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I. LISTENING (3.0 points - 0.2/each)

Task 1. Question from 1 to 5.
Listen to the recording about Unusual British festivals. Then choose the best answers in A, B, or C.
Question 1. The Clavie is _________.
A. a whisky container
B. a wooden cross
C. a bonfire made of things people don’t need
Question 2. In the Up Helly Aa festival, they burn __________.
A. a wooden man
B. a Viking boat
C. a line in the grass
Question 3. Nowadays, the people who win the cheese rolling competition are usually _________.
A. top athletes
B. People rom the village
C. visitors from all over the world
Question 4. The fastest snail in the Snail Racing is _________.
A. cooked with garlic and butter
B. rescued from the barbecue
C. given a prize of extra lettuce
Question 5. To win the best gurner competition, one man _________.
A. had all his teeth removed
B. grew a really long beard
C. had a lot of facial piercings

Part 2: Questions from 6 to 15.

Listen to the recording and write in each numbered blank with one word or a number.

Hello, I'm delighted to welcome you to our Wildlife Club, and very pleased that you're interested in the
countryside and the plants and (6)____________ of this area. I think you'll be surprised at the variety we
have here, even though we're not far from London. I'll start by telling you about some of the parks and open
(7)____________ nearby.

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One very (8)____________ place is Halland Common. This has been public land for hundreds of years,
and what you'll find interesting is that the River Ouse, which (9)____________ into the sea eighty kilometres
away, has its source in the common. There's an information (10)____________ about the plants and animals
you can see here, and by the way, the common is accessible 24 hours a day.

Then there's Holt Island, which is noted for its great (11)____________ of trees. In the past willows
were grown here commercially for basket-making, and this ancient craft has recently been
(12)____________. The island is only open to the public from Friday to Sunday, because it's quite small, and
if there were people around every day, much of the (13)____________ would keep away.

From there it's just a short walk across the bridge to Longfield Country Park. Longfield has a modern
replica of a farm from over (14)____________ years ago. Children's activities are often arranged there, like
bread-making and face-painting. The park is only open during (15)____________ hours, so bear that in
mind if you decide to go there.

II. READING (5.0 pts)

Part 1. Read the following passage and circle the most suitable answer (A, B, C, or D) for each space:
(2.0 points - 0.2/each)
Although it may come as a surprise (16) _____ people, postal services have existed in some parts of the
world for thousands of years. There is ample evidence that a postal service existed among the Assyrians and
Babylonians. In China a regular postal service (17) _____ in the seventh century BC, and over the centuries
attained such a high level of efficiency that some 2,000 years after its (18) _____ it won the admiration of
travelers like Marco Polo. Efficient and highly (19) _____ postal services were also established in the
Persian and Roman empires. In ancient tinles, these services were mainly confined to the use of
representatives of (20) _____ state; private citizens made use of slaves, merchants and the (21) _____ to send
their messages and documents. In Medieval Europe, postal services were organized by emperors and by the
papacy, (22) _____ private citizens continued to entrust their correspondence to various travelers. Later,
around the 13th century, universities and towns came to have their own messengers. However, it was not
until the 14th century (23) _____ merchants, the private citizens who had the greatest need for a speedy and
regular exchange of correspondence, began to set (24) _____ regular courier services. The needs of business
(25) _____ to the development of the postal service as we know it today.
Question 16. A. to B. for C. with D. among
Question 17. A. were established B. has established C. established D. was established
Question 18. A. introduction B. institution C. application D. occurrence
Question 19. A. appeared B. built C. developed D. enriched
Question 20. A. a B. the C. some D. no article
Question 21. A. such B. like C. likely D. same
Question 22. A. until B. and C. when D. while
Question 23. A. when B. which C. that D. in which
Question 24. A. up B. out C. off D. in
Question 25. A. resulted B. came C. brought D. led
Part 2. Read the passage and circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
questions: (2.0 points - 0.2/each)
Herbs are different kinds of plants and plant parts that can be used for medicinal purposes. This can be the
leaves, stems, roots or seeds of the plant. Herbs have been important traditional medicine for centuries in
both the East and the West. In Western medicine, they have been largely replaced by drugs. Herbal
treatments are, however, still an integral part of Eastern medicine. In recent years, interest in traditional
medicine has increased in the West.
The main difference between herbs and drugs is that, while herbs are simply parts of the plant, drugs are
specific chemicals in a pure form. Many modern drugs are derived from chemicals found in plants. One

