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These days, face-to-face communication is being replaced with online

conversations using social media apps, such as Facebook, WhatsApp or

Tumblr. It seems to me that the benefits these technologies have
brought to our lives are overshadowed by their drawbacks. In addition
to the above applications, there is another application that also makes
us humans gradually attracted by its appeal, Tiktok. In this article, we
will talk about the consequences of Tiktok addiction among young

In this case, TikTok can bring a feeling of excitement, entertainment,

interaction with people, create many beautiful and impressive images
for viewers, making the use of this application become abusive to
addiction level. With the magical appeal of TikTok, it is not difficult to
understand why most young people are becoming addicted to it. With
millions of videos uploaded daily, along with dances, challenges, games,
and more. advertised, it can become difficult for some people to ignore.
In addition, TikTok also allows users to follow celebrities, along with
their videos, increasing appeal and stimulating interaction with this

However, TikTok addiction can cause worrying consequences in the

future. Excessive use of TikTok will result in lost time, cause a drop in
grades, and a feeling of being really unattractive or even lonely.
Furthermore, being flooded with inaccurate and harmful information is
also one of the causes that harms the mental health of young people.
There are many ways to help young people reduce abuse and addiction
to TikTok. First, parents and teachers need to give advice and control
their children's time using TikTok. Second, governments and social
organizations have a responsibility to create educational and popular
campaigns to increase awareness of the consequences of TikTok abuse.
Addiction to TikTok is becoming a worrying phenomenon for young
people today. It is important that we solve this problem now, to help
young people have a healthy life and achieve future achievements.

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