Human Development - Labor and Professional Field 2

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What is work?
This is the action that we perform to
satisfy our human necessities
How is human development related to
labor and professional field?
It refers to the importance of
having fair jobs with opportunities
for companies, but also for their
employees. They should do their
duties with ethical responsibility
and satisfy their human needs,
economic and personal ones.
How did it start?
The companies and institutions started
caring about workers after the labor strike
performed in Chicago in 1886. Demanding
to establish a 8-hours-shifts for all workers.
This changed society's perception of
workers. Not to see workforce as a tool of
production, but to see it for what they
really were, human beings with rights,
goals and lives who desired better
opportunities to personal and social
Changes in the perception of “work”

Before the mentioned changes the work

had a negative meaning “tripalium” which
was related to torture tool.
Thanks to the modern perception of Adam
Smith and Hegel. Not only did labor work to
make us realize about our capabilities of
turn things into products, but also it shape
our personal identity and cultural factor.
Changes in the perception of “work”
Nowadays, the lack of "meaningful work”
is something that is affecting our society.
Not only do people demand economic
benefits, but also existencial ones.
In other words, our jobs shouldn’t be seen
as a method to obtain money to get by.
But to find a deeper meaning. A more
human reason for why we do the activities
we do is to "find a place in the world" to
take responsibility for the tasks we have
been assigned as well as to give the best
possible performance and the best of us.
How can we improve the conditions of
■ Balance between personal and work life
■ Make them relize they are important.
■ Give a proper “work environment”.
■ Hybridization (humanize jobs).
■ Solidarity thinking (relationship between
families, state, and market).

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