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Academic background

I finished my 10th grade in 2016 with a GPA of 3.2. Subsequently, I pursued management with a
core unit in computer science for my senior secondary education, completing it in 2018 with a
GPA of 2.61. Seeking a more lucrative career path, I pursued a Bachelor of Science Honors in
Computing, completing it in 2022 with second-class honors. Consequently, I am now planning to
apply for the Master of Information Technology and Systems at UC

Why this course

With the world rapidly digitizing from smart home to interconnected cities technology plays
a pivotal role in our daily l lives aiding in communication work and leisure thus I find
pursing a master in information technology and system to be an enticing career path. This
degree promises to enhance my skills and problem solving abilities preparing me to tackle
complex challenges. This 2 years course will not only broaden my expertise but also
provide valuable international exposure

Why Australia

Many students opt for countries like Canada uk usa I choose Australia for its academic
excellence. Although Canada is a popular choice I was deterred by the harsh winter
weather which can be challenging to endure. Additional after doing research I find the
tuition fee in Canada is considerably higher.

Australia is a compelling choice for study due to its reputable education system, diverse course
offerings, and vibrant research opportunities. With top-ranked universities spanning various
disciplines, students can pursue their academic passions while benefiting from state-of-the-art
facilities and industry collaborations. The multicultural environment fosters cross-cultural
understanding and enriches the learning experience. Additionally, Australia's post-study work
opportunities enable graduates to apply their skills in the workforce and potentially secure
permanent residency. Coupled with a high standard of living, excellent healthcare, and
breathtaking natural landscapes, Australia provides an ideal setting for academic and personal
growth. Overall, its blend of academic excellence, cultural diversity, and quality of life makes it a
highly appealing destination for international students seeking a comprehensive educational
experience abroad
Completing a Master of Information Technology and Systems (MITS) offers multifaceted
advantages, propelling both personal and professional growth. This advanced degree equips
individuals with specialized knowledge and skills crucial in today's dynamic IT landscape,
encompassing areas like software development, cybersecurity, and data analytics. Beyond
broadening expertise, a MITS degree serves as a catalyst for career progression, opening doors to
managerial roles and higher earning potentials. The specialization options within MITS programs
allow tailoring skills to match industry demands, fostering competitiveness and relevance.
Moreover, graduate studies facilitate invaluable networking opportunities, connecting students
with peers, mentors, and industry professionals, enriching their professional circles and potential
career pathways. Engaging in research and innovation within MITS programs further nurtures
critical thinking and problem-solving abilities while contributing to the advancement of the field.
Ultimately, the pursuit of a MITS degree not only signifies academic achievement but also signifies
a commitment to continuous learning and development, instilling a sense of personal fulfillment
and readiness to tackle evolving challenges in the ever-expanding realm of information

A project management specialization course within a Master of Information Technology and

Systems (MITS) program equips students with the essential skills and knowledge needed to excel
in overseeing IT projects from inception to completion. At its core, this course delves into the
fundamental principles and methodologies of project management, covering key areas such as
project initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and closure. Through an exploration of Agile
methodologies, students learn to adapt to the dynamic nature of IT projects, fostering iterative
development and close collaboration with stakeholders. Moreover, the course emphasizes the
importance of effective leadership and communication within project teams, addressing strategies
for managing conflicts and engaging stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle. Students also
gain proficiency in risk management techniques, enabling them to identify, assess, and mitigate
potential risks to project success. Practical exposure to project management tools and software
further enhances students' capabilities in planning, tracking, and managing IT projects efficiently.
Ultimately, the culmination of this specialization often involves a capstone project or internship,
allowing students to apply their acquired skills and knowledge to real-world IT challenges under
the guidance of experienced mentors. Through this comprehensive curriculum, students emerge
prepared to navigate the complexities of IT project management with confidence and
competence, ensuring the successful delivery of projects and contributing to organizational
growth and success.
A network specialization unit within a Master of Information Technology and Systems (MITS)
program is designed to immerse students in the intricate world of computer networking,
equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of modern
network infrastructure. Beginning with fundamental concepts, students delve into the architecture
and design principles that underpin robust and scalable networks, exploring topics such as
network topologies, addressing schemes, and routing protocols. Security is a paramount focus,
with students learning to safeguard networks against cyber threats through encryption,
authentication, and intrusion detection mechanisms. As the landscape of networking evolves,
students also explore emerging technologies such as wireless and mobile networking, cloud
networking, and SD-WAN, gaining insight into how these innovations are reshaping the future of
IT infrastructure. Throughout the unit, hands-on experience is emphasized, with opportunities for
practical application through labs, projects, and internships, enabling students to develop the
expertise needed to excel in roles related to network administration, security, and management.
By the culmination of the unit, students emerge prepared to address the challenges of designing,
implementing, and maintaining resilient and secure computer networks, positioning themselves
as valuable assets in the ever-evolving field of information technology

