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On the use of the Laplace transform in local correlation methods

Article in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics · January 2008


10 85

3 authors, including:

Daniel Kats Denis Usvyat

Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research Universität Regensburg


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Laplace Transform in Local Methods View project

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Papers using explicitly correlated wave functions
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Implementation of the CCSD(T)-F12 method using cusp
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Denis Bokhan, Seiichiro Ten-no and Jozef Noga, Phys. Chem.
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Analysis of non-covalent interactions in (bio)organic
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molecules using orbital-partitioned localized MP2
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Stefan Grimme, Christian Mück-Lichtenfeld and Jens Antony,
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second order Møller–Plesset theory for nonconducting
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implementation of linear-scaling AO–MP2 theory
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PAPER | Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

On the use of the Laplace transform in local correlation methods

Danylo Kats, Denis Usvyat and Martin Schütz*
Received 20th February 2008, Accepted 27th March 2008
First published as an Advance Article on the web 20th May 2008
DOI: 10.1039/b802993h
Published on 20 May 2008. Downloaded by Universitat Stuttgart on 24/08/2016 13:56:47.

The applicability of the Laplace transform ansatz of Almlöf in the context of local correlation
methods with a priori restricted sets of wavefunction parameters is explored. A new local MP2
method based on the Laplace transform ansatz is described, its relation to the local MP2 method
based on the Pulay ansatz is elucidated, and its accuracy and efficiency are compared to the latter.

1. Introduction hand, the second-order energy can be calculated directly.

Similar complications with regard to the canonical formula-
During the last decade much progress has been made in tion occur also for the CC2 model and the related response
developing high-level electron correlation methods applicable theory, and for perturbative triples corrections.
to extended molecular systems. Among the most successful An alternative orbital invariant formalism for MP2, pio-
ones in terms of efficiency are the local correlation methods neered by Almlöf and Häser, is based on the Laplace trans-
based on the ansatz of Pulay.1 In order to exploit the short- form of the denominators in the expression for the canonical
range nature of dynamic correlation effects in nonmetallic MP2 amplitudes.13,14 Here, instead of solving a linear equa-
systems the de-localized canonical orbitals spanning the occu- tion system a numerical quadrature of the Laplace integral
pied and virtual space are substituted by (i) localized mole- must be performed, the latter requiring only a few quadrature
cular orbitals (LMOs) obtained from the occupied canonical points. So far, the Laplace transform approach has been
MOs by unitary transformation, and (ii) by projected atomic primarily utilized to devise formulations of MP2 theory in
orbitals (PAOs) generated by projecting the AOs onto the AO basis representation.15–18 Some studies on the use of the
virtual space. Local approximations on the relevant excited Laplace transform technique in the context of other localized
configuration functions, i.e., the related wavefunction para- orbitals have also been reported.19,20 Recently, Nakajima and
meters (amplitudes) in this local basis are then imposed a priori Hirao presented an implementation of a Laplace MP2 method
based on spatial locality arguments. This is achieved by based on localized orbitals and DF.21
specifying, e.g., restricted LMO pair lists and LMO/pair A major disadvantage of the Laplace transform ansatz,
specific excitation subspaces of PAOs (excitation domains). present in all these methods, is the requirement of an indivi-
Based on these ingredients O(N) methods were developed for dual ERI evaluation/transformation for each quadrature
local second-order Møller–Plesset perturbation theory point, even though the related transformation matrices, re-
(LMP2),2 local coupled cluster singles and doubles (LCCSD),3 sembling density matrices, are sparse. In the present work we
and LCCSD with triples corrections.4,5 Particularly efficient develop a local correlation method for MP2 theory along the
algorithms were devised by combining local correlation with lines of the Pulay ansatz based on the Laplace transform of
density fitting (DF).6–8 Recently, also local methods based on canonical MP2 theory. In contrast to other methods the
time-dependent coupled cluster (CC) response theory, capable required ERI sets for the individual quadrature points are
of treating excited state properties of extended molecular generated from an initial compact integral set in local basis by
systems,9,10 as well as local MP2 methods for infinite periodic transforming the PAOs within the related excitation domains.
systems11,12 were presented. These transformations are rather inexpensive and no new ERI
The local correlation methods are all based on an orbital evaluation in AO basis is needed for the individual quadrature
invariant formalism of the related underlying electron correla- points. DF is also utilized to make the method more econom-
tion theory. Such an orbital invariant formalism, e.g., for ical. Overall, the new Laplace transformed DF-LMP2
MP2, is straightforwardly devised by perturbative analysis of (LT-DF-LMP2) method is competitive to DF-LMP2, in par-
the (orbital invariant) CC equations. Yet, in comparison to the ticular for extended domains, where the linear equation system
canonical formulation some complication arises. Due to the in the latter becomes more expensive to solve. A local Laplace
non-diagonality of the Fock operator in a general (local) transform method for scaled opposite-spin MP2 has recently
orbital basis the first-order amplitudes no longer decouple been presented by Jung et al.22,23 In contrast to our method,
and a linear equation system has to be solved (usually by an orthogonalized localized orbitals rather than non-orthogonal
iterative procedure) to get the amplitudes and from those the PAOs were used to span the virtual space, and (ii) locality was
second-order energy. In a canonical formulation, on the other exploited entirely based on screening, not on a priori specified
domains. The main motivation of the present work was not to
Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, University of propose yet another MP2 method for extended systems, but to
Regensburg, Universitätsstraße 31, D-93040 Regensburg, Germany work out a general methodology on how to use the Laplace

3430 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2008, 10, 3430–3439 This journal is 
c the Owner Societies 2008
transform in the context of local correlation methods based on whereas the transformation matrix Q = CvwSAO8 transforms
the Pulay ansatz, i.e., with a priori specified domains, which canonical virtuals to PAOs,
can then be easily adapted to other local methods like CC2,
time-dependent CC2, local triples, or periodic local MP2. The X
theory of Laplace transformed local correlation methods fPAO
a ¼ jfCAN
a iQaa : ð5Þ
based on pre-defined excitation domains with lower rank than a

the space of the canonical virtuals is less straightforward than In the definition of Q the matrix Cv is the virtual block of the
for methods where the rank of the space spanned by the local
Published on 20 May 2008. Downloaded by Universitat Stuttgart on 24/08/2016 13:56:47.

