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Chapter Three

3. Common Critical Comment: Basic Methodological Related Problems



Research Design and Approach

Population and Sampling Technique

Type and Sources of Data

Methods of Data Collection

Instrument Validity and Instrument reliability
Method of data analysis

Common Critical Comment: on DESCRIPITION OF STUDY AREA

The researcher was to describe the study area ,the environment,the total
population ,the purpose of the chapter these all are a good idea.

3. Common Critical Comment: on research design and approach

The researcher was to use explanatory research design ,but the research
title to describe and critically assesses the factors affecting the
performance of MSE,so the researcher was to use both explanatory
research design and descriptive research design very well.

Common Critical Comment: on Population and Sampling Technique

The researcher was used census sampling techniques ,But the researcher
to describe the populations are large this is difficult to manage every
one persen so, the researcher was used to another technical method is
good example stratified random technical method.

Common Critical Comment: on types and sources of data

The researcher was used to both primary and secondary source of

data ,but the researcher only to defined the definition of primary data
and secondary data not to define how to gain the primary and
secondary source of data.

Common Critical Comment: on Methods of Data Collection

At the same to types and sources of data,method of data collection only
to define the definition of primary and secondary data collection not to
define how to collect.

Common Critical Comment: on Instrument Validity and Instrument

The researcher was to define the instrument validity and the instrument
reliability this is a good because validity and reliability is characteristics
of a good research ,but the researcher was does not define the ethical

Common Critical Comment: on Method of data analysis

The methods of data analysis used by researcher was very clear and
3. Common Critical Comment: Basic Methodological Related Problems

 Too many citation of literature: Most of the explanation under the

methodological headings devoted to cite literature that defines the
specific methodological procedure or technique. The researcher did not
need to tell researcher of his paper that because they know it well
already. But, the right way should be giving adequate scientific and
logical justification about

 The researcher was to use explanatory research methodology, but it

is not description of the state of affairs as it exists at present

(a) Why certain methodological procedure or method is relevant to the

study? And

(b) How certain methodological procedure or method is used or helpful

in generating adequate, relevant, and valid data to address the specific
objectives of the study?

 Logical incoherence: This takes two major forms. First, sequential

problem (e.g. discussing “methods of data collection” ahead of “study
design” or “research approach”. Second, treating methodological
procedures and methods under separate topics/headings that should
logically come as the sub-headings of one topic. Thus, depending on
which comments concern the paper, we suggest the following logical
coherence of the method section in which the paper lacks:

3.1 Description of the study area

3.2 Research approach
3.3 Research design
3.4 Methods of data collection
3.4.1 Survey method
A. Operationalization of Key concepts
B. Sampling design
C. Sample size determination
D. Data collection instrument: Survey questionnaire
3.4.2 Interview
3.5 Data sources
A. Primary Sources
B. Secondary Sources
3.6 Plan of data analysis
3.7 Reliability and validity
3.8 Ethical considerations
 Common Critical Comment: Sampling technique

The researcher was trying to shows the sampling techniques by using

census method. But the target population is large so the researcher does
not manageable all population. it doesn.t describe how and why the
sampling techniques was selected.

 Common Critical Comment: Data Source

The researcher was to use both primary and secondary source of data
were properly described in the research paper.

 Common Critical Comment: Instrument of data collection

The researcher was to use methods of data collection were clear and
precise for the reader

 Common Critical Comment: Method of Data Analysis

The methods of data analysis used by researcher was very clear and
understandable this is a good

But the researcher does not use data processing, so the researcher

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