Nano Ag Loaded PVA Nano-Fibrous Mats For Skin Applications

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Nano Ag loaded PVA nano-fibrous mats for skin applications

Thi-Hiep Nguyen,1 Young-Hee Kim,2 Ho-Yeon Song,2 Byong-Taek Lee1

Department of Biomedical Engineering and Materials, College of Medicine Soonchunhyang University,
Cheonan 330-090, Korea
Department of Immunology, College of Medicine, Soonchunhyang University, Cheonan 330-090, Korea

Received 14 March 2010; revised 26 June 2010; accepted 1 July 2010

Published online 17 November 2010 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.31756

Abstract: Silver nano-particles (Ag NPs) loaded polyvinyl 150 C heat treatment, the maximum number of 50–100 nm
alcohol (PVA) electro-spun fibers were fabricated using a Ag NPs resurfaced on the PVA nano-fiber. The nano mats
combination of microwave-heated and electro-spinning meth- significantly inhibited E. coli (gram-positive) and S. aureus
ods for wound healing. A thermic process was then applied (gram-negative) bacteria and displayed high mechanical
to resurface and increase the number of the Ag NPs on the stability (>45 MPa). V
C 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater

surface of the PVA fiber. The diameter of the Ag NPs loaded Res Part B: Appl Biomater 96B: 225–233, 2011.
electrospun PVA (PVA-Ag) mats were between 100 and
500 nm after heat treatments at different temperatures. When Key Words: antimicrobial, tissue engineering, wound healing
samples were subjected to 60 s of microwave irradiation and

INTRODUCTION cost-effective reductant agent. (3) Electro-spinning is the

Wound healing is a complex process that includes rebuild- simplest method to fabricate a continuous fiber with a small
ing the structure and functions of the skin. However, bacte- diameter (nano-fibers), a high surface area, small pore size,
rial overgrowth and infection disrupt this process; thus, and good mechanical properties.15,16 (4) Microwave irradia-
there is a need to develop an artificial matrix that can tion is considered as a highly efficient method for the fabri-
promote wound healing and prevent microbial infection. cation of nano-metals. Furthermore, this technique is envi-
In this study, we fabricated silver nano-particles (Ag ronmentally friendly (or ‘‘green’’), and is faster, simpler and
NPs) loaded electrospun PVA mats (PVA-Ag mats) using a more economical than conventional methods12,14 such as
combination of electro-spinning microwave and heat treat- the chemical reduction of NaBH4.17 Therefore, due to the
ments. Ag NPs resurfaced on the surface of the PVA fibers advantages described above, a PVA-Ag mat was fabricated in
by a thermic process. This mat has four primary advantages this study and its potential use in wound dressing16 and
for skin applications: (1) Silver (Ag) and its compounds antimicrobial applications was investigated.18 However,
have been known to have extraordinary bacterium-inhibi- when this approach was used, Ag NPs were dispersed inside
tory and bactericidal properties.1–6 The silver ion has been the electro-spun PVA fiber, which limited the antimicrobial
shown to exhibit broad-spectrum biocidal activity toward activity of the fiber. Therefore, to resurface Ag NPs on the
many different bacteria, fungi, and viruses5,7 and is believed PVA nano-fibers, a heat treatment process was used. This
to be the active component in silver-based antimicrobials. In process was different from the method used by Hong et al.,
addition, Ag has low toxicity toward mammalian cells.7 where a microwave step was employed instead of UV irradi-
Because of these benefits, Ag has been widely studied as a ation. Moreover, we found that several more nano-particles
coating material on particular medical devices, such as were homogeneously dispersed on the surface when the
indwelling catheters, wound dressing, etc.8–10 However, as heat treatment step was conducted at 150 C. The presence
reported by Kim et al., Ag ions (or its components) possess of Ag NPs was confirmed by UV-Vis, XRD, scanning electron
limited use as an antimicrobial agent for several reasons.4 microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy
These limitations can be overcome through the use of Ag (TEM). Interactions between PVA and Ag NPs were exam-
NPs, which enhance the antimicrobial effect. (2) PVA is a ined by FT-IR. The thermal-crystalline properties of the mat
strong host material for metal, due to its excellent thermo- were assessed by DSC. In addition, the mechanical tests
stability and chemical resistance.11,12 Moreover, PVA is non- demonstrated that the mat had high mechanical stress,
toxic, has high mechanical stability and is degradable in which is important for wound healing applications. The anti-
human environments. Furthermore, PVA contains alcohol bacterial test showed that the mats had high antimicrobial
groups that can reduce Agþ to Ag0 without the need for a activities against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative,
reductant as reported by Pal et al.13,14 In addition, PVA is a which is imperatvie to decrease infection during the wound

