Navarro-John Cedric-J.-Case-Study

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Soaring on top: Strategies of Angel’s Burger in the fierce competition of

Philippine burger industry

Prepared by:

Navarro, John Cedric J.

Presented to:

Dr. Leonardo G. Adap

April 2024
The Case

The Filipinos are known to be one of the biggest food lovers and according to

Subido (2019), Filipinos were most likely to enjoy food from different countries. In the

Philippines, a wide array of foods from other cultures have been introduced including

the America's hamburger which became popular to the tastebuds of the Filipinos.

Angel’s Burger is one of the known local burger shops in the Philippines because of its

affordable prices and its well-liked buy 1 take 1 burgers and sandwiches. Started by

Joseph and Vicky Mojica, the visible success of this burger business is seen through

1,300+ franchise branches opened nationwide. Because of its successful run in the

burger industry, many fierce competitors appeared which is a serious challenge for the

Angel’s burger company. Aside from the competitors, the fast-paced changes in

preference among the consumers is also a challenge the Angel’s burger have to

address in order to take the lead among the other businesses on the same page.


This study aims to find possible strategies to use in order for Angel’s Burger to

secure the lead among other competitors in the same market as well as to know how to

adapt to the diverse consumer preferences. In addition, the study aims to address the

following questions:


1. How can Angel’s Burger determine its place in comparison to competitors and

find ways to stand out?

2. What are the effective marketing strategies the Angel’s Burger is recommended

to use to increase its number of sales?

3. How might Angel’s burger constantly adapt to the fast changing trends and
preference of its possible consumers?


1. How can Angel’s burger maintain its quality despite having budget friendly prices?

2. What actions can Angel’s Burger do to lessen its environmental impact and appeal

environmentally minded consumers?


The objectives of the study are divided into two (2) categories:


1. To make an effective plan to strengthen its position in the market by understanding

the competitors in the market and finding ways to stand out.

2. To formulate marketing strategies used to elevate Angel’s burger engagements

and sales.

3. To find out possible answers Angel’s burger can use to satisfy its customers as

well as to keep up with the latest trends.


1. To discover ways to keep all the products at high quality.

2. To explore innovative approaches to engage with consumers, such as through

surveys, social media platforms, and interactive marketing.

3. To foster deeper connections with its customers and gain loyalty.


The following are the factors this study considers:

1. Market Analysis
2. Advertising Strategies

3. Customer Preferences

4. Environmental Responsibility

5. Product Development

6. Cost Management


1. Innovative Advertising Strategies - Facebook, Instagram and TikTok are

some of the biggest platforms where millions of users spend most of their time

reading and watching contents that vary a lot of different categories including

advertising and other business related matters.


With effective online advertising, Angel’s Burger’s visibility and presence in the

market might increase and attract new customers because the users of social

media who have seen the advertisement might be persuaded to try the product.

With that, positive impacts will be reflected on the sales of Angel’s burger which

is a major step upon reaching the top of the industry.


Since social media platforms are full of different people, including businesses

and content creators, Angel’s Burger might need to compete for attention, which

may impact the effectiveness of the advertising. High-quality marketing is also

costly since it may require a high investment for an advertisement.

2. Environmental Responsibility Integration - Incorporate the principles of

environmental responsibility into the business operations and product

development since one of the major issues in businesses is their impact on the

environment due to their operations and materials they use in their production.


By incorporating the principles of environmental responsibility through using

packaging that is better for the environment, it could enhance the Angel’s Burger

brand image and appeal to environmentally conscious customers. It will help

reduce waste and also allow the company to stand out more with the other

competitors since not all businesses are environmentally responsible.


Transitioning to sustainable practices may be a challenge since sourcing

eco-friendly materials can be hard.

3. Cost-effective Product Development - Find ways to create delicious food at

an affordable price. Seek for a method to reduce costs without affecting the quality

of the product.


With affordable food, more people can afford to eat at Angel’s Burger, which

means more customers. It will also enhance consumer’s satisfaction and gain

their loyalty. It will also improve the financial performance of the business which
maintains the competitiveness in the market.


Finding ways to cut costs without sacrificing the food quality can be challenging.

It may be necessary to change suppliers or recipes and could be a risk if the

customers don’t like the changes in the food.


