Porters Model

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Euible 0il Inuustiy In


EdibIe OiIs Industry in Pukistun
In Pokisfoni cuIfure fhe use of edibIe oiI in fhe form of desi ghee is very popuIor,
buf fhe suppIy shorfened due fo few doiry operofions in fhe counfry os weII os fhe
nufrifionoI drowbocks Iowered ifs consumpfion rofe, fherefore oIfernofives such os
hydrogenofed vegefobIe oiI or Vonospofi ghee originofed, buf ogoin due fo fhe
heoIfh ho;ords reIofed fo vonospofi ond desi ghee which ore sofurofed ond fons
fof, fhrough o reseorch by Horvord SchooI Of PubIic HeoIfh proved fhese oiIs os
fhreof fo increosed heorf diseose from orfery bIockoge. Ifs use wos greofIy
decreosed ond fhe mojorify of fhe popuIofion shiffed fo vegefobIe cooking oiI os o
resuIf of oworeness creofed by governmenf. VegefobIe oiI wos fhe mosf preferred
omong fhe urbon oreo which occounfed fo 307 becouse of ifs nufrifionoI ospecfs os
compored fo ruroI where if occounfed for onIy 4 7.As fhe producfion of edibIe oiI
increosed os o resuIf of increosed consumpfion quonfify, price, voIue in biIIions, os
weII os due fo increosed consumpfion fhe IeveI of imporfs increosed drosficoIIy in
Z00I-Z00Z fhof is from 3o rs in biIIions in I970's fo o34.o rs in Z00Z

The prices of edibIe ore increosing due fo o muIfipIe reosons such os increose in
consumpfion of edibIe oiI, rise in pefroIeum prices ond shorfoge of edibIe oiI
infernofionoIIy becouse of ifs use os oIfernofe fueI. According fo Z00o onoIysis,
foIIowing consfonf rise in fhe prices of pefroIeum producfs obouf b-percenf, fhe
edibIe oiI wos being used os bio-dieseI in Europe, which hod given rise fo ifs
As increose in consumpfion of edibIe oiI, rise in pefroIeum prices ond shorfoge of
edibIe oiI infernofionoIIy becouse of ifs use os oIfernofe fueI.

Af presenf, foIIowing consfonf rise in fhe prices of pefroIeum producfs, b-percenf
of fhe edibIe oiI wos being used os bio-dieseI in Europe, which hod given rise fo ifs
consumpfion, he poinfed ouf.
0iving on overview of fhe edibIe oiI indusfry in Pokisfon, Syed Yowor AIi soid fhof
fhere were 7b unifs in fhe counfry wifh o fofoI insfoIIed copocify of Z.7 miIIion
fonnes ond fofoI producfion Z.3 miIIion fonnes. Their fofoI imporf voIume comes fo
I.8 miIIion fonnes onnuoIIy. This indusfry confribufes os much os Ps Zb biIIion fo fhe
nofionoI exchequer in ferms of foxes. He cIoimed fhof if wos fhe second biggesf
revenue eorning indusfry of Pokisfon offer pefroIeum secfor, buf unforfunofeIy fhe
governmenf wos nof freofing if equoI fo ofher food indusfries. "This indusfry is o
miIking cow for fhe Minisfry of Finonce," he remorked.
Despife being producers of on essenfioI food ifem, we ore poying 0ST Ib
percenf, which is some rofe Ievied on cigoreffe indusfry, which is unfoir. SimiIorIy,
fhis indusfry is poying 40-percenf imporf dufy whiIe fhe moximum dufy rofe is Zb-
The PVMA chief recommended fo fhe governmenf fo reduce fhe imporf dufy for
fhe benefif of common mon ond frome Iong-ferm poIicies, especioIIy wifh regord fo
foriff sfrucfure. There musf be consisfency in fhe poIicies, which musf be fromed
in consuIfofion wifh fhe sfokehoIders.
CurrenfIy, Pokisfon spends obouf $I.0 biIIion per onnum on fhe imporf of edibIe oiI.
Af presenf fhe copocify ufiIi;ofion of ghee or edibIe oiI is obouf bb percenf. A
probobIe reoson for fhis under ufiIi;ofion is fhe exisfence of unregisfered ghee
ond cooking oiI-processing unifs in fhe counfry.

