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Sample Question Paper 15

(Det ailed Explanat ions)

ISC Class 12th

1. (i) cry IAc and cry IIAb control cotton bollworm and (x) (d) Match pair in row IV is correct. The pH control
cryI Ab controls corn borer. system in bioreactor control the pH.
(ii) The toxin responsible for the appearance of Other pairs are incorrect and can be corrected as
malarial symptoms is haemozoin. It is released l
Agitator system to mix the culture broth.
due to rupturing of RBCs by Plasmodium.
Temperature control system to provide the
(iii) Stem cells can be used for optimum temperature and foam control
(a) organ and tissue regeneration system to break foam.
(b) cell deficiency therapy (xi) (c) Assertion is true, but Reason is false.
(iv) Bottled fruit juices are treated with pectinase and Zoological parks serve the purpose to protect the
protease enzymes which remove cell wall and threatened species and provide special care.
protein content due to their action. This makes These are the examples of ex-situ conservation.
juices clean. (xii) (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true, and
(v) Death rate for the population for given period of Reason is the correct explanation for Assertion.
Number ofdeaths 8 (xiii) Cesium chloride (CsCl) density gradient
time = = = 0.1 centrifugation is the technique that can help the
total no. of fruit flies 80
scientist in analysing the 2 types of bacterial DNA
0.1 individuals die per fruit fly per week.
as done in Meselson and Stahl experiment.
(vi) The green plants in a terrestrial ecosystem capture
(xiv) Patent is a legal property offered by the state to an
about 1 % of the energy of the sunlight that falls on
inventor giving exclusive rights to make, use
their leaves. They convert it into food energy.
1 exercise and exploit the invention for a limited
1 % of 10,000 J = ´ 10000 = 100 J period. One aspect to be considered while
granting patent to an inventor is that the invention
100 Joules of energy will be converted to food must be new and useful.
energy by the plant in terrestrial ecosystem.
(xv) Cyanobacteria have the capacity to fix
(vii) The given set of pictures represent condom and atmospheric nitrogen. Hence, in paddy fields, they
vasectomy. These are the modes of birth control serve as an important biofertiliser. They also add
for males. organic matter to the soil and increase its fertility.
(viii) Distillation is a separation process for a mixture of (xvi) (a) JBS Haldane along with Oparin proposed the
liquid or oils. It relies on differences in the boiling chemical theory of evolution.
point of the components from which liquid is (b) GAP stands for Ganga Action Plan.
(xvii) Space 1, that is amniotic cavity is filled with
(ix) (d) Sterilisation techniques are very effective and amniotic fluid.
permanent method of contraception. These
(xviii) (a) Microbes like cyanobacteria, Rhizopus (fixes
techniques can be considered the safest due to
nitrogen), etc., are used as biofertilisers. They
the less side effects as compared to other
help to increase soil fertility and to improve
plant growth by supplying essential nutrients
Stage III Excellence Level Biology Class 12