(canonical) MO-coefficient matrix and SAO is the AO overlap

functions is either larger than or equal to that of the canonical matrix. Here and in the following we use barred indices i, j,.
virtuals like in the previous methods. This issue is outlined in  . . for LMOs and PAOs, respectively. The matrix
and ā, b,.
the following section. product
QwQ = SPAO (6)
2. Theory yields the metric of the PAOs. Using these transformations the
Formalism of Laplace transformed DF-LMP2 X y y
ði  ¼
ajjbÞ Wii Qaa ðiajjbÞWjjQbb ð7Þ
As shown by Almlöf13 the energy denominator
ij = ea  ei + eb  ej appearing in the energy expression
of canonical MP2, X 
X ij ij
Tab ¼ WiiQaa TaijbWjjy Qybb
E ð2Þ ¼ K~ T ; K~ ¼ 2ðiajjbÞ  ðibjjaÞ;
ab ab ab
straightforwardly follow. Eqn (8) is obtained from the expres-
sion for the local correlation energy,
ij ðiajjbÞ
Tab ¼ ð1Þ X ij ij
ELOC ¼ K~ ab Tab; ð9Þ
R1 ijab
is eliminated via the identity 1=x ¼  0 ext dt,
Z 1 and eqn (7). Integrals and amplitudes always transform con-
Tab ¼  ðiajjbÞeDij t dt: ð2Þ versely, as covariant and contravariant objects. Relation (7)
also holds for the case when the PAO indices ā, b are confined
The indices i,j,. . . and a,b,. . . refer to canonical occupied and to excitation domains, i.e., when the number of PAOs ā, b is
virtual orbitals, respectively. The ei, ea, etc. in Dab ij denote smaller than the number of canonical virtuals. Yet the con-
related orbital energies. The (ia|jb), finally, represent the usual versely transforming ‘canonical’ amplitudes of (8) are not
electron repulsion integrals (ERIs). The Laplace integration in identical to the canonical amplitudes of eqn (2), but represent
eqn (2) can be replaced by a numerical quadrature, a fit to those within the specified local basis (vide infra), and the
X local MP2 energy defined in (9) deviates from the canonical
Tab ¼ wq eðei eF Þtq eðea þeF Þtq ðiajjbÞ MP2 energy of eqn (1).
q The transformation of eqn (3) to the local basis, i.e., the
ð3Þ inversion of eqn (8), is not straightforward due to two reasons:
e ðej eF Þtq ðeb þeF Þtq
e ¼ wq Tijab ðqÞ: in contrast to AOs the PAOs form a non-orthogonal redun-
q dant set of functions. Furthermore, the PAOs are usually
restricted to excitation domains and are therefore spanning a
eF = (eHOMO + eLUMO)/2 cancels in eqn (3) and ensures that
space with lower dimensions than that of the canonical
the individual exponential factors are always smaller than one.
virtuals. In order to investigate this transformation we intro-
Tijab(q) is implicitly defined in (3) and has the meaning of an  = QV with property
duce the matrix Q
incremental amplitude with regard to the Laplace quadrature, X y
rather than that of an ERI. The number of quadrature points aa hfPAO j ¼ hfPAO j;
Qca Q ð10Þ
a c
nq required to achieve mH accuracy is rather small (5–7). A a

short discussion about how to obtain points tq and weights wq with fPAO
ā and fPAO
c belonging to the same domain. Multi-
for the quadrature is given below. plying (10) with the ket PAO fPAO
d (again of the same domain)
In order to develop a formalism for local correlation and integrating yields
methods we introduce the usual transformation matrices con-
necting LMOs and PAOs with canonical occupied and virtual QwQS
orbitals. The unitary transformation matrix W specified by the
chosen localization criterion (Boys,24 Pipek-Mezey,25 etc.) defining the unknown matrix V as a pseudoinverse S+ PAO of

transforms canonical occupied orbitals to LMOs, SPAO. V is obtained by (i) diagonalizing SPAO, (ii) inverting
elements of the diagonal matrix so obtained, which are above
a given threshold defining redundancies, and zeroing the
X remaining ones, and (iii) back-transforming of the diagonal
i ¼ jfCAN
i iWii; ð4Þ matrix. We emphasize at this point, that if PAO domains are

This journal is 
c the Owner Societies 2008 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2008, 10, 3430–3439 | 3431
introduced, V is domain specific (even though we omit the formula
explicit dependence on domains at the present stage), while Q X X  jb
ði  ¼
ajjbÞ ði 1
ajPÞJPQ  ¼
ðQjjbÞ Bi
is not. For a transformation involving Q the columns related P BP ; with
to the relevant domain are just extracted from Q. Now
utilizing eqn (10) the relations 
X Bi
P ¼
ði ð18Þ
ði  ði
ðQy QÞ   y
ac cjj dÞðQ QÞdb ð12Þ Q
can be used, while otherwise, e.g. in case of local fitting,26,27
Published on 20 May 2008. Downloaded by Universitat Stuttgart on 24/08/2016 13:56:47.

 X y the three term formula has to be utilized. In eqn (18) indices

Taijb ¼  QÞ T ijðQy QÞ
ðQ   ð13Þ
ac cd db
P,Q,. . . denote functions of the auxiliary basis set with Cou-
lomb metric JPQ = (P|Q). Inserting (18) in (16) yields
straightforwardly follow. Exploiting (13) and unitarity of W XX y 
eqn (8) can now be transformed with Q  and W and yielding TaijbðqÞ ¼ VacBi
P ðqÞBP ðqÞVdb; with ð19Þ
X X cd P

