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1. Write a C program to draw a circle by using build-in function.

2. Write a C program to draw a line by using build-in function.

3. a C program to draw a line by using Bresenham Line drawing Algorithm.
4. Write a C program to input starting points (X1,Y1) and ending points (X2,Y2) and translation
distance tx, ty and translate.
5. Write a C program to draw a circle using mid-point algorithm.
6. Write a program to apply rotation to 2-Dimensional shapes .
7. Write a program to apply scaling to 2-Dimensional shapes.
8. Write a program for Sutherland Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm.
9. Show panel, layers, stage and timeline in adobe animate cc.
10. Using adobe animate cc software, create a moving car that contain at least 5 layers.

(for question 9 and 10 algorithm, algorithm and code is replaced by image and their description)

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