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Clarification consists of removing the fats and impurities that the bones, vegetables and all other

elements used in making the broth have released into the liquid. And the result is a clean broth,
like a mirror.


If we have a broth that we have foamed during the process, it will be tasty, but it will have a
considerable amount of fat from the bones and carcasses used to make it.

To remove its fat, we let it rest in the refrigerator overnight so that the fat rises and solidifies. Using
a slotted spoon or spoon, we remove the layer of fat to make the broth more comforting for the


Once clean of fat, we let the broth come to room temperature and pass it through a strainer as fine
as possible to remove the coarsest impurities it has.

Filtered out

The third and final step to clarify is filtering, which can be done by passing the broth through a
cloth strainer or cheesecloth, which will leave it completely clean and free of fat particles.


With clarification, the remaining impurities are eliminated, which cannot be removed with the
previous processes and prevent us from obtaining a clear, smooth and delicate consommé.

For this process, we only need one egg white per liter of broth. We beat the egg whites and heat
the broth which, when it starts to boil, we will add and stir with the egg whites. We lower the heat
to minimum, maintain a soft temperature for half an hour without stirring it.

We let the broth boil gently, without touching it or covering the saucepan. While it boils, a mesh of
whites will form on the surface to which the impurities will adhere.

After half an hour, we let the broth cool to room temperature for a couple of hours.

Then we remove the mesh of impurities formed by the egg whites with the help of a ladle or a
slotted spoon. To finish, we filter the broth again by passing it through a cloth strainer or
cheesecloth (which can be replaced by absorbent paper or a very fine clean cloth).

With this we now have our softened broth, ready to enjoy!

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