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HW (Week of 01/10) 12

Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. Which bacteria killed the mice in Griffins transformation experiment? a. live, harmless bacteria and heat-killed, harmful bacteria b. live, harmless bacteria and heat-killed, harmless bacteria c. live harmful bacteria and heat-killed, harmless bacteria d. live harmless bacteria, and live, harmful bacteria 2. Griffith called the process he observed transformation because a. the mouse had been transformed. b. the harmful bacteria had been transformed. c. the harmless bacteria had been transformed. d. the experiment had been transformed. 3. What did Avery conclude caused transformation? a. DNA was the transforming factor. b. A protein was the transforming factor. c. A carbohydrate was the transforming factor. d. A lipid was the transforming factor. 4. What happened when Griffith injected mice with the harmless, R-strain bacteria alone? a. The bacteria transformed. b. The mouse lived. c. The mouse died. d. The bacteria died. 5. What would have happened if Avery had added an enzyme that digested all the nucleic acids to the mixture of heat-killed bacteria, added the mixture to harmless bacteria, and injected the mixture into mice? a. The harmless bacteria would have been transformed, and the mice would have died. b. The harmless bacteria would not have been transfromed, and the mice would have lived. c. The harnless bacteria would not have been transformed, and the mice would have died. d. The harmless bacteria would have been transformed, and the mice would have lived. 6. What property of DNA does bacterial transformation illustrate? a. Bacterial DNA cannot move into other bacteria and function. b. Bacterial DNA can move into another bacteria and function. c. Bacterial DNA uses four nucleotides bases that work in pairs. d. Bacterial DNA is found in a circular chromosome. 7. In Griffiths bacterial transformation experiments, a. harmless bacteria change into harmful bacteria. b. harmful bacteria change into harmless bacteria. c. harmless bacteria are infected by viruses. d. harmful bacteria are infected by viruses. 8. What is inside a bacteriophage? a. protein b. nucleic acid c. lipid d. carbohydrate 9. What do bacteriophages infect? a. mice.









b. humans. c. viruses. d. bacteria. ____ 10. Why did Hershey and Chase label the viral DNA with radioactive phosphorous and not radioactive sulfur? a. DNA contains phosphorus and no sulfur. b. Proteins contain phosphorus and no sulfur. c. DNA contains sulfur and little phosphorous. d. Proteins acids contain sulfur and little phosphorous.

Figure 121 ____ 11. Which part of the bacteriophage in Figure 121 contains genetic material? a. A b. B c. C d. D ____ 12. What stores information in a cell? a. proteins b. carbohydrates c. lipids d. DNA ____ 13. What happens when a piece of DNA is missing? a. Genetic information is stored. b. Genetic information is copied. c. Genetic information is lost. d. Genetic information is transmitted. ____ 14. In what way is DNA like a book? a. DNA has information organized with an kind of index. b. DNA has stored information, that can be copied and passed on. c. DNA has information wrapped in an identifying cover. d. DNA has information that is periodically updated. ____ 15. In which cells is the accurate transmission of information most important? a. nerve cells

b. skin cells c. sex cells d. bone cells

Figure 122 ____ 16. Figure 122 shows the structure of a. a DNA molecule. b. an amino acid. c. a RNA molecule. d. a protein. ____ 17. Which of the following is a nucleotide found in DNA? a. adenine + phosphate group + thymine b. cytosine + phosphate group + guanine c. deoxyribose + phosphate group + polymerase d. deoxyribose + phosphate group + cytosine ____ 18. Because of base pairing in DNA, the percentage of a. adenine molecules in DNA is about equal to the percentage of guanine molecules. b. thymine molecules in DNA is about equal to the percentage of adenine molecules c. adenine molecules in DNA is much greater than the percentage of thymine molecules. d. cytosine molecules in DNA is much greater than the percentage of guanine molecules. Nitrogenous Bases (%) A G T 19.9 29.4 28.8

C 21.5

Human Chicken Bacterium (S. lutea)

13.4 Figure 123

____ 19. The table in Figure 123 shows the results of measuring the percentages of the four bases in the DNA of several different organisms. Some of the values are missing from the table. Based on Chargaffs rule, the percentages of guanine bases in chicken DNA should be around a. 28.8% b. 19.9% c. 21.5%

