Amalia Nur Rahmawati

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Amalia Nur Rahmawati

Perum. Mahkota Indah GA.8 No.8 Kel. Mangun Jaya Kec. Tambun Selatan
Kab. Bekasi

With respect,
The undersigned below :

Name : Amalia Nur Rahmawati, S.Kom

Place, Date of Birth : Bekasi, April 20, 1996
Address : Mahkotaindah Ga.8 No.8 South Tambun
Mobile : 089682815408
Last Education : S1 Information System

I hereby want toapply for a job at the company you lead to fill the vacancy formation in the

company of Mr / Mrs.
I have capabilities web design and graphic as well as Microsoft Office like Excel. Ms. Word,
PowerPoint and computer skills in the field of programming. I have integrity and loyalty and too
working high morale.As a consideration, I attach:

Color Photographs

Copy of ID card

curriculum vitae

Photocopy of Computer Programming, Java Certificate

Thus I submit this job application letter. My great hope is that you can accept my request to be

accepted at the company that you lead. Thank you for your attention
Amalia Nur Rahmawati
Perum. Mahkota indah GA.8 no.8 kel. Mangun jaya kec. Tambun selatan
kab. Bekasi

I am a friendly person and easily get used to new environments. I am used to working under pressure, I
always complete my work assignments on time.

Medical record 2015 - 2016
Klinik bhakti kartini
Mendaftar, menginput, menyimpan data pasien
Admin operasional Agustus 2017 - Juni 2020
Kantor notaris irlanti katherina melani siahaan, SH,.M.Kn
Menginput, menyimpan, membuat pembuatan akta tanah dll serta melaporkannya
administrasi keuangan dan operasional Juli 2020 - Desember 2020
RS. kartika Pulo mas dan asri medikal
Menginput, menyimpan, menghitung penggajian karyawan, dokter dll
marketing januari 2021 - Januari 2020
PT danamas insan kreasi andalan (BCA group)
-Mencari, mempromosikan, membuat janji temu dengan nasabah baru bca
-menginput, dan melaporkan hasil penjualan perhari
-mengejar target dalam sebulan
Teacher Agustus - Desember
Sekolah Melati Indonesia
Freelance Teaching special needs children
Admin PIC Desember - Maret
Klinik Pratama Papan Mas
Understand the pcare and AdMedika applications, all patient medical record administration

Stmik bani saleh
Ipk 2.9
Ips 2014
SMA Negari 4 Tambun selatan


100% 60% 80%

Mengoperasi komputer ms Bahasa pemograman php, html, Editing Video

office java

Surfing via the internet
Become a Teaching Volunteer
Participate in social activities
Create content on social media
Cycling in spare time
leads the community socio-economic division in the KAMMI organization (2022-now).
work freelance writting, and substitute teacher in school, and too editing video.
works freelance as a political survey interviewer.
Freelance Writing online news Pikiran Rakyat (PT Kolaborasi Mediapreneur Nusantara Pikiran Rakyat
Media Network/PRMN)

Bahasa inggris
Bahasa indonesia
Bahasa prancis

Additional Information
I am active as a humanitarian volunteer, apart from that I am also used to being a leader in campus
organization agendas, I am also active in religious agendas, my hobby is traveling to new places and reading

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