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Hello dear, I am General Carey from United States and i work with the United

i was going through your wall, i saw your picture and went through yourprofile,
and it captivated me to add you as my friend because i see you as aresponsible
May I know your name, your country, your job?
I will be pleasedif you give me this opportunity for me to be your friend and know
you more dear.
I will be expecting your reply


Hi, thanks a lot my dear friend for your reply and it is my pleasure having you
asmy friend
and what name should i call you often.
Knowing one another is a gradualprocess and here are few things I think you should
know about me.
I am Americansoldier and before I was serving in the UK/American Army base in
Scotland UK
but right now I am leading a troop in Afghanistan,
I am serving in the military of the3rd Infantry Division in Afghanistan.
I am 55 years old and I lost my wife 2 yearsago and we had 1 daughter together
before her death.
I have been on duty here for1 years and my assignment duty will be over in 2 months
I am commanding�about 3,000 soldiers here in Kabul Afghanistan.
It's so nice to have you as my newfriend and i pray that the almighty God will help
us have a mutual friendship
thatwill profit our children and grandchildren in future.... Amen!!!!
Please let meknow everything about you in your next reply as I am having special
feelings foryou.
I am waiting for your next reply and Looking forward for more steady contactwith
you as well.
God bless you

Oh you are already married .
I have wanted a long lasting relationship with you .
you are a responsible woman and i have feelings for you my dear .
I hope to hear from you soon

Re-opened account




My dear , my selecting you was not by random .

i was searching for an old friendhere on facebook and your profile came out as
people having similar name
and yourpicture captivated me to add you as my friend and since then i can't get
yourpicture off my mind .
I hope you don't mind being my friend ?
I want to let you know that distance is nota barrier to any relationship because by
the grace of God ,
i will be back soon .
I hope to hear from you soon

Hi, Thank you so much for your lovely message,
It's really nice to learn about youa
nd I am very pleased with everything you told me about yourself
and I hope andpray that we will both build a strong and reliable friendship that
will stand thetest of times.
It is my pleasure for us to always share our life stories togetherand get to know
each other more better.
I am having a special feelings for you andi hope we can build a strong relationship
I also want you to know that, Age, religion or distance doesn't matter to me
All that matters are true feelings and trust,
May the good God blessand protect you and your family.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks and stay blessed.

Hello my darling , Good morning and how was your night
it is morning here and iam about going for my patrol.
Thank you so much for your message,
It's really nice to learn about you and I amvery pleased with everything you told
me about yourself
and I hope and pray that wewill both build a strong and reliable friendship that
will stand the test of times.
It is my pleasure for us to always share our life stories together and get to
knoweach other more better.
I am having a special feelings for you and i hope we canbuild a strong relationship
The name of my daughter is Mary she is 15years old
and she in the military boarding school in my country under theGovernment care.
I am the only child of my parents, my parents died in a planecrash .
Also my wife died of cancer .
I also want you to know that, Age, religion ordistance doesn't matter to me in
All that matters are true feelingsand trust, May the good God bless and protect you
and your family.
I hope to hearfrom you soon.
Please pray me my darling because the killing and bombing is so much and so
manysoldiers have died in this assignment
I really have so much feelings for you and i will not like to loose you .
Please take good care of yourself and i hope to hear from you soon .


are sad i will stay by yourside,

Whenever you need someone to love i will always be there for you.
I love you so much my darling .
please take good care of yourself my sweetheart .
Kisses .
I am going for my patrol now with my boys and i will be glad to hear fro m you
wheni return .
I miss you so much over here .
please pray for me because the killing and bombinghere is so much and so many
soldiers have died in this assignment .
Hello my darling ,How are you doing?
sorry for the late response, it is nice to hear from you.
Its�quite a beautiful evening over here and i am just returning from patrol with
Honestly I feel like the happiest man on Earth because you are my friend .
I know that this is the beginning of our relationship and thanks for sympathieswith
I accepted our relationship with an open mind .
I feel confident that i canconfide in you without fear.
I have been a Soldier all through my life and now thatI have seen someone out of my
I am so pleased to have you in my life asa friend of mine.
I can assure you that whenever you are sad i will stay by yourside,
Whenever you need someone to love i will always be there for you.
i only needyour prayers for God to grant me safety to end this task successfully
and come back.
I forever love you because you are the reason i am happy today .
You are my father , my mother , my brother and sister
because i have none and noone to share my feelings with .
thank you so much for coming into my life at thismy hard moment.
much Love and care my darling .
Good night and sweet dream my sweetheart

Hello my darling ,
thank you very much for your lovely message and understanding .
I am just returning from my duty now and i was thinking about you all day .
I feelvery happy to have a friend like you at this hard time of my life .
I promise youthat i will always be there for you too once i am back from this
assignment .
Do you know, what I say? ......
what I think?.....
what I feel? .....
what Iwish? ......
You want to know?......
As for myobservations, you seem to be a very cool and humble woman.
i must confess to youthat you are beautiful and attractive, you are my kind of
i hope we can bemore close to each other and make a happy home together in future !
Please take good care of yourself my darling .
I wait for your reply soon


Hi my love, Today am so much touched with your mail,my love for you keep
increasingeach time i read a mail from you.
Honey your beauty speaks for my wife.
You are so wonderful and responsible woman.
You are the heart of every man, A bestwife.
Sweetheart,I have crossed many paths in my life,some of them I wish I nevercrossed,
while some I pray never to see and cross again
but I swear the path I met you is one I will cross over and over again
because I bless and cherish the day Ifound you.
I cant wait to be with you to show you what true love is all about
and to fulfillmy promise of being the best husband you can ever dream off,
care and love you with all my heart You are the treasure that i see,
this is the love that i seek for manyyears,you are right beside me now i can feel
My dear all is well with you always and you have a special place in my heart,
i will always share my feelings,love, care,experience and views with you alone,
as far as you still give methe opportunity to be your husband.
Distance kiss and hug.
I wait to hear from you soon.