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example is aspirin, which is made from a chemical extracted from the bark of the willow tree. Other drugs
are entirely synthetic. Even those drugs that are derived from natural sources are heavily processed in order
to purify and concentrate them. This allows drugs to be administered in very precise amounts. Different
kinds of degrees and illnesses often require dosages that differ only slightly. A little too much or not enough
of a certain drug can have negative effects on the patient. These undesired negative effects are called "side-
The possibility of dangerous and unexpected side-effects from drugs has led many people back to
traditional medicine. Herbal treatments seem more natural than modern drugs. Many feel that traditional
medicine is more concerned with treating the underlying causes of disease instead of just the symptoms,
though the truth of this claim is not yet clear.
There are, however, disadvantages to herbal treatments. Few herbal treatments have been scientifically
studied. Because the active chemicals are not used alone, it is very difficult to determine the proper amount
of treatment, since the levels of the chemical in herbs are not constant throughout the plant. Therefore, the
risk of under - and overdose is higher than with drugs.
There are even certain herbs that can cause side-effects, just like a drug. Garlic and ginger are common
elements in food that are also taken as herbal treatments, but they can be dangerous for people with diabetes.
In general, herbs are most dangerous when they are taken along with common drugs.
Finally, because production of herbal treatments is seldom regulated, harmful substances can be present in
herbal preparations. Herbs grown in polluted soil may contain lead, arsenic, or mercury. They may also be
tainted with pesticides. It is for these reasons that herbs should not be treated as the perfect substitute for
drugs. Although herbs appear to be quite distinct from modern drugs, it is important to use them with the
same sort of care.
Question 26. Aspirin is an example of drugs which is
A. pure specific chemicals B. completely derived form herbs.
B. chemicals extracted from herbs. D. half chemicals and half herbs.
Question 27. The word "integral" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to .
A. harmful B. important C. famous D. controversial
Question 28. According to the passage, herbs are most dangerous when
A. not taken under a doctor's supervision. B. the patient refuses modern medicine.
C. the dosage is not administered precisely D. taking in combination with drugs.
Question 29. Why does the author mention that drugs are heavily processed?
A. To show that herbs can not compete with modern medical techniques.
B. Because many mistakes can occur in this processing.
C. To illustrate that drugs are not natural.
D. To point out that many countries can not afford to produce drugs.
Question 30. Harmful substances may be present in herbs because they __________
A. contain some poisonous elements. B. are grown in nutritious soil.
C. may be contaminated with pesticides. D. are treated as the perfect substitute.
Question 31. What is the main difference between herbs and drugs according to the passage?
A. Drugs can cause side-effects, whereas herbs do not.
B. Drugs are at least partially synthetic, whereas herbs are natural.
C. Herbs are dangerous when taken in large amounts; drugs are safer.
D. Herbs can produce a false sense of securities, whereas drugs do not.
Question 32. According to the passage, who should not take ginger or garlic as herbal treatments?
A. Patients with diabetes B. Patients with liver damage
C. Patients taking antidepressants D. Patients with heart problems
Question 33. The author advises using drugs or herbs with the same sort of care because
A. both of them have the same effect. B. both of them may have side-effects.

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C. they may have no effect at all. D. none of them treat diseases well.
Question 34. Which of the following is closest in meaning to "tainted" in paragraph 6?
A. accompanied B. augmented C. substitute D. contaminated
Question 35. It can be inferred from the passage that_______
A. the drug industry is better regulated than the herb industry.
B. people who use drugs instead of herbs recover more quickly.
C. the popularity of herbal treatments will decrease in the future.
D. the side-effects of drugs are more serious than those of herbs.

Part 3. The following text has 5 paragraphs (1-5). From the list of headings below, choose the most
suitable heading for each paragraph. Write the correct letter (A– G) next to each question on your
answer sheet. There are two extra headings which you do not need to use. (1.0 point - 0.2/each).

A. First-class staff E. Courses start every week

B. Recognition of your achievements F. Other services/Pastoral care/Personal arrangements
C. A personal approach G. Up-to-date classroom practice
D. Monitored achievement


On an English course with Atlas English Language College, you improve your language skills and make
friends from all over the world!
Question 36 __________
Because Atlas courses start every Monday of the year, there's bound to be one that fits in with your
academic, personal or professional commitments. Whatever your level of language ability, from beginner to
advanced, you can choose to study for any length of time, from two weeks to a full year. Courses match a
range of individual requirements, from intensive examination preparation to short summer programmes.
Most courses commence at 9 am and run till 3 pm.
Question 37 C

If you take an intensive full-time course, we will help you to select the Special Interest Options which best
suit your goals. From then on, our teacher will discuss your work with you on a weekly basis. This means
that you should develop the language skills you need - and that you are helped to study at your own pace.
Question 38 _______
The popularity and success of any language school depend greatly on the quality of the teachers and the
methods they employ. All Atlas teachers have specialist qualifications in the teaching of English to foreign
students and are all native speakers. We employ only experienced professionals with a proven record of
success in the classroom.
Question 39 ________
Every Atlas course fee includes accommodation in carefully selected homestay families. Breakfast and
dinner each day are also included, so you need have no concerns about having to look for somewhere to live
once you get to the school.
Question 40 _______
On completion of any Intensive, Examination or Summer course, you will receive the Atlas Course
Certificate of Attendance. On completion of a four-week course or longer you will also receive the Atlas
Academic Record that reflects your ability in every aspect of the language from conversation to writing.
Such a record will allow you to present your linguistic credentials to academic institutions or potential
employers around the world.

