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FORM NO. 3CB [See rule 6G(1)(0)1 ‘Audit report under section 444B of the Income-tax Act, 1961 in the case of a person referred to in clause (b) of sub-rule (1) of rule 6G 1. have examined the balance sheet as at 31st March 2019 and the Profit and lass account forthe period beginning from 01 {aaoig to ending on 3132019 attached herewith, of Azad Hossain 11, GOBINDA CHANDRA, KOLKATA, WEST BEN GAL. 700036 BOPPS73IUK,. 2.1 certify thatthe balance sheet and the Profiand les account arc in agreement with the books of account maintained at the hhead office at L1,GOBINDA CHANDRAKHATICK ROAD.KOLKATA, and 0) branches. 3.(a)Lrepor the following observations/comments/diserepancies/inconsistencies; if any (8) Subject to above,- (A) have obtained all the information and explanations which, to the best of My: knowledge and belief, were necessary forthe purposes of the audit. (B)In My opinion, proper books of account have been kept by the head office and branches ofthe assessee so far as appears from My knowledge and belief, were necessary for the examination ofthe books. (C)inMs opinion and tothe best of My information and according othe explanations given to Mette sai accounts, read ‘with notes thereon, ifany, give a true and fair view:= {9 in the case of the balance sheet, ofthe state ofthe affairs ofthe assessee as at 31st March, 2019. sand (inthe case ofthe Profitand lass account ofthe Profit of the assessee forthe year ended on that date. 4, The statement of particulars required to be furnished under section 44AB is annexed herewith in Form No. 3CD. ‘sn My opinion and tothe best of My information and according to explanations given to Me the particulars given inthe sid Form No. 3CD and the Annexure thereto are true and correct subject to following observations/qualifications, if any:- g IN [Qualification Type (Observations! Qualifications TT |Records necessary to verify personal nature of] Subject to check ‘expenses not maintained by the assessee. ‘dra, as the necessary evidence are notin possession ofthe assessee. TRecords produced for verification of payments| The assessee has not made any/ payments exceeding the mit in section 40A( through account payee cheque were not)3)/269SS/269T in Cash, However, itis not possible for us to verify whether t sufficient. Ine payments in excess the specified limit in section 40A(3) /269SS/269T hav| le been made otherwise than by account payce:cheque or account payee bank| | oper HR Tasos FS oT ane Wy e]As explained tos, isnot posible to maintain stock record F [others [Purchase and Sales, Expenses are subject t0 work Place GURGAON Name ‘CAJASMOHAN SINGH CHUGH Date 201072019 Membership Number ssz335 ERN (Firm Registration Number) 035629N ‘Address pst FORM NO. 3CD [See rule 6G(2)} Statement of particulars required to be furnished under section 44AB of the Income-tax Act, 1961 es — re I KORTE WEST NEAT me a TET ae eee Deere duty,ete. if yes, please furnish the registration number or,GST| ee eer ES a Re 4 a = fa Ue '$- |Indicate the relevant clause of section 44AB under which the audit has been ‘conducted Mee ee eS ae a 1 [ase FAA Ba)-Tota sateaTturmover/grosereceipis of business exceeding specified Tits Jof AOP, Ja ]IF Fim or Association of Persons, indicate names of partnersimembers and their profit sharing ratios Incase] ‘whether shares of members are indeterminate or unknown ? [Name | ory l(%) Nr [Bb Jif there Ts any change in the partners or members or In their profit sharing ratio since the Tast date of the] preceding year, the particulars of such change. Date ofchange [Name of Partner/Member [Type of[O1d profiNew [Remarks Ichange |sharing [profit ratio. {Sharing Ratio 10]a— Natur of business or professfon (i mare than one business OF profession Ts cared om during the previous year, nature lof every business or profession). Sector Sub Secor [code [WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE Wholesale ofaiher products nce [oor To]b— [if there i any change in the nae of business or profession, the particulars of such change No Business [Sector SubSecior ie Nit TT]a Whether books of accounts are preseribed under section 4A, ifyes, ist of Books so preseribed ves [Books prescribed [CASH BOOK BANK BOOK SALE AND PURCHASE REG GENERAT LEDGER