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Vocabulary and definitions

cloudy (adj) grey or white sky, you can’t see the sun
cold (adj) not hot
dry (adj) without rain or water
hot (adj) not cold
icy (adj) with frozen water on the ground, can be dangerous
rainy (adj) with water coming from the sky
snowy (adj) with soft, white, cold drops coming from the sky
stormy (adj) with strong wind, rain, or snow
sunny (adj) with a lot of light from the sun
warm (adj) temperature between hot and cold
wet (adj) with a lot of water
windy (adj) with a lot of moving air

A. Order the letters to spell the weather adjectives.
1. yowns snowy 5. romtsy stormy
2. dolyuc cloudy 6. niary rainy
3. dinwy windy 7. yic icy
4. nusny sunny 8. lodc cold

B. Match the halves.

1. It’s rainy today. a. It’s very icy today.
2. Winter is b. Let’s stay in and watch a film.
3. In spring, it’s c. Do you want to build a snowman?
4. When it’s very stormy, d. the cold season.
5. Oh, today is so sunny. e. often very wet and the plants grow.
6. Don’t forget your sun hat. f. the trees can fall down.
7. Oh my God! It’s snowy out! g. Can we go to the beach?
8. Drive carefully. h. It’s really hot today. You need to protect your

C. Complete the sentences with a weather adjective and your own ideas.
1. When it’s sunny I like to … because …
2. My favourite weather is … because …
3. My least favourite weather is … because …
4. When it’s rainy, my family …
5. I prefer hot / cold weather because …
6. When it’s warm out, I usually wear …
7. When it’s stormy, I usually feel … because …
8. If it’s snowy, I usually …

D. Read the text and write T (true) or F (false) next to the sentences.
1. A polar climate is always very wet.
2. It is always snowy in Antarctica.
3. It almost never rains in polar climates.
4. Polar bears and penguins live in the same place.
5. The summers in polar climates are hot.
6. People catch animals in polar climates for food.
E. Order the words to make sentences in the present continuous.
1. saving / to buy / money / He’s / a car.
2. aren’t / the teacher. / listening to / The students
3. looking for / their car / are / My parents / keys.
4. to Japan. / We’re / a trip / planning
5. in / studying / her room. / My sister / is
6. can’t / you. / She’s / She / music. / listening to / hear
7. go to / we / It’s / raining / now. / not / the park? / Can
8. a great / reading / minute. / book / I’m / at the

F. Write these present simple sentences in the present continuous.

1. Do you read a book?
2. She doesn’t watch a film.
3. What do you do tonight?
4. The teacher talks a lot.
5. I listen to music in my room.
6. She studies for the maths exam.
7. We speak English in class.
8. I don’t cook in the kitchen.

G. Choose the correct form of the verb, present simple or present continuous.
1. You can take the magazine. I don’t read / ‘m not reading it.
2. I usually am going / go to school by bus.
3. ‘Where is Ella?’ ‘She is having / has a shower’.
4. I don’t do / ‘m not doing sport very often.
5. Can you hear that? Our neighbours have / are having a party.
6. I don’t really like / ‘m not really liking hamburgers.
7. Can you repeat please? I’m not understanding / I don’t understand.
8. ‘What are you watching / do you watch?’ ‘A film, it’s great!’

H. Write the verb in brackets in present simple or present continuous.

Hi all! I 1. … (write) from New York. Right now, I 2. … (sit) in my apartment because it 3. … (rain) outside.
When it 4. … (rain) here, I like to stay inside and 5. … (watch) films. Sometimes my friend Sara 6. …
(come) over and we play board games. She 7. … (not like) watching films so much. Sara 8. … (prefer)
when the weather is sunny and hot. She 9. … (study) Marine Biology in university at the minute so she
10. … (love) going to the beach. I prefer the city. We always have a good time together, wherever we are.

Listening and Language Skills

I. Complete the conversations with the correct phrase from the box.

(in a house)
A: It’s your first time in our home. 1. …
B: Thank you. 2. … be here and see your beautiful home.
A: I hope it won’t be your last time here.
B: Me too.
(in school)
C: 3. … be planning the school dance.
D: Me too, it’s a very cool job and lots of fun too.
C: You’re making the music at the party too, right? 4. …
D: It is! I’m looking forward to it.

J. Read the tips for writing an informal email.
• Be friendly – use an informal tone.
• Open and close – use correct phrases for starting and finishing your email.
• Organise – use paragraphs to organise your ideas.
• Check your work – when you finish, read your email again to check your spelling and grammar.

You are travelling with your school class. Write an email to your family and tell them about what you
are doing. Talk about the weather. Use the tips above and the vocabulary from the unit to help you.

Plan Opening and Closing:

Paragraph 1:

Paragraph 2:

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