2014 Year 6 Reading Module

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1. The man is building a kennel. 1. The woman is buying some vegetables.

2. The man is kneeling and building a kennel. 2. The woman who is wearing a headscarf is
3. The man who is wearing a shirt is building a buying some vegetables.
kennel. 3. The woman is standing at the stall and
4. The man is building a kennel with some buying some vegetables
woods and nails.
1. There are many people at the night
2. The girl who is wearing a dress is
holding a balloon.
3. The boy with short hair is buying
some noodles.
4. Two boys are buying some drinks
at the stall.
5. A small boy is walking beside the
woman who is wearing a headscarf.
night balloon noodles boy girl
eating holding headscarf selling drinks

1. There are some people cleaning the

living room.
2. The woman who is wearing baju
kurung is vacuuming the floor with a
vacuum cleaner.
3. The girl with a ponytail is arranging
the flowers in the big vase.
3. The man is standing on the ladder
and wiping the fan with a piece of
vacuum fan ladder flowers wiping
4. The boy is kneeling and tying a
cleaner stack of newspapers.
floor arranging picture vase wall

1. There are many pupils cleaning the

school compound.
2. The boy is standing and cleaning
the drain with a brush.
3. Two boys are painting the wall with
some paint and brushes.
4. A boy with short hair is throwing
the rubbish into the big dustbin.
5. Two boys are arranging the chairs
in the classroom.

cleaning drain paint water

arranging brush plant pot

1. There are some people in the post
2.The girl with a ponytail is putting
the letter into the postbox.
3. The man who is wearing a long-
sleeved shirt is holding a parcel.
4. The boy with a cap is standing and
holding a letter in his hand.
5. The man who is wearing a turban is
talking to the officer at the counter

post parcel letter putting talking

officer counter postbox turban holding

1. There are some people waiting at

the airport.
2. A boy with a cap is looking at the
3. The woman is sitting and reading a
4. The small boy who is wearing a T-
shirt is playing with his toy
5. The man who is wearing a shirt and
reading toy looking sitting men a tie is looking at his watch.
airport aeroplane cap watch tie
1. There are some people at the fruit
stall and some of them are eating
some durian.
2. The old man is selling some durian
by the roadsise.
The woman who is wearing a
headscarf is choosing some fruits.
4. The other woman who is carrying a
basket is walking towards the stall.
5. a few people are sitting on the mat
and eating some durian.
post parcel letter putting talking
officer counter postbox turban holding

This is Mimi and she is twelve years old. She is my cousin and her hobby is cooking. She

loves to eat sandwiches.

Last week, Mimi made some egg sandwiches for tea. First, she boiled some eggs and

cleaned them. Then, she mashed the eggs and added some salt, pepper, mayonnaise and

some diced onions and mixed them well. Then, she took a slice of bread and spread a

spoonful of mixture on it. After that, she covered the mixture with another slice of

bread. She served the sandwiches with some hot coffee. The sandwiches were so

delicious that we finished them all.


This is Susan and she is thirteen years old. She is my niece.

Last week Susan and her mother went shopping. They went to the new department store

in town by bus. The store was crowded with many people.

They made their way to the shoe’s section and looked for sandals for Susan. There were

many types of sandals. She tried on a few and finally chose to buy a red pair. They took

to sandals to the counter and paid for it. Susan thanked her mother for the sandals.

Later they went home by taxi.

Susan was tired but happy.


Yamuna, who is twelve years old is my classmate. She is a very friendly girl. Everyone

likes her. She is also very helpful

Last Sunday, was Yamuna’s twelfth birthday. She invited me and her friends to her

birthday party. The party was in the evening. Her brother decorated the house with

colourful balloons and ribbons. Many people came to her party and they brought many

presents. She wore a beautiful dress and matching shoes. After that she cut the cake

with a plastic knife. We sang “Happy Birthday”. After that, we ate the food which her

mother cooked. It was scrumptious. Later we played many games and enjoyed ourselves.

Before leaving, we thanked her for the lovely party.


This is Ali. He is thirteen years old. He is my neighbor and he loves to sing. He loves

English songs. He studies in Sekolah Menengah Sri Satu, Seremban.

