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(Try answering the questions before checking the answers)


1. ....... is conceived as a classic legacy which can ensure the fundamental valued of rationality, liberty
and accountability for sustainable human development.

Ans- Education

2. ........ is obtained from the Greek word Philo(love of) and Sophia(wisdom).

Ans- Philosophy

3. ......... Is rooted on the ethics and aesthetics while ........... Is anchored on logical reasoning and
research work.

Answer- Ethics and aesthetics, epistemology.

4. An articulated system of human thoughts, is anchored on axiological and epistemological frameworks

for examining reality in our world is known as ........

Answer- Philosophy

5. ............. deals primarily wih what is good or bad behavior (morality) in a cross spectrum of human life.

It is concerned with the issues of value, interest, appreciation and preference for certain things in the
universal process of decision making towards solving a problem.

Answer: Axiology

6. The organized set of beliefs, values, goals, assumptions and justifications on which humans
consistently formulate rational decisions and answers to their problems is known as .........

Answer- Philosophy

7. The two main divisions of axiology are ......... and ........

a. Ethics and aesthetics b. None of the above

8. ................. are the basic habits made up of equitable principles or rules, which are the worthwhile
standards and guide to good conduct of people.

a. Ethics b. aesthetics
9. ........... is the process of developing a well coordinated sense of appreciating beauty and enjoying
creative production of things.

a. Ethics b. Aesthetics

10. The aim of enforcing a teacher's value system as a desirable code of ethics is to improve
performance and regulate professional practice to the advantage of the students

True or False

11. .................. is concerned with the nature and process of acquiring knowledge.

a. Epistemological concept b. Episteme c. Epistemology.

12. .......... is associated with creative imagination, observation and production of things as it aids
meaningful learning.

a. Research work b. Logical reasoning

13. ......... is a desirable feature of creative people that continuously seek and produce knowledge. It is
related to learning tasks which assist in solving practical problems associated with human development
and survival.

a. Research work b. Logical reasoning

14. The full meaning of NCE is ........

a. National Certificate Education

b. National Certificate in Education

c. Nigeria Certificate Education

d. Nigeria Certificate in Education

15. .......... have acquired some critical thoughts, experiential orientations and pedagogical skills to
promote excellence in education.

a. Beginning teachers b. Teachers in training

16. ............. is an integral/important/significant part of educational theory

a. Educational process b. Philosophy

17. ......... gives the signposts to the central issues with which philosophy of education must be

a. Philosophical analysis b. Philosophical specialization c. Philosophical psychology

18. Philosophy helps us to determine the questions of educational policy eg morality, patriotism and
child centered education.

True or False.

19. One of these is not a function of philosophy in human life

a. Evolution of rational thought that is presented in logical sequence for conceptual understanding and
problem solving strategy within a changing world.

b. Transmission and preservation of the cultural heritage

c. generation of social order for political economy in the society

d. encouragement of social degeneration through actualization of a network of virtues for sustainable

development and environment.

20. In education, principles of education are known as ........

a. Logical hybrids b. methods/rules of education c. Photosynthesia.

21. ........ is defined as any reasonable coherent set of values and fundamental assumptions used as a
basis for evaluating and guiding educational practices

a. Philosophy of Education b. Psychology of Education.

22. One of the following is not relevant to the provision and acquisition of functional education

a. Provision of conceptual framework in the determination of objectives and contents for organizing
educational programmes

b. viable guidelines should be provided in the school curriculum

c. non-equipment of relevant and competent teachers.

d. encouragement of educators to examine critically various factors affecting educational process and
recrecognize instructional strategy that can promote learning

23. The foregoing importance of Philosophy of education makes it a family of Philosophical enquires
linked together both by their Philosophical character and by their relevance to educational issues.


24. Nigeria's philosophy of education is clearly conceived but lacks proper implementation as a result of
inadequate attention and funding.

25. ................ is the cognitive process of practical results in logical thought and justifiable decisions for
embarking on practical tasks.

a. Rationality b. Brainstorming c. Cognisance thinking

26. ............... means the absence of a restraint that has acted or might have acted as a hindrance to
action of some kind. It is a state of being free to go whatever way you choose and whatever time you

a. Freedom b. Right c. Movement

27. .............. implies impartial treatment of all human beings and egalitarianism in the full sense.

a. Equality b. Choice c. Authority

28. ............. remains the instrument and strength of change for sustainable development, fuable policy
and viable economy in any dynamic society.

a. Functional and lifelong education b. strategical and developmental educational

29. ........... set of people are friendly, cooperative, loving, considerate of others, honest,etc

a. Responsible b. Dependent

30. Peace and progress will prosper in an honest society. True/False.

31. The ability, power or right to make worthwhile decisions which control and influence the action of
others without recourse to the use of force in public human affairs is known as .............

a. Power b. Authority c. Legitimacy

32. One of these is not among the eminent Philosophers and educators whode rational thoughts
contributed to the global development of pre primary and primary education.

a. Obafemi Awolowo b. Babs Fafunwa c. John Dewey d. Friedrick Froebel e. John Herbert f. Maria
Montessori f. Gevrnic Brown g. Plato.