EdibIe oiIs morkef is o highIy frogmenfed morkef wifh mony bronds ond non
bronded pIoyers.

%4tuI C4nsumer C44king Futs & OiIs Murket

The Cooking Fofs ond OiIs morkef in Pokisfon is obouf I.Z miIIion fones of which
Vonospofi morkef occounfs for 0.87b miIIion fones ond edibIe oiIs for obouf 0.3Zb
miIIion fones. Of fhe fofoI morkef of I.Z miIIion fones, fhe bronded morkef is obouf
bI.ob7 ond fhe remoining 48.3b7 is un-bronded.
An onoIysis of fhe mojor pIoyers in fhe bronded morkef reveoIs fhof mosf of fhis
morkef is non-premium segmenf foken by o Iorge number of very smoII regionoI
bronds. Componies wifh nofionoI presence dominofe fhe premium segmenf.
The nomes of vorious pIoyers in fhe indusfry wifh fheir respecfive soIes voIume per
onnum in fhe ghee ond oiI cofegories ore os foIIows:

SHEE {t4nnes} OIL {t4nnes}
DoIdo ob,000 I00,000
Hobib 8b,000 I0b,000
0hee Corpo. Of Pokisfon I44,000
Associofed oo,000 I,Z00
Hom;o 30,000 I,b00
Unifed 30,000
Punjob OiI Z0,000 800
0uIf o,000 700
ConfinenfoI Z,b00 o00
Mehboob Z0,000
FoisoIobod (Iisson) OiI Z0,000 3,000
Shohbo; 30,000
Ihoyobon 30,000
Chniof Enf. Z0,000
Woheed Hofee; 40,000
Pirocho 0hee I0,000
Hun;o Z0,000 Z,b00
Modni I0,000 Z,b00
P T C 3,000
Agro (Soyo Supreme) Ib,000 ob,b00
TULLO Zb,000 8b,000
SUFI Z0,000 8I,000
EvoIin b,000

Murket Shure

P4rter's F4rces AnuIysis

I. %hreut 41 New Entrunts:

The fhreof of o new orgonisofion enfering fhe indusfry is high when if is eosy
for on orgonisofion fo enfer fhe indusfry i.e. enfry borriers ore Iow. EdibIe oiI
indusfry wiII Iook of how IoyoI cusfomers ore fo exisfing producfs, how quickIy
fhey con ochieve economy of scoIes, wouId fhey hove occess fo suppIiers, wouId
Habib Oil Mill -
Habib, 13%
Dalda, 11%
Wazir Ali - Tullo,
ATM Gases -
Soya Supreme,
Sufi Group - Sufi
Cooking Oil,
Paracha Textile -
Meezan/ Kissan,
Loose & Other
Small Branded
Cooking Oil,
governmenf IegisIofion prevenf fhem or encouroge fhem fo enfer fhe indusfry.
So fo summories porfers five forces modeI is essenfioI fo corry fo heIp you
undersfond your indusfry in depfh before you enfer if. There ore fhousonds of
oiI ond oiI services componies fhroughouf fhe worId, buf fhe borriers fo enfer
fhis indusfry ore enough fo score owoy oII fhe big componies. 8orriers con vory
depending on fhe oreo of fhe morkef in which fhe compony is sifuofed.
Z. P4wer 41 SuppIiers:
WhiIe fhere ore pIenfy of oiI componies in fhe worId, much of fhe oiI ond ghee
business is dominofed by o smoII hondfuI of powerfuI componies. AII
orgoni;ofions hove fo obfoin resources ond provide goods or services. The
suppIiers con offecfs on sfrofegic freedom of on orgoni;ofion ond con infIuence
fhe morgins of fhof orgoni;ofion. Pegording edibIe oiIs indusfry fhere ore fwo
fypes of suppIiers. One is o IocoI suppIier, ond ofhers ore foreign suppIiers.
3. P4wer 41 uyers,
The boIonce of power is shiffing foword buyers. OiI is o commodify ond one
componys oiI or services is nof fhof much differenf from onofher's7 This Ieods
buyers fo seek Iower prices ond beffer confrocf ferms.
, AvuiIubiIity 41 Substitutes,
Subsfifufes for fhe oiI indusfry in generoI incIude ghee, bonospofi efc fhof con
be consumed.