Ti]b — ]Listof books of account maintained and the address at which the books of accounts are Kept. (In case books of account| are maintained in a computer system, mention the books of account generated by such computer system. Ifthe books accounts are not kept at one location, please furnish the addresses of locations along with the details of books of accounts maintained at each location.) Same as 11(a) above. [Books maintained ‘Address Line 1 ‘Address Line [City or Town or]State —_ [PinCode District (CASH BOOK BANK HOOK|IT GOBINDA CHANDR KOLKATA ESTE | ‘SALE AND PURCHASE R lA INGAL [EG GENERAL LEDGER (C lomputerized) Tilo [List of books of account and nature of relevant documents examined. Same as T1(B) above [Books Examined JTHOOK BANK HOOK SALE AND PURCHASE REG GENERAL LEDGER 72 Whether the profitand loss account includes any profits and gains assessable on presumptive basis, ifyes, indicate the] No lamount and the relevant section (44AD, 44AE, 44AF, 44B, 44BB, 44BBA, 44BBB, Chapter XII-G, First Schedule lor any other relevant section). Si Amount S) Method of yocounting employed in the previous year _ [Mercantile system 13] Whether there as been any change in the method of accounting employed vis-a-vis the method employed in]No the immediately preceding previous year. T3|eTifanswer to (b) above is in the affirmative, give details of such change, and the effect thereof on the profit or oss. [Particulars Tnerease in profii(Rs.) [Decrease in profits) 13/4] Whether any adjustment fs required to be made to the profits or Toss for complying with the provisions of] No income computation and disclosure standards notified under section 145(2). T3 [= |IFanswer to (@) above is in the affirmative, give details of such adjustments. [ICDs increase in proh(Rs.) [Decrease in profit(Rs.) [Net effect(Rs.) Total 13[F_ [Disclosure as per ICDS. ICDS Disclosure aa [Method of valuation of closing soak employed inthe previous year. ia]b in case of deviation from the method of valuation prescribed under section T45A, andthe effect hereoF on] No the profit or loss, please furnish: Particulars TTncrease in profs) [Decrease in profits.) ive the following pariculars ofthe capital asset converted into stock-in-trade (a) Deseription of capital asset (be) Date of](e) Cost of (0) Amount al] acquisition Jacquisition which the asset is converted into| stock-in trade 6) Amounts not eredied othe profit and Toss aceount. BENE 6a [The ems falling within the scope of section 28 Description Amount Nil T5]B— | The proforma sedis, drawbacks, rend oF Guy of customs Or eels or service ax o refund of sales tax or vals ped ltax, where such credits, drawbacks or refund ate admitted as due by the authorities concerned [Besa an mall T[E[Esalton Soir apie rg Te EO Fe Deseripon oan [a [Any ober em oF ncome [Description [Amount IN To[e_ [Capita receipt, any seription [Amount Ni T7]Where any Tand-or building or both is transfered during the previous year for a consideration Tess than value adopted or assessed or assessable by any authority of a State Government referred to in section 43CA o SOC, please furnish: Bi ‘of]Adaress Line] Address Line|Ciiy/Town Slate Pincode Consideration | Value adopted property | 2 received orlor assessed or laccrucd _ assessable 18| Pariculars of depreciation allowable as per the Tncome-tax Act, 1961 in respect ofeach asset or Block OF assets, as the case may be in the:= [Deseript- |Raie_of]Opening TaaOnS Dasotiong Depreciation Wien ion of|deprecis} WD (A)|Purchase [MIOD= [Change [SubsidypTotal | (C) Allowable [Down Value Block oftion (In WValue(1) |-VAT |in Rate|Grant |Value of (D)_ [at the end o Assets) |Percent-| 2) lot Ex-|(4) | Purchases the year class ofjage) change ®) (AsBCD) Assets ey (124348) Farmires rose — [S197 — 90 JoJo a ]oswo fo ara Eo le Fittings la 10% Plant —& 15% — [TORUS — [0 ss JoJo Tsao wera Machinery leisy Pant S07 — [19370 [ooo Joo fa [eon Jo Tore] ise [Machinery action Detals refer Addon aad Deduction Deal Fables At the End of the Page [Amount debited profit and loss) laccount ‘Amounts admissible as per the provisions of the Ineometax Act, 1961 and] also fulfils the conditions, if any specified under the relevant I4provisions) lof Income-tax Act, 1961 of Income-tax Rules, 1962 or any other guidelines, cular, ete, issued