Last Saturday, Ali’s school held a concert. It was held in the school hall. The hall was

decorated with colourful balloons and beautiful ribbons. The concert started at five

o’clock in the evening. It lasted for two hours. Many parents and teachers were present.

The students danced and sang many Malay and English songs. Ali sang an English song and

danced with his friends.

The audience clapped and cheered because the show was very interesting. When the

concert finished, the pupils were very tired but happy.


This is Karim. He is twelve years old. He is my cousin and he loves camping with his

friends. His friends are Chong and Ramesh. They are his classmates.

During the last holidays, they went on a camping trip in a jungle nearby their house. They

were very excited. Karim and Chong packed a few tins of canned food, a lot of drinking

water and a first aid kit. Ramesh brought some bread, butter, a compass and a few boxes

of matches. They pitched up two tents near a river. Chong built a fire and Ramesh

collected some firewood. Karim cooked dinner and they ate hungrily. They sat around the

fire and sang songs and told stories. After two days, they went home. They enjoyed

themselves very much. They were tired but happy.


This is Julian. He is ten years old. He is my neighbour. He is a naughty boy.

One day, he climbed the big rambutan tree behind his house. He sat on a branch and ate

some juicy rambutans. Suddenly he lost his balance and fell down. He cried loudly because

his leg was painful. His sister saw him crying and quickly ran into the kitchen and told

their mother. His mother took him to the hospital by car. The doctor bandaged the leg

and told that his leg was broken. Julian had to stay in the hospital for two weeks. He

promised his parents that he will be a good boy.


This is Rahman. He is eleven years old. He is my cousin and he loves to watch television.

His favourite show is “Mr. Bean”.

Rahman is a lazy boy because he is always absent from school. He never does his

homework and he usually watches television until late at night. Sometimes he goes to

school late too.

Last month, Rahman sat for his semester examinations and he failed all the subjects. His

father got very angry and scolded him for not studying. His patents punished Rahman and

he was very sad, so he decided to study harder. Soon he became clever and hardworking

boy. He never failed any examinations after that.


Ah Meng , who is twelve years old, is my cousin. His hobby is fishing. He usually goes

fishing with his friends by the river.

Last week, they went fishing early in the morning. While they were fishing, they heard

someone shouting for help. They saw a girl struggling in the water. Ah Meng quickly dived

into the river and saved the girl. He brought the girl to the river bank. The girl’s mother

thanked him for saving her daughter.

When he went home, he told his parents about the incident. They praised him. They were

very proud of him


This is Raju. He is twelve years old. He is my classmate. His hobby is fishing.

Last Sunday, Raju and his brothers went fishing by a big pond which was near their

grandmother’s house. They sat under a big shady tree and cast their lines. They waited

patiently for a while and then Raju caught a big fish. He was very happy. It was a red

fish. Soon his brothers caught some fish. After a few hours thew went home with nine

big fish. They helped their mother to clean and cook the fish for dinner. The whole

family enjoyed the delicious meal because the fish was fresh. They even gave some fish

to their neighbours.

This is Dave. He is eleven years old. He is my nephew and he is very active in sports.

Last Wednesday, Dave was walking home after football practice in school. He was feeling

very thirsty because it was a very hot day. When he saw a coconut stall by the roadside,

he stopped and drank some coconut water. Although the stall was dirty and full with

flies, the coconut water was sweet and refreshing. Later, when he was at home doing his

homework, suddenly he had a bad stomach-ache. His mother quickly took him to a nearby

clinic. The doctor told them that it was food poisoning. Then, the doctor gave him some

medicine and Dave stayed at home for two days.


This is Shukri. He is fifteen years old and he is my eldest brother. e is a very good boy.

One day, he was walking home from his Mathematics tuition with his friend when he saw

black smoke coming out from a wooden house. He quickly rushed to the nearest telephone

booth and called the fire station. He told them about the fire and gave the address.

They said that the fire engine will be there shortly. Shukri and his friends then rushed

to the house and helped the owner to fetch water from a well. They tried to stop the

fire from spreading. After ten minutes, two fire engines arrived and they took twenty

minutes to put out the fire. The owner of the house thanked Shukri for his quick action.

