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This chapter present the back ground of the study, statement of the problem, research
objective both general and specific objectives, research questions, significances of
the study, limitation and finally present the scope of the study.

1.1 Background to the Study.

Every business exists in order to provide the performance returns that investors have
anticipated. The organization's ability to achieve its goals, mission, and vision is how
performance is evaluated. One of the big questions that scholars of public
management should try to answer through their research is how public managers
break the micromanagement procedure and rule, how public managers motivate their
people towards job satisfaction, and how public managers measure the effectiveness
and result of its employees (Blokydk, 2020).

According to Ingrams, (2020). Described how public managers can motivate public
employees towards achieving public purposes in his article "The Big Questions of
Public Management." In order to guarantee that services are provided to citizens in
an effective and efficient manner, the performance of staff members in public
institutions is crucial.

Essential services including water, energy, healthcare, and education are provided by
public institutions and are crucial to a nation's prosperity and well-being (Ingrams,
2020).Therefore, in order to give the residents high-quality services, it is imperative
that the staff members of these institutions give their all (Oluwajoba, et al., 2019).

But the poor performance of workers in public institutions, especially in developing

nations, has become a significant source of worry in recent years (Kuswati, 2022).
As a result, the quality of services offered to the public has decreased, which may
have detrimental effects on the nation's development.
For a long time, there has been concern in Tanzania regarding the performance of
public sector employees. A number of studies on the variables influencing workers'
job performance were carried out. For instance, James (2022) studied the Shinyanga
Regional Secretariat in Tanzania as a case study of the factors influencing employee
productivity in government organizations in Tanzania.

Effective leadership style, training design, experience, and office communication

were the other variables. The researcher finds that the dependent elements have a
significant impact on employee performance and organization productivity. The
degree of the independent factors' influence on the dependent variable is also
indicated by the size of their coefficients. The findings show that labor productivity-
determining factors have a significant impact on employee productivity (James

Therefore, employees' job performance in the public sector in Tanzania has been
subject to concern for many years, despite the various government efforts to improve
the quality of public service delivery and the quality of employees’ performance at
work (Senkoro., 2022). Many public officials have been accused of poor
performance, inefficiency and ineffectiveness, corruption, and misconduct.

The reasons for poor performance of employees in the public sector are inadequate
training and supervision of employees (Senkoro., 2022).Many public officials lack
the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their duties effectively, leading to low
productivity and poor quality of services.

Another factor that contributes to poor employees’ job performance is corruption.

Public officials who engage in corrupt practices or issues often prioritize their
personal interests over the needs of the public, resulting in substandard service
delivery (James., 2022).

Therefore, to address these challenges, the Tanzanian government has implemented

various reforms aimed at improving the performance of employees in public
institutions. These include the establishment of performance management systems,
training and capacity-building programs, and anti-corruption measures (Tanzania
Anti-Corruption Authority 2019). Various studies presented several contributions to
the employee’s job performance and the issues that can affect their performance at
the workplace. Those studies were conducted in different areas in Tanzania, Africa,
and outside of Africa. An in-depth analysis of those research works gave a deep
understanding of factors affecting employees’ job performance. From the
contribution provided from the various research studies on the factors affecting
employees’ job performance, there is little evidence for the study conducted at Mlele
District Council due to this study being established to fill the gaps.


In today's cutthroat business environment, the private sector is the public sector's
primary rival. The public sector performs worse than the private sector when it
comes to providing services, helping customers solve problems, professionalism,
motivation, payment, and even time management (Ali, 2022). The private sector also
outperforms the public sector in other areas, such as how they treat their employees
and how they handle payments, recognition, and working conditions. The majority of
workers in the public sector are not very motivated, and some of them perform below
par (Alex Ingrams, 2020). Despite the government's efforts to ensure employee
training and development as well as motivation, employees’ performance is not full
enough, and some of them are not committed to performing based on the
requirements of the employment contract, which makes some customers complain
about the services they receive from public services (Satyvendra., 2019). So, based
on that, there are some factors that affect employees’ performance. The purpose of
this study is to assess the factors that affect employees’ job performance in the public

1.3 Research Objective

The generally objective of this study is to assess the factors that affect employees’
job performance in public sector At Mlele District Council.

