8C Test 4-1

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TIME ALLOWANCE: 90 MINUTES NAME: ……………………………………….

DATE: ………………………………… CLASS: ……………………….……………...

TOTAL: ………../ 125 pts POINT: ………../10 pts

PHONETICS (10 pts)
I - Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group. (5 pts)
1. A. ‘science B. infor’mation C. calcu’lation D. invi’tation
2. A. ma’ture B. ‘suitable C. ‘favor D. ‘children
3. A. ‘courage B. ‘moral C. ‘sparkle D. a’bility
4. A. ‘gratitude B. ‘delicate C. o’riginal D. ‘negative
5. A. a’ttention B. ‘helicopter C. ex’perience D. des’cribe

II - Find one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. (5 pts)
6. A. using B. union C. university D. umbrella
7. A. special B. official C. dictionary D. social
8. A. country B. count C. noun D. ground
9. A. lamb B. doubt C. both D. debt
10. A. how B. tow C. howl D. brown


I – Choose the correct answers. (25 pts)
11. I am supposed __________ a meeting at 9 am tomorrow morning.
A. attending B. to attend C. attend D. will attend
12. Sarah __________ have gone for a walk in the park; I’m not sure.
A. might B. can C. must D. has to
13. You __________ collect me from the bus stop. I can take a taxi home.
A. don’t have B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. couldn’t
14. That perfume __________ of strawberries.
A. smell B. is smelling C. was smelling D. smells
15. By April, Sam __________ in the shop for three years.
A. will have been working B. is going to work
C. had worked D. will work
16. He cut the bread __________ a knife.
A. by B. with C. from D. of
17. She’s __________ helpful receptionist I’ve ever met.
A. least B. less C. the least D. little
18. Even though he objects to violence, he was made __________ in the army.
A. serving B. to serve C. served D. had served
19. I’ve never heard such a beautiful singing voice __________ hers.
A. than B. to C. as D. rather than
20. __________ you had financial difficulties, who would you ask for help?
A. As long as B. Only if C. As if D. Supposing
21. Brian said he __________ ill the previous week.
A. would be B. had been C. has been D. will be
22. __________ of what you say, I still believe Arsenal can win this game.
A. In spite B. Despite C. Although D. No matter
23. __________ he been invited, he would have come to the party.

A. Had B. Were C. Should D. Would
24. It would have been better if you __________ her the truth.
A. tell B. had told C. told D. are telling
25. I would rather you __________ her about the situation. Now she is very worried.
A. not have told B. not tell C. don’t tell D. hadn’t told
26. Her diet’s not very healthy. She eats __________ meat but very __________ vegetables.
A. lots of – a few B. a lot of – few
C. many – little D. some – a little
27. Sarah and Michael’s __________ seems to make both of them unhappy.
A. connection B. bond C. relationship D. link
28. Anybody found stealing from this shop will be __________
A. prosecuted B. persuaded C. provoked D. persecuted
29. The doctor told Bill that he needed __________ on his arm.
A. operation B. remedy C. surgery D. cure
30. Grace think she’s very __________, but I don’t think many people like her, really.
A. famous B. known C. recognizable D. popular
31. If our flight is delayed, will we __________ our connection in Los Angeles?
A. drop B. miss C. lose D. lack
32. I couldn’t __________ her. She is a fast runner.
A. come up with B. catch up with C. bring back D. get away
33. We __________ the thief to the insurance company the following morning.
A. replied B. expressed C. mentioned D. reported
34. Luke came across this old coin by __________ while cleaning the attic.
A. surprise B. himself C. chance D. force
35. Bright colors __________ people with dark complexions.
A. fit B. effect C. match D. suit

II – Write one suitable preposition in each gap. (10 pts)

36. This lasagne hasn’t turned out quite how I expected.
37. You might be regarded as being rude, as the cook might associate your praise with surprise.
38. Susie and Fran drop in on us last night, so I had to quickly defrost a pizza.
39. There is no point in counting the words in your composition.
40. All Emma’s teachers say that she is capable of doing much more.
41. I think you need to set out your ideas more clearly so that the reader doesn’t get confused.
42. The global system is very complicated, with each part having an effect on all the others.
43. According to environmentalists, we could be facing a crisis within fifty years.
44. I am not really familiar with the work that Greenpeace does.
45. The town was totally cut off for three days because of the floods.

III – Find one mistake (Do not correct). (15 pts)

46. It was (A) pretty (B) a waste of time (C) cooking dinner. Tim’s just (D) ordered
47. Forecast (A) might warn us about threats posed by the weather, but imagine if we
could (B) take control of the weather and (C) prevent dangerous weather conditions
(D) from in the first place.

48. I needn’t have (A) buy any milk (B) since I later discovered that Brian (C) had
picked up some (D) that morning.
49. The forecast (A) said there was a (B) high (C) likely of rain (D) this weekend.