Taijb ¼ Wiiy VaycQyca Tab
Wj jQbdVdb: ð14Þ
ijab cd  
P ðqÞ ¼ XiokðqÞXavcðqÞVcdBPkd : ð20Þ
Eqn (14) is valid for both the true and the fitted canonical
amplitudes. If instead of the MP2 the scaled opposite-spin MP2 energy is
The related ERIs again transform conversely, requested, then the energy of the related quadrature point can
ðiajjbÞ ¼ WiiQac Vcaði  y V yQy :
ajjbÞW ð15Þ be computed with a nominal scaling of the cost of O(N4)
jj bd db
ijab cd instead of O(N5) (cf. ref. 22 for details).
The whole formalism developed so far is by construction
Combining eqns (3), (14), and (15) leads to also valid for the case of PAO domains, i.e., if the number of
X PAOs involved in the transformations is smaller than the
Taijb ¼  wq TiajbðqÞ; with ð16Þ number of canonical virtuals. At this point we now want to
q specify our local approximation: as in ordinary local MP2 we
X impose a restricted pair list and pair domains to confine the
TiajbðqÞ ¼ cjldÞX
XiokðqÞYavcðqÞðk  oðqÞY vðqÞ;
lj db
amplitudes Taijb, and accordingly Taijb. Then the matrices V
cd appearing in eqn (19) are actually pseudoinverses of the PAO
overlap matrices restricted to the ½ij pair domains, which we
where we have introduced the quadrature point dependent 
denote as Vdijb. Eqn (19) explicitely written for the specified
X y domains takes the form
XiojðqÞ ¼ Wii eðei eF Þtq Wij;  X X ijy  c jd ij
i TaijbðqÞ ¼ Vac Bi
P ðqÞBP ðqÞVdb: ð21Þ
cd2½  P
XavbðqÞ ¼ Qyaa eðea þeF Þtq Qab; c|P) (and hence for the Bk c
For the ERIs (k P ), on the other
hand, we do not explicitly introduce any restriction on the set
X of indices. Consequently, the matrix V of eqn (20) is the
YavbðqÞ ¼ VaycXcvdVdb: ð17Þ
pseudoinverse of the non-truncated PAO overlap matrix.
In order to achieve higher efficiency in computing the Bi P
Eqns (16) and (17) show that the compact ERI set (k c|ld)
 in quantities the sparsity of various matrices can be utilized. For
local basis can be re-used at each quadrature point by applying example, since LMOs and PAOs k and c are localized func-
a sequence of rather inexpensive transformations within the tions the ERIs (kc|P) and therefore the Bk 
P for a given k have
local basis. No new AO integral evaluation and (AO to MO or negligibly small values when fc is spatially far from fLMO
k .
o v
AO to AO) transformation is required for each quadrature The matrices X (q) and X (q) are also sparse. This is due to the
point. fact that these quantities are analogous to the exponentially
In contrast to ordinary local MP2 the local approximation decaying Hartree–Fock density matrices for the occupied and
in the amplitudes does not carry over to the ERIs, as is clearly virtual spaces, but with Laplace-weighted occupation num-
evident from eqn (16), i.e., introducing a priori a restricted pair bers.15,16 Yet this sparsity might depend on the quadrature
list fijg  for T ij does not imply a
 and pair domains ā, b A ½ij point tq. This will be explored further for a test case in
priori restrictions on the pairs {kl} and the PAO ranges c, d of
 section 3.
the ERIs. This has some important consequences distinguish- The computational cost of calculating the pseudoinverse V
ing the local Laplace approach from ordinary local correlation of the non-truncated PAO overlaps the matrix scales as
methods (vide infra). O(N3). Another O(N3) step (with a larger prefactor) is the
We now proceed by invoking the density fitting approxima- inversion of the Coulomb metric for density fitting (18). In
tion to the ERIs. We assume that the auxiliary basis set is order to reduce the scaling of the latter either attenuated
always identical for all orbital pair densities in the ERIs. If the Coulomb fitting (O(N2), cf. ref. 23) or local fit domains
Coulomb metric is employed for such a case the one-term (O(N), cf. refs. 26 and 27) could be introduced. In our present

3432 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2008, 10, 3430–3439 This journal is 
c the Owner Societies 2008
program we have not yet implemented any of these schemes. Discrete quadrature of Laplace integral
The O(N3) scaling of calculating the pseudoinverse V can be
Following Häser and Almlöf14 the points tq and weights wq for
avoided by confining the PAO index c of the ERIs
 ¼ S ½kl,
½UðkÞ  the union of all pair domains [kl]  with the discrete quadrature of the Laplace integral are obtained
8l from a least-squares fit,
common k.  These, dictated by the truncated pair list, reflect
the r6 decay behavior of the pair energies and safely cover the Z xmax nq
1 X xtq
relevant range of the exponentially decaying ERIs. Then the f ðxÞ  wq e ¼ min ð23Þ
xmin x q
dimensions of the pseudoinverses are confined to the related
Published on 20 May 2008. Downloaded by Universitat Stuttgart on 24/08/2016 13:56:47.

orbital specific united pair domains and the computational

xmin and xmax are the minimal and maximal energy denomi-
cost of their construction decreases to O(N). In our test
nators of all Dabij , respectively. f(x) is a distribution function
calculations such a restriction of the integrals to the corre-
counting the Dabij in the vicinity of a certain x. It is constructed
sponding united domains had only a negligible effect on the
by generating a histogram of all Dai = ea  ei based on 600
equidistant bins subdividing the interval between the min-max
The MP2 energy is finally obtained as
values of Dai. The two identical histograms reflecting the
X X X  X distributions of the Dai and the Dbj are then added to a new
ð2Þ ij  
ELOC ¼  wq L~ab Bi
P ðqÞBP ðqÞ; with histogram based on 1200 equidistant bins subdividing the
q ij2f
 ijg  ij
 ab2½  P interval between xmax and xmin. The final histogram so ob-
tained then corresponds very closely to the desired distribution