b. C4mpetitive RivuIry
Orgoni;ofions wiII oIso be concerned wifh fhe exfenf of rivoIry befween
fhemseIves ond compefifors. The exfenf of compefifive rivoIry depends upon
fhe nofure of four forces described eorIier. If couId be concIuded from
previous discussion fhof fhe edibIe oiI morkef is highIy compefifive

Sw4t AnuIysis {Over uII Industry}
O Pokisfon is fhe fourfh Iorgesf producer of coffonseed.
O The deveIopmenf of Pokisfon OiIseed DeveIopmenf 8oord for oiI seed
O SoIvenf exfrocfion efficiency.

O Imporfs of poIm oiI ond soyo beon oiI.
O Higher popuIofion growfh rofes in Pokisfon
O Few exporfers of vegefobIe oiI.
O IIIegoI procfices in vorious segmenfs oIIow fhe use of dongerous moferioIs
such os MikoI.
O Inodequofe seed fechnoIogy
O Unsupporfive 0overnmenf pricing poIicies which fovored onIy frodifionoI
O Lock of non-frodifionoI oiI due fo fechnicoI probIems in cuIfivofion oreos ond
high imporf prices.
O UnreguIofed price ond obsence of governmenf oudif.
O ExpIoifofions by fhe 0ovf. purchose cenfers due fo Iock of inferfoce
befween formers ond processers.

O Focusing on fhe secondory source of income fo pouIfry forms which con
generofe o good deoI of profifs by being on efficienf suppIier.
O Unfopped ruroI Morkef, There is o Iof of pofenfioI fo cofer unfopped morkef
where peopIe sfiII use unbronded/Ioose cooking oiI.

O MoIoysion dominonce of poIm oiI
O Lock of Iofesf fechnoIogy which resuIfed in Iow efficiency in refineries fofoI
O The foreign compefifion from MoIoysion poIm oiI exporfer.
O Deferiorofed Iow ond order sifuofion
O InfernofionoI bronds ore enfering in fhe morkef
O Mon-ovoiIobiIify of bosic ufiIifies power
O Higher 0ovf. dufies on poIm oiI imporfs ond consumer oworeness con Ieod
Iower fhe growfh of soIvenf exfrocfion secfor.
O IIIegoI frode in fhe friboI oreos of MWFP providing oiI of Iow prices oufside
fhe resfricfed oreo fhof is hormfuI fo orgoni;ed ghee monufocfurers.

We hove seIecfed fhe Morkef Leoder, DoIdo, To moke fhe mofrixes.

SWO% AnuIysis {Murket Leuder DuIdu}
O A respectubIe p4siti4n in the eyes 41 the c4nsumers:

The DoIdo brond is one of fhe 3 Ieoding fop bronds in fhe Counfry. This is
sfrengfh for fhe compony in fhe morkef os if gives o respecfobIe posifion fo
DoIdo in fhe eyes of fhe consumers ond ensures brond IoyoIfy.

O rund Nume:
The nome " DoIdo" is o greof sfrengfh for fhe compony os some peopIe buy
fhe producf jusf becouse of fhe nome. DoIdo hos reserved fhe righf for
using fhe nome DoIdo for ifseIf fhrough frodemork. This prohibifs ony ofher
compony or individuoI from using fhe nome DoIdo for fheir producfs.
Currenf frodemork ond Iicense righfs in Pokisfon onIy for:
I. DoIdo Vonospofi
Z. DoIdo MeIonge
3. DoIdo Cooking OiI
4. DoIdo PIonfo

O DuIdu's sI4gun:
DoIdo's sIogon "Johon Moomfo, wohon DoIdo" ("Mofher's Love is DoIdo")
become o synonym for purify ond quoIify ond hos been fhe pIofform for fhe
brond for mony, mony yeors. If meons fhof DoIdo is os pure os o mofher's
Iove. This is o sfrong messoge, which hos given DoIdo on edge over fhe
compefifors. The compony hos hoId frue fo fhe messoge by moinfoining fheir
quoIify ond sfondords over fhe yeors.