50. I (A) would prefer (B) to go the cinema (C) rather than (D) to stay at home.
51. In Britain, for example, it’s normal (A) for someone to (B) compliment the cook on
the (C) tasty of (D) the meal.
52. (A) None all (B) of it (C) made sense to him, but he (D) did his best!
53. You can watch the film (A) in case you (B) promise to go (C) straight to bed when it
(D) finishes.
54. I (A) passed the exam, (B) but I’m still (C) waiting to get my (D) certify.
55. I (A) spent a long time on the (B) math problem but I still (C) came up with the
wrong (D) solve.
56. My dad (A) never has sugar in coffee or tea but he (B) does (C) sometimes like to
add artificial (D) sweet.
57. She isn’t (A) at the meeting because she wasn’t (B) told about it. She (C) will be at
the meeting if she (D) had been told about it.
58. This village is (A) by (B) far (C) quieter than the one we live (D) in.
59. (A) By the end of next month, Sam (B) will have (C) been finished (D) the project.
60. (A) Becoming an astronaut is so (B) demanding that (C) little people (D) manage it.
IV - Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form. (10 pts)
61. She did the opposite what I asked her to do. She couldn’t have understood (can / understand) what I
62. I didn’t see anyone but I felt as though I was being watched (watch)
63. If I were to ask (be / ask) you to marry me, what would you say?
64. The report must be finished (must / finish) by 5 pm.
65. I am having my car serviced (my car / service) at the moment.
66. I will go (go) to the gym providing I have time after work.
67. A: Why isn’t Karen in today?
B: She’s still in bed. She said she had (have) a stomachache.
68. Greg denied eating/having eaten (eat) all the biscuits.
69. A: I wish I hadn’t given (not / give) George the money.
B: Don’t worry, he will pay you back soon.
70. If only my children were (be) more helpful with the housework.

V – Complete using the correct form of the words in bracket. (12 pts)
71. Never forget that when you’re waiting anxiously to hear whether or not your ‘masterpiece’ is a success
and they suddenly show their appreciation (APPRECIATE) , you’ll realize it was all worth it.
72. Did you know that tomatoes originated (ORIGIN) from South America?
73. It’s important to observe basic health and safety (SAFE) precautions when you’re handling uncooked
74. I wonder if you could tell me who was awarded the scholarship (SCHOLAR)?
75. She’ll be pleased to hear that Georgia has made a big improvement (IMPROVE) in geography.
76. The weather was freezing (FREEZE). I was wearing two pairs of gloves and my fingers were still cold!
77. All our products are environmentally (ENVIRONMENT) friendly.
78. Don’t worry! This snake is completely harmless (HARM).
79. The greatness (GREAT) of solar power lies in its simplicity.
80. It’s unnaturally (NATURE) dark for this time of day. They didn’t say there was going to be an eclipse,
did they?
81. Meteorologists can forecast tomorrow’s weather with incredible accuracy these days. (ACCURATE)
82. I hope they don’t lower the price of petrol. (LOW)

WRITING (20 pts)

I - Rearrange words to make a sentence. (10 pts)
83. invited / He / a cup / me / of tea / .
He invited me a cup of tea.
84. were / take / If I / you, / I / the train / would.
If I were you, I would take the train.
85. be abroad / The owner / is / of / thought / the house / to / .
The owner of the house is thought to be abroad.
86. go swimming / The sea / too / for / was / the children / to / rough / .
The sea was too rough for the children to go swimming.
87. as well as / No one else / in / him / plays / the guitar / Gary’s class / .
No one else in Gary’s class plays the guitar as well as him.
88. time / Since / invented, / people / was / have / the computer / saved / a lot of / .
Since the computer was invented, people have saved a lot of time.
89. clean up / Everybody / once / needs / their neighborhood / a week / to / .
Everybody needs to clean up their neighborhood once a week.
90. succeeded / Sally / in / finally / the job / getting / .
Sally finally succeeded in getting the job.
91. nowhere / The manager / to / was / found / be / .
The manager was nowhere to be found.
92. water / Don’t forget / to / to / the plants / me / ask / .
Don’t forget to ask me to water the plants.

II - Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that is has the same meaning to the first
sentence. (5 pts)
93. You must not leave important documents lying around.
On no account should you leave important documents lying around.
94. I almost gave up at one point.
I came very close to giving up at one point.
95. Every possible effort was made by orphanage to find the boy’s parents.
The orphanage left no stone unturned to find the boy’s parents.
96. The hotel didn’t come up to our expectations.
The hotel fell short of our expectations.
97. I’m absolutely sure she took the money on purpose.
She couldn’t possibly have taken the money by chance/mistake.

III – Choose the correct sentence that has the closet meaning to the original sentence. (5 pts)
98. The reason why she applied for a job abroad was to earn more money.
A. With a view to earn more money, she applied for a job abroad.
B. With a view to earning more money, she applied for a job abroad.
C. For a view to earn more money, she applied for a job abroad.
D. For a view to earning more money, she applied for a job abroad.

99. He said that he had won as a result of good luck.

A. He attributed his success for good luck. B. He attributed to his success good luck.
C. He attributed his success to good luck. D. He attributed that his success is a good luck.
100.It was his overconfidence that led to his defeat in the Wimbledon final.
A. If he hadn’t been overconfident, he wouldn’t have been beaten in the Wimbledon final.
B. If he wasn’t overconfidence, he wouldn’t be beaten in the Wimbledon final.
C. If he wasn’t overconfident, he wouldn’t have been beaten in the Wimbledon final.

