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(Đề thi có 04 trang) (The time spent on paper distribution and listening is not counted)

Mã đề: 904
I. LISTENING (1.5 points)
PART 1: (1.0 pt)
Listen to Stella talking to her teacher about school projects. Who worked on each project?
Write a letter A-H next to each student. You hear the conversation TWICE.

0. Jack __ C___ A. Newspapers E. Magazines
1. Diana ______ B. Space travel F. Opera
2. Sandra ______ C. Transport G. Mountains
3. Frank ______ D. Painters H. Important buildings
4. Sophie ______
5. Tony ______

PART 2: Listen to the conversation and write the missing words (No more than THREE words).
You will listen TWICE. (0.5 pt)
6. The tour takes _________________ hours.
7. At Madame Tussauds you can see models of _____________________ and celebrities.
8. Oxford Street is a famous street for ___________________.
9. The Queen lives at __________________________.
10. You can see great views of London from _______________________ .

II. USE OF ENGLISH (2.0 points)

Choose the best answer A, B, C or D
11. There is a ___________ of bananas and two ______ of orange juice in the fridge.
A. bunch - bottles B. bunch - slices C. stick - slices D. stick - bottles
12. Marry __________(live) in Greece for three weeks before she __________(move) to France.
A. lived – moves B. has lived - moved C. had lived – moved D. lived – had moved
13. The ____________ happened in thick fog and caused a seven-mile tailback on the motorway.
A. mix-up B. pile-up C. touchdown D. jet lag
14. It is difficult for Nick to decide where to go on holiday.
→ Nick finds it difficult to ___________ where to go on holiday.
A. narrow it down B. make up his mind C. break the bank D. be his cup of tea
15. I didn’t know that _________ Lake Michigan was one of ________ Great Lakes until last year.
A. Ø - the B. an - the C. a - Ø D. the - the
16. Son Doong Cave is one of the most fascinating ______ that can be experienced in Southeast Asia.
A. journeys B. expeditions C. explorations D. destinations
17. Nhung: Do you like to drink milk tea? Tuan: I love coffee, but I only drink milk tea ___________.
A. out of this world B. the sky’s the limit C. over the moon D. once in a blue moon

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18. Choose the word that has different stress from the others:
A. breathtaking B. weightlessness C. telescope D. entertain
19. Choose the word in each sentence that need correcting.
Frank Zappa, that was one of the most creative artists in rock’n roll, came from California.
A. that B. artists C. in D. from
20. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others:
A. safari B. operate C. variety D. versatile
Choose the correct sentence (A-H) from the box to compete the conversation. There are TWO
extra sentences that you do not need. (0.5 pt)
A. I don’t believe you!
B. That sounds lovely. What was the problem?
C. What happened? Did anything go wrong?
D. Who did you go with?
E. Where did you go?
F. Well, at least we’re having good weather here at home.
G. I had a great time, thanks. What about you?
H. That was really amazing!

Lucy: Hi, Anna. How was your holiday?

Anna: ________ G __________________________
Lucy: It was all right but I'm glad to be home again.
Anna: (21)____________________________________
Lucy: Not really, but I got bored after a few days.
Anna: (22)____________________________________
Lucy: Italy. I wanted to spend a few weeks somewhere warm.
Anna: (23)____________________________________
Lucy: Well, the weather was awful. It rained every day and it was colder than England!
Anna: (24)____________________________________
Lucy: Ask my brother. He’ll tell you the same thing.
Anna: (25)____________________________________
Lucy: Yes. Unfortunately, school starts tomorrow so I won’t be able to enjoy it.