After carefully analyzing Angel’s Burger’s current operations and challenges

facing in the fierce competition in Philippine burger industry, the following

recommendation are proposed to improve the company’s performance and competitive


1. Enhance Social Media Advertising Strategy: Allocate funds to create

entertaining and engaging content for social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram,

and Tiktok to reach more customers and keep up with latest trends.

2. Prioritize Environmental Sustainability Practices: Implement measures to

lessen environmental influence on the environment, such as switching to sustainable or

eco-friendly materials.

3. Maintain Food Quality and Affordability: Keeping the products affordable

yet appetizing by means of volume pricing to the suppliers, finding high quality

ingredients at a lower price and maintaining hygienic operations on every Angel's

burger store.

These recommendations seek to address Angel’s Burger’s main areas of

concern and provide strategies to help business growth. By implementing these

recommendations, Angel’s Burger can solidify its position in the fierce competition in the
Philippine burger industry and achieve long-term success.


1. Social Media Marketing

- Understand how social media platforms work.

- Allocate funds to hire social media marketers to create entertaining and

engaging content for social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and

TikTok to reach more customers and keep up with the latest trends.

- Monitor performance regularly and adjust the strategies based on the


2. Sustainability Initiatives

- Conduct an assessment to find areas for improvements.

- Do research to find sustainable alternatives and develop a plan for

implementation while considering the cost and feasibility.

3. Cost Management Optimization

- Examine operating costs thoroughly and identify areas where costs might be


- Find or negotiate with suppliers to secure better pricing for ingredients and

supplies needed in the business.

- Implement efficient strategies in culinary operations in order to reduce waste

and enhance resource utilization.


1. Ineffective Social Media Marketing Strategies

- The marketing efforts of Angel’s Burger may be ineffective in reaching the

target market, which does not make them stand out from their competitors.

The costly expenses used for the advertising could turn out as a loss that

will affect Angel’s burger negatively.

2. Supply Chain Challenges

- Angel’s Burger may encounter difficulties in finding sustainable materials or

supply to produce products since its availability may be limited or more

expensive. Once the operating expenses increase, products the Angel’s

burger offer would also increase in price which negates the concept of being

budget friendly to the customers that could affect the overall sales of the


3. Reduced Quality:

- A Cost-cutting approach could result in cuts in ingredients or portions, which

would lower the product’s quality and taste, which consumers may not like.

With that happening, lesser sales would take place that could drag Angel’s

burger behind from its competitors in the burger market.


1. Marketing Strategy Review

- Conduct a thorough analysis of the marketing strategies and methods being

used to identify areas to improve. Knowing who’s the target market and

optimizing the current trends helps in having higher engagements towards

the audience can prevent ineffective marketing.

2. Diversification of Suppliers

- In order to reduce the risks associated with depending solely on one

supplier, explore alternative suppliers for sustainable suppliers. Having

plenty of suppliers could also be beneficial to the Angel’s burger as it builds

strong bonds to multiple suppliers that could lead on to favorable outcomes

such as cost efficiency and risk mitigations.

3. Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation

- To ensure improvement, regularly review and update quality standards and

procedures. A large amount of helpful information can be gathered upon

monitoring. With the help of the data gathered, Angel’s burger can gain

valuable insights into their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

which could help them to maximize their work efficiency.

By implementing this contingent plan of action, Angel’s Burger can effectively address the

potential problems that may affect the business.


In the fierce competition of the Philippine burger industry, taking the lead can’t be

done without a robust strategy. There are a whole lot of things the Angel’s burger has

to consider in order to take a step closer to the top such as the Philippine market, the

environment, product development, and especially the customers’ interests. For

Angel’s burger, the study shows the significance of proper marketing to the success of

the company as it draws multiple engagements from possible customers. Concept of

continuous improvement is also important to keep up with the competition because

trends and people’s preference gradually changes. Although increasing profitability is

the main goal for the business, securing a high quality product always comes first due

to its ability to make the people trust and have their loyalty to the company. Running

and keeping the business on track may not be easy but with the deep understanding of

the business, the industry and the people, any problems can be prevented at the same

time to contribute to the success of the business.


Subido, L. K. (1970, January 1). This Survey Says that Filipinos Are the Biggest Foodies in the


Studocu. (n.d.). Angels-Burger - Angels burger analysis - Utilizing Marketing Strategies: Basis for

Improving Angel’s - Studocu.


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