1.3.1 Specific objective.

i. To investigate how working conditions affect employee job performance at
Mlele DC.
ii. To examine how job recognition contributes to and affects employees’ job
performance at Mlele DC.
iii. To examine how job security affects and influences employee job performance
at Mlele DC.

Research question.

i. How do working conditions affect employee job performance at Mlele DC?

ii. Does job recognition contribute to and affect employees’ job performance at
Mlele DC?
iii. How does job security affect and influence employee job performance at
Mlele DC?

1.4 Scope of the study.

This study was conducted at Mlele District Council, covering all levels of employees
from different departments. This helps in some exploration of the factors affecting
employees’ performance in the public sector, where the research is specific to
assessing three factors, which are the working environment, job security, and
employee recognition.

1.5 Justification of the study.

The purpose of this study is to assess the factors affecting employee’s job
performance in public sector. The study is vital to both employers, employee, and

Employees will benefit by given the opportunity to express their individual views on
factors affecting their performance and its impact at the work place, as well as
provide recommendations for what the organization should do.
The study will also help management, as the results will be presented to them along
with recommendations from the respondents. It will assist management to be aware
with the factors that affect employee’s job performance and find the reasonable
solution on it in order to boost employee’s moral.

Furthermore, the study will serve as an instrument tool to motivate public

organization and management to undertake an employee’s job performance as the
essential tool to enhance good service delivery that will comply with the organization
objectives and its performance.

It will also, inform management about the effects of working condition on

employees’ job performance. It will highlight the employee relations strategies that
organization have been able to make available to their workforce.

Lastly, this study will enable the researcher to fulfill the partial requirement for the
awarded of Bachelor degree of Human Resources Management of Mzumbe

1.6 Limitation of the Study

In the process of conducting this research, the researcher has encountered some
limitations and challenges in the process of conducting research and collecting
information. such as privacy as some data were not disclosed due to privacy
protection, time, shortage of funds, inaccessibility of some information or data,
unavailability and unwillingness of some of the respondents due to the limited
timetable of the targeted respondents in their working place, which made it very
difficult to meet them, no direct willingness to some of the respondents who were
assigned questions by the researcher, and also a shortage of time due to the limited


2.0 Introduction

This chapter consists of the description on the literature review, it will consist on the
projection about how pother authors have presented their literary works in respect to
the topic, also definition of key terms and concepts in relation to employee’s
performance, and lastly it will show the research gape which exists between the other
works and this work.

2.1 Definition of key terms and concepts.

2.2 Theoretical review

2.2.1 Maslow hierarchy of need

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a psychological theory that explains human

motivation, focusing on basic needs and progressing to more advanced ones. Current
Is very difficult to separate between the motivation and employees job performance
due to the fact that employees performance depend on the driven force which start
from internal as well as external which is motivation (Stoyanov, 2019). In order
employees to perform well it depend much on how organization treat employees and
it start on how managers meet psychological requirements of their employees
(Maslow, 2019). According to the theory human needs is grouped into five level
which is Physiological needs, the lowest level of Maslow's hierarchy, are the most
crucial necessities for survival, including shelter, water, food, warmth, rest, and
health, driven by an individual's instinct to survive.

Maslow's second level of requirements, safety needs, are motivated by the need for
law and order, protection from harmful situations, and a sense of security and safety
in one's life and surroundings (Sachs., 2020).

Maslow's third level of needs, love and belonging needs, focuses on human social
interaction and the need for friendship, intimacy, family, and love (Stoyanov, 2019).
These needs are crucial for individuals to feel like they belong in a group, and when
deprived, they can lead to loneliness or depression (Sachs., 2020).

Maslow's fourth level, esteem needs, pertains to a person's desire for recognition,
status, and respect after fulfilling their love and belonging needs, they seek to fulfill
their esteem needs (Maslow, 2019). Self-actualization needs are the fifth and final
level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, focusing on the realization of an individual's
full potential. This level involves acquiring skills, continuing education, using
knowledge and talents, pursuing life dreams, and seeking happiness. Individuals may
strive to become the best parent, friend, millionaire, philanthropist, or famous athlete,
all aiming for personal growth and happiness (Maslow, 2019). This level of
Maslow's hierarchy is crucial for personal growth and success.

