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Chapter 5



This study explored the struggles of a non- participative student. It was conducted at
Ozamiz City National High School, during School Year 2023-2024. Specifically, the study
answered the following research questions:

1. What are the lived experiences of non-participative


2.What are the effects of student's lack of


3. How do these students deal with their behaviour?

The participants were identified through purposive sampling. An interview guide was used to
elicit responses from the participants. The Thematic data analysis method was used to analyze
the data gathered.

The following were the salient findings of this study:

1. The participants from Ozamiz City National High School's HUMSS strand faced
bullying, academic challenges, social anxiety, and struggled to balance extracurricular
activities with academics.

2. These experiences led to diminished confidence, reduced engagement in class activities,

and academic setbacks such as failing subjects or falling behind classmates.

3. Despite challenges, participants recognized the need for improvement, sought support
from teachers or peers, and committed to prioritizing academics and active participation
in class activities.
4. Participants coped by seeking support from others, taking proactive steps to improve
academic skills, and prioritizing academics over distractions.

1. The experiences shared by participants from Ozamiz City National High School's
HUMSS strand shed light on the complex challenges faced by non-participative
students in Senior High School. From bullying and academic struggles to social
anxiety and balancing extracurricular activities, these factors significantly impact
students' confidence, engagement, and academic performance.

2.Recognizing the detrimental effects of these challenges, participants displayed resilience and a
willingness to overcome obstacles. They acknowledged the need for improvement, sought
support from teachers or peers, and committed to prioritizing academics and active participation
in class activities.

3. Moving forward, addressing the underlying issues contributing to non-participation is crucial.

Schools can implement comprehensive anti-bullying programs, provide academic support
services, and promote social-emotional learning initiatives to create inclusive and supportive
learning environments. By empowering students and fostering a culture of collaboration and
support, educational institutions can help non-participative students thrive academically and


Based on the results of the study, the following are the recommendations:

1. Schools should establish and enforce comprehensive anti-bullying programs to create a

safe and supportive environment for all students. These initiatives should include clear
policies, reporting mechanisms, and educational campaigns to raise awareness and
prevent bullying behavior.

2.Educational institutions should offer academic support services such as tutoring sessions, study
groups, and individualized assistance to help students overcome academic challenges. By
addressing specific learning needs and providing additional resources, schools can empower non-
participative students to succeed academically.

3. Integrating social-emotional learning initiatives into the curriculum can equip students with
essential skills such as self-awareness, empathy, and resilience. SEL programs can help students
develop positive relationships, manage stress, and build confidence, thereby improving their
overall well-being and academic performance.

4. Teachers should employ collaborative learning approaches that encourage active participation,
peer interaction, and collective problem-solving. Group discussions, project-based learning, and
cooperative activities can foster a sense of belonging and engagement among students, leading to
improved academic outcomes and a positive classroom environment.

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