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GIL MIGUEL, Petitioner, v.


BUREAU OF PRISONS, Respondent. The sole issue for the resolution of the Court is
whether the Writ of Habeas Corpus may be issued.
Our Ruling
The petition is not meritorious.
This is a Petition for the Issuance of the Writ of
Habeas Corpus1 filed by petitioner Gil Miguel Preliminarily, we wish to point out that Miguel
(Miguel), praying for the Court to order the failed to observe the principle of hierarchy of
Director of the Bureau of Prisons (now Director courts.
General of the Bureau of Corrections) to bring
petitioner before this Court, and after due In Cruz v. Gingoyon,10 the Court aptly explained the
proceedings, to restore his liberty. principle, thus:chanroblesvirtualawlibrary
We also find the necessity to emphasize strict
The Factual Antecedents: observance of the hierarchy of courts. "A becoming
regard for that judicial hierarchy most certainly
On February 26, 1991, Miguel was charged 2 with indicates that petitions for the issuance of
the crime of Murder before the Regional Trial Court extraordinary writs against first level ('inferior')
(RTC) of Quezon City, docketed as Criminal Case courts should be filed with the [RTC], and those
No. Q-91-18506. After trial, Miguel was found against the latter, with the Court of Appeals (CA). A
guilty as charged and sentenced to suffer the direct invocation of the Supreme Court's original
penalty of reclusion perpetua. Pursuant to his jurisdiction to issue extraordinary writs should be
conviction, Miguel was delivered to the National allowed only when there are special and important
Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa City on January 15, reasons therefor, clearly and specifically set out in
1994.3 Miguel's conviction was affirmed by this the petition." For the guidance of the petitioner,
Court in a Decision4 dated March 7, 1996. "[t]his Court's original jurisdiction to issue writs of
certiorari (as well as prohibition, mandamus, quo
Alleging that his continued detention no longer warranto, habeas corpus and injunction) is not
holds legal basis in view of Republic Act No. (RA) exclusive." Its jurisdiction is concurrent with the
10592,5 otherwise known as the "Good Conduct CA, and with the RTC in proper cases. "However,
Time Allowance Law" (GCTA Law), Miguel filed the this concurrence of jurisdiction does not grant
present petition for the issuance of the Writ upon a party seeking any of the extraordinary writs
of Habeas Corpus on August 19, 2015. the absolute freedom to file his petition with the
court of his choice. This Court is a court of last
The respondent Director General of the Bureau of resort, and must so remain if it is to satisfactorily
Corrections, through the Office of the Solicitor perform the functions assigned to it by the
General (OSG), filed his Comment6 dated January Constitution and immemorial tradition."
28, 2016. Unwarranted demands upon this Court's attention
must be prevented to allow time and devotion for
In response, Miguel filed his Reply7 dated May 11, pressing matters within its exclusive
2018. jurisdiction. (Emphasis supplied)
As to which court may grant the writ, Section 2,
In a Resolution8 dated September 30, 2020, this Rule 102 of the Rules of Court
Court required the parties to file their respective provides:chanroblesvirtualawlibrary
Memoranda. In compliance with the said Section 2. Who may grant the writ. - The writ
Resolution, respondent filed their of habeas corpus may be granted by the Supreme
9 Court, or any member thereof, on any day and at
Memorandum dated February 9, 2021. Miguel
failed to file his Memorandum. any time, or by the Court of Appeals or any
member thereof in the instances authorized by
Issue law, and if so granted it shall be enforceable
anywhere in the Philippines, and may be made
returnable before the court or any member heinous crimes are excluded from the coverage of
thereof, or before a Court of First Instance, or any this Act. In case the maximum penalty to which the
judge thereof for hearing and decision on the accused may be sentenced is destierro, he shall be
merits. It may also be granted by a Court of First released after thirty (30) days of preventive
Instance, or a judge thereof, on any day and at any imprisonment. (Emphasis supplied)
time, and returnable before himself, enforceable This disqualification is further echoed in several
only within his judicial district. provisions of the 2019 Revised Implementing Rules
From the foregoing, it is clear that the trial court, and Regulations of RA 10592 (2019 Revised IRR)
the appellate court, and this Court exercise which read:chanroblesvirtualawlibrary
concurrent jurisdiction over petitions for the Rule III, Section 3.Who are Disqualified. The
issuance of the writ of habeas corpus. However, following shall not be entitled to any credit for
this does not mean that parties are absolutely free preventive imprisonment:
to choose before which court to file their petitions,
thus:chanroblesvirtualawlibrary a. Recidivists;
[M]ere concurrency of jurisdiction does not afford b. An accused who has been convicted previously
parties absolute freedom to choose the court with twice or more times of any crime;
which the petition shall be filed. Petitioners should c. An accused who, upon being summoned for the
be directed by the hierarchy of courts. After all, the execution of his sentence has failed to surrender
hierarchy of courts 'serves as a general voluntarily before a court of law;
determinant of the appropriate forum for d. Habitual Delinquents;
petitioners for the extraordinary writs.'12 e. Escapees; and
In sum, Miguel should have filed the present f. PDL charged of Heinous Crimes. (Emphasis
petition before the RTC, absent any showing of supplied)
special and important reasons warranting a direct
resort to this Court. Rule IV, Section 1. GCTA During Preventive
Imprisonment. - The good conduct of a detained
Procedural considerations aside, the Court still PDL qualified for credit for preventive
finds the petition wanting in merit. imprisonment shall entitle him to the deductions
described in Section 3 hereunder, as GCTA, from
Miguel's argument is two-fold: first, he anchors his the possible maximum penalty.
claim on the assertion that applying the GCTA Law,
he has served a total of "thirty-eight (38) years, ten The following shall not be entitled to any GCTA
(10) months, and one (1) day"13 already. Second, during preventive imprisonment:
he posits that Article 70 of the Revised Penal Code
(RPC) caps the duration of the penalty of reclusion a. Recidivists;
perpetua at thirty (30) years.14 Having served a b. An accused who has been convicted previously
total of thirty�eight (38) years, which is eight (8) twice or more times of any crime;
years more than the supposed maximum duration c. An accused who, upon being summoned for the
of reclusion perpetua, Miguel concludes that he execution of his sentence has failed to surrender
has fully served his sentence and his detention no voluntarily before a court of law;
longer holds legal basis. d. Habitual Delinquents;
e. Escapees; and
Miguel's contention is wrong. f. PDL charged of Heinous Crimes. (Emphasis
On the first point, Miguel assumes that he is
entitled to the benefits of the GCTA Law. However, Rule IV, Section 2. GCTA During Service of Sentence.
a plain reading of the law would reveal otherwise. - The good conduct of a PDL convicted by final
judgment in any penal institution, rehabilitation or
The last paragraph of Section 1 of the GCTA Law detention center or any local jail shall entitle him to
reads:chanroblesvirtualawlibrary the deductions described in Section 3 hereunder,
Provided, finally, That recidivists, habitual as GCTA, from the period of his sentence, pursuant
delinquents, escapees and persons charged with to Section 3 of RA No. 10592.
The following shall not be entitled to any GCTA The 2019 Revised IRR defines "heinous crimes" as
during service of sentence: follows:chanroblesvirtualawlibrary
"Heinous Crimes" - crimes which are grievous,
a. Recidivists; odious and hateful to the senses and which, by
b. Habitual Delinquents; reason of their inherent and or manifest
c. Escapees; and wickedness, viciousness, atrocity and perversity
d. PDL convicted of Heinous Crimes. (Emphasis are repugnant and outrageous to the common
supplied) standards and norms of decency and morality in a
just, civilized and ordered society, including crimes
Rule V, Section 2. Who are disqualified. - The which are mandatorily punishable by Death under
following shall not be entitled to TASTM (Time the provisions of RA No. 7659, as amended,
Allowance for Study, Teaching and Mentoring): otherwise known as the Death Penalty Law, and
those crimes specifically declared as such by the
a. Recidivists; Supreme Court[.]
b. Habitual delinquents;
c. Escapees; and While the definition did not expressly enumerate
d. PDL charged and convicted of heinous crimes which are considered heinous, it made
crimes. (Emphasis supplied) reference to "crimes which are mandatorily
punishable by Death under the provisions of RA
Rule VI, Section 2. Who are disqualified. - The 7659, as amended x x x."
following are not qualified to be released under
this Rule: Section 6 of RA 7659,15 otherwise known as the
Death Penalty Law,
a. Recidivists; states:chanroblesvirtualawlibrary
b. An accused who has been convicted previously Section 6. Article 248 of the same Code is hereby
twice or more times of any crime; amended to read as
c. An accused who, upon being summoned for the follows:chanroblesvirtualawlibrary
execution of his sentence has failed to surrender Art. 248. Murder. - Any person who, not falling
voluntarily before a court of law; within the provisions of Article 246 shall kill
d. Habitual Delinquents; another, shall be guilty of murder and shall be
e. Escapees; and punished by reclusion perpetua, to death if
f. PDL charged of Heinous Crimes. (Emphasis committed with any of the following attendant
supplied) circumstances:
Rule VII, Section 2. Who are disqualified. - The 1. With treachery, taking advantage of superior
following shall not be entitled to STAL (Special Time strength, with the aid of armed men, or employing
Allowance for Loyalty): means to weaken the defense or of means or
persons to insure or afford impunity.
a. Recidivists;
b. Habitual Delinquents; 2. In consideration of a price, reward or promise.
c. Escapees; and
d. PDL charged or convicted of Heinous 3. By means of inundation, fire, poison, explosion,
Crimes. (Emphasis supplied) shipwreck, stranding of a vessel, deraihnent or
The GCTA Law and the 2019 Revised IRR have made assault upon a railroad, fall of an airship, or by
it abundantly clear that persons charged with means of motor vehicles, or with the use of any
and/or convicted of heinous crimes are not entitled other means involving great waste and ruin.
to the benefits under the law. Thus, this begs the
question: which crimes are considered heinous? 4. On occasion of any of the calamities enumerated
More specifically, is murder considered a heinous in the preceding paragraph, or of an earthquake,
crime for purposes of the application of the GCTA eruption of a volcano, destructive cyclone,
Law? epidemic or other public calamity.
in laying down the rule on successive service of
5. With evident premeditation. sentences where the culprit has to serve more than
three penalties, provides, that 'the maximum
6. With cruelty, by deliberately and inhumanly duration of the convict's sentence shall not be
augmenting the suffering of the victim, or more than three�fold the length of time
outraging or scoffing at his person or corpse." corresponding to the most severe of the penalties
From the discussion above, it is evident that the imposed upon him,' and '(i)n applying the
crime of Murder is one that is mandatorily provisions of this rule the duration of perpetual
punishable by death, in accordance with the Death penalties (pena perpetual) shall be computed at
Penalty Law. Being a such, it falls within the thirty years.'
definition of "heinous crimes" in the 2019 Revised
IRR and is therefore considered as a heinous crime. The imputed duration of thirty (30) years
for reclusion perpetua, therefore, is only to serve
In sum, Murder is considered a heinous crime in so as the basis for determining the convict's eligibility
far as the GCTA Law is concerned, and persons for pardon or for the application of the three-fold
charged with and/or convicted of such are rule in the service of multiple penalties x x
disqualified from availing of the benefits of the law. x.18 (Emphasis supplied)
Miguel's position is further negated by the
On this point alone, the petition should already fail. pronouncement in People v. Baguio,19 where the
However, Miguel further argues that Article 70 of Court similarly held that "[r]eclusion
the RPC caps the duration of the penalty perpetua entails imprisonment for at least thirty
of reclusion perpetua at thirty (30) years only. He is (30) years, after which the convict becomes eligible
referring to the last paragraph of said provision, for pardon x x x."20
which states:chanroblesvirtualawlibrary
In applying the provisions of this rule the duration Guided by the foregoing jurisprudence, it is evident
of perpetual penalties (pena perpetua) shall be that the penalty of reclusion perpetua requires
computed at thirty years. (As amended by Com. Act imprisonment of at least thirty (30) years, after
No. 217.) which the convict becomes only eligible for pardon,
Miguel is again mistaken. and not for release. This is in stark contrast to
Miguel's claim that a convict meted with the
Plainly, nowhere in the cited provision does it state penalty of reclusion perpetua must serve only
that perpetual penalties, such as reclusion thirty (30) years.
perpetua, are capped at thirty (30) years. Instead,
what it only provides is that in applying the rules To recap, Miguel was delivered to the National
laid out in Article 70, such as the three-fold rule, Bilibid Prison on January 15, 1994. Therefore, as of
the duration of perpetual penalties shall be August 15, 2021, he has only served a total of
computed at thirty (30) years, twenty-seven (27) years and seven (7) months of
thus:chanroblesvirtualawlibrary his sentence. Hence, having been punished to
In the case of People v. Mendoza, G.R. L-3271, May suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua, Miguel's
5, 1950, it was held that the accused were guilty of continued detention is valid and justified. He has
murders and that each of them must be sentenced utterly failed to show that he is illegally confined or
to suffer reclusion perpetua for each of the five deprived of his liberty.
murders, although the duration of the aggregate
penalties shall not exceed 40 years. In this case, Accordingly, the Writ of Habeas Corpus may not be
after serving one reclusion perpetua, which is issued and the discharge of Miguel from
computed at 30 years, the accused will serve 10 imprisonment should not be authorized.
years more. All the other penalties will not be
served.16 (Emphasis supplied) WHEREFORE, the Petition is
In People v. Reyes,17 Article 70 is further hereby DISMISSED.chanroblesvirtualawlibrary
The other applicable reference to reclusion SO ORDERED.
perpetua is found in Article 70 of the Code which,
G.R. No. 210412 Quezon City; (ii) Sta. Filomena, Dipolog City; (iii)
Capitol Area, Dumaguete City; (iv) Dohinob, Roxas,
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, Petitioner, Zamboanga del Norte;
KAMRAN F. KARBASI, Respondent. 5. He was born on 4 September 1966 in Tehran,
Iran, as shown in his identity card which also serves
DECISION as his birth certificate;

MENDOZA, J.: 6. He is married and is the father of one (1) child;

The Contracting States shall as far as possible 7. His wife Cliji G. Lim Karbasi is a Filipino citizen, 22
facilitate the assimilation and naturalization of years old and born on 10 August 1979 in Cebu City,
refugees. They shall in particular make every effort whom he married on 12 October 2000 in Dipolog
to expedite naturalization proceedings and to City, as shown in
reduce as far as possible the charges and costs of
such proceedings. 1 their certificate of marriage;

This is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 8. His child, Keenyji L. Karbasi, 1-year old , was born
45 of the Rules of Court assailing the January 29, on 9 June 2001 in Dipolog City and presently
2013 Decision2 and the November 27, residing with him and his wife at 341 Burgos Street,
2013 Resolution of the Court of Appeals (CA), in Dipolog City;
CA-G.R. CV No. 01126-MIN, which affirmed the
January 17, 2007 Order of the Regional Trial Court, 9. He arrived in Manila, Philippines, under an
Branch 10, Dipolog City (RTC), in a naturalization assumed name (Syed Gul Agha) from Pakistan on
case docketed as Naturalization Case No. 2866. The 11 July 1990 specifically at the Manila International
RTC order granted the petition for naturalization Airport on board Philippine Airlines Flight No. 731,
and, thus, admitted Karman F. Karbasi as a citizen per UNHCR certification containing reference to his
of the Philippines. Pakistani passport issued under said assumed
The Facts
10. Due to his marriage, he is entitled to the benefit
On June 25, 2002, Kamran F. Karbasi (Karbasi) filed of Section 3 of Commonwealth Act No. 473, which
a petition for naturalization with the RTC, where he reduced to five years the ten year requirement of
alleged the following: continuous residence;

1. His full name is Kamran F. Karbasi; 11. He speaks and writes English and Visayan;

2. He is recognized as a Person of Concern by the 12. His trade or occupation is as a repair technician
United Nations High Commissioner for in which he has been engaged since 1998 and, as
Refugees (UNHCR) as shown in a certification duly such, he derives an average annual income of Php
issued by the UNHCR; 80,000.00 more or less;

3. He is presently residing with his family at 341 13. He has all the qualifications required under
Burgos Street, Dipolog City, since early part of June Section 2 and none of the disqualifications under
2000 and more so has resided continuously in the Section 4, of the Commonwealth Act No. 473;
Philippines for not less than 11 years immediately
preceding the date of this petition; to wit, since 11 14. He has complied with the requirements of the
July 1990 and in Dipolog City for more than one (1) Naturalization Law (Commonwealth Act No. 473)
year; regarding the filing with the Office of the Solicitor
General of his bona fide intention to become a
4. His last place of foreign residence was Pakistan citizen of the Philippines, as shown in his
and his other places of residence, prior to his Declaration of Intention duly filed on 25 May 2001;
present residence, were as follows (i) Panay Ave.,
15. It is his intention in good faith to become a to interpose an objection to the petition. During
citizen of the Philippines and to renounce the hearing on May 18, 2006, Alton C.
absolutely and forever all allegiance and fidelity to Ratificar (Ratificar) and Dominador Natividad
any foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty, Tagulo (Tagulo) testified as character witnesses.
and particularly to Iran of which, at this time, he is
a citizen or subject; that he will reside continuously Ratificar testified that in 1990, he was introduced
in the Philippines from the date of filing of this to Karbasi whose house was located about 30
petition up to the time of his admission to meters away from his; that he came to know him
Philippine citizenship; since then; that when Karbasi got married, he was
invited to the wedding ceremony where the then
16. Dominador Natividad Tagulo, of legal age, City Mayor of Dipolog was one of the wedding
Filipino, married and residing at ABC Compound, sponsors; that he also attended the celebration;
Quezon Ave., Miputak, Dipolog City and Alton C. that he used to see Karbasi almost every day as he
Ratificar, of legal age, Filipino, married and residing owned an electronics repair shop near his house;
at 047 Burgos Street, Dipolog City, who are Filipino that Karbasi would also allow neighbors, who did
citizens, whose affidavits are attached to his not own television sets at home, to watch shows at
petition, will appear and testify as witnesses at the his repair shop; that he never heard of any
hearing thereof. complaint by the neighbors against Karbasi, who
went to church during Sundays and even on
[Emphasis Supplied] weekdays; that on several occasions, he was
invited to Karbasi’s home, where he observed his
On July 2, 2002, after finding the petition sufficient good relationship with his in-laws and his
in form and substance, the RTC issued an order treatment of his wife and child which was in
setting the petition for hearing on October 21, accordance with Filipino customs; and that Karbasi
2002 and ordering the publication thereof, once a talked to him in both Visayan and English.
week for three (3) consecutive weeks, in the
Official Gazette and in a newspaper of general For his part, witness Tagulo testified that he
circulation in Zamboanga del Norte and in the cities worked at the Andres Bonifacio College and had
of Dipolog and Dapitan. In the same Order, persons known Karbasi since July 1990 when the latter was
concerned were enjoined to show cause, if any, then enrolled in a vocational course; that Karbasi
why the petition should not be granted and oppose was very respectful to his instructors and that he
the petition. had good grades; that he treated his schoolmates
in accordance with Filipino customs; that he never
On July 22, 2002, the RTC amended its previous showed any inclination to violence; that when
order and, with notice to the Office of the Solicitor Karbasi transferred to Dumaguete City, he visited
General (OSG), reset the hearing on September 10, him there; and that during this visits, Tagulo
2003 instead because the National Printing Office witnessed how Karbasi socially interacted and
could no longer accommodate the publication mingled with the rest of the community.
requirement before the first hearing date.
On August 10, 2006, the wife of Karbasi, Cliji G.
On December 2, 9 and 16, 2002, copies of the Lim (Cliji), also took the witness stand. She testified
amended order and Karbasi’s petition were that her father introduced her to Karbasi during her
published in the Official Gazette. Subsequently, the graduation party; that a courtship followed
same were published in Press Freedom on January thereafter for five months, during which Karbasi
27, February 3 and 10, 2003. The said copies were was well-behaved and acted like any other Filipino;
likewise posted on the bulletin boards of the RTC that when Karbasi proposed marriage to her, he
and the Municipal Building of Roxas, Zamboanga was accompanied by his brother, Ali Karbasi; that
del Norte and Capitol Building, Dipolog City. Karbasi’s baptism as a Catholic coincided with her
birthday; that after their marriage, they begot two
On September 10, 2003, Karbasi and his counsel (2) children; that Karbasi continuously stayed with
appeared and presented proof of compliance with his family and never returned to Iran; that he was
the jurisdictional requirements. Nobody appeared a good husband, father and provider; that all his
income from the repair shop was turned over to act of overthrowing an existing government by
her for the budgeting of the family’s expenses; and force and violence, were among those who left.
that he was then earning a daily income of Since the government confiscated his passport,
P1,000.00. they traveled by camel and passed by the desert
during night time to reach Pakistan. He stayed
She added that Karbasi and his family regularly there for almost three (3) years,
attended the Catholic mass and received
communion; that they were active members of Being foreigners in Pakistan, they submitted
Couples for Christ since 2003; that he actively themselves to the United Nations High
participated in Catholic practices like the novena Commissioner for Refugees. However, they were
and vigil for her deceased grandfather; that Karbasi not granted the status of refugee right away since
was not a polygamist and that he did not flirt with Pakistan is adjacent to Iran. They had to transfer to
other women; that she never heard her husband a third country not at war with Iran. Since his
speak of any terrorist groups; and that he was brother Ali Reza was already studying in the
never known to have an immoral reputation. Philippines, they decided to come here.

On several hearing dates thereafter, Karbasi As it was difficult for him to get travel documents,
himself took the witness stand. As summarized by petitioner procured a Pakistani passport under the
the RTC, the gist of his testimony is as follows: assumed name of Syed Gul Agha.

He is an Iranian national. He was born in Tehran, Upon his arrival in the Philippines on July 11, 1990,
Iran, and resided there since birth up to 1986. His he submitted himself to the United Nations in
father is Abdolhossein Karbasi, a doctor in Iran, and Manila. After several interviews, he was admitted
his mother is Narjes Froghnia Karbasi, a retired as a refugee and, later on, as a person of concern.
teacher. As a refugee, he was granted by the United Nations
allowances, medical benefits and protection to
He has five brothers and two sisters. The eldest of some extent.
the brood, Hamid Reza Karbasi, is in the United
States of America and is now an American Citizen. After having been interviewed by the Solicitor
The second, Dr. Ali Reza Karbasi, admitted as General regarding his intention to become a
Filipino citizen in the Regional Trial Court, Branch 6, Filipino citizen, he filed the corresponding
Dipolog City, is in the Philippines. The third is Qite Declaration of Intention, dated March 28, 2001, on
Karbasi, his sister. The fourth, his brother, Dr. May 25, 2001.
Abduoul Reza Karbasi, graduated in India. The fifth,
his sister, Kia Karbasi, is a nurse. The sixth, his Sometime in 2002, petitioner, having signified his
brother Qolam Reza Karbasi, is an engineer who intention to become a Filipino citizen, was issued a
graduated in France. His last four siblings are all in certification captioned "UN High Commissioner for
Iran. Refugees, Liaison Office for the Philippines," dated
25 June 2002, certifying that he has been
He was a Shiite Muslim before he was converted as recognized as a person of concern who arrived in
Roman Catholic. His former religion believes in the the Philippines on 11 July 1990 on board Philippine
existence of a Supreme Being called God. It Airlines flight 731 under an assumed name (Syed
believes in the existence of government and Gul Agha).
repudiates violence. His said religion is not within
an organization of Al Qaeda, Jemayah Islamiya, or At the time of the filing of the petition, he was
any terrorist group. It also adheres to the principle already married and residing at 341 Burgos Street,
of one man-one woman marital relation. He and his Dipolog City. However, upon arrival in the
brother, Ali Reza Karbasi, left Iran in 1986 because Philippines, he first resided at Panay Avenue,
of the war between Iran and Iraq at that time. Quezon City, where he stayed for almost six
When the Shah of Iran, Pahlavi, was overthrown by months. During those times, the United Nations
Ayatolah Khomini in 1979, some Iranian nationals provided him a monthly allowance of P2,800.00,
left Iran. He and Ali Reza, who also condemns the being a refugee. He then transferred to Burgos
Street, Miputak, Dipolog City, where he stayed at the Philippine National Anthem and recite the
the house of the fatherin- law of his brother Ali Filipino Patriotic Pledge, both of which he did in
Reza for a month. open court.

He then moved to Sta. Filomena, Dipolog City, at The following documents were proffered in
the house of his sister-in-law. It was during this Karbasi’s Formal Offer of Exhibits: 1] Identity Card
time that he enrolled at Andres Bonifacio College issued by Iran to prove his Iranian citizenship; 2]
where he studied from 1990 to 1992. He finished a Pakistani passport with visa under the assumed
two-year vocational course in said school as name of Syed Gul Agha; 3] Certifications and
evidenced by a Diploma issued by the Andres Identification Card issued by the UNHCR to prove
Bonifacio College, Dipolog City. In Iran, he finished his status as a refugee and, later, as a "person of
Bachelor of Science in Economics. concern"; 4] Alien Certificate of Registration; 5]
Certifications to prove Filipino nationality of
He then pursued a four-year course (Bachelor of Karbasi’s wife, Cliji G. Lim; 6] Certificate of Marriage
Science in Industrial Technology Major in between Karbasi and Cliji; 7] Certificates of Live
Electronics) at the Central Visayas Polytechnic Birth of his children Keenyji and Kerl Jasmen; 8]
College in Dumaguete City. He resided in the Karbasi’s Certificate of Baptism; 9] Affidavits of his
Capitol Area of said city. He was already receiving a character witnesses Alton C. Ratificar and
monthly allowance of P4,800.00 from the United Dominador Tagulo; 10] Police and NBI Clearances;
Nations at that time. He graduated from said 11] Certifications and Diploma to prove his
institution as evidenced by a Diploma issued by completion of vocational technology, BS Industrial
said school. He also attended technical trainings Technology, and training seminars; 12] Alien
conducted by Asian Durables Manufacturing, Inc. Employment Permit for Refugees; 13] Business
as evidenced by a Certificate of Attendance issued Permit, Clearances and DTI Certificates of
by said company. Accreditation to KX3 Repair Shop, Karbasi’s source
of livelihood; 14] Income Tax Returns for the years
In 1996, he returned to Dipolog City and resided at 2001 to 2005; and 15] Contract of Service with
Burgos Street where he opened his electronics Quality Circuits Services, Inc. and Kolins Philippines
repair shop (KX3 Electronics Repair Shop). Intl. Inc., including a Summary of Accounts paid to
KX3 Electronics Repair Shop.5
On October 12, 2000, he got married. The couple
transferred to the house of his parents-in-law after On January 17, 2007, the RTC found Karbasi’s
the marriage. When the grandfather of his wife got evidence sufficient to support his petition. Finding
ill, they were requested to take care of him. Thus, Karbasi as possessing all the qualifications and
the couple transferred their residence to Dohinob, none of the disqualifications to become a Filipino
Roxas. However, they moved back to their house in citizen, the RTC rendered its decision, the
Burgos Street, Dipolog City, as it is nearer to a dispositive portion of which reads:
hospital. When his grandfather-in-law died, he
participated in all the rites and ceremonies relative WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the petition
to his wake and burial. for naturalization filed by KAMRAN F. KARBASI to
be admitted as citizen of the Philippines is hereby
At present, his repair shop’s gross monthly income GRANTED.
hovers between P20,000.00 to P25,000.00."4
Additionally, Karbasi claimed that he had never
been involved in any demonstration or mass action Not in conformity, the Republic of the Philippines,
protesting any issuances, policies or acts of the through the Office of the Solicitor
Philippine Government and its officials; that he had General (OSG), interposed an appeal to the CA,
never made any rebellious or seditious utterances; based mainly on the ground that the RTC erred in
that he believed in the principles underlying the granting Karbasi’s petition as he failed to comply
Philippine Constitution and he had even with the provisions of Commonwealth Act No.
memorized the preamble; and that he can also sing 473 (Naturalization Law) on character, income and
reciprocity. Specifically, the OSG pointed out that residence, is located. The OSG argues that even if
Karbasi failed to establish that: 1] Iran grants the subsequent years were to be considered,
reciprocal rights of naturalization to Filipino Karbasi’s income was still insufficient as compared
citizens; 2] he has a lucrative income as required to the average income and expenditure in the area.
under the law; and 3] he is of good moral character Karbasi’s declared income for the years 2003, 2004
as shown by his disregard of Philippine tax laws and 2005 were P31,613.00, P41,200.00 and
when he had underdeclared his income in his P39,020.00, respectively. The same table
income tax returns (ITRs) and overstated the same presentation, however, provides that the average
in his petition for naturalization. expenditure for the year 2000 was P69,452.00, and
for the year 2003 was P75,000.00. This shows that
On January 29, 2013, the CA rendered the assailed Karbasi’s declared gross income was not enough to
decision affirming the grant of Filipino citizenship support his family within the contemplation of the
to Karbasi. The dispositive portion of the CA law. Whether based on his testimony or on his ITRs,
decision reads: Karbasi’s gross income was not adequate, given the
high cost of living prevailing in the region. The OSG
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the appeal also mentions that Karbasi’s child had started
is DENIED. The Decision dated 17 January 2007 of formal schooling which would entail substantial
the Regional Trial Court of Dipolog City, Branch 10 income on the part of Karbasi, so that he could
in Naturalization Case No. 2866 is AFFIRMED. meet his family’s needs.

SO ORDERED.7 The OSG cites the discrepancy between his petition

for naturalization and his ITRs as another reason to
The CA ruled that the alleged under declaration in deny his application for Filipino citizenship. An
Karbasi’s ITRs was prepared in good faith because examination of the petition discloses that Karbasi
he was of the belief that he no longer needed to claimed an annual income of P80,000.00. He had
include the income he received as payment of his also declared in his testimony that he was earning
services to Daewoo Electronics Electronics P20,000.00 to P25,000.00, monthly, from his
Services, Inc. (Daewoo) and Kolins Philippines electronic repair shop. His ITRs on the other hand,
International, Inc. (Kolins), because the same were show his gross income as P14,870.00 in 2001;
already withheld at source. The CA likewise P21,868.65 in 2002; P31,613.00 in 2003;
affirmed the RTC finding that Karbasi, as a refugee, P41,200.00 in 2004; and P39,020.00 in 2005.
need not prove reciprocity between Philippine and
Iranian laws. The OSG further argues that the
"underdeclaration" of Karbasi’s income in his ITRs
Hence, this petition. reflects his disregard of Philippine tax laws and,
worse, its overstatement in his petition indicates
Position of the OSG his intent to make it appear that there was
compliance with the Naturalization Law, when
The OSG asserts that the findings of the courts a there was actually none. According to the OSG, this
quo are not in accord with law and jurisprudence negates irreproachable behavior which required of
because Karbasi failed to prove that he had a every applicant for naturalization because the
lucrative income and an irreproachable character. failure to enter the true income on the tax return
It insists that Karbasi failed to establish his lucrative is indicative of dishonesty. The OSG cited the ruling
income considering that at the time of the filing of in Republic v. Yao,8 where the Court ordered the
his petition for naturalization in 2002, his gross cancellation of the naturalization certificate issued
income was P21,868.65. Per table of Annual to the applicant therein upon the discovery of his
Income and Expenditure in Western Mindanao, the underdeclaration and underpayment of income
average income for the year 2000 was P86,135.00 tax. In the OSG’s words, "[u]nderdeclaration of
and for 2003 was P93,000.00. This shows that income is a serious matter that it is used as a
Karbasi’s declared gross income was way below the ground to cancel the certificate of naturalization. If
average income and average expenses in Western the court can reverse the decision in an application
Mindanao, the region where Dipolog City, his for naturalization, with more reason can
underdeclaration be considered in denying an Relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967
application," as in Karbasi’s case.9 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, to
which the Philippines was a signatory, the country
Position of Karbasi was bound to safeguard the rights and well-being
of the refugees and to ensure the facility of their
In the April 7, 2014 Resolution of the Court, Karbasi local integration including naturalization. Karbasi
was required to file a comment on the petition in reasoned that this was precisely why Department
which he mainly argued that the petition did not Circular 58 Series of 2012 was issued by the
raise questions of law but questions of facts which Department of Justice (DOJ). Under the said
were too unsubstantial to require consideration. circular, the Refugees and Stateless Persons Unit
He countered that while, admittedly, the "lucrative was created not only to facilitate the identification
trade/occupation" requirement under the law and determination of refugees but also for the
must be complied with, it has been emphasized in protection of these refugees.
jurisprudence that, the objective of this economic
requirement is to ensure that the applicant should Karbasi insisted that unlike any other alien applying
not become a public charge or an economic burden for naturalization, he had to leave Iran out of fear
upon the society.10 Karbasi claims that he had of persecution without any mental and financial
more than satisfactorily established his lucrative preparation, and only with a view of finding safe
trade or occupation, showing that he would refuge in the Philippines.
become a citizen who could contribute to national
progress. This has been clearly and unanimously Reply of OSG
appreciated by the RTC and the CA.
In its Reply, the OSG contended that Karbasi could
Karbasi also avers that the analysis of the OSG with not downplay the significance of the Data on
respect to the data on Annual Income and Annual Income and Expenditure in Western
Expenditure in Western Mindanao is misplaced. Mindanao, as it was an accurate illustration of the
Firstly, the data presented were merely statistical financial condition of a typical family in a particular
and not actual, and did not reflect the region. The said table was prepared by the National
circumstances relative to a specific subject or Statistics Coordination Board (NSCB), which
person. Hence, these are greatly unreliable with strengthened the credibility of the report. The OSG
respect to a specific person in a naturalization case. explained that whether the data were statistical or
At best, it was only intended for the purpose it was actual, the numbers still reflected the financial
made – for planning and for policy making of the standing of Karbasi. It followed then that Karbasi
government and not to determine whether a could not claim good faith in failing to declare the
certain trade, occupation or income is lucrative or income he gained from his transactions with
not. several companies. He even failed to present a
certificate of tax withheld to show that these
Anent the allegation that the underdeclaration of companies had actually remitted the withholding
his income projects was a flaw on his moral taxes due to the Bureau of Internal Revenue. Even
character, Karbasi point out that he had sincerely assuming that Karbasi’s declared income allegedly
explained that his failure to declare his correct excluded the amount withheld by these
annual income was in good faith not intended to companies, the OSG claimed that his income would
commit fraud. He believed that the other sources still be below the standard income and expenditure
of his income apart from his repair shop had per the table.
already been withheld by the companies for whom
he had rendered services. For Karbasi, the meaning The Court’s Ruling
of "irreproachable" as required by the law does not
mean "perfectly faultless." The Court is confronted with the issue of whether
or not the CA had correctly affirmed the RTC
On September 18, 2014, Karbasi moved for leave decision granting Karbasi’s application for
of court to file a supplemental pleading, in which naturalization despite the opposition posed by the
he insisted that pursuant to the 1951 Convention OSG.
Citizenship is personal and, more or less a Jurisprudence dictates that in judicial
permanent membership in a political community. naturalization, the application must show
It denotes possession within that particular substantial and formal compliance with the law. In
political community of full civil and political rights other words, an applicant must comply with the
subject to special disqualifications. Reciprocally, it jurisdictional requirements; establish his or her
imposes the duty of allegiance to the political possession of the qualifications and none of the
community.11 The core of citizenship is the disqualifications enumerated under the law; and
capacity to enjoy political rights, that is, the right to present at least two (2) character witnesses to
participate in government principally through the support his allegations.17 Section 2 of the
right to vote, the right to hold public office and the Naturalization Law clearly sets forth the
right to petition the government for redress of qualifications that must be possessed by any
grievance.12 applicant, viz:

