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AY 2020-2021

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Question Bank for MECH/CIVIL EM-III 2020-21 (SUBJECTIVE)

Using Laplace Transform Evaluate ∫

2 Find Laplace Transform of ∫

Find Laplace Transform of ∫

4 Find Laplace Transform of cos

5 Find Laplace Transform of ∫ 3

6 Find the Laplace Transform of cosh 2

7 Find Laplace Transform of cos

8 Find the Laplace transform of sin

9 Evaluate ∫

Find Laplace transform of

11 Prove that ∫ √ =

12 If ∫ e sin(t + α) cos(t − α)dt = then find α

13 Find Laplace transform of t√1 + sin t

14 Find the Laplace transform of e (∫ du)

15 Evaluate ∫ dt

16 Find Laplace Transform of ∫ ue sin4u du

17 Find Laplace transform of e t cos 2t. sin 4t

1 Using Convolution theorem find Inverse Laplace Transform of ( )

2 Using Convolution theorem find Inverse Laplace Transform of ( )

3 Find the Inverse Laplace transform of ( )

4 Using Convolution theorem find Inverse Laplace Transform of ( )

5 Using convolution theorem, evaluate { }

( )

6 Evaluate i) [2 tanh ] ii) [( ]


7 Find inverse Laplace Transform of

8 Find (i) (ii) tan

9 Using Convolution theorem find Inverse Laplace Transform of ( ) ( )

10 Find the Inverse Laplace Transform of ( )( )

11 Find the Inverse Laplace Transform of ( )

12 Find the Inverse Laplace Transform of log( )

13 Using convolution theorem find Inverse Laplace Transform: ( )

14 Using convolution theorem find Inverse Laplace Transform ( )( )

1 Prove that f(z)= − +2 is analytic and find f’(z)

2 Find the analytic function whose imaginary part is v= + ℎ .

3 Show that the function u=sinxcoshy+2cosxsinhy+ − +4 satisfies Laplace’s equation

and find it corresponding analytic function

4 Determine the constants a,b,c,d if

f(z) = +2axy+b + ( +2 + )is analytic

5 If v= , prove that v is a harmonic function. Also find the corresponding harmonic

conjugate function and analytic function

6 Find the orthogonal trajectory of the curves 3 +2 − −2 =∝, where ∝ is constant

7 Find the analytic function f(z)=u+iv where u= 2 − +2

8 Prove that real and imaginary parts of an analytic function F(z)=u+iv are harmonic function

9 Find the imaginary part whose real part is u= −3 +3 −3 + 1.

10 Show that the function V= ( + )satisfies laplace equation and find its
corresponding analytic function and its harmonic conjugate.

11 Find the analytic function whose real part is

12 Find the orthogonal trajectory of the family of curves cos + = , where α is a real
constant in the xy-plane

13 Show that the function is analytic and find their derivative ( ) =

14 Determine the constants a,b,c,d,e if f(z) = ( + + + −2 ) + (4 − +

4 ) is analytic

15 Show that = −3 is harmonic function. Also find its harmonic conjugate

16 Find the analytic function f(z) whose imaginary part is ( + )

17 Find the analytic function f(z) where − =

1 Find the fourier series for f(x) = │sinx│ in (− , )

2 Find the fourier expansion for f(x) = √1 − in (0,2 ) Hence, deduce that = ∑

3 Obtain the fourier series of f(x) given by

f(x) = 0 , - ≤x≤0 and f(x) = 0≤x≤

4 Find half range sine series for f(x) = − in (0, )

1 1 1 1
= − + − +⋯
32 12 3 5 7

5 Find half range cosine series f(x)= sinx in 0≤x≤ Hence deduce that

+ .
+ .

