NUR-514 Rubric - The Evolution of Nursing Informatics Presentation

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The Evolution of Nursing Informatics Presentation - Rubric Total 150 points

Criterion 1. Unsatisfactory 2. Insufficient 3. Approaching 4. Acceptable 5. Target

Nursing Informatics 0 points 6 points 6.6 points 6.9 points 7.5 points
A definition of nursing A definition of nursing A general definition of A clear definition of nursing A thorough and accurate
Nursing Informatics informatics is omitted. informatics is only partially nursing informatics is informatics is presented. definition of nursing
Definition presented. presented. informatics is presented. The
definition demonstrates
insight into field.

History and Evolution of 0 points 6 points 6.6 points 6.9 points 7.5 points
Nursing Informatics
The history of the field of The history of the field of The history of the field of The history of the field of The history of the field of
History and Evolution of nursing informatics, nursing informatics, nursing informatics, nursing informatics, nursing informatics,
Nursing Informatics including how the specialty including how the specialty including how the specialty including how the specialty including how the specialty
has evolved, is omitted. has evolved, is only partially has evolved, is summarized. has evolved, is discussed. has evolved, is accurately
discussed. Information or support is Some detail or rationale is and concisely discussed.
needed. needed for clarity.

Effect of Nursing 0 points 12 points 13.2 points 13.8 points 15 points

The effect of nursing The effect of nursing The effect of nursing The effect of nursing The effect of nursing
Effect of Nursing Informatics informatics on nursing informatics on nursing informatics on nursing informatics on nursing informatics on nursing
on Nursing Leadership, leadership, clinical practice, leadership, clinical practice, leadership, clinical practice, leadership, clinical practice, leadership, clinical practice,
Clinical Practice, administration, education, administration, education, administration, education, administration, education, administration, education,
Administration, Education, and research is omitted. and research is only partially and research is summarized. and research is discussed. and research is clearly
and Research discussed. Information or support is Some detail or rationale is discussed. The narrative is
needed. needed for clarity. insightful and well

Government Regulation 0 points 12 points 13.2 points 13.8 points 15 points

Effect on Organizational
An explanation for how A partial summary for how A summary for how An explanation for how A thorough explanation for
Policy for Information
organizational policy on organizational policy on organizational policy on organizational policy on how organizational policy on
health information systems health information systems health information systems health information systems health information systems
Government Regulation can be affected or impacted can be affected or impacted can be affected or impacted can be affected or impacted can be affected or impacted
Effect on Organizational by government regulation is by government regulation is by government regulation is by government regulation is by government regulation is
Policy for Information presented. presented. presented. Information or presented. Some detail or presented. The narrative is
Systems support is needed. rationale is needed for well supported.

Nurse-Led Innovation in 0 points 12 points 13.2 points 13.8 points 15 points

Informatics and Quality of
How a nurse-led innovation How a nurse-led innovation A summary on how a nurse- A discussion on how a nurse- An insightful and well-
Patient Care
in the advances in in the advances in led innovation in the led innovation in the supported discussion on how
Nurse-Led Innovation in informatics, including how informatics, including how advances in informatics, advances in informatics, a nurse-led innovation as it
Informatics and Quality of informatics innovation can informatics innovation can including how informatics including how informatics relates to the advances in
Patient Care be used to improve the be used to improve the innovation can be used to innovation can be used to informatics, including how
quality of patient care, is quality of patient care, is improve the quality of improve the quality of informatics innovation can
omitted. partially presented. patient care, is presented. patient care, is presented. be used to improve the
Information or support is quality of patient care, is
needed. presented.

Example of Role of the 0 points 6 points 6.6 points 6.9 points 7.5 points
Nurse in Transforming
An example of the role of the An example of the role of the An example of the role of the An example of the role of the A realistic example of the
Health Care Data
nurse in transforming health nurse in transforming health nurse in transforming health nurse in transforming health role of the nurse in
Example of Role of the Nurse care data into knowledge care data into knowledge care data into knowledge care data into knowledge transforming health care
in Transforming Health Care that can improve patient care that can improve patient care that can improve patient care that can improve patient care data into knowledge that can
Data using nursing informatics using nursing informatics using nursing informatics using nursing informatics improve patient care using
practice is omitted. practice is only partially practice is summarized. practice is presented. Some nursing informatics practice
discussed. There are inaccuracies or detail or rationale is needed is presented. The example
minor omissions. for clarity. demonstrates a clear
understanding of how the
advanced registered nurse
can use heath care data to
help improve quality patient

Required Sources 0 points 6 points 6.6 points 6.9 points 7.5 points
Required Sources Sources are not included. Number of required
© 2024. sources
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required sources
Reserved. Number of required sources Number of required
is met, but sources are is met. Sources are current, resources is met. Sources are
Criterion 1. Unsatisfactory 2. Insufficient 3. Approaching 4. Acceptable 5. Target
is only partially met. outdated or inappropriate. but not all sources are current, and appropriate for
appropriate for the the assignment criteria and
assignment criteria and nursing content.
nursing content.