No less than the 1987 Constitution enumerates Section 2. Qualifications. – Subject to section four
who are Filipino citizens.13 Among those listed are of this Act, any person having the following
citizens by naturalization. Naturalization refers to qualifications may become a citizen of the
the legal act of adopting an alien and clothing him Philippines by naturalization:
with the privilege of a native-born citizen. Under
the present laws, the process of naturalization can First. He must be not less than twenty-one years of
be judicial or administrative. Judicially, the age on the day of the hearing of the petition;
Naturalization Law provides that after hearing the
petition for citizenship and the receipt of evidence Second. He must have resided in the Philippines for
showing that the petitioner has all the a continuous period of not less than ten years;
qualifications and none of the disqualifications
required by law, the competent court may order Third. He must be of good moral character and
the issuance of the proper naturalization certificate believes in the principles underlying the Philippine
and its registration in the proper civil registry. On Constitution, and must have conducted himself in
the other hand, Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9139 a proper and irreproachable manner during the
provides that aliens born and residing in the entire period of his residence in the Philippines in
Philippines may be granted Philippine citizenship his relation with the constituted government as
by administrative proceeding by filing a petition for well as with the community in which he is living.
citizenship with the Special Committee, which, in
view of the facts before it, may approve the Fourth. He must own real estate in the Philippines
petition and issue a certificate of worth not less than five thousand pesos, Philippine
naturalization. In both cases, the petitioner shall currency, or must have some known lucrative
take an oath of allegiance to the Philippines as a trade, profession, or lawful occupation;
sovereign nation.
Fifth. He must be able to speak and write English or
It is a well-entrenched rule that Philippine Spanish and any one of the principal Philippine
citizenship should not easily be given away. 15 All languages;
those seeking to acquire it must prove, to the
satisfaction of the Court, that they have complied Sixth. He must have enrolled his minor children of
with all the requirements of the law. The reason for school age, in any of the public schools or private
this requirement is simple. Citizenship involves schools recognized by the Office of Private
political status; hence, every person must be proud Education1 of the Philippines, where the Philippine
of his citizenship and should cherish it. history, government and civics are taught or
Naturalization is not a right, but one of privilege of prescribed as part of the school curriculum, during
the most discriminating, as well as delicate and the entire period of the residence in the Philippines
exacting nature, affecting, as it does, public required of him prior to the hearing of his petition
interest of the highest order, and which may be for naturalization as Philippine citizen.
enjoyed only under the precise conditions
prescribed by law therefor.16 [Emphasis supplied]
The contention in this case revolves around the who was a salesman at the Caniogan Sari-
following points: Sari and Grocery Store, then located in
Pasig, Rizal, from which he received a
1. the sufficiency of Karbasi’s income for purposes monthly salary of P200.00, with free board
of naturalization; and lodging, had no lucrative income. Even
if the petitioner was then an unmarried
2. the effect of the alleged discrepancy in the man without dependents, a monthly
amounts of his gross income as declared in his ITRs, income of P200.00 with free board and
on one hand, and in his petition for naturalization lodging, was not considered gainful
on the other; and employment. Further, there was no proof
that he was legally authorized to use
3. the necessity of proving reciprocity between an alias and his use thereof, being in
Iranian and Philippine laws on naturalization. violation of the Anti-Alias Law, was
indicative of a reproachable conduct.
The Court resolves these issues in seriatim.
2. In the Matter of the Petition of Antonio
First. A reading of the OSG’s pleadings discloses Po to be admitted a Citizen of the
that its position arose out of a comparison made Philippines.20– The Court found Antonio Po,
between Karbasi’s declared income and the then single and employed as collector of
amounts reflected in the Data on Annual Income the Surigao Chamber of Commerce as
and Expenditure in Western Mindanao issued by without lucrative income on the ground
the NSCB. The OSG also invokes the past rulings of that his employment had so long depended
the Court where the concept of "lucrative trade, upon the selection of the succeeding
trade, profession or lawful occupation" was presidents of the chamber and that he then
explained in this wise: got free board and lodging by living with his
widowed mother. Simply put, there was not
It means not only that the person having the enough stability in his claimed salary. His
employment gets enough for his ordinary additional income gained from helping his
necessities in life. It must be shown that the mother to run a store was also insufficient
employment gives one an income such that there to satisfy the law, in the amount and in its
is an appreciable margin of his income over his steadiness. His free board and lodging
expenses as to be able to provide for an adequate pretense was also discerned as indicative of
support in the event of unemployment, sickness, or dependence upon his mother for support.
disability to work and thus avoid one’s becoming
the object of charity or a public charge. His income 3. In the Matter of the Petition of Tanpa
should permit him and the members of his family Ong Alias Pedro Tan to be admitted a
to live with reasonable comfort, in accordance with Citizen of the Philippines.21– The income of
the prevailing standard of living, and consistently the applicant as contemplated in the
with the demands of human dignity, at this stage of naturalization law was only P3,000.00 a
our civilization.18 year. Considering that he had a wife and
seven children to support, this income was
A long line of cases reveals that the Court did not held as insufficient to meet the high cost of
hesitate in reversing grants of citizenship upon a living at that time.
showing that the applicant had no lucrative income
and would, most likely, become a public charge. A 4. Keng Giok v. Republic.22– The Court held
summary of some of these notable cases is in that an income of P9,074.50 per annum
order: was not sufficient for a married applicant
with a wife and five children to support.
1. In the Matter of the Petition for
Admission to Philippine Citizenship of 5. Sy Ang Hoc vs. Republic.23– The Court
Engracio Chan also known as Nicasio held that his income, derived from
Lim.19– The Court found that the petitioner, employment in a business enterprise of the
petitioner's father, was not sufficient to his livelihood as unstable and volatile. In fact, the
establish compliance with the statutory OSG does not belie the fact that Karbasi has been
requirement of lucrative occupation or engaged by reputable companies for his services.
calling. Conversely, the findings of the RTC would indicate
that Karbasi had indeed exhibited industry and
6. In the Matter of the Petition to be hard work in putting up his repair shop business
admitted a Citizen of the Philippines by and that his wife considered him as a good
Pantaleon Sia alias Alfredo Sia.24 –The provider, not to mention a vocational and college
Court ruled that the determination of degree holder. Admittedly, testimonies in favor of
lucrative income or occupation should be an applicant for naturalization are expected to be
reckoned as of the time of the filing of the self-serving. Nevertheless, the Court finds it
petition. The Court decided against the difficult to agree with the OSG’s meager use of
petitioner as his regular salary was not government data to prove that Karbasi would
ample enough to defray his family’s become a burden to the Philippine society in the
expenses. The excess amounts future. Except for its own citation of government
representing his bonuses and commissions data, nothing else was presented to establish that
should not be considered in determining Karbasi had indeed no lucrative income or trade to
whether or not petitioner had a lucrative support himself and his family.
income or occupation.
To accept the OSG’s logic is a dangerous precedent
With the pronouncements in these cases in mind, that would peg the compliance to this requirement
the comparison made by the OSG now begets in the law to a comparison with the results of
another question: can the possession of an research, the purpose of which is unclear. This is
applicant’s lucrative trade, profession or lawful not to say that the data produced by government
occupation, for purposes of naturalization, be fairly research are inappropriate, or much less irrelevant
determined through a simplistic read-through on in judicial proceedings. The plain reliance on this
government data? research information, however, may not be
expected to produce the force of logic which the
The Court answers in the negative. OSG wants to attain in this case. Besides, had the
law intended for government data on livelihood
While it is true that a naturalization case is not an and income research to be used as a gauge for the
ordinary judicial contest to be decided in favor of "lucrative income" requirement, it must have
the party whose claim is supported by the stated the same and foreclosed the Court’s power
preponderance of the evidence, this does not to assess existing facts in any given case. Here, the
accord infallibility on any and all of the OSG’s Court opts to exercise this power and delve into a
assertions. If this were the case, the rules of judicious review of the findings of the RTC and the
evidence might as well be brushed aside in order to CA and, as explained, to rule that Karbasi,
accord conclusiveness to every opposition by the possesses a lucrative income and a lawful
Republic. Needless to state, the Court still has the occupation, as required by the Naturalization
final authority and duty to evaluate the records of Law.1âwphi1
proceedings a quo and decide on the issues with
fair and sound judgment. At this point, it is worthy to note the Court’s ruling
in Republic v. Court of Appeals and
Here, it is clear that the circumstances prevailing in 25
Chua (Chua), where the Court assessed the
the above-cited cases are not at all attendant in prevailing circumstances of an applicant for
Karbasi’s situation. There was neither a showing naturalization who was a medical student at the
that Karbasi was dependent on another person for time of the filing of her petition. In Chua, the Court
support nor proof that his family’s extraordinary rejected the Republic’s argument that the
expenses that would render his income as applicant’s status as a subsequent passer of the
inadequate. As in any other business venture, the Board Examinations of 1985 for Doctors of
risk of losses is a possibility for his repair shop but, Medicine could not by itself be equated with
still, this risk was not clearly established to render "gainful employment or tangible receipts." The
Court held that this interpretation of the income made entrepreneur who can ably support himself
requirement in the law is "too literal and and his family. As such, there is no showing that
restrictive." It then cited Uy v. Republic,26 where Karbasi may turn out to be a public charge and a
the Court laid down the public policy underlying burden to our country’s resources. The fact
the lucrative income requirement as follows: moreover that he overcame this adversity through
his education and skills shows that he is a potential
[T]he Court must be satisfied that there is asset of the country.
reasonable assurance not only that the applicant
will not be a social burden or liability but that he is Second. The OSG raised the issue of Karbasi’s
a potential asset to the country he seeks to adopt alleged underdeclaration of income in his ITRs. It
for himself and quite literally, for his children and contended that even if Karbasi had, indeed, a
his children's children. lucrative means of earning, his failure to declare
the income which he had earned from service
The Court, in Chua, continued: contracts and to present any proof of the
withholding of the taxes thereon, would reflect
The economic qualification for naturalization may adversely on his conduct, which under the statute
be seen to embody the objective of ensuring that must be "proper and irreproachable." The OSG
the petitioner would not become a public charge cited Lim Eng Yu v. Republic28 (Lim Eng Yu), where
or an economic burden upon society. The the applicant later refuted the amounts reflected
requirement relates, in other words, not simply to in his ITRs in order to prove that he had lucrative
the time of execution of the petition for trade or occupation. The Court rebuffed this
naturalization but also to the probable future of "eleventh hour explanation" and concluded that
the applicant for naturalization. In the case at bar, the applicant had to conceal his true income for the
the Solicitor General does not dispute that purpose of evading payment of lawful taxes. The
respondent applicant, then a student, was earning Court found that Lim Eng Yu, at that time, had a
P2,000.00 a month, with free board and lodging, at wife and two children, so, at most, his total tax
the time she filed her Petition in August 1984. exemption then, was P5,000.00. Had he stated the
While this amount was not, even in 1984, exactly a net incomes he claimed in his ITRs, he would have
princely sum, she was not then a public charge and been required to pay income taxes, it appearing
the respondent applicant having passed the that the same exceeded his exemption under the
qualifying medical board examinations, can law. Such conduct showed that Lim Eng Yu’s moral
scarcely be regarded as likely to become a public character was not irreproachable, or as good as it
charge in the future should she be admitted as a should be, thus, disqualifying him for
citizen of this Republic. Respondent is certainly in a naturalization.
position to earn substantial income if allowed to
exercise her profession. Being a Doctor of Like the CA, the Court is inclined not to apply the
Medicine, she is also clearly a "potential asset to rigidity of the ruling in Lim Eng Yu to the present
the country."27 case. Unlike Lim Eng Yu, Karbasi did not deny the
charge of the OSG and instead admitted a
As in Chua’s case, it does not at all seem likely that procedural lapse on his part. Here, there is no
Karbasi, in his current circumstances, will ever showing that the income earned by Karbasi was
become a public charge. It bears emphasis to note undeclared in order to benefit from statutory tax
that from a refugee who had nothing when he exemptions. To clarify, this does not intend to
came to the Philippines, Karbasi had indeed downplay the requirement of good moral
refused to be the object of charity by working hard character in naturalization cases. It bears stressing
to graduate from college and to eventually engage that the granting of applications for naturalization
in business to give his family support and comfort. still necessitates that only those who are deserving
The CA could not have explained this in better may be admitted as Filipino citizens. The character
terms— of the applicant remains to be one of the significant
measures to determine entitlement to Filipino
Thus, Karbasi went from being a refugee – who was citizenship. Nonetheless, the tenor of the ground
dependent on the UNCHR for support – to a self-
used for the denial of the application in Lim Eng Third. Considering the above disquisitions, the
Yu is not akin to what happened in this case. Court does not need to belabor the last issue on
reciprocity between Iranian and Philippine laws on
Clearly, in Lim Eng Yu, the petitioner altogether naturalization. True, the Naturalization Law
intended to evade the payment of taxes by abusing disqualifies citizens or subjects of a foreign country
the benefits granted by tax exemptions.1âwphi1 In whose laws do not grant Filipinos the right to
this case, Karbasi did not deny that he gained become naturalized citizens or subjects. A perusal
income through his transactions with Daewoo and of Karbasi’s petition, both with the RTC and the CA,
Kolin. He even presented, as evidence, the together with his supplemental pleadings filed with
contracts of service he had entered into with the the Court, however, reveals that he has
companies including a Summary of Accounts paid successfully established his refugee status upon
to his repair shop. He did not disclaim that he had arrival in the Philippines. In effect, the country’s
rendered services to these companies and that he obligations under its various international
had earned a considerable sum therefrom. Instead, commitments come into operation. Articles 6 and
he explained the cause of his lapse and 34 of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of
acknowledged his mistaken belief that his earnings Refugees, to which the Philippines is a signatory,
from these transactions need not be declared in his must be considered in this case, to wit:
ITRs as these were withheld already.
Article 6 of the 1951 Convention:
Again, it is not the objective of the Court to justify
irregularities in ITRs by reason of a "mistaken For the purposes of this Convention, the term "in
belief." The Court, however, finds it difficult to the same circumstances" implies that any
equate Karbasi’s lapse with a moral depravity that requirements (including requirements as to length
is fatal to his application for Filipino citizenship. and conditions of sojourn or residence) which the
This mistaken understanding of the proper way to particular individual would have to fulfill for the
declare income is actually so common to individual enjoyment of the right in question, if he were not a
taxpayers, including lawyers and other refugee, must be fulfilled by him, with the
professionals. While this is not to be taken as an exception of requirements which by their nature a
excuse for every irregularity in ITRs, the Court is not refugee is incapable of fulfilling.
prepared to consider this as an outright reflection
of one’s immoral inclinations. With due Article 34 of the 1951 Convention:
consideration to his character as established by
witnesses, and as observed by the RTC during the The Contracting States shall as far as
hearings, Karbasi should be deemed to have possible facilitate the assimilation and
sufficiently explained his mistake. naturalization of refugees. They shall in
particular make every effort to expedite
In the case of Chua, the Court had even naturalization proceedings and to reduce as far as
disregarded the OSG’s argument that the possible the charges and costs of such proceedings.
applicant’s failure to execute her ITR "reflects
adversely on her conduct." Her explanation of non- In the same vein, Article 729 of the said Convention
filing as an "honest mistake" was accepted by the expressly provides exemptions from reciprocity,
Court with due regard to the other circumstances while Article 34 states the earnest obligation of
of her case. Like the CA, the Court also finds the contracting parties to "as far as possible facilitate
same degree of sincerity in Karbasi’s case, for he the assimilation and naturalization of refugees." As
was candid enough to elicit this conclusion. applied to this case, Karbasi' s status as a refugee
Besides, there was no suggestion in the records has to end with the attainment of Filipino
that Karbasi habitually excluded particular income citizenship, in consonance with Philippine statutory
in his ITRs. Echoing the findings in Chua, the Court requirements and international obligations.
does not believe that this one lapse should be Indeed, the Naturalization Law must be read in
regarded as having so blackened Karbasi’s light of the developments in international human
character as to disqualify him from naturalization rights law specifically the granting of nationality to
as a Philippine citizen. refugees and stateless persons.
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. September 1968, Emiliano reported and registered
petitioner as a foundling with the Office of the Civil
SO ORDERED. Registrar of Iloilo City (OCR-Iloilo). In her Foundling
Certificate and Certificate of Live Birth, the
G.R. No. 221697 petitioner was given the name "Mary Grace
Natividad Contreras Militar." 1
LLAMANZARES, Petitioners, When petitioner was five (5) years old, celebrity
vs. spouses Ronald Allan Kelley Poe (a.k.a. Fenando
COMELEC AND ESTRELLA C. Poe, Jr.) and Jesusa Sonora Poe (a.k.a. Susan Roces)
ELAMPARO Respondents. filed a petition for her adoption with the Municipal
Trial Court (MTC) of San Juan City. On 13 May 1974,
x-----------------------x the trial court granted their petition and ordered
that petitioner's name be changed from "Mary
G.R. No. 221698-700 Grace Natividad Contreras Militar" to "Mary Grace
Natividad Sonora Poe." Although necessary
MARY GRACE NATIVIDAD S. POE- notations were made by OCR-Iloilo on petitioner's
LLAMANZARES, Petitioners, foundling certificate reflecting the court decreed
vs. adoption,2 the petitioner's adoptive mother
COMELEC, FRANCISCO S. TATAD, ANTONIO P. discovered only sometime in the second half of
CONTRERAS AND AMADO D. VALDEZ Respondents. 2005 that the lawyer who handled petitioner's
adoption failed to secure from the OCR-Iloilo a new
DECISION Certificate of Live Birth indicating petitioner's new
name and the name of her adoptive
PEREZ, J.: parents. 3 Without delay, petitioner's mother
executed an affidavit attesting to the lawyer's
Before the Court are two consolidated petitions omission which she submitted to the OCR-Iloilo. On
under Rule 64 in relation to Rule 65 of the Rules of 4 May 2006, OCR-Iloilo issued a new Certificate of
Court with extremely urgent application for an ex Live Birth in the name of Mary Grace Natividad
parte issuance of temporary Sonora Poe.4
restraining order/status quo ante order and/or writ
of preliminary injunction assailing the following: (1) Having reached the age of eighteen (18) years in
1 December 2015 Resolution of the Commission on 1986, petitioner registered as a voter with the local
Elections (COMELEC) Second Division; (2) 23 COMELEC Office in San Juan City. On 13 December
December 2015 Resolution of the COMELEC En 1986, she received her COMELEC Voter's
Banc, in SPA No. 15-001 (DC); (3) 11 December Identification Card for Precinct No. 196 in
2015 Resolution of the COMELEC First Division; and Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila. 5
( 4) 23 December 2015 Resolution of the
COMELEC En Banc, in SPA No. 15-002 (DC), SPA No. On 4 April 1988, petitioner applied for and was
15-007 (DC) and SPA No. 15-139 (DC) for having issued Philippine Passport No. F9272876 by the
been issued without jurisdiction or with grave Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA). Subsequently,
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of on 5 April 1993 and 19 May 1998, she renewed her
jurisdiction. Philippine passport and respectively secured
Philippine Passport Nos. L881511 and DD156616. 7
The Facts
Initially, the petitioner enrolled and pursued a
Mary Grace Natividad S. Poe-Llamanzares degree in Development Studies at the University of
(petitioner) was found abandoned as a newborn the Philippines8 but she opted to continue her
infant in the Parish Church of Jaro, Iloilo by a studies abroad and left for the United States of
certain Edgardo Militar (Edgardo) on 3 September America (U.S.) in 1988. Petitioner graduated in
1968. Parental care and custody over petitioner 1991 from Boston College in Chestnuts Hill,
was passed on by Edgardo to his relatives, Emiliano
Militar (Emiliano) and his wife. Three days after, 6
Massachusetts where she earned her Bachelor of procedure to be followed in bringing their pet dog
Arts degree in Political Studies. 9 into the country.22 As early as 2004, the petitioner
already quit her job in the U.S.23
On 27 July 1991, petitioner married Teodoro
Misael Daniel V. Llamanzares (Llamanzares), a Finally, petitioner came home to the Philippines on
citizen of both the Philippines and the U.S., at 24 May 200524 and without delay, secured a Tax
Sanctuario de San Jose Parish in San Juan Identification Number from the Bureau of Internal
City. 10 Desirous of being with her husband who Revenue. Her three (3) children immediately
was then based in the U.S., the couple flew back to followed25 while her husband was forced to stay in
the U.S. two days after the wedding ceremony or the U.S. to complete pending projects as well as to
on 29 July 1991. 11 arrange the sale of their family home there. 26

While in the U.S., the petitioner gave birth to her The petitioner and her children briefly stayed at her
eldest child Brian Daniel (Brian) on 16 April mother's place until she and her husband
1992.12 Her two daughters Hanna MacKenzie purchased a condominium unit with a parking slot
(Hanna) and Jesusa Anika (Anika) were both born at One Wilson Place Condominium in San Juan City
in the Philippines on 10 July 1998 and 5 June 2004, in the second half of 2005.27 The corresponding
respectively. 13 Condominium Certificates of Title covering the unit
and parking slot were issued by the Register of
On 18 October 2001, petitioner became a Deeds of San Juan City to petitioner and her
naturalized American citizen. 14 She obtained U.S. husband on 20 February 2006.28 Meanwhile, her
Passport No. 017037793 on 19 December 2001. 15 children of school age began attending Philippine
private schools.
On 8 April 2004, the petitioner came back to the
Philippines together with Hanna to support her On 14 February 2006, the petitioner made a quick
father's candidacy for President in the May 2004 trip to the U.S. to supervise the disposal of some of
elections. It was during this time that she gave birth the family's remaining household belongings.29 She
to her youngest daughter Anika. She returned to travelled back to the Philippines on 11 March
the U.S. with her two daughters on 8 July 2004. 16 2006.30

After a few months, specifically on 13 December In late March 2006, petitioner's husband officially
2004, petitioner rushed back to the Philippines informed the U.S. Postal Service of the family's
upon learning of her father's deteriorating medical change and abandonment of their address in the
condition. 17 Her father slipped into a coma and U.S.31 The family home was eventually sold on 27
eventually expired. The petitioner stayed in the April 2006.32 Petitioner's husband resigned from
country until 3 February 2005 to take care of her his job in the U.S. in April 2006, arrived in the
father's funeral arrangements as well as to assist in country on 4 May 2006 and started working for a
the settlement of his estate.18 major Philippine company in July 2006.33

According to the petitioner, the untimely demise of In early 2006, petitioner and her husband acquired
her father was a severe blow to her entire family. a 509-square meter lot in Corinthian Hills, Quezon
In her earnest desire to be with her grieving City where they built their family home 34 and to
mother, the petitioner and her husband decided to this day, is where the couple and their children
move and reside permanently in the Philippines have been residing.35 A Transfer Certificate of Title
sometime in the first quarter of 2005.19 The couple covering said property was issued in the couple's
began preparing for their resettlement including name by the Register of Deeds of Quezon City on
notification of their children's schools that they will 1June 2006.
be transferring to Philippine schools for the next
semester;20 coordination with property movers for On 7 July 2006, petitioner took her Oath of
the relocation of their household goods, furniture Allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines
and cars from the U.S. to the Philippines; 21 and pursuant to Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9225 or the
inquiry with Philippine authorities as to the proper Citizenship Retention and Re-acquisition Act of
2003.36 Under the same Act, she filed with the On 9 December 2011, the U.S. Vice Consul issued
Bureau of Immigration (BI) a sworn petition to to petitioner a "Certificate of Loss of Nationality of
reacquire Philippine citizenship together with the United States" effective 21 October 2010.52
petitions for derivative citizenship on behalf of her
three minor children on 10 July 2006.37 As can be On 2 October 2012, the petitioner filed with the
gathered from its 18 July 2006 Order, the BI acted COMELEC her Certificate of Candidacy (COC) for
favorably on petitioner's petitions and declared Senator for the 2013 Elections wherein she
that she is deemed to have reacquired her answered "6 years and 6 months" to the question
Philippine citizenship while her children are "Period of residence in the Philippines before May
considered as citizens of the 13, 2013."53 Petitioner obtained the highest
38 number of votes and was proclaimed Senator on
Philippines. Consequently, the BI issued
Identification Certificates (ICs) in petitioner's name 16 May 2013. 54
and in the names of her three (3) children. 39
On 19 December 2013, petitioner obtained
Again, petitioner registered as a voter Philippine Diplomatic Passport No. DE0004530. 55
of Barangay Santa Lucia, San Juan City on 31
August 2006.40 She also secured from the DFA a On 15 October 2015, petitioner filed her COC for
new Philippine Passport bearing the No. the Presidency for the May 2016 Elections. 56 In her
XX4731999.41 This passport was renewed on 18 COC, the petitioner declared that she is a natural-
March 2014 and she was issued Philippine Passport born citizen and that her residence in the
No. EC0588861 by the DFA.42 Philippines up to the day before 9 May 2016 would
be ten (10) years and eleven (11) months counted
On 6 October 2010, President Benigno S. Aquino III from 24 May 2005.57 The petitioner attached to
appointed petitioner as Chairperson of the Movie her COC an "Affidavit Affirming Renunciation of
and Television Review and Classification Board U.S.A. Citizenship" subscribed and sworn to before
(MTRCB).43 Before assuming her post, petitioner a notary public in Quezon City on 14 October
executed an "Affidavit of Renunciation of 2015. 58
Allegiance to the United States of America and
Renunciation of American Citizenship" before a Petitioner's filing of her COC for President in the
notary public in Pasig City on 20 October 2010,44 in upcoming elections triggered the filing of several
satisfaction of the legal requisites stated in Section COMELEC cases against her which were the subject
5 of R.A. No. 9225.45 The following day, 21 October of these consolidated cases.
2010 petitioner submitted the said affidavit to the
BI46 and took her oath of office as Chairperson of Origin of Petition for Certiorari in G.R. No. 221697
the MTRCB.47 From then on, petitioner stopped
using her American passport.48 A day after petitioner filed her COC for President,
Estrella Elamparo (Elamparo) filed a petition to
On 12 July 2011, the petitioner executed before deny due course or cancel said COC which was
the Vice Consul of the U.S. Embassy in Manila an docketed as SPA No. 15-001 (DC) and raffled to the
"Oath/Affirmation of Renunciation of Nationality of COMELEC Second Division.59 She is convinced that
the United States."49 On that day, she the COMELEC has jurisdiction over her
accomplished a sworn questionnaire before the petition.60 Essentially, Elamparo's contention is
U.S. Vice Consul wherein she stated that she had that petitioner committed material
taken her oath as MTRCB Chairperson on 21 misrepresentation when she stated in her COC that
October 2010 with the intent, among others, of she is a natural-born Filipino citizen and that she is
relinquishing her American citizenship. 50 In the a resident of the Philippines for at least ten (10)
same questionnaire, the petitioner stated that she years and eleven (11) months up to the day before
had resided outside of the U.S., specifically in the the 9 May 2016 Elections.61
Philippines, from 3 September 1968 to 29 July 1991
and from May 2005 to present.51 On the issue of citizenship, Elamparo argued that
petitioner cannot be considered as a natural-born
Filipino on account of the fact that she was a
foundling.62 Elamparo claimed that international (3) she did not make any material
law does not confer natural-born status and misrepresentation in the COC regarding her
Filipino citizenship on foundlings.63 Following this citizenship and residency qualifications for:
line of reasoning, petitioner is not qualified to apply
for reacquisition of Filipino citizenship under R.A. a. the 1934 Constitutional
No. 9225 for she is not a natural-born Filipino Convention deliberations show that
citizen to begin with.64 Even foundlings were considered
assuming arguendo that petitioner was a natural- citizens;
born Filipino, she is deemed to have lost that status
when she became a naturalized American b. foundlings are presumed under
citizen.65 According to Elamparo, natural-born international law to have been born
citizenship must be continuous from birth. 66 of citizens of the place where they
are found;
On the matter of petitioner's residency, Elamparo
pointed out that petitioner was bound by the c. she reacquired her natural-born
sworn declaration she made in her 2012 COC for Philippine citizenship under the
Senator wherein she indicated that she had resided provisions of R.A. No. 9225;
in the country for only six ( 6) years and six ( 6)
months as of May 2013 Elections. Elamparo d. she executed a sworn
likewise insisted that assuming arguendo that renunciation of her American
petitioner is qualified to regain her natural-born citizenship prior to the filing of her
status under R.A. No. 9225, she still fell short of the COC for President in the May 9,
ten-year residency requirement of the Constitution 2016 Elections and that the same is
as her residence could only be counted at the in full force and effect and has not
earliest from July 2006, when she reacquired been withdrawn or recanted;
Philippine citizenship under the said Act. Also on
the assumption that petitioner is qualified to e. the burden was on Elamparo in
reacquire lost Philippine Citizenship, Elamparo is of proving that she did not possess
the belief that she failed to reestablish her domicile natural-born status;
in the Philippines.67
f. residence is a matter of evidence
Petitioner seasonably filed her Answer wherein she and that she reestablished her
countered that: domicile in the Philippines as early
as May 24, 2005;
(1) the COMELEC did not have jurisdiction
over Elamparo's petition as it was actually a g. she could reestablish residence
petition for quo warranto which could only even before she reacquired natural-
be filed if Grace Poe wins in the Presidential born citizenship under R.A. No.
elections, and that the Department of 9225;
Justice (DOJ) has primary jurisdiction to
revoke the BI's July 18, 2006 Order; h. statement regarding the period
of residence in her 2012 COC for
(2) the petition failed to state a cause of Senator was an honest mistake, not
action because it did not contain binding and should give way to
allegations which, if hypothetically evidence on her true date of
admitted, would make false the statement reacquisition of domicile;
in her COC that she is a natural-born Filipino
citizen nor was there any allegation that i. Elamparo's petition is merely an
there was a willful or deliberate intent to action to usurp the sovereign right
misrepresent on her part; of the Filipino people to decide a
purely political question, that is,
should she serve as the country's excluded. He averred that the fact that foundlings
next leader.68 were not expressly included in the categories of
citizens in the 193 5 Constitution is indicative of the
After the parties submitted their respective framers' intent to exclude them. 74 Therefore, the
Memoranda, the petition was deemed submitted burden lies on petitioner to prove that she is a
for resolution. natural-born citizen.75

On 1 December 2015, the COMELEC Second Neither can petitioner seek refuge under
Division promulgated a Resolution finding that international conventions or treaties to support
petitioner's COC, filed for the purpose of running her claim that foundlings have a
for the President of the Republic of the Philippines 76
nationality. According to Tatad, international
in the 9 May 2016 National and Local Elections, conventions and treaties are not self-executory
contained material representations which are and that local legislations are necessary in order to
false. The fallo of the aforesaid Resolution reads: give effect to treaty obligations assumed by the
Philippines.77 He also stressed that there is no
WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing standard state practice that automatically confers
considerations, the instant Petition to Deny Due natural-born status to foundlings.78
Course to or Cancel Certificate of Candidacy is
hereby GRANTED. Accordingly, the Certificate of Similar to Elamparo's argument, Tatad claimed that
Candidacy for President of the Republic of the petitioner cannot avail of the option to reacquire
Philippines in the May 9, 2016 National and Local Philippine citizenship under R.A. No. 9225 because
Elections filed by respondent Mary Grace Natividad it only applies to former natural-born citizens and
Sonora Poe Llamanzares is hereby CANCELLED.69 petitioner was not as she was a foundling. 79

Motion for Reconsideration of the 1 December Referring to petitioner's COC for Senator, Tatad
2015 Resolution was filed by petitioner which the concluded that she did not comply with the ten
COMELEC En Banc resolved in its 23 December (10) year residency requirement. 80 Tatad opined
2015 Resolution by denying the same.70 that petitioner acquired her domicile in Quezon
City only from the time she renounced her
Origin of Petition for Certiorari in G.R. Nos. American citizenship which was sometime in 2010
221698-700 or 2011.81 Additionally, Tatad questioned
petitioner's lack of intention to abandon her U.S.
This case stemmed from three (3) separate domicile as evinced by the fact that her husband
petitions filed by Francisco S. Tatad (Tatad), stayed thereat and her frequent trips to the U.S. 82
Antonio P. Contreras (Contreras) and Amado D.
Valdez (Valdez) against petitioner before the In support of his petition to deny due course or
COMELEC which were consolidated and raffled to cancel the COC of petitioner, docketed as SPA No.
its First Division. 15-139 (DC), Valdez alleged that her repatriation
under R.A. No. 9225 did not bestow upon her the
In his petition to disqualify petitioner under Rule 25 status of a natural-born citizen.83 He advanced the
of the COMELEC Rules of Procedure,71 docketed as view that former natural-born citizens who are
SPA No. 15-002 (DC), Tatad alleged that petitioner repatriated under the said Act reacquires only their
lacks the requisite residency and citizenship to Philippine citizenship and will not revert to their
qualify her for the Presidency.72 original status as natural-born citizens.84

Tatad theorized that since the Philippines adheres He further argued that petitioner's own admission
to the principle of jus sanguinis, persons of in her COC for Senator that she had only been a
unknown parentage, particularly foundlings, resident of the Philippines for at least six (6) years
cannot be considered natural-born Filipino citizens and six (6) months prior to the 13 May 2013
since blood relationship is determinative of Elections operates against her. Valdez rejected
natural-born status.73 Tatad invoked the rule of petitioner's claim that she could have validly
statutory construction that what is not included is reestablished her domicile in the Philippines prior
to her reacquisition of Philippine citizenship. In presumption in her favor that she is a natural-born
effect, his position was that petitioner did not meet citizen of this country.
the ten (10) year residency requirement for
President. Fourth, customary international law dictates that
foundlings are entitled to a nationality and are
Unlike the previous COMELEC cases filed against presumed to be citizens of the country where they
petitioner, Contreras' petition,85 docketed as SPA are found.94 Consequently, the petitioner is
No. 15-007 (DC), limited the attack to the residency considered as a natural-born citizen of the
issue. He claimed that petitioner's 2015 COC for Philippines.95
President should be cancelled on the ground that
she did not possess the ten-year period of Fifth, she claimed that as a natural-born citizen,
residency required for said candidacy and that she she has every right to be repatriated under R.A. No.
made false entry in her COC when she stated that 9225 or the right to reacquire her natural-born
she is a legal resident of the Philippines for ten (10) status.96 Moreover, the official acts of the
years and eleven (11) months by 9 May Philippine Government enjoy the presumption of
2016.86 Contreras contended that the reckoning regularity, to wit: the issuance of the 18 July 2006
period for computing petitioner's residency in the Order of the BI declaring her as natural-born
Philippines should be from 18 July 2006, the date citizen, her appointment as MTRCB Chair and the
when her petition to reacquire Philippine issuance of the decree of adoption of San Juan
citizenship was approved by the BI. 87 He asserted RTC.97 She believed that all these acts reinforced
that petitioner's physical presence in the country her position that she is a natural-born citizen of the
before 18 July 2006 could not be valid evidence of Philippines.98
reacquisition of her Philippine domicile since she
was then living here as an American citizen and as Sixth, she maintained that as early as the first
such, she was governed by the Philippine quarter of 2005, she started reestablishing her
immigration laws.88 domicile of choice in the Philippines as
demonstrated by her children's resettlement and
In her defense, petitioner raised the following schooling in the country, purchase of a
arguments: condominium unit in San Juan City and the
construction of their family home in Corinthian
First, Tatad's petition should be dismissed outright Hills.99
for failure to state a cause of action. His petition did
not invoke grounds proper for a disqualification Seventh, she insisted that she could legally
case as enumerated under Sections 12 and 68 of reestablish her domicile of choice in the Philippines
the Omnibus Election Code.89 Instead, Tatad even before she renounced her American
completely relied on the alleged lack of residency citizenship as long as the three determinants for a
and natural-born status of petitioner which are not change of domicile are complied with.100 She
among the recognized grounds for the reasoned out that there was no requirement that
disqualification of a candidate to an elective renunciation of foreign citizenship is a prerequisite
office.90 for the acquisition of a new domicile of choice. 101

Second, the petitions filed against her are basically Eighth, she reiterated that the period appearing in
petitions for quo warranto as they focus on the residency portion of her COC for Senator was a
establishing her ineligibility for the Presidency. 91 A mistake made in good faith.102
petition for quo warranto falls within the exclusive
jurisdiction of the Presidential Electoral Tribunal In a Resolution103 promulgated on 11 December
(PET) and not the COMELEC.92 2015, the COMELEC First Division ruled that
petitioner is not a natural-born citizen, that she
Third, the burden to prove that she is not a natural- failed to complete the ten (10) year residency
born Filipino citizen is on the requirement, and that she committed material
93 misrepresentation in her COC when she declared
respondents. Otherwise stated, she has a
therein that she has been a resident of the
Philippines for a period of ten (10) years and eleven Mary Grace Natividad Sonora Poe-
(11) months as of the day of the elections on 9 May Llamanzares, respondent; SPA No. 15-007
2016. The COMELEC First Division concluded that (DC) entitled Antonio P. Contreras,
she is not qualified for the elective position of petitioner, vs. Mary Grace Natividad Sonora
President of the Republic of the Philippines. The Poe-Llamanzares, respondent; and SPA No.
dispositive portion of said Resolution reads: 15-139 (DC) entitled Amado D. Valdez,
petitioner, v. Mary Grace Natividad Sonora
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Poe-Llamanzares, respondent.
Commission RESOLVED, as it hereby RESOLVES,
to GRANT the Petitions and cancel the Certificate 3. Resolution dated 23 December 2015 of
of Candidacy of MARY GRACE NATIVIDAD SONORA the Commission En Banc, upholding the 1
POE-LLAMANZARES for the elective position of December 2015 Resolution of the Second
President of the Republic of the Philippines in Division.
connection with the 9 May 2016 Synchronized
Local and National Elections. 4. Resolution dated 23 December 2015 of
the Commission En Banc, upholding the 11
Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration December 2015 Resolution of the First
seeking a reversal of the COMELEC First Division's Division.
Resolution. On 23 December 2015, the
COMELEC En Banc issued a Resolution denying The procedure and the conclusions from which the
petitioner's motion for reconsideration. questioned Resolutions emanated are tainted with
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack of
Alarmed by the adverse rulings of the COMELEC, jurisdiction. The petitioner is a QUALIFIED
petitioner instituted the present petitions CANDIDATE for President in the 9 May 2016
for certiorari with urgent prayer for the issuance of National Elections.
an ex parte temporary restraining order/status quo
ante order and/or writ of preliminary injunction. The issue before the COMELEC is whether or not
On 28 December 2015, temporary restraining the COC of petitioner should be denied due course
orders were issued by the Court enjoining the or cancelled "on the exclusive ground" that she
COMELEC and its representatives from made in the certificate a false material
implementing the assailed COMELEC Resolutions representation. The exclusivity of the ground
until further orders from the Court. The Court also should hedge in the discretion of the COMELEC and
ordered the consolidation of the two petitions filed restrain it from going into the issue of the
by petitioner in its Resolution of 12 January 2016. qualifications of the candidate for the position, if,
Thereafter, oral arguments were held in these as in this case, such issue is yet undecided or
cases. undetermined by the proper authority. The
COMELEC cannot itself, in the same cancellation
The Court GRANTS the petition of Mary Grace case, decide the qualification or lack thereof of the
Natividad S. Poe-Llamanzares and to ANNUL and candidate.
We rely, first of all, on the Constitution of our
1. Resolution dated 1 December 2015 Republic, particularly its provisions in Article IX, C,
rendered through its Second Division, in Section 2:
SPA No. 15-001 (DC),
entitled Estrella C. Elamparo, petitioner, vs. Section 2. The Commission on Elections shall
Mary Grace Natividad Sonora Poe- exercise the following powers and functions:
(1) Enforce and administer all laws
2. Resolution dated 11 December 2015, and regulations relative to the
rendered through its First Division, in the conduct of an election, plebiscite,
consolidated cases SPA No. 15-002 (DC) initiative, referendum, and recall.
entitled Francisco S. Tatad, petitioner, vs.
(2) Exercise exclusive original supported by any foreign
jurisdiction over all contests relating government shall likewise be
to the elections, returns, and refused registration.
qualifications of all elective
regional, provincial, and city Financial contributions from foreign
officials, and appellate jurisdiction governments and their agencies to
over all contests involving elective political parties, organizations,
municipal officials decided by trial coalitions, or candidates related to
courts of general jurisdiction, or elections constitute interference in
involving elective barangay officials national affairs, and, when
decided by trial courts of limited accepted, shall be an additional
jurisdiction. ground for the cancellation of their
registration with the Commission,
Decisions, final orders, or rulings of in addition to other penalties that
the Commission on election may be prescribed by law.
contests involving elective
municipal and barangay offices shall (6) File, upon a verified complaint,
be final, executory, and not or on its own initiative, petitions in
appealable. court for inclusion or exclusion of
voters; investigate and, where
(3) Decide, except those involving appropriate, prosecute cases of
the right to vote, all questions violations of election laws, including
affecting elections, including acts or omissions constituting
determination of the number and election frauds, offenses, and
location of polling places, malpractices.
appointment of election officials
and inspectors, and registration of (7) Recommend to the Congress
voters. effective measures to minimize
election spending, including
(4) Deputize, with the concurrence limitation of places where
of the President, law enforcement propaganda materials shall be
agencies and instrumentalities of posted, and to prevent and penalize
the Government, including the all forms of election frauds,
Armed Forces of the Philippines, for offenses, malpractices, and
the exclusive purpose of ensuring nuisance candidacies.
free, orderly, honest, peaceful, and
credible elections. (8) Recommend to the President
the removal of any officer or
(5) Register, after sufficient employee it has deputized, or the
publication, political parties, imposition of any other disciplinary
organizations, or coalitions which, action, for violation or disregard of,
in addition to other requirements, or disobedience to its directive,
must present their platform or order, or decision.
program of government; and
accredit citizens' arms of the (9) Submit to the President and the
Commission on Elections. Religious Congress a comprehensive report
denominations and sects shall not on the conduct of each election,
be registered. Those which seek to plebiscite, initiative, referendum, or
achieve their goals through violence recall.
or unlawful means, or refuse to
uphold and adhere to this Not any one of the enumerated powers
Constitution, or which are approximate the exactitude of the provisions of
Article VI, Section 17 of the same basic law stating Grounds for disqualification. - Any
that: candidate who does not possess all
the qualifications of a candidate as
The Senate and the House of provided for by the Constitution or
Representatives shall each have an by existing law or who commits any
Electoral Tribunal which shall be the sole act declared by law to be grounds
judge of all contests relating to the election, for disqualification may be
returns, and qualifications of their disqualified from continuing as a
respective Members. Each Electoral candidate.
Tribunal shall be composed of nine
Members, three of whom shall be Justices The lack of provision for declaring the ineligibility
of the Supreme Court to be designated by of candidates, however, cannot be supplied by a
the Chief Justice, and the remaining six shall mere rule. Such an act is equivalent to the creation
be Members of the Senate or the House of of a cause of action which is a substantive matter
Representatives, as the case may be, who which the COMELEC, in the exercise of its rule-
shall be chosen on the basis of proportional making power under Art. IX, A, §6 of the
representation from the political parties Constitution, cannot do it. It is noteworthy that the
and the parties or organizations registered Constitution withholds from the COMELEC even
under the party-list system represented the power to decide cases involving the right to
therein. The senior Justice in the Electoral vote, which essentially involves an inquiry
Tribunal shall be its Chairman. into qualifications based on age,
residence and citizenship of voters. [Art. IX, C,
or of the last paragraph of Article VII, Section 4 §2(3)]
which provides that:
The assimilation in Rule 25 of the COMELEC rules
The Supreme Court, sitting en banc, shall of grounds for ineligibility into grounds for
be the sole judge of all contests relating to disqualification is contrary to the evident intention
the election, returns, and qualifications of of the law. For not only in their grounds but also in
the President or Vice-President, and may their consequences are proceedings for
promulgate its rules for the purpose. "disqualification" different from those for a
declaration of "ineligibility." "Disqualification"
The tribunals which have jurisdiction over the proceedings, as already stated, are based on
question of the qualifications of the President, the grounds specified in § 12 and §68 of the Omnibus
Vice-President, Senators and the Members of the Election Code and in §40 of the Local Government
House of Representatives was made clear by the Code and are for the purpose of barring an
Constitution. There is no such provision for individual from becoming a candidate or from
candidates for these positions. continuing as a candidate for public office. In a
word, their purpose is to eliminate a candidate
Can the COMELEC be such judge? from the race either from the start or during its
progress. "Ineligibility," on the other hand, refers
The opinion of Justice Vicente V. Mendoza to the lack of the qualifications prescribed in the
in Romualdez-Marcos v. Commission on Constitution or the statutes for holding public
Elections,104 which was affirmatively cited in the En office and the purpose of the proceedings for
Banc decision in Fermin v. COMELEC105 is our declaration of ineligibility is to remove the
guide. The citation in Fermin reads: incumbent from office.

Apparently realizing the lack of an authorized Consequently, that an individual possesses the
proceeding for declaring the ineligibility of qualifications for a public office does not imply that
candidates, the COMELEC amended its rules on he is not disqualified from becoming a candidate or
February 15, 1993 so as to provide in Rule 25 § 1, continuing as a candidate for a public office and
the following: vice versa. We have this sort of dichotomy in our
Naturalization Law. (C.A. No. 473) That an alien has
the qualifications prescribed in §2 of the Law does elected. Only in cases involving charges of false
not imply that he does not suffer from any of [the] representations made in certificates of candidacy is
disqualifications provided in §4. the COMELEC given jurisdiction.