He was proud of himself.


This is Abu. He is twelve years old. He is my best friend and lives opposite my house. He

is a kind and helpful boy.

Yesterday afternoon, he went to town to buy some books by bus. The bus was very

crowded but he got a place near the door. When the bus stopped near the market, an old

woman boarded the bus. She was carrying a big basket full of vegetables. She looked

very tired.

As there were no empty seats left, the old woman had to stand. Abu took pity of her and

offered his seat to her. The old woman was very happy and sat down. She thanked him

for his kindness.


These are Raman and his friends, Suresh and Shamsul. They are all twelve years old.

They are studying in the same class.Last Sunday, while playing football in the field near

their house, it suddenly began to rain heavily. They still continued to play and they got

wet. The next day, Raman had very high fever. Raman’s father took him to the clinic to

see the doctor. The doctor gave the boy an injection and some medicine. Raman promised

that he will never play in the rain again.


This is Nancy. She is eleven years old. She is my sister’s friend and lives in Taman

Angsamas.Last week, when she was returning from school, it started raining heavily.

Suddenly she spotted a cute kitten by the roadside. The kitten was very wet and it

looked very dirty. She took pity of the kitten and took it home. She quickly cleaned it

with a dry cloth and gave it some milk and food. The kitten drank the milk hungrily. After

that the kitten slept in a box in her room. Nancy named the kitten Gizmo and kept it as

her pet.


This is Malek. He is fifteen years old. He is my cousin and we go to the same school.

One day, while Malek was walking along the road near our house, he saw two men breaking

into his neighbour’s house. He quickly ran to his house and telephoned the police. After

ten minutes, four policemen arrived in two cars. They quickly ran into the house and

caught the burglars. They took the burglars to the police station. After a few days, a

police inspector came to Malek’s house and thanked him. He also gave Malek a medal for

his bravery. His parents were very proud of Malek.


This is Selvam. He is nineteen years old. He is my brother’s friend. He likes to jog around

the park every evening.Last Saturday, while he was jogging in the park, he found a black

wallet under a tree. He opened it and found some money and an identification card of the

owner. He quickly went home and told his mother about the wallet. Later he went to the

police station and told the officer on duty about the wallet. The officer quickly

contacted the owner. After a few minutes, the owner came and collected his wallet. He

praised Selvam for his honesty and rewarded him twenty ringgit. Selvam went home


This is Encik Dollah. He is fifty years old. He is my uncle and lives in Kampung Gedok. He

is a farmer and he also rears some chicken and ducks behind his house.

One night, he heard noises from behind his house. He and his son went to check on the

animals. They took a torchlight and a bamboo stick. When they reached the place, they

saw a big python in the chicken coop. It was swallowing a white chicken. They quickly

caught the python and put it in a big sack. The nest morning they handed the python to

the fire station. The officer in charge praised them for their kindness for not killing the



Ravin is in Year Six Mawar. His best friend is Ali. Both of them like to play football very


Last Sunday, they went to Stadium Merdeka to watch a football match between Selongor

and Pahang. Although the stadium was crowded, they managed to get the tickets for

them. The match started and the spectators got excited and began cheering and

shouting for their favourite teams. The players from both the team played very well. At

the end of the match, Pahang won the game. The King gave away the trophy to the

winner. Both the boys really enjoyed the game and went home tired but happy.


This is Mr. Kulwat. He is forty years old. He is my neighbour and works in a big factory as

a manager. He has a lovely wife and four children.

During the last holidays, he and his family went for a holiday to Singapore by train. The

journey took them five hours from Seremban. There, they stayed in his aunt’s house in

Greenwood. The next day they visited Sentosa Island. They took a cable car and they saw

the beautiful scenery around them. They took many pictures too. Then, they went to the

national zoo and saw so many types of animals. The children were very excited and

enjoyed seeing the animals. They also went shopping and bought some clothes before

coming home after three days. They really enjoyed their visit to Singapore.

Sekolah Kebangsaan Gedok is a small school in Gemencheh. Although the school is small, it

is a beautiful school.

