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1. I had to clear the spare room before I could start decorating. CLEARED
Only when ………………………………………………start decorating
1. Buying a plane ticket at the last minute isn’t often possible. TO
Rarely ……………………………………………………….. a plane ticket at the last minute
2. He didn’t ask her anything about her study. QUESTION
Not ………………………………………… her study.
3. Einstein proved that energy and mass are basically the same thing.
What ………………………………………… energy and mass are basically the same thing.
4. You can do jogging any time whatever the weather is like.
You ………………………………………..or shine
5. Mary was born in a small village very far away from the city. NOWHERE

6. Jimmy played truant this morning, so his father punished him severely. BOOK

7. The construction workers recklessly disregarded the safety at work. SHOWED

8. Coming to class late is inexcusable. EXCUSE

9. They have known each other since they were infant at school. INFANTS

10. I was surprised to discover that the hotel was long way from the center, TURNED
To my
11. He easily loses his temper. FLIES
12. I find Tom’s behavior quite incomprehensible. LOSS
I find
13. They have been arguing about the motorway extension for years. BONE
The proposed
14. I’m afraid our problems are just beginning . ICEBERG
The problems
15. You don’t have to buy one if you don’t like it.
You are under
16. Even though I admire his courage, I think he is foolish.
17. The chances are that the whole thing I have been forgot by the next term.
In all
18. There aren’t many other books which explained this problem so well.
In few other books
19. The only thing that prevented the passing of the bill was the death of the prime minister.
Had it
20. His condition improved so rapidly he went home 4 days after the operation.
21. You’re a trainee for 3 months and then you become a junior employee.
You become a junior employee once
22. I think you misunderstood, Kevin. STICK
I think you must ………………… ……………………………….., Kevin
23. The doctor’s advice was to just wait and see what happened and the baby would be fine.
The doctor said that we should let
24. I never thought that we’d have legal problems. CROSSED
It …………………………….. that we’d have legal problems
25. You only have a short time to do this work, so don’t waste time. CLOCK
You are …………………………….. so don’t waste time.
26. They painted the wall very well. MADE
They………………………………………………the wall.
27. Although he is young, there are several ministers even younger than him . MEANS

28. Williams remained silent throughout the meeting. CONTRIBUTION

29. They could not warn people by electronic mail because that might spread computer virus. FEAR

30. He used to be a teacher, so he really knows what it’s like in the classroom. FIRST-HAND

31. I tried as hard I could to make sure this problem would not arise. POWER

32. Jill’s success could be put down to hard work.

Hard work
33. The sole survivor of the plane crash was Mary peters.
Marry Peters was
34. The number of people who understand his ideas exceed his expectation.
35. The job is your provided your references are satisfactory.
The job offer
36. The truth only came out on the publication of the general’s personal diaries.
Only when
37. An announcement of their engagement appeared in the local paper.
Their engagement
38. Everyone exhausted apart from Sally.
39. His effort to find a solution didn’t deserve such savage criticism.
He shouldn’t
40. He is becoming quite famous as an interviewer. NAME
He is ……………………………. as an interviewer.
41. We must include buying new furniture in our household budget this year. ACCOUNTED
buying new furniture………………………………….. in our household budget this year
42. Julie always listens to my complaints about work. EAR
Julie always………………………………………………….. my complaints about work
43. The novel didn’t come up to my expectations. SHORT
The novel
44. It’s just possible that we may have to introduce pay cuts. RULED
We…………………………………………………… cuts.
45. We should waste no words talking to that stubborn guy. BREATH

46. The best solution was thought of by peter. CAME

47. The writer’s writing style contrasted sharply with his spoken language. CONTRAST

48. What has this experience taught you? DRAWN

49. I suspected him when he started being so helpful. RAT

50. That reminds me of the time I climbed to the top of mount Fuji.

That takes
51. People are persuaded by adverts to spend more than they can afford.
Adverts tempt
52. It was pure chance that a policeman was passing as I was attacked.
53. You’ve got a nerve, implying that it was all my fault.
54. I was greatly relieved to hear that her condition was not serious.
It was
55. Be considerate to other road users.
You are not
56. I’d really hate to live in a big city.
Living ……………………………….liking
57. There is a predominance of boys in this class.
There are
58. Were you to lose your ticket, no duplicate would be issued.
Should …………………………………….impossible to issue a duplicate.
59. It was assumed that Roy would marry that old rich lady.
People took
60. There were many mistakes in her writing. RIDDLED