inthis behalf. Ni Sols [Any sam Faldo an Snployes as Bons Or commission Tor services rendered, where such som was otherwise payable} ‘him as profits or dividend, [Section 36(1)(i)} [Description [Amount ZO] Details of eoniributonsrecelved fom employees for various funda refered fo in section J6(1) 4G} [Nature of fund Sum ‘Due date for|The actual] The actual received {payment amount paid of payment from the concer employees authorities Ni ia Pease urna he deals of amounts debited to the profit and Toss assount, being in the nature OF capital, personal advertisement expenditure ete Capital expenditure [Particulars TAimount ia Re 7 Personal expends Parcs Amount ia Rs ra > cpa RaT any SURI, Broek, pape ore Hike published By pola party [tars TAmount a Rs spendars cared a labs beng enrance ees and subsoripons Particulars Aout aR] sear Gare a Subs Deg coat or chub setToes nd Tis se Parca mount aR ers by Way OT PRAT 0 ine For woation T any Taw fr the ime being Force Tc PPactoutars Amount ARS pena by way OT any her peal oF ine ot covered above [Parle Amount Ta RS Perea Tray purpose WHER Tan afence or WHI profiel by law Particulars Amount Ta RS [(o) Amounts inadmiseTble under section 40(@) ‘jas payment to non-resident referred to in sub-clause () [(A) Details of payment on which tax is not deducted: [Date ‘ ‘ofjNature of] Name of the [PAN ifm Address [City or[Pincode payment [payment [payment [payee the. payesiflLine 1) Line? | Fowe. or avaliable District 5} Deaf payment on WHI has boon deduced Bas not Been pa during the previous year orn the subsequent yer before the expiry of time prescribed under section200(1) Sa oijAmount offNature of[Nane of[PAN of] Address [Address [Ciy or]Pineode [Amount payment (payment [payment |thepayee |the Line 1 JLine2_ Town or lof tax payeesit District deductea| avaliable) (Gi) as payment referred to m sub-clause (a) (A) Details of payment on which taxis not deducted: [Date of poe ‘of[Name of the|PAN of] Aadiess Line 1]Adaress [City or Town] Pincode Line2 jor District lpayment jof [payment payee the payme payee | avaliable By Detalls of payment on wich Tax has been deducted but has nor been paid on or before te due date specified in sub-section (1) of section 139. seen ANI Ales [TRS Co Pn [AOU Bae aanoen Rewe nee TEN “ae earl’ from a fener .0 a a Dasa tu [smo ee es (ii) as payment referred to in sub-clause (76) [(A) Details of payment on which levy isnot deducted: [Date of] Amount]Nature of] Name ofthe|PAN _ of] Address Line 1] Address Pincode payment of |payment payee [the Line? Jor District paym payeesif TAS avaliable SiS GP pay ment on which Tevy has been deducted but has not been paid on oF before the due date specified in Bi ign UDF section 139. Q nts) tants) i [Daieof|Amount [Nature of|Name of]PAN of]Adiress Address [City _or[Pincode [Amount [Amount oui Jpayment |of payment |the payerthe |Line1 |Line2 |Town or] lof levyfof (V1) [payment Ipayeesif District deducted | deposited, if avaliable i any (Gv) ings benefit tax under sub-clause (ie) [(W) wealth tax under sub-clause (ia) (vi) royalty, Ticense fee, service fee ete. under sub-olause (ib) (vi) salary payable outside Indiato a non resident without TDS ete. under sub-clause (Ti). aie ofjAmount of|Name of the|PAN __offAddress Line Address__[Cily Pincode payment [payment {payee —|the _payee,i| Line 2 avaliable [Gail payment vo PF Tother fund ete. under sub-clause Gv) (Gx) tax paid by employer for perquisites under sub-clause (0) [@) Amounts debited to profit and Toss account Bein, interest, Salary, Bonus, commision or remuneration inadmissible under) section 40(6/40(ba) and computation thereof Parioulers Section ‘Amount debied] Amount ‘Amount Remarks toPILAIC [Admissible __|Inadmissble (@) Diallowance/ deemed Tacome under seston 4DAG): [GAY On the basis of the examination of books of account and offer relevant dovuments/evidence, whether the] Yes expenditure covered under section 40A(3) read with rule 6D were made by account payee cheque drawn ona bank Joraccount payee bank drat. Ino, please furnish the details: [Date Of Payment [Nature ‘Amount in Rs [Name ofthe payee Permanent “Aesount [Payment [Number of the payee, if] available [@By On the basis ofthe examination OF books ofaseount and oiher relevant documenis/evidence, whether the payment] Yes referred