33. A Frontline nationalist, Nigerian erudite lawyers, shrewd politician and Philosopher who continually
advocated for functional education and believes that knowledge is necessary to the beneficial use of
one's freedom to advantage, and courage and strength are essential to it's derivation and preservation.
He/she also believes that education is our most potent weapon

a. Obafemi Awolowo b. Nnamdi Azikwe c. Ayo Babalola

34.Awolowo was born in 1909 and he died in 1987.

True or False
35. Nigeria launched it's free UPE scheme in the Western region in September ...........

a. 1976 b. 1975 c. 1977.

36........... conceived education as a process of mental culture whereby a man's personality is developed
to the fullest.

a. Professor Aliu Babs Fafunwa b. Obafemi Awolowo

37.......... advocated for mother tongue as a medium of education for at least the first twelve years of the
clilds life.

a. Professor Aliu Babs Fafunwa b. Obafemi Awolowo

38. According to Obafemi Awolowo, the three main constitution of man's entity is hid body, brain and


38. UNESCO have seen the crucial broke mother tongue play in national development and it now
support it's use as a medium of education.

True or False

39. The Ife six-year Primary project was launched in ...........

a. Janurary 1970. b. December, 1960

40. The work of ............. for basic training in sensory discrimination and motor activity whereby children
gain skills by manipulating materials and to acquire judgement through exercising their senses. Her
materials are called didactic apparatus.

True or False

a. Maria Montessori, True. b. Apparatal Motor, True c. Farrat Fafunwa, True

41.A practicing teacher who believed that children learn best by doing and by example is ......... . He also
opined that development of creativity in infancy would continue throughout life.

a. Martin Luther King (1946- 1975) b. George Fredrick (2001-2015) c. Friedrick Froebel (1782-1852).

42. The first kindergarten (Preschool) in England based on ....... ideas goes back to 1854.

True or False.

a. Martin Luther King (1946- 1975) b. George Fredrick (2001-2015) c. Friedrick Froebel (1782-1852).

43. ........ Is an apostle of experience who believed that learning should take place through inquiry,
activity's and experiment. He exemplified his own theory of thinking as problem solving.
a. Henry Sweet (1965-1972) b. John Dewey (1859-1952)

44. According to............. man's superior brain has evolved through his practical experience of life which
he experienced with solutions to overcome obstacles, make adjustments and obtain satisfaction. He also
regarded education as a life process.

a. Henry Sweet (1965-1972) b. John Dewey (1859-1952)

45. .......... , a Swiss educator, philosophers advocated for utilitarian approach to education. He stated
that Education should adopt one contemporary society life through appropriate training of the child.

a. Michael Faraday b. J.H. Pestalozzi c. Fafunwa (1974

46. The collective values and justification on which human beings consistently formulate plausible
decisions and solutions to their problems or conflicts are regarded as ...........

a. Philosophy b. Philosophical psychology c. Sociology of Education

47.An essential process of self realization and active citizenship in sustainable development is known
as ...........

a. Education b. Educational process c. Developmental psychology

48. ...... is an organized series of decision which results from enquires and deliberations on many
alternatives to the solution on the peculiar problem affecting human life in the society.

a. Policy b. Rules and regulations c. Succinct impart

49. Which of these is not an example of public policies?

a. National policy on Education b. National industrial policy c. National agricultural policy d. Nigerian
foreign policy e. National population policy f. all of the above.

50. The Nigerian educational policy developed from 1925-1960.

True or False

51. ............ era witnessed the proliferation of schools, industries and the need for substantial
manpower resources to manage the government and economy.

a. Pre-independence b. Post Independence

52. The current National policy on Education published by the Federal Republic of Nigeria was in the
year ........ to .............

a. 1977-1986 b. 1980-1989 c. 1979-1988

53. ................. opined that secondary education should provide the pupils with sound knowledge of the
basic subjects.

a- MONOSZON(1963) b.HENRY SWEET(1943)

54. ........... is a clear general statement of logical ways and planned actions with purposeful intentions
and meaningful intentions of the government in achieving it's national objectives through education for
the welfare of it's citizens and development of the nation

a. Nigerian Policy of Education b. National Policy on Education c. National Policy in Education

55. The Federal ministry of education is responsible for the determination of a National policy on


56. Pre primary education is the education given in an educational institution to children aged 3-5.

True or False

57. .... becomes the minimum basic qualification for entry into the teaching profession.

a. NCE (Nigeria Certificate in Education) b. Primary education c. Secondary developed education.