Why Australia
Studying in Australia is an enriching experience that encompasses a multitude of advantages for
students worldwide. The country boasts some of the finest universities globally, such as the
University of Melbourne, the University of Sydney, UNSW Sydney, Monash University, and the
University of Queensland, renowned for their exceptional quality of education and pioneering
research endeavors across various fields. Furthermore, Australia's multicultural ambiance fosters
a diverse and inclusive student community, providing invaluable opportunities for cultural
exchange and personal growth. The international recognition of Australian degrees ensures
graduates possess esteemed credentials, facilitating seamless transitions into the global
workforce or further academic pursuits. Additionally, Australia offers a relatively affordable cost
of living compared to other popular study destinations, along with generous work opportunities
for international students to gain practical experience while supporting their studies financially.
Beyond academia, Australia's breathtaking natural landscapes, vibrant outdoor lifestyle, and
friendly populace contribute to a well-rounded student experience, enriched further by the
country's rich indigenous heritage and comprehensive university support services. In essence,
studying in Australia encompasses a blend of academic excellence, cultural diversity, and holistic
living, making it a highly appealing choice for students seeking a truly transformative
educational journey
. Quality Education

Australia is home to some of the best universities in the world, many of which are
ranked among the top 100 in the world such as the University of Melbourne, the
University of Sydney, UNSW Sydney, Monash University and the University of
Queensland. Australian universities offer a wide range of courses and programs, from
undergraduate to postgraduate level, and are known for their high-quality education and

2. Multicultural Environment

Australia is a multicultural country, and this is reflected in the diversity of its student
population. International students from all over the world come to study in Australia,
providing a unique opportunity to learn and grow in an inclusive and diverse

3. International Recognition

Australian degrees and qualifications are recognized and respected internationally. This
means that after completing your studies in Australia, you will have a valuable asset
when it comes to finding employment or continuing your education.

4. Affordable Living Costs

Compared to other countries such as the United States or the United Kingdom, the cost
of living in Australia is relatively affordable. This includes the cost of accommodation,
food, and transportation.

5. Work Opportunities

International students in Australia are allowed to work part-time up to 40 hours per

fortnight while studying, and full-time during semester breaks. This allows students to
gain valuable work experience and earn money to support themselves while studying.

6. Beautiful Natural Landscapes

Australia is known for its beautiful natural landscapes, from the Great Barrier Reef to the
Outback. This provides students with an opportunity to explore and experience the
unique natural beauty of the country while studying.

7. Outdoor Lifestyle

The Australian lifestyle is known for its focus on outdoor activities, such as swimming,
surfing, and hiking. This provides a great opportunity for students to lead a healthy and
active lifestyle while studying.
8. Friendly People

Australians are known for being friendly and welcoming, and this extends to
international students. You will find that Australians are open-minded and happy to help,
making it easy for you to settle in and make friends.

9. Rich Cultural Heritage

Australia is home to a rich cultural heritage, with Indigenous cultures dating back
thousands of years. This provides students with an opportunity to learn about and
experience the unique culture and history of the country.

