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Vocabulary List #1 Check

Dựa trên nghĩa tiếng Việt em điền cụm từ tiếng Anh đã học
Have much in Verb Có nhiều điểm chung
common phrase
conflicts noun Tranh cãi
Build a good collocatio Xây dựng một mối quan hệ tốt
relationship n
maintain a collocatio Duy trì một mối quan hệ
relationship n
Nurture verb Nuôi dưỡng (con cái, tài năng)
Adolescence noun The stage between childhood and
Interact with sb Verb + Tương tác với ai
Interaction noun Sự tương tác
Direct interaction

adulthood noun The stage of being an adult

A close Noun There is ___ _______ _____ between
connection/bond phrase a mother and a newborn baby.
Adopt Verb Nhận con nuôi
Thông qua
_____ a new approach
Approachable adj Dễ tiếp cận
Lovable Dễ thương, dễ yêu
Adorable Adore
enjoyable Enjoy

Family gatherings noun Tụ tập gia đình

Siblings noun Anh chị em
A maternal instinct noun Bản năng làm mẹ

Be inherited sth from verb Kế thừa be inherited from

I was inherited the intelligence from my

Speaking check
1. Tell me about your family?
Family gatherings

2. Who are you most similar to in your family?

Physical resemblance
Be quite alike
Inherited sth from
Be inherited from

3. What do you think it takes to be a good parent?

To educate or nurture

4. What kinds of things that you like to do with your family?

5. Should we depend on our family or be independent?

Triển khai ý
Trong bài viết IELTS, chúng ta sẽ đưa ra các ý chính (luận điểm - main ideas).
Các main idea trong task 2 có thể là: lợi ích, bất lợi, quan điểm, vấn đề, cách giải
quyết, nguyên nhân, hệ quả, nêu ý kiến riêng

Với mỗi ý kiến đưa ra cần giải thích cho RÕ RÀNG, THUYẾT PHỤC bằng các
supporting sentences

Main idea
+ Explanation
+ Example
+ Result
+ Compare

Explanation -> Main idea -> Result/ Example/ Compare

Main idea.

The advantage of studying abroad

1. Broaden the horizons -> Mix with new people
- Explain : can mix with foreign people => Know more about new cultural ,
- Result: live a more interesting life
- Example: x
- Compare: if students study in domestic universities, they can’t have many
opportunities to connect with other foreigners. Therefore, they may
become conservative with traditional lifestyle
Firstly, as international students can mix with foreign friends, they can have more
chances to broaden their horizons. They may know learn about new cultures
and lifestyles by/via interacting or teamworking with their new friends who come
from different parts of the world. Therefore, students studying in foreign
universities/these students can live a more interesting life. If students study in
domestic universities, they would not have many opportunities to connect with
foreigners. As a result, they may become conservative with their own traditional

The other

Board (n) bảng

Broad (
Go abroad

2. Have better qualification

Explain: Developed countries have better education system and more
prestigious universities
Result: Have better jobs with higher salaries / well-paid jobs / lucrative jobs
Example: such as the UK and the US
Compare: Compared to international students, domestic ones would find it
difficult to find a well-paid job.
hold/Have a Good position

Secondly, since developed countries such as the UK and the US have better
education systems and more prestigious universities, students studying there can
have better qualifications. This leads to would help them to have good positions
with high salaries after they graduted graduate and find jobs their graduation.
Compared to those graduating from foreign universities, graduates from domestic
ones would find it more difficult to find a well-paid job.

If a students in domestic universities and international students do a same jobs,

the student studying abroad can have higher salary

Graduates (n) người đã tốt nghiệp


3. Be more mature
Explain: deal with daily problems by themselves
Result: x
Example: they have to go shopping for food and cook their own meals.
Compare: if study in their home country -> be less independent.

be dependent on sb
to depend on sb = to rely on = count on sb

Thirdly, most students who study abroad would have to deal with daily problems
by themselves ,so (1) therefore they can be more mature HOẶC (2) ,which helps
them to be more mature. Because international students may not be dependent
on their parents, they have to be more independent (CÂU NÀY HƠI THỪA). For
example, international students -> they have to go shopping and cook for
themselves or even earn money for their own living. If students choose to study
in domestic universities (if they study in their home countries), they can could
count on their parents and become less independent✓.

NOTE: NÊN để example ngay sau ý cần đưa example

VD: EXPLAIN Most students who live far away from their families have to deal
with daily problems by themselves. EXAMPLE (lấy ví dụ luôn cho cái daily
problems kia) For instance, they have to take care of themselves by going
shopping and cooking everyday. MAIN IDEA This would allow them to be more
mature and independent. COMPARE If they study in their home country, they
could be less independent and count on their parents more.

4. Better at a language
Explain: Students have a chance to INTERACT with foreigners regularly.
Example: When going shopping, they need to speak to the shop assistant.
Result: be more confident, make friends easily
Compare: x

Finally, because foreign environment is native environment, students have a

chance to interact with foreigners regularly, they would improve their language
skills faster. For example, when going shopping, they need to speak to the shop
assistant to get what they need. As a result, international students can improve
their language skills, can/might become more confident and make friends with
people all around the world thanks to their language ability.
LUYỆN TẬP: Viết đoạn
Lập plan (gạch đầu dòng các ý cần khai triển) cho đề The disadvantages of
Studying abroad

Idea 1: Have to pay very high cost

Idea 2: Feel lonely

Serious grammatical or style-related problems

Need to change

Ideal 1: Have to pay very high cost

Explain: Developed contries have many costs to pay; some schools don't have
Example: education, water bills and electric bills
Result: Fall into debt
Compare: Compared with students studying in domestic universities, they have
to pay less than for daily costs and they can have support from family.

