Great Books

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Great Books

04 Activity 2

Depicting Real Life

Title and author

Title: "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll

Characters (Protagonist/s & Antagonist/s)

Alice - Protagonist
The Queen of Hearts - Antagonist

Short Summary- "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" follows a young girl named Alice
who falls down a rabbit hole into a fantastical world called Wonderland. Throughout her
journey, she encounters a myriad of eccentric characters and situations, including the
Cheshire Cat, the Mad Hatter, the March Hare, and the Queen of Hearts. The story is a
whimsical exploration of logic, nonsense, and imagination.

Can you identify any instances of foreshadowing in the text and how do
they shape your understanding of the story’s unfolding events?
Alice's encounter with peculiar expectations in Wonderland is pointed out as the White
Rabbit mistakes her for Mary Ann, his maid. Her bizarre journey is set in motion by it. Alice's
appearance changes throughout the story, and the bottle marked "Drink Me" refers to the
transformations she would go through after drinking it.

What were your insights/thoughts on the story?

Through its fun characters and absurd scenarios, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland invites
readers to question the strictures of societal norms and embrace the boundless
possibilities of imagination.

What was your realization/lesson on the story?

What I learned from Alice's Adventure in Wonderland is that you do not always have to follow
societal norms; you should act as yourself and not always worry about what other people
think. Don't be afraid to show your true self. The story encourages us to appreciate our
imaginations and embrace our curiosity because this is what forms our identity.

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