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III. USE OF LANGUAGE (7.0 points)
Part 1. Phonetics: (1.0 point - 0.1/each)
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 41. A. ploughs B. coughs C. laughs D. photographs
Question 42. A. composed B. coughed C. closed D. ploughed
Question 43. A. luxury B. example C. exist D. anxiety
Question 44. A. modal B. model C. modest D. modern
Question 45. A. jazz B. pizza C. puzzle D. dizzy
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 46. A. marine B. mature C. extinct D. honest
Question 47. A. campaign B. routine C. idea D. effort
Question 48. A. influence B. evidence C. guitarist D. herbicide
Question 49. A. astronaut B. magazine C. habitat D. envelope
Question 50. A. geothermal B. facsimile C. representative D. interference
Part 2. Vocabulary and Structures: (3.0 points - 0.1/each)
Choose the best option (A, B, C, or D) that best completes each unfinished sentence or substitutes the
underlined part.
Question 51. In the 1970s, the Chinese government started to __________birth-control programs throughout
the country.
A. implement B. carry on C. force D. practice
Question 52. My supervisor is angry with me. I didn’t do all the work I _________ last week.
A. should have done B. must have done C. need to have done D. might have done
Question 53. ________, no one was absent from the farewell party last night.
A. As it rained heavily B. Heavily as it rained
C. Though it rains heavily D. In spite of heavily rain
Question 54. Farmers can enrich the soil by using __________.
A. fertile B. fertilizers C. fertilize D. fertility
Question 55. Peter, Ahmad and Zongwei were first, second and third _________ in the school cross country
A. respectively B. actively C. responsively D. tremendously
Question 56. It was found that he lacked the ________ to pursue a difficult task to the very end.
A. persuasion B. commitment C. engagement D. obligation
Question 57. Mrs Zhang gave birth to __________ twins yesterday night.
A. similar B. identical C. comparable D. assorted
Question 58. It is imperative that everyone__________what to do when there is a fire.
A. knowing B. know C. knows D. knew
Question 59. If you think you are right, then _________. Don't let him bully you into changing your mind.
A. stand your ground B. hit it off C. kick the bucket D. give the green light
Question 60. _________ behalf of the committee, I'd like to thank you for your generous donation.
A. In B. For C. On D. To
Question 61. ___________ to Jim myself, I can’t tell why he would do such terrible things.
A. Not to be speaking B. Not to have spoken
C. Because of not being spoken D. Not having spoken
Question 62. At no time in history _________ such a diligent and brilliant fellow.

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A. has Peter and his classmates ever met B. have Peter and his classmates ever met
C. Peter and his classmates ever met D. Peter and his classmates had ever met
Question 63. _______ was caused by breathing impure air over was once a common belief.
A. Why malaria B. That malaria
C. The reason malaria D. Malaria
Question 64. Of the two new students, one is friendly and _________.
A. the others are not B. the other is not
C. another is unfriendly D. other lacks friendliness
Question 65. The teacher as well as his students____________ at the school meeting yet.
A. arrived B. hasn’t arrived C. haven’t arrived D. not arriving
Question 66. Setting off on an expedition without thorough preparation and with inadequate equipment is
tempting fate.
A. having panic B. going round in circles
C. taking a risk D. losing heart
Question 67. She is the only one in the discussion ________ to using nuclear power.
A. objects B. objected C. to object D. whom objects
Question 68. My new hiking boots will be great once I’ve _______ them _______.
A. broken – in B. put – through C. taken – to D. fixed – up
Question 69. The university is proud of their students, _______ earn national recognition.
A. many of who B. many of whom C. many of which D. many of whose
Question 70. Last year Matt earned __________ his brother, who had a better position.
A. twice more than B. twice as many as C. twice as much as D. twice as more as
Question 71. Had it not been for the intolerable heat in the hall, they ________ much longer.
A. will stay B. would stay C. would be staying D. would have stayed
Question 72. The local clubs are________ every effort to interest more young people.
A. doing B. taking C. making D. giving
Question 73. Tom had difficulty in finishing his project so he asked Linda for assisting him.
- Tom: “How about giving me a hand?” - Linda: “___________.”
A. No, not yet B. I promise C. You’re welcome D. Sure. I'd be glad to help
Question 74. Ken and Tom are discussing where their study group will meet.
- Ken: “Where is our study group going to meet next weekend?” - Tom: “___________.”
A. Studying in a group is great fun. B. We are too busy on weekdays.
C. Why don’t you look at the atlas? D. The library would be best.
Question 75. This special offer is exclusive to readers of this magazine.
A. presentable B. rewarding C. attractive D. limited
Question 76. We regret ________ you that we cannot approve your suggestion.
A. informed B. to inform C. informing D. inform
Question 77. I’d rather you ________too much time surfing the Internet.
A. don’t spend B. not spending C. not to spend D. didn’t spend
Question 78. This is ______ the most difficult job I have ever tackled.
A. by rights B. by all means C. by far D. by the way
Question 79. People living abroad are not ____________to enter for this competition.
A. enabled B. permissible C. capable D. eligible
Question 80. Jane really loves the ______ jewelry box that her parents gave her as a birthday present.
A. nice brown wooden B. nice wooden brown
C. wooden brown nice D. brown wooden nice

