ways—not but
what I could manage him when he needed managin’, and a better or
more generous provider never drew the breath of life. But he
calc’lated to do his duty. I guess he done it too well!”
“What do you mean, Mrs. Churchill?”
“The sheriff was an honest man. When the folks elected him they
chose him because he was honest and nobody couldn’t move him
out of a path he set his foot to travel. He was close mouthed, too, but
I seen for weeks past he had suthin’ on his mind that he wouldn’t
come out with. He says to me once, ‘If folks knew what they was
livin’ right next door to!’ He didn’t say no more, but that was a lot for
him....” Suddenly her eyes glinted and her lips compressed. “My
husband was done away with,” she said, “because he was a good
man and a smart man, and I’m prayin’ to God to send down
vengeance on them that done it.”
She paused a moment and her face took on the grimness of
righteous anger. “It’s reported to me they’re settin’ afoot rumors that
he run off with some baggage—him that couldn’t bear me out of
sight these dozen year; him that couldn’t git up in the mornin’ nor go
to bed at night without me there to help him! They lie! I know my man
and I trust him. He didn’t need no woman but me, and I didn’t need
no man but him.... Some says he stole county money. They lie, too,
and best for them they don’t make no sich sayin’s in my hearin’....”
“What do you think is at bottom of it all?”
Mrs. Churchill shook her head. “Some day it’ll all come out,” she
said, and her word was an assertion of her faith in the goodness of
God. There was a pause, and then woman’s heart cried out to
woman’s heart for sympathy.
“I try to bear up and to endure it like he’d want me to. But it’s lonely,
awful lonely.... Lookin’ ahead at the years to come—without him by
me.... Come nighttime and it seems like I can’t bear it.”
“But—but he’ll come back,” said Carmel.
“Back! Child, there hain’t no back from where my husband’s gone.”
Somehow this seemed to Carmel a statement of authority. It
established the fact. Sheriff Churchill would never return, and his
wife knew it. Something had informed her past doubting. It gave
Carmel a strange, uncanny sensation, and she sat silent, chilled.
Then an emotion moved in her, swelled, and lifted itself into her
throat. It was something more than mere anger, it was righteous
“Mrs. Churchill,” she said, “if this is true—the thing you believe—then
there are men in Gibeon who are not fit to walk the earth. There is a
thing here which must be crushed—unearthed and crushed.”
“If it is God’s will.”
“It must be God’s will. And if I can help—if I can do one single small
thing to help——”
“Mebby,” said Mrs. Churchill, solemnly, “He has marked you out and
set you apart as His instrument.”
“I want to think. I want to consider.” Carmel got to her feet. “I—— Oh,
this is a wicked, cruel, cruel thing!...”
She omitted, in her emotion, any word of parting, and walked from
the house, eyes shining, lips compressed grimly. In her ears a
phrase repeated itself again and again—“Mebby He has set you
apart as His instrument....”
On the Square she met Prof. Evan Bartholomew Pell, who first
peered at her through his great beetle glasses and then confronted
“May I ask,” he said, brusquely, “what decision you have reached
concerning my letter?”
“I am going to print it,” she said.
He was about to pass on without amenities of any sort whatsoever,
but she arrested him.
“What are your plans?” she asked.
“I have none,” he said, tartly.
“No plans and no money?”
“That is a matter,” he said, “which it does not seem to me is of
interest to anyone but myself.”
She smiled, perceiving now he spoke out of a boyish shame and
pride, and perceiving also in his eyes an expression of worry and
bewilderment which demanded her sympathy.
“No schools are open at this time of year,” she said.
“None. I do not think I shall teach again.”
“I don’t like school trustees,” he said, simply, and one understood
how he regarded the genus school trustee as a separate
classification of humanity, having few qualities in common with the
general human race. “I—I shall work,” he said.
“At what? What, besides teaching, are you fitted to do?”
“I—I can dig,” he said, looking at her hopefully. “Anybody can dig.
Men who dig eat—and have a place to sleep. What more is there?”
“A great deal more.... Have you no place to eat or sleep?” she said,
“My landlady has set my trunk on the porch, and as for food, I
breakfasted on berries.... They are not filling,” he added.
Carmel considered. In her few short days of ownership she had
discovered the magnitude of the task of rehabilitating the Free Press.