Last Saturday, the school held its Sports Day in the school field. The teacher and pupils

decorated the field with beautiful flags and ribbons. The teachers also pitched up three

tents for the students and parents. All the parents were invited for the sports. The

event started at 8 o’clock in the morning with a march past by the pupils. They waved at

the headmaster and the parents. After that the headmaster gave a short speech and the

events started. After the events, the headmaster gave away the prizes to the winners.

All the pupils enjoyed the sports day.


This is Rahman. He is my cousin. He is twelve years old. His best friend is Chin. Chin lives

near his house. Both of them are naughty boys.

One afternoon, both the boys climbed up the rambutan tree behind Chin’s house. They

sat on a big branch and ate the juicy and sweet rambutans. Suddenly the branch broke

and both the boys fell onto the ground. They cried in pain because they were injured and

there was blood on their arms and legs. Their parents quickly took them to the hospital.

The doctor said that they have broken their legs. Their parents scolded them and both

the boys learnt their lesson.


This is Amira. She is thirteen years old. She is my sister’s friend.

One evening, Amira went to the park that was near her house with her brother, Imran.

There were many children there. They were playing happily. A few men were jogging along

the jogging track around the park. Imran was playing with his ball when he suddenly saw

at a snake near the flower bushes. He was very frightened and ran to Amira and told her

about the snake. Amira called the men who were jogging and they quickly came and

caught the snake. Then they went home and told their parents. They were thankful that

Amira and Imran were safe.


This is Debra. She is twelve years old. She is my friend.

During the last school holidays, Debra and her father visited the Air Keroh Bird Park in

Air Keroh. They went there by car. The place was very big and beautiful with many lakes

and plants. They saw many types of birds there. There were flamingos, pelicans and many

colourful ducks. There were also many kinds of plants and flowers in the park. They were

beautiful and sweet smelling. Debra took many photographs of the birds and plants for

her science project. She also learnt a lot about the birds. They reached home late at

night. They were tired but happy.


Poh Sim is my neighbour. She is eleven years old. She is a very honest girl.

Last Sunday, her father drove her to the stationery shop. The shop was near her house.

While she was choosing some blue and red pens, she saw a young man in a blue jacket

hiding some expensive pens in his jacket. She quickly told the security guard about the

man. The security guard waited for the man to leave the shop and caught him. Later the

man was taken to the police station. The manager of the shop congratulated Poh Sim for

her good deed and rewarded her some blue and red pens. She went home happily and told

her father all about the shoplifter.


This is Alice. She is twelve years old. She is my cousin and lives in Kuala Lumpur.

Last weekend, Alice was very happy because she and her family went to Sunway Lagoon.

They went in the morning by car. There were many people there because it was a Sunday.

Alice and her sister enjoyed swimming and playing with their blue ball. Suddenly their

mother realized that Alice’s little brother, Jason was missing. They were very worried

and looked for him everywhere. They even searched for him in the pools but he was

nowhere. Finally, they were very happy because they found him waiting near an ice-cream

stall looking at the posters of all the ice-cream on sale. They were very thankful that he

was safe.

This is Azuan. He is eleven years old. He is my cousin and lives in Nilai, Negeri Sembilan.

During the last holidays, Azuan and his family went for a picnic to Port Dickson. The

whole family woke up early and his mother and his sister prepared the food and his

father bought some drinks. Azuan packed all the clothes and towels for his family. They

went by car and reached there about ten o’clock in the morning. They arranged all the

things under a shady tree and the children went for a swim. They swan until afternoon

and ate lunch. After that Azuan and his sister collected some beautiful sea-shells for

their aquarium. In the evening they cleaned the place and returned home late in the

evening. They really enjoyed the picnic. They were tired but happy.


This is Vinod. He is eleven years old. He is my neighbour and we are good friends.

Last Saturday, Vinod and his classmates went to Zoo Negara in Kuala Lumpur by bus. Two

teachers from his school followed them. When they reached the place, they bought the

tickets at the entrance and went in. They saw many wild and tame animals at the zoo.