Before we get derailed by the distinction as to Third is the policy underlying the prohibition
grounds and the consequences of the respective against pre-proclamation cases in elections for
proceedings, the importance of the opinion is in its President, Vice President, Senators and members
statement that "the lack of provision for declaring of the House of Representatives. (R.A. No. 7166, §
the ineligibility of candidates, however, cannot be 15) The purpose is to preserve the prerogatives of
supplied by a mere rule". Justice Mendoza lectured the House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal
in Romualdez-Marcos that: and the other Tribunals as "sole judges" under the
Constitution of the election,
Three reasons may be cited to explain the absence returns and qualifications of members of Congress
of an authorized proceeding for of the President and Vice President, as the case
determining before election the qualifications of a may be.106
To be sure, the authoritativeness of
First is the fact that unless a candidate wins and is the Romualdez pronouncements as reiterated
proclaimed elected, there is no necessity for in Fermin, led to the amendment through
determining his eligibility for the office. In contrast, COMELEC Resolution No. 9523, on 25 September
whether an individual should be disqualified as a 2012 of its Rule 25. This, the 15 February1993
candidate for acts constituting election version of Rule 25, which states that:
offenses (e.g., vote buying, over spending,
commission of prohibited acts) is a prejudicial Grounds for disqualification. -Any candidate who
question which should be determined lest he wins does not possess all the qualifications of a
because of the very acts for which his candidate as provided for by the Constitution or by
disqualification is being sought. That is why it is existing law or who commits any act declared by
provided that if the grounds for disqualification are law to be grounds for disqualification may be
established, a candidate will not be voted for; if he disqualified from continuing as a candidate. 107
has been voted for, the votes in his favor will not
be counted; and if for some reason he has been was in the 2012 rendition, drastically changed to:
voted for and he has won, either he will not be
proclaimed or his proclamation will be set aside. Grounds. - Any candidate who, in action or protest
in which he is a party, is declared by final decision
Second is the fact that the determination of a of a competent court, guilty of, or found by the
candidates' eligibility, e.g., his citizenship or, as in Commission to be suffering from any
this case, his domicile, may take a long time to disqualification provided by law or the
make, extending beyond the beginning of the term Constitution.
of the office. This is amply demonstrated in the
companion case (G.R. No. 120265, Agapito A. A Petition to Disqualify a Candidate invoking
Aquino v. COMELEC) where the determination of grounds for a Petition to Deny to or Cancel a
Aquino's residence was still pending in the Certificate of Candidacy or Petition to Declare a
COMELEC even after the elections of May 8, 1995. Candidate as a Nuisance Candidate, or a
This is contrary to the summary character combination thereof, shall be summarily
proceedings relating to certificates of candidacy. dismissed.
That is why the law makes the receipt of certificates
of candidacy a ministerial duty of the COMELEC and Clearly, the amendment done in 2012 is an
its officers. The law is satisfied if candidates state in acceptance of the reality of absence of an
their certificates of candidacy that they are eligible authorized proceeding for determining before
for the position which they seek to fill, leaving the election the qualifications of candidate. Such that,
determination of their qualifications to be made as presently required, to disqualify a candidate
after the election and only in the event they are there must be a declaration by a final judgment of
a competent court that the candidate sought to be The fact is that petitioner's blood relationship with
disqualified "is guilty of or found by the a Filipino citizen is DEMONSTRABLE.
Commission to be suffering from any
disqualification provided by law or the At the outset, it must be noted that presumptions
Constitution." regarding paternity is neither unknown nor
unaccepted in Philippine Law. The Family Code of
Insofar as the qualification of a candidate is the Philippines has a whole chapter on Paternity
concerned, Rule 25 and Rule 23 are flipsides of one and Filiation.110 That said, there is more than
to the other. Both do not allow, are not sufficient evider1ce that petitioner has Filipino
authorizations, are not vestment of jurisdiction, for parents and is therefore a natural-born Filipino.
the COMELEC to determine the qualification of a Parenthetically, the burden of proof was on private
candidate. The facts of qualification must respondents to show that petitioner is not a
beforehand be established in a prior proceeding Filipino citizen. The private respondents should
before an authority properly vested with have shown that both of petitioner's parents were
jurisdiction. The prior determination of aliens. Her admission that she is a foundling did not
qualification may be by statute, by executive order shift the burden to her because such status did not
or by a judgment of a competent court or tribunal. exclude the possibility that her parents were
Filipinos, especially as in this case where there is a
If a candidate cannot be disqualified without a prior high probability, if not certainty, that her parents
finding that he or she is suffering from a are Filipinos.
disqualification "provided by law or the
Constitution," neither can the certificate of The factual issue is not who the parents of
candidacy be cancelled or denied due course on petitioner are, as their identities are unknown, but
grounds of false representations regarding his or whether such parents are Filipinos. Under Section
her qualifications, without a prior authoritative 4, Rule 128:
finding that he or she is not qualified, such prior
authority being the necessary measure by which Sect. 4. Relevancy, collateral matters - Evidence
the falsity of the representation can be found. The must have such a relation to the fact in issue as to
only exception that can be conceded are self- induce belief in its existence or no-existence.
evident facts of unquestioned or unquestionable Evidence on collateral matters shall not be allowed,
veracity and judicial confessions. Such are, anyway, except when it tends in any reasonable degree to
bases equivalent to prior decisions against which establish the probability of improbability of the fact
the falsity of representation can be determined. in issue.

The need for a predicate finding or final The Solicitor General offered official statistics from
pronouncement in a proceeding under Rule 23 that the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)111 that
deals with, as in this case, alleged false from 1965 to 1975, the total number of foreigners
representations regarding the candidate's born in the Philippines was 15,986 while the total
citizenship and residence, forced the COMELEC to number of Filipinos born in the country was
rule essentially that since foundlings 108 are not 10,558,278. The statistical probability that any
mentioned in the enumeration of citizens under child born in the Philippines in that decade is
the 1935 Constitution,109 they then cannot be natural-born Filipino was 99.83%. For her part,
citizens. As the COMELEC stated in oral arguments, petitioner presented census statistics for Iloilo
when petitioner admitted that she is a foundling, Province for 1960 and 1970, also from the PSA. In
she said it all. This borders on bigotry. Oddly, in an 1960, there were 962,532 Filipinos and 4,734
effort at tolerance, the COMELEC, after saying that foreigners in the province; 99.62% of the
it cannot rule that herein petitioner possesses population were Filipinos. In 1970, the figures were
blood relationship with a Filipino citizen when "it is 1,162,669 Filipinos and 5,304 foreigners,
certain that such relationship is indemonstrable," or 99.55%. Also presented were figures for the
proceeded to say that "she now has the burden to child producing ages (15-49). In 1960, there were
present evidence to prove her natural filiation with 230,528 female Filipinos as against 730 female
a Filipino parent." foreigners or 99.68%. In the same year, there were
210,349 Filipino males and 886 male aliens, 1,766,046 children born in the Philippines to
or 99.58%. In 1970, there were 270,299 Filipino Filipino parents, as opposed to 1,301 children in
females versus 1, 190 female aliens, the Philippines of foreign parents. Thus, for that
or 99.56%. That same year, there were 245,740 sample period, the ratio of non-Filipino children to
Filipino males as against only 1,165 male aliens natural born Filipino children is 1:1357. This means
or 99.53%. COMELEC did not dispute these figures. that the statistical probability that any child born in
Notably, Commissioner Arthur Lim admitted, the Philippines would be a natural born Filipino is
during the oral arguments, that at the time 99.93%.
petitioner was found in 1968, the majority of the
population in Iloilo was Filipino.112 From 1965 to 1975, the total number of foreigners
born in the Philippines is 15,986 while the total
Other circumstantial evidence of the nationality of number of Filipinos born in the Philippines is
petitioner's parents are the fact that she was 15,558,278. For this period, the ratio of non-
abandoned as an infant in a Roman Catholic Church Filipino children is 1:661. This means that the
in Iloilo City.1âwphi1 She also has typical Filipino statistical probability that any child born in the
features: height, flat nasal bridge, straight black Philippines on that decade would be a natural born
hair, almond shaped eyes and an oval face. Filipino is 99.83%.

There is a disputable presumption that things have We can invite statisticians and social
happened according to the ordinary course of anthropologists to crunch the numbers for us, but
nature and the ordinary habits of life. 113 All of the I am confident that the statistical probability that a
foregoing evidence, that a person with typical child born in the Philippines would be a natural
Filipino features is abandoned in Catholic Church in born Filipino will not be affected by whether or not
a municipality where the population of the the parents are known. If at all, the likelihood that
Philippines is overwhelmingly Filipinos such that a foundling would have a Filipino parent might
there would be more than a 99% chance that a even be higher than 99.9%. Filipinos abandon their
child born in the province would be a Filipino, children out of poverty or perhaps, shame. We do
would indicate more than ample probability if not not imagine foreigners abandoning their children
statistical certainty, that petitioner's parents are here in the Philippines thinking those infants would
Filipinos. That probability and the evidence on have better economic opportunities or believing
which it is based are admissible under Rule 128, that this country is a tropical paradise suitable for
Section 4 of the Revised Rules on Evidence. raising abandoned children. I certainly doubt
whether a foreign couple has ever considered their
To assume otherwise is to accept the absurd, if not child excess baggage that is best left behind.
the virtually impossible, as the norm. In the words
of the Solicitor General: To deny full Filipino citizenship to all foundlings and
render them stateless just because there may be a
Second. It is contrary to common sense because theoretical chance that one among the thousands
foreigners do not come to the Philippines so they of these foundlings might be the child of not just
can get pregnant and leave their newborn babies one, but two, foreigners is downright
behind. We do not face a situation where the discriminatory, irrational, and unjust. It just doesn't
probability is such that every foundling would have make any sense. Given the statistical certainty -
a 50% chance of being a Filipino and a 50% chance 99.9% - that any child born in the Philippines would
of being a foreigner. We need to frame our be a natural born citizen, a decision denying
questions properly. What are the chances that the foundlings such status is effectively a denial of their
parents of anyone born in the Philippines would be birthright. There is no reason why this Honorable
foreigners? Almost zero. What are the chances that Court should use an improbable hypothetical to
the parents of anyone born in the Philippines sacrifice the fundamental political rights of an
would be Filipinos? 99.9%. entire class of human beings. Your Honor,
constitutional interpretation and the use of
According to the Philippine Statistics Authority, common sense are not separate disciplines.
from 2010 to 2014, on a yearly average, there were
As a matter of law, foundlings are as a class, that is, I refer to the Spanish Code wherein all
natural-born citizens. While the 1935 children of unknown parentage born in Spanish
Constitution's enumeration is silent as to territory are considered Spaniards, because the
foundlings, there is no restrictive language which presumption is that a child of unknown parentage
would definitely exclude foundlings either. is the son of a Spaniard. This may be applied in the
Because of silence and ambiguity in the Philippines in that a child of unknown parentage
enumeration with respect to foundlings, there is a born in the Philippines is deemed to be Filipino, and
need to examine the intent of the framers. there is no need ...
In Nitafan v. Commissioner of Internal
Revenue,114 this Court held that: Sr. Rafols:
There is a need, because we are relating the
The ascertainment of that intent is but in conditions that are [required] to be Filipino.
keeping with the fundamental principle of
constitutional construction that the intent Sr. Montinola:
of the framers of the organic law and of the But that is the interpretation of the law, therefore,
people adopting it should be given effect. there is no [more] need for amendment.
The primary task in constitutional
construction is to ascertain and thereafter Sr. Rafols:
assure the realization of the purpose of the The amendment should read thus:
framers and of the people in the adoption "Natural or illegitimate of a foreign father and a
of the Constitution. It may also be safely Filipino mother recognized by one, or the children
assumed that the people in ratifying the of unknown parentage."
Constitution were guided mainly by the
explanation offered by the framers.115 Sr. Briones:
The amendment [should] mean children born in
As pointed out by petitioner as well as the Solicitor the Philippines of unknown parentage.
General, the deliberations of the 1934
Constitutional Convention show that the framers Sr. Rafols:
intended foundlings to be covered by the The son of a Filipina to a Foreigner, although this
enumeration. The following exchange is recorded: [person] does not recognize the child, is not
Sr. Rafols: For an amendment. I propose that after
subsection 2, the following is inserted: "The natural President:
children of a foreign father and a Filipino mother Does the gentleman accept the amendment or
not recognized by the father. not?

xxxx Sr. Rafols:

I do not accept the amendment because the
President: amendment would exclude the children of a
[We] would like to request a clarification from the Filipina with a foreigner who does not recognize
proponent of the amendment. The gentleman the child. Their parentage is not unknown and I
refers to natural children or to any kind of think those of overseas Filipino mother and father
illegitimate children? [whom the latter] does not recognize, should also
be considered as Filipinos.
Sr. Rafols:
To all kinds of illegitimate children. It also includes President:
natural children of unknown parentage, natural or The question in order is the amendment to the
illegitimate children of unknown parents. amendment from the Gentleman from Cebu, Mr.
Sr. Montinola:
For clarification. The gentleman said "of unknown
parents." Current codes consider them Filipino,
Sr. Busion: constitutional silence is by saying that it was the
Mr. President, don't you think it would be better to view of Montinola and Roxas which prevailed that
leave this matter in the hands of the Legislature? there is no more need to expressly declare
foundlings as Filipinos.
Sr. Roxas:
Mr. President, my humble opinion is that these Obviously, it doesn't matter whether Montinola's
cases are few and far in between, that the or Roxas' views were legally correct. Framers of a
constitution need [not] refer to them. By constitution can constitutionalize rules based on
international law the principle that children or assumptions that are imperfect or even wrong.
people born in a country of unknown parents are They can even overturn existing rules. This is basic.
citizens in this nation is recognized, and it is not What matters here is that Montinola and Roxas
necessary to include a provision on the subject were able to convince their colleagues in the
exhaustively.116 convention that there is no more need to expressly
declare foundlings as Filipinos because they are
Though the Rafols amendment was not carried out, already impliedly so recognized.
it was not because there was any objection to the
notion that persons of "unknown parentage" are In other words, the constitutional silence is fully
not citizens but only because their number was not explained in terms of linguistic efficiency and the
enough to merit specific mention. Such was the avoidance of redundancy. The policy is clear: it is to
account,117 cited by petitioner, of delegate and recognize foundlings, as a class, as Filipinos under
constitution law author Jose Aruego who said: Art. IV, Section 1 (3) of the 1935 Constitution. This
inclusive policy is carried over into the 1973 and
During the debates on this provision, 1987 Constitution. It is appropriate to invoke a
Delegate Rafols presented an amendment famous scholar as he was paraphrased by Chief
to include as Filipino citizens the Justice Fernando: the constitution is not silently
illegitimate children with a foreign father of silent, it is silently vocal. 118
a mother who was a citizen of the
Philippines, and also foundlings; but this The Solicitor General makes the further point that
amendment was defeated primarily the framers "worked to create a just and humane
because the Convention believed that the society," that "they were reasonable patriots and
cases, being too few to warrant the that it would be unfair to impute upon them a
inclusion of a provision in the Constitution discriminatory intent against foundlings." He
to apply to them, should be governed by exhorts that, given the grave implications of the
statutory legislation. Moreover, it was argument that foundlings are not natural-born
believed that the rules of international law Filipinos, the Court must search the records of the
were already clear to the effect that 1935, 1973 and 1987 Constitutions "for an express
illegitimate children followed the intention to deny foundlings the status of Filipinos.
citizenship of the mother, and The burden is on those who wish to use the
that foundlings followed the nationality of constitution to discriminate against foundlings to
the place where they were found, show that the constitution really intended to take
thereby making unnecessary the this path to the dark side and inflict this across the
inclusion in the Constitution of the board marginalization."
proposed amendment.
We find no such intent or language permitting
This explanation was likewise the position of the discrimination against foundlings. On the contrary,
Solicitor General during the 16 February 2016 Oral all three Constitutions guarantee the basic right to
Arguments: equal protection of the laws. All exhort the State to
render social justice. Of special consideration are
We all know that the Rafols proposal was rejected. several provisions in the present charter: Article II,
But note that what was declined was the proposal Section 11 which provides that the "State values
for a textual and explicit recognition of foundlings the dignity of every human person and guarantees
as Filipinos. And so, the way to explain the full respect for human rights," Article XIII, Section 1
which mandates Congress to "give highest priority Domestic Adoption Act of 1998) and this Court's
to the enactment of measures that protect and A.M. No. 02-6-02-SC or the "Rule on Adoption," all
enhance the right of all the people to human expressly refer to "Filipino children" and include
dignity, reduce social, economic, and political foundlings as among Filipino children who may be
inequalities x x x" and Article XV, Section 3 which adopted.
requires the State to defend the "right of children
to assistance, including proper care and nutrition, It has been argued that the process to determine
and special protection from all forms of neglect, that the child is a foundling leading to the issuance
abuse, cruelty, exploitation, and other conditions of a foundling certificate under these laws and the
prejudicial to their development." Certainly, these issuance of said certificate are acts to acquire or
provisions contradict an intent to discriminate perfect Philippine citizenship which make the
against foundlings on account of their unfortunate foundling a naturalized Filipino at best. This is
status. erroneous. Under Article IV, Section 2 "Natural-
born citizens are those who are citizens of the
Domestic laws on adoption also support the Philippines from birth without having to perform
principle that foundlings are Filipinos. These laws any act to acquire or perfect their Philippine
do not provide that adoption confers citizenship citizenship." In the first place, "having to perform
upon the adoptee. Rather, the adoptee must be a an act" means that the act must be personally done
Filipino in the first place to be adopted. The most by the citizen. In this instance, the determination
basic of such laws is Article 15 of the Civil Code of foundling status is done not by the child but by
which provides that "[l]aws relating to family rights, the authorities.121 Secondly, the object of the
duties, status, conditions, legal capacity of persons process is the determination of the whereabouts of
are binding on citizens of the Philippines even the parents, not the citizenship of the child. Lastly,
though living abroad." Adoption deals with status, the process is certainly not analogous to
and a Philippine adoption court will have naturalization proceedings to acquire Philippine
jurisdiction only if the adoptee is a Filipino. In Ellis citizenship, or the election of such citizenship by
and Ellis v. Republic,119 a child left by an one born of an alien father and a Filipino mother
unidentified mother was sought to be adopted by under the 1935 Constitution, which is an act to
aliens. This Court said: perfect it.

In this connection, it should be noted that this is a In this instance, such issue is moot because there is
proceedings in rem, which no court may entertain no dispute that petitioner is a foundling, as
unless it has jurisdiction, not only over the subject evidenced by a Foundling Certificate issued in her
matter of the case and over the parties, but also favor.122 The Decree of Adoption issued on 13 May
over the res, which is the personal status of Baby 1974, which approved petitioner's adoption by
Rose as well as that of petitioners herein. Our Civil Jesusa Sonora Poe and Ronald Allan Kelley Poe,
Code (Art. 15) adheres to the theory that expressly refers to Emiliano and his wife, Rosario
jurisdiction over the status of a natural person is Militar, as her "foundling parents," hence
determined by the latter's nationality. Pursuant to effectively affirming petitioner's status as a
this theory, we have jurisdiction over the status of foundling.123
Baby Rose, she being a citizen of the Philippines,
but not over the status of the petitioners, who are Foundlings are likewise citizens under international
foreigners.120 (Underlining supplied) law. Under the 1987 Constitution, an international
law can become part of the sphere of domestic law
Recent legislation is more direct. R.A. No. 8043 either by transformation or incorporation. The
entitled "An Act Establishing the Rules to Govern transformation method requires that an
the Inter-Country Adoption of Filipino Children and international law be transformed into a domestic
For Other Purposes" (otherwise known as the law through a constitutional mechanism such as
"Inter-Country Adoption Act of 1995"), R.A. No. local legislation.124 On the other hand, generally
8552, entitled "An Act Establishing the Rules and accepted principles of international law, by virtue
Policies on the Adoption of Filipino Children and of the incorporation clause of the Constitution,
For Other Purposes" (otherwise known as the form part of the laws of the land even if they do not
derive from treaty obligations. Generally accepted 1. The child shall be registered immediately after
principles of international law include international birth and shall have the right from birth to a name,
custom as evidence of a general practice accepted the right to acquire a nationality and as far as
as law, and general principles of law recognized by possible, the right to know and be cared for by his
civilized nations.125 International customary rules or her parents.
are accepted as binding as a result from the
combination of two elements: the established, 2. States Parties shall ensure the implementation
widespread, and consistent practice on the part of of these rights in accordance with their national
States; and a psychological element known as law and their obligations under the relevant
the opinionjuris sive necessitates (opinion as to law international instruments in this field, in particular
or necessity). Implicit in the latter element is a where the child would otherwise be stateless.
belief that the practice in question is rendered
obligatory by the existence of a rule of law In 1986, the country also ratified the 1966
requiring it.126 "General principles of law International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
recognized by civilized nations" are principles (ICCPR). Article 24 thereof provide for the right
"established by a process of reasoning" or judicial of every child "to acquire a nationality:"
logic, based on principles which are "basic to legal
systems generally,"127 such as "general principles Article 24
of equity, i.e., the general principles of fairness and
justice," and the "general principle against 1. Every child shall have, without any
discrimination" which is embodied in the discrimination as to race, colour, sex, language,
"Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the religion, national or social origin, property or birth,
International Covenant on Economic, Social and the right, to such measures of protection as are
Cultural Rights, the International Convention on required by his status as a minor, on the part of his
the Elimination of All Forms of Racial family, society and the State.
Discrimination, the Convention Against
Discrimination in Education, the Convention (No. 2. Every child shall be registered immediately after
111) Concerning Discrimination in Respect of birth and shall have a name.
Employment and Occupation."128 These are the
same core principles which underlie the Philippine 3. Every child has the right to acquire a nationality.
Constitution itself, as embodied in the due process
and equal protection clauses of the Bill of Rights.129 The common thread of the UDHR, UNCRC and
ICCPR is to obligate the Philippines to grant
Universal Declaration of Human Rights ("UDHR") nationality from birth and ensure that no child is
has been interpreted by this Court as part of the stateless. This grant of nationality must be at the
generally accepted principles of international law time of birth, and it cannot be accomplished by the
and binding on the State.130 Article 15 thereof application of our present naturalization laws,
states: Commonwealth Act No. 473, as amended, and R.A.
No. 9139, both of which require the applicant to be
1. Everyone has the right to a nationality. at least eighteen (18) years old.

2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his The principles found in two conventions, while yet
nationality nor denied the right to change unratified by the Philippines, are generally
his nationality. accepted principles of international law. The first is
Article 14 of the 1930 Hague Convention on Certain
The Philippines has also ratified the UN Convention Questions Relating to the Conflict of Nationality
on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Article 7 of the Laws under which a foundling is presumed to have
UNCRC imposes the following obligations on our the "nationality of the country of birth," to wit:
Article 14
Article 7
A child whose parents are both unknown shall have
the nationality of the country of birth. If the child's
parentage is established, its nationality shall be Another case where the number of ratifying
determined by the rules applicable in cases where countries was not determinative is Mijares v.
the parentage is known. Ranada, 134 where only four countries had "either
ratified or acceded to"135 the 1966 "Convention on
A foundling is, until the contrary is proved, the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign
presumed to have been born on the territory of the Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters" when
State in which it was found. (Underlining supplied) the case was decided in 2005. The Court also
pointed out that that nine member countries of the
The second is the principle that a foundling European Common Market had acceded to the
is presumed born of citizens of the country where Judgments Convention. The Court also cited U.S.
he is found, contained in Article 2 of the 1961 laws and jurisprudence on recognition of foreign
United Nations Convention on the Reduction of judgments. In all, only the practices of fourteen
Statelessness: countries were considered and yet, there was
pronouncement that recognition of foreign
Article 2 judgments was widespread practice.

A foundling found in the territory of a Contracting Our approach in Razon and Mijares effectively
State shall, in the absence of proof to the contrary, takes into account the fact that "generally
be considered to have been born within the accepted principles of international law" are based
territory of parents possessing the nationality of not only on international custom, but also on
that State. "general principles of law recognized by civilized
nations," as the phrase is understood in Article 38.1
That the Philippines is not a party to the 1930 paragraph (c) of the ICJ Statute. Justice, fairness,
Hague Convention nor to the 1961 Convention on equity and the policy against discrimination, which
the Reduction of Statelessness does not mean that are fundamental principles underlying the Bill of
their principles are not binding. While the Rights and which are "basic to legal systems
Philippines is not a party to the 1930 Hague generally,"136 support the notion that the right
Convention, it is a signatory to the Universal against enforced disappearances and the
Declaration on Human Rights, Article 15(1) recognition of foreign judgments, were correctly
ofwhich131 effectively affirms Article 14 of the 1930 considered as "generally accepted principles of
Hague Convention. Article 2 of the 1961 "United international law" under the incorporation clause.
Nations Convention on the Reduction of
Statelessness" merely "gives effect" to Article 15(1) Petitioner's evidence137 shows that at least sixty
of the UDHR.132 In Razon v. Tagitis, 133 this Court countries in Asia, North and South America, and
noted that the Philippines had not signed or Europe have passed legislation recognizing
ratified the "International Convention for the foundlings as its citizen. Forty-two (42) of those
Protection of All Persons from Enforced countries follow the jus sanguinis regime. Of the
Disappearance." Yet, we ruled that the proscription sixty, only thirty-three (33) are parties to the 1961
against enforced disappearances in the said Convention on Statelessness; twenty-six (26) are
convention was nonetheless binding as a not signatories to the Convention. Also, the Chief
"generally accepted principle of international Justice, at the 2 February 2016 Oral Arguments
law." Razon v. Tagitis is likewise notable for pointed out that in 166 out of 189 countries
declaring the ban as a generally accepted principle surveyed (or 87.83%), foundlings are recognized as
of international law although the convention had citizens. These circumstances, including the
been ratified by only sixteen states and had not practice of jus sanguinis countries, show that it is a
even come into force and which needed the generally accepted principle of international law to
ratification of a minimum of twenty states. presume foundlings as having been born of
Additionally, as petitioner points out, the Court was nationals of the country in which the foundling is
content with the practice of international and found.
regional state organs, regional state practice in
Latin America, and State Practice in the United Current legislation reveals the adherence of the
States. Philippines to this generally accepted principle of
international law. In particular, R.A. No. 8552, R.A. The COMELEC's rule arrogantly disregards
No. 8042 and this Court's Rules on Adoption, consistent jurisprudence on the matter of
expressly refer to "Filipino children." In all of them, repatriation statutes in general and of R.A. No.
foundlings are among the Filipino children who 9225 in particular.
could be adopted. Likewise, it has been pointed
that the DFA issues passports to foundlings. In the seminal case of Bengson Ill v.
Passports are by law, issued only to citizens. This HRET, 140 repatriation was explained as follows:
shows that even the executive department, acting
through the DFA, considers foundlings as Philippine Moreover, repatriation results in the recovery of
citizens. the original nationality. This means that a
naturalized Filipino who lost his citizenship will be
Adopting these legal principles from the 1930 restored to his prior status as a naturalized Filipino
Hague Convention and the 1961 Convention on citizen. On the other hand, if he was originally a
Statelessness is rational and reasonable and natural-born citizen before he lost his Philippine
consistent with the jus sanguinis regime in our citizenship, he will be restored to his former status
Constitution. The presumption of natural-born as a natural-born Filipino.
citizenship of foundlings stems from the
presumption that their parents are nationals of the R.A. No. 9225 is a repatriation statute and has been
Philippines. As the empirical data provided by the described as such in several cases. They
PSA show, that presumption is at more than 99% include Sobejana-Condon v. COMELEC141 where we
and is a virtual certainty. described it as an "abbreviated repatriation
process that restores one's Filipino citizenship x x
In sum, all of the international law conventions and x." Also included is Parreno v. Commission on
instruments on the matter of nationality of Audit,142 which cited Tabasa v. Court of
foundlings were designed to address the plight of a Appeals,143 where we said that "[t]he repatriation
defenseless class which suffers from a misfortune of the former Filipino will allow him to recover his
not of their own making. We cannot be restrictive natural-born citizenship. Parreno v. Commission on
as to their application if we are a country which Audit144 is categorical that "if petitioner reacquires
calls itself civilized and a member of the his Filipino citizenship (under R.A. No. 9225), he will
community of nations. The Solicitor General's ... recover his natural-born citizenship."
warning in his opening statement is relevant:
The COMELEC construed the phrase "from birth" in
.... the total effect of those documents is to signify the definition of natural citizens as implying "that
to this Honorable Court that those treaties and natural-born citizenship must begin at birth and
conventions were drafted because the world remain uninterrupted and continuous from birth."
community is concerned that the situation of R.A. No. 9225 was obviously passed in line with
foundlings renders them legally invisible. It would Congress' sole prerogative to determine how
be tragically ironic if this Honorable Court ended up citizenship may be lost or reacquired. Congress saw
using the international instruments which seek to it fit to decree that natural-born citizenship may be
protect and uplift foundlings a tool to deny them reacquired even if it had been once lost. It is not for
political status or to accord them second-class the COMELEC to disagree with the Congress'
citizenship.138 determination.

The COMELEC also ruled139 that petitioner's More importantly, COMELEC's position that
repatriation in July 2006 under the provisions of natural-born status must be continuous was
R.A. No. 9225 did not result in the reacquisition of already rejected in Bengson III v. HRET145 where
natural-born citizenship. The COMELEC reasoned the phrase "from birth" was clarified to mean at the
that since the applicant must perform an act, what time of birth: "A person who at the time of his birth,
is reacquired is not "natural-born" citizenship but is a citizen of a particular country, is a natural-born
only plain "Philippine citizenship." citizen thereof." Neither is "repatriation" an act to
"acquire or perfect" one's citizenship. In Bengson III
v. HRET, this Court pointed out that there are only
two types of citizens under the 1987 Constitution: required were the names of her biological parents
natural-born citizen and naturalized, and that there which are precisely unknown.
is no third category for repatriated citizens:
This position disregards one important fact -
It is apparent from the enumeration of who are petitioner was legally adopted. One of the effects
citizens under the present Constitution that there of adoption is "to sever all legal ties between the
are only two classes of citizens: (1) those who are biological parents and the adoptee, except when
natural-born and (2) those who are naturalized in the biological parent is the spouse of the
accordance with law. A citizen who is not a adoptee."149 Under R.A. No. 8552, petitioner was
naturalized Filipino, ie., did not have to undergo also entitled to an amended birth certificate
the process of naturalization to obtain Philippine "attesting to the fact that the adoptee is the child
citizenship, necessarily is a natural-born Filipino. of the adopter(s)" and which certificate "shall not
Noteworthy is the absence in said enumeration of bear any notation that it is an amended
a separate category for persons who, after losing issue."150 That law also requires that "[a]ll records,
Philippine citizenship, subsequently reacquire it. books, and papers relating to the adoption cases in
The reason therefor is clear: as to such persons, the files of the court, the Department [of Social
they would either be natural-born or naturalized Welfare and Development], or any other agency or
depending on the reasons for the loss of their institution participating in the adoption
citizenship and the mode prescribed by the proceedings shall be kept strictly
applicable law for the reacquisition thereof. As confidential." The law therefore allows
respondent Cruz was not required by law to go petitioner to state that her adoptive parents were
through naturalization proceedings in order to her birth parents as that was what would be stated
reacquire his citizenship, he is perforce a natural- in her birth certificate anyway. And given the policy
born Filipino. As such, he possessed all the of strict confidentiality of adoption records,
necessary qualifications to be elected as member petitioner was not obligated to disclose that she
of the House of Representatives.146 was an adoptee.

The COMELEC cannot reverse a judicial precedent. Clearly, to avoid a direct ruling on the qualifications
That is reserved to this Court. And while we may of petitioner, which it cannot make in the same
always revisit a doctrine, a new rule reversing case for cancellation of COC, it resorted to
standing doctrine cannot be retroactively applied. opinionatedness which is,
In Morales v. Court of Appeals and Jejomar moreover, erroneous. The whole process
Erwin S. Binay, Jr.,147 where we decreed reversed undertaken by COMELEC is wrapped in grave abuse
the condonation doctrine, we cautioned that it of discretion.
"should be prospective in application for the
reason that judicial decisions applying or On Residence
interpreting the laws of the Constitution, until
reversed, shall form part of the legal system of the The tainted process was repeated in disposing of
Philippines." This Court also said that "while the the issue of whether or not petitioner committed
future may ultimately uncover a doctrine's error, it false material representation when she stated in
should be, as a general rule, recognized as good her COC that she has before and until 9 May 2016
law prior to its abandonment. Consequently, the been a resident of the Philippines for ten (10) years
people's reliance thereupon should be and eleven (11) months.
Petitioner's claim that she will have been a resident
Lastly, it was repeatedly pointed out during the oral for ten (10) years and eleven (11) months on the
arguments that petitioner committed a falsehood day before the 2016 elections, is true.
when she put in the spaces for "born to" in her
application for repatriation under R.A. No. 9225 The Constitution requires presidential candidates
the names of her adoptive parents, and this misled to have ten (10) years' residence in the Philippines
the BI to presume that she was a natural-born before the day of the elections. Since the
Filipino. It has been contended that the data forthcoming elections will be held on 9 May 2016,
petitioner must have been a resident of the Title Insurance Company showing sale of their U.S.
Philippines prior to 9 May 2016 for ten (10) years. home on 27 April 2006; 12 July 2011 filled-up
In answer to the requested information of "Period questionnaire submitted to the U.S. Embassy
of Residence in the Philippines up to the day before where petitioner indicated that she had been a
May 09, 2016," she put in "10 years 11 months" Philippine resident since May 2005; affidavit from
which according to her pleadings in these cases Jesusa Sonora Poe (attesting to the return of
corresponds to a beginning date of 25 May 2005 petitioner on 24 May 2005 and that she and her
when she returned for good from the U.S. family stayed with affiant until the condominium
was purchased); and Affidavit from petitioner's
When petitioner immigrated to the U.S. in 1991, husband (confirming that the spouses jointly
she lost her original domicile, which is the decided to relocate to the Philippines in 2005 and
Philippines. There are three requisites to acquire a that he stayed behind in the U.S. only to finish
new domicile: 1. Residence or bodily presence in a some work and to sell the family home).
new locality; 2. an intention to remain there; and
3. an intention to abandon the old domicile. 152 To The foregoing evidence were undisputed and the
successfully effect a change of domicile, one must facts were even listed by the COMELEC, particularly
demonstrate an actual removal or an actual change in its Resolution in the Tatad, Contreras and Valdez
of domicile; a bona fide intention of abandoning cases.
the former place of residence and establishing a
new one and definite acts which correspond with However, the COMELEC refused to consider that
the purpose. In other words, there must basically petitioner's domicile had been timely changed as
be animus manendi coupled with animus non of 24 May 2005. At the oral arguments, COMELEC
revertendi. The purpose to remain in or at the Commissioner Arthur Lim conceded the presence
domicile of choice must be for an indefinite period of the first two requisites, namely, physical
of time; the change of residence must be presence and animus manendi, but maintained
voluntary; and the residence at the place chosen there was no animus non-revertendi.154 The
for the new domicile must be actual. 153 COMELEC disregarded the import of all the
evidence presented by petitioner on the basis of
Petitioner presented voluminous evidence the position that the earliest date that petitioner
showing that she and her family abandoned their could have started residence in the Philippines was
U.S. domicile and relocated to the Philippines for in July 2006 when her application under R.A. No.
good. These evidence include petitioner's former 9225 was approved by the BI. In this regard,
U.S. passport showing her arrival on 24 May 2005 COMELEC relied on Coquilla v. COMELEC,155 Japzon
and her return to the Philippines every time she v. COMELEC156 and Caballero v.
travelled abroad; e-mail correspondences starting COMELEC. During the oral arguments, the
in March 2005 to September 2006 with a freight private respondents also added Reyes v.
company to arrange for the shipment of their COMELEC.158 Respondents contend that these
household items weighing about 28,000 pounds to cases decree that the stay of an alien former
the Philippines; e-mail with the Philippine Bureau Filipino cannot be counted until he/she obtains a
of Animal Industry inquiring how to ship their dog permanent resident visa or reacquires Philippine
to the Philippines; school records of her children citizenship, a visa-free entry under
showing enrollment in Philippine schools starting a balikbayan stamp being insufficient. Since
June 2005 and for succeeding years; tax petitioner was still an American (without any
identification card for petitioner issued on July resident visa) until her reacquisition of citizenship
2005; titles for condominium and parking slot under R.A. No. 9225, her stay from 24 May 2005 to
issued in February 2006 and their corresponding 7 July 2006 cannot be counted.
tax declarations issued in April 2006; receipts dated
23 February 2005 from the Salvation Army in the But as the petitioner pointed out, the facts in these
U.S. acknowledging donation of items from four cases are very different from her situation.
petitioner's family; March 2006 e-mail to the U.S. In Coquilla v. COMELEC,159 the only evidence
Postal Service confirming request for change of presented was a community tax certificate secured
address; final statement from the First American by the candidate and his declaration that he would
be running in the elections. Japzon v. at R.A. No. 6768 as amended, otherwise known as
COMELEC160 did not involve a candidate who the "An Act Instituting a Balikbayan Program,"
wanted to count residence prior to his shows that there is no overriding intent to
reacquisition of Philippine citizenship. With the treat balikbayans as temporary visitors who must
Court decreeing that residence is distinct from leave after one year. Included in the law is a former
citizenship, the issue there was whether the Filipino who has been naturalized abroad and
candidate's acts after reacquisition sufficed to "comes or returns to the Philippines." 163 The law
establish residence. In Caballero v. institutes a balikbayan program "providing the
COMELEC, the candidate admitted that his opportunity to avail of the necessary training to
place of work was abroad and that he only visited enable the balikbayan to become economically
during his frequent vacations. In Reyes v. self-reliant members of society upon their return
COMELEC,162 the candidate was found to be an to the country"164 in line with the government's
American citizen who had not even reacquired "reintegration
Philippine citizenship under R.A. No. 9225 or had program."165 Obviously, balikbayans are not
renounced her U.S. citizenship. She was ordinary transients.
disqualified on the citizenship issue. On residence,
the only proof she offered was a seven-month stint Given the law's express policy to facilitate the
as provincial officer. The COMELEC, quoted with return of a balikbayan and help him reintegrate
approval by this Court, said that "such fact alone is into society, it would be an unduly harsh conclusion
not sufficient to prove her one-year residency." to say in absolute terms that the balikbayan must
leave after one year. That visa-free period is
It is obvious that because of the sparse evidence on obviously granted him to allow him to re-establish
residence in the four cases cited by the his life and reintegrate himself into the community
respondents, the Court had no choice but to hold before he attends to the necessary formal and legal
that residence could be counted only from requirements of repatriation. And that is exactly
acquisition of a permanent resident visa or from what petitioner did - she reestablished life here by
reacquisition of Philippine citizenship. In contrast, enrolling her children and buying property while
the evidence of petitioner is overwhelming and awaiting the return of her husband and then
taken together leads to no other conclusion that applying for repatriation shortly thereafter.
she decided to permanently abandon her U.S.
residence (selling the house, taking the children No case similar to petitioner's, where the former
from U.S. schools, getting quotes from the freight Filipino's evidence of change in domicile is
company, notifying the U.S. Post Office of the extensive and overwhelming, has as yet been
abandonment of their address in the U.S., donating decided by the Court. Petitioner's evidence of
excess items to the Salvation Army, her husband residence is unprecedented. There is no judicial
resigning from U.S. employment right after selling precedent that comes close to the facts of
the U.S. house) and permanently relocate to the residence of petitioner. There is no indication
Philippines and actually re-established her in Coquilla v. COMELEC,166 and the other cases
residence here on 24 May 2005 (securing T.I.N, cited by the respondents that the Court intended
enrolling her children in Philippine schools, buying to have its rulings there apply to a situation where
property here, constructing a residence here, the facts are different. Surely, the issue of
returning to the Philippines after all trips abroad, residence has been decided particularly on the
her husband getting employed here). Indeed, facts-of-the case basis.
coupled with her eventual application to reacquire
Philippine citizenship and her family's actual To avoid the logical conclusion pointed out by the
continuous stay in the Philippines over the years, it evidence of residence of petitioner, the COMELEC
is clear that when petitioner returned on 24 May ruled that petitioner's claim of residence of ten
2005 it was for good. (10) years and eleven (11) months by 9 May 2016
in her 2015 COC was false because she put six ( 6)
In this connection, the COMELEC also took it years and six ( 6) months as "period of residence
against petitioner that she had entered the before May 13, 2013" in her 2012 COC for Senator.
Philippines visa-free as a balikbayan. A closer look Thus, according to the COMELEC, she started being
a Philippine resident only in November 2006. In seen that the 2012 COC and the 2015
doing so, the COMELEC automatically assumed as COC both correctly stated the pertinent period of
true the statement in the 2012 COC and the 2015 residency.
COC as false.
The COMELEC, by its own admission, disregarded
As explained by petitioner in her verified pleadings, the evidence that petitioner actually and physically
she misunderstood the date required in the 2013 returned here on 24 May 2005 not because it was
COC as the period of residence as of the day she false, but only because COMELEC took the position
submitted that COC in 2012. She said that she that domicile could be established only from
reckoned residency from April-May 2006 which petitioner's repatriation under R.A. No. 9225 in July
was the period when the U.S. house was sold and 2006. However, it does not take away the fact that
her husband returned to the Philippines. In that in reality, petitioner had returned from the U.S. and
regard, she was advised by her lawyers in 2015 that was here to stay permanently, on 24 May 2005.
residence could be counted from 25 May 2005. When she claimed to have been a resident for ten
(10) years and eleven (11) months, she could do so
Petitioner's explanation that she misunderstood in good faith.
the query in 2012 (period of residence before 13
May 2013) as inquiring about residence as of the For another, it could not be said that petitioner was
time she submitted the COC, is bolstered by the attempting to hide anything. As already stated, a
change which the COMELEC itself introduced in the petition for quo warranto had been filed against
2015 COC which is now "period of residence in the her with the SET as early as August 2015. The event
Philippines up to the day before May 09, 2016." from which the COMELEC pegged the
The COMELEC would not have revised the query if commencement of residence, petitioner's
it did not acknowledge that the first version was repatriation in July 2006 under R.A. No. 9225, was
vague. an established fact to repeat, for purposes of her
senatorial candidacy.
That petitioner could have reckoned residence
from a date earlier than the sale of her U.S. house Notably, on the statement of residence of six (6)
and the return of her husband is plausible given the years and six (6) months in the 2012 COC,
evidence that she had returned a year before. Such petitioner recounted that this was first brought up
evidence, to repeat, would include her passport in the media on 2 June 2015 by Rep. Tobias Tiangco
and the school records of her children. of the United Nationalist Alliance. Petitioner
appears to have answered the issue immediately,
It was grave abuse of discretion for the COMELEC also in the press. Respondents have not disputed
to treat the 2012 COC as a binding and conclusive petitioner's evidence on this point. From that time
admission against petitioner. It could be given in therefore when Rep. Tiangco discussed it in the
evidence against her, yes, but it was by no means media, the stated period of residence in the 2012
conclusive. There is precedent after all where a COC and the circumstances that surrounded the
candidate's mistake as to period of residence made statement were already matters of public record
in a COC was overcome by evidence. In Romualdez- and were not hidden.
Marcos v. COMELEC,167 the candidate mistakenly
put seven (7) months as her period of residence Petitioner likewise proved that the 2012 COC was
where the required period was a minimum of one also brought up in the SET petition for quo
year. We said that "[i]t is the fact of residence, not warranto. Her Verified Answer, which was filed on
a statement in a certificate of candidacy which 1 September 2015, admitted that she made a
ought to be decisive in determining whether or not mistake in the 2012 COC when she put in six ( 6)
an individual has satisfied the constitutions years and six ( 6) months as she misunderstood the
residency qualification requirement." The question and could have truthfully indicated a
COMELEC ought to have looked at the evidence longer period. Her answer in the SET case was a
presented and see if petitioner was telling the truth matter of public record. Therefore, when petitioner
that she was in the Philippines from 24 May 2005. accomplished her COC for President on 15 October
Had the COMELEC done its duty, it would have 2015, she could not be said to have been
attempting to hide her erroneous statement in her even considered by the SET as an issue against her
2012 COC for Senator which was expressly eligibility for Senator. When petitioner made the
mentioned in her Verified Answer. declaration in her COC for Senator that she has
been a resident for a period of six (6) years and six
The facts now, if not stretched to distortion, do not (6) months counted up to the 13 May 2013
show or even hint at an intention to hide the 2012 Elections, she naturally had as reference the
statement and have it covered by the 2015 residency requirements for election as Senator
representation. Petitioner, moreover, has on her which was satisfied by her declared years of
side this Court's pronouncement that: residence. It was uncontested during the oral
arguments before us that at the time the
Concededly, a candidate's disqualification to run declaration for Senator was made, petitioner did
for public office does not necessarily constitute not have as yet any intention to vie for the
material misrepresentation which is the sole Presidency in 2016 and that the general public was
ground for denying due course to, and for the never made aware by petitioner, by word or action,
cancellation of, a COC. Further, as already that she would run for President in 2016.
discussed, the candidate's misrepresentation in his Presidential candidacy has a length-of-residence
COC must not only refer to a material fact different from that of a senatorial candidacy. There
(eligibility and qualifications for elective office), but are facts of residence other than that which was
should evince a deliberate intent to mislead, mentioned in the COC for Senator. Such other facts
misinform or hide a fact which would otherwise of residence have never been proven to be false,
render a candidate ineligible. It must be made with and these, to repeat include:
an intention to deceive the electorate as to one's
qualifications to run for public office.168 [Petitioner] returned to the Philippines on 24 May
2005. (petitioner's] husband however stayed in the
In sum, the COMELEC, with the same posture of USA to finish pending projects and arrange the sale
infallibilism, virtually ignored a good number of of their family home.
evidenced dates all of which can evince animus
manendi to the Philippines and animus non Meanwhile [petitioner] and her children lived with
revertedi to the United States of America. The her mother in San Juan City. [Petitioner] enrolled
veracity of the events of coming and staying home Brian in Beacon School in Taguig City in 2005 and
was as much as dismissed as inconsequential, the Hanna in Assumption College in Makati City in
focus having been fixed at the petitioner's "sworn 2005. Anika was enrolled in Learning Connection in
declaration in her COC for Senator" which the San Juan in 2007, when she was already old enough
COMELEC said "amounts to a declaration and to go to school.
therefore an admission that her residence in the
Philippines only commence sometime in In the second half of 2005, [petitioner] and her
November 2006"; such that "based on this husband acquired Unit 7F of One Wilson Place
declaration, [petitioner] fails to meet the residency Condominium in San Juan. [Petitioner] and her
requirement for President." This conclusion, as family lived in Unit 7F until the construction of their
already shown, ignores the standing jurisprudence family home in Corinthian Hills was completed.
that it is the fact of residence, not the statement of
the person that determines residence for purposes Sometime in the second half of 2005, [petitioner's]
of compliance with the constitutional requirement mother discovered that her former lawyer who
of residency for election as President. It ignores the handled [petitioner's] adoption in 1974 failed to
easily researched matter that cases on questions of secure from the Office of the Civil Registrar of Iloilo
residency have been decided favorably for the a new Certificate of Live Birth indicating
candidate on the basis of facts of residence far less [petitioner's] new name and stating that her
in number, weight and substance than that parents are "Ronald Allan K. Poe" and "Jesusa L.
presented by petitioner.169 It ignores, above all Sonora."
else, what we consider as a primary reason why
petitioner cannot be bound by her declaration in In February 2006, [petitioner] travelled briefly to
her COC for Senator which declaration was not the US in order to supervise the disposal of some
of the family's remaining household entitled Antonio P. Contreras, petitioner, vs. Mary
belongings.1a\^/phi1 [Petitioner] returned to the Grace Natividad Sonora Poe-Llamanzares,
Philippines on 11 March 2006. respondent; and SPA No. 15-139 (DC)
entitled Amado D. Valdez, petitioner, v. Mary Grace
In late March 2006, [petitioner's] husband Natividad Sonora Poe-Llamanzares, respondent;
informed the United States Postal Service of the stating that:
family's abandonment of their address in the US.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the
The family home in the US was sole on 27 April Commission RESOLVED, as it hereby RESOLVES, to
2006. GRANT the petitions and cancel the Certificate of
In April 2006, [petitioner's] husband resigned from POE-LLAMANZARES for the elective position of
his work in the US. He returned to the Philippines President of the Republic of the Philippines in
on 4 May 2006 and began working for a Philippine connection with the 9 May 2016 Synchronized
company in July 2006. Local and National Elections.