Correspondence to: B.-T. Lee; e-mail:

Contract grant sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF); contract grant number: 2009-0092808

healing process. In this study, we demonstrated that the using Cu Ka radiation. The diffraction angle was ranged
PVA-Ag mat not only had strong mechanical properties, but from 5 to 120 2y.
also displayed key antimicrobial activities that are necessary Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy analysis
to reduce and eliminate the risk of infection. was performed using a Spectrum GX Perkin–Elmer, USA.
The infrared spectra of the PVA electro-spun, PVA-Ag NPs-1,
EXPERIMENTAL and PVA Ag NPs-2 were measured over a wavelength range
Materials of 4000–500 cm1.
Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA, full hydrolyzed) and AgNO3 (99,998
per cent) were purchased from Aldrich, USA. Mechanical properties
The dimensions of PVA, PVA-Ag NPs-1, and PVA-Ag NPs-2
Preparation of Ag NPs loaded electrospun PVA (wide 1 mm and length 27 mm) were measured using a
mats through the combination of microwave digital micrometer and the thickness (100 lm) was mea-
and electro-spinning methods sured by SEM before determining the tensile strength. The
We fabricated PVA-Ag mats from a PVA solution containing mechanical properties of the sample were determined by
Ag NPs. This suspension was synthesized using a PVA solu- applying tensile test loads to the specimens prepared from
tion that contained AgNO3 that had been microwave irradi- the electro-spun ultra fine nonwoven fiber mats. The meth-
ated. First, 12 Wt % PVA in distilled water was prepared at ods used to prepare the specimens for the tensile strength
80 C. Then, an aqueous solution of 0.1 mL 1M AgNO3 in testing were described in our previous studies.19,20
distilled water was added and irradiated for 60 or 90 s in a
microwave oven (LG Electronics, Korea). At that time, the
color of the PVA solution started to gradually change from Antibacterial activities
an achromatic color to faint yellow to brownish red at Cultures of gram-positive bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus
60 and 90 s of irradiation, respectively, along with a reduc- (ATCC No. 6538), and gram-negative bacteria, Escherichia
tion of Agþ to Ag0. Next, the PVA containing Ag0 solutions coli (ATCC No. 8739), were grown and maintained on a
were placed in a plastic syringe and connected through a Brain Heart Infusion agar (BHI, Becton-Dicklinson) at 37 C
metal syringe needle. The solutions were electro-spun for 18–24 h prior to the experiments.
directly using a high voltage power supply (NNC-30 kV-2 Antibacterial tests were then carried out by the disc dif-
mA portable type, Korea). A grounded steel cylinder, 10 cm fusion method21 using 3.0  106 cfu/mL of Staphylococcus
away from the tip of the syringe needle, was employed to aureus and 4.0  106 cfu/mL of Escherichia coli. The surface
collect the nano-fiber mats. The flow rates (mL/h) of the of the Mueller-Hinton Argar (MHA, Becton-Dickinson) plate
PVA solutions were controlled using a syringe pump (lure- was inoculated with the bacteria strains for testing using a
lock type, Korea). To resurface Ag NPs on the PVA fibers, a sterile cotton swab. Next, the samples (1  1 mm2) were
heat treatment process was conducted at temperatures of spread onto a MHA plate. After incubation at 37 C for 24 h,
80, 120, and 150 C. the agar plates were examined for inhibition of bacterial
growth. In these experiments, the PVA mat was used as a
Characterization of PVA nano-fibrous control. The antibacterial activity was evaluated by mea-
mat loading Ag NPs suring the zone of inhibition against the test organisms.
The detailed microstructure of the PVA nano-fiber mats
loading Ag NPs was observed by SEM (SM-65F, JEOL, Japan) RESULTS
and TEM (JEM2010, JEOL, Japan). Ag NPs were confirmed Characterization of PVA nano-fibrous
by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy mat loading Ag NPs
(HRTEM). The average diameter of the electro-spun nano- Figure 1 shows a SEM micrograph of electrospun PVA mat
fibers was determined by analyzing the SEM images using a loading Ag NPs, which were fabricated under microwave
custom code image analysis program. irradiation for 60 s [Figure 1(a)] (sample A) and 90 s
Absorption spectra of the Ag NPs dispersed in a PVA [Figure 1(b)] (sample B). Sample A consisted of homo-
solution after microwave irradiation was measured in a genous nano-fibrous mats with fiber diameters ranging
wavelength ranging from 300 to 800 nm using a UV-Vis between 100 and 200 nm. In contrast, sample B consisted
spectrophotometer (U2101 PC). of nonhomogenous nano-fibrous mats with diameters rang-
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements of ing between 100 and 500. We found that increased micro-
the PVA electro-spun, Ag NPs loaded electrospun PVA mat wave irradiation time resulted in an increased fiber dia-
before heat treatment (PVA-Ag NPs-1) and Ag NPs loaded meter because water evaporation increased the polymer
electrospun PVA mat after heat treatment (PVA-Ag NPs-2) solution concentration at increasing irradiation time.22
were performed using a DSC (METTLER TOLEDO KOREA- Figure 1(c,d) depicts the EDS profiles of large square areas
DSC822e) instrument in the temperature range from 0 to from samples A and B. As can be seen in these profiles, Ag
250 C under a nitrogen atmosphere at a scanning speed of as well as O and C elements of PVA were detected. The per-
5 C/min. cent of Ag was determined relative only to C, H, O, and Ag.
X-ray diffractions (Rigaku, D/MAX-2500V) of Agþ loaded The percent of Ag in sample A was 9.93% Ag. This was
PVA electro-spun and PVA-Ag NPs-2 mats were acquired higher than the percent Ag in sample B (5.73%).