There were elephants, crocodiles, monkeys and snakes. They were kept in clean cages. In

the afternoon they saw an elephant show. It was very interesting, so they clapped and

cheered. In the evening they returned home and on the way they stopped at a restaurant

to have dinner. They really enjoyed the trip. They were tired but happy.


This is Encik Ramli. He is Lim’s art teacher.

Last month, Encik Ramli taught his pupils how to make fancy masks. They used a lot of old

newspapers and glue to make them. They also painted them colourfully. The boys were

very happy and they made beautiful and funny masks. The masks were in different shapes

and sizes.

Last Sunday, there was a Mask Competition. It was held at the Town Hall. The boys took

part in the competition and won the second prize. They were very happy and Encik Ramli

was proud of them.


This is Razif. He is twelve years old. He is my cousin and lives in Putra Jaya.

He likes to play hockey with his friends.

Last week, while playing hockey with his friends at the school field, one boy raised his

stick to hit the ball but accidentally he hit Razif’s nose. His nose was bleeding and there

was blood all over his T-shirt. The boys quickly took him to the nearest clinic and called

his parents. The doctor treated him and gave him some medicine. Later, his parents came

and took him home. After three days he was fine.


This is Raju. He is thirteen years old. He is my neighbour and my good friend.

Last Sunday, Raju’s sister, Sutha married Mr. Vivek. The wedding was held in a temple

hall near his house. Many guests came for the wedding. They brought so many presents.

His sister wore a beautiful red saree while the groom wore a dothi and jippa. He looked

very handsome. After the wedding, food was served and the guests enjoyed the food

because it was delicious. Raju and his family went home late after the wedding. They

were very tired but happy.


This is Sharmin. She is twelve years old. She is my classmate and lives near my house.

During the last Hari Raya, Sharmin woke up early in the morning. She quickly took her

bath and put on her new clothes. It was a red baju kurung with beautiful little yellow

flowers. She was very happy. After that, she went to her parents and elders and asked

for forgiveness. They gave her some money in a green packet. Later she went to the

mosque and prayed. In the afternoon her friends and neighbours visited her. She served

them delicious food. There was ketupat, rendang and chicken curry. At night, Sharmin

and her brother lit oil-lamps around their house. It was very beautiful. Sharmiin went to

bed late on that night. She was very tired but happy.

Mothers’ Day is a very special day for all mothers. It falls on the second Sunday of May

every year. Everyone around the world celebrate this day.

Susy, who is my neighbour, made a beautiful card for her mother. She decorated the

card with dried flowers and ribbons. She also gave her mother a present. It was a vase

and it was made from red and yellow crystal. She bought the vase with her savings

because it was expensive. Her mother loved it and thanked her. That night the whole

family went to a big restaurant for dinner. Suzy’s mother enjoyed the day very much.


Last week was Teacher’s Day. It is celebrated on the 16th of May every year. It is a very

special day for all teachers.The pupils of Sekolah Kebangsaan Labu wished their teacher

“Happy Teachers’ Day” and gave them gifts and flowers. The school hall was decorated

with beautiful ribbons and balloons. The pupils danced and sang Malay and English songs.

The headmaster cut a cake and gave a speech. After that, all of the teachers and pupils

went to the field and played some games. Everyone was happy on that day.


Shamsiah and Shaharina are sisters. Shamsiah is twelve years old and Shaharina is eleven

years old. They are my cousins and live near my house.Last week, their school held its

annual sports day. Both the girls practiced very hard. Their coach Mr. Raman trained

them in the morning and in the evening because they wanted to take part in the running

events. During Sports Day, the girls ran and won the race. Shamsiah won the first place

and Shaharina won the second place. Their coach and parents were very proud of them.

They went home happy but tired.


Muthu is twelve years old. He likes to go jungle trekking. His best friend is Yusof. They

are classmates.Last Saturday, both the boys went jungle trekking in the jungle not far

from their house. After walking for a while, they saw a beautiful waterfall. They swam

and played in the cold water. In the evening they packed their things and started to walk

home. Suddenly they realized that they have lost their way. They were worried and

scared. After an hour, they met a woodcutter and told him what happened. The

woodcutter showed them the way. The boys thanked him and they were thankful because

they did not get lost.