10. Support Services

Universities in Australia provide a wide range of support services for international

students, including academic support, counseling, and career advice. This ensures that
you have the resources and support you need to succeed in your studies.

Why do you want to study a three-year bachelor’s degree?

Certainly! Pursuing a two-year master's degree can be a pivotal step for many individuals. Firstly,
it offers a pathway for career advancement by providing specialized knowledge and skills
relevant to their field. This deeper understanding not only enhances their professional
capabilities but also makes them more competitive in the job market. Moreover, the extended
duration of the program allows for comprehensive exploration and growth, fostering personal
development and intellectual enrichment. Additionally, graduate studies offer invaluable
networking opportunities, connecting students with industry professionals and like-minded
peers. Lastly, earning a master's degree often correlates with increased earning potential,
making it a strategic investment in one's future. In summary, the decision to embark on a two-
year master's journey is driven by a blend of career aspirations, personal growth ambitions, and
the desire to maximize professional opportunities

Can you briefly describe the university canberra you've selected.

The University of Canberra (UC) is a public research university located in Canberra, the capital
city of Australia. Established in 1967, UC offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate
programs across various disciplines including arts and design, business, education, health, law,
science, and engineering. Known for its innovative teaching methods and strong industry
connections, UC emphasizes practical learning experiences and research-led education. The
university is also recognized for its focus on sustainability and social justice, aiming to create
positive change in the world through education and research.
immigration history

Australia's immigration history is a testament to the nation's rich cultural tapestry, shaped by
diverse waves of migration spanning centuries. The continent's indigenous peoples have
inhabited the land for millennia, followed by British settlement in the late 18th century, which
laid the foundation for European colonization. The 19th-century gold rushes attracted migrants
from around the world, notably from China, contributing to Australia's multicultural heritage.
Post-World War II, Australia implemented a large-scale immigration program, welcoming
European migrants and later dismantling the White Australia Policy to embrace multiculturalism.
Skilled migration, family reunification, and humanitarian intake are pillars of contemporary
immigration policy, reflecting Australia's commitment to diversity and inclusion. Today, Australia
continues to be a destination for migrants globally, enriching its society and economy through
the contributions of people from diverse backgrounds

 How did you find the university and why do you want to get admission to it?
 I performed rigorous research about the university and was very convinced by the programs
and courses the university is offering as they were best suitable for the field that I wish to get
into. So I consulted the advisor also for this university and got more positive towards it.

 Do you know about OSHC (Overseas Student Health Cover) and why is it necessary
for every student to take that?
 Yes, it is Overseas Student Health Cover which is Insurance for the student in case they fell
sick or injured during the tenure of the course.

Orientation Weekstart date 22 July 2024 Course start date 29 July 2024 Course duration 2
years Course end date 30 June 2026
Expected salary , companies

Graduating with a Master of Technology and Systems in Canberra, Australia, opens up diverse
career opportunities within the city's thriving technology ecosystem, which encompasses
government agencies, research institutions, universities, and private sector companies.
Canberra's status as the nation's capital and its concentration of government departments and
agencies provide avenues for roles in IT project management, systems analysis, cybersecurity,
and data analytics within the public sector. Additionally, the city hosts renowned research
institutions like the Australian National University (ANU) and the Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), offering opportunities in research, academia, and
technology development. Private sector opportunities abound in technology companies,
consulting firms, and startups, with roles ranging from software development and systems
integration to IT consulting and project management. Furthermore, Canberra's prominence in
defence and aerospace activities presents opportunities in defence technology, aerospace
engineering, and cybersecurity, with companies such as Thales Australia and BAE Systems
Australia operating in the city. Salary expectations for graduates with a Master of Technology
and Systems in Canberra are competitive, with entry-level salaries typically ranging from AUD
$60,000 to $80,000 per year, depending on the specific role and industry, and increasing with
experience and career progression.

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