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CALLS have been made for

the Irish government to ac-

knowledge that previous
administrations failed to
protect murder victims from
republican killers during the
The UUPs Danny Kennedy
and the DUPs Arlene Foster
yesterday told Irish taoi-
seach Enda Kennedy that
the Republics governments,
from 1970 to 1997, virtually
turned a blind eye to shock-
ing atrocities. Mr Kenny said
he shared the sense of loss
with regard to all victims and
agreed to meet some of their
Plea to Irish
THE crisis over proposals to
remove Royal emblems from
the prison service which
led to First Minister Peter
Robinson threatening to
resign was triggered by a
single prison employee, the
News Letter can reveal.
The man, who spoke on
condition of anonymity,
contacted TUV leader Jim
Allister last week asking him
to question Justice Minister
David Ford about plans to
remove the Crown from
prison service badges.
emblem fury
Face up to past,
unionist tells SF
THE frst Ulster Unionist to ever
address a Sinn Fein conference
will tonight tell republicans
to confront the bloody and
immoral actions of the IRA.
UUP deputy leader John
McCallister will speak at a
united Ireland debate in Newry
at which Gerry Adams, Martin
McGuinness and numerous
other senior republicans will be
But following outrage from
many IRA victims at the Rev
David Latimers speech to Sinn
Feins Ard Fheis, where he
described Mr McGuinness as a
great leader, the UUP man will
tonight tell republicans they
need to show remorse for the
systematic murder of innocent
Protestants and Catholics.
A copy of the speech seen by the
News Letter contains a series of
tough messages for republicans
as well as a carefully-argued
defence of the Union.
In the speech, the South Down
MLA welcomes the fact that in
the new political dispensation he
can attend an event organised
by former IRA men but not fear
to argue vociferously against
Political Correspondent
Concert tribute to
Sleeping Warrior
Tigers hold no
fears for Ulster
The pride of Northern Ireland
Since 1737
Price: 82p (IR 1.30 EURO) Saturday, November 19, 2011
Joining in the fun at this
years BBC Children in
Need at W5, Belfast, are
Melissa Elliott and Nicky
Viewers across Northern
Ireland were yesterday
treated to a fantastic
night of entertainment
including stories from
local children and
young people who have
been supported by the
charity and the fun and
unusual ways in which
local people have been
raising money to make a
At around 11pm last
night the running total
raised throughout the UK
was 15.2m.
Bearing up
for Children
in Need
ONeill outlines key
priorities for future
PUTTING in place an effective Farming & Food Development Strategy for Northern Ireland is one of the four key agri/rural planks to the Programme for Government, which was signed off by the Stormont Executive this week. And Farm Minister Michelle ONeill believes the work of the Food Strategy Board, which will
be established to oversee the aforementioned project, should start to bear fruit within months of its setup. She is also of the view that the overall agri-food development strategy, when fnally agreed, will complement the 2020 Harvest Report endorsed by the Irish government last year. This scheme commits a number of the largest agri and food sectors in the Republic of Ireland to increase overall output by 50% over the
next eight years. An independent chairman of the new Food Strategy Board will be appointed in January, the Minister told Farming Life. Its work will involve an input from both DARD, DETI and Invest NI However, it will be driven by the various representative groups operating within the farming and food sectors. I am hopeful that the key strategic issues for development can be identifed and agreed within the coming
months. Also included in the Programme for Government is a commitment to tackle rural poverty and isolation. The Executive envisages that up to 13 million can be made available over the next three years to meet this need. The need to tackle the issue of rural poverty is a very real one and my offcials will be drawing up proposals over the coming months with the aim of ensuring that the
Ram breeders
Ulster Bank farm
PAGES 32-33
Saturday, November 19, 2011
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ew 0ue Avant MedeI avaiIabIe in 2011
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Sophie McAllister, from Kells, pictured with her prizes at the Beltex annual dinner awards evening at the Ross Park Hotel, Kells. Report and more pictures on pages 34 and 35
Continued on page three
See page 8
See page 11
See page 6
PICTURE: William

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