61. Things considered, he did try his best to save the company. FAIRNESS

62. He failed in everything he did. BALLOON

63. Don’t worry about that. These problems are just imaginary. MIND

64. Nobody said anything even though they all wanted to say. PREGNANT

65. The trip was so amazing that we will never forget.

It’s too
66. If someone succeeds in solving the problem, it will probably be him.
He is the most
67. He threatened the police with violence.
He made
68. I really think she should stop ignoring me in meeting. SHOULDER
It’s about time……………………………………………………………………in meetings.
69. In my opinion, it was an absolute miracle that they survived the accident. SHORT
The fact that ………………………………………………………….., in my opinion.
70. She disapproved of my suggestion. DIM

71. Payment will be made when the older is received. RECEIPT

72. The villagers prepared themselves to withstand the coming storm. BRACED

73. I hardly think she will agree to leaving you a pay rise. LIKELIHOOD

74. Organic vegetables are said to be very healthy. WONDERS

75. The presidential visit attracted such an enormous crowd that all traffic came to a standstill.
So many
76. They declared war on the pretext of defending their territorial rights.
The excuse
77. Attendance at the exhibition has been down this year.
The exhibition
78. Our science correspondent to sees this new invention as the answer to many of our problems.
According to
79. Cheques should only be accepted with proof of identity.
80. People no longer smoke so many cigarettes as they used to.
81. The engine failed because a part had been badly fitted.
The engine failure
82. “I think the whole idea’s ridiculous,” he said.
He dismissed
83. I’m absolutely sure that they weren’t playing in this weather.
They can’t
84. It’s not a habit of mine to sleep in the afternoon.
I am
85. I would like to express my thanks for everything you done for me. THANKFUL
I’d like to say………………………………………….am for everything you done for me.
86. They probably don’t live at the same address any more. DOUBT
I…………………………………………… at the same address any more.
87. The authorities have improved the public transport system here recently. IMPROVEMENTS
The authorities ………………………………….. the public transport system here recently
88. It’s not worth worrying about the past,” I told him. POINT
I told him that there was……………………………………..about the past.
89. I offered to help her but she said “No, thanks.” TURNED
She……………………………………………………..of help.
90. I don’t think she likes doing other’s people work for them. OBJECTS
I think …………………………………. other’s people work for them?
91. He seemed to be worried about something. IMPRESSION
I ………………………………………….was worrying him.
92. when should we collect the books we ordered last week? SUPPOSED
When …………………………………. the books we ordered last week?
93. I was surprised to discovered that the hotel was a long way from the city centre. TURNED
To …………………………….. that the hotel was a long way from the city centre.
94. It’s certain that he will compensate you for the damage he has done.
He is bound
95. I don’t mind staying in on Sunday night if I have good company.
I’m not averse
96. Helen won’t be happy till she gets a full refund.
97. It was not very polite of you not to notify them about the change of plans.
You could
98. We were elated by the bird of our first grandchild.
99. Being her only niece, Ann is very precious to her. APPLE
100. A holiday in the UK is very expensive these days. ARM

101. Could you come on Saturday?SUIT

102. There’s possibility that you may be able to get a grant. ELIGIBLE
We are pleased
103. If you wait for a good opportunity until the market improves, you’ll get a better return on your
investment. BIDE
104. He didn’t go to bed until he finished his composition.
Not until
105. Mary got the wrong end of the stick.
106. The man is a bit over the top when you first meet him. EXAGGERATED
The man
107. He is rather a cold fish when you first meet him.FORMAL