function f(x), which would be obtained by generating a
ij  ij
L~ab ¼ 2Liajb  Lb
a ; and histogram of the Dab ij directly. The computational cost of
forming f(x) in that way however scales as O(N2) rather than
! O(N4) and in practice takes only a negligible amount of time.
 X  X c jd  In our test calculations the use of an f(x) reflecting the
Liajb ¼ Vaijc Bi
P BP Vdijyb: ð22Þ
distribution of the Dab ij as described turned out to be superior
to the simpler uniform distribution, i.e., f(x) = 1, certainly so
 for small nq.
The L~ij matrices do not depend on the quadrature point and
The tq are obtained by using a Simplex algorithm, the
have to be computed just once at the beginning. After that also
 related weights needed in each Simplex step by solving the
the V ij matrices can be discarded. Hence, just one four-
set of linear equations obtained from (23) by differentiation
indexed quantity in local basis must be kept, in comparison
with regard to wq (for details see ref. 14). The necessary
to at least three in ordinary DF-LMP2. Moreover, for a given
 numerical integrations are carried out by subdividing the
quadrature point just a single pass through the list of L~ij
interval of integration defined by xmin and xmax into 1200
matrices is required, whereas in the original DF-LMP2 multi-
subintervals (logarithmic scale). The related f(x) for a certain x
ple passes through the list of amplitude matrices are needed for
was obtained by linear interpolation. For tq = 0 we have
each iteration to calculate the coupling between amplitudes via a a
Bi i
P ð0Þ = BP (this immediately follows from eqns (12), (17)
the Fock matrix2 (see also eqn (26)).
and (19)), thus, the energy contribution for tq = 0 can be
It can also be seen from eqn (22) that even for the case of an
 in eqn (16) the PAO index ā of computed virtually for free as a by-product of the initial
unrestricted set of ERIs (k 
i calculation of L~iajb. For that reason, the tq = 0 point is always
the quantity BP ðqÞ entering the assembly step is still confined
included and kept fixed in the Simplex minimization.
to the pair domain ½ij.
 A priori restriction of the ERI set, i.e.,
restricting index d in eqn (20) to [U(k)]  helps reduce the cost Laplace transformed vs. original LMP2
for computing the Bi P ðqÞ intermediates, and, especially, for
The Laplace transformed and the original local MP2 method
getting the related pseudoinverse. On the other hand, the
differ in some interesting aspects. A common basis for both is
scheme with a completely unrestricted set of the ERI benefits
the equation
from the possibility of pre-multiplying XvV before transform-
ing the three-index object BkPd .
Rijab ¼ WiiQaa TaijbQybb y

However independent of all that, the essential point here is ijab
that all the assembly steps in our algorithm always go just over ð24Þ
the pair domains and restricted pair lists, whether the ERI 1 X aa ði  Q
ajjbÞ y
  Wy :
þ Wii Q bb
(k  in eqn (16) is a priori truncated to the united domain, or Dab jj
ij ijab
not, and are hence always computationally inexpensive.
The algorithm as outlined scales nominally cubically (calcu- Provided that the local ERI set ði  (but not the local
lation of the inverse of the Coulomb metric for DF which is amplitude set Tab) is non-truncated, i.e., corresponds to full
also independent of the quadrature point), yet O(N) scaling domains, then the second term of eqn (24) is identical to the
could be achieved by introducing local fit domains.26,27 More- canonical amplitudes and Rijab represents the difference be-
over, the Laplace scheme allows for an easy parallelization of tween the genuine canonical amplitudes and the local ampli-
the code by a partitioning of the quantities occurring in the tudes in canonical basis, obtained according to eqn (8). Except
energy expression (22), which is lacking any coupling between for full amplitude domains, the Rijab cannot be strictly zero,
large objects. since the number of the equations exceeds the number of the

This journal is 
c the Owner Societies 2008 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2008, 10, 3430–3439 | 3433
variables. Dab ij
ij Rab is the canonical MP2 residual (with regard to the weighted residuals, and, for most basis sets, to an energy
the fitted amplitudes obtained from the local ones) entering the slightly closer to that of canonical MP2 than the original local
canonical Hylleraas functional. method provides.
In the Laplace transformed LMP2 method presented here
P LT-LMP2 Lagrangian and the first order properties
the functional ijab(Rijab)2 is minimized with regard to the local
amplitudes, As mentioned above, application of the Laplace transforma-
P ij 2
tion in the context of the local scheme, i.e. for a truncated set
d ijab ðRab Þ
Wiiy Qyaa Rijab QbbWjj: of amplitudes, implies fitting of the latter to the full set of
Published on 20 May 2008. Downloaded by Universitat Stuttgart on 24/08/2016 13:56:47.