naturally, thus reducing the dependence on transferred from one person to another by
chemical fertilisers. sharing of needles from infected person to
(b) All cloning vectors have selectable marker. another person.
This is because the selectable marker helps in l
Psychological attachment of certain
the identification and selection of effects of drugs leads to addiction which
transformants and eliminating the leads violence and increased aggression.
non-transformants by selectively permitting Or (ii) (a) This structure represents opiod group of
the growth of the transformants. drugs.
2. The regulation of conception by preventive methods (b) These drugs can be taken either by snorting or
or devices that limit the number of offspring is called through injection .
contraception. (c) Consumption of these drugs affect central
Natural or traditional contraceptive methods are nervous system and gastro-intestinal tract.
based on the principles of avoiding chances of sperm 6. The recombinant cells can be multiplied in a large
to meet with ovum. In periodic abstinence the quantities in continuous culture system wherein the
partners avoid coitus from 10-17th day of menstrual used medium is drained out from one side while fresh
cycle because ovulation occurs mostly during this medium is added from the other.
time. Thus, abstaining from coitus during this period
could prevent conception. This helps to maintain the cells in their physiologically
most active log/exponential phase. This type of
3. According to Hardy - Weinberg Principle culturing method produces a larger biomass, thus
( p + q )2 = p2 + 2 pq + q 2 = 1 leading to higher yields of desired protein.
Where p = The frequency of allele A 7. Organs where lymphocytes originate, proliferate and
q = frequency of allele a get matured are known as lymphoid organs. They are
p2 = frequency of allele AA categorised as primary and secondary lymphorid
q 2 = frequency of individual aa organs. Thymus is a primary lymphoid organ. It is
2 pq = frequency of individual Aa known to be the site for growth and differentiation of
(i) p2 = 360 out of 1000 individual antigen sensitive T-lymphocytes. Thymus releases
360 36 T-lymphocytes which are involved in cell-mediated
p2 = =
1000 100 immunity and also help B-lymphocytes to produce
p = 0.6 = frequency of allele A in this population. antibodies.
2 16
(ii) q = 160 out 1000 = For obtaining maximum marks,
100 following value point can be included in
q = 0.4 = frequency of allele a in this population
Value Points the answer.
What are lymphoid organs?
4. (i) Crustose lichen stage- Crustose lichens are the
pioneer plants, they initiate succession on a bare
rock. They produce acids which causes 8. (i) A – Expanding, B – Stable, C –Declining
weathering of rocks. With the mixing of rock (ii) Stable population is ideal for human population. It
particles and dead organic matter of lichens, is beneficial for the survival and better living of the
conditions become more suitable for the growth of human beings. It is also helpful for planning
foliose lichens. sustainable living.
(ii) With the growth of herbs, more soil is formed and 9. (i) (a) Genotypes of A, B, C, D : A – TT, B – Tt,
humidity is also increased. The habitat becomes C – Tt, D – tt
suitable for the growth of shrubs which began to (b) Phenotypes of A : B : C : D–Tall : Tall : Tall :
migrate in the area. This is called as shrub stage. Dwarf
Under this stage the soil in further enriched by
dense shrubby growth and there is increase in the (ii) Genotypic ratio of progeny is 1 (TT) : 2 (Tt) : 1 (tt)
humidity. These shrubs are finally replaced by and phenotypic ratio of progeny is
trees which make up the climax community. 3 (Tall) : 1 (Dwarf).
10. (i) The reason for the failure of the production of
5. (i) (a) Plant shown in the given figure is identified as transgenic tomato by scientist B is the non-pairing
Papaver somniferum, also known as opium
of opposite RNAs. This results in the expression of
poppy. Morphine is the most abundant opiate
PG gene and hence ripening and softening of
extracted from the latex of poppy plant.
(b) Consequences of the drugs use are
(ii) Transgenic plants have been generated by the
Those who take drugs intravenously, are introduction of genes which could make them
more likely to acquire serious infections resistant to diseases and herbicides, increase
like HIV, hepatitis-B, etc. The viruses are their nutritional value or increase their storage life.
Sample Paper 15 Stage III Excellence Level

11. (i) z-gene codes for beta-galactosidase y-gene 13. The process of gamete formation from the
codes for permease a-gene codes for a undifferentiated diploid germ cells in gonads is
transacetylase. called gametogenesis. The process of formation of
(ii) Lactose acts as an inducer in lac operon model. It male gamete, i.e. spermatozoa from diploid
regulates the swithching on and off of the operon. spermatogonia is called spermatogenesis.
In the presence of an inducer such as lactose, the It includes following phases
repressor is inactivated by the interaction with the
(i) Multiplication Phase The male germ cells
inducer. This allows RNA polymerase access to the
(spermatogonia) present on the inside wall of
promoter and transcription proceeds.
seminiferous tubules multiply by mitotic division
12. (i) Yes, a plant flowering in Mumbai can be pollinated and increase in numbers.
by pollen grains of the same species growing in (ii) Growth Phase Spermatogonia (2n) grow and
New Delhi. It is mainly because there are certain increase in size and form primary spermatocytes
agents of pollination that can carry pollen grains to (2n). Each spermatogonium is diploid and
long distance. It is believed that pollination by wind contains 46 chromosomes.
(anemophily) is more common because transport
by wind-current can take pollens to distant places. (iii) Maturation Phase or Formation of Spermatids
(ii) The parts involved in transferring the male gametes Some of the spermatogonia called primary
to its desired destination are stigma, style, spermatocytes periodically undergo meiosis. A
micropyle, filiform apparatus and synergids. primary spermatocyte completes the first meiotic
division leading to the formation of two equal
Stigma haploid cells called secondary spermatocytes (n),
which contain only 23 chromosomes each.
The secondary spermatocytes undergo the
Pollen tube second meiotic division to produce four equal
haploid spermatids.
Ovule Antipodal (iv) Differentiation Phase The spermatids (n) are
Polar nuclei transformed into spermatozoa (sperms) by the
Hilum Egg cell process of spermiogenesis.
Synergid The sperm’s head gets attached to Sertoli cells to
Micropyle draw nourishment and are finally released from
the seminiferous tubules by the process called
Central cell
Plasma membrane 14. (i)
Egg nucleus
Synergid Viral RNA core
Filiform apparatus Viral protein coat Virus infects normal cell
Male gametes Plasma membrane
Vegetative nucleus Animal cell
Viral RNA is introduced into cell
Polar nuclei Viral DNA
is produced Viral DNA incorporates
Male by reverse into host genome
gametes transcriptase
New viral RNA
is produced by
the infected cell

New viruses
are produced
(c) DNA
(a) LS of a pistil showing growth of pollen tube Cytoplasm
(b) Enlarged view of an egg apparatus showing entry of
New viruses
pollen tube into a synergid (c) Discharge of male gametes can infect other cells
into a synergid and the movements of the gametes, one into
Replication of retrovirus
the egg and the other into the central cell
Stage III Excellence Level Biology Class 12

When the mosquito bites
another human, sporozoites
are injected with bite
into host's body.