108. We didn’t go in case we were recognized. FEAR

109. Anna was afraid the neigbours would despise her for not having a washing machine. LOOK

110. They don’t mind which film they go to.


1. I had to clear the spare room before I could start decorating. CLEARED
Only when I had cleared the spare room could I start decorating
2. Buying a plane ticket at the last minute isn’t often possible. TO
Rarely is it possible to buy a plane ticket at the last minute
1. He didn’t ask her anything about her study. QUESTION
Not a/one single question did he ask about her study.
2. Einstein proved that energy and mass are basically the same thing.
What Einstein proved is/ was that the energy and mass are basically the same thing.
3. You can do jogging any time whatever the weather is like.
You can do jogging anytime rain or shine
4. Mary was born in a small village very far away from the city. NOWHERE
Mary was born in a small village in the middle of nowhere
in the middle of nowhere: a place that is long way from the other building or town
5. Jimmy played truant this morning, so his father punished him severely. BOOK
Jimmy played truant this morning , so his father thrown the book at him
Throw a book at sb: to punish sb who has committed an offence as severely as possible.
6. The construction workers recklessly disregarded the safety at work. SHOWED
The construction workers showed a reckless disregard for the safety at work
Show a disregard for sth: the act of treating sb/sth unimportant
7. Coming to class late is inexcusable. EXCUSE
There is no excuse for coming to class late
(no) excuse for a reason either true or invented that give to explain or defend your behavior
8. They have known each other since they were infants at school. INFANTS
They have known each other since they were in the infants.
In the infants = at infant school (a child at school at the age of between 4 -7)
9. I was surprised to discover that the hotel was long way from the center, TURNED
To my surprise, it turned out that the hotel was long way from the center
Turn out : to be discovered, to prove to be..
10. He easily loses his temper. FLIES
He easily flies off the handle
flies off the handle: to become suddenly angry
11. I find Tom’s behavior quite incomprehensible. LOSS
I find myself at a loss to comprehend Tom’s behaviors
12. They have been arguing about the motorway extension for years. BONE
The proposed motorway extension has been a bone of contention for years
Bone of contention: a subject which causes disagreements and arguments between people.
13. I’m afraid our problems are just beginning . ICEBERG
The problems of ours are just a tip of the iceberg
the tip of the iceberg :only a small part of a much larger problem.
14. You don’t have to buy one if you don’t like it.
You are under no obligation to buy one if you don’t like it
under no obligation/ under any obligation: the state of being forced to do sth because it’s your duty or
because it ‘s law
15. Even though I admire his courage, I think he is foolish.
Much as I admire his courage, I think he is foolish
16. The chances are that the whole thing I have been forgot by the next term.
In all probabilities, the whole thing will have been forgot by next term
In all probabilities : it is very likely that
17. There aren’t many other books which explained this problem so well.
In few other books is this problem so well-explained
18. The only thing that prevented the passing of the bill was the death of the prime minister.
Had it not been for the death of the prime minister., the passing of the bill would have been carried out.
19. His condition improved so rapidly he went home 4 days after the operation.
There was such a rapid improvement in his condition (that) he went home four days after the
20. You’re a trainee for 3 months and then you become a junior employee.
You become a junior employee once You’ve been a trainee for 3 months.(once = as soon as /when)
21. I think you misunderstood, Kevin. STICK
I think you must have got the wrong end of the stick, Kevin
get (hold of) the wrong end of the stick: misunderstand
22. The doctor’s advice was to just wait and see what happened and the baby would be fine.
The doctor said that we should let nature take it course and the baby would be fine.
Take/ run its course: to develop in usual way and come to the usual end.
23. I never thought that we’d have legal problems. CROSSED
It never crossed my mind that we’d have legal problems
crossed my mind : come into your mind
24. You only have a short time to do this work, so don’t waste time. CLOCK
You are working against the clock so don’t waste time.
against the clock: if you do sth against the clock, you do it fast in order to finish before a
particular time
25. They painted the wall very well. MADE
They made a good job of painting the wall.
26. Although he is young, there are several ministers even younger than him . MEANS
Although he is young, he is by no means the youngest minister.
27. Williams remained silent throughout the meeting. CONTRIBUTION
Williams made no contribution to the discussion at the meeting
28. They could not warn people by electronic mail because that might spread computer virus. FEAR
They could not warn people by electronic mail for fear of spreading….
29. He used to be a teacher, so he really knows what it’s like in the classroom. FIRST-HAND
He has first-hand experience of the classroom.
30. I tried as hard I could to make sure this problem would not arise. POWER