0¼  ¼2 ð25Þ
dðTaijbÞ ijab canonical amplitudes. This implies that this method is no
longer solely based on perturbation theory (in a reduced local
Note that the PAO and LMO indices of the transformation space), but rather is a fit to results of perturbation theory
matrices are restricted to the space of the local amplitudes. carried out in the non-truncated first-order interacting space.
Dividing eqn (25) by two, multiplying it from the left and the The Hylleraas functional is hence not a proper Lagrangian for
right with Vw and V, respectively, inserting Rijab as defined in the LT-LMP2 energy. The LT-LMP2 Lagrangian can be
(24), making use of eqn (13), and finally Laplace transforming specified instead as
the denominator leads to the LT-LMP2 amplitude equations !
X ij ij 0 ij 0 ij
given in eqn (16). The LT-LMP2 therefore corresponds to a 0 0
L½T; K; T ; K  ¼ ~
K ab Tab þ Lab Tab þ ab
least-squares minimization of the canonical MP2 residual, ijab
weighted with the inverse of the related denominator. Ampli- !
tudes corresponding to a small denominator (i.e. correspond- X   X y 0 ij
þ Liajb Taijb  Wiiy  
Qaa Tab Wj j Qbb ;
ing to the HOMO–LUMO region) hence have a larger weight
ijab ijab
and are fitted more accurately.
The original LMP2, on the other hand, corresponds ð27Þ
to a projection onto the space of the local amplitudes of where T 0 and T represent the canonical and fitted MP2
eqn (24) after multiplying it with the denominator. amplitudes, respectively. The first term of the right-hand-side
Multiplication with Ww, Qw from the left, and W, Q from the of (27) corresponds to the LT-LMP2 energy, the second
right then yields comprises the conditions for the (canonical) MP2 amplitudes
X y y (1), while the third term refers to the fit of the canonical
Wii Qaa ðDab ij  þ ðfT ijSÞ 
ij Rab ÞQbbWj j ¼ ði ab
amplitudes by the local ones and represents the set of eqns
X ð26Þ (25). The multipliers of the second and the last term obviously
þ ðST ij f Þab  ðSðfikT kj þ fkjT ik ÞSÞab: live in the non-truncated canonical and in the local restricted
k space, respectively.
Differentiation of L[T,K,T 0 ,K 0 ] with regard to the ampli-
If the local ERIs in the second term of eqn (24) are non- tudes T yields the equations for the multipliers K simply as
truncated then the transformed ERIs correspond to the cano-
nical MO integrals and eqn (7) can be utilized to expose the Liajb ¼  K~aijb: ð28Þ
local ERIs in eqn (26). The very same equations however are
also obtained if these ERIs are restricted to the space of the Note that the multipliers and the contravariant integrals
local amplitudes and eqn (12) can be used instead. After in (28) are confined to the restricted local space. Finally,
projection, the ERIs outside the space of the local amplitudes, differentiation with regard to the canonical amplitudes
even if sizeable, cannot influence the local amplitudes. The T 0 provides a set of equations relating the two sets of multi-
usual LMP2 amplitude equations are obtained from (26) by pliers T 0 and T,
requiring that the canonical MP2 residual Dab ij
ij Rab, projected 0 X
Labij ¼ aa LijWy Q
Wii Q y ; ð29Þ
onto the local space, is zero. Residual elements outside the ab jj bb
local space are entirely neglected even though there is no
guarantee that they are negligible (in particular for small which can be used to eliminate the canonical amplitudes and
Boughton–Pulay (BP) domains). multipliers in the Lagrangian (27). This yields (after invoking
The Laplace transformed LMP2 presented here and the the Laplace identity)
original LMP2 are therefore two non-equivalent local methods !
X ij ij nq
based on a priori restrictions of the wavefunction parameters.   
L½T; K ¼ K~   T  þ Lij  T ij þ
ab ab
wq Tij ðqÞ : ð30Þ
ab ab ab
The former corresponds to a weighted least-squares fit of the ijab q
canonical amplitudes, the latter to a projection of the canoni-
cal residual onto the specified local space (in order to reduce and the condition specifying the local amplitudes is then
the number of equations to the number of variables) with the identical to eqn (16).
requirement that the projected canonical residual is strictly In order to introduce a (one-body) perturbation into the
zero. For the Laplace transformed LMP2 none of the residual Hamiltonian the condition specifying the canonical ampli-
elements is strictly zero yet those outside the local space are tudes of L[T,K,T 0 ,K 0 ] is augmented by the two connected
also required to be as small as possible and are not left un- diagrams contracting the perturbation with the canonical
controlled. This corresponds to a better fit of the whole set of amplitudes, which are divided by the energy denominator,

3434 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2008, 10, 3430–3439 This journal is 
c the Owner Societies 2008
i.e., [VT 0 ]ijab/Dab
ij . The derivative of this Lagrangian with respect basis then takes the form
to the perturbation strength at zero perturbation strength then X 
leads to an expression for the LT-LMP2 density matrix which Dij ¼ 2 T~ab SacTcikbSdb;
k cd
contains the canonical first-order amplitudes of the un-
restricted space T 0 , i.e., X 
0 1 Dab ¼ 2 T~bd SdcTaijc; ð32Þ
X X ij cd
Dba ¼ 2 @ y
aa K~  W Q
Wii Q   AT 0 ij ;
y ij
ab jj bc bc
Published on 20 May 2008. Downloaded by Universitat Stuttgart on 24/08/2016 13:56:47.

ijc ijab which from its structure is identical to that of the original
0 1 LMP2 method.
X X ij
Such a definition of the density matrix is related to multi-
Dji ¼ 2 @ Wii Q   AT 0 jk :
aa K~  Wy Q y
ab jk bb ab pliers which do not satisfy the stationary conditions for the
kab ijab Lagrangian, hence the first-order properties cannot strictly be
Eqn (31) is therefore impractical for extended systems. considered as the derivatives of the LT-LMP2 energy with
The occurrence of the canonical amplitudes in eqn (31) regard to the corresponding perturbation. This implies that
can be avoided by substituting the genuine canonical such a strategy cannot be used in the context of nuclear energy
amplitudes in the perturbation diagrams by their fit through gradients used for geometry optimizations. On the other hand,
the local amplitudes in the canonical basis. The structure (i) the deviations from the proper derivative of the LT-LMP2
of the Lagrangian given in eqn (27) is then not altered, energies are small (especially for extended domains), and (ii)
but the influence of the perturbation on the canonical the resulting properties are slightly closer to the corresponding
amplitudes is approximated (note that in the case of the canonical result than either those obtained from LMP2 or
LMP2 method both the perturbation and the amplitudes from the non-symmetric LT-LMP2 approach (since the un-
refer to the restricted local space). As a result of this restricted set of ERIs obviously provides a better fit for the
approximation the genuine canonical amplitudes T0 in eqn canonical amplitudes than the restricted set). A first illustra-
(31) are replaced by the amplitudes T of the local space, tion of this issue is given in the next section.
transformed to the canonical basis according to eqn (8). The
resulting LT-LMP density matrix, in contrast to MP2 or 3. Test calculations
LMP2, is non-symmetric, as is generally the case for coupled
Sparsity of transformation matrices
cluster theory. This is a consequence of the two different sets of
ERIs (truncated and non-truncated) which appear in the For an efficient algorithm the sparsity of the transformation
first and second term of the Lagrangian, eqn (27), respectively, matrices Xo(q), Xv(q) as defined in eqn (17) and of the matrix
and implies that two different sets of amplitudes have to be product Xv(q)V occurring in eqn (20) is of a major concern.
determined. This is, of course, a severe disadvantage of The Xo(q) and Xv(q) matrices are essentially the density
LT-LMP2 compared to LMP2, yet if the Laplace approach matrices of the occupied and virtual space in LMO and
is employed in the context of a method like CC2 PAO basis, respectively, but with exponentially weighted
then amplitudes and multipliers have to be determined sepa- occupation numbers.16 In order to analyze the sparsity of
rately anyhow. such matrices in a large molecule a crosslink to solid state
Symmetric LT-LMP2 density matrices are obtained if the theory may be helpful.15 It has been shown by Des Cloizeaux
full set of ERIs appearing in the second term of eqn (27) is in ref. 28 that the density matrix in nonmetallic systems decays
replaced by its fit through a truncated local set of ERIs, again exponentially and the rate of this decay depends on the width
transformed to the canonical basis according to eqn (15). The of the band gap. The density matrix for the virtual states
local space of this ERI set must coincide with that of the local should behave in a similar way due to the finite size of the basis
amplitudes. In such a case only one set of amplitudes has to be set. The decay rates of Xo(q) and Xv(q) for different tq points
determined and the resulting LT-LMP2 density matrix is should therefore remain the same, yet the prefactor and
symmetric. On the other hand, when density fitting is em- therefore the actual sparsity of the matrices may differ.
ployed for the ERIs, it is not convenient to insist on an Trivially, for the point tq = 0 these matrices correspond to
identical truncation of amplitudes and ERIs, since a factoriza- the identity and the PAO overlap matrix, respectively. For
tion of the local ERIs, as exploited in eqn (21), is then not non-zero, but small tq the prefactor may increase since the
possible (pair domain restrictions cannot be applied for the Laplace exponentials are cutting out regions with very low (for
relevant three-index quantities). As a consequence the quad- Xo(q)) or very high (for Xv(q)) energies. For larger tq the
rature-dependent assembly step of (21) has to be replaced by a exponential factor becomes very small and the sparsity of the
quadrature-dependent four-index transformation of the local matrices increases again.
ERI set. Moreover, the results obtained for the properties are We have investigated the sparsity of the Xo(q), Xv(q) ma-
anticipated to be of lower quality if the full set of ERIs is trices and the Xv(q)V matrix product in detail for the case of a
replaced by a set of ERIs truncated in the same strict manner solvent cluster consisting of a phenothiazine-phenyl-isoallox-
as the amplitudes. Instead, an alternative symmetrical ap- azine dye dyad solvated by 20 acetonitrile solvent molecules
proach is proposed here, where the amplitude set related to (cf. Fig. 1). This solvated dye dyad has been investigated
the truncated set of ERIs is replaced by that related to the full before in our group in the context of an application project
ERI set. The expression for the density matrix in the local on artificial blue-light photoreceptors.29 In Fig. 2 the mean