In early 2006, [petitioner] and her husband 3. dated 23 December 2015 of the COMELEC En
acquired a vacant lot in Corinthian Hills, where they Banc, upholding the 1 December 2015 Resolution
eventually built their family home. 170 of the Second Division stating that:

In light of all these, it was arbitrary for the WHEREFORE, premises considered, the
COMELEC to satisfy its intention to let the case fall Commission RESOLVED, as it hereby RESOLVES, to
under the exclusive ground of false representation, DENY the Verified Motion for Reconsideration of
to consider no other date than that mentioned by SENATOR MARY GRACE NATIVIDAD SONORA POE-
petitioner in her COC for Senator. LLAMANZARES. The Resolution dated 11
December 2015 of the Commission First Division is
All put together, in the matter of the citizenship AFFIRMED.
and residence of petitioner for her candidacy as
President of the Republic, the questioned 4. dated 23 December 2015 of the COMELEC En
Resolutions of the COMELEC in Division and En Banc, upholding the 11 December 2015 Resolution
Banc are, one and all, deadly diseased with grave of the First Division.
abuse of discretion from root to fruits.
are hereby ANNULED and SET ASIDE. Petitioner
Resolutions, to wit: LLAMANZARES is DECLARED QUALIFIED to be a
candidate for President in the National and Local
1. dated 1 December 2015 rendered through the Elections of 9 May 2016.
COMELEC Second Division, in SPA No. 15-001 (DC),
entitled Estrella C. Elamparo, petitioner, vs. Mary SO ORDERED.
Grace Natividad Sonora Poe-Llamanzares,
respondent, stating that: [G.R. No. L-63419. December 18, 1986.]

[T]he Certificate of Candidacy for President of the FLORENTINA A. LOZANO, Petitioner, v. THE
Republic of the Philippines in the May 9, 2016 HONORABLE ANTONIO M. MARTINEZ, in his
National and Local Elections filed by respondent capacity as Presiding Judge, Regional Trial Court,
Mary Grace Natividad Sonora Poe-Llamanzares is National Capital Judicial Region, Branch XX, Manila,
capacity as City Fiscal of Manila, Respondents.
2. dated 11 December 2015, rendered through the
COMELEC First Division, in the consolidated cases [G.R. Nos. L-66839-42. December 18, 1986.]
SPA No. 15-002 (DC) entitled Francisco S. Tatad,
petitioner, vs. Mary Grace Natividad Sonora Poe- LUZVIMINDA F. LOBATON, Petitioner, v.
Llamanzares, respondent; SPA No. 15-007 (DC)
Presiding Executive Judge, Branch V, Region IV, HON. DAVID G. NITAFAN, Presiding Judge, Regional
Regional Trial Court, sitting at Lemery, Batangas, Trial Court, National Capital Judicial Region, Branch
LUISA TORDECILLA, Respondents. SARMIENTO, Respondents.

[G.R. No. 71654. December 18, 1986.] R.R. Nogales Law Office for petitioner in G.R. No.
63419, G.R. Nos. 74524-25, G.R. Nos. 75812-13,
ANTONIO DATUIN and SUSAN DATUIN, Petitioners, G.R. Nos. 75765-67 and counsel for respondent in
v. HONORABLE JUDGE ERNANI C. PANO, Regional G.R. No. 75789.
Trial Court, Quezon City, Branch LXXXVIII,
HONORABLE CITY FISCAL OF QUEZON Pio S. Canta for petitioner in G.R. Nos. 66839-42.
CITY, Respondents.
Hermogenes Datuin, Jr. for petitioner in G.R. No.
[G.R. Nos. 74524-25. December 18, 1986.] 71654.

OSCAR VIOLAGO, Petitioner, v. HONORABLE JUDGE Abinoja, Tabalingcos, Villalon & Associates for
ERNANI C. PAÑO, Regional Trial Court, Quezon City, petitioner in G.R. Nos. 75122-49.
QUEZON CITY, Respondents. The Solicitor General for respondent in G.R. No.
63419, G.R. Nos. 66839-42, G.R. No. 71654, G.R.
[G.R. Nos. 75122-49. December 18, 1986.] Nos. 74524-25, G.R. Nos. 75122-49, G.R. Nos.
75812-13, G.R. Nos. 75765-67 and counsel for
ELINOR ABAD, Petitioner, v. THE HONORABLE petitioner in G.R. No. 75789.
NICOLAS A. GEROCHI, JR., in his capacity as
Presiding Judge, Regional Trial Court, National
Capital Judicial Region, Branch 139, Makati and SYLLABUS
FEDERICO L. MELOCOTTON, JR., in his capacity as
Trial Fiscal Regional Trial Court, Branch 139,
Makati, Respondents. 1. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; B.P. 22 (BOUNCING
[G.R. Nos. 75812-13. December 18, 1986.] The language of BP 22 is broad enough to cover all
kinds of checks, whether present dated or
AMABLE R. AGUILUZ VII and SYLVIA V. AGUILUZ, postdated, or whether issued in payment of pre-
spouses, Petitioners, v. HONORABLE PRESIDING existing obligations or given in mutual or
JUDGE OF BRANCH 154, now vacant but simultaneous exchange for something of value.
temporarily presided by HONORABLE ASAALI S.
ISNANI, Branch 153, Court of First Instance of Pasig, 2. CRIMINAL LAW; BOUNCING CHECKS LAW (B.P.
[G.R. Nos. 725765-67. December 18, 1986.] UPON PRESENTMENT. — An essential element of
the offense is "knowledge" on the part of the
LUIS M. HOJAS, Petitioner, v. HON. JUDGE SENEN maker or drawer of the check of the insufficiency
PENARANDA, Presiding Judge, Regional Trial Court of his funds in or credit with the bank to cover the
of Cagayan de Oro City, Branch XX, HONORABLE check upon its presentment. Since this involves a
JUDGE ALFREDO LAGAMON, Presiding Judge, state of mind difficult to establish, the statute itself
Regional Trial Court of Cagayan de Oro City, Branch creates a prima facie presumption of such
XXII, HONORABLE CITY FISCAL NOLI T. CATHI, City knowledge where payment of the check "is refused
Fiscal of Cagayan de Oro City, Respondents. by the drawee because of insufficient funds in or
credit with such bank when presented within
[G.R. No. 75789. December 18, 1986.] ninety (90) days from the date of the check.
3. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; SHALL NOT ARISE WHEN issuing a check as payment for a pre-existing debt,
PAYMENT IS MADE WITHIN FIVE (5) DAYS FROM the drawer does not derive any material benefit in
RECEIPT OF DISHONOR. — To mitigate the return or as consideration for its issuance. On the
harshness of the law in its application, the statute part of the payee, he had already parted with his
provides that such presumption shall not arise if money or property before the check is issued to
within five (5) banking days from receipt of the him, hence, he is not defrauded by means of any
notice of dishonor, the maker or drawer makes "prior" or "simultaneous" deceit perpetrated on
arrangements for payment of the check by the him, by the drawer of the check.
bank or pays the holder the amount of the check.
CHECK AND DUE PRESENTMENT THEREOF. — 315, as amended by Republic Act 4885, does not
Another provision of the statute, also in the nature cover checks issued in payment of pre-existing
of a rule of evidence, provides that the obligations, again relying on the concept
introduction in evidence of the unpaid and underlying the crime of estafa through false
dishonored check with the drawee bank’s refusal pretense or deceit - which is, that the deceit or
to pay "stamped or written thereon or attached false pretense must be prior to or simultaneous
thereto, giving the reason therefore, shall with the commission of the fraud.
constitute prima facie proof of "the making or
issuance of said check, and the due presentment to 7. ID.; BATASANG PAMBANSA 22 (BOUNCING
the drawee for payment and the dishonor thereof CHECK LAW;) THRUST OF LAW; PUNISHES ACT OF
. . . for the reason written, stamped or attached by MAKING OR ISSUING WORTHLESS CHECK AS AN
the drawer on such dishonored check." The OFFENSE AGAINST PUBLIC ORDER. — The
presumptions being merely prima facie, it is open gravamen of the offense punished by B.P. 22 is the
to the accused of course to present proof to the act of making and issuing a worthless check or a
contrary to overcome the said presumptions. check that is dishonored upon its presentation for
payment. It is not the non-payment of an obligation
5. ID.; ID.; DISTINGUISHED FROM ARTICLE 315, which the law punishes. The law is not intended or
REVISED PENAL CODE. — Article 315 of the Revised designed to coerce a debtor to pay his debt. The
Penal Code defining the crime of estafa reads as thrust of the law is to prohibit, under pain of
follows: "Article 315. Swindling (estafa). - Any sanctions, the making of worthless checks and
person who shall defraud another by any of the putting them is circulation. Because of its
means mentioned herein below shall be punished deleterious effects on the public interest, the
by . . . 2. By means of any of the following false practice is proscribed by the law. The law punishes
pretenses or fraudulent acts executed prior to or the act not as an offense against property, but an
simultaneously with the commission of the fraud: offense against public order.
(a) By using fictitious name, or falsely pretending to
possess power, influence, qualifications, property, 8. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; BATASANG PAMBANSA;
credit, agency, business or imaginary transactions, MAY PRESCRIBE CRIMINAL PUNISHMENT FOR ACTS
or by means of other similar deceits; . . . (d) By INIMICAL TO PUBLIC WELFARE; MALUM
postdating a check, or issuing a check in payment PROHIBITUM. — It may be constitutionally
of an obligation the offender knowing that at the impermissible for the legislature to penalize a
time he had no funds in the bank, or the funds person for non-payment of a debt excontractu. But
deposited by him were not sufficient to cover the certainly it is within the prerogative of the
amount of the check without informing the payee lawmaking body to proscribe certain acts deemed
of such circumstances." The scope of paragraph 2 pernicious and inimical to public welfare. Acts mala
(d), however, was deemed to exclude checks in se are not the only facts which the law can
issued in payment of pre-existing obligations. The punish. An act may not be considered by society as
rationale of this interpretation is that in estafa, the inherently wrong, hence not malum in se, but
deceit causing the defraudation must be prior to or because of the harm that it inflicts on the
simultaneous with the commission of the fraud. In community, it can be outlawed and criminally
punished as malum prohibitum. The state can do LAW DOES NOT PRECLUDE CLASSIFICATION OF
this in the exercise of its police power. INDIVIDUALS; CASE AT BAR. — Neither do we find
substance in the claim that the statute in question
9. ID.; ID.; POLICE POWER; BATASANG PAMBANSA denies equal protection of the laws or is
22; VALID EXERCISE THEREOF; NOT REPUGNANT discriminatory, since it penalizes the drawer of the
TO CONSTITUTIONAL INHIBITION AGAINST check, but not the payee. It is contended that the
IMPRISONMENT FOR DEBT. — The police power of payee is just as responsible for the crime as the
the state has been described as "the most drawer of the check, since without the
essential, insistent and illimitable of powers" which indispensable participation of the payee by his
enables it to prohibit all things hurtful to the acceptance of the check there would be no crime.
comfort, safety and welfare of society. It is power This argument is tantamount to saying that, to give
not emanating from or conferred by the equal protection, the law should punish both the
constitution, but inherent in the state, plenary, swindler and the swindled. The petitioners’
"suitably vague and far from precisely defined, posture ignores the well-accepted meaning of the
rooted in the conception that man in organizing clause "equal protection of the laws." The clause
the state and imposing upon the government does not preclude classification of individuals, who
limitations to safeguard constitutional rights did may be accorded different treatment under the
not intend thereby to enable individual citizens or law as long as the classification is not unreasonable
group of citizens to obstruct unreason able the or arbitrary.
enactment of such salutary measures to ensure
communal peace, safety, good order and welfare."
The enactment of B.P. 22 is a declaration by the DECISION
legislature that, as a matter of public policy, the
making and issuance of a worthless check is
deemed a public nuisance to be abated by the YAP, J.:
imposition of penal sanctions. The effect of the
issuance of a worthless checks transcends the
private interests of the parties directly involved in The constitutionality of Batas Pambansa Bilang 22
the transaction and touches the interests of the (BP 22 for short), popularly known as the Bouncing
community at large. The mischief it creates is not Check Law, which was approved on April 3, 1979, is
only a wrong to the payee or holder, but also an the sole issue presented by these petitions for
injury to the public. In sum, we find the enactment decision. The question is definitely one of first
of B.P. 22 a valid exercise of the police power and impression in our jurisdiction.
is not repugnant to the constitutional inhibition
against imprisonment for debt. These petitions arose from cases involving
prosecution of offenses under the statute. The
10. ID.; B.P. 22; FREEDOM OF CONTRACT NOT defendants in those cases moved seasonably to
IMPAIRED CHECKS NOT CATEGORIZED AS quash the informations on the ground that the acts
CONTRACTS. — We find not valid ground to sustain charged did not constitute an offense, the statute
the contention that B.P. 22 impairs freedom of being unconstitutional. The motions were denied
contract. The freedom of contract which is by the respondent trial courts, except in one case,
constitutionally protected is freedom to enter into which is the subject of G.R. No. 75789, wherein the
"lawful" contracts. Contracts which contravene trial court declared the law unconstitutional and
public policy are not lawful. We must bear in mind dismissed the case. The parties adversely affected
that checks can not be categorized as mere have come to us for relief.
contracts. It is a commercial instrument which, in
this modern day and age, has become a convenient As a threshold issue the former Solicitor General, in
substitute for money; it form part of the banking his comment on the petitions, maintained the
system and therefore not entirely free from the posture that it was premature for the accused to
regulatory power of the state. elevate to this Court the orders denying their
motions to quash, these orders being
11. ID.; BILL OF RIGHTS; EQUAL PROTECTION OF interlocutory. While this is correct as a general rule,
we have in justifiable cases intervened to review drawee bank. 4
the lower court’s denial of a motion to quash. 1 In
view of the importance of the issue involved here, An essential element of the offense is "knowledge"
there is no doubt in our mind that the instant on the part of the maker or drawer of the check of
petitions should be entertained and the the insufficiency of his funds in or credit with the
constitutional challenge to BP 22 resolved bank to cover the check upon its presentment.
promptly, one way or the other, in order to put to Since this involves a state of mind difficult to
rest the doubts and uncertainty that exist in legal establish, the statute itself creates a prima facie
and judicial circles and the general public which presumption of such knowledge where payment of
have unnecessarily caused a delay in the the check "is refused by the drawee because of
disposition of cases involving the enforcement of insufficient funds in or credit with such bank when
the statute. presented within ninety (90) days from the date of
the check. 5 To mitigate the harshness of the law in
For the purpose of resolving the constitutional its application, the statute provides that such
issue presented here, we do not find it necessary presumption shall not arise if within five (5)
to delve into the specifics of the informations banking days from receipt of the notice of
involved in the cases which are the subject of the dishonor, the maker or drawer makes
petitions before us. 2 The language of BP 22 is arrangements for payment of the check by the
broad enough to cover all kinds of checks, whether bank or pays the holder the amount of the check.
present dated or postdated, or whether issued in
payment of pre-existing obligations or given in Another provision of the statute, also in the nature
mutual or simultaneous exchange for something of of a rule of evidence, provides that the
value. introduction in evidence of the unpaid and
dishonored check with the drawee bank’s refusal
I to pay "stamped or written thereon or attached
thereto, giving the reason therefor," shall
constitute prima facie proof of "the making or
BP 22 punishes a person "who makes or draws and issuance of said check, and the due presentment to
issues any check on account or for value, knowing the drawee for payment and the dishonor thereof
at the time of issue that he does not have sufficient . . . for the reason written, stamped or attached by
funds in or credit with the drawee bank for the the drawee on such dishonored check." 6
payment of said check in full upon presentment,
which check is subsequently dishonored by the The presumptions being merely prima facie, it is
drawee bank for insufficiency of funds or credit or open to the accused of course to present proof to
would have been dishonored for the same reason the contrary to overcome the said presumptions.
had not the drawer, without any valid reason,
ordered the bank to stop payment." The penalty II
prescribed for the offense is imprisonment of not
less than 30 days nor more than one year or a fine
or not less than the amount of the check nor more BP 22 is aimed at putting a stop to or curbing the
than double said amount, but in no case to exceed practice of issuing checks that are worthless, i.e.
P200,000.00, or both such fine and imprisonment checks that end up being rejected or dishonored
at the discretion of the court. 3 for payment. The practice, as discussed later, is
proscribed by the state because of the injury it
The statute likewise imposes the same penalty on causes to the public interests.
"any person who, having sufficient funds in or
credit with the drawee bank when he makes or Before the enactment of BP 22, provisions already
draws and issues a check, shall fail to keep existed in our statute books which penalize the
sufficient funds or to maintain a credit to cover the issuance of bouncing or rubber checks. Criminal
full amount of the check if presented within a law has dealth with the problem within the context
period of ninety (90) days from the date appearing of crimes against property punished as "estafa" or
thereon, for which reason it is dishonored by the crimes involving fraud and deceit. The focus of
these penal provisions is on the damage caused to fraud:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library
the property rights of the victim.
(a) By using fictitious name, or falsely pretending to
The Penal Code of Spain, which was in force in the possess power, influence, qualifications, property,
Philippines from 1887 until it was replaced by the credit, agency, business or imaginary transactions,
Revised Penal Code in 1932, contained provisions or by means of other similar deceits;
penalizing, among others, the act of defrauding
another through false pretenses. Art. 335 punished x x x
a person who defrauded another "by falsely
pretending to possess any power, influence,
qualification, property, credit, agency or business, (d) By postdating a check, or issuing a check in
or by means of similar deceit." Although no explicit payment of an obligation the offender knowing
mention was made therein regarding checks, this that at the time he had no funds in the bank, or the
provision was deemed to cover within its ambit the funds deposited by him were not sufficient to cover
issuance of worthless or bogus checks in exchange the amount of the check without informing the
for money. 7 payee of such circumstances."cralaw virtua1aw
In 1926, an amendment was introduced by the
Philippine Legislature, which added a new clause The scope of paragraph 2 (d), however, was
(paragraph 10) to Article 335 of the old Penal Code, deemed to exclude checks issued in payment of
this time referring in explicit terms to the issuance pre-existing obligations. 10 The rationale of this
of worthless checks. The amendment penalized interpretation is that in estafa, the deceit causing
any person who: 1) issues a check in payment of a the defraudation must be prior to or simultaneous
debt or for other valuable consideration, knowing with the commission of the fraud. In issuing a check
at the time of its issuance that he does not have as payment for a pre-existing debt, the drawer
sufficient funds in the bank to cover its amount, or does not derive any material benefit in return or as
2) maliciously signs the check differently from his consideration for its issuance. On the part of the
authentic signature as registered at the bank in payee, he had already parted with his money or
order that the latter would refuse to honor it; or 3) property before the check is issued to him, hence,
issues a postdated check and, at the date set for its he is not defrauded by means of any "prior" or
payment, does not have sufficient deposit to cover "simultaneous" deceit perpetrated on him by the
the same. 8 drawer of the check.

In 1932, as already adverted to, the old Penal Code With the intention of remedying the situation and
was superseded by the Revised Penal Code. 9 The solving the problem of how to bring checks issued
above provisions, in amended form, were in payment of pre-existing debts within the ambit
incorporated in Article 315 of the Revised Penal of Art. 315, an amendment was introduced by the
Code defining the crime of estafa. The revised text Congress of the Philippines in 1967, 11 which was
of the provision read as enacted into law as Republic Act No. 4885, revising the aforesaid proviso to read as
"Art. 315. Swindling (estafa). — Any person who
shall defraud another by any of the means "(d) By postdating a check, or issuing a check in
mentioned hereinbelow shall be punished payment of an obligation when the offender had
by:chanrob1es virtual 1aw library no funds in the bank, or his funds deposited therein
were not sufficient to cover the amount of the
x x x check. The failure of the drawer of the check to
deposit the amount necessary to cover his check
within three (3) days from receipt of notice from
2. By means of any of the following false pretenses the bank and/or the payee or holder that said
or fraudulent acts executed prior to or check has been dishonored for lack or insufficiency
simultaneously with the commission of the of funds shall be prima facie evidence of deceit
constituting false pretense or fraudulent scrutiny and the most deliberate consideration by
act."cralaw virtua1aw library the Court, involving as it does the exercise of what
has been described as "the highest and most
However, the adoption of the amendment did not delicate function which belongs to the judicial
alter the situation materially. A divided Court held department of the government." 15
in People v. Sabio, Jr. 12 that Article 315, as
amended by Republic Act 4885, does not cover As we enter upon the task of passing on the validity
checks issued in payment of pre-existing of an act of a co-equal and coordinate branch of
obligations, again relying on the concept the government, we need not be reminded of the
underlying the crime of estafa through false time-honored principle, deeply ingrained in our
pretenses or deceit — which is, that the deceit or jurisprudence, that a statute is presumed to be
false pretense must be prior to or simultaneous valid. Every presumption must be indulged in favor
with the commission of the fraud. of its constitutionality. This is not to say that we
approach our task with diffidence or timidity.
Since statistically it had been shown that the Where it is clear that the legislature has
greater bulk of dishonored checks consisted of overstepped the limits of its authority under the
those issued in payment of pre-existing debts, 13 constitution, we should not hesitate to wield the
the amended provision evidently failed to cope axe and let it fall heavily, as fall it must, on the
with the real problem and to deal effectively with offending statute.
the evil that it was intended to eliminate or
minimize. III

With the foregoing factual and legal antecedents as

a backdrop, the then Interim Batasan confronted Among the constitutional objections raised against
the problem squarely. It opted to take a bold step BP 22, the most serious is the alleged conflict
and decided to enact a law dealing with the between the statute and the constitutional
problem of bouncing or worthless checks, without provision forbidding imprisonment for debt. It is
attaching the law’s umbilical cord to the existing contended that the statute runs counter to the
penal provisions on estafa. BP 22 addresses the inhibition in the Bill of Rights which states, "No
problem directly and frontally and makes the act of person shall be imprisoned for debt or non-
issuing a worthless check malum prohibitum. 14 payment of a poll tax." 16 Petitioners insist that,
since the offense under BP 22 is consummated only
The question now arises: Is BP 22 a valid law? upon the dishonor or non-payment of the check
when it is presented to the drawee bank, the
Previous efforts to deal with the problem of statute is really a "bad debt law" rather than a "bad
bouncing checks within the ambit of the law on check law." What it punishes is the non-payment of
estafa did not evoke any constitutional challenge. the check, not the act of issuing it. The statute, it is
In contrast, BP 22 was challenged promptly. claimed, is nothing more than a veiled device to
coerce payment of a debt under the threat of penal
Those who question the constitutionality of BP 22 sanction.
insist that: (1) it offends the constitutional
provision forbidding imprisonment for debt; (2) it First of all, it is essential to grasp the essence and
impairs freedom of contract; (3) it contravenes the scope of the constitutional inhibition invoked by
equal protection clause; (4) it unduly delegates petitioners. Viewed in its historical context, the
legislative and executive powers; and (5) its constitutional prohibition against imprisonment
enactment is flawed in that during its passage the for debt is a safeguard that evolved gradually
Interim Batasan violated the constitutional during the early part of the nineteenth century in
provision prohibiting amendments to a bill on Third the various states of the American Union as a result
Reading. of the people’s revulsion at the cruel and inhumane
practice, sanctioned by common law, which
The constitutional challenge to BP 22 posed by permitted creditors to cause the incarceration of
petitioners deserves a searching and thorough debtors who could not pay their debts. At common
law, money judgments arising from actions for the declared the detention of the defendant unlawful,
recovery of a debt or for damages from breach of being violative of the constitutional inhibition
a contract could be enforced against the person or against imprisonment for debt, and ordered his
body of the debtor by writ of capias ad release. The Court, however, refrained from
satisfaciendum. By means of this writ, a debtor declaring the statutory provision in question
could be seized and imprisoned at the instance of unconstitutional.
the creditor until he makes the satisfaction
awarded. As a consequence of the popular ground Closer to the case at bar is People v. Vera Reyes, 23
swell against such a barbarous practice, provisions wherein a statutory provision which made illegal
forbidding imprisonment for debt came to be and punishable the refusal of an employer to pay,
generally enshrined in the constitutions of various when he can do so, the salaries of his employees or
states of the Union. 17 laborers on the fifteenth or last day of every month
or on Saturday every week, was challenged for
This humanitarian provision was transported to our being violative of the constitutional prohibition
shores by the Americans at the turn of the century against imprisonment for debt. The
and embodied in our organic laws. 18 Later, our constitutionality of the law in question was upheld
fundamental law outlawed not only imprisonment by the Court, it being within the authority of the
for debt, but also the infamous practice, native to legislature to enact such a law in the exercise of the
our shore, of throwing people in jail for non- police power. It was held that "one of the purposes
payment of the cedula or poll tax. 19 of the law is to suppress possible abuses on the
part of the employers who hire laborers or
The reach and scope of this constitutional employees without paying them the salaries
safeguard have been the subject of judicial agreed upon for their services, thus causing them
definition, both by our Supreme Court 20 and by financial difficulties." The law was viewed not as a
American state courts. 21 Mr. Justice Malcolm, measure to coerce payment of an obligation,
speaking for the Supreme Court in Ganaway v. although obviously such could be its effect, but to
Quillen, 22 stated: "The ‘debt’ intended to be banish a practice considered harmful to public
covered by the constitutional guaranty has a well- welfare.
defined meaning. Organic provisions relieving from
imprisonment for debt, were intended to prevent IV
commitment of debtors to prison for liabilities
arising from actions ex contractu. The inhibition
was never meant to include damages arising in Has BP 22 transgressed the constitutional
actions ex delicto, for the reason that damages inhibition against imprisonment for debt? To
recoverable therein do not arise from any contract answer the question, it is necessary to examine
entered into between the parties but are imposed what the statute prohibits and punishes as an
upon the defendant for the wrong he has done and offense. Is it the failure of the maker of the check
are considered as punishment, nor to fines and to pay a debt? Or is it the making and issuance of a
penalties imposed by the courts in criminal worthless check in payment of a debt? What is the
proceedings as punishments for crime."cralaw gravamen of the offense? This question lies at the
virtua1aw library heart of the issue before us.

The law involved in Ganaway was not a criminal The gravamen of the offense punished by BP 22 is
statute but the Code of Procedure in Civil Actions the act of making and issuing a worthless check or
(1909) which authorized the arrest of the a check that is dishonored upon its presentation for
defendant in a civil case on grounds akin to those payment. It is not the non-payment of an obligation
which justify the issuance of a writ of attachment which the law punishes. The law is not intended or
under our present Rules of Court, such as imminent designed to coerce a debtor to pay his debt. The
departure of the defendant from the Philippines thrust of the law is to prohibit, under pain of penal
with intent to defraud his creditors, or sanctions, the making of worthless checks and
concealment, removal or disposition of properties putting them in circulation. Because of its
in fraud of creditors, etc. The Court, in that case, deleterious effects on the public interest, the
practice is proscribed by the law. The law punishes approximate value of bouncing checks per day was
the act not as an offense against property, but an close to 200 million pesos, and thereafter when
offense against public order. overdrafts were banned by the Central Bank, it
averaged between 50 million to 80 million pesos a
Admittedly, the distinction may seem at first blush day. 26
to appear elusive and difficult to conceptualize. But
precisely in the failure to perceive the vital By definition, a check is a bill of exchange drawn on
distinction lies the error of those who challenge the a bank and payable on demand. 27 It is a written
validity of BP 22. order on a bank, purporting to be drawn against a
deposit of funds for the payment of all events, of a
It may be constitutionally impermissible for the sum of money to a certain person therein named
legislature to penalize a person for non-payment of or to his order or to cash, and payable on demand.
a debt ex contractu. But certainly it is within the 28 Unlike a promissory note, a check is not a mere
prerogative of the lawmaking body to proscribe undertaking to pay an amount of money. It is an
certain acts deemed pernicious and inimical to order addressed to a bank and partakes of a
public welfare. Acts mala in se are not the only acts representation that the drawer has funds on
which the law can punish. An act may not be deposit against which the check is drawn, sufficient
considered by society as inherently wrong, hence, to ensure payment upon its presentation to the
not malum in se, but because of the harm that it bank. There is therefore an element of certainty or
inflicts on the community, it can be outlawed and assurance that the instrument will be paid upon
criminally punished as malum prohibitum. The presentation. For this reason, checks have become
state can do this in the exercise of its police power. widely accepted as a medium of payment in trade
and commerce. Although not legal tender, checks
The police power of the state has been described have come to be perceived as convenient
as "the most essential, insistent and illimitable of substitutes for currency in commercial and
powers" which enables it to prohibit all things financial transactions. The basis or foundation of
hurtful to the comfort, safety and welfare of such perception is confidence. If such confidence is
society. 24 It is a power not emanating from or shaken, the usefulness of checks as currency
conferred by the constitution, but inherent in the substitutes would be greatly diminished or may
state, plenary, suitably vague and far from become nil. Any practice therefore tending to
precisely defined, rooted in the conception that destroy that confidence should be deterred, for the
man in organizing the state and imposing upon the proliferation of worthless checks can only create
government limitations to safeguard constitutional havoc in trade circles and the banking community.
rights did not intend thereby to enable individual
citizens or group of citizens to obstruct Recent statistics of the Central Bank show that one-
unreasonably the enactment of such salutary third of the entire money supply of the country,
measures to ensure communal peace, safety, good roughly totalling P32.3 billion, consists of peso
order and welfare."25cralaw:red demand deposits; the remaining two-thirds
consists of currency in circulation. 29 These
The enactment of BP 22 is a declaration by the demand deposits in the banks constitute the funds
legislature that, as a matter of public policy, the against which, among others, commercial papers
making and issuance of a worthless check is like checks, are drawn. The magnitude of the
deemed a public nuisance to be abated by the amount involved amply justifies the legitimate
imposition of penal sanctions. concern of the state in preserving the integrity of
the banking system. Flooding the system with
It is not for us to question the wisdom or impolicy worthless checks is like pouring garbage into the
of the statute. It is sufficient that a reasonable bloodstream of the nation’s economy.
nexus exists between means and end. Considering
the factual and legal antecedents that led to the The effects of the issuance of a worthless check
adoption of the statute, it is not difficult to transcends the private interests of the parties
understand the public concern which prompted its directly involved in the transaction and touches the
enactment. It had been reported that the interests of the community at large. The mischief it
creates is not only a wrong to the payee or holder, we do not have to address. This bridge has not
but also an injury to the public. The harmful been reached, so there is no occasion to cross it.
practice of putting valueless commercial papers in
circulation, multiplied a thousandfold, can very We hold that BP 22 does not conflict with the
well pollute the channels of trade and commerce, constitutional inhibition against imprisonment for
injure the banking system and eventually hurt the debt.
welfare of society and the public interest. As aptly
stated — 30 V

"The ‘check flasher’ does a great deal more than

contract a debt; he shakes the pillars of business; We need not detain ourselves lengthily in the
and to my mind, it is a mistaken charity of judgment examination of the other constitutional objections
to place him in the same category with the honest raised by petitioners, some of which are rather
man who is unable to pay his debts, and for whom flimsy.
the constitutional inhibition against `imprisonment
for debt, except in cases of fraud’ was intended as We find no valid ground to sustain the contention
a shield and not a sword."cralaw virtua1aw library that BP 22 impairs freedom of contract. The
freedom of contract which is constitutionally
In sum, we find the enactment of BP 22 a valid protected is freedom to enter into "lawful"
exercise of the police power and is not repugnant contracts. Contracts which contravene public
to the constitutional inhibition against policy are not lawful. 33 Besides, we must bear in
imprisonment for debt. mind that checks can not be categorized as mere
contracts. It is a commercial instrument which, in
This Court is not unaware of the conflicting this modern day and age, has become a convenient
jurisprudence obtaining in the various states of the substitute for money; it forms part of the banking
United States on the constitutionality of the system and therefore not entirely free from the
"worthless check" acts. 31 It is needless to warn regulatory power of the state.
that foreign jurisprudence must be taken with
abundant caution. A caveat to be observed is that Neither do we find substance in the claim that the
substantial differences exist between our statute statute in question denies equal protection of the
and the worthless check acts of those states where laws or is discriminatory, since it penalizes the
the jurisprudence have evolved. One thing to drawer of the check, but not the payee. It is
remember is that BP 22 was not lifted bodily from contended that the payee is just as responsible for
any existing statute. Furthermore, we have to the crime as the drawer of the check, since without
consider that judicial decisions must be read in the the indispensable participation of the payee by his
context of the facts and the law involved and, in a acceptance of the check there would be no crime.
broader sense, of the social, economic and political This argument is tantamount to saying that, to give
environment — in short, the milieu — under which equal protection, the law should punish both the
they were made. We recognize the wisdom of the swindler and the swindled. The petitioners’
old saying that what is sauce for the goose may not posture ignores the well-accepted meaning of the
be sauce for the gander. clause "equal protection of the laws." The clause
does not preclude classification of individuals, who
As stated elsewhere, police power is a dynamic may be accorded different treatment under the
force that enables the state to meet the exigencies law as long as the classification is not unreasonable
of changing times. There are occasions when the or arbitrary. 34
police power of the state may even override a
constitutional guaranty. For example, there have It is also suggested that BP 22 constitutes undue or
been cases wherein we held that the constitutional improper delegation of legislative powers, on the
provision on non-impairment of contracts must theory that the offense is not completed by the
yield to the police power of the state. 32 Whether sole act of the maker or drawer but is made to
the police power may override the constitutional depend on the will of the payee. If the payee does
inhibition against imprisonment for debt is an issue not present the check to the bank for payment but
instead keeps it, there would be no crime. The logic by the entire body on March 22, 1979, stated that
of the argument stretches to absurdity the "the clause in question was . . . an authorized
meaning of "delegation of legislative power." What amendment of the bill and the printed copy
cannot be delegated is the power to legislate, or thereof reflects accurately the provision in
the power to make laws, 35 which means, as question as approved on Second Reading. 37 We
applied to the present case, the power to define therefore, find no merit in the petitioners’ claim
the offense sought to be punished and to prescribe that in the enactment of BP 22 the provisions of
the penalty. By no stretch of logic or imagination Section 9 (2) of Article VIII of the 1973 Constitution
can it be said that the power to define the crime were violated.
and prescribe the penalty therefor has been in any
manner delegated to the payee. Neither is there WHEREFORE, judgment is rendered granting the
any provision in the statute that can be construed, petition in G.R. No. 75789 and setting aside the
no matter how remotely, as undue delegation of order of the respondent Judge dated August 19,
executive power. The suggestion that the statute 1986. The petitions in G.R. Nos. 63419, 66839-42,
unlawfully delegates its enforcement to the 71654, 74524-25, 75122-49, 75812-13 and 75765-
offended party is farfetched. 67 are hereby dismissed and the temporary
restraining order issued in G.R. Nos. 74524-25 is
Lastly, the objection has been raised that Section 9 lifted. With costs against private petitioners.
(2) of Article VII of the 1973 Constitution was
violated by the legislative body when it enacted BP SO ORDERED.
22 into law. This constitutional provision prohibits
the introduction of amendments to a bill during the
Third Reading. It is claimed that during its Third [ G.R. No. 222226. February 14, 2022 ]
Reading, the bill which eventually became BP 22
was amended in that the text of the second FE J. MORADA, PETITIONER, VS. RANDY RIAS, EX-O
paragraph of Section 1 of the bill as adopted on ROLLY CEBU, DESK OFFICER ROMY DONALDO,
Second Reading was altered or changed in the DESK OFFICER FERNANDO DOMINGO AND OTHER
printed text of the bill submitted for approval on JOHN DOES OF BARANGAY 176, CALOOCAN CITY,
Third Reading. RESPONDENTS.

