ĐÈ ÔN tuyển sinh 10

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Part 1: Complete each blank with ONE given word. There are more words than needed. (1,5m)
in do before don’t conserve deserve because that after which
1. I am learning English because I want to read newspapers ................... English.
2. Internet users sometimes have to suffer various risks, ................ they ?
3. Scientists are looking for measures that help us save money as well as ................... the earth’s resouces.
4. Nancy can’t go with us ................... she has to look after her little sister.
5. They are flying to Sacramento, .............. is the capital city of California.
6. All employees have to turn off the air conditioners ................... they leave the office.
Part 2: Match the beginnings to the correct endings. Number 0 is an example. (1,5m)
0. E The exam was.............................. A. which tell about VietNamese culture.
1. It was quite a serious illness, B. although he was tired.
2. My younger brother tried to finish his homework C. when children show their love and their feelings
3. Mrs McCarthy lives in a small flat to their father.
4. I like reading books D. despite having a lot of money in the bank.
5. Students will not understand their lesson E. easier than I expected.
6. Father’s Day is the time F. so she took a long time to get over it.
G. if they don’t listen to their teacher in class.
Part 3: Give the correct form of the verb or the word in brackets. (2,0ms)
1. Hospitals are more ………………………… in the city than in the country (access)
2. Polluted water can……………………do harm to people’s health (direct)
3. My sister ………………………a cake if she doesn’t have enough ingredients. (not/ make)
4. If she ………………… (speak) more clearly, I could understand her.
5. Before becoming an astronaut, Helen ( work)………… as a technical research engineer for the Mars
chocolate company.
6. The good news is more money (send)…………… on education in the next five years.
7. The feudal system promote male-domonated societies, where women obey men…………(condition)
8. I don’t remember ………… you at the job fair last year. (meet)
Part 4: Each sentence has a mistake. Find the mistakes and correct them.(1,0m)
Ex: My teacher advised me study hard for the next semester. study → to study
1. They used to having big parties when they lived in the city . ………………….
2. Nowadays, viewers can watch a variety of local and internation programs on ...............................
different channels.
Part 5: Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meanig as the first one. Use NO MORE THAN
FOUR WORDS. (2,0ms)
1. “Are meals included in the price?” He asked me……………………………the price.
2. They often went to school by bike when they were young. They used ………………… school by bike.
3. She has taught her children to play the piano for 4 years. She started ………… to play the piano for 4 years.
4. He gave her the book “The fault in our stars” as a birthday gift.
She…………………………“The fault in our stars” as a birthday gift.
Part 6 : Complete each space with one of the words given below. Make changes if necessary . (1m)
replace longer need invent innovation effectively

Energy is always one of the important problems in our modern life . In developed countries, electricity , gas and
water are not luxuries but (1)……………… In developing countries, people even reduce using electricity , gas
and water . Producers realize that products must not only work (2)…………………..but also save money . In a
household , lighting often account for 15 per cent or 20 per cent of electricity bills . That is why some (3)
…………………from Phillip & Company in Holland invented energy saving bulbs called compact bulls . They
are good (4)………………..for 100-watt bulbs which are often used .
1.In Western countries, energy is cheap. 2.Consumers can save money by using energy-saving bulbs.
3.Labeling scheme is a good innovation which helps the European to save money and natural resources.
4.Ordinary 100-watt light bulbs use a quarter of the electricity of standard bulbs.
5.North American and European countries are interested in saving money and natural resources.
Part 7:Read the following passage and decide if the statements that follow are TRUE or FALSE. (1,0 m)
The internet is a great place to look up information. The same information may be found in libraries, but the
Internet makes information available 24 hours a day. Furthermore, information on the Internet may be more up-to-
date, and some would never be found in a library. The Internet is not a replacement for libraries, but it is an
extremely valuable supplement.
When you are connected to the Internet, you are ready to start searching. The basic step for finding what are you
looking for in a fast and easy way is: Find a search engine. A search engine is a useful tool for looking up
information on the Internet. Basically, it is an Internet site that will do the searching on the Internet for you. There
are many different search engines and websites for you to use. They are divided into several categories for your
convenience. This will allow you to select a site that will be better for searching different topics.
1 The Internet is a good way to get information.
2 All the information on the Internet is available in the library.
3 The Internet can not only replace libraries but also provide you with more up-to-
date information.