IV. READING (2 points)

1. Read the passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to fill in the blanks: (1pt)
A typical Korean meal consists of a bowl of rice, a bowl of soup or stew, and other dishes.
Koreans use a huge (26) _____________ of vegetables, and all types of meat in various preparations.
There are so many traditional Korean dishes and some typical dishes can be found in Korean kitchens
all over the world.
“Mandoo” is a symbol of good luck when it is (27) ____________ as a part of Korean Lunar
New Year's Festival. It is made with beef or pork, but it also can be made with chicken or only
“Chap Chae” is one of the most popular noodle dishes in Korea. The noodles are made from
beans or sweet potatoes. It can be enjoyed cool or hot, and as an appetizer or (28)_________ dish.
“Sam Gae Jang” is a kind of chicken soup. It is easy to prepare. Like chicken soup in the West,
it is often used as a kind of (29) _______________ when we are sick.

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“Kim Chi” is one of the most distinctive part of Korean diet. It is made from napa cabbages and
chili, and eaten at almost every (30) __________ .
Ingredients and dishes vary by province. Many regional dishes have become national, and
dishes that were once regional have become popular across the country.
26. A. range B. bunch C. type D. kind
27. A. organised B. held C. prepared D. celebrated
28. A. basic B. main C. chief D. key
29. A. treatment B. recovery C. restoration D. treat
30. A. food B. dish C. recipe D. meal
2. Read the passage and circle A, B or C to answer each question: (1pt)
The Importance of English in Today's World
Nowadays, English is the most international language in the world. There are several factors
that make the English language essential to communication in our current time.
Firstly, it is the most common foreign language. This means that two people who come from
different countries usually use English as a common English to communicate. English is also
essential to the field of education. In many countries, children are taught and encouraged to learn
English as a second language. At the university level, students in many countries study almost all
their subjects in English in order to make the material more accessible to international students. On
the Internet, the majority of websites are written and created in English. Even sites in other languages
often give you the option to translate the site. It is the primary language of the press: more
newspapers and books are written in English than in any other language, and no matter where in the
world you are, you will find some of these books and newspapers available.
Although many people think that it is very difficult and confusing, English is actually the
easiest language of the world to learn because there are so many resources available. As soon as you
decide you want to learn, there are thousands of resources on the Internet and in bookstores. With
good understanding and communication in English, you can travel around the globe. Because it is the
international language for foreigners, it is easy to get assistance and help in every part of the world.
You can test it by online travel. Any travel booking site you can find will have English as a booking
31. When two people having different mother tongues meet each other, they will use, .
A. their own mother tongues to communicate C. a second language as a means of communication
B. the third language to communicate D. English as a means of communication
32. The study material at universities is often written in English so that .
A. scientists can understand it easily C. all international students can follow it
B. it is the dominant language in England
D. all children from many countries understand English
33. All of the following about the role of English on the Internet are true EXCEPT that .
A. most websites are written in English D. most websites have English version
B. websites offer you the option in other languages
C. most programmers created websites in English
34. English is believed by many to be the easiest language of the world to learn because .
A. you can decide you want to learn English C. there are thousands of bookstores available
B. it is not very difficult and confusing D. it is easy to find resources to learn English
35. We can infer from the passage that_________________.
A. you can use English to travel online B. international tourists must know English
C. English makes you travel around the globe
D. it is easy to get help to learn English all over the world

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V. WRITING: (2.5 points)
A - Do as directed : (1 point)
36. They will provide all the information you need for the report tomorrow.
(Rewrite the sentence without changing its original meaning, using passive form.)
→ All the information _________________________________________________.
37. I think you should study harder for the final examination.
(Rewrite the sentence, using conditional sentence. You must use 7 WORDS)
→ If ___________________________, _________________ for the final examination.
38. The class watched the film yesterday. The film was about the Apolo 13 space mission.
(Combine two sentences into one, using a relative clause.)
→ The film _________________________________________________.
39. I’ll show you the used bookstore. You can find old dictionaries in this store.
(Combine two sentences into one, using a relative clause.)
→ I’ll _________________________________________________.
40. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. You must use 6
WORDS, including the word given.
Nancy can speak both English and Japanese perfectly. (bilingual)
→ Nancy _________________________________________________.
B. How do you think the roles of teenagers will change in the future? Write a paragraph of at
least 120 words about it. In your writing, you should include:
- What the change is
- Why you think the change will happen
- What this change will mean for society


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