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Beloved, there are many lessons to be learnt from the
above text and they are the sources of eternal life for those
who practice them.
Read John 6:52-54 "The Jews therefore strove
among themselves, saying, How can this man give us
his flesh to eat? Then Jesus said unto them, Verily
verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the
Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in
you. Whoso eateth my flesh, and drlnketh my blood,
hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day."
The above words of God are the ultimate things and so
whoever comes into Brotherhood of the Cross and Star
without practicing them has no life and God cannot dwell in
such aperson.
The best thing to do is to practice all the words that are
imparted to you in this kingdom, because this is the only
way through which the Father and the Holy Spirit can dwell
in you, so that you have etemallife and live a problem free
life. The truth here is that once you practice the injunctions
of God, you will live eternally and all things, spiritually and
materially will be given to you. Your failure to practice the
words of God exposes you to inexplicable problems and
even condemnation. Read John (6:27-29) .
Beloved, what constitutes the woo of God is to keep
all the injunctions of the Father. Many people, even
members of this fold do not believe in the Father. Anybody
who believes in the Father walks in confidence and can
never hesitate to do whatever the Father tells him to do.
Such a person would not mind entering into a forest, fire,
water etc. with ease, providQIthe Father advised him to do
so. But those who come in here for material things are
faithless, hence, they hesitate whenever they are asked by
God to do a particular thing because they see such
assignments as being harmful.
If you examine closely, you will realize that the
passage that forms the text of discourse of this Bible Class
is one of the longest chapters in the new testament. And it
contains many teachings. Infact, it contains all lessons for
life, so to speak. Read John (6:37-40). Many people are
fond of segregating against others for one reason or the
other. But the question is, if you eject a person who is
assumed to be a thief from this kingdom, on the pretext
that the Father does not accommodate thieves in this
kingdom, does it mean that you are a practitioner of the
word of God? The above excerpt implies that anybody
called by the Father should not be segregated against or
expelled, because the Father is on earth to change
You should be hospitable to every person that comes
your way without expecting any reward from them. The
Father calls you for repentance and salvation, so, on no
account should anybody be segregated against and or
ejected from this kingdom. The Father does not desire
anybody to perish. Hence, He has called all and sundry, If
you expel anyone from this kingdom, it means you have
not practiced the word of God.
Have you ever seen a place in the wor1d that can be
compared to this Kingdom? In this kingdom, sound
teachings are given.
All the people you see in this kingdom are called by
God for repentance. He calls everybody without minding
the magnitude of one's sins, for the purpose of changing
the person. After all, if He does not call a person, he
cannot come. And if He does not ordain a person, such a
person cannot be worthy. God has His reasons for calling
each and everyone of us, therefore, if you segregate
against or ostracize anybody from this kingdom, it means
you are contesting God's authority.
Ever since God created man, the faith found in B.C.S.
today has never been found anywhere. This faith
transcends every nook and cranny of the wor1d for man to
imbibe. The word of God is meant for all creations of God
to practice. Before now, people used to come for prayer
only. But, people now know that the word of God is the
ultimate. And this word has become a part of those who
receive it.
Those who wish to Inherit eternal life are enjoined
in the scripture to eat the flesh of Christ and drink His
blood. These two things constitute the word of God.
Come to think of it, if you do not practice the word of God,
how will you inherit etemal life. Anyone who does not
imbibe or practice the word of God is empty and worthless.
Read (John 6:7-13).
Beloved, what is your interpretation of the bread in the
above excerpt? And what do you think is the meaning of
the leftovers that were packed after the'meal? What does
the twelve baskets mean? The bread here connotes the
word of God which our Lord Jesus Christ imparted to
people. Eating to satisfaction and packing the
leftovers means imbibing the word of God to the fullest
and taking same to the people that were not there. The
word of God Is not a thing a person should refuse to
receive. Have you now realized why I continue to tell
you that you are indebted to the entire world? You do
not owe the world money, but the word of God which
you receive In this kingdom. You just have to impart it
to them.
Believe me you are greater than Peter, James, John
and the other {IoosUes of old. This is because you are
here with the Father; receiving from Him all the words and
teachings you need in life. Haying been given this
ogportunity. you have every authority to go into the wor1d
and inform the ~ I e of your experience with the Father
and then, impart all that you have received from the Father
to them.
Tracts, cassettes. books and the like media through
which the word of God is imparted to ~ I e serve a very
great pUJpOse. It is to this end that I rate the Ever1asting
Gospel Center the greatest of all establishments in this
Many people do complain of being ignorant of the word
of God. But ttiI question is, what did you come in here for,
other than the word of God? To be on the safe side, make
sure that none of the words imparted to you by the Father
perishes with you. Instead, always, strive hard to impart
same to everyone. This Inform, why It is said that you
should abide by the truth. Seiling or hoarding the word
of God Is sacrilegious because many people In the
world need it for their deliverance and salvation. Even
If you cannot practice the words of God, a is
Imperative that you Impart them to others who may
have great need for them. Compare this with Paul's
statement at 1st Cor. 9:16: "For though I preach the
gospel, I h a ~ nothing to glory of: for necessity Is laid
upon me: yea, woe Is unto me, If I preach not the
Many people perish for their refusal to preach the
gospel to others and also for preaching without
practiCing. But those who practice what you preach to
them are saved.