This is Sally. She is fifteen years old. She is my neighbour and my good friend.

Last night, she walked home from the cinema with her friends. Suddenly she saw an old

man trying to cross a busy road. He did not notice a car coming very fast towards him.

She quickly rushed and pulled the man to the other side of the road. Luckily he was not

hurt. He thanked Sally for saving his life.


This is Encik Ramli. He is my uncle. He is a rubber tapper. He and his family live in a

village near Tampin.

Last month, it rained heavily for five days. The river water near the village rose and the

village was flooded. The villagers quickly packed their belongings and moved to the school.

The school was on a hill and it was not flooded. They stayed there for three days. Many

people gave them food and clothes to wear. After three days, the water subsided. The

villagers went back and cleaned their homes. They were thankful that they were safe.


This is Rosie. She is twelve years old. She is my classmate and she loves to dance and sing


Last Sunday, she took part in a dance competition. It was held in the Town Hall. Her

parents and her friends came to see her dance. She wore a beautiful blue costume with

some colourful necklace. When her turn came, she danced gracefully. The audience

cheered and clapped because she danced well. Rosie won the first prize, which was a

thousand ringgit. Her parents were very proud of her. She went home happily.


This is Mrs. Lee. She is my mother’s friend. She is a housewife and stays at home.

One day, she found some old empty tins and bottle in her kitchen cupboard. She also

found some old newspapers in the storeroom behind her house. So, she collected all the

things and separated them. After that she put them in different bags. Then she took the

bags to the petrol station near her house and put them in the recycle bins. Then she went

home. She was happy because she did her bit to make the world a better place to live.

This is John. He is thirteen years old. He is my neighbour and my good friend. His hobby

is fishing with his father.

Last Saturday, John and his father went fishing by the lake near their house. While they

were fishing, suddenly they saw a few men dumping a few big tins into the river. His

father quickly took his hand phone and called the Department of Environment. He made a

report and told the officer on duty about the men and the tins. After about five minutes,

a few officers and three policemen arrived and quickly caught the men. They thanked

John and his father for their help.


This is Fauziah. She is twelve years old. She is my cousin and lives near my house. Her

hobby is reading story books.

Last night, she was reading an interesting book at her table. The table was near the

window. When she looked out of the window, she saw two men climbing her neighbour’s

fence. She quickly telephoned her neighbour, Encik Kamal and told him about the men.

Encik Kamal and his sons managed to catch the burglars, His wife telephoned the police

and they arrived after ten minutes. The policemen took the burglars to the police-

station. Encik Kamal thanked Fauziah and gave her a few story books as a present.


This is Ramu. He is eleven years old. He is my classmate. He and his family live in Taman

Sri Intan.

Last Friday, some of his friends visited him at his house because he was sick. From the

school, they walked along Jalan Sekolah until they reached the traffic-lights. Then, they

turned left into Jalan Maha and walked straight on. Then, they saw a beautiful temple on

their right. Then, they turned left into Jalan Intan Satu. They walked farther up and

Ramu’s house was the third house on their left. Ramu was very happy to see them.


To make a kite, you need some thin sticks, some glue, and a roll of string, some papers, a

pair of scissors and some water colours. First, make a frame of the kite with the sticks

and tie them together tightly. Then decorate the paper with patterns and colour them
beautifully. Then cut the paper and paste it onto the frame. After that, paste a long

piece of paper as its tail. Finally, attach a long string to the frame. Now the kite is ready.


This is Mr. Chandran. He is forty years old. He is a very friendly taxi driver. He usually

waits at the railway station for passengers.

One evening, a tourist arrived from Penang. He got into his taxi and told him that he

wanted to go to Popular Hotel. The tourist was very friendly and told Mr. Chandran many

things about Penang. Later in the evening, when Mr. Chandran reached home he started

cleaning his taxi. Suddenly, he found a black wallet on the back seat. It belonged to the

tourist. He quickly went back to the hotel and met the tourist and returned the wallet to

him. The tourist thanked him and gave him some money as a reward.


This is Encik Johari. He is forty-five years old. He is my uncle and lives near my house.