4 A search engine can help you find what you are looking for in a fast and easy way.
Part 1: Complete each blank with ONE given word. There are more words than needed. (1,5m)
in do before don’t conserve deserve because that after which
1. I am learning English because I want to read newspapers ................... English.
2. Internet users sometimes have to suffer various risks, ................ they ?
3. Scientists are looking for measures that help us save money as well as ................... the earth’s resouces.
4. Nancy can’t go with us ................... she has to look after her little sister.
5. They are flying to Sacramento, .............. is the capital city of California.
6. All employees have to turn off the air conditioners ................... they leave the office.
Part 2: Match the beginnings to the correct endings. Number 0 is an example. (1,5m)
0. E The exam was.............................. A. which tell about VietNamese culture.
1. It was quite a serious illness, B. although he was tired.
2. My younger brother tried to finish his homework C. when children show their love and their
3. Mrs McCarthy lives in a small flat feelings to their father.
4. I like reading books D. despite having a lot of money in the bank.
5. Students will not understand their lesson E. easier than I expected.
6. Father’s Day is the time F. so she took a long time to get over it.
G. if they don’t listen to their teacher in class.
Part 3: Give the correct form of the verb or the word in brackets. (2,0ms)
1. People need (increase) ............................... their daily consumption of fruit and vegetables.
2. If you (not have) ........................... to work, what would you do?
3. Two ............................... from the group “ Friends of the Earth” are talking to the students.
4. A great deal of property (destroy) ...........................by hurricanes each year.
5. He tries (learn)...............................at least 25 new words every day.
6. Don’t waste time (mend) ............................... that broken vase.
7. Our team played (successful) .............................. . We lost.
8. It’s crowded here. I wish there (not be) ............................... so many people.
Part 4: Each sentence has a mistake. Find the mistakes and correct them.(1,0m)
Ex: My teacher advised me study hard for the next semester. study → to study
1. John always arrives lately for his class although he leaves home early. .............. → ..............
2. They promised they will drive me to the station the next day. .............. → ..............
Part 5: Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meanig as the first one. Use NO MORE THAN
FOUR WORDS.(2,0ms)
1. Long said, ‘My parents are very proud of my good mark.”
=>Long said that ...................................................proud of his good marks.
2. Bill is such a careless driver that he has many traffic accidents.
=>If Bill ..................................................., he wouldn’t have many traffic accidents.
3. “Why don’t we use energy-saving bulbs to save electricity” An said.
=>An suggested that energy-saving bulbs ................................................... save energy.
4. The doctor wrote the prescription. The patient asked for the prescription.
=>The doctor wrote the prescription ................................................... for.
Part 6: Complete each space with one of the words given below. Make changes if necessary. (1,0m)
Thanks know working According carry by offer
Among the festivals celebrated by some of Asian people is the Moon Cake Festival, also (1) …................…. as the
Mid- August Festival. Large numbers of small round moon cakes are eaten on this day, and children enjoy (2)
….......…colorful paper lanterns come in all shapes; the more popular ones are shaped like fish, rabbits and
butterflies. (3)......................... to them, the moon shines brightest at the night of the Moon Cake Festival. As the
moon rises, tables are placed outside the house and women make (4)...................... of fruit and moon cakes to the
Moon Goddess.
Part 7: Read the following passage and decide whether the statements that follow are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).
There is a list of interesting jobs that we'll never have again, and a town crier is, of course, on the list. It's
been a long time since town criers worked professionally, so there are not many people knowing who town criers
were. Today we can only see them in the movies or at some old tourist sites. Before newspapers were invented, a
town crier, who was usually an older gentleman with a booming voice, always dressed officially and had a little
bell which he carried with him always. His job was to go through city streets ringing the bell and shouting the
latest news as he was walking.
The occupation of the town crier was quickly replaced by radio, television, texting, internet, and all the
marvels of modern technology. Today this occupation exists only for entertaining purposes and as local folklore.
Competitions for the best town criers are still being held in some parts of the world like America. Australia,
Canada and England.
1 ................ A lot of people now work as professional town criers.
2. ................ Today people can get to know about town criers in films and at some tourist attractions
3. ................ Town criers had worked professionally before mass media were invented.
4. ................ Town criers used to wear casual clothes when working.