____ 20.

____ 21.

____ 22.

____ 23.

____ 24.

____ 25.

____ 26.

____ 27.

d. 13.4% Based on Chargaffs rule, the percentage of cytosine in the DNA of the bacterium, S. Lutea in Figure 123, should be around a. 26.6%. b. 73.2%. c. 36.6%. d. 29.4%. What structural problem prevents adenine from pairing with guanine? a. The bases are both short. b. They lack phosphate groups. c. They lack the deoxyribose group. d. The bases are both long. Which two bases pair together in DNA? a. adenine and guanine b. guanine and thymine c. thymine and cytosine d. cytosine and guanine Averys experiments showed that bacteria are transformed by a. RNA. b. DNA. c. proteins. d. carbohydrates. What did Griffith observe when he injected a mixture of heat-killed, disease-causing bacteria and live harmless bacteria into mice? a. The disease-causing bacteria dies. b. The mice developed pneumonia. c. The harmless bacteria died. d. The mice were unaffected. What would Hershey and Chase have concluded if both radioactive 32P and 35S were found in the bacteria in their experiment? a. The viruss protein coat was not injected into the bacteria. b. The viruss DNA was not injected into the bacteria. c. Genes are made of protein and carbohydrates. d. Both the viruss protein coat and its DNA were injected into the bacteria. Averys experiment worked because bacteriophages and bacteria share which component? a. proteins b. carbohydrates c. DNA d. lipids In the Hershey-Chase experiment, what happened to the bacteria that had been infected by viruses that had radioactive DNA, and to the bacteria that had been infected with viruses that had been marked with radioactive proteins? a. The bacteria infected with viruses that had radioactive DNA had become radioactive. The bacteria that had been infected with viruses marked with radioactive proteins were not radioactive. b. The bacteria infected with viruses that had radioactive proteins had become radioactive. The bacteria that had been infected with viruses marked with radioactive DNA were not radioactive. c. The bacteria infected with viruses that had radioactive DNA had become radioactive. The

bacteria that had been infected with viruses marked with radioactive proteins had also became radioactive. d. The bacteria infected with viruses that had radioactive DNA had not become radioactive. The bacteria that had been infected with viruses marked with radioactive proteins had also not become radioactive. ____ 28. Which scientist made x-ray diffraction photos of DNA? a. Franklin b. Chargaff c. Watson d. Avery ____ 29. What is the chronological order of the important discoveries in the structure of DNA? a. Franklin makes an X-ray diffraction photo of DNA Chargaffs ratios of nucleotides Watson and Crick identify the double helix b. Franklin makes an X-ray diffraction photo of DNA Watson and Crick identify the double helix Chargaffs ratios of nucleotides c. Chargaffs ratios of nucleotides Watson and Crick identify the double helix Franklin makes an X-ray diffraction photo of DNA d. Chargaffs ratios of nucleotides Franklin makes an X-ray diffraction photo of DNA Watson and Crick identify the double helix

Figure 124 ____ 30. The table in Figure 124 shows the percentages of bases in a DNA sample. How much Thymine should you expect to find in the sample? a. 22% b. 24% c. 28% d. 44% ____ 31. What would happen to the percentage of G in Figure 124 if the percentage of A rose to 25%? a. G would drop to 19% b. G would drop to 25% c. G would rise to 29% d. G would rise to 32% ____ 32. Which of the following forms a base pair with thymine? a. deoxyribose b. adenine c. guanine d. cytosine ____ 33. What did Rosalind Franklin contribute to the effort to identify the structure of DNA? a. models made of cardboard and wire showing the shape of DNA b. the ratios of the two sets of nucleotide pairs in DNA c. radioactive evidence that DNA carried the genetic code d. x-ray diffraction photos of the DNA molecule

____ 34. Watson and Crick discovered the two strands in DNA a. run in perpendicular directions. b. run in the same direction. c. run in opposite directions. d. run in random directions. ____ 35. DNA replication results in two DNA molecules, a. each with two new strands. b. one with two new strands and the other with two original strands. c. each with one new strand and one original strand. d. each with two original strands. ____ 36. During DNA replication, a DNA strand that has the bases CTAGGT produces a strand with the bases a. TCGAAC. b. GATCCA. c. AGCTTG. d. GAUCCA. ____ 37. After DNA replication in eukaryotes, the a. DNA molecules unwind. b. histones and DNA molecules separate. c. DNA polymerase makes copies of DNA strands. d. nucleosomes become more tightly packed. ____ 38. Which of the following include all the others? a. DNA molecules b. histones c. chromosomes d. nucleosomes

Figure 125 ____ 39. In Figure 125, what nucleotide is going to be added at point 1, opposite from thymine? a. adenine b. thymine c. cytosine d. guanine ____ 40. In Figure 125, what is adding base pairs to the strand? a. histones

____ 41.

____ 42.

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____ 44.