Last night, he was driving home after visiting his friends in the village. It was very late in

the evening and it was a narrow road near a village. Suddenly, he saw a dark shape on the

middle of the road. It was a big buffalo sleeping on the road. He quickly braked and

avoided the buffalo. His car skidded and went into a big drain. He was thankful because

he was not hurt. His car was stuck and he could not get it out. He saw a few men passing

by and asked them for help. After a few minutes he got the car out and thanked the men.

After that he drove home carefully.


This is Karim. He is thirteen years old. He is my cousin and lives in Segamat. Nicolas is his

neighbour and they are very good friends.

During the holidays, they decided to build a tree house in Karim’s garden because there

was a very big rambutan tree in his garden. Karim’s father who was a carpenter helped to

build the tree house. They used a lot of wood, some nails and ropes to build it. When it

was completed, it was very beautiful. The boys decorated the tree house with some

curtains and pictures. They also made a ladder to go up to the tree house. In the

afternoon they read books and listened to the radio. Sometimes they slept in their tree


This is Govind. He is thirteen years old. He is my cousin and lives in Taman Fajar. He is a

very intelligent and hardworking boy.

He scored 5 A’s for his Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah last year. His parents were very

happy and his father bought him a present. When Govind opened the present, he was

shocked to find a brand new computer in the box. He was so happy and excited and he

thanked his parents for the special gift. His uncle, Mr. Soman taught him how to use the

computer and surf the internet. Govind practiced every day and he made some beautiful

and colourful cards with the colour printer. He also used the computer to complete his

school assignments. He was very happy with his new computer.


Kavitha studies in Sekolah Kebangsaan Labu. It is a small school with a lot of plants and

trees.Last week, a gotong-royong was held in the school to clean up the school compound.

The parents came at 7o’clock in the morning. They gathered at the assembly ground and

the headmaster gave a short speech. Then, the parents and teachers were divided into


The first group cleaned and washed the drains with a lot of water. The second group cut

the grass in the school compound with sickles. The pupils helped to collect the grass and

they put it into black bags.The third group buried all the old tin cans and bottles. All of

them worked hard until 12o’clock. After that, the teachers served them some drinks and

some food. The headmaster thanked them for their help. All the parents and the

teachers went home tired but happy.


Jack, who is eleven years old, is my cousin.

Yesterday, he went the bookshop near his house. After an hour, he wanted to go home,

but it was drizzling. He opened his umbrella and walked slowly. When he wanted to cross

the road, he saw an old lady. She was carrying two big bags and trying to cross the road.

The traffic was heavy so he offered to help her. They shared the umbrella and crossed

the road safely.

The lady thanked him and went home. Jack went home and told his parents and they were

very proud of him.


Lanie, who is twelve years old, is my neighbour.

. Last week Lanie and her family visited her grandparents in the village. They went there

by car. They left home early in the morning and reached the village in the afternoon. She

was happy to see her grandparents. She and her brother ran and hugged them. In the

evening, her grandfather took them to his orchard. Lanie’s father plucked some

rambutans with a long pole. Lanie and her brother picked the fruits and put them in a

basket. After that they ate the fruits. They were very juicy and delicious. Her

grandmother prepared some drinks and cookies for them.

Lanie enjoyed herself very much. After a few days they returned home.


Fatimah, who is twelve years old is my sister.

During the last school holidays, she and her sister decided to clean their bedroom. First,

they collected all the rubbish and put it into small black bags and threw them away. Then

her sister swept and mopped the floor. Fatimah wiped the windows with a wet cloth. Then

they arranged the tables and chairs.

After that, they decorated the room with pictures and plastic flowers. The room was

very beautiful. Their parents were very proud of them.


Gopi, who is twelve years old, is my good friend.

Last week, he attended a meeting in school. On his way home, he was very hungry and

thirsty. He stopped at a stall near his school to have his lunch.

The stall was dirty and it was near a big dustbin. There were many flies near the stall.

When he reached home, he had a stomach ache. His mother quickly took him to the clinic.

The doctor said that it was food poisoning. The doctor also advised him not to eat dirty

food and gave him some medicine.


Peter, who is twelve years old, is my neighbour.