FIGURE 1. SEM micrographs of Ag NPs loaded electro-spun PVA mats with microwave 60 s (a), 90 s (b); (c,d) are EDS profile on the large area
of (a) and (b). [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

To confirm that Ag NPs were present in the PVA solution microwave irradiation step was conducted for 90 s than
after microwave treatment, UV-Vis absorption spectra of when conducted for 60 s.
PVA containing the Ag NPs solution treated with different To confirm successful formation of Ag NPs through
microwave irradiation times were obtained (Figure 2). A microwave irradiation, XRD profiles of AgNO3 loaded elec-
maximum absorption located at 416 nm, which is a charac- tro-spun PVA with and without microwave-irradiation were
teristic peak for Ag NPs, was observed in the PVA/Ag NPs acquired (Figure 3). Typically, the XRD pattern of the PVA
solution. This peak was shown to be more intense when the nano-fibrous mat loading Ag NPs had diffraction peaks at a

FIGURE 2. UV-Vis absorption spectra of PVA/Ag solution with differ-

ent microwave irradiation time. [Color figure can be viewed in the FIGURE 3. XRD curves of AgNO3 loaded electrospun PVA mat and Ag
online issue, which is available at] NPs loaded electrospun PVA mat.

FIGURE 4. SEM micrographs Ag NPs loaded electrospun PVA mats with microwave 60 s at 80 C (a), 120 C (c), and 150 C (e); with 90 s at 150 C
(g); (b,d,f,h) are enlarged image of (a,c,e,h).

2y of 38.2 . This peak could be indexed as (111), which was ers and the intense peaks at 2y ¼ 20.9 ; could be indexed
similar to the results reported by Galya et al., who fabri- as 2y ¼ 19.4, 20.9, and 23.6 , which also displayed an XRD
cated a PVA/Ag film for antibacterial applications.23 The profile of both electro spun mats. Similar findings on the
sharp crystalline structure of electro-spun PVA with should- XRD profiles were previously reported.24,25 The peak 2y ¼