From the fact above employees job performance depend on the five stage as
explained and actually Maslow theory is foundation of this study due to it provide
different matters to consider in order to ensure employees a well-motivated in order
to foster their effort on contribution of organization goals especially in public sector.
2.2.2 Herzberg's two factors theory.

Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory is a motivation theory that dictates there are

two types of factors that motivate employees: hygiene factors and motivational
factors. Hygiene factors refer to the requirements necessary for an employee to do
their job, like pay and working conditions (Randhawa, 2019). Another name for
them is maintenance factors because they keep employees from becoming
dissatisfied with their jobs.

Motivational factors, meanwhile, refer to the things that inspire people to do great
work and feel good about doing it, like recognition and achievement (Randhawa,
2019). They're also called growth factors because they can help people grow as
individuals and professionals.

According to Herzberg, hygiene factors, which he termed as dissatisfies usually, do

little contribution to provide job satisfaction as their presence only prevents
dissatisfaction but is not motivating to individuals these factors are extrinsic in nature
and are related to the condition under which job is performed (Sachs., 2020)..

Motive factors; these are based on individuals need for personal growth which
consists of recognition, advancement, sense of achievement, growth and promotional
opportunities, responsibility, meaningfulness of the work (Sachs., 2020). The
presence of these factors in the job creates a motivating environment.

But their absence does not cause dissatisfaction. Employees are not motivated by
hygiene factors like salaries alone buts there are various other factors than the salary
which can motivate employees to perform well to their roles and duties and

Base on that there different factors which may affect employees’ job performance
and also not only intricate factors make employees to be motivated even external
factor is very crucial in employees job performance (Randhawa, 2019).

2.2.3 Expectance theory

Expectancy theory, proposed by Vroom in 1964, is also known as the valence,

instrumentality and expectancy (VIE) theory. Vroom realized that an employee’s
performance is based on individual level factors, such as personality, skills,
knowledge, experiences and abilities (Deci, 2019).

The theory suggests that, although individuals may have different sets of goals, they
can be motivated if they believe that there is a positive correlation between effort and
performance, and that favorable performance will result in a desirable reward (John
Shields, 2020).

The reward will eventually satisfy the need and the desire to satisfy the need is strong
enough to make the effort worthwhile. The theory is based upon three aspects,
valence, instrumentality and expectancy (Randhawa, 2019). ‘Valence’ refers to the
emotional orientations people hold with respect to outcomes (rewards). It also means
the depth of the needs of an employee for extrinsic reward (such as money,
promotion, time-off, benefits,) or intrinsic (such as work satisfaction) reward
(bedeian, 2020).

On the other hand, ‘expectancy’ suggests that employees have different expectations
and levels of confidence about what they are capable of doing and management must
discover what resources, training or supervision employees need. Whereas,
‘instrumentality’ means the perception of employees as to whether they will actually
get what they desire, even if it has been promised by a manager (Deci, 2019).
Management must ensure that promises of rewards are fulfilled and that employees
are aware of that. Vroom suggested that an employee's beliefs about expectancy,
instrumentality, and valence interact psychologically to create a motivational force
such that the employee acts in ways that bring pleasure and avoid pain.

2.3 Empirical review

2.3.1 How working conditions affect employee job performance.

A good work environment is essential for guaranteeing employee performance and

avoiding excessive stress, which can negatively impact job performance. Several
aspects of the working environment have a role in job satisfaction and employee job
performance also, employees’ behavior is influenced by the work environment that
depicts effectiveness and the efficiency at the work environment (Shammout, 2021).
The humans are affected by surroundings whether in the physical forms or it be a
non-physical form are considered as the environment. The literal meaning of work
environment is the surroundings in which people work in for achieving goals of the
organization (Satyvendra., 2019).

This includes tools, systems, structures, and procedures which includes all things
effecting performance of the employees it may either impact negatively or positively
(Satyvendra., 2019). The non-physical environment include all which is intangible
for example location and the surrounding area ventilation, noise levels, quality of air
in the workplace, parking lots, tangible perks for example lunch, tea, and coffees,
building of offices, setup of the office (Shammout, 2021).