Last Monday, he was cycling home from school with his friends. He was talking and

laughing with them. There was a big hole in front of him and he did not see the hole.

Suddenly he fell down and cried in pain. His friends quickly took him to the hospital. The

doctor bandaged his leg and he stayed in the hospital for two weeks. He was very sad and

he learnt his lesson. He promised that he would be careful when he cycles.


Faridah, who is twelve years old, is my classmate.

Last week Faridah’s sister, Puan Mariana gave birth to a baby girl in Columbia Medical

Center. Her relatives and friends visited her. They brought many presents and a bouquet

of flowers. She and her husband were very happy. After a few days, they went home.

After two weeks, they held a grand party to celebrate the arrival of the baby. They

named the baby Siti Nabila.

Farida loves her niece very much.


Sally, who is my neighbour, is an active girl. Her hobby is cycling.

Last month, she took part in the Road Safety Essay Competition. Her teacher gave her

the forms. She filled it and posted it. During the competition, she wrote her essay


After a few weeks, she received a letter from the organizer of the competition. She was

surprised and happy because she won the first prize. It was a brand new bicycle. She

went with her parents and brought the bicycle home. Her parents were very proud of

her. Sally took good care of her bicycle.


En. Zmin, who is my neighbour, is a doctor. He works in a clinic near his house. He is a

very hardworking man.

Last week, his daughter came back from India. She asked him to fetch her from the

airport. While driving to the airport, his car broke down. There was thick smoke coming

from the engine of the car. He quickly stopped the car and called his mechanic. After

half an hour the mechanic arrived. He quickly repaired the car. He thanked the mechanic

and continued his journey. When he reached at the airport, his daughter was waiting for

him. He was so happy to see her after a long time.He was happy because he reached the

airport safely.


Tino, who is ten years old, is my neighbour. He is a naughty boy.

One day, he went to his grandfather’s farm. It is in the village. He walked around the

farm and hit the animals with a stick. When he came near a pond, he saw a goose resting

under a big shady tree. He quickly picked up some stones and threw them at the goose.

The goose became angry and chased him. He ran as fast as he could. The goose pecked

his leg and he screamed loudly. He also cried because it was very painful. Suddenly, he

tripped and fell down and hurt his knees. Tino learnt his lesson and promised not to harm

animals anymore.


Cirawan, who is in Year 6 Bestari, is my friend. Her favourite subject is Science. Her

science teacher is Miss Jasmin.

Last Monday, Miss Jasmin took the pupils of 6 Bestari to the Science lab. They saw two

papayas, a packet of sugar and two bottles of vinegar on the table. Their teacher gave

them some instructions on how to do pickled papayas.

First, Cirawan and her friends peeled the papaya with a sharp knife. They were very

careful because the knife was sharp. Then, Halim and Raja washed a big container and

filled it with some vinegar. Later, they put in some sugar and stirred the mixture well

until the sugar dissolved.Then, Cirawan cut the papayas into small pieces and put them

into the mixture. Their teacher closed the lid tightly and kept the bottle in a cupboard.

After a week the pickled papaya was ready to be eaten. The children and their teacher

tasted the pickles. It was very delicious as it was sweet and sour at the same time. Their

teacher congratulated them for a job well done.


Sofia, who is twelve years old is my neighbor. She is a hardworking and a helpful girl. She

lives in a village with her family. Her father has a farm in the village. He grows tapioca

and some vegetables.

Last Saturday evening, Sofia and her parents went to the farm. They walked there as it

was near to their house. When they reached the farm, Sofia and her father harvested

some tapioca. Her mother helped to clean the topiaca with a sharp knife. Later, they

went home.

At home, Sofia peeled and washed the tapioca. Then she grated them with a grater.

After that, she scraped a coconut with a scraper. Then she mixed the grated tapioca,

coconut ans some sugar in a basin. After that, she baked the mixture in an oven. After

thirty minutes the tapioca cake was ready.

Sofia cut the cake into small pieces and gave some to her neighbor. Her neoghbour

thanked her. Later, she served the cakes and tea to her family. All of them enjoyed the

delicious tapioca cake.

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