between Figure 4(a,c), under similar experimental condi-

tions (60 s microwave irradiation, 24 h heating), Ag NPs
appeared on the surface of the fiber when the temperature
was changed from 80 to 120 C. Moreover, when the sam-
ples were heat treated at 150 C [Figure 4(e)], the Ag NPs
that were deposited on the surface of the PVA fiber were
larger in size than at treatment at 120 C. Figure 4(g) was
added to compare the effect of microwave-irradiation on
this process. A smaller number of Ag NPs were observed in
Figure 4(g) compared with Figure 4(e), even though the
samples were fabricated under similar conditions with the
only difference being the elimination of microwave-irradia-
tion. The combined results of these experiments suggest
that the most optimal conditions for Ag NP resurfacing
were 60 s of microwave irradiation and heat treatment at
150 C. Variations in the resurfacing process were shown in
more detail in the enlarged images.
Figure 5 shows the TEM and HRTEM images of sample
A heated at 150 C. The TEM images show that Ag NPs
loaded electrospun PVA nano fibers aggregated from a
smaller size (5–15 nm) to a larger size (around 100 nm)
(Figure 5). The Ag NPs were spherically dispersed on the
surface of the fibers. Figure 5(a) shows the resurfacing and
aggregation of Ag NPs on the PVA fiber. Aggregation of Ag
NPs was detected more clearly in the HRTEM image [Figure
5(b)] where the large spherical structures resulted from the
aggregation of smaller Ag NPs (5–10 nm).
To examine the interaction between PVA and Ag, the FT-
IR spectrum of PVA powder, PVA-Ag NPs-1 and PVA-Ag NPs-
2 were acquired (Figure 6). A similar approach was used by
FIGURE 5. TEM and HRTEM image of Ag NPs loaded electrospun Mbhele et al.28 The main characteristic peaks of PVA were
PVA nano-fiber with 60 s microwave irradiation and heat at 150 C. assigned as follows: skeletal vibrations (814 and 916 cm1);
ACH2Awagging (1376 cm1); and ACAHA and AOAHA
9.2 of crystalline PVA-Agþ was high in the XRD profiles of bending (1328 cm1). The peak at 1096 cm1 was attri-
electro-spun mats that were not microwave-irradiated, while buted to the CAO stretching vibrations of the remaining
no peak at 2y ¼ 38.2, which is characteristic of Ag NPs, was nonhydrolyzed vinyl acetate group of PVA.29,30 The peak at
observed. In contrast, a peak at 2y ¼ 38.2 was detected for 1420 cm1 is the result of the coupling of the OAH in plane
electro-spun mats that were microwave-irradiated.26 These vibration with the CAH wagging vibration.31 The FT-IR
results demonstrate that the addition of Ag and Agþ to PVA spectrum of PVA-Ag NPs-1 and PVA-Ag NPs-2 are presented
altered the crystalline structure of electro-spun PVA. The Ag in Figure 6. The decrease in the ratio of 1420 cm1 relative
NPs peak was remarkably weak due to the small number of to the presence of Ag NPs, is indicative of decoupling
Ag molecules. This outcome was similar to the results we between the corresponding vibrations due to interactions
obtained in a previous study where we examined PMMA between Ag NPs and the AOH groups of the PVA chains.
and Ag substrates.27 The combined results described above This finding was also reported in previous studies.31–33 In
indicate that the Ag NPs were successfully dispersed in PVA addition, this group reported that the band peaking at 1141
nano-fibers using the microwave and electro-spinning cm1, which occurs due to symmetric CAC stretching, corre-
method. sponded to the crystalline regions in PVA.31 The peak at
Electro-spun PVA fibers loading Ag NPs, which were 1255 cm1 was determined to be associated with CAOAC
subjected to microwave irradiation, were placed in an oven vibrations and indicates cross-linking of some PVA
for heat treatment. Electrospun PVA-Ag NPs mats were then radicals.34
heated for 24 h at the following temperatures: 80, 120, and Thermal characterization of the PVA powder (a), PVA
150 C. Figure 4(a,c,e) shows the SEM micrographs of sam- electro-spun (b), PVA-Ag mats without (c) and with (d) heat
ple A heated at different temperatures while Figure 4(g) treatment were carried out in the temperature range of 0–
shows a SEM micrograph of sample B heated at 150 C. Fig- 450 C at a heating rate of 5 C per minute in nitrogen. Based
ure 4(b,d,f,h) are three-fold enlarged images of Figure 4 on the thermogram presented in Figure 7, glass transition
(a,c,e,g) at X90 000. The heat treatment process was found temperatures, Tg, (determined by the ASTM midpoint tech-
to affect the morphology of the fiber, as reflected in the nique using STARe software) were observed at 75.20 and
SEM images. For instance, as shown in the comparison 73.39 C for PVA powder and the electro-spun PVA mat,