Moreover, if an employee feels he is a misfit at work, it does not mean he necessarily

is not appropriate for job or does not possess the skills to do it. There might be
various other work environmental reasons that might stress them out and make them
think they are an unsuitable match for their job, eventually effecting their work
performance as observed by a study (Shammout, 2021).

For instance, if he is demanded work with out of his capacity and is not given enough
support to do that job or enough time for it. Even though he might be given rewards
in achieving those targets. He might still be not satisfied causing job stress and no
support from the supervisor as stated by (Satyvendra., 2019). It would also result in
low productivity and performance.

An attractive and supportive working environment provide conditions that enable

employees to perform effectively, making best use of their knowledge, skills and
competences and the available resources in order to provide high-quality of
organization service.

2.3.2 How job recognition contributes to and affects employees’ job


There is a direct relationship between motivation and job performance if employees

are well motivated, their performance will increase (Ali, 2022). In this way,
employees will think that they are being valued.
Motivation systems can attract the right behavior and outcomes in an organization,
therefore the employees will adopt that kind of behavior that will lead them to better
performance. As a result, the employees will start working harder which is very
beneficial for the organizations and the workers themselves (Shonubi, 2019). So even
in the long run, the organizations will generate positive results and gain more.

Employees not only want compensation in order to be motivated but also need to be
valued by their supervisors because from the human relation theory stated that man is
not only economic man due on that’s there some internal factors which can motivate
employees on behalf of money by consider those internal factors It will increase the
employees’ morale (Blokydk, 2020).

Employees will be well motivated if they are recognized by the supervisors,

Recognition means valuing and caring about the employees' contributions it is
essential for companies to recognize their employees (Blokydk, 2020).

Other studies show that it is better to recognize employees rather than give incentives
for example, employee recognition involves writing their names in the company’s
newsletter, letters of commendation, extra time off and verbal appreciation this is a
form of caring and appraising the employees (Kyeremeh, 2019).

Employee recognition programs have become more popular and accepted in most
organizations as a result of insufficiency of financial rewards alone to motivate high
performance (Kyeremeh, 2019). It has been proven that financial rewards only
motivate employees temporarily (Shonubi, 2019).

Organizations recognize their employees to keep their self-esteem high and keep
them passionate. The employees who are recognized in their organizations are well
motivated and perform well. This is because motivated employees perform well
which makes one’s intent towards certain behavior (Shonubi, 2019).

There is a direct relationship between employee recognition and job performance it is

the result of motivation and ability at the job that leads to high performance (Ali,
2022). Employee recognition boosts employee morale which results in the overall
productivity of the firm.
2.3.3 How job security affects and influences employee job performance.

Equally important is the firm’s or organization’s guarantee that its employees will
work for them for a fair period of time without being fired or dismissed in violation
of the law (hopner, 2023).

Job security has an influence on the following factors, enhanced motivation,

professional stability, a decent résumé and considerations. The perception of having a
decent job, the assurance that it will last into the future and the absence of risk
factors is what is referred to as work security (Ifeyinwa, 2020).

For instance, individual ‘A’ has job security if he or she feels that they will continue
to work till the conclusion of their employment and would not be under duress to do
their appropriate job tasks and obligations by individual ‘B’ Job insecurity, on the
other hand, is a condition in which workers do not believe that their job will be
consistent from day to day, month to month and/or year to year (Ndulue, 2019).

Job insecurity, is a feeling of powerlessness in sustaining desired continuity in a

difficult employment environment, it refers to the possibility of job loss and
employment instabilities (Ifeyinwa, 2020). It represents a worker’s evaluation of any
potential risks to the ongoing task. Concerns about losing desired employment
characteristics including compensation, perks, prospects for growth, and status are
included (Ifeyinwa, 2020).

The duo recognized two major characteristics of work uncertainty, affective job
insecurity (the dread of job loss) and cognitive job insecurity (the probability of job
loss). Furthermore, job security factors include the fear of losing a job, unequal pay,
engagement, connections with supervisors and possibilities for development and
advancement (Ndulue, 2019).

Employment security is the mental state in which an employee views his or her
future job security with the business, and it is the result of the firm’s own practices
and policies with the employee that makes them feel more secure or worried about
the employment (Ndulue, 2019). Hence, job security may be viewed from three
main dimensions viz. employees’ promotion, development and salary.