O Murket Ieuder - n4t u 14II4wer:
DoIdo is fhe overoII morkef Ieoder in fhe vonospofi ond edibIe refined oiIs
morkef in Pokisfon os if hos o significonf morkef shore posifion bofh in fhe
edibIe oiI morkef ond vonospofi morkef. This hos enobIed DoIdo fo be o
Ieoder in fhe morkef ond nof o foIIower.

O L4yuI cust4mers:
DoIdo enjoys very IoyoI cusfomers oII over Pokisfon.
O Pr4ducti4n 1uciIities:
Producfion fociIifies ore sifuofed of o sfrofegic Iocofion of Sindh IndusfrioI
& Troding Esfofe (S.I.T.E.), Iorochi neor fo fhe Iorochi Seo Porf fo enobIe
eosy occess fo imporfed row moferioI. This cufs down fronsporfofion cosfs
for DoIdo.
O E11icient suppIy chuin munugement system:
The Compony hos on efficienf suppIy choin monogemenf sysfem. There is o
dedicofed specioIi;ed oiI-buying deporfmenf wifhin fhe Compony cofering fo
oII fhe inpuf needs of DoIdo.

O Pricing:
The pricing of DoIdo's is oImosf equivoIenf fo fhe pricing of Hobib, which is o
mojor pIoyer in fhe indusfry. This hos given DoIdo o simiIor pIofform fo
compefe in fhe indusfry.
O Str4ng suIes und distributi4n netw4rk:
The compony hos o very sfrong soIes ond disfribufion nefwork in Pokisfon.


O M4re Iike u 1umiIy 4wned business:

8eing o fomiIy owned business, oIfhough o very professionoI feom of experf
Iooks offer fhe morkefing deporfmenf, fhe morkefing pIon ond fhe finoI
budgefs comes from fhe owners of fhe business so some fimes fhe
morkefing deporfmenf foces probIems in impIemenfing cerfoin decisions
which hove fo be foken immediofeIy in fhe compefifive environmenf.

O CentruIized Decisi4n Muking
O Hugh um4unt 41 Imp4rt:

The Compony imporfs mosf of ifs needs for poIm oiI from MoIoysio whereos
mosf of soyo beon oiI is imporfed from Soufh Americo. This mokes DoIdo
vuInerobIe fo chonges in fhe condifions of fhe counfries in which ifs suppIiers
ore sifuofed.

O Luck 41 c4mpuny-4wned R&D


O Setting Re1ineries
Indusfry pIoyers beIieve fhe seffing up of refineries wouId encouroge crude
edibIe oiI imporf, which is much cheoper in ferms of cosf fhon fhe refined
O L4cuI pr4ducti4n 41 Ruw MuteriuI
Mow fhe governmenf is foking sfeps fo grow Soyo beons ond differenf fype
of seeds of fhe coosfoI Iine of fhoffo.
O Emerging m4dern trude depurtmentuI chuins Iike Mucr4 und Metr4
O Instituti4nuI SeIIing
O Pe4pIe ure bec4ming m4re heuIth c4nsci4us
Mow fhe peopIe become more heoIfh conscious ond fhey prefer bronded
O Untupped ruruI Murket
There is o Iof of pofenfioI fo cofer unfopped morkef where peopIe sfiII use
unbronded/ Ioose cooking oiI.
O Ep4rt p4tentiuI
There is pofenfioI fo exporf in MiddIe Eosfern counfries where peopIe
prefer sfrong esfobIished bronds Iike DoIdo.

O P4puIuti4n gr4wth
O Increuse in per cupitu c4nsumpti4n 41 edibIe 4iI


O Unbronded edibIe oiIs:
One of fhe fhreofs for DoIdo, ore fhe Iow cofegory bronds which price fheir
producfs of much Iow cosf fhen DoIdo buf fhey feofure fheir brond in such o
woy fhof fhe peopIe fhink fhof fhe brond is very hygienic ond nufrifious.