A careful review of the record of the proceedings DECISION

of the Interim Batasan on this matter shows that,
indeed, there was some confusion among Batasan HERNANDO, J.:
Members on what was the exact text of the
paragraph in question which the body approved on At bar is a petition for review
Second Reading. 36 Part of the confusion was due on certiorari1 filed by petitioner Fe J. Morada
apparently to the fact that during the deliberations (Morada) from the Order2 dated January 26, 2016
on Second Reading (the amendment period), of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Caloocan City,
amendments were proposed orally and approved Branch 123, which denied the Petition for Issuance
by the body or accepted by the sponsor, hence, of Writ of Amparo3 she filed for the alleged
some members might not have gotten the enforced disappearance of her son, Johnson J.
complete text of the provisions of the bill as Morada (Johnson).
amended and approved on Second Reading.
However, it is clear from the records that the text Morada alleged that on October 14, 2015 at
of the second paragraph of Section 1 of BP 22 is the around 8:00 a.m., she received a text message
text which was actually approved by the body on from her daughter, Jennilyn J. Morada, that
Second Reading on February 7, 1979, as reflected Johnson was arrested and detained by the
in the approved Minutes for that day. In any event, barangay tanods of Barangay 176, Caloocan City
before the bill was submitted for final approval on for alleged theft of a mobile phone in the house of
Third Reading, the Interim Batasan created a another barangay tanod, herein respondent Randy
Special Committee to investigate the matter, and Rias (Randy).4
the Committee in its report, which was approved
Morada went to the barangay hall at about Undaunted, Morada instituted the present
7:00 p.m. of October 14, 2015. At the barangay petition before this Court.
hall, respondent Rolly Cebu (Rolly) informed
Morada that Johnson was already released by Issue
either respondent Fernando Domingo (Fernando)
or respondent Romy Donaldo (Romy) from the The issue for resolution is whether the RTC
custody of the barangay as evidenced by the entry gravely erred in not giving due course to the
in the barangay blotter, signed by Johnson petition for issuance of writ of amparo despite
himself.5 substantial evidence submitted in support of the
In December 2015, Morada went to the
Northern Police District (NPD) to report that her Morada argues that, contrary to the RTC's
son is missing. An investigation was conducted but findings, the enforced disappearance of Johnson
the same was terminated in view of the lack of a had been established by substantial evidence.
witness to shed light on Johnson's disappearance Morada insists that the lack of cooperation on the
and the insistence of the respondent barangay part of the respondents amounted to a refusal on
desk officers that Johnson was already released their part to acknowledge or give information on
from their custody.6 the fate or whereabouts of Johnson, showing their
intention to remove him from the protection of the
In the meantime, rumors circulated within law.11
Barangay 176 that Johnson had been extrajudicially
killed and that his body was mixed in cement in Our Ruling
order to conceal the incident. This prompted
Morada to institute a petition for the issuance of a The petition has no merit.
writ of amparo to determine whether respondents
had violated or threatened to violate Johnson's Section 19 of the Rule on the Writ of Amparo
right to life, liberty and security, and to compel (A.M. No. 07-9-12-SC) is explicit that both
respondents to determine the whereabouts of questions of fact and law can be raised before the
Johnson, and the person/s responsible for his Court in a petition for review on certiorari under
disappearance or possible death, among others.7 Rule 45.12 As a rule then, the Court is not bound
by the factual findings made by the lower court
On January 25, 2016, Morada filed before the which rendered the judgment in a petition for the
RTC a Petition for Issuance of Writ of issuance of the writ of amparo. Be that as it may, a
Amparo,8 docketed as SP. PROC CASE NO. C-5159. careful review of the records of the case reveals
that the RTC committed no reversible error in
On January 26, 2016, the RTC rendered the finding that no substantial evidence exists to
assailed Order9 denying the petition. The RTC held compel the grant of the writ prayed for by Morada.
that there was no showing of any refusal on the
part of the respondents to acknowledge or to give The elements constituting enforced
information on Johnson's whereabouts such that disappearance as defined under Republic Act No.
there was no intention to remove him from the 9851 are as follows:
protection of the law for a prolonged period of
time. Thus, the third and fourth elements of (a) that there be an arrest,
enforced disappearance are absent. The decretal detention, abduction or any form
portion of the RTC Order reads: of deprivation of liberty;

Premises considered, the (b) that it be carried out by, or

petition is hereby DENIED DUE with the authorization, support or
COURSE and is acquiescence of, the State or a
accordingly DISMISSED. political organization;

SO ORDERED.10 (c) that it be followed by the

State or political organization's
refusal to acknowledge or give disappearance but the same was terminated due
information on the fate or to the lack of a witness to give light to the
whereabouts of the person subject investigation and on account of the information
of the amparo petition; and from the barangay that he was already released
from custody. The foregoing belie Morada's claim
(d) that the intention for such of lack of cooperation on the part of the
refusal is to remove subject person authorities. On this score, We agree with the
from the protection of the law for a following observations of the RTC:
prolonged period of time.13
This documentary proof of Johnson's release from
There is no question that the first and second detention is, to the mind of the Court, substantial
elements are attendant in this case. However, We evidence to establish that the respondents have
agree with the RTC that the third and fourth not refused to acknowledge or give information on
elements are sorely lacking. While it is admitted the whereabouts of Johnson, as in fact it should be
that Johnson was arrested for the alleged theft that regarded as information positively showing that
he committed in the house of Randy, it was Johnson was no longer under the hold of the
sufficiently established by the respondents that he barangay officials.15
was already released from their custody on
October 14, 2015, as evidenced by the barangay Accordingly, there was no intention to remove
blotter, signed by Johnson himself.14 In fact, Johnson from the protection of the law for a
Morada neither denied nor refuted the said prolonged period of time as he had been released
document of release. As opposed to the already. Hence, We see no enforced or involuntary
unsubstantiated allegations of Morada that it is disappearance that would warrant the issuance of
respondents who are responsible for Johnson's the writ of amparo.
disappearance, We accord greater weight to the
documentary evidence presented by the "For the issuance of the writ, it is not sufficient
respondents exhibiting that Johnson was no longer that a person's life is endangered. It is even not
in the custody of the respondents when he sufficient to allege and prove that a person has
disappeared. Such evidence strongly militate disappeared. It has to be shown by the required
against Morada's claim of enforced disappearance. quantum of proof that the disappearance was
carried out by, or with the authorization, support
Morada further argues that the lack of or acquiescence of the government or a political
cooperation on the part of the respondents organization, and that there is a refusal to
constitutes a refusal on their part to acknowledge acknowledge the same or to give information on
Johnson's disappearance and the corresponding the fate or whereabouts of the missing persons."16
intention to remove him from the protection of the
law. In the instant case, the Court agrees with the
RTC that Morada failed to prove by substantial
This argument is specious. evidence her claim of enforced disappearance.
Morada's petition is mainly anchored on the
By her own admission, Morada disclosed that alleged rumor which circulated in their community
when she inquired about her son Johnson at the that Johnson was killed and his dead body was
barangay hall, she was immediately informed by mixed in cement. However, said allegation lacked
respondent Rolly that Johnson was captured but corroborations. The presentation of testimonial,
was also released from detention the same day. In documentary or at least circumstantial evidence
support thereof, Rolly showed the barangay blotter could have made a difference in light of the denials
which bore Johnson's signature showing his made by the respondents as regards Morada's
release. Thus, it is clear that there was no refusal to claims, as well as the documentary evidence,
give information on the whereabouts of Johnson. showing that Johnson is no longer in the charge of
the barangay. Morada's continued reliance on
Morada further admitted that the NPD mere rumors and speculations, without presenting
conducted an investigation on Johnson's any clear and independent evidence showing that
there was a threat to Johnson's life, liberty, and On June 30, 1991 Estrellita Vizconde and her
security, even prior to his arrest or that he was daughters Carmela, nineteen years old, and
physically harmed by the respondents while in Jennifer, seven, were brutally slain at their home in
detention, does not amount to substantial Parañaque City. Following an intense investigation,
evidence. the police arrested a group of suspects, some of
whom gave detailed confessions. But the trial court
Not only did Morada fail to substantiate any smelled a frame-up and eventually ordered them
extrajudicial killing or enforced disappearance in discharged. Thus, the identities of the real
this case, she also miserably failed to show any perpetrators remained a mystery especially to the
government participation or acquiescence in any public whose interests were aroused by the
killing or disappearance. To reiterate, records show gripping details of what everybody referred to as
that Johnson was properly accounted for by the the Vizconde massacre.
authorities who initially detained him.
Four years later in 1995, the National Bureau of
Given the foregoing, there is no basis for the Investigation or NBI announced that it had solved
issuance of the writ of amparo. The liberality the crime. It presented star-witness Jessica M.
accorded to amparo does not mean that a claimant Alfaro, one of its informers, who claimed that she
is excused from the onus of proving his case. witnessed the crime. She pointed to accused
"Indeed, even the liberal standard of substantial Hubert Jeffrey P. Webb, Antonio "Tony Boy"
evidence demands some adequate evidence."17 Lejano, Artemio "Dong" Ventura, Michael A.
Gatchalian, Hospicio "Pyke" Fernandez, Peter
WHEREFORE, the instant Estrada, Miguel "Ging" Rodriguez, and Joey Filart as
petition is hereby DENIED. The the culprits. She also tagged accused police officer,
assailed Order dated January 26, Gerardo Biong, as an accessory after the fact.
2016 of the Regional Trial Court of Relying primarily on Alfaro's testimony, on August
Caloocan City, Branch 123 10, 1995 the public prosecutors filed an
is AFFIRMED. information for rape with homicide against Webb,
et al.1
The Regional Trial Court of Parañaque City, Branch
G.R. No. 176389 December 14, 2010 274, presided over by Judge Amelita G. Tolentino,
tried only seven of the accused since Artemio
ANTONIO LEJANO, Petitioner, Ventura and Joey Filart remained at large. 2 The
vs. prosecution presented Alfaro as its main witness
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Respondent. with the others corroborating her testimony. These
included the medico-legal officer who autopsied
x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x the bodies of the victims, the security guards of
Pitong Daan Subdivision, the former
G.R. No. 176864 laundrywoman of the Webb’s household, police
officer Biong’s former girlfriend, and Lauro G.
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Appellee, Vizconde, Estrellita’s husband.
HUBERT JEFFREY P. WEBB, ANTONIO LEJANO, For their part, some of the accused testified,
MICHAEL A. GATCHALIAN, HOSPICIO FERNANDEZ, denying any part in the crime and saying they were
MIGUEL RODRIGUEZ, PETER ESTRADA and elsewhere when it took place. Webb’s alibi
GERARDO BIONG, Appellants. appeared the strongest since he claimed that he
was then across the ocean in the United States of
DECISION America. He presented the testimonies of
witnesses as well as documentary and object
ABAD, J.: evidence to prove this. In addition, the defense
presented witnesses to show Alfaro's bad
Brief Background
reputation for truth and the incredible nature of On April 20, 2010, as a result of its initial
her testimony. deliberation in this case, the Court issued a
Resolution granting the request of Webb to submit
But impressed by Alfaro’s detailed narration of the for DNA analysis the semen specimen taken from
crime and the events surrounding it, the trial court Carmela’s cadaver, which specimen was then
found a credible witness in her. It noted her believed still under the safekeeping of the NBI. The
categorical, straightforward, spontaneous, and Court granted the request pursuant to section 4 of
frank testimony, undamaged by grueling cross- the Rule on DNA Evidence6 to give the accused and
examinations. The trial court remained unfazed by the prosecution access to scientific evidence that
significant discrepancies between Alfaro’s April 28 they might want to avail themselves of, leading to
and May 22, 1995 affidavits, accepting her a correct decision in the case.
explanation that she at first wanted to protect her
former boyfriend, accused Estrada, and a relative, Unfortunately, on April 27, 2010 the NBI informed
accused Gatchalian; that no lawyer assisted her; the Court that it no longer has custody of the
that she did not trust the investigators who helped specimen, the same having been turned over to
her prepare her first affidavit; and that she felt the trial court. The trial record shows, however,
unsure if she would get the support and security that the specimen was not among the object
she needed once she disclosed all about the evidence that the prosecution offered in evidence
Vizconde killings. in the case.

In contrast, the trial court thought little of the This outcome prompted accused Webb to file an
denials and alibis that Webb, Lejano, Rodriguez, urgent motion to acquit on the ground that the
and Gatchalian set up for their defense. They government’s failure to preserve such vital
paled, according to the court, compared to Alfaro’s evidence has resulted in the denial of his right to
testimony that other witnesses and the physical due process.
evidence corroborated. Thus, on January 4, 2000,
after four years of arduous hearings, the trial court Issues Presented
rendered judgment, finding all the accused guilty
as charged and imposing on Webb, Lejano, Accused Webb’s motion to acquit presents a
Gatchalian, Fernandez, Estrada, and Rodriguez the threshold issue: whether or not the Court should
penalty of reclusion perpetua and on Biong, an acquit him outright, given the government’s failure
indeterminate prison term of eleven years, four to produce the semen specimen that the NBI found
months, and one day to twelve years. The trial on Carmela’s cadaver, thus depriving him of
court also awarded damages to Lauro Vizconde. 3 evidence that would prove his innocence.

On appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed the trial In the main, all the accused raise the central issue
court’s decision, modifying the penalty imposed on of whether or not Webb, acting in conspiracy with
Biong to six years minimum and twelve years Lejano, Gatchalian, Fernandez, Estrada, Rodriguez,
maximum and increasing the award of damages to Ventura, and Filart, raped and killed Carmela and
Lauro Vizconde.4 The appellate court did not agree put to death her mother and sister. But, ultimately,
that the accused were tried by publicity or that the the controlling issues are:
trial judge was biased. It found sufficient evidence
of conspiracy that rendered Rodriguez, Gatchalian, 1. Whether or not Alfaro’s testimony as
Fernandez, and Estrada equally guilty with those eyewitness, describing the crime and
who had a part in raping and killing Carmela and in identifying Webb, Lejano, Gatchalian,
executing her mother and sister. Fernandez, Estrada, Rodriguez, and two
others as the persons who committed it, is
On motion for reconsideration by the accused, the entitled to belief; and
Court of Appeals' Special Division of five members
voted three against two to deny the 2. Whether or not Webb presented
motion,5 hence, the present appeal. sufficient evidence to prove his alibi and
rebut Alfaro’s testimony that he led the conducting the test, and no Philippine precedent
others in committing the crime. had as yet recognized its admissibility as evidence.
Consequently, the idea of keeping the specimen
The issue respecting accused Biong is whether or secure even after the trial court rejected the
not he acted to cover up the crime after its motion for DNA testing did not come up. Indeed,
commission. neither Webb nor his co-accused brought up the
matter of preserving the specimen in the
The Right to Acquittal meantime.
Due to Loss of DNA Evidence
Parenthetically, after the trial court denied Webb’s
Webb claims, citing Brady v. Maryland, 7
that he is application for DNA testing, he allowed the
entitled to outright acquittal on the ground of proceeding to move on when he had on at least
violation of his right to due process given the two occasions gone up to the Court of Appeals or
State’s failure to produce on order of the Court the Supreme Court to challenge alleged arbitrary
either by negligence or willful suppression the actions taken against him and the other
semen specimen taken from Carmela. accused.11 They raised the DNA issue before the
Court of Appeals but merely as an error committed
The medical evidence clearly established that by the trial court in rendering its decision in the
Carmela was raped and, consistent with this, case. None of the accused filed a motion with the
semen specimen was found in her. It is true that appeals court to have the DNA test done pending
Alfaro identified Webb in her testimony as adjudication of their appeal. This, even when the
Carmela’s rapist and killer but serious questions Supreme Court had in the meantime passed the
had been raised about her credibility. At the very rules allowing such test. Considering the accused’s
least, there exists a possibility that Alfaro had lied. lack of interest in having such test done, the State
On the other hand, the semen specimen taken cannot be deemed put on reasonable notice that it
from Carmela cannot possibly lie. It cannot be would be required to produce the semen specimen
coached or allured by a promise of reward or at some future time.
financial support. No two persons have the same
DNA fingerprint, with the exception of identical Now, to the merit of the case.
twins.8 If, on examination, the DNA of the subject
specimen does not belong to Webb, then he did Alfaro’s Story
not rape Carmela. It is that simple. Thus, the Court
would have been able to determine that Alfaro Based on the prosecution’s version, culled from the
committed perjury in saying that he did. decisions of the trial court and the Court of
Appeals, on June 29, 1991 at around 8:30 in the
Still, Webb is not entitled to acquittal for the failure evening, Jessica Alfaro drove her Mitsubishi Lancer,
of the State to produce the semen specimen at this with boyfriend Peter Estrada as passenger, to the
late stage. For one thing, the ruling in Brady v. Ayala Alabang Commercial Center parking lot to
Maryland9 that he cites has long be overtaken by buy shabu from Artemio "Dong" Ventura. There,
the decision in Arizona v. Youngblood,10 where the Ventura introduced her to his friends: Hubert
U.S. Supreme Court held that due process does not Jeffrey P. Webb, Antonio "Tony Boy" Lejano,
require the State to preserve the semen specimen Miguel "Ging" Rodriguez, Hospicio "Pyke"
although it might be useful to the accused unless Fernandez, Michael Gatchalian, and Joey Filart.
the latter is able to show bad faith on the part of Alfaro recalled frequently seeing them at a shabu
the prosecution or the police. Here, the State house in Parañaque in January 1991, except
presented a medical expert who testified on the Ventura whom she had known earlier in December
existence of the specimen and Webb in fact sought 1990.
to have the same subjected to DNA test.
As Alfaro smoked her shabu, Webb approached
For, another, when Webb raised the DNA issue, the and requested her to relay a message for him to a
rule governing DNA evidence did not yet exist, the girl, whom she later identified as Carmela
country did not yet have the technology for Vizconde. Alfaro agreed. After using up their shabu,
the group drove to Carmela’s house at 80 Vinzons Webb gave out free cocaine. They all used it and
Street, Pitong Daan Subdivision, BF Homes, some shabu, too. After about 40 to 45 minutes,
Parañaque City. Riding in her car, Alfaro and Webb decided that it was time for them to leave.
Estrada trailed Filart and Rodriguez who rode a He said, "Pipilahan natin siya [Carmela] at ako ang
Mazda pick-up and Webb, Lejano, Ventura, mauuna." Lejano said, "Ako ang susunod" and the
Fernandez, and Gatchalian who were on a Nissan others responded "Okay, okay." They all left the
Patrol car. parking lot in a convoy of three vehicles and drove
into Pitong Daan Subdivision for the third time.
On reaching their destination, Alfaro parked her car They arrived at Carmela’s house shortly before
on Vinzons Street, alighted, and approached midnight.
Carmela’s house. Alfaro pressed the buzzer and a
woman came out. Alfaro queried her about Alfaro parked her car between Vizconde’s house
Carmela. Alfaro had met Carmela twice before in and the next. While waiting for the others to alight
January 1991. When Carmela came out, Alfaro from their cars, Fernandez approached Alfaro with
gave her Webb’s message that he was just around. a suggestion that they blow up the transformer
Carmela replied, however, that she could not go near the Vizconde’s residence to cause a brownout
out yet since she had just arrived home. She told ("Pasabugin kaya natin ang transformer na ito").
Alfaro to return after twenty minutes. Alfaro But Alfaro shrugged off the idea, telling Fernandez,
relayed this to Webb who then told the group to "Malakas lang ang tama mo." When Webb, Lejano,
drive back to the Ayala Alabang Commercial and Ventura were already before the house, Webb
Center. told the others again that they would line up for
Carmela but he would be the first. The others
The group had another shabu session at the replied, "O sige, dito lang kami, magbabantay lang
parking lot. After sometime, they drove back but kami."
only Alfaro proceeded to Vinzons Street where
Carmela lived. The Nissan Patrol and the Mazda Alfaro was the first to pass through the pedestrian
pick-up, with their passengers, parked somewhere gate that had been left open. Webb, Lejano, and
along Aguirre Avenue. Carmela was at their garden. Ventura followed her. On entering the garage,
She approached Alfaro on seeing her and told the Ventura using a chair mounted the hood of the
latter that she (Carmela) had to leave the house for Vizcondes’ Nissan Sentra and loosened the electric
a while. Carmela requested Alfaro to return before bulb over it ("para daw walang ilaw"). The small
midnight and she would leave the pedestrian gate, group went through the open iron grill gate and
the iron grills that led to the kitchen, and the passed the dirty kitchen. Carmela opened the
kitchen door unlocked. Carmela also told Alfaro to aluminum screen door of the kitchen for them. She
blink her car’s headlights twice when she and Webb looked each other in the eyes for a
approached the pedestrian gate so Carmela would moment and, together, headed for the dining area.
know that she had arrived.
As she lost sight of Carmela and Webb, Alfaro
Alfaro returned to her car but waited for Carmela decided to go out. Lejano asked her where she was
to drive out of the house in her own car. Alfaro going and she replied that she was going out to
trailed Carmela up to Aguirre Avenue where she smoke. As she eased her way out through the
dropped off a man whom Alfaro believed was kitchen door, she saw Ventura pulling out a kitchen
Carmela’s boyfriend. Alfaro looked for her group, drawer. Alfaro smoked a cigarette at the garden.
found them, and relayed Carmela’s instructions to After about twenty minutes, she was surprised to
Webb. They then all went back to the Ayala hear a woman’s voice ask, "Sino yan?" Alfaro
Alabang Commercial Center. At the parking lot, immediately walked out of the garden to her car.
Alfaro told the group about her talk with Carmela. She found her other companions milling around it.
When she told Webb of Carmela’s male Estrada who sat in the car asked her, "Okay ba?"
companion, Webb’s mood changed for the rest of
the evening ("bad trip"). After sitting in the car for about ten minutes, Alfaro
returned to the Vizconde house, using the same
route. The interior of the house was dark but some
light filtered in from outside. In the kitchen, Alfaro "blaming session" took place. It was here that
saw Ventura searching a lady’s bag that lay on the Alfaro and those who remained outside the
dining table. When she asked him what he was Vizconde house learned of what happened. The
looking for, he said: "Ikaw na nga dito, maghanap first to be killed was Carmela’s mother, then
ka ng susi." She asked him what key he wanted and Jennifer, and finally, Carmella. Ventura blamed
he replied: "Basta maghanap ka ng susi ng main Webb, telling him, "Bakit naman pati yung bata?"
door pati na rin ng susi ng kotse." When she found Webb replied that the girl woke up and on seeing
a bunch of keys in the bag, she tried them on the him molesting Carmela, she jumped on him, bit his
main door but none fitted the lock. She also did not shoulders, and pulled his hair. Webb got mad,
find the car key. grabbed the girl, pushed her to the wall, and
repeatedly stabbed her. Lejano excused himself at
Unable to open the main door, Alfaro returned to this point to use the telephone in the house.
the kitchen. While she was at a spot leading to the Meanwhile, Webb called up someone on his
dining area, she heard a static noise (like a cellular phone.
television that remained on after the station had
signed off). Out of curiosity, she approached the At around 2:00 in the morning, accused Gerardo
master’s bedroom from where the noise came, Biong arrived. Webb ordered him to go and clean
opened the door a little, and peeked inside. The up the Vizconde house and said to him, "Pera lang
unusual sound grew even louder. As she walked in, ang katapat nyan." Biong answered, "Okay lang."
she saw Webb on top of Carmela while she lay with Webb spoke to his companions and told them, "We
her back on the floor. Two bloodied bodies lay on don’t know each other. We haven’t seen each
the bed. Lejano was at the foot of the bed about to other…baka maulit yan." Alfaro and Estrada left
wear his jacket. Carmela was gagged, moaning, and and they drove to her father’s house. 12
in tears while Webb raped her, his bare buttocks
exposed. 1. The quality of the witness

Webb gave Alfaro a meaningful look and she Was Alfaro an ordinary subdivision girl who
immediately left the room. She met Ventura at the showed up at the NBI after four years, bothered by
dining area. He told her, "Prepare an escape. Aalis her conscience or egged on by relatives or friends
na tayo." Shocked with what she saw, Alfaro rushed to come forward and do what was right? No. She
out of the house to the others who were either was, at the time she revealed her story, working for
sitting in her car or milling on the sidewalk. She the NBI as an "asset," a stool pigeon, one who
entered her car and turned on the engine but she earned her living by fraternizing with criminals so
did not know where to go. Webb, Lejano, and she could squeal on them to her NBI handlers. She
Ventura came out of the house just then. Webb had to live a life of lies to get rewards that would
suddenly picked up a stone and threw it at the main pay for her subsistence and vices.
door, breaking its glass frame.
According to Atty. Artemio Sacaguing, former head
As the three men approached the pedestrian gate, of the NBI Anti-Kidnapping, Hijacking, and Armed
Webb told Ventura that he forgot his jacket in the Robbery Task Force (AKHAR) Section, Alfaro had
house. But Ventura told him that they could not get been hanging around at the NBI since November or
in anymore as the iron grills had already locked. December 1994 as an "asset." She supplied her
They all rode in their cars and drove away until they handlers with information against drug pushers
reached Aguirre Avenue. As they got near an old and other criminal elements. Some of this
hotel at the Tropical Palace area, Alfaro noticed the information led to the capture of notorious drug
Nissan Patrol slow down. Someone threw pushers like Christopher Cruz Santos and Orlando
something out of the car into the cogonal area. Bacquir. Alfaro’s tip led to the arrest of the leader
of the "Martilyo gang" that killed a police officer.
The convoy of cars went to a large house with high Because of her talent, the task force gave her "very
walls, concrete fence, steel gate, and a long special treatment" and she became its "darling,"
driveway at BF Executive Village. They entered the allowed the privilege of spending nights in one of
compound and gathered at the lawn where the the rooms at the NBI offices.
When Alfaro seemed unproductive for sometime, A. Because Jessica Alfaro was never able to
however, they teased her about it and she was comply with her promise to bring the man
piqued. One day, she unexpectedly told Sacaguing to me. She told me later that she could not
that she knew someone who had the real story and the man does not like to testify.
behind the Vizconde massacre. Sacaguing showed
interest. Alfaro promised to bring that someone to ATTY. ONGKIKO:
the NBI to tell his story. When this did not happen
and Sacaguing continued to press her, she told him Q. All right, and what happened after that?
that she might as well assume the role of her
informant. Sacaguing testified thus: WITNESS SACAGUING:

ATTY. ONGKIKO: A. She told me, "easy lang kayo, Sir," if I may
quote, "easy lang Sir, huwag kayong…"
Q. Atty. Sacaguing, how did Jessica Alfaro
become a witness in the Vizconde murder COURT:
case? Will you tell the Honorable Court?
How was that?
A. She told me. Your Honor, that she knew
somebody who related to her the A. "Easy lang, Sir. Sir, relax lang, Sir,
circumstances, I mean, the details of the papapelan ko, papapelan ko na lang ‘yan."
massacre of the Vizconde family. That’s
what she told me, Your Honor. xxxx


Q. And what did you say? Q. All right, and what was your reaction
when Ms. Alfaro stated that "papapelan ko
xxxx na lang yan?"

A. I was quite interested and I tried to WITNESS SACAGUING:

persuade her to introduce to me that man
and she promised that in due time, she will A. I said, "hindi puwede yan, kasi hindi ka
bring to me the man, and together with her, naman eye witness."
we will try to convince him to act as a state
witness and help us in the solution of the ATTY. ONGKIKO:
Q. And what was the reply of Ms. Alfaro?
Q. Atty. Sacaguing, were you able to
interview this alleged witness? A. Hindi siya nakakibo, until she went away.

WITNESS SACAGUING: (TSN, May 28, 1996, pp. 49-50, 58, 77-79)

A. No, sir. Quite significantly, Alfaro never refuted

Sacaguing’s above testimony.
2. The suspicious details
Q. Why not?
But was it possible for Alfaro to lie with such
WITNESS SACAGUING: abundant details some of which even tallied with
the physical evidence at the scene of the crime? No they tried to rob the house. To explain this physical
doubt, yes. evidence, Alfaro claimed that at one point Ventura
was pulling a kitchen drawer, and at another point,
Firstly, the Vizconde massacre had been reported going through a handbag on the dining table. He
in the media with dizzying details. Everybody was said he was looking for the front-door key and the
talking about what the police found at the crime car key.
scene and there were lots of speculations about
them. Again, this portion of Alfaro’s story appears
tortured to accommodate the physical evidence of
Secondly, the police had arrested some "akyat- the ransacked house. She never mentioned
bahay" group in Parañaque and charged them with Ventura having taken some valuables with him
the crime. The police prepared the confessions of when they left Carmela’s house. And why would
the men they apprehended and filled these up with Ventura rummage a bag on the table for the front-
details that the evidence of the crime scene door key, spilling the contents, when they had
provided. Alfaro’s NBI handlers who were doing already gotten into the house. It is a story made to
their own investigation knew of these details as fit in with the crime scene although robbery was
well. Since Alfaro hanged out at the NBI offices and supposedly not the reason Webb and his
practically lived there, it was not too difficult for companions entered that house.
her to hear of these evidentiary details and gain
access to the documents. c. It is the same thing with the garage light. The
police investigators found that the bulb had been
Not surprisingly, the confessions of some members loosened to turn off the light. The confessions of
of the Barroso "akyat bahay" gang, condemned by the Barroso gang claimed that one of them climbed
the Makati RTC as fabricated by the police to pin the parked car’s hood to reach up and darken that
the crime on them, shows how crime investigators light. This made sense since they were going to rob
could make a confession ring true by matching the place and they needed time to work in the dark
some of its details with the physical evidence at the trying to open the front door. Some passersby
crime scene. Consider the following: might look in and see what they were doing.

a. The Barroso gang members said that they got Alfaro had to adjust her testimony to take into
into Carmela’s house by breaking the glass panel of account that darkened garage light. So she claimed
the front door using a stone wrapped in cloth to that Ventura climbed the car’s hood, using a chair,
deaden the noise. Alfaro could not use this line to turn the light off. But, unlike the Barroso "akyat-
since the core of her story was that Webb was bahay" gang, Webb and his friends did not have
Carmela’s boyfriend. Webb had no reason to anything to do in a darkened garage. They
smash her front door to get to see her. supposedly knew in advance that Carmela left the
doors to the kitchen open for them. It did not make
Consequently, to explain the smashed door, Alfaro sense for Ventura to risk standing on the car’s hood
had to settle for claiming that, on the way out of and be seen in such an awkward position instead of
the house, Webb picked up some stone and, out of going straight into the house.
the blue, hurled it at the glass-paneled front door
of the Vizconde residence. His action really made And, thirdly, Alfaro was the NBI’s star witness, their
no sense. From Alfaro’s narration, Webb appeared badge of excellent investigative work.lavvphil After
rational in his decisions. It was past midnight, the claiming that they had solved the crime of the
house was dark, and they wanted to get away decade, the NBI people had a stake in making her
quickly to avoid detection. Hurling a stone at that sound credible and, obviously, they gave her all the
glass door and causing a tremendous noise was preparations she needed for the job of becoming a
bizarre, like inviting the neighbors to come. fairly good substitute witness. She was their
"darling" of an asset. And this is not pure
b. The crime scene showed that the house had speculation. As pointed out above, Sacaguing of
been ransacked. The rejected confessions of the the NBI, a lawyer and a ranking official, confirmed
Barroso "akyat-bahay" gang members said that
this to be a cold fact. Why the trial court and the having a drinking party in a nearby house.
Court of Appeals failed to see this is mystifying. Obviously, the behavior of Webb’s companions out
on the street did not figure in a planned gang-rape
At any rate, did Alfaro at least have a fine memory of Carmela.
for faces that had a strong effect on her, given the
circumstances? Not likely. She named Miguel Two. Ventura, Alfaro’s dope supplier, introduced
"Ging" Rodriguez as one of the culprits in the her for the first time in her life to Webb and his
Vizconde killings. But when the NBI found a certain friends in a parking lot by a mall. So why would she
Michael Rodriguez, a drug dependent from the agree to act as Webb’s messenger, using her gas,
Bicutan Rehabilitation Center, initially suspected to to bring his message to Carmela at her home. More
be Alfaro’s Miguel Rodriguez and showed him to inexplicably, what motivated Alfaro to stick it out
Alfaro at the NBI office, she ran berserk, slapping the whole night with Webb and his friends?
and kicking Michael, exclaiming: "How can I forget
your face. We just saw each other in a disco one They were practically strangers to her and her
month ago and you told me then that you will kill boyfriend Estrada. When it came to a point that
me." As it turned out, he was not Miguel Rodriguez, Webb decided with his friends to gang-rape
the accused in this case.13 Carmela, clearly, there was nothing in it for Alfaro.
Yet, she stuck it out with them, as a police asset
Two possibilities exist: Michael was really the one would, hanging in there until she had a crime to
Alfaro wanted to implicate to settle some score report, only she was not yet an "asset" then. If, on
with him but it was too late to change the name the other hand, Alfaro had been too soaked in
she already gave or she had myopic vision, tagging drugs to think clearly and just followed along where
the wrong people for what they did not do. the group took her, how could she remember so
much details that only a drug-free mind can?
3. The quality of the testimony
Three. When Alfaro went to see Carmela at her
There is another thing about a lying witness: her house for the second time, Carmella told her that
story lacks sense or suffers from inherent she still had to go out and that Webb and his
inconsistencies. An understanding of the nature of friends should come back around midnight. Alfaro
things and the common behavior of people will returned to her car and waited for Carmela to drive
help expose a lie. And it has an abundant presence out in her own car. And she trailed her up to
in this case. Aguirre Avenue where she supposedly dropped off
a man whom she thought was Carmela’s boyfriend.
One. In her desire to implicate Gatchalian, Alfaro’s trailing Carmela to spy on her
Fernandez, Estrada, Rodriguez, and Filart, who unfaithfulness to Webb did not make sense since
were supposed to be Webb’s co-principals in the she was on limited errand. But, as a critical witness,
crime, Alfaro made it a point to testify that Webb Alfaro had to provide a reason for Webb to freak
proposed twice to his friends the gang-rape of out and decide to come with his friends and harm
Carmela who had hurt him. And twice, they Carmela.
(including, if one believes Alfaro, her own
boyfriend Estrada) agreed in a chorus to his Four. According to Alfaro, when they returned to
proposal. But when they got to Carmela’s house, Carmela’s house the third time around midnight,
only Webb, Lejano, Ventura, and Alfaro entered she led Webb, Lejano, and Ventura through the
the house. pedestrian gate that Carmela had left open. Now,
this is weird. Webb was the gang leader who
Gatchalian, Fernandez, Estrada, and Rodriguez decided what they were going to do. He decided
supposedly stayed around Alfaro’s car, which was and his friends agreed with him to go to Carmela’s
parked on the street between Carmela’s house and house and gang-rape her. Why would Alfaro, a
the next. Some of these men sat on top of the car’s woman, a stranger to Webb before that night, and
lid while others milled on the sidewalk, visible obviously with no role to play in the gang-rape of
under the street light to anyone who cared to Carmela, lead him and the others into her house?
watch them, particularly to the people who were It made no sense. It would only make sense if Alfaro
wanted to feign being a witness to something she the presence of semen in Carmela’s
did not see. genitalia,15 indicating that she had been raped.