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Part 3. Each of the following sentences has one mistake. Find and correct it. (1.0 point - 0.2/each)
Question 81. It was suggested that Pedro studies the material more thoroughly before attempting to pass the
Question 82. Peter is the boy whom I think scored the winning points for the basketball team.
Question 83. Because of attitudes shape behavior, psychologists want to find out how opinions are formed.
Question 84. I can’t understand how something weighs two hundred tons can fly.
Question 85. The progress made in space travel for the early 1960s is remarkable.
Question Error Correction

Part 4. Supply the correct forms or tenses of the verbs in parentheses. (1.0 point - 0.2/each)
Question 86. The highway patrol advised (take) ___________________ the old route through the city.
Question 87. Don’t worry. We (finish) ___________________ the report by 11.
Question 88. The town center (change) __________________ completely over the last 20 years and you
would hardly recognize it.
Question 89. It’s time you (buy) _________________ a new dictionary. Yours is out of date.
Question 90. He congratulated me on (choose) _______________ to present the school to go in for the
Question 91. (Write) ________________ the letter, she put it in an envelope.
Question 92. Police are reported (find) _______________ illegal drugs in a secret hiding place in the star’s
Question 93. I remember (give) _________________ a toy drum on my fifth birthday.
Question 94. If I were (ask) ________________ you to marry me, what would you say?
Question 95. Our classmates couldn’t help (laugh) _______________ when they heard the teacher’s funny

Your answers:
Question Answer Question Answer
86 91
87 92
88 93
89 94
90 95

Part 5. Complete each sentence with the appropriate form of the words given in parentheses. (1.0
point - 0.1/each)
Question 96. Leisure habits won’t change much in the (see) _______________ future.
Question 97. Jack is one of the most (speak) ________________ members of the committee.
Question 98. This statue (memory) _______________ the soldiers who died in the war.

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Question 99. A major problem caused by the miners is the (destroy) _______________ of the forests for
Question 100. We are continuing to pour billions of tons of (pollute) ______________ into the atmosphere
every year.
Question 101. Eating fish and lots of vegetables greatly increases your life (expect) _______________.
Question 102. Life in the wild is a constant struggle for the (survive) ____________________.
Question 103. You look rather (occupy) ___________________. Are you worried about something?
Question 104. I’ll always remember that journey – it was an (forget) ___________________ experience.
Question 105. (Legal) _________________ parked cars usually get a ticket and are sometimes towed away.

Your answers
Question Answer Question Answer
96 101
97 102
98 103
99 104
100 105


Part 1. (2 points- 0.2/ each )
A. Rewrite the sentences in such a way that they mean almost the same as those printed before them.
Question 106. He said, “Without the rapid growth in population, there would be fewer food shortages.”
 He blamed __________________________________________________________________
Question 107. You can try to get Tom to lend you his car, but you won’t succeed.
 There is no point _____________________________________________________________
Question 108. Thanks to your support, I was able to finish the project.
 Had it ______________________________________________________________________
Question 109. I didn’t realize she was your sister until I saw the picture.
 It was only __________________________________________________________________
Question 110. Experts think that all dogs evolved from wolves.
 All dogs ____________________________________________________________________
Question 111. They started investigating this case a week ago.
 They have __________________________________________________________________
Question 112. Nobody who watched the U23 Asian final match will forget it.
 People _____________________________________________________________________

B. Rewrite the sentences in such a way that they mean almost the same as those printed before them.
Use the words given in bold type; you cannot change the word given in any way.
Question 113. To our amazement, she failed the exam again. (FIND)
 ___________________________________________________________________________
Question 114. You didn’t think carefully enough before you decided. (THOUGHT)
 ___________________________________________________________________________
Question 115. The two theories appear to be completely different. (COMMON)
 ___________________________________________________________________________

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Part 2. Essay writing (3.0 points).
Write an essay of about 180-220 words on the following topic:
“Nowadays many high schools have severe problems with student behaviour.
What do you think are the causes of this?
What solutions can you suggest?”

































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