Part 1: Complete each blank with ONE given word. There are more words than needed.(1,5m)
applicant sitting for waiting since at whether when
1. He’s so shy. He hasn’t spoken anything…………………..he came here.
2. I hope he doesn’t keep us……………….. .
3. Do you know the beautiful girl…………………in the car?
4. Mary was the last..................... to be interviewed.
5. I am not good ........................... skiing, but I’d like to learn.
6. I haven’t made up my mind .......................... to move or not.
Part 2: Match the beginnings to the correct endings. Number 0 is an example. (1,5m)
0. That skyscraper is one a. faster than ever.
1. The exam was b. to spell better.
2. Life in the past was c. than being stuck in a traffic jam.
3. Mexico City is a lot d. of the tallest buildings in the world.
4. Kids are growing up e. more difficult than I expected.
5. Nothing is worse f. bigger than Rome.
6. These fun cards will encourage kids g. less comfortable than it is now.
Your answers 0. D 1.......... 2.......... 3.......... 4.......... 5.......... 6..........

Part 3: Give the correct form of the verb or the word in brackets(2,0ms)
1. Maryam ....................... because Ha Noi people were friendly . (impress)
2. We all know that using our cars causes air ………….. , but we still do that. (pollute)
3. The giant panda is ……………. because its habitat is being destroyed. (danger)
4. People were …………………. transferred from rural villages to the new tower blocks. (compel)
5. Butter and cheese are made from milk. They are milk................ (produce)
6. If you....................your shyness aside, you will be able to speak in public. (put)
7. The scientists have been carrying out some..............plans this year. (agriculture)
8. The boy tried to repair the clock, but he was.......... (success)
Your answers
1.................... 2…………......... 3........................... 4........................
5.................... 6........................... 7........................... 8……………......
Part 4 : Each sentence has a mistake . Find the mistakes and correct them . (1m)
Ex : (0) My brother are going to study in New York next month. are going → is going
1.Women get jobs to support their families as well as to be independently ………………………………
2.Teenagers will be participated in important decisions concerning their lives. ………………………………
Part 5 : Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one . Use NO MORE
1.Follow these instructions or you may get burnt.
-> If you ………………………………………….., you may get burnt.
2.The player lives in Thanh Hoa Province. He plays football skillfully
-> The player……………………………………………….. lives in Thanh Hoa Province
3.Have you made a decision for your holiday this year?
-> Have you made ………………………………………… ……… your holiday this year?
4, We should do something about the air pollution.
=>Something about the.......................................................... done.
Part 6 : Complete each space with one of the words given below. Make changes if necessary . (1m)
arrivals equip with numbers cause
The tourist industry is considered to be the world's largest industry. The direct economic impact of the industry,
including accommodation, transportation, entertainment, and attractions, is worth trillions of dollars every year.
The statistics show that the number of international tourist (1)…………….. worldwide reached 1.04 billion in
Such large (2)…………. of tourists, however, are beginning to cause problems. For example, in the Alps the many
thousands of skiers are destroying the mountains they came to enjoy. Even parts of Mount Everest in the
Himalayas are reported to be covered with old food tins, tents, and pieces of (3)……………. that have been
thrown away. At a time when we have greater freedom to travel than ever before, more and more people are asking
how they can enjoy their holidays without (4)……… ………… damage to their destinations.
Your answers:
1. ………………..........…….….... 2. ………...………….………..
3. …………………..…..…….….. 4. ………..….………….….…..
Part 7 : Read the following passage and decide if the statements that follow are TRUE or FALSE (1m)
One of the reasons , which pollute our environment , is that each household produces a large amount of rubbish
every day . In order to reduce the pollution , we need to increase the amount of rubbish that is recycled because we
cannot carry on burying and burning rubbish forever. This means that we should reduce the amount of rubbish we
produce and increase the amount we reuse and recycle . We also need to have strict punishment for those who
throw rubbish on the streets , in the ponds , rivers and seas . Besides , we ourselves should be aware of keeping our
environment green , clean and beautiful .
1. A large amount of rubbish produced by households ……….
everyday pollutes our environment.
2. People are burying and burning rubbish in order to reduce the amount of rubbish. ……….
3. People no longer throw rubbish on the streets, in the ponds , rivers and seas . ………..
4. In order to protect our environment , the writer advises us not to have any …………
punishment but to have good awareness .

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