____ 45.

b. nucleosomes c. DNA polymerase d. chromatin In eukaryotes, DNA a. is located in the nucleus. b. floats freely in the cytoplasm. c. is located in the ribosomes. d. is circular. Which would be greater in a eukaryote than in a prokaryote? a. The percentage of guanine nucleotides. b. The total number of base pairs in a chromosome. c. The number of replication forks on a strand of DNA. d. The total amount of DNA in a cell. What binds to the prokaryotic chromosome to start DNA replication? a. replication forks b. regulatory proteins c. chromatids d. telomeres In both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, how many copies of the chromosome are left after replication? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 Eukaryotic cells can have up to how many times more DNA than prokaryotic cells? a. 10 b. 100 c. 1,000 d. 10,000

Modified True/False Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the statement true. ____ 46. When Griffith mixed heat-killed, harmful bacteria with live, harmless bacteria and injected the mixture into mice, the mice died. _________________________ ____ 47. A bacteriophage is larger than a bacterium. _________________________ ____ 48. Bacteriophages inject protein into bacteria, altering the bacterias genetic information. _________________________ ____ 49. The DNA that makes up an organisms genes must be capable of storing, copying, and changing information. _________________________ ____ 50. DNA is a nucleic acid made up of nucleosomes joined into long strands or chains by covalent bonds. _________________________ ____ 51. The three parts of a DNA nucleotide are the phosphate group, deoxyribose, and the base. _________________________ ____ 52. Hershey and Chase made the components of bacteriophages radioactive to learn which part carried genetic information.. _________________________

____ 53. When Griffith destroyed the DNA in his mixture containing various molecules from heat-killed bacteria, transformation no longer occurred. _________________________ ____ 54. If protein had been responsible for carrying genetic information, Hershey and Chase would have observed that their bacteria were marked with radioactive sulfur. _________________________ ____ 55. Watson and Crick discovered that covalent bonds hold base pairs together at the center of a strand of DNA. _________________________

Figure 124 ____ 56. In Figure 124, the percentages of all four columns should add up to 90. _________________________ ____ 57. The replication of a DNA molecule results in four copies of the same gene. _________________________ ____ 58. DNA is tightly wrapped around nucleosomes. _________________________ ____ 59. A DNA strand that had the sequence TACGTT would have a complimentary strand ATCGAT. _________________________ ____ 60. In eukaryotes, DNA replication proceeds in one direction along the DNA molecule. _________________________ Completion Complete each statement. 61. In Griffiths experiment, he mixed heat-killed S-strain bacteria with live, harmless bacteria from the R-strain. When this mixtured was injected into mice, the mice _________________________.

Figure 126 62. The virus in Figure 126 is made of two parts the _________________________ outside, and the genetic material inside. 63. Eukaryotic DNA molecules need to be carefully copied and sorted, especially in the formation of _________________________ cells during meiosis.

Figure 122 64. The structure labeled X in Figure 122 is a(an) _________________________.

Figure 127 65. The matching strand to the one in Figure 127, reading from the bottom up, would be _________________________. 66. The Watson and Crick model of DNA is a(an) _________________________, in which two strands are wound around each other. 67. In Griffiths experiment, _________________________ from the harmful bacteria transferred to the harmless bacteria, and transformed them. 68. _________________________ are weak bonds that hold the two strands of DNA together, but also allow the DNA to separate and replicate. 69. If covalent bonds held the two strands of nucleotides together, the two strands could not easily separate and _________________________.

A 30

Percentages of Bases C T

Figure 128
70. In figure 128, the percentage of guanine would be _________________________. 71. Chromatin contains proteins called _________________________. 72. DNA replication is carried out by a series of _________________________. 73. The tips of chromosomes are known as _________________________. 74. A prokaryotic cell replicates its _________________________ before it splits to form new cells, so that each new cell can have genetic material. 75. Eukaryotic DNA has more replication forks than prokaryotic DNA, because it has more starting places, or _________________________.

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