FIGURE 6. FT-IR curves of PVA powder, Ag NPs loaded electro-spun FIGURE 7. DSC curves of PVA powder (a), electro-spun PVA (b), Ag
PVA mat before and after heat at 150 C. [Color figure can be viewed NPs loaded electro-spun PVA 7 before heat treatment (c) and after
in the online issue, which is available at] heat treatment (d). [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue,
which is available at]

respectively. Meanwhile, the melting point, Tm, of PVA

and the electro-spun PVA mat were observed at 226.84 gram-positive S. aureus was more sensitive then gram-nega-
and 225.02 C, respectively. In the case of PVA-Ag NPs-1 and tive E. coli. As shown in Table I, the PVA-Ag NPs-2 (150 C)
PVA-Ag NPs-2 mats, no Tg were observed, but Tm were mat produced the highest zone of inhibition against S. aureus
observed at 211.84 and 197.54 C, respectively. and E.coli. However, the gram-positive bacteria (S. aureus)
was more sensitive than the gram-negative bacteria (E. coli)
on all Ag NPs loaded electrospun PVA mats.
Antibacterial activities
To test the antibacterial activity of the sample, the disc dif-
fusion method was used to assess the activity against S. aur- Mechanical properties
eus and E.coli. The inhibition zone was given in Table I. This Mechanical properties are also important for skin applica-
test was repeated four times, for each sample. Figure 8 tions. Therefore, the tensile strength of the electro-spun PVA
shows the anit-microbial activity of pure PVA, PVA-Ag NPs- mat, PVA-Ag NPs-1 and PVA-Ag NPs-2 (150 C) subjected to
1, PVA-Ag NPs-2 (120 C), and PVA-Ag NPs-2 (150 C) heat treatments at 150 C were also investigated (Figure 9).
electro-spun fibrous mats. In these experiments, no zones The stress–strain curve of the PVA nano-fibrous mat
of inhibition were observed for pure PVA. As shown in Fig- changed after the introduction of the Ag nano-particles.
ure 8(b,f), (c,g), and (d,h), all Ag NPs loaded electro-spun Contrary to the pure PVA fibrous mat, where the stress
PVA fibrous mats displayed a high antibacterial activity increased after loading the Ag NPs, the nano-composite
against S. aureus and E.coli. There was a slight increase in fibrous mats were stronger and more brittle than the pure
the zones of inhibition when the mat was heated at 120 C, PVA fibrous mat. Without heat treatment, the stress
which was higher than for the mat heated at 150 C. The increased from 9 to 35 MPa, whereas with heat treatment,
zone created by the PVA loading Ag NPs nano-fibrous mat the stress increased to 47 MPa; however, the strain
placed on the bacteria-inoculated surface killed all S. aureus decreased from 23 to 15% for both cases. These results cor-
bacteria under and around the samples. The PVA Ag NPs-2 respond to those reported by Mbhele et al.,28 who examined
mat showed the strongest anti-microbial activities against a PVA-Ag NPs film (59 MPa for 0.73 Wt % Ag) prepared by
gram-positive S. aureus and gram-negative E.coli and the the evaporation method using NaBH4 as a reducing agent.

TABLE I. Zone of Inhibition Test from the Disc Diffusion Test

E. coli S. aureus
Initial Final Inhibition Final Inhibition
Dimension Zone Diameter Diffusion Zone Diameter Diffusion
Sample (mm2) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) n

Pure PVA mat 1 0 0 0 0 4

PVA-Ag NPs-1 1 1.5 0.5 1.8 0.8 4
PVA-Ag NPs-2 (120 C) 1 1.5 0.5 1.9 0.9 4
PVA-Ag NPs-2 (150 C) 1 1.9 0.9 2.3 1.3 4