Five. Alfaro went out of the house to smoke at the Normal E. White, Jr., was the security guard on
garden. After about twenty minutes, a woman duty at Pitong Daan Subdivision from 7 p.m. of June
exclaimed, "Sino yan?" On hearing this, Alfaro 29 to 7 a.m. of June 30, 1991. He got a report on
immediately walked out of the garden and went to the morning of June 30 that something untoward
her car. Apparently, she did this because she knew happened at the Vizconde residence. He went
they came on a sly. Someone other than Carmela there and saw the dead bodies in the master’s
became conscious of the presence of Webb and bedroom, the bag on the dining table, as well as the
others in the house. Alfaro walked away because, loud noise emanating from a television set. 16
obviously, she did not want to get involved in a
potential confrontation. This was supposedly her White claimed that he noticed Gatchalian and his
frame of mind: fear of getting involved in what was companions, none of whom he could identify, go in
not her business. and out of Pitong Daan Subdivision. He also saw
them along Vinzons Street. Later, they entered
But if that were the case, how could she testify Pitong Daan Subdivision in a three-car convoy.
based on personal knowledge of what went on in White could not, however, describe the kind of
the house? Alfaro had to change that frame of vehicles they used or recall the time when he saw
mind to one of boldness and reckless curiosity. So the group in those two instances. And he did not
that is what she next claimed. She went back into notice anything suspicious about their coming and
the house to watch as Webb raped Carmela on the going.
floor of the master’s bedroom. He had apparently
stabbed to death Carmela’s mom and her young But White’s testimony cannot be relied on. His
sister whose bloodied bodies were sprawled on the initial claim turned out to be inaccurate. He
bed. Now, Alfaro testified that she got scared actually saw Gatchalian and his group enter the
(another shift to fear) for she hurriedly got out of Pitong Daan Subdivision only once. They were not
the house after Webb supposedly gave her a going in and out. Furthermore, Alfaro testified that
meaningful look. when the convoy of cars went back the second
time in the direction of Carmela’s house, she alone
Alfaro quickly went to her car, not minding entered the subdivision and passed the
Gatchalian, Fernandez, Estrada, Rodriguez, and guardhouse without stopping. Yet, White who
Filart who sat on the car or milled on the sidewalk. supposedly manned that guardhouse did not
She did not speak to them, even to Estrada, her notice her.
boyfriend. She entered her car and turned on the
engine but she testified that she did not know Surprisingly, White failed to note Biong, a police
where to go. This woman who a few minutes back officer, entering or exiting the subdivision on the
led Webb, Lejano, and Ventura into the house, early morning of June 30 when he supposedly
knowing that they were decided to rape and harm "cleaned up" Vizconde residence on Webb’s
Carmela, was suddenly too shocked to know where orders. What is more, White did not notice
to go! This emotional pendulum swing indicates a Carmela arrive with her mom before Alfaro’s first
witness who was confused with her own lies. visit that night. Carmela supposedly left with a male
companion in her car at around 10:30 p.m. but
4. The supposed corroborations White did not notice it. He also did not notice
Carmela reenter the subdivision. White actually
Intending to provide corroboration to Alfaro’s discredited Alfaro’s testimony about the
testimony, the prosecution presented six movements of the persons involved.
additional witnesses:
Further, while Alfaro testified that it was the Mazda
Dr. Prospero A. Cabanayan, the NBI Medico-Legal pick-up driven by Filart that led the three-vehicle
Officer who autopsied the bodies of the victims, convoy,17 White claimed it was the Nissan Patrol
testified on the stab wounds they sustained14 and with Gatchalian on it that led the convoy since he
would not have let the convoy in without household as to enable her to distinctly remember,
ascertaining that Gatchalian, a resident, was in it. four years later, what one of the Webb boys did
Security guard White did not, therefore, provide and at what time. She could not remember any of
corroboration to Alfaro’s testimony.1avvphi1 the details that happened in the household on the
other days. She proved to have a selective
Justo Cabanacan, the security supervisor at Pitong photographic memory and this only damaged her
Daan Subdivision testified that he saw Webb testimony.
around the last week of May or the first week of
June 1991 to prove his presence in the Philippines Gaviola tried to corroborate Alfaro’'s testimony by
when he claimed to be in the United States. He was claiming that on June 30, 1991 she noticed
manning the guard house at the entrance of the bloodstains on Webb's t-shirt.20 She did not call the
subdivision of Pitong Daan when he flagged down attention of anybody in the household about it
a car driven by Webb. Webb said that he would see when it would have been a point of concern that
Lilet Sy. Cabanacan asked him for an ID but he Webb may have been hurt, hence the blood.
pointed to his United BF Homes sticker and said
that he resided there. Cabanacan replied, however, Besides, Victoria Ventoso, the Webbs' housemaid
that Pitong Daan had a local sticker. from March 1989 to May 1992, and Sgt. Miguel
Muñoz, the Webbs' security aide in 1991, testified
Cabanacan testified that, at this point, Webb that Gaviola worked for the Webbs only from
introduced himself as the son of Congressman January 1991 to April 1991. Ventoso further
Webb. Still, the supervisor insisted on seeing his ID. testified that it was not Gaviola's duty to collect the
Webb grudgingly gave it and after seeing the clothes from the 2nd floor bedrooms, this being
picture and the name on it, Cabanacan returned the work of the housemaid charged with cleaning
the same and allowed Webb to pass without being the rooms.
logged in as their Standard Operating Procedure
required.18 What is more, it was most unlikely for a
laundrywoman who had been there for only four
But Cabanacan's testimony could not be relied on. months to collect, as she claimed, the laundry from
Although it was not common for a security guard the rooms of her employers and their grown up
to challenge a Congressman’s son with such children at four in the morning while they were
vehemence, Cabanacan did not log the incident on asleep.
the guardhouse book. Nor did he, contrary to
prescribed procedure, record the visitor’s entry And it did not make sense, if Alfaro’s testimony
into the subdivision. It did not make sense that were to be believed that Webb, who was so careful
Cabanacan was strict in the matter of seeing and clever that he called Biong to go to the
Webb’s ID but not in recording the visit. Vizconde residence at 2 a.m. to clean up the
evidence against him and his group, would bring his
Mila Gaviola used to work as laundry woman for bloodied shirt home and put it in the hamper for
the Webbs at their house at BF Homes Executive laundrywoman Gaviola to collect and wash at 4
Village. She testified that she saw Webb at his a.m. as was her supposed habit.
parents’ house on the morning of June 30, 1991
when she got the dirty clothes from the room that Lolita De Birrer was accused Biong’s girlfriend
he and two brothers occupied at about 4.a.m. She around the time the Vizconde massacre took place.
saw him again pacing the floor at 9 a.m. At about 1 Birrer testified that she was with Biong playing
p.m., Webb left the house in t-shirt and shorts, mahjong from the evening of June 29, 1991 to the
passing through a secret door near the maid’s early morning of June 30, when Biong got a call at
quarters on the way out. Finally, she saw Webb at around 2 a.m. This prompted him, according to De
4 p.m. of the same day.19 Birrer, to leave and go to BF. Someone sitting at the
backseat of a taxi picked him up. When Biong
On cross-examination, however, Gaviola could not returned at 7 a.m. he washed off what looked like
say what distinguished June 30, 1991 from the dried blood from his fingernails. And he threw
other days she was on service at the Webb away a foul-smelling handkerchief. She also saw
Biong take out a knife with aluminum cover from town. But, here, none of her friends or even those
his drawer and hid it in his steel cabinet. 21 who knew either of them came forward to affirm
this. And if Webb hanged around with her, trying to
The security guard at Pitong Daan did not notice win her favors, he would surely be seen with her.
any police investigator flashing a badge to get into And this would all the more be so if they had
the village although Biong supposedly came in at become sweethearts, a relation that Alfaro tried to
the unholy hour of two in the morning. His project with her testimony.
departure before 7 a.m. also remained unnoticed
by the subdivision guards. Besides, if he had But, except for Alfaro, the NBI asset, no one among
cleaned up the crime scene shortly after midnight, Carmela’s friends or her friends’ friends would
what was the point of his returning there on the testify ever hearing of such relationship or ever
following morning to dispose of some of the seeing them together in some popular hangouts in
evidence in the presence of other police Parañaque or Makati. Alfaro’s claim of a five-hour
investigators and on-lookers? In fact, why would he drama is like an alien page, rudely and
steal valuable items from the Vizconde residence unconnectedly inserted into Webb and Carmela’s
on his return there hours later if he had the life stories or like a piece of jigsaw puzzle trimmed
opportunity to do it earlier? to fit into the shape on the board but does not
belong because it clashes with the surrounding
At most, Birrer’s testimony only established Biong’s pieces. It has neither antecedent nor concomitant
theft of certain items from the Vizconde residence support in the verifiable facts of their personal
and gross neglect for failing to maintain the histories. It is quite unreal.
sanctity of the crime scene by moving around and
altering the effects of the crime. Birrer’s testimony What is more, Alfaro testified that she saw Carmela
failed to connect Biong's acts to Webb and the drive out of her house with a male passenger, Mr.
other accused. X, whom Alfaro thought the way it looked was also
Carmela’s lover. This was the all-important reason
Lauro Vizconde testified about how deeply he was Webb supposedly had for wanting to harm her.
affected by the loss of her wife and two daughters. Again, none of Carmela’s relatives, friends, or
Carmella spoke to him of a rejected suitor she people who knew her ever testified about the
called "Bagyo," because he was a Parañaque existence of Mr.X in her life. Nobody has come
politician’s son. Unfortunately, Lauro did not forward to testify having ever seen him with
appear curious enough to insist on finding out who Carmela. And despite the gruesome news about
the rejected fellow was. Besides, his testimony her death and how Mr. X had played a role in it, he
contradicts that of Alfaro who testified that never presented himself like anyone who had lost
Carmela and Webb had an on-going relation. a special friend normally would. Obviously, Mr. X
Indeed, if Alfaro were to be believed, Carmela did not exist, a mere ghost of the imagination of
wanted Webb to come to her house around Alfaro, the woman who made a living informing on
midnight. She even left the kitchen door open so criminals.
he could enter the house.
Webb’s U.S. Alibi
5. The missing corroboration
Among the accused, Webb presented the
There is something truly remarkable about this strongest alibi.
case: the prosecution’s core theory that Carmela
and Webb had been sweethearts, that she had a. The travel preparations
been unfaithful to him, and that it was for this
reason that Webb brought his friends to her house Webb claims that in 1991 his parents, Senator
to gang-rape her is totally uncorroborated! Freddie Webb and his wife, Elizabeth, sent their
son to the United States (U.S.) to learn the value of
For instance, normally, if Webb, a Congressman’s independence, hard work, and money.22 Gloria
son, courted the young Carmela, that would be Webb, his aunt, accompanied him. Rajah Tours
news among her circle of friends if not around booked their flight to San Francisco via United
Airlines. Josefina Nolasco of Rajah Tours confirmed grandson. In April 1991, Webb, Christopher, and a
that Webb and his aunt used their plane tickets. certain Daphne Domingo watched the concert of
Deelite Band in San Francisco.31 In the same
Webb told his friends, including his neighbor, month, Dorothy Wheelock and her family invited
Jennifer Claire Cabrera, and his basketball buddy, Webb to Lake Tahoe to return the Webbs’
Joselito Orendain Escobar, of his travel plans. He hospitality when she was in the Philippines. 32
even invited them to his despedida party on March
8, 1991 at Faces Disco along Makati Ave. 23 On In May 1991, on invitation of another aunt, Susan
March 8,1991, the eve of his departure, he took Brottman, Webb moved to Anaheim Hills,
girlfriend Milagros Castillo to a dinner at Bunchums California.33 During his stay there, he occupied
at the Makati Cinema Square. His basketball buddy himself with playing basketball once or twice a
Rafael Jose with Tina Calma, a blind date arranged week with Steven Keeler 34 and working at his
by Webb, joined them. They afterwards went to cousin-in-law’s pest control company.35 Webb
Faces Disco for Webb's despedida party. Among presented the company’s logbook showing the
those present were his friends Paulo Santos and Jay tasks he performed,36 his paycheck,37 his ID, and
Ortega.24 other employment papers. On June 14, 1991 he
applied for a driver's license 38 and wrote three
b. The two immigration checks letters to his friend Jennifer Cabrera. 39

The following day, March 9, 1991, Webb left for On June 28, 1991, Webb’s parents visited him at
San Francisco, California, with his Aunt Gloria on Anaheim and stayed with the Brottmans. On the
board United Airlines Flight 808.25 Before boarding same day, his father introduced Honesto Aragon to
his plane, Webb passed through the Philippine his son when he came to visit.40 On the following
Immigration booth at the airport to have his day, June 29, Webb, in the company of his father
passport cleared and stamped. Immigration and Aragon went to Riverside, California, to look
Officer, Ferdinand Sampol checked Webb’s visa, for a car. They bought an MR2 Toyota car. 41 Later
stamped, and initialed his passport, and let him that day, a visitor at the Brottman’s, Louis
pass through.26 He was listed on the United Airlines Whittacker, saw Webb looking at the plates of his
Flight’s Passenger Manifest.27 new car.42 To prove the purchase, Webb presented
the Public Records of California Department of
On arrival at San Francisco, Webb went through Motor Vehicle43 and a car plate "LEW WEBB."44 In
the U.S. Immigration where his entry into that using the car in the U.S., Webb even received traffic
country was recorded. Thus, the U.S. Immigration citations.45
Naturalization Service, checking with its Non-
immigrant Information System, confirmed Webb's On June 30, 1991 Webb, again accompanied by his
entry into the U.S. on March 9, 1991. Webb father and Aragon,46 bought a bicycle at Orange
presented at the trial the INS Certification issued by Cycle Center.47 The Center issued Webb a receipt
the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization dated June 30, 1991.48 On July 4, 1991,
Service,28 the computer-generated print-out of the Independence Day, the Webbs, the Brottmans, and
US-INS indicating Webb's entry on March 9, the Vaca family had a lakeside picnic. 49
1991,29 and the US-INS Certification dated August
31, 1995, authenticated by the Philippine Webb stayed with the Brottmans until mid July and
Department of Foreign Affairs, correcting an earlier rented a place for less than a month. On August 4,
August 10, 1995 Certification.30 1991 he left for Longwood, Florida, to stay with the
spouses Jack and Sonja Rodriguez.50 There, he met
c. Details of U.S. sojourn Armando Rodriguez with whom he spent time,
playing basketball on weekends, watching movies,
In San Francisco, Webb and his aunt Gloria were and playing billiards.51 In November 1991, Webb
met by the latter’s daughter, Maria Teresa Keame, met performing artist Gary Valenciano, a friend of
who brought them to Gloria’s house in Daly City, Jack Rodriguez, who was invited for a dinner at the
California. During his stay with his aunt, Webb met Rodriguez’s house.52 He left the Rodriguez’s home
Christopher Paul Legaspi Esguerra, Gloria’s in August 1992, returned to Anaheim and stayed
with his aunt Imelda Pagaspas. He stayed there is distressing. For how else can the truth that the
until he left for the Philippines on October 26, accused is really innocent have any chance of
1992. prevailing over such a stone-cast tenet?

d. The second immigration checks There is only one way. A judge must keep an open
mind. He must guard against slipping into hasty
As with his trip going to the U.S., Webb also went conclusion, often arising from a desire to quickly
through both the U.S. and Philippine immigrations finish the job of deciding a case. A positive
on his return trip. Thus, his departure from the U.S. declaration from a witness that he saw the accused
was confirmed by the same certifications that commit the crime should not automatically cancel
confirmed his entry.53 Furthermore, a Diplomatic out the accused’s claim that he did not do it. A lying
Note of the U.S. Department of State with enclosed witness can make as positive an identification as a
letter from Acting Director Debora A. Farmer of the truthful witness can. The lying witness can also say
Records Operations, Office of Records of the US- as forthrightly and unequivocally, "He did it!"
INS stated that the Certification dated August 31, without blinking an eye.
1995 is a true and accurate statement. And when
he boarded his plane, the Passenger Manifest of Rather, to be acceptable, the positive identification
Philippine Airlines Flight No. 103,54 certified by must meet at least two criteria:
Agnes Tabuena55 confirmed his return trip.
First, the positive identification of the offender
When he arrived in Manila, Webb again went must come from a credible witness. She is credible
through the Philippine Immigration. In fact, the who can be trusted to tell the truth, usually based
arrival stamp and initial on his passport indicated on past experiences with her. Her word has, to one
his return to Manila on October 27, 1992. This was who knows her, its weight in gold.
authenticated by Carmelita Alipio, the immigration
officer who processed Webb’s reentry.56 Upon his And second, the witness’ story of what she
return, in October 1992, Paolo Santos, Joselito personally saw must be believable, not inherently
Erondain Escobar, and Rafael Jose once again saw contrived. A witness who testifies about something
Webb playing basketball at the BF's Phase III she never saw runs into inconsistencies and makes
basketball court. bewildering claims.

e. Alibi versus positive identification Here, as already fully discussed above, Alfaro and
her testimony fail to meet the above criteria.
The trial court and the Court of Appeals are one in
rejecting as weak Webb’s alibi. Their reason is She did not show up at the NBI as a spontaneous
uniform: Webb’s alibi cannot stand against Alfaro’s witness bothered by her conscience. She had been
positive identification of him as the rapist and killer hanging around that agency for sometime as a
of Carmela and, apparently, the killer as well of her stool pigeon, one paid for mixing up with criminals
mother and younger sister. Because of this, to the and squealing on them. Police assets are often
lower courts, Webb’s denial and alibi were criminals themselves. She was the prosecution’s
fabricated. worst possible choice for a witness. Indeed, her
superior testified that she volunteered to play the
But not all denials and alibis should be regarded as role of a witness in the Vizconde killings when she
fabricated. Indeed, if the accused is truly innocent, could not produce a man she promised to the NBI.
he can have no other defense but denial and alibi.
So how can such accused penetrate a mind that has And, although her testimony included details,
been made cynical by the rule drilled into his head Alfaro had prior access to the details that the
that a defense of alibi is a hangman’s noose in the investigators knew of the case. She took advantage
face of a witness positively swearing, "I saw him do of her familiarity with these details to include in her
it."? Most judges believe that such assertion testimony the clearly incompatible act of Webb
automatically dooms an alibi which is so easy to hurling a stone at the front door glass frames even
fabricate. This quick stereotype thinking, however, when they were trying to slip away quietly—just so
she can accommodate this crime scene feature. physically impossible for him to be at the scene of
She also had Ventura rummaging a bag on the the crime.58
dining table for a front door key that nobody
needed just to explain the physical evidence of that The courts below held that, despite his evidence,
bag and its scattered contents. And she had Webb was actually in Parañaque when the
Ventura climbing the car’s hood, risking being seen Vizconde killings took place; he was not in the U.S.
in such an awkward position, when they did not from March 9, 1991 to October 27, 1992; and if he
need to darken the garage to force open the front did leave on March 9, 1991, he actually returned
door—just so to explain the darkened light and before June 29, 1991, committed the crime, erased
foot prints on the car hood. the fact of his return to the Philippines from the
records of the U.S. and Philippine Immigrations,
Further, her testimony was inherently incredible. smuggled himself out of the Philippines and into
Her story that Gatchalian, Fernandez, Estrada, the U.S., and returned the normal way on October
Rodriguez, and Filart agreed to take their turns 27, 1992. But this ruling practically makes the
raping Carmela is incongruent with their death of Webb and his passage into the next life
indifference, exemplified by remaining outside the the only acceptable alibi in the Philippines. Courts
house, milling under a street light, visible to must abandon this unjust and inhuman paradigm.
neighbors and passersby, and showing no interest
in the developments inside the house, like if it was If one is cynical about the Philippine system, he
their turn to rape Carmela. Alfaro’s story that she could probably claim that Webb, with his father’s
agreed to serve as Webb’s messenger to Carmela, connections, can arrange for the local immigration
using up her gas, and staying with him till the to put a March 9, 1991 departure stamp on his
bizarre end when they were practically strangers, passport and an October 27, 1992 arrival stamp on
also taxes incredulity. the same. But this is pure speculation since there
had been no indication that such arrangement was
To provide basis for Webb’s outrage, Alfaro said made. Besides, how could Webb fix a foreign
that she followed Carmela to the main road to airlines’ passenger manifest, officially filed in the
watch her let off a lover on Aguirre Avenue. And, Philippines and at the airport in the U.S. that had
inexplicably, although Alfaro had only played the his name on them? How could Webb fix with the
role of messenger, she claimed leading Webb, U.S. Immigration’s record system those two dates
Lejano, and Ventura into the house to gang-rape in its record of his travels as well as the dates when
Carmella, as if Alfaro was establishing a reason for he supposedly departed in secret from the U.S. to
later on testifying on personal knowledge. Her commit the crime in the Philippines and then
swing from an emotion of fear when a woman return there? No one has come up with a logical
woke up to their presence in the house and of and plausible answer to these questions.
absolute courage when she nonetheless returned
to become the lone witness to a grim scene is also The Court of Appeals rejected the evidence of
quite inexplicable. Webb’s passport since he did not leave the original
to be attached to the record. But, while the best
Ultimately, Alfaro’s quality as a witness and her evidence of a document is the original, this means
inconsistent, if not inherently unbelievable, that the same is exhibited in court for the adverse
testimony cannot be the positive identification that party to examine and for the judge to see. As Court
jurisprudence acknowledges as sufficient to of Appeals Justice Tagle said in his dissent, 59 the
jettison a denial and an alibi. practice when a party does not want to leave an
important document with the trial court is to have
f. A documented alibi a photocopy of it marked as exhibit and stipulated
among the parties as a faithful reproduction of the
To establish alibi, the accused must prove by original. Stipulations in the course of trial are
positive, clear, and satisfactory evidence 57 that (a) binding on the parties and on the court.
he was present at another place at the time of the
perpetration of the crime, and (b) that it was The U.S. Immigration certification and the
computer print-out of Webb’s arrival in and
departure from that country were authenticated Services Board of US-INS Washington D.C. in his
by no less than the Office of the U.S. Attorney letter addressed to Philip Antweiler, Philippine
General and the State Department. Still the Court Desk Officer, State Department, declared the
of Appeals refused to accept these documents for earlier Certification as incorrect and erroneous as
the reason that Webb failed to present in court the it was "not exhaustive and did not reflect all
immigration official who prepared the same. But available information." Also, Richard L. Huff, Co-
this was unnecessary. Webb’s passport is a Director of the Office of Information and privacy,
document issued by the Philippine government, US Department of Justice, in response to the
which under international practice, is the official appeal raised by Consul General Teresita V.
record of travels of the citizen to whom it is issued. Marzan, explained that "the INS normally does not
The entries in that passport are presumed true. 60 maintain records on individuals who are entering
the country as visitors rather than as immigrants:
The U.S. Immigration certification and computer and that a notation concerning the entry of a visitor
print-out, the official certifications of which have may be made at the Nonimmigrant Information
been authenticated by the Philippine Department system. Since appellant Webb entered the U.S. on
of Foreign Affairs, merely validated the arrival and a mere tourist visa, obviously, the initial search
departure stamps of the U.S. Immigration office on could not have produced the desired result
Webb’s passport. They have the same evidentiary inasmuch as the data base that was looked into
value. The officers who issued these certifications contained entries of the names of IMMIGRANTS
need not be presented in court to testify on them. and not that of NON-IMMIGRANT visitors of the
Their trustworthiness arises from the sense of U.S..62
official duty and the penalty attached to a
breached duty, in the routine and disinterested The trial court and the Court of Appeals expressed
origin of such statement and in the publicity of the marked cynicism over the accuracy of travel
record.61 documents like the passport as well as the
domestic and foreign records of departures and
The Court of Appeals of course makes capital of the arrivals from airports. They claim that it would not
fact that an earlier certification from the U.S. have been impossible for Webb to secretly return
Immigration office said that it had no record of to the Philippines after he supposedly left it on
Webb entering the U.S. But that erroneous first March 9, 1991, commit the crime, go back to the
certification was amply explained by the U.S. U.S., and openly return to the Philippines again on
Government and Court of Appeals Justice Tagle October 26, 1992. Travel between the U.S. and the
stated it in his dissenting opinion, thus: Philippines, said the lower courts took only about
twelve to fourteen hours.
While it is true that an earlier Certification was
issued by the U.S. INS on August 16, 1995 finding If the Court were to subscribe to this extremely
"no evidence of lawful admission of Webb," this skeptical view, it might as well tear the rules of
was already clarified and deemed erroneous by no evidence out of the law books and regard
less than the US INS Officials. As explained by suspicions, surmises, or speculations as reasons for
witness Leo Herrera-Lim, Consul and Second impeaching evidence. It is not that official records,
Secretary of the Philippine Embassy in Washington which carry the presumption of truth of what they
D.C., said Certification did not pass through proper state, are immune to attack. They are not. That
diplomatic channels and was obtained in violation presumption can be overcome by evidence. Here,
of the rules on protocol and standard procedure however, the prosecution did not bother to
governing such request. present evidence to impeach the entries in Webb’s
passport and the certifications of the Philippine
The initial request was merely initiated by BID and U.S.’ immigration services regarding his travel
Commissioner Verceles who directly to the U.S. and back. The prosecution’s rebuttal
communicated with the Philippine Consulate in San evidence is the fear of the unknown that it planted
Francisco, USA, bypassing the Secretary of Foreign in the lower court’s minds.
Affairs which is the proper protocol procedure. Mr.
Steven Bucher, the acting Chief of the Records 7. Effect of Webb’s alibi to others
Webb’s documented alibi altogether impeaches PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Petitioner, v. HUBERT
Alfaro's testimony, not only with respect to him, JEFFREY P. WEBB, Respondent.
but also with respect to Lejano, Estrada,
Fernandez, Gatchalian, Rodriguez, and Biong. For, DECISION
if the Court accepts the proposition that Webb was
in the U.S. when the crime took place, Alfaro’s YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.:
testimony will not hold together. Webb’s
participation is the anchor of Alfaro’s story. Challenged in this petition for review
Without it, the evidence against the others must on certiorari is the Decision of the Court of Appeals
necessarily fall. in CA-G.R. SP No. 45399 entitled Hubert Jeffrey P.
Webb v. Hon. Amelita Tolentino, in her capacity as
CONCLUSION Presiding Judge of Branch 274 of the Regional Trial
Court of Paraaque, People of the Philippines and
In our criminal justice system, what is important is, Lauro Vizconde which set aside the order of
not whether the court entertains doubts about the respondent judge therein denying herein
innocence of the accused since an open mind is respondent Hubert Jeffrey P. Webbs request to
willing to explore all possibilities, but whether it take the depositions of five (5) citizens and
entertains a reasonable, lingering doubt as to his residents of the United States before the proper
guilt. For, it would be a serious mistake to send an consular officer of the Philippines in Washington
innocent man to jail where such kind of doubt D.C. and California, as the case may be.
hangs on to one’s inner being, like a piece of meat
lodged immovable between teeth. The factual and procedural antecedents are
matters of record or are otherwise
Will the Court send the accused to spend the rest uncontroverted.
of their lives in prison on the testimony of an NBI
asset who proposed to her handlers that she take Respondent Hubert Jeffrey P. Webb is one of the
the role of the witness to the Vizconde massacre accused in Criminal Case No. 95-404 for Rape with
that she could not produce? Homicide entitled People of the Philippines v.
Hubert Jeffrey P. Webb, et al. presently pending
WHEREFORE, the Court REVERSES and SETS ASIDE before Branch 274 of the Regional Trial Court of
the Decision dated December 15, 2005 and Paraaque, presided by Judge Amelita G. Tolentino.
Resolution dated January 26, 2007 of the Court of
Appeals in CA-G.R. CR-H.C. 00336 and ACQUITS During the course of the proceedings in the trial
accused-appellants Hubert Jeffrey P. Webb, court, respondent filed on May 2, 1997, a Motion
Antonio Lejano, Michael A. Gatchalian, Hospicio To Take Testimony By Oral Deposition1 praying that
Fernandez, Miguel Rodriguez, Peter Estrada and he be allowed to take the testimonies of the
Gerardo Biong of the crimes of which they were following:
charged for failure of the prosecution to prove
their guilt beyond reasonable doubt. They are 1.] Steven Bucher
ordered immediately RELEASED from detention Acting Chief, Records Services Branch
unless they are confined for another lawful cause. U.S. Department of Justice
Immigration and Naturalization Service
Let a copy of this Decision be furnished the 425 Eye Street, N.W.
Director, Bureau of Corrections, Muntinlupa City Washington D.C. 20536
for immediate implementation. The Director of the U.S.A.
Bureau of Corrections is DIRECTED to report the
action he has taken to this Court within five days 2.] Debora Farmer
from receipt of this Decision. Records Operations, Office of Records
U.S. Department of Justice
SO ORDERED. Immigration and Naturalization Service
Washington D.C.
[G.R. No. 132577. August 17, 1999] U.S.A.
3.] Jaci Alston the court finds: (1) that the witness is dead; (2) that
Department of Motor Vehicles the witness is out of the province and a greater
Sacramento, California distance than fifty (50) kilometers from the place of
U.S.A. trial or hearing, or is out of the Philippines, unless it
appears that his absence was procured by the party
4.] Ami Smalley offering the deposition; or (3) that the witness is
Department of Motor Vehicles unable to attend or testify because of age, sickness,
Sacramento, California infirmity, or imprisonment; or (4) that the party
U.S.A. offering the deposition has been unable to procure
the attendance of the witness by subpoena or (5)
5.] John Pavlisin upon application and notice, that such exceptional
210 South Glasell, City of Orange circumstances exist as to make it desirable in the
California, 92666 interest of justice and with due regard to the
U.S.A. importance of presenting the testimony of
witnesses orally in open court, to allow the
before the general consul, consul, vice-consul or deposition to be used;
consular agent of the Philippines in lieu of
presenting them as witnesses in court alleging that (d) If only part of a deposition is offered in evidence
the said persons are all residents of the United by a party, the adverse party may require him to
States and may not therefore be compelled by introduce all of it which is relevant to the part
subpoena to testify since the court had no introduced and any party may introduce any other
jurisdiction over them. parts. (italics supplied).

Respondent further alleged that the taking of the The prosecution thereafter filed an opposition to
oral depositions of the aforementioned individuals the said motion averring that: 1.] Rule 24, Section
whose testimonies are allegedly material and 4 of the Rules of Court, contrary to the
indispensable to establish his innocence of the representation of respondent-accused, has no
crime charged is sanctioned by Section 4, Rule 24 application in criminal cases; 2.] Rule 119, Section
of the Revised Rules of Court which provides that: 4 of the Rules of Court on Criminal Procedure,
being a mode of discovery, only provides for
SEC. 4. Use of depositions. At the trial or upon the conditional examination of witnesses for the
hearing of a motion or an interlocutory proceeding, accused before trial not during trial; 3.] Rule 119,
any part or all of a deposition, so far as admissible Section 5 of the Rules of Court on Criminal
under the rules of evidence, may be used against Procedure does not sanction the conditional
any party who was present or represented at the examination of witnesses for the accused/defense
taking of the deposition or who had due notice outside Philippine jurisdiction.2cräläwvirtualibräry
thereof, in accordance with any one of the
following provisions: In an Order dated June 11, 1997, the trial court
denied the motion of respondent on the ground
(a) Any deposition may be used by any party for the that the same is not allowed by Section 4, Rule 24
purpose of contradicting or impeaching the and Sections 4 and 5 of Rule 119 of the Revised
testimony of the deponent as a witness; Rules of Court.3cräläwvirtualibräry

(b) The deposition of a party or of any one who at A motion for reconsideration4 thereto on the
the time of taking the deposition was an officer, grounds that: 1.] The 1997 Rules of Court expressly
director, or managing agent of a public or private allows the taking of depositions, and 2.] Section 11
corporation, partnership, or association which is a of Rule 23 of the 1997 Rules of Court expressly
party may be used by an adverse party for any allows the taking of depositions in foreign
purpose; countries before a consul general, consul, vice-
consul or consular agent of the Republic of the
(c) The deposition of a witness whether or not a Philippines, was likewise denied by the trial court
party, may be used by any party for any purpose if in an order dated July 25, 1997.5cräläwvirtualibräry
Dissatisfied, respondent elevated his cause to the c.] The public respondent correctly ruled that Rule
Court of Appeals by way of a petition 119 of the Rules on Criminal Procedure does not
for certiorari6 naming as respondents therein the sanction the conditional examination of witnesses
Presiding Judge Amelita G. Tolentino, the People for the accused/defense outside of Philippine
and private complainant Lauro Vizconde. In the jurisdiction.
petition, docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 45399,
respondent Webb argued that: 1.] The taking of 2.] The public respondent did not commit any grave
depositions pending action is applicable to criminal abuse of discretion in denying petitioner Webbs
proceedings; 2.] Depositions by oral testimony in a motion to take testimony by oral deposition
foreign country can be taken before a consular considering that the proposed deposition tends
officer of the Philippine Embassy in the United only to further establish the admissibility of
States; and, 3.] He has the right to completely and documentary exhibits already admitted in evidence
fully present evidence to support his defense and by the public respondent.
the denial of such right will violate his
constitutional right to due process. On February 6, 1998, the Fourth Division9 of the
Court of Appeals rendered judgment,10 the
Commenting7 on the petition, the People dispositive portion of which reads:
contended that the questioned orders of the
Presiding Judge are well within the sphere of her WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The orders
judicial discretion and do not constitute grave of respondent judge dated 11 June 1997 (Annex A
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of of the Petition) and 25 July 1997 (Annex B of the
jurisdiction and that if at all, they may be Petition) are hereby ANNULLED and SET ASIDE. It is
considered merely as errors of judgment which hereby ordered that the deposition of the following
may be corrected by appeal in due time because: witnesses be TAKEN before the proper consular
a.] The motion failed to comply with the officer of the Republic of the Philippines in
requirements of Section 4, Rule 119 of the Rules of Washington D.C. and California, as the case may
Court; b.] The conditional examination must be be:
conducted before an inferior court; and c.] The
examination of the witnesses must be done in open (a) Mr. Steven Bucher;
court. (b) Ms. Deborah Farmer;
(c) Mr. Jaci Alston;
In his Comment,8 private respondent Lauro (d) Ms. Ami Smalley; and
Vizconde sought the dismissal of the petition (e) Mr. John Pavlisin.
contending that:
1.] The public respondent did not commit grave
abuse of discretion in denying petitioner [now From the foregoing, the People forthwith elevated
herein respondent] Webbs motion to take its cause to this Court by way of the instant petition
testimony by oral deposition dated 29 April 1997 as dispensing with the filing of a motion for
well as petitioners motion for reconsideration reconsideration for the following reasons: 1.] The
dated 23 June 1997 for not being sanctioned by the rule that the petitioner should first file a motion for
Rules of Court. reconsideration applies to the special civil action
of certiorari under Rule 65 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
a.] The public respondent correctly held that Rule Procedure and there is no similar requirement in
23, Section 1 of the 1997 Revised Rules of Civil taking an appeal from a final judgment or
Procedure finds no application in criminal actions order11 such as the present appeal by certiorari; 2.]
such as the case at bar. Section 4, Rule 45 in requiring a petition for review
on certiorari which indicates that when a motion
b.] The public respondent correctly ruled that Rule for new trial or reconsideration, if any, was filed
119, Section 4 of the Rules of Criminal Procedure implies that petitioner need not file a motion for
only provides for conditional examination of reconsideration; 3.] The questions being raised
witnesses before trial but not during trial. before the Court are the same as those which were
squarely raised before the Court of Appeals; 12 4.] Railroad Co. vs. Attorney General and reiterated in
The issues being raised here are purely legal; 13 5.] subsequent cases:
There is an urgent need to resolve the issues
considering that the trial of the accused in the x x x The most perfect procedure that can be
criminal case is about to end; and, 6.] The nature of devised is that which give the opportunity for the
this case requires a speedy and prompt disposition most complete and perfect exercise of the powers
of the issues involved.14cräläwvirtualibräry of the court within the limitations set by natural
justice. It is that one which, in other words, gives
What are challenged before this Court are the most perfect opportunity for the powers of the
interlocutory orders and not a final judgment. The court to transmute themselves into concrete acts
respondent has filed his Comment15 which We of justice between the parties before it. The
treat as an Answer. The petitioner, in turn, filed a purpose of such a procedure is not to restrict the
Reply.16 The petition is ripe for decision. jurisdiction of the court over the subject matter,
but to give it effective facility in righteous action. It
In urging this Tribunal to exercise its power of may be said in passing that the most salient
review over the assailed decision of the Appellate objection which can be urged against procedure
Court, petitioner asserts that the Court of Appeals today is that it so restricts the exercise of the courts
committed serious and reversible error powers by technicalities that part of its authority
effective for justice between the parties is many
I times an inconsiderable portion of the whole. The
purpose of procedure is not to thwart justice. Its
IN RULING THAT RULE 23 OF THE 1997 RULES OF proper aim is to facilitate the application of justice
CIVIL PROCEDURE IS APPLICABLE TO CRIMINAL to the rival claims of the contending parties. It was
PROCEEDINGS. created not to hinder and delay but to facilitate and
promote the administration of justice. It does not
II constitute the thing itself which the courts are
always striving to secure the litigants. It is designed
IN RULING THAT THE DEPOSITION MAY BE TAKEN as the means best adapted to obtain that thing. In
BEFORE A CONSULAR OFFICER OF THE PHILIPPINES other words, it is a means to an end. It is the means
WHERE THE PROSPECTIVE WITNESSES RESIDE OR by which the powers of the court are made
ARE OFFICIALLY STATIONED. effective in just judgments. When it loses the
character of the one and takes on the other [,] the
III administration of justice becomes incomplete and
unsatisfactory and lays itself open to grave
In the light of the foregoing judicial precedent, this
which can be reduced to the primordial issue of Court finds that the public respondent gravely
whether or not the trial judge gravely abused her abused her discretion in denying the motion to take
discretion in denying the motion to take testimony the deposition of the witnesses for petitioner. While
by oral depositions in the United States which petitioner had invoked Rule 23, Section 1 of the
would be used in the criminal case before her Rules of Court, which is found under the general
Court. classification of Civil Procedure, it does not prevent
its application to the other proceedings, provided
In setting aside the order of the trial judge, the the same is not contrary to the specific rules
Appellate Courts Fourth Division reasoned, inter provided therein. Indeed, the Rules of Court is to be
alia, thus: viewed and construed as a whole, and if the
Supreme Court had compartmentalized the same
Settled is the rule that the whole purpose and into four divisions, it was, as petitioner had claimed,
object of procedure is to make the powers of the for the purpose of organization and expediency and
court fully and completely available for justice. not, for exclusivity.
Thus, as the Supreme Court has ruled in Manila
To be sure, a reading of the rules on criminal of Rule 23. Consistent with the procedure provided
procedure, specifically Section 4, Rule 119 vis--vis [for] under Rule 23, the deposition of the petitioners
Section 1, Rule 23 would reveal no inconsistency so witnesses, which include four (4) officials of the
as to exclude the application of the latter rule in United States government, will be taken before a
criminal proceedings. Section 4, Rule 119 refers to consular officer of the Philippines where these
the conditional examination of witnesses for the witnesses reside or are officially stationed, as the
accused before trial, while Section 1, Rule 23 refers case may be.
to the taking of deposition witnesses during trial. x
xx The denial of petitioners right to present his
witnesses, who are residing abroad, based on a
xxx very shaky technical ground, is tantamount to
depriving him of his constitutional right to due
While the taking of depositions pending trial is not process. This Court recognizes the impossibility of
expressly provided [for] under the Rules on Criminal enforcing the right of petitioner to secure the
Procedure, we find no reason for public respondent attendance of the proposed witnesses through
to disallow the taking of the same in the manner compulsory process considering that they are
provided for under Section 1 of Rule 23 under the beyond the jurisdiction of Philippine Courts.
circumstances of the case. To disallow petitioner to Petitioner, however, is not without any remedy and
avail of the specific remedies provided under the he correctly sought to secure the testimonies of his
Rules would deny him the opportunity to witnesses through the process of taking their
adequately defend himself against the criminal depositions pending the trial of Criminal Case No.
charge of rape with homicide now pending before 95-404 in the court below under Rule 23 of the
the public respondent and, further, [it] loses sight of Rules of Court. In any event, the prosecution would
the object of procedure which is to facilitate the have the opportunity to cross-examine the
application of justice to the rival claims of witnesses for accused Hubert Webb (petitioner
contending parties. herein) since they will be given the opportunity to
cross-examine the deponents as in accordance with
xxx Sections 3 to 18 of Rule 132.19