58. The ........... stage is rooted on fantasy and play as the basic routes towards healthy development of
the child.

a. Primary b. Pre-primary c. Pre-school

59. .......... is an aspect of imagination which originates from creative thinking.

a. Skill b. Creativity c. Talent

60. Functional education, centered on educational activity on the learner for maximum self
development and fulfillment is regarded as ...........

a. Child-centered education b. Learner centered education c. Vocationalized centered education.

61. Observation is rooted in human ability to examine, see, notice and act carefully through the senses
with keen understanding of emerging events or phenomena.

True or False

62. NSEC means .............

a. National secondary education commission b. Nigeria social economic cereau.

63. .............. covers the post secondary section of the National education system which is given in
colleges of education, polytechnics and universities.
a. Higher tertiary education b. Vocational rehabilitation education c. Lower tertiary education

64. NCCE means...........

a. National Commission for Colleges of Education

b. Nigerian Commission for colleges of Education

65. ........... is the document that will guide educational bodies/agencies, administrators, educators and
teachers to manage human, material and physical resources towards achieving the overall Philosophy
and objectives of the nation.

a. National Policy of Education b. National Policy on education c. Nigeria Policy on Education

66. ......... is an integral part of the teaching process

a. Curriculum b. Continuous accessment c. Assessmentd. d. Accessment.

67. ........ is a systematic activity that requires an operational plan including what, when and how the
measurements are to be made of the pupils performance.

a. Curriculum b. Continuous accessment c. Accessment

68. ........... is a personal interaction and administration of some questions or statements on the
respondent(interviewee)bad it could be structured or unstructured.

a. Interview b. Structuralism c. Questionnaire

69. .......... is a series of written questions or statements which the respondent is expected to answer,
agree or disagree with.

a. Unstructured questionnaire b. Structured Questionnaire c. questionnaire

70. ........ consists of items comprising questions of statement's with alternative responses from which
the respondent facilitates efficient research

a. Structured questionnaire. b. Unstructured questionnaire

71. ........ gives the respondent a complete freedom of response

a. Unstructured questionnaire b. Structured Questionnaire

72. An Instrument for effecting economic, social, technological, ideological and personality changes is
known as...........

a. Modern education b. Education c. Education

73. Education is concerned as a means of political socialization of the child.

True or False.

74. ......... refers to the transmission of values, beliefs ideas and patterns of behaviour pertaining to the
generation, distribution and exercise of power.

a. Socialization b. Cultural socialization c. Political socialization

75. Education is a life long soci service which should be severally provided and equitably acquired by all
because it is a valuable instrument of national development and stability.

True or False.

76. One of these is not a characteristics of Education?

a. Total development of the child

b. Preparation for happy and useful living in the society

c. Life-long learning from birth and all through an individual entire life

d. Political unresolved socialization

77. ............ is the paramount key to enduring progress, peace and prosperity of a nation.

a. Educational process b. Education c. Re-stabilization d. Educational psychology

78. The bridge between every child and his future is known as ............

a. Education b. Educational process c. Re-stabilization d. Educational psychology

79. One of these is not a function of education

a. Development and supply of sufficient manpower needs of the economy required to plan and
maintain sound educational infrastructure.

b. Incucation of permanent literacy, numeracy, process, skills and sound attributes

c. Preparation for happy and useful living within the context of existing resources and cultures of the

d. Transmission, improvement and preservation of the non-culture of the society in the youths and

80. One of these is not an indices of crisis in Nigeria?

a. Prevalence of secret cultism and drug abuse b. Irregular school calendar c. Dearth of continuing
education and training programme d. Gross indiscipline and high employment rate of school learners
81. ............ can still be achieved by increasing supportive participation of the community and private
organisation releasing more funds and equipment for more productive learning activities, curtailing the
incidence of frauds and mismanagement of scarce resources and checking he scourge of academic

a. Successful realization b. Educational management c. Prospects of Education d. Educational process

82. Successful realization of the individual and national development aspirations can be attained
through a well organized and implemented teacher Education.

True or False.

83. ........... produces responsible and productive citizenry that can revitalize the economy as it is the
backbone of any stable democratic order.

a. Teacher Education b. Teacher training c. Educational psychology.