This journal is 
c the Owner Societies 2008 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2008, 10, 3430–3439 | 3435
involving the Xv(q) matrix is much more important for mole-
cules of the present size range since the transformations with
Xo(q) take only a small fraction of the overall computational
In Fig. 3 an analogous plot of the decay behaviour of the
matrix product Xv(q)V is given. V is the pseudoinverse of the
PAO overlap matrix SPAO (cf. eqn (11)) and hence might
destroy the sparsity of the product Xv(q)V, regardless of the
Published on 20 May 2008. Downloaded by Universitat Stuttgart on 24/08/2016 13:56:47.

fact that Xv(q) itself is sparse. On the other hand, if there were
no redundancies in SPAO the matrix product at point tq = 0,
Xv(0)V would be identical to the identity matrix, and one may
anticipate that Xv(q)V is nevertheless sparse, also for non-zero
tq, in spite of a subset of redundant PAOs. Fig. 3 shows that
the decay rate of Xv(q)V is somewhat lower than that of Xv(q)
itself, yet it is still exponential. The exponent of the exponen-
tial decay appears to be insensitive to a particular value of tq,
Fig. 1 A cluster of a phenothiazine-phenyl-isoalloxazine dye dyad
solvated by 20 acetonitrile solvent molecules (173 atoms in total). whereas the prefactor is increasing for intermediate values of
tq, and then decreasing again for larger tq due to the smallness
values of the elements XiojðqÞ and Xvāb(q) as a function of the of the exponential factors.
spatial separation of the functions fLMO , fLMO , and fPAO , An efficient pre-screening, which exploits the sparsity of the
i j ā
fb , respectively, are plotted. Xo(q), Xv(q) matrices, and the Xv(q)V product can therefore
For all calculations presented here the maximum of the significantly reduce the scaling of the computational cost with
quadrature points max(tq)8q remains below 10 Eh1, hence, for regard to the molecular size N. It ties spatially the LMOs and
Fig. 2, representative tq values of 0 (0.01 for Xo(q)) and 10 PAOs related to the ERI of eqn (16) to those of the ampli-
Eh1 were taken. Evidently, the transformation matrices Xo(q) tudes, thus, consequently, all functions have to be spatially
and Xv(q) all decay exponentially according to (nearly) the ‘‘close’’ to fLMO
i .
same rate which is governed by the HOMO–LUMO gap. All
matrices appear to be reasonably sparse. The sparsity of the Accuracy of the discrete quadrature
matrix Xv(q) for a moderately small tq is similar to that of the
PAO overlap matrix (tq = 0). For tq = 10 Eh1 the elements of The accuracy of the discrete quadrature was investigated for
Xv(q) become small due to the larger exponents in the ex- the different distribution functions f(x) = 1 (uniform distribu-
ponential factors. The sparsity of the Xo(q) matrix is decreas- tion), f(x) = Dab ij (genuine distribution of the denominators
a 2
ing on going from tq = 0.01 to tq = 10 Eh1, but Xo(q) Dab
ij ), and f(x) = (Di ) (distribution obtained via the addition

remains more sparse than Xv(q). For the whole relevant range theorem from the distribution of the denominators Dai). As
of the tq the sparsity of both matrices is sufficient to allow for already pointed out in the previous section the computational
a 2
an efficient pre-screening in the transformation steps. Test costs for generating f(x) = Dab ij and f(x) = (Di ) scale as
4 2
calculations show that the pre-screening of transformations O(N ) and O(N ), respectively. The former is thus too
expensive for its use, while for the latter only an insignificant
amount of time in comparison to the rest of the calculation has
to be spent.

Fig. 2 Mean absolute values of the XiojðqÞ and Xvāb(q) for the system
shown in Fig. 1 versus the spatial separation between the iand jatoms.
Filled markers correspond to Xo, open ones to Xv. The dependencies Fig. 3 Mean absolute values of the matrix product (XvV)āb(q) for the
are given for small (triangles) and large (squares) values of the Laplace solvent cluster displayed in Fig. 1 versus the distance between the
quadrature points tq. 
atoms ā and b.