I did everything in my power to prevent/stop this problem from raising
31. Jill’s success could be put down to hard work.
Hard work was what caused Jill’s success
32. The sole survivor of the plane crash was Mary peters.
Marry Peters was the only passenger not to be killed in the plane crash
Marry Peters was the only survivor in the plane crash / marry petrers was the only passengers to survive
in the plane crash.
33. The number of people who understand his ideas exceeds his expectation.
More people understand him than he expects
34. The job is your provided your references are satisfactory.
The job offer is dependent on your satisfactory references.
35. The truth only came out on the publication of the general’s personal diaries.
Only when the general’s personal diaries were published did the truth come out
36. An announcement of their engagement appeared in the local paper.
Their engagement was announced in the local nwspaper
37. Everyone exhausted apart from Sally.
With the exception of Sally, everyone was exhausted
38. His effort to find a solution didn’t deserve such savage criticism.
He shouldn’t have been savagely criticized for his efforts to find a solution
39. He is becoming quite famous as an interviewer. NAME ( so sanh voi made so name for )
He is making quite a name for himself as an interviewer.
40. We must include buying new furniture in our household budget this year. ACCOUNTED
buying new furniture must be accounted for in our household budget this year
41. Julie always listens to my complaints about work. EAR
Julie always lends an ear to my complaints about work
42. The novel didn’t come up to my expectations. SHORT
The novel fell shorts of my expectations
43. It’s just possible that we may have to introduce pay cuts. RULED
We have nnot ruled out the possibility of introducing pay cuts.
44. We should waste no words talking to that stubborn guy. BREATH
We should save our breath by not talking to that stubborn guy.
Shouldn’t waste our breath
45. The best solution was thought of by peter. CAME
Peter came up with the best solution
46. The writer’s writing style contrasted sharply with his spoken language. CONTRAST
There was a sharp contrast between the writers writing style and his spoken language
47. What has this experience taught you? DRAWN
What conclusion have you drawn from this experience
48. I suspected him when he started being so helpful. RAT
I smelt a rat when he started being so helpful
49. That reminds me of the time I climbed to the top of mount Fuji.
That takes me back to the time I climed to the top of mount Fuji.
50. People are persuaded by adverts to spend more than they can afford.
Adverts tempt people into spending more than they can afford.
51. It was pure chance that a policeman was passing as I was attacked.
Only by chance was a policeman passing as I was attacked
52. You’ve got a nerve, implying that it was all my fault.
How dare you imply that it was all my fault.
53. I was greatly relieved to hear that her condition was not serious.
It was with great relief to hear that her condition was not serious.
54. Be considerate to other road users.
You are not consderate enough to other road users.
55. I’d really hate to live in a big city.
Livingin a big city is not to my liking
56. There is a predominance of boys in this class.
There are more boys and girls in this class.
57. Were you to lose your ticket, no duplicate would be issued.
Should impossible to issue a duplicate.
58. It was assumed that Roy would marry that old rich lady.
People took it for granted that Roy would marry that old rich lady.
59. There were many mistakes in her writing. RIDDLED
Her typing was riddled with mistakes
60. Things considered, he did try his best to save the company. FAIRNESS
In all fairness to him, he did try his best to save the company.
61. He failed in everything he did. BALLOON
He went down like a lead balloon
62. Don’t worry about that. These problems are just imaginary. MIND
Don’t worry about that. These problems are all in your mind
63. Nobody said anything even though they all wanted to say. PREGNANT
There was a pregnant silence/pause
64. The trip was so amazing that we will never forget.
It’s too amazing trip for us to forget
65. If someone succeeds in solving the problem, it will probably be him.
He is the most likely person to succeed in solving problem.
66. He threatened the police with violence.
He made threats of violence against the officers
67. I really think she should stop ignoring me in meeting. SHOULDER
It’s about time she stopped giving me a cold shoulder in meetings.
68. In my opinion, it was an absolute miracle that they survived the accident. SHORT
The fact that they survived the accident was nothing short of a miracle, in my opinion.
69. She disapproved of my suggestion. DIM
She took a dim view of my suggestion
70. Payment will be made when the older is received. RECEIPT
Payment will be made on receipt of the order
71. The villagers prepared themselves to withstand the coming storm. BRACED
The villagers braced themselves for the coming storm.
72. I hardly think she will agree to leaving you a pay rise. LIKELIHOOD
There’s little likelihood of her giving/ that she will agree to giving /give you a pay raise
73. Organic vegetables are said to be very healthy. WONDERS
Organic vegetables are said to do wonders for one’s / your health
74. The presidential visit attracted such an enormous crowd that all traffic came to a standstill.
So many people turned out to see the president that all traffic came to a standstill.