D. If he hadn’t been overconfident, he wouldn’t be beaten in the Wimbledon final.
101.The minister gave no precise figures about the casualties.
A. The minister didn’t go with details of the casualties.
B. The minister didn’t go under details with the casualties.
C. The minister didn’t go onto details for the casualties.
D. The minister didn’t go into details about the casualties.
102.The boy was about to cry when he was scolded by his mother.
A. The boy was on point to cry when his mother scolded him.
B. The boy was on point of crying when his mother scolded him.
C. The boy was under point to crying when he was scolded by his mother.
D. The boy was with point to cry when his mother scolded him.

I – Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. (13 pts)
The trend for children to multitask by juggling all sorts of electronic gadgets at the same time is (103)
_________ damaging their levels of concentration, scientists have warned. (104) _________ use of the Internet.
iPods, mobile phones and DVDs (105) _________ behind that finding. Scientists have (106) _________ the
belief of many parents that it is impossible to concentrate on more than one thing at the same time. They found
that children (107) _________ homework while sending messages via the Internet can (108) _________ up
spending 50% longer than if they had done each task (109) _________
David E Meyer, Professor of Cognitive Psychology at the University of Michigan, said that true
multitasking is (110) _________ possible for simple activities such as ironing and listening to the radio. He
(111) _________ experiments demonstrating that young adults who had to (112) _________ from one math
problem to another wasted significant amounts of time. Meyer said: ‘For situations (113) _________ more
complex tasks, especially those requiring language, the total time taken to get all the tasks done will increase
(114) _________ Over long periods, this kind of multitasking can stress you out and (115) _________ to
mental and physical exhaustion.’

103. A. seriously B. extremely C. absolutely D. intensely

104. A. Rocketing B. Heightening C. Ascending D. Leaping
105. A. stands B. rests C. lies D. sits
106. A. assured B. guaranteed C. authorized D. confirmed
107. A. engaging B. tackling C. attending D. undergoing
108. A. turn B. come C. use D. end
109. A. separately B. distinctly C. apart D. aside
110. A. merely B. purely C. only D. simply
111. A. set B. put C. took D. ran
112. A. alter B. switch C. interrupt D. exchange
113. A. consisting B. containing C. involving D. meaning
114. A. largely B. greatly C. widely D. highly
115. A. result B. proceed C. lead D. bring
II - Look at the statements below about holidays in and around the city of Norwich in England. Read the
text below to decide if each statement is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, mark A. If it is incorrect,
mark B. (10 pts)
116. There are only a lot of tourists in Norwich in the summer. 116. B
117. You don't have to pay a lot of money to stay in Norwich. 117. A
118. All your meals are included in the cost of a room at the Beeches Hotel. 118. B

119. It is cheaper to stay at the Beeches Hotel in the winter. 119. A
120. "The Cathedral" is the name of a theatre in Norwich. 120. B
121. Anyone can go to the "Fire from Heaven" show. 121. A
122. The Sainsbury Centre has art from all over the world. 122. A
123. If you don't eat meat, you shouldn't eat in the Sainsbury Centre canteen. 123. B
124. You can save a lot of money at the factory shoe shops. 124. A
125. The Broads are not really suitable for a family holiday. 125. B


Norwich is the capital of East Anglia, an area on the east coast of England which is famous for its natural
beauty end impressive architecture. Norwich is a wonderful city to explore and is popular with tourists all year
Norwich is not a city of luxurious hotels but it has a good selection of reasonably priced places to stay in,
both in the city center and further out. The Beeches Hotel for example, next to the cathedral, has a beautiful
Victorian garden and has just over twenty double rooms. Comfortable accommodation costs £65 for two nights’
bed and breakfast per person; weekend breaks from October to May cost £59 per person. Norwich is famous for
its magnificent cathedral. The cathedral has a summer program of music and events which is open to the
general public. One event, 'Fire from Heaven", is a drama and musical performance with fireworks, a laser light
show and a carnival with local people dressed in colorful costumes.
Norwich is also home to the Sainsbury Centre For The Visual Arts, a world-class collection of international
art in a building at the University of East Anglia designed by Sir Norman Foster. This is well worth a visit and
there is a lovely canteen with an excellent selection of hot and cold snacks. It also specializes in vegetarian
The city has a new professional theatre, the Playhouse, on the River Wensum. The city's annual
international arts festival is from 10-20 October. Not on the classic tourist agenda but well worth a visit are the
factory shoe shops in Norwich (for men, women and children). Here you can buy shoes for less than half the
shop price.
Finally, if you fancy a complete break from the stresses of everyday life, you could hire a boat and spend a
few days cruising along the rivers of the famous Norfolk Broads. The Broods have changed for the better in
recent years. In our environmentally friendly age, the emphasis has moved towards the quiet enjoyment of
nature and wildlife. You can hire a boat, big or small, for an hour or two or even up to a week or two. This
makes a perfect day out or holiday for people of all ages.

Total: 125 pts

Good luck!

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