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Louzeil Marie M.

Tusloc Quarter 2- Module 2




Lesson 1: Reproduction and Development

What I know:
Definition of Terms:
1. Asexual Reproduction - Reproduction without the involvement of gametes.
2. Sexual Reproduction - Reproduction involving the fusion of gametes from two
3. Fission - A form of asexual reproduction where an organism splits into two or more
parts, each of which can grow into a new organism.
4. Fragmentation - Another form of asexual reproduction where an organism breaks
into fragments, with each fragment growing into a new organism.
5. Budding - A form of asexual reproduction where a new organism develops as an
outgrowth or bud from the parent organism.
6. Sporulation - The formation of spores, often as part of a reproductive process.
7. Isogamy - Sexual reproduction involving gametes that are similar in size and shape.
8. Heterogamy - Sexual reproduction involving gametes that are dissimilar in size
and/or shape.
9. Bisexual Reproduction - Reproduction involving the fusion of gametes from two
different sexes or mating types.
10. Development - The process through which an organism grows and matures from a
single cell into a complex multicellular organism.
11. Haploid - Having a single set of chromosomes.
12. Diploid - Having two sets of chromosomes.
13. Gametogenesis - The process of gamete formation.
14. Fertilization - The fusion of gametes to form a zygote.
15. Cleavage - The division of cells during early embryonic development.
16. Gastrulation - The process by which a blastula develops into a gastrula with distinct
layers of cells.
17. Organogenesis - The process of organ formation during embryonic development.
18. Growth - Increase in size or mass of an organism.
19. Follicular Phase - The phase of the menstrual cycle during which follicles in the
ovary mature.
20. Ovulation - The release of a mature egg from the ovary.

What’s New

I. Differentiate Asexual Reproduction and Sexual Reproduction.
Asexual Reproduction vs. Sexual Reproduction:
A. Asexual Reproduction:
 Involves only one parent.
 Offspring are genetically identical to the parent.
 Does not involve the fusion of gametes.
 Typically results in the rapid production of numerous offspring.
 Examples include fission, budding, fragmentation, sporulation, etc.

B. Sexual Reproduction:
 Involves two parents.
 Offspring inherit genetic material from both parents.
 Involves the fusion of specialized haploid gametes (sperm and egg).
 Produces genetically diverse offspring.
 Examples include the fusion of sperm and egg in animals, and pollen and ovule in plants.

II. Types of Asexual Reproduction and Examples:

a. Fission:
Example - Bacteria divide into two identical cells through binary fission.
b. Budding:
Example - Hydra produces offspring through budding, where a new individual grows as an
outgrowth on the parent.
c. Fragmentation:
Example - Flatworms regenerate from body fragments, with each piece developing into a
new worm.
d. Sporulation:
Example - Fungi reproduce via spores, which can grow into new fungi when conditions are

III. Summarize the differences between asexual and sexual reproduction.

Number of Parents Involved One Two

Gametes Not Involved Specialized haploid gametes

Genetic Composition of Genetically identical to Genetically diverse, inherit

offspring parent traits from both parents

What’s More
1. Haplontic Life Cycle Dominant stage is haploid, seen in fungi
and some algae.
2. Diplontic Life Cycle Dominant stage is diploid, common in
animals like humans.
3. Haplodiplontic (or Haplodiplobiontic) Alternates between haploid
Life Cycle: (gametophyte) and diploid (sporophyte)
stages, found in plants and some algae.

Lesson 2: Nutrition

Definition of Terms:
1. Nutrient: Essential substances for growth and energy.
2. Autotrophs: Organisms that produce their own food.
3. Heterotrophs: Organisms that rely on other organisms for food.
4. Symplast route: Movement of substances through interconnected plant cells.
5. Apoplast route: Movement of substances through cell walls and intercellular
6. Root hairs: Tiny extensions of roots for increased surface area.
7. Root nodules: Structures on roots containing nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
8. Mycorrhizae: Symbiotic association between fungi and plant roots.
9. Calorie: Unit of energy derived from food.
10. Carbohydrates: Primary source of energy for organisms.
11. Proteins: Nutrients essential for growth and repair.
12. Fats: Energy-rich molecules essential for cell function.
13. Amino acids: Building blocks of proteins.
14. Fatty acids: Components of fats and oils.
15. Phagocytosis: Cell engulfing solid particles for digestion.
16. Pinocytosis: Cell engulfing fluids for digestion.
17. Digestive system: Organ system responsible for nutrient breakdown.
18. Endocytosis: Process of engulfing substances into cells.
19. Ingestion: Intake of food into the digestive system.
20. Digestion: Breakdown of food into smaller molecules.
21. Absorption: Uptake of nutrients by cells.
22. Elimination: Removal of waste products from the body.