Even granting arguendo that Rule 23 is to be Furthermore, no prejudice would be suffered in the
exclusively applied to civil actions, the taking of the taking of the depositions of petitioners US-based
deposition of petitioners US-based witnesses witness[es]. On the other hand, a denial of the same
should be still allowed considering that the civil would be prejudicial to petitioner-accused since he
action has been impliedly instituted in the criminal would be denied an opportunity to completely
action for rape with homicide. Since public present his evidence, which strikes at the very core
respondent has jurisdiction over the civil case to of the due process guarantee of the Constitution.
recover damages, she exercised full authority to To reiterate, it is not the function of this Court to
employ all auxillary writs, processes and other second-guess the trial court on its ruling on the
means to carry out the jurisdiction conferred and admissibility of the pieces of documentary evidence
[to] adopt any suitable process or mode of as well as the latters witnesses, 20 but it is definitely
proceeding which includes the application of the within this courts inherent power to scrutinize, as it
rule on depositions pending action under Rule 23 in does in the case at bench, the acts of respondent
the case pending before her. judge and declare that she indeed committed grave
abuse of discretion in issuing the questioned
Second. Depositions obtained during trial in a Orders.
foreign state or country may be taken before a
consular officer of the Republic of the Philippines In the final analysis, this Court rules that the denial
where the deponent resides or is officially of the deposition-taking amounts to the denial of
stationed.18 Section 5, Rule 119 of the Rules of the constitutional right to present his evidence and
Court is thus clearly inapplicable in the instant case for the production of evidence in his behalf. The
since the same relates to the examination of denial is not justified by the flimsy reason that Sec.
witnesses under Section 4 thereof and not Section 1 1 of Rule 23 of the Rules of Court is not applicable
to criminal proceedings. To rule that petitioner as to the real value of their claims and defenses
cannot take the testimony of these witnesses by thereby encouraging settlements; 5.]Expedite
deposition is to put [a] premium on technicality at litigation; 6.] Safeguard against surprise;
the expense of the constitutional rights of the 7.] Prevent delay; 8.] Simplify and narrow the
accused, which this court is not inclined to do. issues; and 9.] Expedite and facilitate both
Particularly where the issue of the guilt or preparation and trial.22 As can be gleaned from the
innocence of petitioner is bound to hinge heavily foregoing, a deposition, in keeping with its nature
upon the testimonies of his US-based witnesses, it as a mode of discovery, should be taken before and
behooves upon public respondent not only to not during trial. In fact, rules on criminal practice -
guarantee that accused is given a reasonable particularly on the defense of alibi, which is
opportunity to present his evidence, but also to respondents main defense in the criminal
allow him a certain latitude in the presentation of proceedings against him in the court below - states
his evidence, lest he may be so hampered that the that when a person intends to rely on such a
ends of justice may eventually be defeated or defense, that person must move for the taking of
appear to be defeated. Finally, even if respondents the deposition of his witnesses within the time
contention is correct, it cannot be denied that the provided for filing a pre-trial
case at bar includes the recovery of the civil liability 23
motion. cräläwvirtualibräry
of the accused, which normally is done through a
civil case. It needs to be stressed that the only reason of
respondent for seeking the deposition of the
We disagree. foreign witnesses is to foreclose any objection
and/or rejection of, as the case may be, the
As defined, a deposition is - admissibility of Defense Exhibits 218 and 219. This
issue has, however, long been rendered moot and
"The testimony of a witness taken upon oral academic by the admission of the aforementioned
question or written interrogatories, not in open documentary exhibits by the trial court in its order
court, but in pursuance of a commission to take dated July 10, 1998.24cräläwvirtualibräry
testimony issued by a court, or under a general law
or court rule on the subject, and reduced to writing In fact, a circumspect scrutiny of the record
and duly authenticated, and intended to be used in discloses that the evidence to be obtained through
preparation and upon the trial of a civil or criminal the deposition-taking would be superfluous or
prosecution. A pretrial discovery device by which corroborative at best. A careful examination of
one party (through his or her attorney) asks oral Exhibits 218 and 219 readily shows that these are
questions of the other party or of a witness for the of the same species of documents which have been
other party. The person who is deposed is called previously introduced and admitted into evidence
the deponent. The deposition is conducted under by the trial court in its order dated July 18, 1997
oath outside of the court room, usually in one of which We noted in Webb, et al. v. People of the
the lawyers offices. A transcript - word for word Philippines, et al.25 wherein We pointed out,
account - is made of the deposition. Testimony of among others, [t]hat respondent judge reversed
[a] witness, taken in writing, under oath or this erroneous ruling and already admitted these
affirmation, before some judicial officer in answer 132 pieces of evidence after finding that the
to questions or interrogatories x x x. 21 defects in (their) admissibility have been cured
though the introduction of additional evidence
and the purposes of taking depositions are to: 1.] during the trial on the merits. 26cräläwvirtualibräry
Give greater assistance to the parties in
ascertaining the truth and in checking and Indeed, a comparison of Exhibit 218-A which is a
preventing perjury; 2.] Provide an effective means U.S. Department of State Certification issued by
of detecting and exposing false, fraudulent claims Joan C. Hampton, Assistant Authenticating Officer
and defenses; 3.] Make available in a simple, of the said agency, for and in the name of
convenient and inexpensive way, facts which Madeleine K. Albright, stating that the documents
otherwise could not be proved except with great annexed thereto were issued by the U.S.
difficulty; 4.] Educate the parties in advance of trial Department of Justice as shown by seal embossed
thereon,27 with other exhibits previously offered as In fact, the records show that respondents: a.]
evidence reveals that they are of the same nature application for Non-Commercial Drivers License;
as Exhibits 42-H28 and 42-M.29 The only difference b.] Documentary records based on Clets Database
in the documents lies in the fact that Exhibit 218-A Response; c.] Computer-generated thumb-print;
was signed by Joan C. Hampton for and in behalf of d.] Documentary records based on still another
the incumbent Secretary of State, Madeleine K. Clets Database Response, and e.] The Certification
Albright whereas, Exhibits 42-H and 42-M were issued by one Frank Zolin, Director of the State of
signed by Authenticating Officer Annie R. Maddux Californias Department of Motor Vehicles, were
for and in behalf of former Secretary of State already introduced and admitted into evidence as
Warren Christopher.30cräläwvirtualibräry Defense Exhibits 66-J, 66-K, 66-H, 66-I and 66-L,
A comparison of Exhibit 218-B31 with the other
documentary exhibits offered by respondent, It need not be overemphasized that the foregoing
likewise discloses that its contents are the same as factual circumstances only serves to underscore
Exhibits 42-I32 and 42-N.33 The only difference in the immutable fact that the depositions proposed
the three exhibits, which are actually standard to be taken from the five U.S. based witnesses
issue certification forms issued by the U.S. would be merely corroborative or cumulative in
Department of Justice with blanks to be filled up, is nature and in denying respondents motion to take
that Exhibit 218-B is dated February 5, 1997 and them, the trial court was but exercising its
signed by one of the U.S. Attorney Generals several judgment on what it perceived to be a superfluous
Deputy Assistant Attorneys for Administration for exercise on the belief that the introduction thereof
and in her behalf, while Exhibits 42-I and 42-N are will not reasonably add to the persuasiveness of
both dated September 21, 1995 with another of the evidence already on record. In this regard, it
the said deputies signing both bears stressing that under Section 6, Rule 113 of
documents. cräläwvirtualibräry the Revised Rules of Court:

Still comparing respondents Exhibit 218-F,35 which SEC. 6. Power of the court to stop further evidence.
is likewise a standard issue U.S. Department of - The court may stop the introduction of further
Justice Certification Form, with other documents testimony upon any particular point when the
previously introduced as evidence reveals that it is evidence upon it is already so full that more
the same as Exhibits 39-D36 and 42-C.37 The only witnesses to the same point cannot be reasonably
differences in these documents are that Exhibit expected to be additionally persuasive. But this
218-F is dated October 13, 1995 and is signed by power should be exercised with caution. (emphasis
Debora A. Farmer while Exhibits "-39-D and 42-C and italics supplied.)
are both dated August 31, 1995 and signed by Cecil
G. Christian, Jr., Assistant Commissioner, Officer of Needless to state, the trial court can not be faulted
Records, INS.38cräläwvirtualibräry with lack of caution in denying respondents motion
considering that under the prevailing facts of the
Still further scrutinizing and comparing case, respondent had more than ample
respondents Exhibit 218-G39 which was also opportunity to adduce evidence in his defense.
introduced and admitted into evidence as Defense Certainly, a party can not feign denial of due
Exhibit 207-B40 shows that the document has been process where he had the opportunity to present
earlier introduced and admitted into evidence by his side.45 It must be borne in mind in this regard
the trial court an astounding seven (7) times, that due process is not a monopoly of the defense.
particularly as Exhibits 34-A, 35-F, 39-E, 42-D, 42-P, Indeed, the State is entitled to due process as much
50 and 50-F.41 The only difference in these as the accused.46 Furthermore, while a litigation is
documents is that they were printed on different not a game of technicalities, it is a truism that every
dates. Specifically, Exhibits 218-G as with Exhibits case must be prosecuted in accordance with the
34-A, 35-F, 50, and 52-F were printed out on prescribed procedure to insure an orderly and
October 26, 199542 whereas Exhibit 207-B as with speedy administration of
Exhibits 39-E, 42-D and 42-F were printed out on justice. cräläwvirtualibräry
August 31, 1995.43cräläwvirtualibräry
The use of discovery procedures is directed to the It has been held, however, that no grave abuse of
sound discretion of the trial judge.48 The discretion may be attributed to a court simply
deposition taking can not be based nor can it be because of its alleged misappreciation of facts and
denied on flimsy reasons.49 Discretion has to be evidence. A writ of certiorari may not be used to
exercised in a reasonable manner and in correct a lower tribunal's evaluation of the
consonance with the spirit of the law. There is no evidence and factual findings. In other words, it is
indication in this case that in denying the motion of not a remedy for mere errors of judgment, which
respondent-accused, the trial judge acted in a are correctible by an appeal or a petition for review
biased, arbitrary, capricious or oppressive manner. under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court.
Grave abuse of discretion x x x implies such
capricious, and whimsical exercise of judgment as In fine, certiorari will issue only to correct errors of
is equivalent to lack of jurisdiction, or, in other jurisdiction, not errors of procedure or mistakes in
words where the power is exercised in an arbitrary the findings or conclusions of the lower court. As
and despotic manner by reason of passion or long as a court acts within its jurisdiction, any
personal hostility, and it must be so patent and alleged errors committed in the exercise of its
gross as to amount to an evasion of positive duty discretion will amount to nothing more than errors
or to a virtual refusal to perform the duty enjoined of judgment which are reviewable by timely appeal
or to act all in contemplation of and not by special civil action for certiorari. 52
Whether or not the respondent-accused has been
Certiorari as a special civil action can be availed of given ample opportunity to prove his innocence
only if there is concurrence of the essential and whether or not a further prolongation of
requisites, to wit: (a) the tribunal, board or officer proceedings would be dilatory is addressed, in the
exercising judicial functions has acted without or in first instance, to the sound discretion of the trial
excess of jurisdiction or with grave abuse of judge. If there has been no grave abuse of
discretion amounting to lack or in excess or discretion, only after conviction may this Court
jurisdiction, and (b) there is no appeal, nor any examine such matters further. It is pointed out that
plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary the defense has already presented at least fifty-
course of law for the purpose of annulling or seven (57) witnesses and four hundred sixty-four
modifying the proceeding. There must be a (464) documentary exhibits, many of them of the
capricious, arbitrary and whimsical exercise of exact nature as those to be produced or testified to
power for it to prosper.51 by the proposed foreign deponents. Under the
circumstances, We sustain the proposition that the
To question the jurisdiction of the lower court or trial judge commits no grave abuse of discretion if
the agency exercising judicial or quasi-judicial she decides that the evidence on the matter sought
functions, the remedy is a special civil action for to be proved in the United States could not possibly
certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court. The add anything substantial to the defense evidence
petitioner in such cases must clearly show that the involved. There is no showing or allegation that the
public respondent acted without jurisdiction or American public officers and the bicycle store
with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or owner can identify respondent Hubert Webb as the
excess of jurisdiction. Grave abuse of discretion very person mentioned in the public and private
defies exact definition, but generally refers to documents. Neither is it shown in this petition that
capricious or whimsical exercise of judgment as is they know, of their own personal knowledge, a
equivalent to lack of jurisdiction. The abuse of person whom they can identify as the respondent-
discretion must be patent and gross as to amount accused who was actually present in the United
to an evasion of positive duty or a virtual refusal to States and not in the Philippines on the specified
perform a duty enjoined by law, or to act at all in dates.
contemplation of law, as where the power is
exercised in an arbitrary and despotic manner by WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, the
reason of passion and hostility. petition is hereby GRANTED. The Decision of the
Court of Appeals dated February 6, 1998 in CA-G.R.
SP No. 45399 is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE.
The Regional Trial Court of Paraaque City is ordered On April 24, 2001, petitioner filed a "Motion to
to proceed posthaste in the trial of the main case Quash or Suspend" the Amended Information on
and to render judgment therein accordingly. the ground that the Anti-Plunder Law, R.A. No.
7080, is unconstitutional and that it charged more
SO ORDERED. than one offense. Respondent Ombudsman
opposed the motion.
G.R. No. 148965 February 26, 2002
On April 25, 2001, the respondent court issued a
JOSE "JINGGOY" E. ESTRADA, petitioner, warrant of arrest for petitioner and his co-accused.
vs. On its basis, petitioner and his co-accused were
SANDIGANBAYAN (THIRD DIVISION), PEOPLE OF placed in custody of the law.
OMBUDSMAN, respondents. On April 30, 2001, petitioner filed a "Very Urgent
Omnibus Motion"2 alleging that: (1) no probable
DECISION cause exists to put him on trial and hold him liable
for plunder, it appearing that he was only allegedly
PUNO, J.: involved in illegal gambling and not in a "series or
combination of overt or criminal acts" as required
A law may not be constitutionally infirm but its in R.A. No. 7080; and (2) he is entitled to bail as a
application to a particular party may be matter of right. Petitioner prayed that he be
unconstitutional. This is the submission of the excluded from the Amended Information and be
petitioner who invokes the equal protection clause discharged from custody. In the alternative,
of the Constitution in his bid to be excluded from petitioner also prayed that he be allowed to post
the charge of plunder filed against him by the bail in an amount to be fixed by respondent court. 3
respondent Ombudsman.
On June 28, 2001, petitioner filed a "Motion to
The antecedent facts are as follows: Resolve Mayor Jose ‘Jinggoy’ Estrada’s Motion To
Fix Bail On Grounds That An Outgoing Mayor Loses
In November 2000, as an offshoot of the Clout An Incumbent Has And That On Its Face, the
impeachment proceedings against Joseph Ejercito Facts Charged In The Information Do Not Make Out
Estrada, then President of the Republic of the A Non-Bailable Offense As To Him."4
Philippines, five criminal complaints against the
former President and members of his family, his On July 3, 2001, petitioner filed a "Motion to Strike
associates, friends and conspirators were filed with Out So-Called ‘Entry of Appearance,’ To Direct
the respondent Office of the Ombudsman. Ombudsman To Explain Why He Attributes
Impropriety To The Defense And To Resolve
On April 4, 2001, the respondent Ombudsman Pending Incidents."5
issued a Joint Resolution1 finding probable cause
warranting the filing with the Sandiganbayan of On July 9, 2001, respondent Sandiganbayan issued
several criminal Informations against the former a Resolution denying petitioner’s "Motion to Quash
President and the other respondents therein. One and Suspend" and "Very Urgent Omnibus
of the Informations was for the crime of plunder Motion."6 Petitioner’s alternative prayer to post
under Republic Act No. 7080 and among the bail was set for hearing after arraignment of all
respondents was herein petitioner Jose "Jinggoy" accused. The court held:
Estrada, then mayor of San Juan, Metro Manila.
"WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the Court
The Information was amended and filed on April hereby DENIES for lack of merit the following: (1)
18, 2001. Docketed as Criminal Case No. 26558, the MOTION TO QUASH AND SUSPEND dated April 24,
case was assigned to respondent Third Division of 2001 filed by accused Jose ‘Jinggoy’ Estrada; (2)
the Sandiganbayan. The arraignment of the MOTION TO QUASH dated June 7, 2001 filed by
accused was set on July 10, 2001 and no bail for accused Joseph Ejercito Estrada; and (3) MOTION
petitioner’s provisional liberty was fixed. TO QUASH (Re: Amended Information dated 18
April 2001) dated June 26, 2001 filed by accused We shall resolve the arguments of petitioner in
Edward S. Serapio. seriatim.

Considering the denial of the MOTION TO QUASH I.

AND SUSPEND of accused Jose ‘Jinggoy’ Estrada,
his VERY URGENT OMNIBUS MOTION, praying that Petitioner contends that R.A. No. 7080 is
he be: (1) dropped from the information for unconstitutional on its face and as applied to him
plunder for want of probable cause and (2) and denies him the equal protection of the laws. 10
discharged from custody immediately which is
based on the same grounds mentioned in this The contention deserves our scant attention. The
MOTION TO QUASH AND SUSPEND is hereby constitutionality of R.A. No. 7080, the Anti-Plunder
DENIED. Let his alternative prayer in said OMNIBUS Law, has been settled in the case of Estrada v.
MOTION that he be allowed to post bail be SET for Sandiganbayan.11 We take off from the Amended
hearing together with the petition for bail of Information which charged petitioner, together
accused Edward S. Serapio scheduled for July 10, with former President Joseph E. Estrada, Atty.
2001, at 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon after the Edward Serapio, Charlie "Atong" Ang, Yolanda T.
arraignment of all the accused."7 Ricaforte and others, with the crime of plunder as
The following day, July 10, 2001, petitioner moved
for reconsideration of the Resolution. Respondent "AMENDED INFORMATION
court denied the motion and proceeded to arraign
petitioner. Petitioner refused to make his plea The undersigned Ombudsman Prosecutor and OIC-
prompting respondent court to enter a plea of "not Director, EPIB Office of the Ombudsman, hereby
guilty" for him.8 accuses former PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES,
Joseph Ejercito Estrada a.k.a. "ASIONG SALONGA"
Hence, this petition. Petitioner claims that AND a.k.a "JOSE VELARDE", together with Jose
respondent Sandiganbayan acted without or in ‘Jinggoy’ Estrada, Charlie ‘Atong’ Ang, Edward
excess of jurisdiction or with grave abuse of Serapio, Yolanda T. Ricaforte, Alma Alfaro, JOHN
discretion amounting to lack of jurisdiction in: DOE a.k.a. Eleuterio Tan OR Eleuterio Ramos Tan
or Mr. Uy, Jane Doe a.k.a. Delia Rajas, and
"1) not declaring that R.A. No. 7080 is John DOES & Jane Does, of the crime of Plunder,
unconstitutional on its face and, as applied defined and penalized under R.A. No. 7080, as
to petitioner, and denying him the equal amended by Sec. 12 of R.A. No. 7659, committed
protection of the laws; as follows:

2) not holding that the Plunder Law does That during the period from June, 1998 to January,
not provide complete and sufficient 2001, in the Philippines, and within the jurisdiction
standards; of this Honorable Court, accused Joseph Ejercito
3) sustaining the charge against petitioner PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES,
for alleged offenses, and with alleged by
conspirators, with which and with whom he himself AND/OR in CONNIVANCE/CONSPIRACY wit
is not even remotely connected - contrary h his co-accused, WHO ARE MEMBERS OF HIS
to the dictum that criminal liability is FAMILY, RELATIVES BY AFFINITY OR
personal, not vicarious - results in the CONSANGUINITY, BUSINESS ASSOCIATES,
denial of substantive due process; SUBORDINATES AND/OR OTHER PERSONS, BY
4) not fixing bail for petitioner for alleged POSITION, AUTHORITY, RELATIONSHIP,
involvement in jueteng in one count of the CONNECTION, OR INFLUENCE, did then and there
information which amounts to cruel and wilfully, unlawfully and criminally amass,
unusual punishment totally in defiance of accumulate and acquire BY HIMSELF, DIRECTLY OR
the principle of proportionality."9 INDIRECTLY, ill-gotten wealth in the aggregate
amount OR TOTAL VALUE of FOUR BILLION NINETY LESS, and the Social Security System
OR A combination OR A series of overt OR criminal AND MORE OR LESS SEVEN HUNDRED
FIFTY PESOS [P744,612,450.00],
(a) by receiving OR collecting, directly or RESPECTIVELY, OR A TOTAL OF MORE OR
(P545,000,000.00), MORE OR LESS, FROM FIFTY CENTAVOS [P1,847,578,057.50]; AND
‘Jinggoy’ Estrada, Yolanda T. Ricaforte, OF STOCK IN THE AMOUNT OF ONE
misappropriating, "JOSE VELARDE";
converting OR misusing DIRECTLY OR
INDIRECTLY, for HIS OR THEIR (d) by unjustly enriching himself FROM
PERSONAL gain and benefit, public funds in COMMISSIONS, GIFTS, SHARES,
or less, representing a portion of the TWO WITH JOHN DOES AND JANE DOES, in the
[P200,000,000] tobacco excise tax share TWO HUNDRED THIRTY THREE MILLION
allocated for the Province of Ilocor Sur ONE HUNDRED FOUR THOUSAND ONE
Charlie ‘Atong’ Ang, Alma Alfaro, JOHN DOE [P3,233,104,173.17] AND DEPOSITING THE
a.k.a. Eleuterio Tan OR Eleuterio Ramos SAME UNDER HIS ACCOUNT NAME "JOSE
Tan or Mr. Uy, and Jane Doe a.k.a. Delia VELARDE" AT THE EQUITABLE-PCI BANK.

(c) by directing, ordering and Manila for Quezon City, Philippines, 18 April
compelling, FOR HIS PERSONAL GAIN AND 2001"12
BENEFIT, the Government Service
Insurance System (GSIS) TO PURCHASE Petitioner’s contention that R.A. No. 7080 is
351,878,000 SHARES OF STOCK MORE OR unconstitutional as applied to him is principally
perched on the premise that the Amended (d) of the law. The word "combination"
Information charged him with only one act or one contemplates the commission of at least any two
offense which cannot constitute plunder. He then different predicate acts in any of said items. Plainly,
assails the denial of his right to bail. sub-paragraph (a) of the Amended Information
charges petitioner with plunder committed by a
Petitioner’s premise is patently false. A careful series of the same predicate act under Section 1 (d)
examination of the Amended Information will (2) of the law.
show that it is divided into three (3) parts: (1) the
first paragraph charges former President Joseph E. Similarly misleading is petitioner’s stand that in the
Estrada with the crime of plunder together with Ombudsman Resolution of April 4, 2001 finding
petitioner Jose "Jinggoy" Estrada, Charlie "Atong" probable cause to charge him with plunder
Ang, Edward Serapio, Yolanda Ricaforte and together with the other accused, he was alleged to
others; (2) the second paragraph spells out in have received only the sum of P2 million, which
general terms how the accused conspired in amount is way below the minimum of P50 million
committing the crime of plunder; and (3) the required under R.A. No. 7080. The submission is
following four sub-paragraphs (a) to (d) describe in not borne out by the April 4, 2001 Resolution of the
detail the predicate acts constitutive of the crime Ombudsman, recommending the filing of charges
of plunder pursuant to items (1) to (6) of R.A. No. against petitioner and his co-accused, which in
7080, and state the names of the accused who pertinent part reads:
committed each act.
"x x x xxx xxx
Pertinent to the case at bar is the predicate act
alleged in sub-paragraph (a) of the Amended Respondent Jose ‘Jinggoy’ Estrada, the present
Information which is of "receiving or collecting, Mayor of San Juan, Metro Manila, appears to have
directly or indirectly, on several instances, money also surreptitious collection of protection money
in the aggregate amount of ₱545,000,000.00 for from jueteng operations in Bulacan. This is gleaned
illegal gambling in the form of gift, share, from the statements of Gov. Singson himself and
percentage, kickback or any form of pecuniary the fact that Mayor Estrada, on at least two
benefit x x x." In this sub-paragraph occasions, turned over to a certain Emma Lim, an
(a), petitioner, in conspiracy with former President emissary of the respondent governor, jueteng haul
Estrada, is charged with the act of receiving or totalling P2 million, i.e., P1 million in January, 2000
collecting money from illegal gambling amounting and another P1 million in February, 2000. An
to ₱545 million. Contrary to petitioner’s posture, alleged "listahan" of jueteng recipients listed him
the allegation is that he received or collected as one "Jingle Bell," as affirmed by Singson [TSN 8
money from illegal gambling "on several & Dec. 2000 SICt/17 Oct. 2000 SBRC/SCI]."14
instances." The phrase "on several instances"
means the petitioner committed the predicate act Hence, contrary to the representations of the
in series. To insist that the Amended Information petitioner, the Ombudsman made the finding that
charged the petitioner with the commission of only P2 million was delivered to petitioner as "jueteng
one act or offense despite the phrase "several haul" on "at least two occasions." The P2 million is,
instances" is to indulge in a twisted, nay, "pretzel" therefore, not the entire sum with which
interpretation. petitioner is specifically charged. This is further
confirmed by the conclusion of the Ombudsman
It matters little that sub-paragraph (a) did not that:
utilize the exact words "combination" or "series" as
they appear in R.A. No. 7080. For in Estrada v. "x x x xxx xxx
Sandiganbayan,13 we held that where these two
terms are to be taken in their popular, not It is clear that Joseph Ejercito Estrada, in
technical, meaning, the word "series" is confabulation with Jose ‘Jinggoy’ Estrada, Atty.
synonymous with the clause "on several Edward Serapio and Yolanda Ricaforte, demanded
instances." "Series" refers to a repetition of the and received, as bribe money, the aggregate sum
same predicate act in any of the items in Section 1 of P545 million from jueteng collections of the
operators thereof, channeled thru Gov. Luis commission of the predicate acts specified in sub-
‘Chavit’ Singson, in exchange for protection from paragraph (a) of the Amended Information. If these
arrest or interference by law enforcers; x x x."15 allegations are proven, the penalty of petitioner
cannot be unclear. It will be no different from that
To be sure, it is too late in the day for the petitioner of the former President for in conspiracy, the act of
to argue that the Ombudsman failed to establish one is the act of the other. The imposable penalty
any probable cause against him for plunder. The is provided in Section 2 of R.A. No. 7080, viz:
respondent Sandiganbayan itself has found
probable cause against the petitioner for which "Section 2. Any public officer who, by himself or in
reason it issued a warrant of arrest against him. connivance with the members of his family,
Petitioner then underwent arraignment and is now relatives by affinity or consanguinity, business
on trial. The time to assail the finding of probable associates, subordinates or other persons,
cause by the Ombudsman has long passed. The amasses, accumulates or acquires ill-gotten wealth
issue cannot be resurrected in this petition. through a combination or series of overt or
criminal acts as described in Section 1(d) hereof in
II. the aggregate amount or total value of at least Fifty
million pesos (P50,000,000.00) shall be guilty of the
Next, petitioner contends that "the plunder law crime of plunder and shall be punished by reclusion
does not provide sufficient and complete perpetua to death. Any person who participated
standards to guide the courts in dealing with with the said public officer in the commission of an
accused alleged to have contributed to the offense contributing to the crime of plunder shall
offense."16 Thus, he posits the following questions: likewise be punished for such offense. In the
imposition of penalties, the degree of participation
"For example, in an Information for plunder which and the attendance of mitigating and extenuating
cites at least ten criminal acts, what penalty do we circumstances, as provided by the Revised Penal
impose on one who is clearly involved in only one Code, shall be considered by the court."
such criminal act? Is it reclusion perpetua? Or
should it be a lesser penalty? What if another III.
accused is shown to have participated in three of
the ten specifications, what would be the penalty Petitioner also faults the respondent
imposable, compared to one who may have been Sandiganbayan for "sustaining the charge against
involved in five or seven of the specifications? The petitioner for alleged offenses and with alleged
law does not provide the standard or specify the conspirators, with which and with whom he is not
penalties and the courts are left to guess. In other even remotely connected – contrary to the dictum
words, the courts are called to say what the law is that criminal liability is personal, not vicarious –
rather than to apply what the lawmaker is results in the denial of substantive due process." 18
supposed to have intended."17
The Solicitor General argues, on the other hand,
Petitioner raises these hypothetical questions for that petitioner is charged not only with the
he labors hard under the impression that: (1) he is predicate act in sub-paragraph (a) but also with the
charged with only one act or offense and (2) he has other predicate acts in sub-paragraphs (b), (c) & (d)
not conspired with the other accused named in because he is indicted as a principal and as co-
sub-paragraphs (b) to (d) of the Amended conspirator of the former President. This is
Information, ergo, the penalty imposable on him purportedly clear from the first and second
ought to be different from reclusion perpetua to paragraphs of the Amended Information. 19
death. R.A. No. 7080, he bewails, is cloudy on the
imposable penalty on an accused similarly situated For better focus, there is a need to examine again
as he is. Petitioner, however, overlooks that the the allegations of the Amended Information vis-à-
second paragraph of the Amended Information vis the provisions of R.A. No. 7080.
charges him to have conspired with former
President Estrada in committing the crime of The Amended Information, in its first two
plunder. His alleged participation consists in the paragraphs, charges petitioner and his other co-
accused with the crime of plunder. The first enable the latter to amass, accumulate or acquire
paragraph names all the accused, while the second ill-gotten wealth in the aggregate amount of
paragraph describes in general how plunder was P4,097,804,173.17. As the Amended Information is
committed and lays down most of the elements of worded, however, it is not certain whether the
the crime itself. Sub-paragraphs (a) to (d) describe accused in sub-paragraphs (a) to (d) conspired with
in detail the predicate acts that constitute the each other to enable the former President to
crime and name in particular the co-conspirators of amass the subject ill-gotten wealth. In light of this
former President Estrada in each predicate act. The lack of clarity, petitioner cannot be penalized for
predicate acts alleged in the said four sub- the conspiracy entered into by the other accused
paragraphs correspond to the items enumerated in with the former President as related in the second
Section 1 (d) of R.A. No. 7080. Sub-paragraph (a) paragraph of the Amended Information in relation
alleged the predicate act of receiving, on several to its sub-paragraphs (b) to (d). We hold that
instances, money from illegal gambling, in petitioner can be held accountable only for the
consideration of toleration or protection of illegal predicate acts he allegedly committed as related in
gambling, and expressly names petitioner as one of sub-paragraph (a) of the Amended Information
those who conspired with former President which were allegedly done in conspiracy with the
Estrada in committing the offense. This predicate former President whose design was to amass ill-
act corresponds with the offense described in item gotten wealth amounting to more than P4 billion.
[2] of the enumeration in Section 1 (d) of R.A. No.
7080. Sub-paragraph (b) alleged the predicate act We hasten to add, however, that the respondent
of diverting, receiving or misappropriating a Ombudsman cannot be faulted for including the
portion of the tobacco excise tax share allocated predicate acts alleged in sub-paragraphs (a) to (d)
for the province of Ilocos Sur, which act is the of the Amended Information in one, and not in
offense described in item [1] in the enumeration in four, separate Informations. A study of the history
Section 1 (d) of the law. This sub-paragraph does of R.A. No. 7080 will show that the law was crafted
not mention petitioner but instead names other to avoid the mischief and folly of filing multiple
conspirators of the former President. Sub- informations. The Anti-Plunder Law was enacted in
paragraph (c) alleged two predicate acts - that of the aftermath of the Marcos regime where
ordering the Government Service Insurance charges of ill-gotten wealth were filed against
System (GSIS) and the Social Security System (SSS) former President Marcos and his alleged
to purchase shares of stock of Belle Corporation, cronies. Government prosecutors found no
and collecting or receiving commissions from such appropriate law to deal with the multitude and
purchase from the Belle Corporation which magnitude of the acts allegedly committed by the
became part of the deposit in the "Jose Velarde" former President to acquire illegal wealth. 20 They
account at the Equitable-PCI Bank. These two also found that under the then existing laws such
predicate acts fall under items [2] and [3] in the as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, the
enumeration of R.A. No. 7080, and was allegedly Revised Penal Code and other special laws, the acts
committed by the former President in connivance involved different transactions, different time and
with John Does and Jane Does. Finally, sub- different personalities. Every transaction
paragraph (d) alleged the predicate act that the constituted a separate crime and required a
former President unjustly enriched himself from separate case and the over-all conspiracy had to be
commissions, gifts, kickbacks, in connivance with broken down into several criminal and graft
John Does and Jane Does, and deposited the same charges. The preparation of multiple Informations
under his account name "Jose Velarde" at the was a legal nightmare but eventually, thirty-nine
Equitable-PCI Bank. This act corresponds to the (39) separate and independent cases were filed
offense under item [6] in the enumeration of against practically the same accused before the
Section 1 (d) of R.A. No. 7080. Sandiganbayan.21 R.A. No. 7080 or the Anti-Plunder
Law22 was enacted precisely to address this
From the foregoing allegations of the Amended procedural problem. This is pellucid in the
Information, it is clear that all the accused named Explanatory Note to Senate Bill No. 733, viz:
in sub-paragraphs (a) to (d), thru their individual
acts, conspired with former President Estrada to
"Plunder, a term chosen from other equally apt with two or more other persons or groups (the
terminologies like kleptocracy and economic "spokes"); and (2) the "chain" conspiracy, usually
treason, punishes the use of high office for involving the distribution of narcotics or other
personal enrichment, committed thru a series of contraband, in which there is successive
acts done not in the public eye but in stealth and communication and cooperation in much the same
secrecy over a period of time, that may involve so way as with legitimate business operations
many persons, here and abroad, and which touch between manufacturer and wholesaler, then
so many states and territorial units. The acts wholesaler and retailer, and then retailer and
and/or omissions sought to be penalized do not consumer.23
involve simple cases of malversation of public
funds, bribery, extortion, theft and graft but From a reading of the Amended Information, the
constitute plunder of an entire nation resulting in case at bar appears similar to a "wheel" conspiracy.
material damage to the national economy. The The hub is former President Estrada while the
above-described crime does not yet exist in spokes are all the accused, and the rim that
Philippine statute books. Thus, the need to come encloses the spokes is the common goal in the
up with a legislation as a safeguard against the overall conspiracy, i.e., the amassing, accumulation
possible recurrence of the depravities of the and acquisition of ill-gotten wealth.
previous regime and as a deterrent to those with
similar inclination to succumb to the corrupting IV.
influence of power."
Some of our distinguished colleagues would
There is no denying the fact that the "plunder of an dismiss the charge against the petitioner on the
entire nation resulting in material damage to the ground that the allegation of conspiracy in the
national economy" is made up of a complex and Amended Information is too general. The fear is
manifold network of crimes. In the crime of even expressed that it could serve as a net to
plunder, therefore, different parties may be united ensnare the innocent. Their dissents appear to be
by a common purpose. In the case at bar, the inspired by American law and jurisprudence.
different accused and their different criminal acts
have a commonality—to help the former President We should not confuse our law on conspiracy with
amass, accumulate or acquire ill-gotten wealth. conspiracy in American criminal law and in
Sub-paragraphs (a) to (d) in the Amended common law. Under Philippine law, conspiracy
Information alleged the different participation of should be understood on two levels. As a general
each accused in the conspiracy. The gravamen of rule, conspiracy is not a crime in our jurisdiction. It
the conspiracy charge, therefore, is not that each is punished as a crime only when the law fixes a
accused agreed to receive protection money from penalty for its commission such as in conspiracy to
illegal gambling, that each misappropriated a commit treason, rebellion and sedition. In contrast,
portion of the tobacco excise tax, that each under American criminal law, the agreement or
accused ordered the GSIS and SSS to purchase conspiracy itself is the gravamen of the
shares of Belle Corporation and receive offense.24 The essence of conspiracy is the
commissions from such sale, nor that each unjustly combination of two or more persons, by concerted
enriched himself from commissions, gifts and action, to accomplish a criminal or unlawful
kickbacks; rather, it is that each of them, by their purpose, or some purpose not in itself criminal or
individual acts, agreed to participate, directly or unlawful, by criminal or unlawful means.25 Its
indirectly, in the amassing, accumulation and elements are: agreement to accomplish an illegal
acquisition of ill-gotten wealth of and/or for former objective, coupled with one or more overt acts in
President Estrada. furtherance of the illegal purpose; and requisite
intent necessary to commit the underlying
In the American jurisdiction, the presence of substantive offense.26
several accused in multiple conspiracies commonly
involves two structures: (1) the so-called "wheel" A study of the United States Code ought to be
or "circle" conspiracy, in which there is a single instructive. It principally punishes two (2) crimes of
person or group (the "hub") dealing individually conspiracy27 – conspiracy to commit any offense or
to defraud the United States, and conspiracy to such as perjury, white slave traffic, racketeering,
impede or injure officer. Conspiracy to commit gambling, arson, murder, theft, bank robbery, etc.
offense or to defraud the United States is penalized and also include customs violations, counterfeiting
under 18 U.S.C. Sec. 371,28 as follows: of currency, copyright violations, mail fraud,
lotteries, violations of antitrust laws and laws
"Sec. 371. Conspiracy to commit offense or to governing interstate commerce and other areas of
defraud the United States. If two or more persons federal regulation.32 Section 371 penalizes the
conspire either to commit any offense against the conspiracy to commit any of these substantive
United States, or to defraud the United States, or offenses. The offense of conspiracy is generally
any agency thereof in any manner or for any separate and distinct from the substantive
purpose, and one or more of such persons to any offense,33 hence, the court rulings that acquittal on
act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall the substantive count does not foreclose
be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not prosecution and conviction for related
more than five years, or both. conspiracy.34

If, however, the offense, the commission of which The conspiracy to "defraud the government" refers
is the object of the conspiracy, is a misdemeanor primarily to cheating the United States out of
only, the punishment for such conspiracy shall not property or money. It also covers interference with
exceed the maximum punishment provided for or obstruction of its lawful governmental functions
such misdemeanor." by deceit, craft or trickery, or at least by means that
are dishonest.35 It comprehends defrauding the
Conspiracy to impede or injure officer is penalized United States in any manner whatever, whether
under 18 U.S.C. Sec. 372, viz: the fraud be declared criminal or not. 36

