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Dress, grooming, and personal cleanliness contributes to the morale of all the employees and affects the
business image that ENABL represents to its customers and visitors.

• It is expected that an ENABL employee is hygienic and well-dressed appropriate to their positions.
• It is important to know the Customer’s dress code especially if you are visiting the customer location
or are working at the customer’s premises.
• If a department has specific functions that need designated uniforms, the department can choose the
dressing code accordingly. Example: Blue Collars at the factory, or roles that need special attention or
PPEs etc.
• When inside ENABL office premises employees can wear Smart Casuals / Business Casuals on all
working days. Eg : Shirts, Pants , Jeans etc .
• Footwear should also be professional like Closed Shoes that are consistent with the business formals.
• On days when there is a customer visit, employees might be expected to wear formal Business Attire
and would be informed accordingly.
• The Employee’s clothing should not be hazardous to his/her own safety.
• T Shirts/ laptop bags with other company logos should not be used within the premises.

The normal workday for the company consists of nine hours. Normal work hours at Chennai are 09.00
Hrs to 18.00 Hrs from Monday to Friday.

Working hours are set to 42.5 hours per week. There may be overtime that employees are obliged
to fulfil in a reasonable manner. There is half an hour’s lunch break at noon.

When starting on a new project for a Customer, the employee must agree on the daily work hours
and breaks. When the employee is expected at work in the morning and what breaks can be had will
be agreed on individually, depending on the individual needs, but always in coordination with the
employee’s manager and the Customer.

Employees are obliged to attend meetings with colleagues, management, and collaborators. This
includes training and other business meetings outside of normal working hours.

Flexi working policy:

Flexi working policy is to provide option to employees to select the timing wherever the role permits
to help achieve a better balance between work and their priorities, such as caring responsibilities,
further learning and other lifetime events. The employees thus can choose to come to office anytime
between 09:00 am to 10:00 am and attend office for the next 9 hours upto 6pm to 7pm. This is
applicable wherever possible and always in coordination with the employee’s manager and the

Time Registration:
ENABL attaches a user manual for the time registration system (Navision), when the employment
contract is signed. Time registration is an important system. It ensures that salary payment and
invoices to Customers are done correctly. It is, therefore, important to register working hours daily.
Working weeks must be closed every Friday before the weekend.


Unless specified otherwise, the employment status of an employee is confirmed from Day 1 and all
policies applicable to confirmed employees applies to the new joiner.

However, for certain employees who are hired into a new role, in which they did not have prior
experience, a probation period may be assigned in the appointment letter.
Probationary period after appointment becomes necessary to assess suitability of the employee for
a permanent placement. During the probation, an employee is expected to perform the job given to
him satisfactorily.
• The probationary period would normally be for six months unless specified otherwise in your
employment contract.
• At the end of the probation period, evaluation for confirmation will be carried out by the
respective Department Manager / Appraiser.
• Employee is deemed confirmed based on the feedback evaluation given by the Manager.

• An employee be asked to work in any department or section of the Company in any capacity by
the management.
• You may also be required to work on transfer or deputation in any other concern in which the
management has any interest or any of the other branches or regional offices, anywhere in India
or abroad, now existing or to be set up in future and the employee shall be bound to work in such
concerns or at such locations.
• Employees are expected to work from ENABL Office unless they are assigned to work out of the
client locations.
• Incase the client works from home, the employee is expected to work out of ENABL office on days
that the client location is operating from a remote location.

• Employees are required to give advance notice of 3 months for leaving the services of the company.
• The company may at its sole discretion, exempt the employee from serving all OR part of the said
notice period.
• Employees failing to give such notice will be required to pay to the company an amount equal to
the Gross pay for the period of short fall in notice

• An employee shall retire on completion of 60 years of age, however it will be open to the
management to relax this rule in service beyond the superannuation age if the management
considers it desirable or expedient to do so and the employment can be continued as a

Driving Reimbursement Policy

All employees who drive their own car on ENABL business are entitled to a driving allowance.
The driving allowance is paid for driving between the employee’s usual (associated) ENABL office and the
individual customer/subcontractor or similar. There is NO travel allowance for driving from home to the
employee's usual office.

In cases of driving from home to the individual customer/subcontractor, etc., the distance from home to the
relevant ENABL office must be deducted before recording in Navision, i.e.:
• state the trip driven – no other
• when driving directly from home, the distance from home to one's associated ENABL office must be
deducted before your register your km (i.e., if your trip is less than your normal drive to the office, no
km should be registered).
• when driving from home to another ENABL office, you must still deduct the distance from your home
to your associated ENABL office before recording your km.
• In general, payment is made for the shortest route – deviations from this must be agreed with your
• The same distance should be recorded each time, to avoid confusion for the customer.
• If you opt for a different office than your associated one, no travel allowance is paid unless agreed
with your line manager.
• When registering km in Navision, it is important to state the start and end addresses, the car's
registration number and purpose of the trip: this is a SKAT requirement. If SKAT finds that information
is insufficient, the consequence may be that the entire journey will be taxable. Registering journeys by
car must be approved by your line manager before the tax-free driving allowance can be paid.

For official travel during working hours

It is the intent of the company to assist employees on reimbursing their local conveyance expense incurred
towards official travel during working hours.

• 2-Wheeler not reimbursed (for safety reasons)

• This rate does not apply to employees who have fuel reimbursement as a component. The fuel
consumption can be claimed as per their overall eligibility limits
• Employees who do not have company car, travel expenses will be reimbursed at Rs12 per km.
• Food expenses will be reimbursed at actuals to the maximum of Rs500/- per day.
For working on Weekends and Holidays
• 2-Wheeler not reimbursed (for safety reasons)
• Employees are recommended not to come to work on weekends and holidays, except in case of
exigencies for which appropriate approval is required. For claiming this, employee will has to approval
of Function Head.
• Employees can claim at actuals (refer eligible amount for Official Travel during working hours) and for
employees under the Fuel Reimbursement scheme as per the fuel mileage.
• Food expenses will be reimbursed at actuals to the maximum of Rs500/- per day.

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