2.4 Conceptual Framework

According to Sharing. (2020)., is defined as diagrammatical which present the

relationship between Independent Variable (IV) and Dependent Variable (DV) of the
study. Conceptual frame work is an interconnected set of ideas or theory about how a
particular phenomenon is related to its parts the basis for understanding the casual
relationship between independent variables and dependent variables (Bynner, 2020).
In this study the dependent is the employees’ job performance

Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework

Independent Variables Dependent Variable

Working conditions

Job recognition Employees job Performance

Job security

Source: Researcher (2024), adapted from the literature review

The figures above express the relationship between variables. The outcome of the
relationship between independent and dependent variables (Changder, 2022). The
figure try to explain that the changes in academic research, a conceptual framework
is used as a foundation for designing studies and interpreting data (Bynner, 2020). It
provides a structure of identification the variables, and the development of research
questions. It also helps researchers to explain their findings and make predictions
about future outcomes.

3.0 Introduction
This part includes research methodology, research design, the purpose of the
study, targeted population, sample size, sample procedure, method of data
collection, methods of data analysis, validity and reliability of the study, as
well as the ethical considerations described in this chapter.
3.1 Research Design
A research design is an arrangement of conditions for the collection and
analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research
purpose with economy of procedure (Leavy, 2022). Refer to the blue print of
the study, which designed by the researcher in order to guide him or her on
the process of data collection as well as on the discussion process (Bynner,
2020). This study uses a quasi-qualitative technique for analyzing variables
on the factors affecting employees’ job performance in the public sector.
3.2 Research methodology
Research methodology can be seen as a science that studies how scientific
research is conducted, or it can be a methodical approach to solving the
research problem (Bynner, 2020). The researcher must be knowledgeable
about methodology, research methods, and approaches (Dubey, 2022).
3.3 Area of the study
Referring to the place on which researchers select in order to collect data and
conduct the research project, the process of selecting the area of the study
depends on various factors such as the nature of the study, the availability of
accurate data, economic factors, and legal considerations (Dubey, 2022). In
this study, the selected area is MLELE DC, which is located in the Katavi
region, and that area was used to collect data for the research project titled
Assessing the Factors Affecting Employees Job Performance in the Public
3.4 Targeted population.
Refer to the total number of people selected by the researcher to be the
participants or center point of data collection (Changder, 2022). In the
process of selecting the target population, it depends on the nature of the
study as well as the required information and data based on the specific study.
According to Sharang. (2020)., the target population is the collection of
elements or objects that possess the information sought by the researcher and
about which inferences are to be made, while the target population must be
defined in terms of elements or a sampling unit. In this research, the target
population was 68 employees of MLELE DC HQ.
3.5 Sample Size and Sampling Procedures
3.3.1 Sampling Procedure
The procedure for sampling things is taken into account to prevent bias.
Purposive sampling and basic random sampling are the two types of sampling
that the researcher employs to determine the sample in the study areas
(Bynner, 2020). Purposive sampling, as well as basic random samples, are
used. According to Sharang. (2020)., purposeful sampling is a sampling
technique in which the researcher chooses a sample of individuals who they
feel are more qualified to offer the necessary information. A simple random
sample was chosen by the researcher because it is easy to handle, fairly
representative of the population under investigation, and provides the
necessary data for the factors affecting employees’ job performance in public
sector (Changder, 2022). Using these two approaches, data was gathered from
every department according to the number of employees working at MLELE
3.3.2 Sample size
A sample is a smaller group of subjects drawn from the population in which a
given study was conducted for the purpose of drawing conclusions about the
population targeted. For example, Sharang. (2020) argued that the result from
the sample can be used to make generalizations about the entire population as
long as it is truly represented. The study was executed at MLELE DC, and the
total population was 68 employees who serve at HQ from different
departments. The sample size was calculated using the Yamane formula in
order to gate the total sample size.