to in section 40AA) read with rule 6DD were made by account payee cheque drawn on a bank or account} * payee bank draft If not, please furnish the details of amount deemed to be the profits and gains of business or [profession under section 40AGA) [Date OF Payment [Nature OfjAmountin Rs] Name of the payee [Permanent “Aesount] Payment Number of the payee, if] available [je Provision Tor payment of gratlly not allowable under section OAC) (@) Any sum paid by the assessee as an employer not allowable under section 40A@) (g) Parculars of any Viability ofa coningent nature [Nature OF Liability [Amount in RS: {iy Amount of deduction inadiissibIe in erms OF sotion [WA In espect of the expenditure incurred i relation to income which doesnot form part ofthe otal income [Nature Of Liability Amount ia RS. [@} Amount inadmissible under the proviso to seation SOC) [22] Amount of interest inadmissible under section 23 ofthe Misra, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act 2006 23| Particulars of any payment made To persons specified under section AOAQNE), [Name of Related Person [PAN of Related Person Relation [Nature of Payment Made(Amount) trasaction [2a] Amounts deemed to be profits and gains under section 32AC or 32AD of 33AB oF 33AC of 33ABA. [Section [Description [Amount Ni 123] Any amount of profit chargeable to tax under section 41 and computation thereof. [Name of Person TAmount ofincome [Section [Description of Transaction [Computation if aay Ni [26] ()* [ln respect of any sum referred Yo in clause (@)6).(@).(€)(f) oF (B) of section 438 the Tability Tor which: 26] DA [pre-existed on the Fist day of the previous year but was not allowed in the assessment of any preceding previous year and was =~ [26]GXANa) [Paid during the previous year [Section Nature of Habily [Amount [Ni ZB]ANAN) [Not paid during the previous year Section [Nature of Wainy [Amount i The previous year and was S13) Bion or before the due date for farang the return of income of the previous year under seston 159(1) [Rature ofiability TAmount [26[GBN) [not paid on or Before the aforesaid date Section [Ratare of Tabi [Amount Nil [State whether sales tax, goods & service Tax, customs] No duty, excise duty or any other indirect tax, levy, cess, impost, ete, is passed through the profit and loss laccount.) 27]a [Amount of Central Value Added Tax Crediia! Input Tax Credi(VTC) avalled of or utilised during the previous] No year and its treatment in profit and loss account and treatment of outstanding Central Value Added Tax Credits Input Tax Credit(ITC) in accounts ICENVATITC Aout Treatment tm Profit and [Losv/Accounts [Opening Balance [credit Availed [Credit Utized [CiosingOutstanding Balance Zi] _ |Particulars of income or expenditure of prior period credited or debited to the profit and loss account :~ Type Particulars rAmount Prior period to whith] ielates(Year in yyy | yyformat) Ni [28] Whether during the previous year the assessee has received any property, being share of a company not being a] company in which the publie are substantially interested, without consideration or for inadequate consideration as referred to in section S6(2)(viia) [Name of the]PAN of the]Name oF the|CINof the company [No. of Shares[Amount —of]Fair Market person from|person, _if|company ftom Received [consideration |value of the| which shares|available [which shares) aid shares received received 135] Whether during the previous year the assestee received any consideration for issue of shares which exceeds the Tar market value ofthe shares as referred to in section S6(2)viib). Ifyes, please furnish the details of the same [Name of the person from whom|PAN of the person, ifNo, of Shares [Amount ‘of]Fair — Market consideration received for issue of available |consideration value of the| shares received shares IN [Atay —] Whether any amount Ts to be fichaded as ome chargeable under the head Tncome from other sourees as]No referred to in clause (ix) of sub-section (2) of section 562 (b) If yes, please furnish the following detail: ISIN. [Nature of come TAmount it (a) | Whether any aout is to be cluded as income chargeable under the head Income from other sources as[No referred to in clause (x) ofsub-section (2) of section $62(¥esNo) (b) Ifyes please fumish the following details: STN. [Nature of Income [Amount i [30] Details oT any amount borrowed on hundi oF any amount due thereon (including interest on the amount borowed)[ No repsidotherwise than through an account payee cheque, (Section 69D) IName of]PAN- of Address] Address] City _or]State]Pincodd Amount [Date _ofAmount JAmount [Date of Ite the —_|Line 1 |Line2 |Town or borrowed|Borrowing due [repaid |Repeyment person | person if cluding fom [available interest, whom lamount boroved| or repaid Jon hundi IN ‘Atay | Whether primary adjustment to transfer price, as referred fo in sub-section (I) of section 92CE, has been made]No during the previous year. (b) If yes, please furnish the following details whichyAmount (in| Whether the @xoess]If yes, whether]IF no, the amount (in]Expected date] ‘of sub-|Rs.) offmoney _available|the —_excess|Rs.) of imputed interest|of repatriation 1) of|primary with the associated|money _has| income on such excess|of money \92CEladjustment |enterprise is}been repatriated| money which has not required to be| ladjustment is repatriated to Indialwithin __the|been repatriated within made? 1s per the provisions| prescribed time. | the prescribed time of sub-section (2) of] section 92CE. Nr TBlay | Whether the assessee has Incurred expenditure during the previous year by way of interest or of similar nature] No exceeding one crore rupees as referred to in sub-section (1) of section 94B. (If yes, please furnish the following details SINo. [Amount (in Rs_)[Eamings before|Amount (in Rs) of[Details of interest]Details of inerest lofexpenditure by|interest, _tax,lexpenditure by way ofexpenditure brought|expenditure carried] Iway of'interest or{depreciation and]interest or of similar|forward as per sub-|forward as per sub-| lof similar nature|amortization nature as per (3) above |section (4) of section| section (4) of section incurred |(EBITDA) during| which exceeds 30% of 94B. 9B: Ithe previous year|EBITDA as per (li)| Assessment] Amount [Assessment] Amount in Rs.) above. Year |(inRs.) Year __|(inRs.) Nr [Clay | Whether the assessee fas entered info an impermissible avoldance arrangement, as referred to in secon 96 during the previous year.(This Clause is kept in abeyance tll 31st March, 2020). (if yes, please furnish the following details ISTO. "Nature ofthe impennissible avoidance arrangement | Amount (in Rs} of fax benefit im the previous year arising, in aggregate, to all the partes tothe arrangement IN '3T]a | Pariculars of each Ioan or deposit in an amount exceeding the limit specified in section 2695S taken or accepted during| the previous year = ISINo [Name of the Address of] Permanent Amoun| Whethe}Maximum Whether theyin ease, the lender or|the lender or|Account of loan|the amount loan or deposit|oan or deposit depositor {depositor |Number(if for _|loan orJoutstanding in]was —_taken}was taken or available |deposit|deposit|the account atlor accepted| accepted —_by| jwith the|taken |was any time during|by cheque|cheque or bank| lassessee) for |squaredjthe —_previous|or bank draft draft, whether the lof thejaccepte(up —_|year Jor use offsame was taken| lender or| during Jelectronic jor accepted. by| the the Jclearing _|an account payee| depositor previo system icheque or an year through alaccount __payee| [bank account. [bank draft. IN ‘316 |Parilulars of each specified sum in an amount exceeding the limit specified in section 269SS taken or accepted during| the previous year ISNo. [Name of —the[Address of the person from[Permanent Amount ]Whether theyIn case the| Iperson from|whom specified sum is|Account [of specified sum specified sum was| lwhom specified received [Number (if|specified |was taken or| taken or accepted sum is received available |sum taken|accepted —_by|by cheque or bank| with the|or |cheque or bank| draft, whether the} assessee) f|accepted |draft or use|same was taken] the person] lof electroniclor accepted by| from whom| clearing system|an account payee| specified Ithrough a bank|cheque or an] lsum is account account payee| received bank draft Nir [Particulars at (a)and (B) need not be given a the ease ofa Government company, a banking company ora Corporation established by a Central, State or Provincial Act.) '31]6@) [Particulars of each receipt in an amount exceeding the limit specified in section 269ST, in