Adtech Learning Task

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Name: Katrina May P.

Course and Code: Advanced Technical Communication –
Learning Task
Five words from your field. (Management Accounting)
Each word should be defined in 3 ways (Formal, Informal, Extended).

1. Allocation
Formal: Allocation is the process of assigning costs or resources to a specific
activity or department.
Informal: Allocation is the act of distributing resources or costs to different
areas of a business.
Extended: Allocation can also refer to the assignment of revenue or profits to
different divisions or units within a company.

2. Optimization
Formal: Optimization is the process of finding the best solution to a problem,
often within certain constraints.
Informal: Optimization is the act of making something as effective or efficient
as possible.
Extended: Optimization can also refer to the process of maximizing profits or
minimizing costs.

3. Variance
Formal: Variance is the difference between budgeted or expected values and
actual results.
Informal: Variance is a measure of how much actual results differ from what
was planned or expected.
Extended: Variance analysis can help identify areas where resources or
processes are not being used efficiently.

4. Overhead
Formal: Overhead costs are indirect expenses that cannot be directly traced to
a specific product or service.
Informal: Overhead costs are expenses incurred in running a business that are
not directly related to producing a product or providing a service.
Extended: Overhead costs can include rent, utilities, and administrative

5. Standard
Formal: A standard is a predetermined quantity or quality used as a basis for
Informal: A standard is a benchmark or goal used to measure performance.
Extended: Standards can be set for a variety of activities, such as production,
quality, or costs
Name: Katrina May P. Marzan
Course and Code: Advanced Technical Communication –
Learning Task
Five words from your field. (Management Accounting)
Each word should be defined in 3 ways (Formal, Informal, Extended).

1. Margin
Formal: Margin is the difference between the selling price and the cost of
goods sold.
Informal: Margin is the profit or percentage of profit made on a sale.
Extended: Margin can also refer to the difference between revenues and
expenses or the net income of a company.

2. Profitability
Formal: Profitability is the ability of a company to generate income or
earnings relative to its expenses and other costs.
Informal: Profitability is the measure of how profitable a company is, usually
expressed as a percentage or ratio.
Extended: Profitability can also include measures of return on investment,
return on assets, or return on equity.

3. Compliance
Formal: Compliance is the state of conforming to rules, regulations, or laws.
Informal: Compliance is the act of adhering to rules or standards.
Extended: Compliance can also include ethical standards or industry best

4. Management
Formal: Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading, and
controlling resources, the people, finances, materials, and information to
achieve organizational goals efficiently and effectively.
Informal: Management is about getting things done. It involves setting goals,
organizing tasks, motivating people, and ensuring that resources are used
Extended: Management is both a science and an art. It involves the application
of theoretical principles and practical skills to manage human, financial, and
physical resources effectively. It encompasses strategic thinking, decision-
making, problem-solving, communication, and leadership skills. It is a
dynamic and ever-evolving field that requires adaptability, creativity, and
innovation in the face of changing environments and challenges.

5. Control
Formal: Control is the process of monitoring, directing, and regulating
activities to ensure that organizational objectives are achieved efficiently and
effectively. It involves setting standards, measuring performance against those
standards, and taking corrective action when necessary.
Informal: Control is about keeping things on track. It involves making sure
that plans are followed, tasks are completed, and goals are achieved. It also
means identifying and correcting any problems or deviations from the plan.

Extended Definition: Control is an essential function of management that

ensures that resources are used effectively and efficiently to achieve
organizational goals. It involves establishing standards and benchmarks,
monitoring performance against those standards, and taking corrective action
when necessary. Control can be achieved through various mechanisms, such as
organizational structures, policies and procedures, budgets and financial
controls, performance measurement systems, and information and
communication systems.
Name: Agatha B. Acosta BSMA 2 – Set 2 - Code 019
Learning Task: Five words from your field. Each word should be defined in 3 ways (Formal,
Informal, Extended). Field: Business, Entrepreneurship

1. Capital
Formal: Capital refers to the financial resources or assets used by a business to
produce goods or provide services. It can include funds, machinery, and
Informal: Capital is the money or assets that a business needs to operate and
Extended: Capital can also include intellectual property, such as patents or
trademarks, as well as the skills and knowledge of employees.
2. Innovation
Formal: Innovation is the process of creating or improving products, services,
or processes to meet new needs or improve efficiency.
Informal: Innovation is the act of thinking outside the box and coming up with
new ideas.
Extended: Innovation can also include the ways in which a business adapts to
changes in the market, such as by developing new products or entering new
3. Tax
Formal: Tax is a mandatory financial charge imposed by a government on
individuals or businesses to fund various public expenditures.
Informal: Tax is money that individuals and businesses are required to pay to
the government, usually based on their income or the value of their property.
Extended: Taxes can also include indirect taxes, such as sales tax or value-
added tax, that are passed on to consumers as part of the purchase price of
goods and services.
4. Investment
Formal: An investment is an asset or item acquired with the goal of generating
income or appreciation over time.
Informal: An investment is money or resources that are put into something
with the expectation of getting a return on the investment.
Extended: An investment can also include intangible assets, such as goodwill
or intellectual property, that have the potential to generate future income or
5. Credit
Formal: Credit is an agreement in which a borrower receives something of
value from a lender with the promise to repay the lender at a later date, usually
with interest.
Informal: Credit is the ability to borrow money or receive goods and services
with the understanding that payment will be made later.
Extended: Credit can also include creditworthiness, which is a measure of a
person's or company's ability to repay debts.

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