She had seen how she must be business manager, advertising
solicitor, and editor, and that any of the three positions could well
demand all of her time. It would be useless to edit a paper, she
comprehended, if there was no business to support it. Contrariwise,
it would be impossible to get business for a paper as futile as the
Free Press was at that moment in its history.
“How,” she said, “would you like to be an editor—a kind of an
“I’d like it,” he said. “Then I could say to the public the things I’d like
to say to the public. You can’t educate them. They don’t care. They
are sunk in a slough of inertia with a rock of ignorance around their
necks. I would like to tell them how thick-headed they are. It would
be a satisfaction.”
“I’m afraid,” said Carmel, “you wouldn’t do for an editor.”
“Why not, I should like to know?”
“Because,” said Carmel, “you don’t know very much.”
She could see him swell with offended dignity. “Good morning,” he
said, and turned away without lifting his hat.
“And you have very bad manners,” she added.
“Eh?... What’s that?”
“Yes. And I imagine you are awfully selfish and self-centered. You
don’t think about anybody but yourself, do you? You—you imagine
the universe has its center in Prof. Evan Bartholomew Pell, and you
look down on everybody who hasn’t a lot of degrees to string after
his name. You don’t like people.” She paused and snapped a
question at him. “How much did they pay you for being
superintendent of schools?”
“Fifteen hundred dollars a year,” he said, the answer being surprised
out of him.
“Doesn’t that take down your conceit?”
“Conceit!... Conceit!...”
“Yes—a good carpenter earns more than that. The world can’t set
such a high value on you if it pays a mechanic more than it does
“I told you,” he said, impatiently, “that the world is silly and ignorant.”
“It is you who are silly and ignorant.”
“You—you have no right to talk to me like this. You—you are forward
and—and impertinent. I never met such a young woman.”
“It’s for the good of your soul,” she said, “and because—because I
think I’m going to hire you to write editorials and help gather news.
Before you start in, you’ve got to revise your notions of the world—
and of yourself. If you don’t like people, people won’t like you.”
Evidently he had been giving scant attention to her and plenary
consideration to himself. “How much will you pay me?” he asked.
“There you are!... I don’t know. Whatever I pay you will be more than
you are worth.”
He was thinking about himself again, and thinking aloud.
“I fancy I should like to be an editor,” he said. “The profession is not
without dignity and scholarly qualities——”
“Scholarly fiddlesticks!”
Again he paid her no compliment of attention. “Why shouldn’t one be
selfish? What does it matter? What does anything matter? Here we
are in this world, rabbits caught in a trap. We can’t escape. We’re
here, and the only way to get out of the trap is to die. We’re here with
the trap fastened to our foot, waiting to be killed. That’s all. So what
does anything matter except to get through it somehow. Nobody can
do anything. The greatest man who ever lived hasn’t done a thing
but live and die. Selfish? Of course I’m selfish. Nothing interests me
but me. I want to stay in the trap with as little pain and trouble as I
can manage.... Everything and everybody is futile.... Now you can let
me be an editor or you can go along about your business and leave
me alone.”
“You have a sweet philosophy,” she said, cuttingly. “If that is all your
education has given you, the most ignorant scavenger on the city
streets is wiser and better and more valuable to the world than you.
I’m ashamed of you.”
“Scavenger!...” His eyes snapped behind his beetle glasses and he
frowned upon her terribly. “Now I’m going to be an editor—the silly
kind of an editor silly people like. Just to show you I can do it better
than they can. I’ll write better pieces about Farmer Tubbs painting his
barn red, and better editorials about the potato crop. I’m a better
man than any of them, with a better brain and a better education—
and I’ll use my superiority to be a better ass than any of them.”
“Do you know,” she said, “you’ll never amount to a row of pins until
you really find a desire to be of use to the world? If you try to help
the world, sincerely and honestly, the world finds it out and helps you
—and loves you.... Don’t you want people to like you?”
“Well, when you can come to me and tell me you do want people to
like you, I’ll have some hopes of you.... Report at the office at one
o’clock. You’re hired.”
She walked away from him rapidly, and he stood peering after her
with a lost, bewildered air. “What an extraordinary young woman!” he
said to himself. Carmel seated herself at her desk to think. Her eyes
glanced downward at the fresh blotter she had put in place the day
before, and there they paused, for upon its surface lay a grimy piece
of paper upon which was printed with a lead pencil:
Don’t meddle with Sheriff Churchill or he’ll have company.

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