What’s New:

Letter Part of the plant Function or job

A. Side root To hold the plant in the
B. Stem To support the plant
and water and
C. Midrib It helps the leaf to keep
in an upright position
D. Flower To facilitate
E. Leaf To produce food for
the plant by
F. Lateral Roots To increase the surface
area for water and
nutrient absorption.
G. Soil or Root Cap. Not a part of the plant
(no function as a plant

Root cap protects the

growing tip in plants.

What’s More
1. Illustrate the steps in the digestive system. Label the organs involved and
specify their functions.
 Ingestion:
 Food enters the mouth through the process of ingestion.
 Mouth:
 Function: Mechanical digestion begins as the teeth chew food into smaller pieces.
 Function: Chemical digestion starts as salivary glands secrete saliva containing
enzymes like amylase, which break down carbohydrates into simpler sugars.
 Pharynx:
 Function: Acts as a passageway for food to move from the mouth to the esophagus.
 Esophagus:
 Function: Muscular tube that transports food from the pharynx to the stomach using
peristaltic contractions.
Function: No digestion occurs in the esophagus.
 Stomach:
 Function: Stores and mixes food with gastric juices, including hydrochloric acid and
enzymes such as pepsin, initiating the breakdown of proteins.
 Function: Gastric juices also help kill bacteria in ingested food.
 Function: Food is churned into a semi-liquid substance called chyme.
 Small Intestine:
 Function: Receives chyme from the stomach for further digestion and absorption.
 Duodenum:
 Function: Receives bile from the liver and gallbladder to emulsify fats, aiding in
their digestion and absorption.
 Function: Receives pancreatic enzymes (lipase, proteases, and amylase) that
break down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates respectively.
 Jejunum and Ileum:
 Function: Main sites of nutrient absorption, where nutrients are absorbed into the
bloodstream through the intestinal wall.
 Function: Villi and microvilli increase the surface area for absorption.
 Liver:
 Function: Produces bile, which is stored in the gallbladder and released into the
duodenum to aid in fat digestion.
 Function: Detoxifies harmful substances in the blood.
 Function: Stores glycogen, vitamins, and minerals.
 Gallbladder:
 Function: Stores and concentrates bile produced by the liver.
 Function: Releases bile into the duodenum to emulsify fats.
 Pancreas:
 Function: Produces pancreatic enzymes (lipase, proteases, and amylase) and
 Function: Bicarbonate neutralizes the acidic chyme from the stomach.
 Function: Pancreatic enzymes aid in the digestion of fats, proteins, and
carbohydrates in the small intestine.
 Large Intestine (Colon):
 Function: Absorbs water and electrolytes from undigested food, forming feces.
 Function: Houses beneficial bacteria that aid in the breakdown of remaining
nutrients and the production of certain vitamins.
 Rectum:
 Function: Stores feces until they are ready to be expelled.
 Anus:
 Function: Exit point for feces to be eliminated from the body during defecation.

What’s I’ve Learned

1. Give three examples of nutrient deficiencies in plants and the corresponding
3 Nutrients: ( Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium)

1.Nitrogen Deficiency:
-Yellowing of leaves (chlorosis), starting with the older leaves and eventually affecting
younger leaves.
-Older leaves may become completely yellow and drop off.
-Overall reduction in the plant's vigor and delayed flowering.

2. Phosphorus Deficiency:
-Dark green or purplish coloration of the foliage, particularly in older leaves, due to the
accumulation of anthocyanin pigments
-Leaves might show signs of necrosis or death, especially along the edges.
-Delayed maturity and poor seed or fruit development.

3. Potassium Deficiency:
-Yellowing of leaf edges which progresses to browning or necrosis of the edges and tips
of leaves.
-Increased susceptibility to diseases and pests as potassium is crucial for the overall
health and immune functions of the plant.
-Fruit and flowers may be of poor quality, smaller in size, and reduced in number.