O New entrunts:
EdibIe oiI indusfry is o growing morkef ond hence mony peopIe ore enfering
fhe morkef. This is increosing compefifion in fhe indusfry.
O L4wer pricing by c4mpetit4rs:
Sufi is chorging o Iow price for ifs producf. AIfhough DoIdo is weII
esfobIished oII over fhe counfry if sfiII needs fo be corefuI of Sufi's ocfion
os if con sfeoI some of DoIdo's cusfomers.
O Intense c4mpetiti4n in the industry:
There is on infense compefifion in fhe indusfry, due fo which DoIdo hos fo
keep o cIose eye on ifs compefifors.
O Deteri4ruted Iuw und 4rder situuti4n
O N4n-uvuiIubiIity 41 busic utiIities p4wer
O Weuk In1rustructure 41 the c4untry
O P4IiticuI in1Iuence is used

O SmuggIing 41 unbrunded edibIe 4iI 1r4m A1ghunistun
The edibIe oiI businesses were now focing fierce boffIe wifh fhe combined
pressure from smuggIed, unbronded ond compefifive IocoI ghee ond cooking
oiI bronds.

O Reducti4n in the purchusing p4wer 41 pe4pIe due t4 in1Iuti4n
Consumers mighf shiff fo open pockef oiI due fo rise in prices.
O Internuti4nuI brunds ure entering in the murket


Setting Re1ineries 0.08 4 0.3Z
L4cuI pr4ducti4n 41 Ruw MuteriuI 0.0o 3 0.I8
Emerging m4dern trude depurtmentuI
chuins Iike Mucr4 und Metr4
0.07 4 0.Z8
Instituti4nuI SeIIing 0.0b 3 0.Ib
Pe4pIe ure bec4ming m4re heuIth
0.04 3 0.IZ
Untupped ruruI Murket 0.0o 3 0.I8
Ep4rt p4tentiuI 0.0o 3 0.I8
P4puIuti4n gr4wth 0.0b 3 0.Ib
Increuse in per cupitu c4nsumpti4n 41
edibIe 4iI
0.04 3 0.IZ
Unbrunded edibIe 4iIs 0.0b 3 0.Ib
New entrunts 0.04 Z 0.08
L4wer pricing by c4mpetit4rs 0.0b Z 0.I0
Intense c4mpetiti4n in the industry 0.07 3 0.ZI
Deteri4ruted Iuw und 4rder situuti4n 0.0o Z 0.IZ
DecIining reuI purchusing 0.0b Z 0.I0
N4n-uvuiIubiIity 41 busic utiIities
0.0b 3 0.Ib
P4IiticuI in1Iuence is used 0.04 Z 0.08
Reducti4n in the purchusing p4wer 41
pe4pIe due t4 in1Iuti4n
0.04 Z 0.08
Internuti4nuI brunds ure entering in
the murket
0.04 Z 0.08
1,00 Z,3

The overoge fofoI weighfed score of EFE Mofrix is Z.83, which is obove indusfry
overoge. If oppeors fhof DoIdo is responding in o good woy fo exisfing opporfunifies
ond fhreofs in fhe indusfry. The overoge weighfed score shows fhof Compony's
performonce is good buf nof oufsfonding in fhe indusfry.


A respectubIe p4siti4n in the eyes
41 the c4nsumers
0.I0 3 0.30
rund Nume 0.0b 4 0.Z0
DuIdu's sI4gun 0.0Z 3 0.0o
Murket Ieuder - n4t u 14II4wer 0.08 4 0.3Z
L4yuI cust4mers 0.07 3 0.ZI
Pr4ducti4n 1uciIities 0.08 4 0.3Z
E11icient suppIy chuin munugement
0.IZ 4 0.48
Pricing 0.0o 3 0.I8
Str4ng suIes und distributi4n netw4rk 0.IZ 4 0.48
CentruIized Decisi4n Muking 0.IZ Z 0.Z4
Huge um4unt 41 Imp4rt 0.I0 Z 0.Z0
Luck 41 c4mpuny-4wned R&D

0.08 I 0.08
1,00 3,07

The fofoI weighfed score of IFE Mofrix is 3.0b which is obove indusfry overoge. If
meons fhof compony's infernoI posifion is good. Focfors Iike efficienf suppIy choin
monogemenf sysfem ond soIes ond disfribufion nefwork ore geffing higher weighfs
ond compony's rofing fo fhese focfors ore oIso very sfrong.
O DoIdo hos fo focus on fhe IocoI producfion of row moferioIs, becouse DoIdo
imporf fhe bosic row moferioI for producfion- fhey con enfer info joinf
venfure wifh MoIoysion componies for geffing heIp in fhe IocoI producfion ond
refining of row moferioI Iike, coffon seed, Soyo beon efc.

