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Activity #5- Interview with Older Adult

1. Look for an Older Adult and Interview using HA Textbook page 816-817. Record a video of
your NPI OR Submit the documentation of your NPI with pic.
2. Emphasize using Therapeutic Communication with the Older Adult.
3. Clinical Orientation Phase or therapeutic nurse-patient relationship can be utilized in this
4. Submit the Link to your video or Submit the documentation of your NPI.
5. Rubrics will be used in grading this activity.

Poor Fair Good Excellent
2pts 3pts 4pts 5 pts
Uses phase of Unable to Identify Identifies and Identifies and/or Identifies and
therapeutic or explain any explains one explains two of explains each
communication phase of the phase of the the phases of the phase of the
therapeutic therapeutic therapeutic therapeutic
relationship relationship relationship relationship
(Introductory (Introductory (Introductory (Introductory
phase, working phase, working phase, working phase, working
phase, phase, phase, phase,
termination termination termination termination
phase) phase) phase) phase)
Therapeutic Unable to Describes and Describes and Describes and
Techniques describe or give gives examples of gives examples of gives examples of
examples of any one to five 5 to 7 therapeutic 8 to 16
therapeutic therapeutic techniques that therapeutic
techniques that techniques that were used in the techniques that
were used in the were used in the session. were used in the
session. session. session.
Barriers to Unable to Describes and Describes and Describes and
Therapeutic describe or give gives examples of gives examples of gives examples of
Communication examples of any one to five five to eight 9 to 11 barriers to
barriers to barriers to barriers to communication
communication communication communication during session.
during session. during session. during session.
Reflection Unable to discuss Discusses how Discusses how Discusses how
how overall overall session overall session overall session
session went. went without went and how this went and how this
explanation. exercise can be exercise can be
implemented with implemented with
other clients. other clients.
changes that can
be made to
enhance the
between nurse-

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