3436 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2008, 10, 3430–3439 This journal is 
c the Owner Societies 2008
Table 1 Convergence of the energy with respect to the number of points taken for the numerical Laplace quadrature. DEn is the deviation from a reference calculation using 10 quadrature points,

analyzed for standard Boughton–Pulay domains (denoted as BP) and Boughton–Pulay domains extended by the nearest neighbours (denoted as iext = 1). For the function f(x), involved in optimizing

 except explicitly stated otherwise. The convergence has been

ij energies (denoted as Dij ) were tested, as well as the distribution defined as the ‘‘sum’’



LT-DF-LMP2 calculation, no a priori restrictions apply for BkPd defined in eqn (18). c DF-LMP2 calculation.

iext = 1
Published on 20 May 2008. Downloaded by Universitat Stuttgart on 24/08/2016 13:56:47.

Fig. 4 Two-layer MgO cluster, consisting of 98 atoms, with 5

adsorbed methane molecules. The distance between neighbouring
Mg and O atoms was set to 2.105 Å. The methane molecules are

placed on top of the Mg atoms in the dipod orientation. The distance

between the carbon atoms and the surface was set to 3.25 Å and the
C–H bond length to 1.0854 Å.




 100%. The BkPd quantity defined in eqn (18) was a priori restricted to the united pair domains [U(k)],
As test systems we have chosen (i) the dye dyad solvent
cluster above (cf. Fig. 1), (ii) linear chains of polyglycine

peptides [gly]n, C2nH3n+2NnOn+1 (cf. ref. 2), and (iii) a two-
layer MgO cluster with five adsorbed methane molecules (cf.

Fig. 4, such a system is studied in our group in the context of

iext = 1
periodic LMP2 calculations of physisorption30). These systems
represent three rather different situations for the application of
the quadrature weights and points (23) the uniform (denoted as 1) and the true distribution of the denominator Dab

the method. The results of these test calculations are compiled

in Table 1. The relative deviations (in %) from the correspond-

iext = 1
ing reference value based on nq = 10 quadrature points are
given for calculations involving nq = 2. . .7 points. Ordinary,

of two Dai distributions (denoted as (Dai)2). Absolute energies are given in Eh. For details see section 2

as well as augmented BP domains (by all next nearest neigh- aug-cc-pVDZ

bour atoms) were used. As a criterion for the construction of

the BP domains the default value of 0.98 was generally used.
The cc-pVDZ, aug-cc-pVDZ, and cc-pVTZ basis sets of

Dunning were employed as AO basis sets, together with the


related fitting basis sets of Hättig and Weigend. A comparison

of these relative deviations obtained at nq = 4 or nq = 5

LT-DF-LMP2 calculation, BP defined in eqn (18) is restricted to d A [U(k)].

between the different variants of f(x) shows that the uniform

a 2
distribution is inferior to f(x) = Dab
ij and f(x) = (Di ) , while the
latter two show, as expected, nearly the same performance
(shown for the [gly]6 case). We therefore advocate the use of

f(x) = (Dai)2 due to its much lower cost. For nq = 6 or nq = 7

iext = 1

all three distributions lead to well converged energies with


deviations of a few mEh from the nq = 10 reference value. In


contrast to the findings of ref. 14 we did not find in all cases a


systematic convergence pattern for f(x) = Dab


ij and f(x) =
(Dai)2. Since in ref. 14 just one particular example was exa-

mined we conclude that this behaviour cannot be anticipated

EðNq ¼nÞEðNq ¼10Þ


LT-DF-LMP2 vs. DF-LMP2: energies and efficiency

jEðNq ¼10Þj


The correlation energies as obtained with DF-LMP2 and LT-

DF-LMP2 for the different test systems, domains, and basis

sets, are included in Tables 1 and 2. For the present imple-

calculated as DEn ¼

mentation based on DF the most severely truncated set of



ERIs which is possible includes all LMO pairs and all PAOs

within the related united pair domains,


DEa2 (%)
DEa3 (%)
DEa4 (%)
DEa5 (%)
DEa6 (%)
DEa7 (%)
Enq=10 a
Enq=10 b


 ¼ Bk
c ld    2 ½UðkÞ;
 d 2 ½UðlÞ:


ðk P BP ; 8k; 8l; c ð33Þ



This journal is 
c the Owner Societies 2008 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2008, 10, 3430–3439 | 3437
Table 2 DF-LMP2 and LT-DF-LMP2 correlation energies (in Eh) obtained for the individual test molecules with different basis sets and
domains. For the LT-DF-LMP2 calculations five quadrature points were used. CPU times are also given for individual steps of the calculations

System [gly]18 DA CH4/MgO

Basis cc-pVTZ cc-pVDZ aug-cc-pVDZ cc-pVTZ cc-pVDZ aug-cc-pVDZ

NAO, NAUX 2974, 7593 1733, 6474 2905, 8703 3962, 10127 1738, 7028 2304, 8072

Domains iext =1 BP iext = 1 BP iext = 1 BP iext = 1 BP iext = 1 BP iext = 1

Published on 20 May 2008. Downloaded by Universitat Stuttgart on 24/08/2016 13:56:47.

LOC 13.751505 13.236139 13.440706 13.813185 14.006510 16.243006 16.407678 11.430101 11.956126 12.697749 —
Min. mem.a/MW 377 70 221 298 889 318 1038 57 1166 134 2835
No. of iter. 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 —
CPU timeb/min
ERIs/FCs 104 67 89 336 374 431 520 130 199 289 562
ITER 13 10 20 51 118 67 172 13 109 36 —
TOTAL 189 146 232 706 1232 914 1738 232 1108 585 —

LOC 13.758237 13.261747 13.446759 13.793212 13.991243 16.279686 16.416874 11.526571 11.967917 12.693230 12.869608
CPU timeb/min
SIMPLEX 4 1 1 5 6 9 9 1 1 2 2
ERIs/FCs 200 120 127 609 636 734 784 181 232 365 534
Q-POINT 31 21 27 93 124 183 235 25 64 58 163
TOTAL (nq = 5) 325 201 234 986 1134 1474 1733 281 488 598 1189
a b
Memory needed to hold the local amplitudes (1 MW = 8 MByte). Intel Xeon 5150, 2.66 GHz.