First of all, (cần có linking devices này để các đoạn kết dính với nhau)
Because developed countries have many fees to pay such as water bills and
electric bills students studying abroad have to pay a very high cost. Also, some
universities don’t have schoolarship for international student so?. This can lead
to (sau lead to cần danh từ, cụm danh từ -> không dùng trong trường hợp này)
students studying abroad (lặp lại từ này nhiều lần) finding it easy to fall into debt
and have financial problems. Compared to those students from foreign
universities (bỏ cụm này đi người đọc vẫn hiểu those students là những học sinh
đang được nhắc đến nãy giờ), graduates from domestic ones (their own home
town) would pay less for daily bills. Morever, national students may have support
about finance (financial support) from their family.

First of all, developed countries have many fees to pay such as water bills
and electric bills, therefore students studying abroad have to pay a very high
cost. Also, since some universities do not have scholarships for international
students, these students find it easy to fall into debt and have financial problems.
Compared to those students, graduates from their own home town would pay
less for daily bills. Moreover, national students may have financial support from
their families.

Ideal 2: Feel lonely

Explain: Studying abroad means that far away from family
Example: X
Result: home-sick, depression
Feel lonely,sad, have nagative emotions
Because studying abroad means being far away from family, international
students can feel lonely. They do not have any relatives to share their problems
with, therefore they have to solve daily issues alone. Some introverted people
cannot be open with anyone and may have mental problems such as depression
or psychological disorder.
25092021 Writing

In some countries, online shopping is getting more popular and replacing

shopping in stores. Do the advantages of online shopping outweigh the

Currently, people are increasingly doing their shopping on the Internet

instead of going to stores. While there are some benefits of online shopping, I
would argue that its drawbacks are more significant.
Main idea
Supporting idea

On the one hand, there are some benefits of online shopping(Main idea).
Firstly, since people can buy products at home without having to go to stores or
shopping malls (Explain), this is a quicker and cheaper way to shop
(Supporting idea). For example, Amazon and eBay are two popular websites that
provide a huge number of different products, and customers can visit those sites
and make purchases easily(Example). This allows consumers to save time and
the costs of travelling (Results)). Secondly, as people can compare different
brands and products on the Internet (Explain), they can have a wider range of
choices when shopping online(Supporting idea). For instance, buyers can easily
compare the shoes of Converse and Adidas and choose to buy the best pair.
Para. 1: Benefits
1. Quicker and cheaper way to shop
- Explain: buy things at home, dont have to go to stores or malls
- Example: Amazon and eBay - popular websites - huge number of
products, customers can visit and buy things easily
- Result: save time and cost of travelling
2. More choices
- Explain: can compare different brands and products in Internet
- Example: compare the shoes of Converse and Adidas and have the
best choice
Para. 2: Drawbacks

However, I believe online shopping can be negative in several ways(Main

idea). The first drawback is that customers cannot try products before making a
purchase(Supporting idea). For example, a girl cannot try wearing a dress to see
if it fits her body(Example). Furthermore, as items sold online are often less
reliable (explain), the products that people finally get delivered to their house
might have a poorer quality than expected (Supporting idea). Finally, because
online shopping is easier and cheaper (explain), people tend to buy too much,
which would lead to a large waste of money(Supporting ideas). If shopping in
stores is more popular, this problem will be less likely to happen.(Compare)
In conclusion, while online shopping is beneficial to some extent, I would
argue that it has more disadvantages.
(271 words)
Para. 2: Drawbacks
1. Can’t try products
Example: can’t wear clothes => to know if it fit or not
2. poorer quality than expected
Explain: items sold online are less reliable
3. Tend to buy too much
Explain: online shopping is easier and cheaper
Result: large waste of money
Compare: if shopping in stores is more popular, this problem
will be less likely to happen

1. Government pays university tuition for students (which means students

do not have to pay). Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Lập plan và viết cả 2 phần: Ưu điểm và Nhược điểm của việc Chính phủ trả tiền
học phí đại học.

2. Some people think computers are more important in education. Others

believe teachers play a more important role. Discuss both views and give
your opinion.

Lập plan và viết cả 2 phần: Ưu điểm của Máy tính và Ưu điểm của Giáo viên
trong việc giáo dục
Views 1: Computers are more important in education
1. Help students to search for information/ get access to a an unlimited
source of information
Explain: There are many helpful information sources in Internet
Example: ebooks,historic films, documents,..
Compare: This information can be presented by photos, films, music,..=>
more interesting.
2. Assist distant learning/ online learning
Explain: There are many apps you can use to study online
Example: Gather Town,Zoom, Google Meet,...
Compare: More interesting cái này không interesting , save more money for

Views 2: Teachers play a more important role.

1. Give direct advices
Explain: Teachers have been trained for many years -> have real life
experience and learning inspiration teaching skills
Example: They can have help their pupils to find better ways to solve a
problem or inspire them to learn more.
2. Closer to student learning -> Control the ways students learn.
Explain: Teachers can easily observe what students are doing in their
Result: They can know that if their students are paying attention in class or
Compare: If they students study online or study by themselves, they can
easily be distracted or doing your own thing during that time while studying online
=> not effective

Lên dàn ý, nộp trước buổi học thứ 3 tuần sau

Đã chữa xong dàn ý, em có thể lọc những ý hay, tự tin viết lại thành essay hoàn
chỉnh. Nộp trước Chủ nhật tuần sau nhé.

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