aggregate from a person in| ‘a day or in respect of a single transaction or in respect of transactions relating to one event or occasion from a person, ‘during the previous year, where such receipt is otherwise than by a cheque or bank draft or use of electronic clearing system through a bank account S.No. [Name of the|Address of the Payer [Permanent [Nature of[Amount _of[Date Of receipt Payer ‘Account — |transactioy{receipt [Number (i available with the| assessee) of| the Payer Inu EEO) Particulars of each receipt in an amount exceeding the limit specified in section 269ST, In aggregate from a person in 1a day or in respect of a single transaction or in respect of transactions relating to one event or occasion from a person, received by a cheque or bank draft, not being an account payee cheque or an account payee bank draft, during the| previous year ISNo. [Name ofthe Payer (Address ofthe Payer Permanent Account [Amount of receipt Number (if available with the assessee) of the Payer Nir TB) Particulars of each payment made in an amount exceeding the limit specified in section 260ST, in aggregate to a person in a day or in respect of a single transaction or in respect of transactions relating to one event or oecasion to person. ‘otherwise than by a cheque or bank daft or use of electronic clearing system through a bank account during the previous year [SNo. Name of the] Address of the Payer Permanent |Nature of[Amount of] Date Of Payment Payer ‘Account _ |transactioy{ Payment [Number (i available ‘with the lassessee)of| the Payer i T]BC@) Particulars of each payment in an amount exceeding the Timi specified tn section 269ST, in aggregate a person ta day or in respect ofa single transaction or in respect of transactions relating to one event or occasion toa person, made ty a cheque or bank draft, not being an account payee cheque or an account payee bank daft, during the previous year IS.No. [Name of the Payee (Address ofthe Payee [Permanent Account|Amount of Payment [Number (if available with the assessee) of the Payee a Ni (Particulars at (ba), (bb), (he) and (bd) need not be given in the case of receipt by or payment to a Government company, a banking Company, a post office savings baal, a cooperative bank or in the case of transa ferred to in section 2698S lor in the ease of persons referred to in Notification No. S.O. 206S(E) dated 3rd July, 2017) Bre [Particulars of each repayment of loan or deposit or any specified advance in an amount exceeding the Timit specified in section 269T made during the previous year - payee payee ‘Account lof the| amount lrepayment |was made by cheque or INumber(fjrepaympoutstanding in]was made|bank draft, whether the available the account at|by cheque|same was repaid by an vith —the| jany time during|or __bank| account payee cheque or assessee)ol ‘the previous|draft or use|an account payee bank the payee year lof lectronic| drat. clearing system through al [bank account. ISNo. _ [Name of the] Address of the] Permanent ae, (Whether the]In ease the repayment IN EE Particulars of repayment of Toan ar depositor any specified advance in an amount exceeding the limit specified in section 269T received otherwise than by a cheque or bank draft or use of electronic clearing system through a bank account during the previous year: ISNqName of the lender [Address of the lender, or]Permanent Account Number (i[Amount of repayment lor depositor or person |depositor or person from| available with the assessee)of the|of loan or deposit or| whom specified advance|lender, or depositor or person|any specified advance| jadvance is received is received from whom specified advance is|received otherwise than] received lby a cheque or bank draft or use of electroni clearing system through a bank account during the| Iprevious year IN [Particulars of repayment of foan or deposit or any specified advance in an amount exceeding the limit specified in section 12697 received by a cheque or bank draft which is not an account payee cheque or account payee bank draft during the wious year— fame of the Tender, [Address of the lender, or]Permanent Account Number (ijAmount of repayment \depositor or person |depositor or person from|available with the assessee)of the|of loan or deposit or| Sia (4 1c is received |i received