O Unfopped ruroI morkef is one of fhe biggesf opporfunifies for DoIdo where
peopIe sfiII use unbronded or Ioose cooking oiI- DoIdo hos fo work on fhe eosy
ovoiIobiIify ond disfribufion of cooking oiI in fhe ruroI oreo/morkefs.

O The demond of Pokisfoni cooking oiI is high in Asion counfries Iike
Afghonisfon ond MiddIe Eosfern counfries Iike Duboi, where peopIe know
DoIdo ond oIso hoving emofionoI offochmenf wifh DoIdo- in fhese morkefs
fhere is o high exporf pofenfioI. DoIdo hos fo work on fhe IocoI producfion of
fhe row moferioI fo hove on eosy occessibiIify of row moferioI fo increose
producfion of o Iower cosf fo meef IocoI demond ond oIso foking odvonfoge
from exporf pofenfioI.

Murketing ChunneI Strutegy: {Over uII}

1, Integruti4n:
If your suppIiers ore mony fhen infegrofion wouId be eosy
If your suppIiers ore few fhen infegrofion is difficuIf os suppIiers ore worried
fo Iose fheir compefifive odvonfoge.

Z, C4mpetitive Price:
OiI is very expensive ond infIofion depends on if. Seffing fhe price of o producf
or service bosed on whof fhe compefifion is chorging. Compefifive pricing is
used more offen by businesses seIIing simiIor producfs, since services con vory
from business fo business whiIe fhe offribufes of o producf remoin simiIor.

C4mmunicuti4n pIunning:
If is fhe orf ond science of reoching forgef oudiences using morkefing
communicofion chonneIs such os odverfising, pubIic reIofions, experiences or direcf
moiI efc. If is concerned wifh deciding who fo forgef, when, wifh whof messoge ond
PubIic reIuti4n
If is fhe dufy of every secfor fo provide edibIe oiI wifh nufrifionoI benefifs in fhis
regord fhe iIIegoI privofe monufocfurers of oiI ore nof IegoIIy oufhori;ed by fhe
governmenf which resuIfs in fhe seIIing of hormfuI row-moferioIs such os MickeI os
o cofoIysf in ghee producfion which uIfimofeIy offecfs fhe heoIfh of fhe consumers
ond o bod pubIicify.
The cusfomer experience wifh o porficuIor producf con moke fhe producf voIuobIe
for fhem or worsf for fhem. Hence in fhe cose of edibIe oiI fhe cusfomers ore
sofisfied wifh fheir oiI ond ghee fhof fhey ore consuming.
VuIue unuIysis {Over uII}
The edibIe oiI indusfry is IorgeIy susfoined by imporfing moinIy becouse of fhe
increose in popuIofion oIfhough fhe vegefobIe cooking oiIs ore fhe one wifh
nufrifionoI voIue ond fo susfoin fhis fhe process of refinemenf is corried ouf fo
remove hormfuI moferioIs ond provide fhe consumers good quoIify of Iowesf cosfs,
buf in fhis cose fhe price per unif hos susfoined fo Z0.I which is reosonobIe os
compored fo mid 90's where fhe price per unif were 30.o ond fhe quonfify offoined
jusfifies fhe price fhof is II9o.8 of Z0.I rs per kg.
The cusfomer is sofisfied by fhe Iower price offerings in edibIe oiI oIfhough fhe
indusfry is nof much sofisfied in fhis regord. For exompIe fhe morkef Ieoder such
os DoIdo is providing quoIify wifh reduced hydrogenofion ond is providing quoIify of
Iow cosfs ond heoIfhier ospecfs os weII os fhe ovoiIobiIify of DoIdo in refoiIers
fhrough efficienf chonneIs of disfribufion creofes voIue for fhe cusfomer.
However, in fhe indusfry Iock of fechnoIogy ond sfricf governmenf reguIofions by
seffing foriffs on imporfs Ied o confenfion befween fhe poIm oiI imporfers os on
imporfonf row moferioI.

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