Hello my darling ,How are you doing my lady?

I hope you are fine over there.
I really admire your personality and also the kind of woman you are.
It has been a very nice andfantastic moment with you,
i must confess, i have never felt the way i am now, youcame into my life when
everything was going down,
with your smiles, your cares you turned my life back again,
I do like to say that I really appreciate your responds and your cares for me and
for this relationship,
it shows how much you really want to know about me,
I believe that the more open we are in a relationship is the morehappiness and
fulfillment we would find.
I am happy to have you dear as my best friend.
Some things cannot be described,some moments cannot be shared, some feelings cannot
be explained,
but nothing canbe hidden from a true friend like you.
I will be happy if we get to know eachother, trust me
I do care very much for you and yearning to meet you as well as tospend the rest of
my life with you
You will be in my thoughts always as you hadalready entered my heart also.
I do want to understand and know you better anddeeper,
could you please share more of what you do daily/schedule with me,
1. What time do you normally wake up?
2. What time do you start work?
3. What doyou do at work?
4. What time do you normally finish work?
5. What do you do afterusually go to bed?
7. What do you do during the weekends/free time?
My dear, knowing a friend like you has made me happy in a million ways, as long
aswe have memories yesterday remains.
As long as we have hope, tomorrow awaits.
Aslong as we have friendship, each day is never a waste.
you presence in my life is asurprise and the surprise brings smile to me .
you are my happiness today.
Best Regards my Darling .
I am expecting to hear from you

Hello my darling ,How are you doing my lady?
I hope you are fine over there.
I really admire yourpersonality and also the kind of woman you are.
It has been a very nice andfantastic moment with you, i must confess, i have never
felt the way i am now,
youcame into my life when everything was going down, with your smiles, your cares
youturned my life back again,
I do like to say that I really appreciate your respondsand your cares for me and
for this relationship,
it shows how much you really wantto know about me,
I believe that the more open we are in a relationship is the morehappiness and
fulfillment we would find.
I am happy to have you dear as my best friend.
Some things cannot be described,
some moments cannot be shared,
some feelings cannot be explained,
but nothing canbe hidden from a true friend like you.
I will be happy if we get to know eachother, trust me
I do care very much for you and yearning to meet you as well as to spend the rest
of my life with you.
You will be in my thoughts always as you had already entered my heart also.
I do want to understand and know you better and deeper,
could you please share more of what you do daily/schedule with me
1. What time do you normally wake up?
2. What do you do for fun?
3. Favorite dish ?
4. What kinds of sports and exercise do you enjoy?
5. What do you do after usually go to bed?
6. What time do you go to work ?
7. What do you do during the weekends/free time?
My dear, knowing a friend like you has made me happy in a million ways, as long
aswe have memories yesterday remains.
As long as we have hope, tomorrow awaits.
Aslong as we have friendship, each day is never a waste.
your presence in my life isa surprise and the surprise brings smile to me .
you are my happiness today.
Best Regards my Darling .
I am expecting to hear from you


Hello honey,
I am just returning from a patrol and i was thinking about you all day long,
we had serious problem here and i thank GOD i was safe, your prayers keep me going.
Iam so thankful with a heart full of joy and happiness, because it is been long
I have been looking for a friend like you
someone who will always be there for me and someone I can always tell my secrets
and someone I could trust and confide in.
GoodRelationship doesn't need any promises terms or conditions,
it just need two wonderful people One cool like me and one sweet like you.
My dear, Keep my love in your heart, a life without you is like a sunless
gardenwhen the flowers are dead.
The consciousness of loving and being loved brings awarmth and richness to life
that nothing else can bring.
I really need you in mylife because you have been my source of happiness ever since
I met you
and I neverthink I can stay without you.
Relationship Is Not How Long you Have Been together
Not How Much you Have Given Or Received Not How Many Times you Have Helped
It is How you VALUE One Another.
I am really excited to have you as my good friend
and I will always have you on mymind because you are God sent friend to me.
I will always be by your side in terms of troubles and will always be courageous
whenever you needed courage.
A sweetersmile, A brighter day, Hope everything turns out better for us tomorrow.
I wish that your candle of HOPE lights all your other candles and keep them
As for my daily activities here ,
we wake up by 4:00
and we are under thesubmission of the Afghanistans
for now we are always patroling in the areas that the terrorists are killing
and bombing so that we can save their citizens and it is very risky
and i will also need your prayers because so many soldiers have lost their lives in
this mission .
May God be with you always and keep you safe for me till i am done with this my
assignment here.
Stay Blessed honey ,
i miss you so much here .

My Darling ,Thank you for your message and for telling me how you feel.
Actually as i told you ,
I entered facebook because I am searching for a wife
andbecause of the nature of my job I can not get the chance and time to meet people
so I decided to use this media because I have promised my child that I must get a
wife and step mother for her soon.
I am glad reading your message and as it stands now Afghanistan is some how calm
and there is no much conflicts
except that there are some bomb explosives once in awhile.As I told you I am
looking for a wife,
I sincerely want to tell you that since I see your picture in this facebook
my heart never go out from you and it may be crazy to tell you this but honestly
I think I am in love with you and would want to have you as my wife
because I needed somebody to be around me now when I go back to my country.

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