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PART 1:Describe a course or subject you would like to take in the future. You
should say:
 What course it is
- I’m planning to take a Chinese Course in the coming years.
 Where you would do it
- I think the most ideal place to take this is some Chinese teaching centers. I
guess the reason for thvis could be that it has a lot of proficient Chinese
teachers working there.

 What you would learn in that course

- I think I would learn speaking skill because it has an invironment to
practice. The teacher might teach me how to remember vocabularies and
grammar in chinese.
And explain why you would like to do this course
- The most important purpose is for my output standard of university.
Another reason is to watch chinese movies without subtitles. I hope that in
the future when I visit china, I could communicate with inhabitants there
and talk about diversity and beauty culture of VietNam.
Follow up: (For student B)
 Did you take a course like this?
- Yes, each of students at my university has to finish two kinds of language.
If I have a chance, I also take a couse like this to improve my second
 Do you think this course is necessary?
= Of course, we can not deny the advantages of this. It may provide for you a lot
of useful experiences and knowledges about this language. Helps you have more
space to practice then enhance your quality.
PART 2: Education and work.
1. How important is it to have a university education to get a job in your country?
2. Does having a degree from another country enhance employment opportunities in
your country?
3. What impacts do students who have studied abroad have on their country of origin
when they come home?

Part 1: Describe a subject that was the most difficult for you from your studies

 what it was ?

- I would say that it was history

- - was a nightmare with all of my friends and me.
 what kinds of difficulties did you encounter when you studied that subject?
- It had a lot of information, included: events, dates and numbers. The key
was that they came with a huge amount.

 what strategies did you apply to overcome those difficulties?

- My teacher told us to write down all of this into a paper, and read them when we have
free time. And day-by-day, this events, numbers became a part of me, and after a
time, when I realized the meaning of each event, the more I love my country, with a
long time for devoting and sacrifiring to peace, then I more appriciate the present.

Follow up :

 What do you feel when conquering that subject ?

- At the first time, it was very difficult and thorny, but when I became more
familiar with it I could find it very education.
 Have you had another subject that you feeling hard ?

- Yes, I think it was maths, I had never got good marks at maths though I had
made lot of effortness.

Part 2 :

 In your opinion, Did this subject give you long-term benefits for future?

- Yes of course, it provided for me a lot of experiences for my furture. It

would say that they are persistence and hard-working. History helped me to
realise that if I want to have something, I need to invest both time and
effort, a lot of efforts.
 How did you improve and maintain your proficiency in this subject ?
 - I think this subjects demands for perseverence. If a long time I do not revise it, I
will forget it easily. Therefore, I usually did rereading it in my spare time.
 If you had a chance, would you like to change any subject in our education system

- I think I would not. You know, each of subjects all has its meaning and
advantages. Then they contribute to the diversity of education in many
areas. May be this subject is difficult to me but it is interest of others.


PART 1: Describe an area of subject you studied that you are interested in, such as
medicine, physics or mathematics.
You should say:
 What branch of science it is
 When you studied it
 How you studied it
And explain why you are interested in it.
Follow up: (For student B)
 Have you ever studied a similar subject?
 Would you like to study a subject like this?
PART 2: Subject
1. Did you like science classes when you were young?
2. What are the advantages of taking part in science courses in high school?
3. Do you think school children should learn both art and science classes?

PART 1: Describe your favourite teacher. You should say:
 What does this teacher look like?
My favorite teacher has a long hair and a round face. With a white skin and lovely
smile. She tall and thin. At the first met, I did think she was a strict person and a
little bit be fastidious. But after period of time, I found she was very good-natured
and nice.
 What sort of person this teacher is?
- At the first lesson, I guessed she was english teacher, but not like my
prediction. Her subject was litterature.
 What did this teacher help you to learn?
- She taught me how to write from initial things.
And explain why this teacher is your favourite.
Follow up: (For Student B)
 Do you have a favourite teacher like this?
 Were your high school teachers very strict?
PART 2: Teacher
1. What role should the teacher have in a classroom?
2. How can a teacher make lessons more interesting for students?
3. Do you think computers in one day will replace teachers in the classroom?


Student A:
Part 1: Describe a skill that you can teach others:

 What kind of skill is it ?

- It is cooking. For children at my age. It’s such a nightmare, but my
mon has been teaching me how to cook since I was a little girl so I
find it just a piece of cake.
 What are the requirements ?
- You know, cooking has a lot of cusines. So it demands for
persiverence, skillfull.
 How can you teach others that skill ?

- I think I can teach them by point out each of steps. And provide for
them necessary tips about cooking and how to cook a good meal.

 How can it be implied in life?

- This skill is very important, especially for students who is studying far
from home and their have to cook for themselves.

Follow up ( Student B ):

- Do you think this skill is necessary?

- Are there any other skills that should be learnt?

- Besides, I think we also need to prepare computer skill, soft-skill and presentation

Part 2: Education and study

1. What are the key aspects of the education system in your country?
- it is assessment, I suppose. Each year, learners In my country have to undergo several
exams and competitions. The results of those will demonstrate the quality of education
then discover weaknesses to improve. And almost universities in my country only accept
students who have good results to admiss.

2. How do you think the education system can be improved to better cater to
students with diverse learning needs?

3. Do you think education is important? Why or why not?


Student B:
Part 1: Describe about E-learning :
You should say:
1. What do you know about e-learning?
2. How do you learn it?
3. When do you study online?

Follow up: (FOR STUDENT A)

 Would you like to study this type of learning?
 Have you ever studied online?
Part 2: Education and society
1. What changes in teaching methods do you believe would benefit
students in the future?
2. How do you think technology will influence education in the coming
3. What skills and knowledge should schools focus on to better prepare
students for their future careers?
Describe a second language that you have learned.
You should say:
 what language it is
 how long have you learned it
 how do you learn it
 how fluent you are in this language now
 Have you learned another language except English?
 What is the biggest difficulty you have met when you learned another language?

PART 2: Learning languages

1. How has learning this second language influenced your life?
2. How do you maintain and improve your proficiency in the second language?
3. Do you think that all children should learn foreign languages at school?

Describe an activity you enjoyed most in your primary school.
You should say:
 What the activity was => it was hide and seek
 How often you did do the activity=> in breaktime every single day
 Who you did do it with=> frends, others grade
 How did you feel while doing the activity and explain why=>

Follow up:
 Did you enjoy your break time during primary school?
 Would you want to be a primary student again?

PART 2: Extracurricular activities

1. How do you think extracurricular activities, in general, contribute to the development of
primary school students?
- Of coure it has numerous advantages for primary students who would have a lot
of chances to exchange with the others.
2. In your opinion, what are the long-term benefits of participating in extracurricular
activities during primary school years?
- I think extracurricular may help student become more confident and active in all
situations. They will awaness of what they must do and be responsible for it.
3. How can schools offer a diverse range of extracurricular options to cater to the varied
interests and talents of primary school students?
- Oh it is very diverse. I think school can oganize a range of programmes or
competitions on academic, sporty, music and so on. After take part in those,
childrens could find their hobbies and realise their talents. Then it may help for
chosing career in the future.

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