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J. Chem. T echnol. Biotechnol.

1998, 71, 356È367

Extended Summaries

Biochemistry of Bioremediation by Fungi

T he following are summaries of papers presented at a meeting organised by Dr Alan Bunch of the Industrial Biochemistry
and Biotechnology Group of the Biochemical Society and Professor Chris Bucke of the SCI Biotechnology Group, held at
Belgrave Square on 21 May 1997.

Introduction enzymes used on the commercial scale are produced

extracellularly, as are the enzymes of relevance to bio-
Christopher Bucke remediation. However, the Penicillium and Aspergillus
strains used by enzyme and antibiotic producers are the
Fungal Biotechnology Group, School of Biological and Health Sci- highly developed thoroughbreds of the fungal world :
ences, University of Westminster, 115 New Cavendish Street, London the wood-rotting, lignolytic species such as Phanero-
W1M 8JS, UK chaete chrysosporium, Coriolus versicolor and Bjerkan-
dera spp. grow more slowly and consequently
Bioremediation, in the broadest sense, is the normal production of their extracellular enzymes will be rela-
ecological role of fungi. After plant materials have been tively costly. A solution to this problem would be the
comminuted by “shreddersÏ in the environment, such as cloning of the key lignolytic enzymes into the familiar
insects and crustacea, fungi take over the degradation species : the feasibility of this has been demonstrated in
process. It is estimated that leaf litter on the forest Ñoor the cloning and expression of the lignin peroxidase
may contain 1 kilometre of fungal hyphae per gram. genes from Phanerochaete chrysosporium into Asper-
This indicates the ability of fungi to invade their gillus niger.1 A great deal of process development is still
environment, a valuable attribute in the development of required to make the appropriate enzymes from the lig-
bioremediation processes based on fungal biocatalysts. nocellulytic fungi available at reasonable costs. There is
In spite of this, fungi have not yet been used on any little sign of UK Research Council funding being
signiÐcant scale in bioremediation, in fact during the devoted to research into the appropriate process devel-
early stages of the development of this meeting the opment, indeed it may be premature to embark on
phrase “A resource under-utilisedÏ was appended to the extensive process development because the number of
title. Reasons for this neglect of a potentially valuable fungal strains which have been investigated as bio-
resource are obscure and one objective in organising the catalysts or sources of biocatalysts for bioremediation is
meeting was to attempt to clarify this stage of a†airs. small. Once a speciÐc bioremediation task has been
Fungi are widely used in industry : the obvious identiÐed a case may be made for intensive screening for
example is the production of penicillin but there are novel strains with properties superior to those currently
many less-apparent but important fungal products, in available.
particular enzymes. Many more than 50% of the It is questionable whether it is appropriate to con-
enzymes used in large-scale processes such as glucose sider isolated enzymes for serious bioremediation :
syrup production, fruit juice and vegetable oil extrac- speakers at this meeting showed clearly that consortia
tion, fat modiÐcation, animal feed modiÐcation and, of enzymes are needed to break down lignocellulose and
more recently, pulp and paper production are of fungal recalcitrant pollutants such as polyaromatic hydrocar-
origin. Technology for the very large-scale culture of Ðl- bons. Combinations of enzymes with di†ering charac-
amentous strains, mainly Penicillium and Aspergillus teristics such as pH and temperature optima and
species, is readily available. Although the fungi grow longevity are notoriously difficult and expensive to use
relatively slowly compared with bacteria, they provide e†ectively when isolated from the organisms that pro-
advantages in ease of downstream processing and in duced them. The obvious approach is to grow fungi in
handling waste biomass. The great majority of fungal the environment containing the pollutant or to extract
( 1998 SCI. J. Chem. T echnol. Biotechnol. 0268-2575/98/$17.50. Printed in Great Britain
Extended Summaries 357