This corresponds to a much larger restricted local space than ter appears to represent a case where the BP domains are
that of the local amplitudes, the latter being confined to the particularly insufficient. Here, LT-DF-LMP2 recovers almost
restricted local pair list and the related pair domains. The four- 1% more than DF-LMP2. With augmented BP domains the
index ERIs (k c|ld)
 are of course never constructed explicitly, discrepancy decreases by almost an order of magnitude to
cf. eqns (20) and (22). Most of the calculations presented in 0.02–0.05% (0.09% for the MgO cluster). For the aug-cc-
Table 1 are based on such a restricted ERI set and it can be pVDZ basis set a rather large fraction of the functions has
seen that the deviations from results of calculations based on diffuse character. As a consequence, numerous energetically
the full ERI set are indeed very small. Without much higher low-lying Rydberg-like diffuse MOs may occur, which do not
cost though it is also possible to abandon any a priori contribute significantly to the correlation energy, even though
restrictions on the ERIs altogether (only the calculation of the related denominators can be small. Since the LT-DF-
the BkP quantities is affected), and all calculations reported in LMP2 method is based on a least-squares fit of the canonical
Table 2 actually employed the full ERI set. MP2 residual weighted by the inverse of the related denomi-
It can be seen that LT-DF-LMP2 recovers for all basis sets nators (vide supra) the importance of such amplitudes in the fit
(including the aug-cc-pVTZ basis, as calculations on smaller is overrated, which may lead to the observed behaviour.
molecules reveal) apart from the aug-cc-pVDZ case a some- The CPU times of the individual relevant steps of the
what larger fraction of the correlation energy than DF-LMP2. DF-LMP2 and LT-DF-LMP2 calculations are compiled in
This directly reflects the special feature of LT-DF-LMP2 Table 2. Comparing the overall times it can be seen that the
discussed in the previous section, which, for the case of a efficiency of LT-DF-LMP2 is comparable to that of
larger set of ERIs than amplitudes always provides a better fit DF-LMP2. For small compact domains DF-LMP2 is quicker,
to the canonical amplitudes than DF-LMP2 does (the latter for large extended domains LT-DF-LMP2 is faster. For the
entirely disregards non-zero residual elements outside the case of the MgO cluster with extended domains even a single
amplitude domain boundaries). For ordinary BP domains quadrature point is cheaper than a single LMP2 iteration. For
LT-DF-LMP2 usually recovers about 0.2% more of the the same system a calculation within the aug-cc-pVDZ basis
correlation energy than DF-LMP2. The two-layer MgO clus- was not possible with the present DF-LMP2 implementation

Table 3 DF-LMP2 and LT-DF-LMP2 correlation contributions to the dipole moment (in a.u.) for the case of [gly]6 using different basis sets. The
reference calculations were performed with extended domains by augmenting the BP domains (criterion 0.98) by all atoms within a range of 10 a0
(rext = 10). The LT-DF-LMP2 calculations were performed with 10 quadrature points and by using eqn (32) to calculate the correlated density
matrix. The X-component of the dipole moment is zero due to symmetry

cc-pVDZ aug-cc-pVDZ cc-pVTZ

ma rext = 10 LMP2 LT rext = 10 LMP2 LT rext = 10 LMP2 LT

mY 0.00998 0.00895 0.00916 0.00999 0.00854 0.00876 0.01073 0.01018 0.01040
mZ 0.03260 0.03526 0.03505 0.03093 0.03230 0.03214 0.02782 0.03064 0.02965

3438 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2008, 10, 3430–3439 This journal is 
c the Owner Societies 2008
due to a memory bottleneck, whereas the same calculation not to present yet another efficient local MP2 method, but to
could be easily performed with the LT-DF-LMP2 method, investigate generally the usefulness of the Laplace transform
which has only very modest memory requirements. ansatz in local methods with a priori restricted sets of wave-
Table 3 compares the orbital-unrelaxed LT-DF-LMP2 and function parameters. We will report on a local coupled cluster
DF-LMP2 dipole moments of [gly]6 calculated with different response implementation based on the Laplace transform
basis sets. This shall serve as a first illustration for our ansatz in a forthcoming paper.
discussion about LT-DF-LMP2 properties in the previous
section. Ordinary BP domains were used for these calculations
Published on 20 May 2008. Downloaded by Universitat Stuttgart on 24/08/2016 13:56:47.

(with extended domains there would hardly be any visible Acknowledgements

difference), for the reference calculations the BP domains were Financial support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
extended with all centres within a range of 10 a0 from the core DFG (priority program SPP1145) is gratefully acknowledged.
BP domains. The LT-DF-LMP2 density matrices were calcu-
lated according to eqn (32), i.e., using the symmetrical ap-
proach. Evidently, even for non-extended BP domains the DF- References
LMP2 and LT-DF-LMP2 are very close, with the latter being 1 P. Pulay, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1983, 100, 151.
slightly closer to the reference value. This is most pronounced 2 M. Schütz, G. Hetzer and H.-J. Werner, J. Chem. Phys., 1999, 111,
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the simple symmetrical approach provides LT-DF-LMP2 6 H.-J. Werner, P. Knowles and F. R. Manby, J. Chem. Phys., 2003,
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In this paper a new local method based on the Laplace 11 L. Maschio, D. Usvyat, F. Manby, S. Cassassa, C. Pisani and M.
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14 M. Häser and J. Almlöf, J. Chem. Phys., 1992, 96, 489.
a priori restricted. An implementation for local second-order 15 M. Häser, Theor. Chim. Acta, 1993, 87, 147.
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integrals. A detailed analysis of the relation between the 18 D. Lambrecht, B. Doser and C. Ochsenfeld, J. Chem. Phys., 2005,
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mization weighted with the inverse of the related energy 23 Y. Jung, Y. Shao and M. Head-Gordon, J. Comput. Chem., 2007,
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