The formula for sample size

1 +N (e)2

n = Sample size to be studied
N= Population size
e = margin of error
From the above formula, the sample size for this study was:




= 58.1~58
From the above formula, the required sample for this study was 58 people
which will include all interested parts. The interested party had been selected
by using purposive and simple random.
3.6 Data Collection Methods
The methods used to collect the data are covered in this part. They can be
divided into two categories: primary data collection methods and secondary
data collection methods. Primary sources are more reliable sources of
information, but secondary sources demonstrate how your work connects to
previous research (Bynner, 2020).

3.6.1 Questionnaire method

A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions
and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents
(Bynner, 2020). This method of data collection is widely used, particularly in
cases of large numbers, and it was applied in the field of the research study,
where closed-ended questions were used to get information from the
respondents. The questionnaires were distributed to the selected respondent
with a request to answer the questions and return the questionnaire. A
questionnaire consists of a number of questions printed in a definite order or
set of forms. This method was selected because it was cost-effective and
saved time by collecting data from a large sample once (i.e., a short period of
time is required to fill the questionnaire, and it is free from bias). The study
used a questionnaire to collect primary data. This method is mostly used to
ensure checks and balances as they complement one another. The use of
questionnaires was meant to ensure the validity and reliability of the collected
3.6.2 Interview method
Interviews involve verbal interactions between interviewees and interviewers;
the researcher tends to ask questions, and the respondents tend to provide
answers until the answer is obtained for study conclusions. Based on specific
objectives, researchers tend to design questions so as to get the answer in the
field by involving direct contact with the respondent (Bynner, 2020). Under
this study, interviews were used as a means to collect data by directly
conducting interviews with employees at the MLELE DC HQ.
3.6.3 Secondary Data Collection Method
Published documents that demonstrate the study's relevance are considered
secondary data, as is any material that describes, interprets, assesses, or
analyses data from primary sources (Dubey, 2022). Are data that have
previously been gathered by individuals and stored in either hard copy or soft
copy format, Books, research reports, and organisational policies are some of
the documentary review sources used to gather secondary data. A crucial
secondary data collection technique is documentary review, which broadens
the researcher's understanding of the subject matter they are interested in

3.7 Method of Data Analysis

The process of gathering, modelling, and analysing data using a variety of
logical and statistical procedures and techniques is known as data analysis
(Calzon, 2023). According to Reaves (2018), it is also the act of generating
many summaries and ensuing values from the provided data collection. By
integrating data from many sources, the researcher used quantitative and
qualitative data analysis to ensure that the conclusions are appropriate. As a
result, while conducting interviews with respondents to define their
characteristics, the qualitative data analysis method was be used.
3.7.1 Qualitative Data Analysis
Since the goal of the study is to gather information from the respondents'
experiences, qualitative data analysis, which describes the realities of the
problems to provide meaning to the obtained information, is crucial (Reaves,
2018). To convey the study's findings, the researcher employs the qualitative
method to record the respondents' thoughts, feelings, and opinions.
3.7.2 Quantitative Data Analysis
The data presented in tables are analyzed quantitatively form with the aim of
analyzing data collected from questionnaires as a researcher distributed to 58
respondents or sample of the research and the result analyzed by using IBM
SPSS. These includes the secondary data which the researcher was intended
to collect from the study sample with the aim of gathering much information
so as to respond to the research questions (Reaves, 2018).
3.8 Validity and Reliability of the Study
3.8.1 Reliability of the Study
The degree to which the investigation yields outcomes that are consistent
with one another is known as reliability (Blanche et al., 2020). To assess the
consistency of the results, which were also used by the previous researcher,
the researcher used questionnaires and interviews. Reliability was be covered
in the literature review through the use of theories, model theories, and
current literature sources.
These studies' data was only pertained to the previously listed variables.
Many factors affecting employees job performance in public sector, but the
focus of this particular study is on a select few variables that are thought to
have an impact on this process.
3.8.2 Validity of the Study
As stated by Blanche et al. (2020), a study's validity is determined by the
methodologies' capacity to gauge the precise notions that the researcher
sought. To ensure a meaningful and accurate study, the researcher verifies the
validity of the study by asking respondents questions related to the objectives
and by using sampling techniques that are beneficial to staff members and
management. Validity is defined as the quality that requires the use of
instruments and processes in the topic. The investigation confirms the validity
of the empirical study and literature review, regarding the variable that was be
employed in this study to evaluate the factors affecting employees job
performance in public sector

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