Presentation of Content 0 points 24 points 26.4 points 27.6 points 30 points

Presentation of Content The content lacks a clear The content is vague in The presentation slides are The content is written with a The content is written clearly
point of view and logical conveying a point of view and generally competent, but logical progression of ideas and concisely. Ideas
sequence of information. does not create a strong ideas may show some and supporting information universally progress and
Includes little persuasive sense of purpose. Includes inconsistency in organization exhibiting a unity, coherence, relate to each other. The
information. Sequencing of some persuasive or in their relationships to and cohesiveness. Includes project includes motivating
ideas is unclear. information. each other. persuasive information from questions and advanced
reliable sources. organizers. The project gives
the audience a clear sense of
the main idea.

Layout 0 points 12 points 13.2 points 13.8 points 15 points

Layout The layout is cluttered, The layout shows some The layout uses horizontal The layout background and The layout is visually pleasing
confusing, and does not use structure, but appears and vertical white space text complement each other and contributes to the
spacing, headings, and cluttered and busy or appropriately. Sometimes and enable the content to be overall message with
subheadings to enhance the distracting with large gaps of the fonts are easy to read, easily read. The fonts are appropriate use of headings,
readability. The text is white space or a distracting but in a few places the use of easy to read and point size subheadings, and white
extremely difficult to read background. Overall fonts, italics, bold, long varies appropriately for space. Text is appropriate in
with long blocks of text, small readability is difficult due to paragraphs, color, or busy headings and text. length for the target
point size for fonts, and lengthy paragraphs, too background detracts and audience and to the point.
inappropriate contrasting many different fonts, dark or does not enhance The background and colors
colors. Poor use of headings, busy background, overuse of readability. enhance the readability of
subheadings, indentations, bold, or lack of appropriate the text.
or bold formatting is evident. indentations of text.

Language Use and 0 points 12 points 13.2 points 13.8 points 15 points
Audience Awareness
Inappropriate word choice Some distracting Language is appropriate to The writer is clearly aware of The writer uses a variety of
(includes sentence
and lack of variety in inconsistencies in language the targeted audience for the audience, uses a variety of sentence constructions,
construction, word choice,
language use are evident. choice (register) or word most part. appropriate vocabulary for figures of speech, and word
Writer appears to be choice are present. The the targeted audience, and choice in distinctive and
Language Use and Audience unaware of audience. Use of writer exhibits some lack of uses figures of speech to creative ways that are
Awareness (includes primer prose indicates writer control in using figures of communicate clearly. appropriate to purpose,
sentence construction, word either does not apply figures speech appropriately. discipline, and scope.
choice, etc.) of speech or uses them

Mechanics of Writing 0 points 6 points 6.6 points 6.9 points 7.5 points
Includes spelling, Errors in grammar or syntax Frequent and repetitive Occasional mechanical errors Few mechanical errors are No mechanical errors are
capitalization, punctuation, are pervasive and impede mechanical errors are are present. Language choice present. Suitable language present. Skilled control of
grammar, language use, meaning. Incorrect language present. Inconsistencies in is generally appropriate. choice and sentence language choice and
sentence structure, etc. choice or sentence structure language choice or sentence Varied sentence structure is structure are used. sentence structure are used
errors are found throughout. structure are recurrent. attempted. throughout.

Format/Documentation 0 points 6 points 6.6 points 6.9 points 7.5 points

Uses appropriate style, such Appropriate format is not Appropriate format is Appropriate format and Appropriate format and No errors in formatting or
as APA, MLA, etc., for college, used. No documentation of attempted, but some documentation are used, documentation are used with documentation are present.
subject, and level; sources is provided. elements are missing. although there are some only minor errors. Selectivity in the use of direct
documents sources using Frequent errors in obvious errors. quotations and synthesis of
citations, footnotes, documentation of sources sources is demonstrated.
references, bibliography, etc., are evident.
appropriate to assignment
and discipline.

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