Integradora 2nd Year

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GRADE: SECOND YEAR Professor: Alejandra De la O

SUBJECT: English Due date: October
STUDENT’S NAME: ___________________________________________________

Objective: Write and roleplay a short story describing feelings, and talking about past events and experiences
by using past perfect, present perfect, simple past, and past progressive structures in order to communicate in
the target language.

Achievement indicators.
4.2 Produce spoken language using the acquired vocabulary and structures, coherently write a 300–word
persuasive essay on actions to prevent further environmental damage.
4.6 Uses editing and proofreading strategies (peer editing, grammar and spelling check, proofreading checklist),
before writing final drafts.
4.8 Describes finished and unfinished continuous actions related to environmental, family, or personal issues
with grammatical accuracy
4. 11 Use pre-writing strategies (word-maps, brainstorming, outlining) before writing paragraphs.

Unit 4 “Amazing Stories “

Activity description. For children of all ages (and some would argue adults too), writing is a form of imaginative play. It
gives them the opportunity to create their own world in which they can be and do whatever they like, wherever they like.
Each and every time they set out to write, any person who writes embarks on a new adventure. Students can see writing
as an experience, as something exciting that transports them out of everyday reality. When their imagination takes flight,
limitless possibilities open up. For this reason, they can get totally lost in their stories, and in the scenarios and characters
they create. Of course, writing can also be a powerful way for people to examine real-life experiences in their own way and
at their own pace. Writing about ‘real stuff,’ whether good or bad, can help them gain a better understanding of it, and of
the emotions involved. Simply put, writing gives people the freedom to explore who they are, in a space that they can
control and feel comfortable in. It can lead to self-discovery and to them finding their ‘voice.’

Your opportunity has come, and your imagination will take flight since you will be working on your own story, get together
with some of your classmates and start creating your short story, and take pleasure in making it by placing it in strange
scenarios, fiction, or a real one, the point is you will be so engaged in your stories and feel such a sense of ownership about
them and the characters you create. Get ready to record it and play your own film!

To do so, follow these steps:

1. Make groups of 5 people.
2. Choose the name of the story and also the genre, plot, characters, setting, and message you want to
leave through your story.
3. Write the story, ( More dialogues than narration style )
4. Practice and learn your gialogues.
5. Choose the appropriate clothes for your play in the story.
6. Redcord and roleplay your story.
7. Save it on a USB and give it to your teacher.
8. Give your teacher the written story in a folder including the front page and rubric page.
Self-evaluation criteria YES NO
Check ✓ either yes or no according to each evaluation
I have chosen all the details of my story with my group.
I have written the parts of my play in the story or given ideas to
others for the dialogues.
I have learned my lines by heart and practiced the pronunciation
improving my tone of voice.
I do my best by playing my role in the story, showing all the feelings
that my character has.
I didn’t read during the recording I just did my part naturally and
with confidence.

Student’s name: ____________________________________________________
Excellent Regular Poor
2 1 0
Written story.
The writing story was presented in a folder including the name, plot, characters,
setting, and message.
Grammar and accuracy.
The writing work includes correctly the structures students have been studying in
classes such as simple past, past progressive, present perfect, present perfect
progressive, past perfect, etc. Besides that, The story has a bunch of useful
vocabulary that helps the reader to know the plot and get involved from the
bigging to the end.
Pronunciation and tone of voice.
The student talked with an appropriate tone of voice, and she or he didn’t have
mispronunciation mistakes; instead, a great effort at accent and fluency was shown
during the role-play.
Performance and costume/clothes
The student takes her/his role seriously and performs the role wearing the
appropriate clothes according to the character and he/ she expresses the real
feeling of the character too.
The self-evaluation is done by taking into account all the criteria.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Students must present their task only within the due date. The delayed task will be
checked if the student presents a valid justification.
● Plot: All stories contain a plotline, which has a clearly defined beginning, middle and end of
● Characters: There are many characters portrayed in fiction stories, but the narrative generally
focuses on a protagonist and an antagonist. The protagonist is the hero of the story who the
reader hopes to see succeed, and the antagonist is the villain.
● Dialogue: Direct back-and-forth conversations between characters happen throughout the story
to help progress the plot.
● Conflict: There may be many instances of conflict throughout the story, but there is usually one
major conflict that needs to be solved by the story's end.
● Setting: Every type of fiction has a setting that explains where and when the story takes place.

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