6 Find the fourier expansion for f(x) = │x│ in (− , )

7 Find the fourier expansion for f(x) = 4 - in (0,2) , Hence deduce that

1 1 1 1
= + + + +⋯
6 1 2 3 4

8 Obtain half – range cosine series for f(x) =x(2-x) in 0 < x < 2

9 Find the cosine series of period 2 to represent sinx in 0 ≤ x ≤

10 Find the Fourier series of the function f(x) = , 0<x<2 and f(x + 2 ) = f(x).Hence
( )
deduce that the value of ∑

11 Find the half range sine series in (0, ) for ( − )

12 Expand ( ) = − ,0 < < in a half range cosine series

13 Find the Fourier series of cos (− , )

14 cos ,− < <0

Find the Fourier series for ( ) =
sin ,0 < <

15 Find half range sine series for sin (0, ) and hence deduce that

= − + − …………

Find fourier series for ( ) = 0< < 2 and ( + 2 ) = ( )

Also deduce i) = − + − … ii) = + + + …

Obtain half range Fourier sine series for ( ) = ,− < <

18 Obtain the complex form of Fourier series for ( ) = , (− , )

1 Using Crank Nicholson Method solve = subject to ( , 0) = 0 (0, ) = 0 & (1, ) = for
two time steps

2 Solve − 32 = 0 by Bender Schmidt method subject to conditions (0, ) = 0 ( , 0) =

0 (1, ) = taking h=0.25 0 < x < 1

3 Using Crank Nicholson simplified formula solve − =0

(0, ) = 0 , (4, ) = 0 , ( , 0) = (16 − )


Find = 0,1,2,3,4 & = 0,1,2

4 Using Crank Nicholson method solve = subject to 0≤ ≤ 1 (0, ) = 0 (1, ) =

, ( , 0) = 100 (1 − ) taking h = 0.25 in one step

5 By using Bender Schmidt method solve = (0, ) = (5, ) = 0 ( , 0) = (25 − )

Find f in range taking h = 1 &upto 5 sec

6 Solve −2 = 0 by Bender Schmidt method subject to the conditions (0, ) = 0, (4, ) = 0 ,

( , 0) = (4 − )

7 By using Bender Schmidt method solve − = 0, (0, ) = 0 , (5, ) = 0, ( , 0) =

(25 − )

Find f in range taking h = 1 & upto 3 sec

1 Find −4 −7 + 11 − − 10 in terms of A using cayley-Hamilton theorem for

1 4
2 3

2 Show that the matrix is diagonalizable.Find the diagonal form and transforming matrix where
8 −6 2
= −6 7 −4
2 −4 3

3 Prove that 3 tan = tan 3

−1 4
where =
2 1

4 Use Cayley-Hamilton theorem to find −4 −7 + 11 − − 10 in terms of A where

1 4
2 3

5 2 3
If = find
−3 −4

6 2 2 1
If = 1 3 1 Find the characteristic roots of A and +
1 2 2

7 2 1
Find if =
1 2

8 2 0 −1
Find the eigen values of the adjoint of the matrix = 0 2 0
−1 0 2

9 Find the characteristics equation of the matrix A given below and hence find the matrix represented
by −6 +9 +4 − 12 +2 −

3 10 5
where = −2 −3 −4
3 5 7

Find e and 4 if A =

11 If λ is an eigen value of matrix A then prove that λ is an eigen value of A and hence find the
2 1 −2
eigen values for A + 2A + 5I, where A = 0 2 4 .
0 0 3

12 Show that the matrix is diagonalizable, find the diagonal form and transforming matrix
3 −1 1
whereA = −1 3 −1
1 −1 3

13 1 4 4 −4
If A = Prove that A − 5A =
2 3 −2 2

14 2 2 1
If A = 1 3 1 Find the characteristic roots of A and A + I
1 2 2

15 2 −3 3
Show that the matrix A is derogatory and find its minimal polynomial A = 0 3 −1
0 −1 3

16 2 −1 1
Verify Cayley- Hamilton Theorem and hence find A , if A = −1 2 −1
1 −1 2

Q1. The value of ∫ .

Option A: 1
tan 7
Option B: 1
tan 6
Option C: 1
cot 6
Option D: 1
sec 6

For the function ( ) = , the value of the Fourier coefficients ,
and in the interval (0,5) are respectively
Option A: , ,
( )

Option B: , ,
( )

Option C: , ,
( )

Option D: , ,
( )

Q3. The Inverse Laplace of is :

( )

Option A: 1+t+
Option B: -1+t+
Option C: -1-t+
Option D: -1+t+

Q4. The Laplace transform of is :

Option A: cot
Option B: cot ( + 1)
Option C: tan
Option D: tan ( + 1)

Q5. The value of ∫ dt , is :