Mature infective stages (sporozoites)

escape from intestine and
migrate to the mosquito’s
Parasites (sporozoites)
salivary glands. Sporozoites reach the liver through
Salivary blood.
Mosquito Host
Fertilisation and (sexual)
development take
place in the The parasite reproduces
mosquito's stomach. asexually in liver cells,
bursting the cell and
Human Host releasing into the blood.
Female mosquito tes
et o cy
takes up gametocytes m
Ga Female
with blood meal.
Parasites reproduce asexually
Male in red blood cells, bursting the
red blood cells and causing cycles
of fever and other symptoms. Released
Sexual stages of parasite (i.e. gametocytes) parasites infect new red blood cells.
develop in red blood cells.
Life cycle of Plasmodium (malarial parasite)

15. The phenomenon indicated in the question is 16. (i) (a) Rate of energy production is determined in the
convergent evolution where by organisms, not form of biomass, i.e. the amount of matter
closely related, evolve similar traits independently as produced per unit area over a time. It is known
a result of adaptation to similar environment, e.g. as primary productivity of an ecosystem.
(i) Streamlined shape of sharks and dolphins. The Energy moves to various trophic levels
former is a fish, while dolphin is a mammal, but through feeding relationship among
both of them depend on swift movement through organisms. It constitutes food chains and food
the water, so a streamlined shape is essential. webs.
(b) Energy transfer in an ecosystem is inefficient
Thus, it is the similar habitat that resulted in
because only 10% of available energy at a
selection of similar adaptive features in different
trophic level, passes to next level. Rest is lost
groups of organisms, but towards the same
as heat during metabolic activities.
(c) Fragmentation, leaching, catabolism,
(ii) Spines (modified leaves) and thorns (modified
humification, mineralisation are the five major
stems), both look similar and provide protection to
steps in the process of decomposition.
the plant, but the plants to which they belong are
distantly related. Detritus rich in lignin and chitin, low
temperature, anaerobiosis are the conditions
which slow down the process of
Common Mistake
Students may get confused between convergent and
divergent evolution. Or (ii) (a) An ecosystem which possesses more
producers will be more productive. Young
Convergent evolution is when two species with different forests grow quicker than older and mature
ancestral origins develop similar charactesistics, while forests and hence are more productive. Both
divergent evolution refers to when two species diverge the alpine meadows and shallow polluted
from a common ancestor and develop different
lakes will be less productive since they have
less number of producers and more dead
Sample Paper 15 Stage III Excellence Level

The amount of biomass or organic matter produced per unit area over a time period by plants during
photosynthesis is called primary production.
(b) Gross primary productivity is the amount of organic matter systhesised by the plants in unit time and area.
Producers make use of solar energy to synthesise organic matter.
Nature tends to provide the plants with enough sunlight and nutrients so that the GPP can increase.
The productivity obtained after substracting the respiratory losses is called net primary productivity. Net primary
productivity is the available biomass that can be used by the consumers.
Man uses the plant products for food and increase the net primary productivity.
17. The female gametophyte contains a 3-celled egg apparatus, 3-antipodal cells, one binucleate central cell. So, it is a
7-celled and 8-nucleate structure.

(a) 2,4 and 8-nucleate stages of embryo sac and a

mature embryo sac (b) A diagrammatic
representation of the mature embryo sac

(i) Egg Apparatus It contains two synergids and an egg cell towards the micropylar end.
(ii) Antipodal Cells Chalazal end of embryo sac contains three cells of various shapes and sizes called as antipodal
(iii) Central Cell It is a single and largest cell which is bounded by membrane of embryo sac. It contains two polar nuclei.
After fertilisation, the central cell gets converted into triploid Primary Endosperm Cell (PEC) which forms endosperm.
18. This disease is controlled by a single pair of allele Hb A and HbS. Only homozygous individuals for HbS , i.e. HbS HbS show
the diseased phenotype, while the heterozygous individuals are carriers (Hb A HbS ). Thus,
(i) It is a recessive trait.
(ii) This trait is autosomal in nature because its gene is present on autosomes. The disease can be transmitted from the
parents to the offspring only if both the parents are heterozygous (i.e. carrier for the gene).
(iii) The parents are heterozygous for the trait as two of their offspring have diseased phenotype. The genotype of the
parents would be Hb AHbS and Hb AHbS .
(iv) Haemophilia is sex-linked recessive disorder in humans.
(v) Autosomal dominant disorder–Huntington disease.
Autosomal recessive disorder–Sickle - cell anaemia.

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