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Sponsors: The Sultanate of Oman, Ukraine and the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Signatories : Arab Republic of Egypt, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Burkina Faso, Canada, Central African
Republic, Commonwealth of Australia, Commonwealth of the Bahamas, Czech Republic, Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia,
Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, Federal Republic of Germany, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Federative
Republic of Brazil, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Hellenic Republic (Greece), Hungary, Ireland, Islamic
Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Jamaica, Japan, Kingdom of Bahrain, Kingdom of Belgium,
Kingdom of Cambodia, Kingdom of Denmark, Kingdom of Norway, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of
Spain, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Thailand, Kingdom of the Netherlands, Malaysia, New Zealand,
Oriental Republic of Uruguay, People’s Republic of China, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Republic of Argentina,
Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Cameroon, Republic of Chad, Republic of Chile,
Republic of Colombia, Republic of Costa Rica, Republic of Cuba, Republic of Cyprus, Republic of El Salvador,
Republic of Fiji, Republic of Finland, Republic of France, Republic of Guatemala, Republic of Haiti, Republic of
Honduras, Republic of Iceland, Republic of India, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Iraq, Republic of Italy,
Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Korea, Republic of Madagascar, Republic of Panama,
Republic of Poland, Republic of Portugal, Republic of Singapore, Republic of South Africa, Republic of South
Sudan, Republic of the Philippines, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Uganda,
Republic of Zimbabwe, Romania, Russian Fedaration, Slovak Republic, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, State of
Israel, State of Kuwait, State o

f Libya, State of Palestine, State of Qatar, Swiss Confederation, Syrian Arab Republic, The Islamic Republic of
Afghanistan, The Principality of Monaco, The Republic of Armenia, The Republic of Djibouti, The Republic of
Ecuador, The Republic of Latvia, The Republic of Lebanon, The Republic of Yemen, United Arab Emirates,
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America

Agenda : Reviewing the 2030 SDGs with special emphasis on goals related to climate change,

The United Nations Environment Assembly,

Acknowledging the fact of drastic climate change due to various human made factors, which include, but are not
limited to, the following,

1) Generating power and manufacturing goods, especially through the use of fossil fuels,
2) The cutting down of forests,
3) Using transportation,
4) Producing food,
Noting the non-cooperation of countries with the UNFCCC and its ideologies on a sustainable planet,

Noting with concern the degrading state of the environment, which is far more than it had ever been,

Appreciating the efforts taken by countries who have contributed to fighting climate change and have been really
effective at doing so,

Recalling the Montreal Protocol, the Kyoto Protocol, the Vienna Convention, the Glasgow Pact, the paris
agreement and others which gave the world direction towards a sustainable future,

Further recalling the UNs SDGs and MDGs towards a better future for humanity,

The United Nations Environmental Assembly:-

1. Strongly condemns the actions of member states who continue warship and nuclear weaponry in spite
of knowing its various adverse effects on the environment;
2. Pleads the concerned nations to take steps towards fighting climate change which include, but are not
limited to:

a) Controlling the amount of fossil fuels burnt;

b) Employing task forces such as the CAA in Oman and many others to check on the
greenhouse gas emissions and in turn reducing them to the greatest extent possible;

c) Moving towards renewable and environment-friendly energy sources such as Hydro Power,
Solar Energy, etc.

d) Implementing strict laws against illegal deforestation or deforestation with no valid purpose;

3. Further pleads the powerful nations and those nations under war to not use nuclear weapons or any
weapons of mass destruction which, alongside killing numerous civilians, causes environmental damage
on a large scale;
4. Recommends the UN to initiate stringent measures for the checking of the completion of the SDGs in
various countries and to check the carbon emissions from the industries;
5. Further recommends the initiation of awareness programmes to make the public knowledgeable
regarding the issue which in in turn supports the formation of a world community in favour of climate
6. Requests the member states to invest on afforestation and regaining land lost for agricultural purposes
or otherwise;
7. Encourages member nations to contribute at least 50% or less of their annual budget towards fighting
climate change;
8. Condemns the reckless pollution of natural resources like water, air and soil, which contributes to
climate change; and
9. Trusts all the member nations that they will work towards it and make the earth a beautiful planet once

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