2. Research on examples of parasitic plants and predator plants. Give an example for
each. What structural adaptations are present in these plants that allow them to acquire
nutrition through parasitism and predation?
A. Parasitic Plants Example: Mistletoe( Viscum Album )
-Structural Adaptations: Mistletoe has specialized organs called haustoria that
penetrate the host's bark to tap into the vascular system, allowing the mistletoe to
absorb water and nutrients directly from the host plant.
B. Predator Plants Example: ( Venus FlyTrap( Dionaea Muscipula )
-Structural Adaptations: The Venus Flytrap has modified leaves that form a hinged
trap with hair-like structures called trigger hairs on the inner surfaces. When an insect
contacts these hairs, the trap snaps shut, enclosing the prey. Glands on the leaf
surfaces then secrete digestive enzymes to break down the ins Xect, allowing the plant
to absorb the nutrients.

3. What contributes to the absorption capacity of the small intestine?

ANSWER:The absorption capacity of the small intestine is enhanced by its large surface
area provided by villi and microvilli, its extensive length of about 20 feet, a rich blood
supply with a dense network of capillaries in each villus, specialized epithelial cells that
facilitate nutrient uptake through active and passive transport mechanisms, and a semi-
permeable membrane that allows selective transport of nutrients.

4. Why doesn’t gastric juice destroy the stomach cells that make it?
ANSWER: Gastric juice doesn’t destroy the stomach cells that produce it because these
cells secrete a protective mucus layer that coats the stomach lining and neutralizes the
acid, safeguarding the stomach's own tissues from damage.

5. What are the cells making up the gastric glands of the stomach?
ANSWER: The cells making up the gastric glands of the stomach include parietal cells
that secrete hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor, chief cells that produce pepsinogen,
mucous neck cells that secrete mucus and bicarbonate, and G cells that produce the
hormone gastrin.
Lesson 3: Gas Exchange

What I know
Definition of Terms:
 Respiration is the exchange of gases between an organism and its
environment, involving the intake of oxygen and the release of carbon

 Cellular respiration is the biochemical process within cells that

converts glucose and oxygen into energy (ATP) and carbon dioxide.

 Positive pressure breathing is a breathing mechanism where air is

forced into the lungs by increasing the pressure in the respiratory
system. It's observed in amphibians and some reptiles.

 Negative pressure breathing is a breathing mechanism where air is

drawn into the lungs by decreasing the pressure in the respiratory
system, facilitated by the contraction of the diaphragm. It's found in
mammals like humans.

 Air sacs are thin-walled, inflatable structures found in the respiratory

systems of certain animals, such as birds, aiding in efficient ventilation
and gas exchange.

 Oxygen transport involves the movement of oxygen from the lungs to

cells throughout the body via the bloodstream, primarily carried by
hemoglobin in red blood cells.

 Carbon dioxide transport is the process of moving carbon dioxide from

cells to the lungs for exhalation. It occurs primarily through dissolution
in plasma as bicarbonate ions or binding to hemoglobin in red blood

What’s I’ve Learned

Multiple Choice:Choose the letter of the correct answer.
( My answer is underlined ).

1. Which of these is the correct equation for photosynthesis?

a. carbon dioxide + water → glucose + oxygen
2. Which gas is released when plant cells respire aerobically?
b. Carbon dioxide
3. When does respiration happen in plants?
a. All the time
4. There is an overall uptake of carbon dioxide and release of oxygen by a plant under
conditions. Which statement about such a plant is correct?
c. Photosynthesis is happening faster than respiration
5. How do plants obtain the carbon dioxide they need for photosynthesis?
a. By osmosis
b. By diffusion
6. Which of these is an adaptation of leaves for efficient gas exchange?
c. Tiny pores, called stomata, in the lower epidermis
7. What happens to stomata in the light?
a. Their guard cells absorb water by osmosis, become turgid and the stomata
8. When is the movement of carbon dioxide, oxygen and water vapour at the surface of
the leaf likely to be greatest?
a. When the stomata are open
9. What colour would hydrogencarbonate indicator be at high concentrations of carbon
c. Yellow
10. Net gas exchange from a leaf can be investigated using hydrogencarbonate indicator
in a stoppered tube. Why might one of the test leaves be boiled first?
b. To show that a leaf has to be alive for it to affect the amount of carbon dioxide
in the tube

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