In out text of discourse. Our Lord Jesus Christ was not
referring to fish and bread. but to the word of God. And
this word of God heals. provides. satisfies. changes and
flourishes mankind and other creations of God. And so.
you are doomed. if you lack the word of God. By coming in
here to behold the Father and receive His words. you have
automatically become a millionaire. since the Father is the
embodiment of every desire in life. As you receive the
words of God you have become very powerful. and you
can change any sinner and rekindle the hopes of 'many
with ease. Once you preach to people. their eyes will open
and their intellect broaden. So. it is insignificant coming in
here only to receive the word without going to impart same
to others. This kingdom is not of this world. hence. as
many as corne in here for the material things are doomed
but those who are spiritually minded are filled and are
People used to think that material satisfaction is the
ultimate, but now, they have realized that the word of God
is most satisfying. They also realize that iLis the word of
God that one uses to overcome the entire world.
Did you know that the photograph of the Father, his
songs. gospels, etc. are great pearls? These are the
things that fetch man eternal life. peace. joy etc. This is
why I always say that most people are rich but they are not
conscious of their riches. The Father'S gospels give life to
as many people who receive them. Therefore. the word of
God constitutes the greatest wealth. But some of you
would go out to preach the opposite of the Father's words
which can not change any situation simply because you
have colored it.
The words of God as given to you in this Kingdom
remain fresh in your mind, and I have always been
instructing you on what best you should do to be freed,
whole and filled. When the word of God is practiced to the
letter. it satisfies all your needs. The word now dwells in
you since you are always here receiving it from the Father.
So. your case is different from those who are not here.
Read Hebrews 8:10-12. It is this lesson that guides you to
be righteous if only you can practice it. You are thus,
instructed by the word that indwells you.
The Father has instructed the entire world to purge
themselves of idolatlV, ill-treating the young ones,
immorality, segregation etc. As He has instructed, so, has
the word planted in your heart. So, whoever violates same
is doomed, but those who keep to the words are saved.
Is there anybody in this kingdom who does not know
what evil is all about? And is there anyone who does not
know when he commits sins? The suffering YOU are
experiencing in life is enough to remind you that you are
not practicing the words of God. All the B.C.S. members
are informed of what they should do in order to be saved,
always. So, whoever perishes here in the Kingdom has
himself to blame.
It is not enough to say that your inability to practice the
word of God is due to your position: you should know
that God is not a respecter of anyone and $0 also is
His word. God has vowed to use us for the redemption of
the entire world. You all are preachers and practitioners of
the gospels. But if you do not preach or practice the
gospel, you cannot have life, peace, joy and salvation? Be
informed that without the word of God, there is no other
avenue through which you can be saved. you can only be
saved if you practice the word of God. Read 1st
Corinthians 11:3032, Hebrews 12:5-7, and Revelation
As far as the Father has warned against falsehood,
Idolatry, segregation, hatred, immorality, murder, anger,
grudge etc. once you indulge in any of these vices, you
suffer the penalties accordingly. And these penalties
cannot be taken away by prayers, fasting, lamentation etc.
You are asked to love one another, but you refuse.
Now tell me why you should not be punished? Therefore.
our salvation. satisfaction, loy etc.. come from our
obedience to the word of God while our woes,
suffering. pestilences come from our disobedience.
So anyone who practices the word of God has no fear.
Excerpt taken from Bible Class Lecture: THE WORD OF
By Leader Olumba Olumba Obu, Sole Spiritual Head,
Brotherhood of the Cross and Star,
For more information about Leader Olumba Olumba Obu's
Gospels and Bible Class Lessons, contact us at:
P.O. BOX 44044
WASHINGTON, DC 20026-4044



What is God? God is a Spirit.
What is spirit? It is the word. What is
the word? The word is God. What is
God? God is power. What is power?
Power is truth. Who denies that there is
power? Who denies that there is truth?
Minus the word, what exists? What do
you find in the court? Who decided
cases and who gives judgments? Is it
not God? In the begjnning was the word,
and the word was with God, and the Word
was God. If you, therefore, want to stop
the word from its work, it means, the pres
ident will no longer speak, the governors
will no longer speak, and even commercial
activities will cease. If you want to stop
the word, no person will speak in the

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