received otherwise than| pene ‘whom specified|whom specified advance|lender, or depositor or person|any specified _advance| fan s) from whom specified advance is|by a cheque or bank received |draft or use of electronic clearing system through a| bank account during the| i L previous year Nt tes Pari cTars at (6), Cy and (e) need nat be given in the case ofa repayment OF any Toan oF deposit or any specified advance en or accepted from Government, Government company, banking company or a corporation established by a Central, State Provincial Act) Ea a 8 S3]a [Details of brought forward loss or depreciation allowance, in the following manner, to extent available ISNo ‘Assessment Year| Nature ofossallowance [Amount [Amount Order Ui [Remarks jas las |Sand retumed assessed |Date iN -35]b | Whether a change In shareholding of the company has taken place in the previous year due to which] Not Applicable the losses incurred prior to the previous year cannot be allowed to be carried forward in terms of section 79. '32[6 | Whether the assessee has Incurred any speculation Toss referred to jn section 73 during the previ Tf yes, please furnish the Aetals below '33]d— | Whether the assessee has Incurred any Toss referred to in section 75) during the previous year Tr yes, please furish details ofthe same '33]e lim case ofa company, please state that whether the company is deemed to be carrying on a speculation business] as referred in explanation to section 73 Tifyes, please furnish the details of speculation Toss irany ; incurred during the previous ye 33] Seclion-wise deails of deductions, ifany admissTble under Chapter VIA or Chapter II (Section 10A, Section TOAA)|Ves year [No Tespect of any specified business [NO [SNo [Section (Amount 7___[s0D Tram [80 150000 [>__[sorta 555; Fala] Whether the assesses Is required to deduct or collect jax as per the provisions of Chapter XVI-B or Chapter] No |XVIL-BB, if yes please furnish ISNo [Tex Section [Nature off Total —]Total [Total [Amount [Toal~ —~7Amount [Amount of deduction lpayment amount oflamount amount jof — taxlamount Jof _—tax|tax and payment [on which}on which|deducted Jon which|deducted deducted collection lor receipt tax was|tax was|or tax was|or lor |Account fof the|required [deducted [collected |deducted collected |collected [Number nature |to_belor out of (6) or fon (8) {not \CTAN) specified | deducted collected collected deposited in column| or at at less to the| 3) collected | specified ‘than ‘credit of| lout of (4) |rate out of| specified the Central 3) rate out of] (Governmerf @) cut of (6)| and (8) INT 5a] —] Whether the asseasce Te required to furnish the statement of tax deducted or tax collected. IFyes please furish/No Ihe details: SNo]Tax deduction] Type [Due date for[Date of] Whether the statement offff not, please] land collection|of {furnishing furnishing, |tax deducted or collected|furnish list of] [Account Number| Form if furnished | contains information about| details! \(TAN) fall detals/transactions| transactions lwhich are required to be|which are not L reported. reported. fe to pay interest under section ZOI(TAY or section 206C( TIF yes, please Furnish |Not Applicable [Tax deduction and]Amount of Amount Dates of payment collection Account} interest under| Number(TAN) section 201(1A)/206C(7) ble | is init [35]a__|In the ease of a trading concer, give quantitative details of prinicip [No |ltemName [Unit (Opening stock Nr 733{5 in the case oF @ manufacturing concer, give quantitative details of the principal ems of raw materials, Finished products and by-products := 35] BA_[Raw materials: ISNo Unit JOpeningPurchases _—_[Consumpi-]Sales [Closing [Yield [Percent Shona] stock during the/on during|during |stock lof age of|excess, [previous year the the finished|yieldfifany previous | previous product year___|year Nr [3/6 [Finised products SNo [liam Name [Unit —]Opening]PurchasefQuantiy [Sales during the] Closing stock Shortage] stock during |manufatur-|previous year lexcess, ithe led during] ifany previous the previous] year |year Nir 33] 8C_ [By products = ISNo]liem Name JUnit [Opening Purchaso}Quantity Sales during the]Closing stock ]Shor stock [during | manufactur-|previous year excess, the fed during ifany previous jth previous] year |year IN 36 In the case oF a domestic