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English 4 Science Classroom

Nama: Helfaya Nauri Praramadhanti

NIM : 170210104080

Review on Tenses

• simple

Past •

perfect continuous
• simple

Present •

perfect continous
• simple

Future •

perfect continous


Tenses Main meaning* and

sentence example
Simple past The action ended in the past
ex; Microfossil such as pollen grains were important to
determine vegetational changes over period of time.

Past Progressive/continous The action happened over time (during specific time) in the past
ex; The infection of root hairs was happening during soil

1 Pre-Knowledge Assessment
English 4 Science Classroom

Past perfect The action happened and finished before something else in the
ex; The tornado had subsided before the plane landed
Past perfect continous The action was happening over time before something in the past.
ex; The DNA coil had been dishevelling before the enzym took
Ex; The wave disintegrated wonderful because wind had been
blowing smoothly.
*please pay attention on the verb.

Tenses Main meaning*

Simple present The action is a habit or a fact or something that happen right at
the moment.
ex; Crop science deals with the production of plants which are of
economic importance to human beings.
ex; Some important aspects of livestock production are animal
selection, pests and diseases control, animal breeding.
Ex; Blood vessels usually form cappilaries

Present Progressive/continous The action is happening right now.

Ex; The sun rays are penetrating the forest canopy.
Ex; Meristem cell is dividing rapidly.
Present perfect - This action started in the past and has continued until
now. (with time frame on the sentence).  similar to
present perfect continous
Ex; The body has preserved in cryogen for a decade.

- The action ended in the past but the time is not clear
(without time frame on the sentence).  similar to simple
Ex; The water vapour has drawn to the mid air due to
system failure.
Present perfect continous This action started in the past and has continued until now.
Ex; The electric current has been magnifying using specific
*please pay attention on the verb.

Tenses Main meaning*

Future The action is happening in the future
Ex; The change in wind direction will affect the course of sea

2 Pre-Knowledge Assessment
English 4 Science Classroom

Ex; The loss of an electron is going to determine the neutrality of
an atom.

Future Progressive/continous The action will happen over time in the future
Ex; All microorganism will be growing exponentially under
favorable condition.
Future perfect The action will happen before something in the future.
Ex: The lioness will have finished grooming her cubs by the time
the lion arrives from hunting.
Future perfect continous The action will happen over time before something in the future.
Ex: The climate change will have been happening for over two
decades when the Paris Act signed
*please pay attention on the verb.

Lets work together

Complete the sentences below with suitable form of verbs according to its tenses!
(Verbs are already provided in the infinitive form)

1. New type of brain cell (discovers) in human.

2. Rosehip neuron (connected) to another type of neuron called pyramidal neuron.
3. Its absence in laboratory animals (highlight) the unique nature of the human brain.
4. They (seem) to regulate the flow of information to certain parts of the brain.
5. The brain tissue samples (take) from the top layer of the cortex.
6. The brain part (responsible) for human consciousness and other higher function.
7. Rosehip neuron (to be) smaller and more dense with a bushy shape.
8. Microplastics (to be) small particles of plastic that are smaller than 5 mm.
9. Depression (to be) 40% genetics.
10. Scientist (find) nearly 80 different genes that influence in the onset of depression in

3 Pre-Knowledge Assessment
English 4 Science Classroom

Your turn

A. Complete the sentences below with suitable form of verbs according to its tenses!
(Verbs are already provided in the infinitive form).

1. Synaps (are) the juction or tiny connector that allow brain cells to communicate with
each other.
2. Serotonin (had) a “feel good” neurotransmitter involved in brain’s communication
3. Previous studies (revealed) an association between depression and serotonin.
4. Scientist (has identified) a gene that could amplify or reduce stress.
5. Scientist (had been pinpointing) 5 genes variants that may increase the risk of
suicidal behavior.
6. A toxin (found) in bee venom can destroy HIV while leaving normal cells unharmed.
7. Melittin (has been showing) antiviral activity againts HIV and other viruses.
8. Plant roots (grow) and (enter) the cervices of rocks.
9. Following further splitting, the rocks (will eventually) break up into smaller
fragments and particles.
10. Liquid and gas (will be occupying) the whole system under high pressure.
11. Human activities (will have been banishing) to keep the deep forest pristine.
12. Darwin (had predicted) that the fossil record would yield intermediate links between
the great groups of organisms.
13. Comparative studies of animals (have provided) strong evidence for darwin’s theori
14. The bones are said to be homologous in the different vertebrates.
15. Any substance in the universe that (has) mass and (occupies) space (is) defined as

B. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box!

have been developed called needs was has been showed is digest is going to
has become have been obtained was shown will absorbs allows

Molecular biotechnology (allows) researchers to transfer particular units of genetic

information between organisms to improve their values. Engineering discipline of biology
(called) synthetic biology. Unlike biotechnology field, synthetic biology (is) standard parts
that can be put together to build circuits that (needs) modify biological functions. One
advanced treatment (have been development) membrane bioreactor process. Cell
immobilization to hollow fiber membrane bioreactor (absorbs) to improve bioreactor design.
In wastewater treatment, water (was) run over the biofilm, and microorganism ( have been
obtained) undesirable compounds. Exterior silica coat (is going to) help to prevent biofilm
breakage as well as act as a mechanical filter to remove any large particles from the water.
Contamination by inorganic matter such as heavy metal (has become) serious environmental
problem, too. Several organism (was shown) mechanism to protect the cell from heavy metal

4 Pre-Knowledge Assessment
English 4 Science Classroom

exposure. Heavy metals-resistant and metallothionein-producing bacteria (digest) from

natural resources in Indonesia, one of which is in a gold mine in the villa Pongkor, Bogor.
Bacteria Brevundimonas sp. (has been showed) to accumulate heavy metals, especially
mercury in gold mining.


Don’t forget to always list your unknown vocabulary!

Strange Words The Synonim
*Add more rows as much as you need it

5 Pre-Knowledge Assessment

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