FIGURE 8. Comparison of the inhibition zone test between (a,e) pure PVA mat; (b,f) PVA-Ag mat; (c,g) PVA-Ag NPs-2 (120 C); (d,h) PVA-Ag NPs-
2 (150 C). The photographs of the disk sensitivity test for E. coli (a–d) and S. aureus (e–h). [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which
is available at]

However, the percentage of Ag in this study was higher the PVA mat, this sample still holds promise for use in skin
(9.93 Wt % Ag was dispersed into sample A), which caused applications because these mats had a higher tensile
a dispersed interruption of Ag NPs on the PVA fibers and strength than mammalian flank skin.35
resulted in a more brittle PVA-Ag nano-fibrous composite
mat compared with the PVA mat. The stress–strain curves DISCUSSION
indicated that heat treatment had the following effect: after In this study, we used two steps to fabricate PVA-Ag mats
heat treatment sample A showed increased tensile stress for skin applications. First, the Ag NPs were dispersed on
and brittleness compared with the untreated sample A; the electro-spun PVA nano-fibers using microwave and elec-
however, the tensile strain was unchanged for both cases tro-spinning methods. Then, the Ag NPs were rematerialized
(heat treatment or un-heat treatment). Even though sample on the surface of the PVA nano-fibers using a heat treatment
A with and without heat treatment was more brittle than process. In the case of loaded Ag NPs, Ag NPs were dis-
persed and stabilized in the PVA solution before electro-
spinning due to the reduction of the alcohol group14 and
the chelating ability of PVA.26,36 Since PVA prevents aggrega-
tion and precipitation of the particles, the Agþ was stabi-
lized by PVA chelation and reduction through microwave-
irradiation.26,36–38 PVA has been frequently used not only as
a particle stabilizer but also as a reductant agent.39 The
reduction of alcohol groups in PVA through microwave-irra-
diation is similar to the reduction of alcohol groups in
PEG.37,38 The reduction during the microwave-irradiation
process was visualized by the naked-eye because the color
of the PVA solution started to gradually change from an ach-
romatic color to a faint yellow to brownish red after 60 and
90 s of irradiation, which was also reported in previous
studies.32 The color of the PVA solution was stable over the
spinning time and the nanoparticles showed almost no
tendency to aggregate because the Ag NPs were capped by
PVA chains. The presence of dispersed Ag NPs in the elec-
tro-spinning solution after microwave-irradiation resulted in
a change in the color of the solution, which was confirmed
FIGURE 9. Tensile strength curves of electro-spun PVA, Ag NPs loaded
by UV-Vis absorption (Figure 2).14,40,41 This suspension was
electro-spun PVA before and after heat treatment. [Color figure can be
viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary. spun, resulting in the homogeneous dispersion of Ag NPs in
com.] the PVA nano-fibers. Because dispersion of the Ag NPs was

homogenous, the surface of the PVA-Ag NPs was smooth in fabricated using this approach. The fabricated electro-spin-
both cases (Figure 1). However, the EDS profiles indicate ning method produced a mat that had a high tensile stress,
that the PVA nano-fibrous mat contained different amounts which is beneficial for skin applications. The PVA-Ag NPs
of Ag [Figure 1(c,d)]. Therefore, even though the same mats displayed excellent antimicrobial activity against gram-
amount of AgNO3 was added, the amount that was loaded positive S. aureus and gram-negative E.coli. Ultimately in
varied (when irradiation time differed). This phenomenon this study, we developed a novel method to fabricate PVA-
occurred because of the effect of microwave-irradiation on Ag NPs mats, which not only possess high tensile stress but
the Ag NPs size. Since the microwave-irradiation time was also superb anti-bacterial activities, using a combination of
increased from 60 to 90 s, larger Ag NPs were produced. three simple methods: electrospinning, microwave treat-
The larger Ag NPs were heavy for PVA to carry and possible ment, and low aging temperature methods.
to precipitate during microwave and electro-spinning
processes. XRD profiles confirmed that PVA-Ag NPs mats ACKNOWLEDGMENT
were successfully produced using microwave irradiation The authors are grateful to Dr. Kap-Ho Lee for his assistance
(Figure 3) whereas the interaction between PVA and Ag in performing the experiments outlined in this work.
with and without heat treatment was confirmed by FT-IR
(Figure 6) and DSC (Figure 7). The results showed that the REFERENCES
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