Option A: -1
Option B: 0
Option C: 10
Option D: 1

Q6. If ( ) = cos + sin is analytic then value of is

Option A: 2
Option B: 1
Option C: 3
Option D: 4

Q7. If ( ) is analytic & | ( )| is constant then ( ) is

Option A: +ve
Option B: – ve
Option C: Constant
Option D: 0

| |
Q8. For the function ( ) = , The value of the Fourier coefficient is
Option A: 1 −1
( )

Option B: 1 +1
( )

Option C: 1 −1
( )
Option D: 1 −1
( )

Q9. The inverse Laplace transform of tan ( )

Option A: −1

Option B: 1

Option C: −1

Option D: 9

Q10. The real part of the analytic function ( ) is = −2 + then

the harmonic conjugate can be given by
Option A: = +
Option B: = + +
Option C: = − +
Option D: Harmonic conjugate does not exit

Q11. If { ( )} = , then { (2 )} is

Option A: +3
+4 +6
Option B: +3
+ 8 + 31
Option C: −3
+ 8 − 10
Option D: +3
− 8 + 10

Q12. The derivative of the analytic function ( ) can be given by

Option A: f (z) = ( + )
Option B: f (z) = +
Option C: f (z) = −
Option D: f (z) = ( − )

Q13. The one dimensional heat flow equation is

Option A: Parabolic in nature
Option B: Hyperbolic in nature
Option C: Elliptic in nature
Option D: Can’t determine the nature

Q15. The Values of the constantsa,b,c,d,e if

( )=( + + + −2 ) + (4 − +
4 )is an analytic function.
Option A: = 1, = −6, = 1, = 2, = 4
Option B: = 1, = 6, = −1, = 2, = 4

Option C: = 1, = 6, = 1, = 2, = −4
Option D: = 1, = 6, = 1, = −2, = 4

Q17. ( )
If ( ) = for (0,2 ) , Then the value of Fourier coefficients
respectively are
Option A:
Option B: ,0
Option C: 0,
Option D: 0 ,0

Q18. The Inverse Laplace transform of ∅( ) =

( )( )

Option A:
3 . .

Option B:
2 3 . .

Option C:
3 . 3.

Option D:
2 3 . 3.

Q19. In Crank –Nicholson method, the rectangular formula is given by:

Option A: ( a+b+c+d)

Option B: ( a+b+c+d)

Option C: ( a+b+c+d)

Option D: ( a+b+c+d)

Q20. The complex function ( ) = + +3 + is

Option A: A holomorphic function
Option B: Not an analytic function
Option C: A linear function
Option D: Not a differential function

Q21. One of the condition for the existence of a Laplace transform about the
function is
Option A: The function should of Orthogonal in nature
Option B: The function should of Exponential order
Option C: The function should of Hyperbolic in nature
Option D: The function should of parabolic in nature

Q23. The function ( )defined in the interval [ 1, 2] can be expressed as a

Fourier series if it satisfies
Option A: Euler’s Condition
Option B: Dirichlet’s Condition
Option C: Cauchy Riemann Equations
Option D: Leibnitz’s Equations

Q24. The Inverse Laplace transform of ∅( ) = log( )

Option A: ℎ

Option B: ℎ2

Option C: (− ℎ )
Option D:

Q25. The polynomials in the complex plane are always

Option A: Non differential function
Option B: Linear function
Option C: Non continuous function
Option D: Holomorphic function

Q26. The Fourier series of an odd periodic function contains only:

Option A: Sine terms
Option B: Cosine terms
Option C: Odd Harmonic
Option D: Sine Harmonic

Q27. The trigonometric Fourier series of even function does not have:
Option A: Sine terms
Option B: Cosine terms
Option C: Odd Harmonic
Option D: DC terms

Q28. The value of constant a0 of the Fourier series of the function f(x) = x in
0≤ x ≤ 2π is:
Option A: Π
Option B: 2π
Option C: 3π
Option D: 4π

Q29. The value of constant bn of the Fourier series of the function f(x) = x2 in
(-π, π) is :
Option A: π
Option B: 2

Option C: 0
Option D: -2

Q30. In Bender –Schmidt method the step sizes h , k are related by:
Option A: k = ah2

Option B: k = ah3

Option C: k = ah

Option D: k = ah4


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