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LG Corporation

In today’s fierce job search war, building good relationships is one of the factors that help you have more
opportunities in the labor market. As a person who loves foreign languages and communicating with
people, I always keep learning about the market, the groups of jobs related to foreign languages. I know
that building relationships will help me a lot in this field.

I hope to work for LG Corporation after graduating. Therefore, to learn about the company, the criteria for
candidates that the company wants, and the development direction, I plan to connect with the company
through social networking platforms such as Facebook, Website, and Linkedin.

In addition, to have a more objective view, I will make friends and follow people who have worked and are
working at LG. Currently, LG is planning to cover Vietnam, so the company is expanding its connection
with universities nationwide for majors related to Korean by organizing company visits, scholarships,
internships and talk shows at schools. I will actively participate in these activities to meet and exchange
information with the company’s recruiters, and even connect them on social media platforms they often
use for easy communication.

Through this, first of all, I want to get basic knowledge, diverse perspectives about the company to find
opportunities in the future. Not only that, I also want to create impressions and establish valuable
relationships through this project.

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