75. They declared war on the pretext of defending their territorial rights.
The excuse for the declaration of war was the defence of their territorial rights
76. Attendance at the exhibition has been down this year.
The exhibition was not been so well attended this year
77. Our science correspondent sees this new invention as the answer to many of our problems.
According to our science correspondent , this new invention is the answer to many of our problems
78. Cheques should only be accepted with proof of identity.
Never accept cheques without proof of identity/unless you have proof…
79. People no longer smoke so many cigarettes as they used to.
The smoking of cigarettes is no longer as popular/ widespread as it used to be.
80. The engine failed because a part had been badly fitted.
The engine failure was due to a badly fitted part / to the fact that a part had been badly fitted
81. “I think the whole idea’s ridiculous,” he said.
He dismissed the whole ideas as (being ) ridiculous
82. I’m absolutely sure that they weren’t playing in this weather.
They can’t (possibly) have been playing in this weather
83. It’s not a habit of mine to sleep in the afternoon.
I am not in a habit of sleeping in the afternoon.
84. I would like to express my thanks for everything you done for me. THANKFUL
I’d like to say how thankful I am for everything you done for me.
85. They probably don’t live at the same address any more. DOUBT
Idoubt whether /if they live/are living at the same address any more.
86. The authorities have improved the public transport system here recently. IMPROVEMENTS
The authorities have made( some) improvements to/in the public transport system here recently
87. It’s not worth worrying about the past,” I told him. POINT
I told him that there was no point( in) worrying about the past.
88. I offered to help her but she said “No, thanks.” TURNED
She turned down my offer of help.
89. I don’t think she likes doing other’s people work for them. OBJECTS
I think ojects to doing other’s people work for them?
90. He seemed to be worried about something. IMPRESSION
I had/got impression that something was worrying him.
91. when should we collect the books we ordered last week? SUPPOSED
When are we supposed to pick the books we ordered last week?
92. I was surprised to discovered that the hotel was a long way from the city centre. TURNED
To my surprise, it turned out that the hotel was a long way from the city centre.
93. It’s certain that he will compensate you for the damage he has done.
He is bound to make it up to you for the damage he has done
94. I don’t mind staying in on Sunday night if I have good company.
I’m not averse to staying in on a Saturday ……
95. Helen won’t be happy till she gets a full refund.
Nothing other than a full refund will satisfy helen
96. It was not very polite of you not to notify them about the change of plans.
You could have notified them about the change of plans
97. We were elated by the bird of our first grandchild.
We were over the moon when our first grandchild was born
98. Being her only niece, Ann is very precious to her. APPLE
Being her only niece, Ann is the apple of her eyes
99. A holiday in the UK is very expensive these days. ARM
A holiday in the UK costs an arm and a leg these days
100. Could you come on Saturday?SUIT
How does coming on Sunday suit you?

101. There’s possibility that you may be able to get a grant. ELIGIBLE
We are pleased to say that you are eligible or a granted
102. If you wait for a good opportunity until the market improves, you’ll get a better return on your
investment. BIDE
If you bide your time until …….
103. He didn’t go to bed until he finished his composition.
Not until he finished hid composition did he go to beb
104. Mary got the wrong end of the stick.
Mary understood somthing
105. The man is a bit over the top when you first meet him. EXAGGERATED
The man is (very)exagerated in his behavior
106. He is rather a cold fish when you first meet him.FORMAL
He is formal and a bit unfreindly/
107. We didn’t go in case we were recognized. FEAR
we didn’t go for fear of being recgnized
108. Anna was afraid the neigbours would despise her for not having a washing machine. LOOK
Anna was afraid the neigbours would look down their noses at her for not having a machine washing
109. They don’t mind which film they go to.
It dosen’t matter to them which film thay go to

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