company, details of tax on distributed profits under section 115-O in the following forms = S.No [[@) Total amount](b) Amount of](e) Amount of{(d) Total tax{(e) Total tax paid thereon. [Dates lof distributed|reduction _—_as|reduction—_—_as|paidthereon [Amount of profits referred to. in|referred to in [payment section 115-O(1A)| section 115-0(1) a iy IN Alay | Whether the assessee has received any aniourt Ih the nature of dividend as referred to In sub-clause (e) of[ No clause (22) of section 2.1f yes, please furnish the following detals:- iSTNo. ‘Amount received (in Rs.) Date of receipt Nir [37] Whether any cost andit was carried out Not ‘Applicaltte yes, give the details, WFany, of disqualification or disagreement on any matetem/value/quantty as may be reprted/dentifed by the cost auditor [8 | Whether any audit was conducted under the Central Excise Act, 1944 [Re yes, give the deals, iF any, of disqualification or disagreement on any] matteritem/value/quanty as may be reported dentified by the auditor [9] Whether any audit was conducted under seotion 72A of the Finance Ac1994 in relation to valuation of taxable]No services as may be reportedidentfied by the auditor I yes, give the details, iF any, of disqualification or disagreement on any] matteritem/valueiguantity as may be eportedvidentified by the auditor 120] Details regarding tumover, gross profi, ec, forthe previous year and preceding previous Year SI [Particulars [Previous Year [Preceding previous Year IN | Total turnover “SRRTISGR "§8460500) THOTT] SERTISOR|ZIS% DIGI BEAODSOO| ZA S748 ‘SERTISGR|T ABM 370395 38460500] 0.98 ig | _ SBB13568|0% 7 BEAGOSOOION y | fe a [0% 7 produced details required be furnished for principal lems of goods traded or manufactured or services rende 1 Please furnish the detals of demand raised or refund issued during the previous year under any tax laws other than Tncome- tax Act, 1961 and Wealth tax Act, 1957 alongwith details of relevant proceedings Financial year to[Name of other|Type (Demand]Date of demand] Amount (Remarks ‘which demandi| Tax law raised/Refund |raised/refund refund relates to | received) received Ni 142 | Whether the assesses Is required Yo Furnish Satement in Form No.6I or Form No. G1A of Form No. 6167 I]No please furnish ST]income-iax _|TypeofForm Due date for)Date OF] Whether the Form [Ino please arnish |No.Department fumishing furnishing, i Hist of the details! Reporting Entity furnished about transactions which Identification details are not reported. ‘Number transactions which] are required to be’ reported, Ii 43 ](@) Whether the asexsce orlis parent ently or alfemate reporting entity i Table to Furnish the report as refered] No to in sub-section (2) of seetion 286 ISI Whether report has]Name of pareit entity [Name of —allemate]Date_ of furnishing] INo. been furnished by’ reporting entity _(iflof report the assessee or its applicable) parent entity or an} fltemate reporting entity Ni ATG Not de, please enter expected date of furnishing the report I 4a ]Break-up of total expenditure of enities registered or not registered under the OST:(This Clause is Kept in abeyance il 31st March, 2020) 7] Total — amount] Expenditure in respect of entities repistered under GST INdof Expendituce|Relatingtogoods|Relating, _to[Relating to olher)Total payment | incurred duringlor _serviceslentties falling] registered entities [registered entities the year jexempt from) under GST ‘composition scheme Ni Place GURGAON Name CAJASMOHAN SINGH CHUGH Date 2onon09 ‘Membership Number s52335 FRN (Firm Regist Address Taiiion Deta(Fvom Point No. 18) [Description —of]STNoJDate of] Date put to[ Amount ‘Adjustment on accountof | Total Amount [Block of Assets Purchase use (MODVAT [Exchange [Subsidy Rate |Grant Change Foraiures Si [oreaaore —[oroaaor 3500) ow a 3300] Fittings @ 10% Total of Furnitures & Fitings @ 10% 3500} Plant g| Machinery @ 15%| Total of Plant & Machinery @ 15% a ‘&[L__lormannis —yorowrors | —___co00] 7 7 00) 219 @ 40%| Total of Plant & Machinery @ 40% 06 [Deduction Detail(From Porat No. 18) [Description of Block of Assets SLNo[Date Of Sale ete.[Amount [Furnitures & Fitings @ 10% Total of Furnitures & Fittings @ 10% Plant & Machinery @ 15%. I [Plant & Machine [Total of Plant &

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