84. The heartbeat of man power development and training for prudent use and sustainance of resources
in nation building is .........

a. Teacher Education b. Teacher training c. Educational psychology

85. ......... are the most important, refined, human species that skillfully identity, develop and nurture
the potentials of productive citizenry for meaningful creation of wealth which will sustain human life.

a. Teachers b. Teacher Education c. Rationalization d. Skills/talent

86. YAHAYA(1991) believed that the staff constitutes human resource which is the most important and
the only factor of production.

True or False.

87. ............ refers to a broadly conceived field of educational study that derived it's character and
methods from a number of academic disciplines, combinations of disciplines and area studies, including
history, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, religion, cultural studies, gender studies educational
studies, etc.

a. Educational process b. Educational foundation c. Philosophy of Education

88. One of these is not a more of philosophy?

a. Speculative b. Prescriptive c. Analytic. d. Presumptive

89. One of these is not a function that reduce the value of functional Education?

a. Corruption/bad leadership b. Poor funding c. Inadequate inspection of schools d. Lack 9f disparity in

regulation between school teachers and other preparable workers
90. ............. says that "knowledge without common sense is folly"

a. Lee Farar b. Farrat Dieum c. Fafunwa.

91. A philosophy without Education is blind while Education without philosophy is cripple.

True or False.

92. ........... is an agent/place of learning. A means for nurturing social reconstruction, economic
rejuvenation, political emancipation and technological evolution in response to the unfolding global
challenges and prospects of a modern society.

a. Pre talent b. School c. Tertiary training

93. ............. is a policy that helps the citizen's life get better by giving them the education that will help
them to become relevant in the society by establishing them to be useful for themselves through
enlightment to survive in life.

a. Educational process b. Educational policy c. Educational psychology.

94. One of these is not a quality of a good teacher.

a. Industrialization b. Lack of moral soundness c. Good discipline d. Resourcefulness e. Intelligence

95. The mixture of cherished ideas, beliefs, values, attitudes, modes of thought etc. as the totality of
people's way of life is...........

a. Personal relations b. Community development c. Culture d. Social development

96. For functional education to take place, there must be planned and unplanned learning experience.

True or False.

97. Teacher Education is very lucrative because it sustains us in Education as teachers are the first class
citizens in the society.

True or False.

98. Which of these is not an objective of educational philosophy?

a. To produce better citizens b. To help us find solutions to educational issues c. To bring about all
around development in a child and prepare him/her to stand on her own feet d. Non flexibility

99. ........... deals with the principles of conduct which helps to judge whether an action is good or bad.

a. Aesthetics b. Epistemology c. Ethics d. Axiology

100. ............. takes a worthwhile knowledge, skills and habits for a sustainable development, self
reliance and a stable society.
a. Philosophy of education b. Psychology of education c. Sociology of education.


10. True

11. C

12. B

13. A

14. D the

15. A- Beginning teachers.

16. B


18. True.

19. D

20. A- Logical hybrids

21. A- Philosophy of education.

22. C

23. True

24. True
25. A- Rationality

26. A- Freedom

27. A- Equality

28. A- Functional and lifelong education

29. A- Responsible

30. True

31. B- Authority

32. F

33. Obafemi Awolowo


35. A- 1976

36. B- Obafemi Awolowo.

37. A

38. True

39. A- 1970.

40. A- Maria Montessori, True.

41. C- Friedrick Froebel (1782-1852). True

42. C- Friedrick Froebel (1782-1852).

43. B- John Dewey (1859-1952)

44. B- John Dewey (1859-1952)

45. B- J.H. Pestalozzi

46. A- Philosophy

47. A-Education

48. A- Policy.

49. F
50. True

51. B

52. A- 1977 to 1986.

53. A- MONOSZON(1963)

54. B - National Policy on Education

55. True

56. True

57. A- NCE (Nigeria Certificate in Education)

58. C- Pre-school

59. B- Creativity

60. A- Child-centered education

61. True.

62. A- National secondary education commission

63. B- Higher tertiary education

64. A-National commission for Colleges of Education

65. A- National policy of education

66. Assessment

67. B- Continuous assessment

68. A- Interview

69. C- Questionnaire

70. B

71. A

72. A

73. True

74. C
75. True

76. D

77. B- Education

78. A- Education

79. D

80. D

81. C

82. True

83. Teacher Education

84. Teacher Education

85. Teachers

86. True

87. B

88. D

89. D

90. A

91. True

92. B

93. B

94. B

95. C

96. True

97. True

98. D

99. C
100. A

Key points

Epistemology (knowledge and understanding)

Value judgements (Ethics)

Ethics is also known as moral philosophy

Teacher Education is the heartbeat for manpower development

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