the pollutant and contact the extract with the growing include all the higher fungi that are characterised by
fungal culture : speakers provide examples of both their sexual fruiting bodies, the mushrooms, toadstools
approaches. and brackets. The vegetative fungal hyphae cause deg-
In nature microbes rarely exist as pure cultures : the radation within the wood structure by penetrating into
kilometre of hyphae in the gram of leaf litter will consist the wood cells attacking the lignocellulose polymers.1,2
of several species, yet there are few examples of the During later stages of degradation the wood becomes
application of mixed cultures, making use of the meta- pale in colour as a result of the selective breakdown of
bolic versatility of several species to degrade pollutants. lignin exposing cellulose. Examples of the most studied
This is an important point which was revealed at this white-rot species are Phanerochaete chrysosporium,
meeting particularly in the answers to questions from Coriolus versicolor and some Pleurotus and Phlebia
the audience : in several of the cases described materials strains.
such as PAH and pesticides are not completely mineral- The structure of lignocellulose in wood is complex.
ised by single species in vitro. It is probable that mixed Cellulose Ðbres which are composed of b-1,4-linked
cultures will have greater ability to mineralise these glucose molecules are laid down in parallel chains in the
materials. It has been established (e.g. Ref. 2) that secondary wall layers of the wood cell wall. Di†erent
contact between the mycelia of di†erent species inÑu- layers have the Ðbres in a di†erent orientation to
ences the activity of oxidative enzymes in the mycelial provide greater strength. Bound to the cellulose Ðbres
environment. by hydrogen bonds are the shorter hemicellulose
The fascination of fungi to the biochemist is their branched chains composed of glucose backbones with
great metabolic versatility. The relatively few species xylose side chains. Additional sugars present are galac-
mentioned in this meeting have many unusual proper- tose, arabinose, mannose and fucose. Pectins and pro-
ties. Many other potentially valuable enzymes or teins are also interlinked. Surrounding and
enzyme complexes may await discovery. interdispersed amongst the cellulosic components is
lignin, a three-dimensional polymer produced by free-
radical polymerisation of phenylpropanoid monomeric
units. A wide variety of bond linkages occur within the
REFERENCES lignin polymer. Lignin is NatureÏs ultimate recalcitrant
molecule, as such a unique polymer with no regular
1. Almeida-Vara, E., Expression of the lipH8 gene of Phanero-
chaete chrysosporium in Aspergillus niger and Penicillium repeating bond pattern is a poor substrate for biotrans-
frequentans. PhD thesis, University of Westminster, formation.3
November, 1995. White-rot fungi have evolved mechanisms to mineral-
2. Griffith, G. S., Rayner, A. D. M. & Wildman, H. G., ise lignin. The process of degradation of both cellulose
InterspeciÐc interaction and mycelial morphogenesis of and lignin is initiated by secretion by the fungal hyphae
Hypholoma fasciculare (Agaricaceae). Nova Hedwigia, 59
(1994) 47È74. of small molecular mass mediators. Such molecules as
oxalic acid, hydrogen peroxide and veratryl alcohol,
produced by the hyphae, are mobile di†usible molecules
that play an essential role in preparing the substrates
for enzyme attack.4 Oxalic acid has multiple roles, such
Breakdown of Plant Polymers by Fungi and Their as lowering the pH, chelating calcium from calcium
Potential for Use in Bioremediation pectate and chelating manganese for reactions of
manganese-dependent peroxidases.5 Hydrogen peroxide
Christine S. Evans, Robert G. Veness & Millie Ullah gives rise to oxygen free radicals by interaction with
Fe(II) in the wood cell walls. Free radicals readily cause
Fungal Biotechnology Group, University of Westminster, 115 New fragmentation of both lignin and cellulose. Di†usion of
Cavendish Street, London W1M 8JS, UK radical cations of veratryl alcohol, arising from the cata-
lytic reactions of veratryl alcohol, hydrogen peroxide
The major plant polymers of wood are cellulose, hemi- and lignin peroxidase, enable transfer of the reactive
cellulose and lignin. Relatively few micro-organisms are radicals to lignin.
able to degrade lignocellulose. The most e†ective are However it is the speciÐc complement of lignocellu-
the wood-rotting Basidiomycetes particularly the white- lolytic enzymes that is secreted by white-rot fungi that
rot fungi which degrade all the components of the cell distinguishes them from other litter and detritus-
wall. Brown-rot fungi degrade the cellulose and hemi- degrading organisms. The predominent lignolytic
cellulose, leaving the lignin modiÐed but essentially enzymes are lignin-peroxidases, manganese-dependent
intact. Lignin is the most recalcitrant component of peroxidases, polyphenol oxidases, and aryl alcohol oxi-
wood. dases which interact synergistically to e†ect degrada-
White-rot fungi are a highly specialised group of tion. Di†erent white-rot fungi produce them in varying
organisms. They belong to the Basidiomycetes which amounts. Nitrogen or carbon limitation stimulates pro-

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