"Sec. 372. Conspiracy to impede or injure officer. If The basic difference in the concept of
two or more persons in any State, Territory, conspiracy notwithstanding, a study of the
Possession, or District conspire to prevent, by American case law on how conspiracy should be
force, intimidation, or threat, any person from alleged will reveal that it is not necessary for the
accepting or holding any office, trust or place of indictment to include particularities of time, place,
confidence under the United States, or from circumstances or causes, in stating the manner and
discharging any duties thereof, or to induce by like means of effecting the object of the
means any officer of the United States to leave the conspiracy. Such specificity of detail falls within the
place, where his duties as an officer are required to scope of a bill of particulars.37 An indictment for
be performed, or to injure him in his person or conspiracy is sufficient where it alleges: (1) the
property on account of his lawful discharge of the agreement; (2) the offense-object toward which
duties of his office, or while engaged in the lawful the agreement was directed; and (3) the overt acts
discharge thereof, or to injure his property so as to performed in furtherance of the agreement. 38 To
molest, interrupt, hinder, or impede him in the allege that the defendants conspired is, at least, to
discharge of his official duties, each of such persons state that they agreed to do the matters which are
shall be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned set forth as the substance of their conspiracy. To
not more than six years, or both." allege a conspiracy is to allege an agreement. 39 The
gist of the crime of conspiracy is unlawful
Section 371 of 18 U.S.C. punishes two acts: (1) agreement, and where conspiracy is charged, it is
conspiracy to commit any offense against the not necessary to set out the criminal object with as
United States; and (2) conspiracy to defraud the great a certainty as is required in cases where such
United States or any agency thereof. The object is charged as a substantive offense. 40
conspiracy to "commit any offense against the
United States" refers to an act made a crime by In sum, therefore, there is hardly a substantial
federal laws.29 It refers to an act punished by difference on how Philippine courts and American
statute.30 Undoubtedly, Section 371 runs the courts deal with cases challenging Informations
whole gamut of U.S. Federal laws, whether criminal alleging conspiracy on the ground that they lack
or regulatory.31 These laws cover criminal offenses particularities of time, place, circumstances or
causes. In our jurisdiction, as aforestated, and essentials of the specified crimes. 46 The
conspiracy can be alleged in the Information as a requirement of alleging the elements of a crime in
mode of committing a crime or it may be alleged as the information is to inform the accused of the
constitutive of the crime itself. When conspiracy is nature of the accusation against him so as to
alleged as a crime in itself, the sufficiency of the enable him to suitably prepare his defense. The
allegations in the Information charging the offense presumption is that the accused has no
is governed by Section 6, Rule 110 of the Revised independent knowledge of the facts that
Rules of Criminal Procedure. It requires that the constitute the offense.47
information for this crime must contain the
following averments: To reiterate, when conspiracy is charged as a
crime, the act of conspiring and all the elements of
"Sec. 6. Sufficiency of complaint or information.- A said crime must be set forth in the complaint or
complaint or information is sufficient if it states the information. For example, the crime of "conspiracy
name of the accused, the designation of the to commit treason" is committed when, in time of
offense given by the statute; the acts or omissions war, two or more persons come to an agreement
complained of as constituting the offense; the to levy war against the Government or to adhere to
name of the offended party; the approximate date the enemies and to give them aid or comfort, and
of the commission of the offense; and the place decide to commit it.48 The elements of this crime
where the offense was committed. are: (1) that the offender owes allegiance to the
Government of the Philippines; (2) that there is a
When the offense was committed by more than war in which the Philippines is involved; (3) that the
one person, all of them shall be included in the offender and other person or persons come to an
complaint or information." agreement to: (a) levy war against the government,
or (b) adhere to the enemies, to give them aid and
The complaint or information to be sufficient must comfort; and (4) that the offender and other
state the name of the accused, designate the person or persons decide to carry out the
offense given by statute, state the acts or agreement. These elements must be alleged in the
omissions constituting the offense, the name of information.
the offended party, the approximate date of the
commission of the offense and the place where the The requirements on sufficiency of allegations are
offense was committed. different when conspiracy is not charged as a crime
in itself but only as the mode of committing the
Our rulings have long settled the issue on how the crime as in the case at bar. There is less
acts or omissions constituting the offense should necessity of reciting its particularities in the
be made in order to meet the standard of Information because conspiracy is not the
sufficiency. Thus, the offense must be designated gravamen of the offense charged. The conspiracy
by its name given by statute or by reference to the is significant only because it changes the criminal
section or subsection of the statute punishing liability of all the accused in the conspiracy and
it.41 The information must also state the acts or makes them answerable as co-principals regardless
omissions constituting the offense, and specify its of the degree of their participation in the
qualifying and aggravating circumstances.42 The crime.49 The liability of the conspirators is collective
acts or omissions complained of must be alleged in and each participant will be equally responsible for
such form as is sufficient to enable a person of the acts of others,50 for the act of one is the act of
common understanding to know what offense is all.51 In People v. Quitlong,52 we ruled on
intended to be charged, and enable the court to how conspiracy as the mode of committing the
pronounce proper judgment.43 No information for offense should be alleged in the Information, viz:
a crime will be sufficient if it does not accurately
and clearly allege the elements of the crime "x x x. In embodying the essential elements of the
charged.44 Every element of the offense must be crime charged, the information must set forth the
stated in the information.45 What facts and facts and circumstances that have a bearing on the
circumstances are necessary to be included therein culpability and liability of the accused so that the
must be determined by reference to the definitions accused can properly prepare for and undertake
his defense. One such fact or circumstance in a x x x. Conspiracy arises when two or more persons
complaint against two or more accused persons is come to an agreement concerning the commission
that of conspiracy. Quite unlike the omission of an of a felony and decide to commit it. Conspiracy
ordinary recital of fact which, if not excepted from comes to life at the very instant the plotters agree,
or objected to during trial, may be corrected or expressly or impliedly, to commit the felony and
supplied by competent proof, an allegation, forthwith to actually pursue it. Verily, the
however, of conspiracy, or one that would impute information must state that the accused have
criminal liability to an accused for the act of confederated to commit the crime or that there
another or others, is indispensable in order to hold has been a community of design, a unity of purpose
such person, regardless of the nature and extent of or an agreement to commit the felony among the
his own participation, equally guilty with the other accused. Such an allegation, in the absence of the
or others in the commission of the crime. Where usual usage of the words "conspired" or
conspiracy exists and can rightly be appreciated, "confederated" or the phrase "acting in
the individual acts done to perpetrate the felony conspiracy," must aptly appear in the information
becomes of secondary importance, the act of one in the form of definitive acts constituting
being imputable to all the others (People v. Ilano, conspiracy. In fine, the agreement to commit the
313 SCRA 442). Verily, an accused must know from crime, the unity of purpose or the community of
the information whether he faces a criminal design among the accused must be conveyed such
responsibility not only for his acts but also for the as either by the use of the term "conspire" or its
acts of his co-accused as well. derivatives and synonyms or by allegations of basic
facts constituting the conspiracy. Conspiracy must
A conspiracy indictment need not, of course, aver be alleged, not just inferred, in the information on
all the components of conspiracy or allege all the which basis an accused can aptly enter his plea, a
details thereof, like the part that each of the parties matter that is not to be confused with or likened to
therein have performed, the evidence proving the the adequacy of evidence that may be required to
common design or the facts connecting all the prove it. In establishing conspiracy when properly
accused with one another in the web of the alleged, the evidence to support it need not
conspiracy. Neither is it necessary to describe necessarily be shown by direct proof but may
conspiracy with the same degree of particularity be inferred from shown acts and conduct of the
required in describing a substantive offense. It is accused.
enough that the indictment contains a statement
of facts relied upon to be constitutive of the xxx xxx x x x."
offense in ordinary and concise language, with as
much certainty as the nature of the case will admit, Again, following the stream of our own
in a manner that can enable a person of common jurisprudence, it is enough to allege conspiracy as
understanding to know what is intended, and with a mode in the commission of an offense in either
such precision that the accused may plead his of the following manner: (1) by use of the word
acquittal or conviction to a subsequent indictment "conspire," or its derivatives or synonyms, such as
based on the same facts. It is said, generally, that confederate, connive, collude, etc; 53 or (2) by
an indictment may be held sufficient "if it follows allegations of basic facts constituting the
the words of the statute and reasonably informs conspiracy in a manner that a person of common
the accused of the character of the offense he is understanding would know what is intended, and
charged with conspiring to commit, or, following with such precision as would enable the accused to
the language of the statute, contains a sufficient competently enter a plea to a subsequent
statement of an overt act to effect the object of the indictment based on the same facts.54
conspiracy, or alleges both the conspiracy and the
contemplated crime in the language of the The allegation of conspiracy in the information
respective statutes defining them (15A C.J.S. 842- must not be confused with the adequacy of
844). evidence that may be required to prove it. A
conspiracy is proved by evidence of actual
xxx xxx xxx cooperation; of acts indicative of an agreement, a
common purpose or design, a concerted action or
concurrence of sentiments to commit the felony basis."57 Basing its finding on the earlier testimony
and actually pursue it.55 A statement of this of Dr. Anastacio, the Sandiganbayan found that
evidence is not necessary in the information. petitioner "failed to submit sufficient evidence to
convince the court that the medical condition of
In the case at bar, the second paragraph of the the accused requires that he be confined at home
Amended Information alleged in general terms and for that purpose that he be allowed to post
how the accused committed the crime of bail."58
plunder. It used the words "in
connivance/conspiracy with his co-accused." The crime of plunder is punished by R.A. No. 7080,
Following the ruling in Quitlong, these words are as amended by Section 12 of R.A. No. 7659, with
sufficient to allege the conspiracy of the accused the penalty of reclusion perpetua to death. Under
with the former President in committing the crime our Rules, offenses punishable by death, reclusion
of plunder. perpetua or life imprisonment are non-bailable
when the evidence of guilt is strong, to wit:
"Sec. 7. Capital offense or an offense punishable by
We now come to petitioner’s plea for bail. On reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment, not
August 14, 2002, during the pendency of the bailable. – No person charged with a capital
instant petition before this Court, petitioner filed offense, or an offense punishable by reclusion
with respondent Sandiganbayan an "Urgent perpetua or life imprisonment, shall be admitted to
Second Motion for Bail for Medical Reasons." bail when evidence of guilt is strong, regardless of
Petitioner prayed that he be allowed to post bail the stage of the criminal prosecution."59
due to his serious medical condition which is life-
threatening to him if he goes back to his place of Section 7, Rule 114 of the Revised Rules of Criminal
detention.1âwphi1 The motion was opposed by Procedure is based on Section 13, Article III of the
respondent Ombudsman to which petitioner 1987 Constitution which reads:
"Sec. 13. All persons, except those charged with
For three days, i.e., on September 4, 20 and 27, offenses punishable by reclusion perpetua when
2001, respondent Sandiganbayan conducted evidence of guilt is strong, shall, before conviction
hearings on the motion for bail. Dr. Roberto V. be bailable by sufficient sureties, or be released on
Anastacio, a cardiologist of the Makati Medical recognizance as may be provided by law. The right
Center, testified as sole witness for petitioner. to bail shall not be impaired even when the
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is suspended.
On December 18, 2001, petitioner filed with the Excessive bail shall not be required."
Supreme Court an "Urgent Motion for
Early/Immediate Resolution of Jose ‘Jinggoy’ The constitutional mandate makes the grant or
Estrada’s Petition for Bail on denial of bail in capital offenses hinge on the issue
Medical/Humanitarian Considerations." Petitioner of whether or not the evidence of guilt of the
reiterated the motion for bail he earlier filed with accused is strong. This requires that the trial court
respondent Sandiganbayan.56 conduct bail hearings wherein both the
prosecution and the defense are afforded
On the same day, we issued a Resolution referring sufficient opportunity to present their respective
the motion to respondent Sandiganbayan for evidence. The burden of proof lies with the
resolution and requiring said court to make a prosecution to show strong evidence of guilt. 60
report, not later than 8:30 in the morning of
December 21, 2001. This Court is not in a position to grant bail to the
petitioner as the matter requires evidentiary
On December 21, 2001, respondent court hearing that should be conducted by the
submitted its Report. Attached to the Report was Sandiganbayan. The hearings on which respondent
its Resolution dated December 20, 2001 denying court based its Resolution of December 20, 2001
petitioner’s motion for bail for "lack of factual involved the reception of medical evidence only
and which evidence was given in September 2001, the North EDSA Vendors Association,
five months ago. The records do not show that Incorporated). In said notice, the respondents
evidence on petitioner’s guilt was presented were given a grace-period of three (3) days (up to
before the lower court. 12 July 1990) within which to vacate the
questioned premises of North EDSA.1 Prior to their
Upon proper motion of the petitioner, respondent receipt of the demolition notice, the private
Sandiganbayan should conduct hearings to respondents were informed by petitioner Quimpo
determine if the evidence of petitioner’s guilt is that their stalls should be removed to give way to
strong as to warrant the granting of bail to the "People's Park".2 On 12 July 1990, the group,
petitioner. led by their President Roque Fermo, filed a letter-
complaint (Pinag-samang Sinumpaang Salaysay)
IN VIEW WHEREOF, the petition is dismissed for with the CHR against the petitioners, asking the
failure to show that the respondent Sandiganbayan late CHR Chairman Mary Concepcion Bautista for a
acted without or in excess of jurisdiction or with letter to be addressed to then Mayor Brigido
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack of Simon, Jr., of Quezon City to stop the demolition of
jurisdiction. the private respondents' stalls, sari-sari stores,
and carinderia along North EDSA. The complaint
SO ORDERED. was docketed as CHR Case No. 90-1580.3 On 23
July 1990, the CHR issued an Order, directing the
G.R. No. 100150 January 5, 1994 petitioners "to desist from demolishing the stalls
and shanties at North EDSA pending resolution of
BRIGIDO R. SIMON, JR., CARLOS QUIMPO, CARLITO the vendors/squatters' complaint before the
ABELARDO, AND GENEROSO Commission" and ordering said petitioners to
OCAMPO, petitioners, appear before the CHR.4
COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS, ROQUE On the basis of the sworn statements submitted by
FERMO, AND OTHERS AS JOHN the private respondents on 31 July 1990, as well as
DOES, respondents. CHR's own ocular inspection, and convinced that
on 28 July 1990 the petitioners carried out the
The City Attorney for petitioners. demolition of private respondents' stalls, sari-
sari stores and carinderia,5 the CHR, in its
The Solicitor General for public respondent. resolution of 1 August 1990, ordered the
disbursement of financial assistance of not more
than P200,000.00 in favor of the private
respondents to purchase light housing materials
VITUG, J.: and food under the Commission's supervision and
again directed the petitioners to "desist from
The extent of the authority and power of the further demolition, with the warning that violation
Commission on Human Rights ("CHR") is again of said order would lead to a citation for contempt
placed into focus in this petition for prohibition, and arrest."6
with prayer for a restraining order and preliminary
injunction. The petitioners ask us to prohibit public A motion to dismiss,7 dated 10 September 1990,
respondent CHR from further hearing and questioned CHR's jurisdiction. The motion also
investigating CHR Case No. 90-1580, entitled averred, among other things, that:
"Fermo, et al. vs. Quimpo, et al."
1. this case came about due to the alleged
The case all started when a "Demolition Notice," violation by the (petitioners) of the Inter-
dated 9 July 1990, signed by Carlos Quimpo (one of Agency Memorandum of Agreement
the petitioners) in his capacity as an Executive whereby Metro-Manila Mayors agreed on
Officer of the Quezon City Integrated Hawkers a moratorium in the demolition of the
Management Council under the Office of the City dwellings of poor dwellers in Metro-
Mayor, was sent to, and received by, the private Manila;
respondents (being the officers and members of
xxx xxx xxx In an Order,11 dated 25 September 1990, the CHR
cited the petitioners in contempt for carrying out
3. . . . , a perusal of the said Agreement the demolition of the stalls, sari-sari stores
(revealed) that the moratorium referred and carinderia despite the "order to desist", and it
to therein refers to moratorium in the imposed a fine of P500.00 on each of them.
demolition of the structures of poor
dwellers; On 1 March 1991,12 the CHR issued an Order,
denying petitioners' motion to dismiss and
4. that the complainants in this case supplemental motion to dismiss, in this wise:
(were) not poor dwellers but independent
business entrepreneurs even this Clearly, the Commission on Human Rights
Honorable Office admitted in its under its constitutional mandate had
resolution of 1 August 1990 that the jurisdiction over the complaint filed by the
complainants are indeed, vendors; squatters-vendors who complained of the
gross violations of their human and
5. that the complainants (were) occupying constitutional rights. The motion to
government land, particularly the dismiss should be and is hereby DENIED
sidewalk of EDSA corner North Avenue, for lack of merit.13
Quezon City; . . . and
The CHR opined that "it was not the intention of
6. that the City Mayor of Quezon City the (Constitutional) Commission to create only a
(had) the sole and exclusive discretion and paper tiger limited only to investigating civil and
authority whether or not a certain political rights, but it (should) be (considered) a
business establishment (should) be quasi-judicial body with the power to provide
allowed to operate within the jurisdiction appropriate legal measures for the protection of
of Quezon City, to revoke or cancel a human rights of all persons within the Philippines .
permit, if already issued, upon grounds . . ." It added:
clearly specified by law and ordinance.8
The right to earn a living is a right essential
During the 12 September 1990 hearing, the to one's right to development, to life and
petitioners moved for postponement, arguing that to dignity. All these brazenly and violently
the motion to dismiss set for 21 September 1990 ignored and trampled upon by
had yet to be resolved. The petitioners likewise respondents with little regard at the same
manifested that they would bring the case to the time for the basic rights of women and
courts. children, and their health, safety and
welfare. Their actions have
On 18 September 1990 a supplemental motion to psychologically scarred and traumatized
dismiss was filed by the petitioners, stating that the the children, who were witness and
Commission's authority should be understood as exposed to such a violent demonstration
being confined only to the investigation of of Man's inhumanity to man.
violations of civil and political rights, and that "the
rights allegedly violated in this case (were) not civil In an Order,14 dated 25 April 1991, petitioners'
and political rights, (but) their privilege to engage motion for reconsideration was denied.
in business."9
Hence, this recourse.
On 21 September 1990, the motion to dismiss was
heard and submitted for resolution, along with the The petition was initially dismissed in our
contempt charge that had meantime been filed by resolution15 of 25 June 1991; it was subsequently
the private respondents, albeit vigorously objected reinstated, however, in our resolution 16 of 18 June
to by petitioners (on the ground that the motion to 1991, in which we also issued a temporary
dismiss was still then unresolved).10 restraining order, directing the CHR to "CEASE and
DESIST from further hearing CHR No. 90-1580."17
The petitioners pose the following: (3) Provide appropriate legal measures for
the protection of human rights of all
Whether or not the public respondent has persons within the Philippines, as well as
jurisdiction: Filipinos residing abroad, and provide for
preventive measures and legal aid
a) to investigate the alleged violations of the services to the underprivileged whose
"business rights" of the private respondents whose human rights have been violated or need
stalls were demolished by the petitioners at the protection;
instance and authority given by the Mayor of
Quezon City; (4) Exercise visitorial powers over jails,
prisons, or detention facilities;
b) to impose the fine of P500.00 each on the
petitioners; and (5) Establish a continuing program of
research, education, and information to
c) to disburse the amount of P200,000.00 as enhance respect for the primacy of
financial aid to the vendors affected by the human rights;
(6) Recommend to the Congress effective
In the Court's resolution of 10 October 1991, the measures to promote human rights and to
Solicitor-General was excused from filing his provide for compensation to victims of
comment for public respondent CHR. The latter violations of human rights, or their
thus filed its own comment,18 through Hon. Samuel families;
Soriano, one of its Commissioners. The Court also
resolved to dispense with the comment of private (7) Monitor the Philippine Government's
respondent Roque Fermo, who had since failed to compliance with international treaty
comply with the resolution, dated 18 July 1991, obligations on human rights;
requiring such comment.
(8) Grant immunity from prosecution to
The petition has merit. any person whose testimony or whose
possession of documents or other
The Commission on Human Rights was created by evidence is necessary or convenient to
the 1987 determine the truth in any investigation
Constitution.19 It was formally constituted by then conducted by it or under its authority;
President Corazon Aquino via Executive Order No.
163,20 issued on 5 May 1987, in the exercise of her (9) Request the assistance of any
legislative power at the time. It succeeded, but so department, bureau, office, or agency in
superseded as well, the Presidential Committee on the performance of its functions;
Human Rights.21
(10) Appoint its officers and employees in
The powers and functions22of the Commission are accordance with law; and
defined by the 1987 Constitution, thus: to —
(11) Perform such other duties and
(1) Investigate, on its own or on complaint functions as may be provided by law.
by any party, all forms of human rights
violations involving civil and political In its Order of 1 March 1991, denying petitioners'
rights; motion to dismiss, the CHR theorizes that the
intention of the members of the Constitutional
(2) Adopt its operational guidelines and Commission is to make CHR a quasi-judicial
rules of procedure, and cite for contempt body.23 This view, however, has not heretofore
for violations thereof in accordance with been shared by this Court. In Cariño v. Commission
the Rules of Court; on Human Rights,24 the Court, through then
Associate Justice, now Chief Justice Andres
Narvasa, has observed that it is "only the first of the different sectors of the society, have given the
enumerated powers and functions that bears any following varied answers:
resemblance to adjudication or adjudgment," but
that resemblance can in no way be synonymous to Human rights are the basic rights which
the adjudicatory power itself. The Court explained: inhere in man by virtue of his humanity.
They are the same in all parts of the world,
. . . (T)he Commission on Human Rights . . whether the Philippines or England, Kenya
. was not meant by the fundamental law or the Soviet Union, the United States or
to be another court or quasi-judicial Japan, Kenya or Indonesia . . . .
agency in this country, or duplicate much
less take over the functions of the latter. Human rights include civil rights, such as
the right to life, liberty, and property;
The most that may be conceded to the freedom of speech, of the press, of
Commission in the way of adjudicative religion, academic freedom, and the rights
power is that it may investigate, i.e., of the accused to due process of law;
receive evidence and make findings of fact political rights, such as the right to elect
as regards claimed human rights public officials, to be elected to public
violations involving civil and political office, and to form political associations
rights. But fact finding is not adjudication, and engage in politics; and social rights,
and cannot be likened to the judicial such as the right to an education,
function of a court of justice, or even a employment, and social services.25
quasi-judicial agency or official. The
function of receiving evidence and Human rights are the entitlement that
ascertaining therefrom the facts of a inhere in the individual person from the
controversy is not a judicial function, sheer fact of his humanity. . . . Because
properly speaking. To be considered such, they are inherent, human rights are not
the faculty of receiving evidence and granted by the State but can only be
making factual conclusions in a recognized and protected by it.26
controversy must be accompanied by the
authority of applying the law to those (Human rights include all) the civil,
factual conclusions to the end that the political, economic, social, and cultural
controversy may be decided or rights defined in the Universal Declaration
determined authoritatively, finally and of Human Rights.27
definitively, subject to such appeals or
modes of review as may be provided by Human rights are rights that pertain to
law. This function, to repeat, the man simply because he is human. They
Commission does not have. are part of his natural birth, right, innate
and inalienable.28
After thus laying down at the outset the above rule,
we now proceed to the other kernel of this The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well
controversy and, its is, to determine the extent of as, or more specifically, the International Covenant
CHR's investigative power. on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,
It can hardly be disputed that the phrase "human suggests that the scope of human rights can be
rights" is so generic a term that any attempt to understood to include those that relate to an
define it, albeit not a few have tried, could at best individual's social, economic, cultural, political and
be described as inconclusive. Let us observe. In a civil relations. It thus seems to closely identify the
symposium on human rights in the Philippines, term to the universally accepted traits and
sponsored by the University of the Philippines in attributes of an individual, along with what is
1977, one of the questions that has been generally considered to be his inherent and
propounded is "(w)hat do you understand by inalienable rights, encompassing almost all aspects
"human rights?" The participants, representing of life.
Have these broad concepts been equally MR. GARCIA . . . , the primacy of its (CHR)
contemplated by the framers of our 1986 task must be made clear in view of the
Constitutional Commission in adopting the specific importance of human rights and also
provisions on human rights and in creating an because civil and political rights have been
independent commission to safeguard these determined by many international
rights? It may of value to look back at the country's covenants and human rights legislations in
experience under the martial law regime which the Philippines, as well as the
may have, in fact, impelled the inclusions of those Constitution, specifically the Bill of Rights
provisions in our fundamental law. Many voices and subsequent legislation. Otherwise, if
have been heard. Among those voices, aptly we cover such a wide territory in area, we
represented perhaps of the sentiments expressed might diffuse its impact and the precise
by others, comes from Mr. Justice J.B.L. Reyes, a nature of its task, hence, its effectivity
respected jurist and an advocate of civil liberties, would also be curtailed.
who, in his paper, entitled "Present State of Human
Rights in the Philippines,"29 observes: So, it is important to delienate the
parameters of its tasks so that the
But while the Constitution of 1935 and commission can be most effective.
that of 1973 enshrined in their Bill of
Rights most of the human rights MR. BENGZON. That is precisely my
expressed in the International Covenant, difficulty because civil and political rights
these rights became unavailable upon the are very broad. The Article on the Bill of
proclamation of Martial Law on 21 Rights covers civil and political rights.
September 1972. Arbitrary action then Every single right of an individual involves
became the rule. Individuals by the his civil right or his political right. So,
thousands became subject to arrest upon where do we draw the line?
suspicion, and were detained and held for
indefinite periods, sometimes for years, MR. GARCIA. Actually, these civil and
without charges, until ordered released by political rights have been made clear in
the Commander-in-Chief or this the language of human rights advocates,
representative. The right to petition for as well as in the Universal Declaration of
the redress of grievances became useless, Human Rights which addresses a number
since group actions were forbidden. So of articles on the right to life, the right
were strikes. Press and other mass media against torture, the right to fair and public
were subjected to censorship and short hearing, and so on. These are very specific
term licensing. Martial law brought with it rights that are considered enshrined in
the suspension of the writ of habeas many international documents and legal
corpus, and judges lost independence and instruments as constituting civil and
security of tenure, except members of the political rights, and these are precisely
Supreme Court. They were required to what we want to defend here.
submit letters of resignation and were
dismissed upon the acceptance thereof. MR. BENGZON. So, would the
Torture to extort confessions were commissioner say civil and political rights
practiced as declared by international as defined in the Universal Declaration of
bodies like Amnesty International and the Human Rights?
International Commission of Jurists.
MR. GARCIA. Yes, and as I have
Converging our attention to the records of mentioned, the International Covenant of
the Constitutional Commission, we can Civil and Political Rights distinguished this
see the following discussions during its 26 right against torture.
August 1986 deliberations:
MR. BENGZON. So as to distinguish this
from the other rights that we have?
MR. GARCIA. Yes, because the other rights MR. RAMA. In connection with the
will encompass social and economic discussion on the scope of human rights, I
rights, and there are other violations of would like to state that in the past regime,
rights of citizens which can be addressed everytime we invoke the violation of
to the proper courts and authorities. human rights, the Marcos regime came
out with the defense that, as a matter of
xxx xxx xxx fact, they had defended the rights of
people to decent living, food, decent
MR. BENGZON. So, we will authorize the housing and a life consistent with human
commission to define its functions, and, dignity.
therefore, in doing that the commission
will be authorized to take under its wings So, I think we should really limit the
cases which perhaps heretofore or at this definition of human rights to political
moment are under the jurisdiction of the rights. Is that the sense of the committee,
ordinary investigative and prosecutorial so as not to confuse the issue?
agencies of the government. Am I correct?
MR. SARMIENTO. Yes, Madam President.
MR. GARCIA. No. We have already
mentioned earlier that we would like to MR. GARCIA. I would like to continue and
define the specific parameters which respond also to repeated points raised by
cover civil and political rights as covered the previous speaker.
by the international standards governing
the behavior of governments regarding There are actually six areas where this
the particular political and civil rights of Commission on Human Rights could act
citizens, especially of political detainees or effectively: 1) protection of rights of
prisoners. This particular aspect we have political detainees; 2) treatment of
experienced during martial law which we prisoners and the prevention of tortures;
would now like to safeguard. 3) fair and public trials; 4) cases of
disappearances; 5) salvagings and
MR. BENGZON. Then, I go back to that hamletting; and 6) other crimes
question that I had. Therefore, what we committed against the religious.
are really trying to say is, perhaps, at the
proper time we could specify all those xxx xxx xxx
rights stated in the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights and defined as human The PRESIDENT. Commissioner Guingona
rights. Those are the rights that we is recognized.
envision here?
MR. GUINGONA. Thank You Madam
MR. GARCIA. Yes. In fact, they are also President.
enshrined in the Bill of Rights of our
Constitution. They are integral parts of I would like to start by saying that I agree
that. with Commissioner Garcia that we
should, in order to make the proposed
MR. BENGZON. Therefore, is the Commission more effective, delimit as
Gentleman saying that all the rights under much as possible, without prejudice to
the Bill of Rights covered by human rights? future expansion. The coverage of the
concept and jurisdictional area of the
MR. GARCIA. No, only those that pertain term "human rights". I was actually
to civil and political rights. disturbed this morning when the
reference was made without qualification
xxx xxx xxx to the rights embodied in the universal
Declaration of Human Rights, although
later on, this was qualified to refer to civil considered a civil or a social right. It is not
and political rights contained therein. a civil right?

If I remember correctly, Madam MR. GARCIA. Madam President, I have to

President, Commissioner Garcia, after repeat the various specific civil and
mentioning the Universal Declaration of political rights that we felt must be
Human Rights of 1948, mentioned or envisioned initially by this provision —
linked the concept of human right with freedom from political detention and
other human rights specified in other arrest prevention of torture, right to fair
convention which I do not remember. Am and public trials, as well as crimes
I correct? involving disappearance, salvagings,
hamlettings and collective violations. So, it
MR. GARCIA. Is Commissioner Guingona is limited to politically related crimes
referring to the Declaration of Torture of precisely to protect the civil and political
1985? rights of a specific group of individuals,
and therefore, we are not opening it up to
MR. GUINGONA. I do not know, but the all of the definite areas.
commissioner mentioned another.
MR. GUINGONA. Correct. Therefore, just
MR. GARCIA. Madam President, the other for the record, the Gentlemen is no longer
one is the International Convention on linking his concept or the concept of the
Civil and Political Rights of which we are Committee on Human Rights with the so-
signatory. called civil or political rights as contained
in the Universal Declaration of Human
MR. GUINGONA. I see. The only problem Rights.
is that, although I have a copy of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights MR. GARCIA. When I mentioned earlier
here, I do not have a copy of the other the Universal Declaration of Human
covenant mentioned. It is quite possible Rights, I was referring to an international
that there are rights specified in that other instrument.
convention which may not be specified
here. I was wondering whether it would MR. GUINGONA. I know.
be wise to link our concept of human
rights to general terms like "convention," MR. GARCIA. But it does not mean that we
rather than specify the rights contained in will refer to each and every specific article
the convention. therein, but only to those that pertain to
the civil and politically related, as we
As far as the Universal Declaration of understand it in this Commission on
Human Rights is concerned, the Human Rights.
Committee, before the period of
amendments, could specify to us which of MR. GUINGONA. Madam President, I am
these articles in the Declaration will fall not even clear as to the distinction
within the concept of civil and political between civil and social rights.
rights, not for the purpose of including
these in the proposed constitutional MR. GARCIA. There are two international
article, but to give the sense of the covenants: the International Covenant
Commission as to what human rights and Civil and Political Rights and the
would be included, without prejudice to International Covenant on Economic,
expansion later on, if the need arises. For Social and Cultural Rights. The second
example, there was no definite reply to covenant contains all the different rights-
the question of Commissioner Regalado the rights of labor to organize, the right to
as to whether the right to marry would be education, housing, shelter, et cetera.
MR. GUINGONA. So we are just limiting at (t)o those (rights) that belong to every
the moment the sense of the committee citizen of the state or country, or, in wider
to those that the Gentlemen has sense, to all its inhabitants, and are not
specified. connected with the organization or
administration of the government. They
MR. GARCIA. Yes, to civil and political include the rights of property, marriage,
rights. equal protection of the laws, freedom of
contract, etc. Or, as otherwise defined
MR. GUINGONA. Thank you. civil rights are rights appertaining to a
person by virtue of his citizenship in a
xxx xxx xxx state or community. Such term may also
refer, in its general sense, to rights
SR. TAN. Madam President, from the capable of being enforced or redressed in
standpoint of the victims of human rights, a civil action.
I cannot stress more on how much we
need a Commission on Human Rights. . . . Also quite often mentioned are the guarantees
against involuntary servitude, religious
. . . human rights victims are usually persecution, unreasonable searches and seizures,
penniless. They cannot pay and very few and imprisonment for debt.32
lawyers will accept clients who do not pay.
And so, they are the ones more abused Political rights,33 on the other hand, are said to
and oppressed. Another reason is, the refer to the right to participate, directly or
cases involved are very delicate — torture, indirectly, in the establishment or administration of
salvaging, picking up without any warrant government, the right of suffrage, the right to hold
of arrest, massacre — and the persons public office, the right of petition and, in general,
who are allegedly guilty are people in the rights appurtenant to citizenship vis-a-vis the
power like politicians, men in the military management of government.34
and big shots. Therefore, this Human
Rights Commission must be independent. Recalling the deliberations of the Constitutional
Commission, aforequoted, it is readily apparent
I would like very much to emphasize how that the delegates envisioned a Commission on
much we need this commission, especially Human Rights that would focus its attention to the
for the little Filipino, the little individual more severe cases of human rights violations.
who needs this kind of help and cannot Delegate Garcia, for instance, mentioned such
get it. And I think we should concentrate areas as the "(1) protection of rights of political
only on civil and political violations detainees, (2) treatment of prisoners and the
because if we open this to land, housing prevention of tortures, (3) fair and public trials, (4)
and health, we will have no place to go cases of disappearances, (5) salvagings and
again and we will not receive any hamletting, and (6) other crimes committed
response. . . .30 (emphasis supplied) against the religious." While the enumeration has
not likely been meant to have any preclusive effect,
The final outcome, now written as Section 18, more than just expressing a statement of priority,
Article XIII, of the 1987 Constitution, is a provision it is, nonetheless, significant for the tone it has set.
empowering the Commission on Human Rights to In any event, the delegates did not apparently take
"investigate, on its own or on complaint by any comfort in peremptorily making a conclusive
party, all forms of human rights violations involving delineation of the CHR's scope of investigatorial
civil and political rights" (Sec. 1). jurisdiction. They have thus seen it fit to resolve,
instead, that "Congress may provide for other
The term "civil rights,"31 has been defined as cases of violations of human rights that should fall
referring — within the authority of the Commission, taking into
account its recommendation."35
In the particular case at hand, there is no cavil that The constitutional provision directing the
what are sought to be demolished are the CHR to "provide for preventive measures
stalls, sari-sari stores and carinderia, as well as and legal aid services to the
temporary shanties, erected by private underprivileged whose human rights have
respondents on a land which is planned to be been violated or need protection" may
developed into a "People's Park". More than that, not be construed to confer jurisdiction on
the land adjoins the North EDSA of Quezon City the Commission to issue a restraining
which, this Court can take judicial notice of, is a order or writ of injunction for, it that were
busy national highway. The consequent danger to the intention, the Constitution would
life and limb is not thus to be likewise simply have expressly said so. "Jurisdiction is
ignored. It is indeed paradoxical that a right which conferred only by the Constitution or by
is claimed to have been violated is one that cannot, law". It is never derived by implication.
in the first place, even be invoked, if it is, in fact,
extant. Be that as it may, looking at the standards Evidently, the "preventive measures and
hereinabove discoursed vis-a-vis the legal aid services" mentioned in the
circumstances obtaining in this instance, we are Constitution refer to extrajudicial and
not prepared to conclude that the order for the judicial remedies (including a writ of
demolition of the stalls, sari-sari stores preliminary injunction) which the CHR
and carinderia of the private respondents can fall may seek from proper courts on behalf of
within the compartment of "human rights the victims of human rights violations. Not
violations involving civil and political rights" being a court of justice, the CHR itself has
intended by the Constitution. no jurisdiction to issue the writ, for a writ
of preliminary injunction may only be
On its contempt powers, the CHR is constitutionally issued "by the judge of any court in which
authorized to "adopt its operational guidelines and the action is pending [within his district],
rules of procedure, and cite for contempt for or by a Justice of the Court of Appeals, or
violations thereof in accordance with the Rules of of the Supreme Court. . . . A writ of
Court." Accordingly, the CHR acted within its preliminary injunction is an ancillary
authority in providing in its revised rules, its power remedy. It is available only in a pending
"to cite or hold any person in direct or indirect principal action, for the preservation or
contempt, and to impose the appropriate penalties protection of the rights and interests of a
in accordance with the procedure and sanctions party thereto, and for no other purpose."
provided for in the Rules of Court." That power to (footnotes omitted).
cite for contempt, however, should be understood
to apply only to violations of its adopted The Commission does have legal standing to
operational guidelines and rules of procedure indorse, for appropriate action, its findings and
essential to carry out its investigatorial powers. To recommendations to any appropriate agency of
exemplify, the power to cite for contempt could be government.37
exercised against persons who refuse to cooperate
with the said body, or who unduly withhold The challenge on the CHR's disbursement of the
relevant information, or who decline to honor amount of P200,000.00 by way of financial aid to
summons, and the like, in pursuing its investigative the vendors affected by the demolition is not an
work. The "order to desist" (a semantic interplay appropriate issue in the instant petition. Not only
for a restraining order) in the instance before us, is there lack of locus standi on the part of the
however, is not investigatorial in character but petitioners to question the disbursement but,
prescinds from an adjudicative power that it does more importantly, the matter lies with the
not possess. In Export Processing Zone Authority appropriate administrative agencies concerned to
vs. Commission on Human Rights,36 the Court, initially consider.
speaking through Madame Justice Carolina Griño-
Aquino, explained: The public respondent explains that this petition
for prohibition filed by the petitioners has become
moot and academic since the case before it (CHR
Case No. 90-1580) has already been fully heard, Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
and that the matter is merely awaiting final
resolution. It is true that prohibition is a preventive Having a key determinative bearing on this case is
remedy to restrain the doing of an act about to be the Rome Statute3 establishing the International
done, and not intended to provide a remedy for an Criminal Court (ICC) with "the power to exercise its
act already accomplished. 38 Here, however, said jurisdiction over persons for the most serious crimes
Commission admittedly has yet to promulgate its of international concern x x x and shall be
resolution in CHR Case No. 90-1580. The instant complementary to the national criminal
petition has been intended, among other things, to jurisdictions."4 The serious crimes adverted to
also prevent CHR from precisely doing that. 39 cover those considered grave under international
law, such as genocide, crimes against humanity,
WHEREFORE, the writ prayed for in this petition is war crimes, and crimes of aggression. 5
GRANTED. The Commission on Human Rights is
hereby prohibited from further proceeding with On December 28, 2000, the RP, through Charge
CHR Case No. 90-1580 and from implementing the d’Affaires Enrique A. Manalo, signed the Rome
P500.00 fine for contempt. The temporary Statute which, by its terms, is "subject to
restraining order heretofore issued by this Court is ratification, acceptance or approval" by the
made permanent. No costs. signatory states.6 As of the filing of the instant
petition, only 92 out of the 139 signatory countries
SO ORDERED. appear to have completed the ratification,
approval and concurrence process. The Philippines
G.R. No. 159618 February 1, 2011 is not among the 92.

BAYAN MUNA, as represented by Rep. SATUR RP-US Non-Surrender Agreement

MAZA, Petitioner, On May 9, 2003, then Ambassador Francis J.
vs. Ricciardone sent US Embassy Note No. 0470 to the
ALBERTO ROMULO, in his capacity as Executive Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) proposing the
Secretary, and BLAS F. OPLE, in his capacity as terms of the non-surrender bilateral agreement
Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Respondents. (Agreement, hereinafter) between the USA and the
Via Exchange of Notes No. BFO-028-037 dated May
VELASCO, JR., J.: 13, 2003 (E/N BFO-028-03, hereinafter), the RP,
represented by then DFA Secretary Ople, agreed
The Case with and accepted the US proposals embodied
under the US Embassy Note adverted to and put in
This petition1 for certiorari, mandamus and effect the Agreement with the US government. In
prohibition under Rule 65 assails and seeks to esse, the Agreement aims to protect what it refers
nullify the Non-Surrender Agreement concluded by to and defines as "persons" of the RP and US from
and between the Republic of the Philippines (RP) frivolous and harassment suits that might be
and the United States of America (USA). brought against them in international tribunals. 8 It
is reflective of the increasing pace of the strategic
The Facts security and defense partnership between the two
countries. As of May 2, 2003, similar bilateral
Petitioner Bayan Muna is a duly registered party- agreements have been effected by and between
list group established to represent the the US and 33 other countries.9
marginalized sectors of society. Respondent Blas F.
Ople, now deceased, was the Secretary of Foreign The Agreement pertinently provides as follows:
Affairs during the period material to this case.
Respondent Alberto Romulo was impleaded in his 1. For purposes of this Agreement,
capacity as then Executive Secretary. 2 "persons" are current or former
Government officials, employees (including In response to a query of then Solicitor General
contractors), or military personnel or Alfredo L. Benipayo on the status of the non-
nationals of one Party. surrender agreement, Ambassador Ricciardone
replied in his letter of October 28, 2003 that the
2. Persons of one Party present in the exchange of diplomatic notes constituted a legally
territory of the other shall not, absent the binding agreement under international law; and
express consent of the first Party, that, under US law, the said agreement did not
require the advice and consent of the US Senate.10
(a) be surrendered or transferred by
any means to any international In this proceeding, petitioner imputes grave abuse
tribunal for any purpose, unless of discretion to respondents in concluding and
such tribunal has been established ratifying the Agreement and prays that it be struck
by the UN Security Council, or down as unconstitutional, or at least declared as
without force and effect.
(b) be surrendered or transferred
by any means to any other entity or For their part, respondents question petitioner’s
third country, or expelled to a third standing to maintain a suit and counter that
country, for the purpose of the Agreement, being in the nature of an executive
surrender to or transfer to any agreement, does not require Senate concurrence
international tribunal, unless such for its efficacy. And for reasons detailed in their
tribunal has been established by the comment, respondents assert the constitutionality
UN Security Council. of the Agreement.

3. When the [US] extradites, surrenders, or The Issues

otherwise transfers a person of the
Philippines to a third country, the [US] will I. WHETHER THE [RP] PRESIDENT AND THE
not agree to the surrender or transfer of [DFA] SECRETARY x x x GRAVELY ABUSED
that person by the third country to any THEIR DISCRETION AMOUNTING TO LACK
international tribunal, unless such tribunal OR EXCESS OF JURISDICTION FOR
has been established by the UN Security CONCLUDING THE RP-US NON SURRENDER
Council, absent the express consent of the AGREEMENT BY MEANS OF [E/N] BFO-028-
Government of the Republic of the 03 DATED 13 MAY 2003, WHEN THE
4. When the [GRP] extradites, surrenders, [ICC] ALTHOUGH THIS IS PENDING
or otherwise transfers a person of the [USA] RATIFICATION BY THE PHILIPPINE SENATE.
to a third country, the [GRP] will not agree
to the surrender or transfer of that person A. Whether by entering into the x x
by the third country to any international x Agreement Respondents gravely
tribunal, unless such tribunal has been abused their discretion when they
established by the UN Security Council, capriciously abandoned, waived
absent the express consent of the and relinquished our only legitimate
Government of the [US]. recourse through the Rome Statute
of the [ICC] to prosecute and try
5. This Agreement shall remain in force "persons" as defined in the x x
until one year after the date on which one x Agreement, x x x or literally any
party notifies the other of its intent to conduit of American interests, who
terminate the Agreement. The provisions have committed crimes of
of this Agreement shall continue to apply genocide, crimes against humanity,
with respect to any act occurring, or any war crimes and the crime of
allegation arising, before the effective date aggression, thereby abdicating
of termination. Philippine Sovereignty.
B. Whether after the signing and Rome Statute and other treaties. But because
pending ratification of the Rome respondents expectedly raised it, we shall first
Statute of the [ICC] the [RP] tackle the issue of petitioner’s legal standing.
President and the [DFA] Secretary x
x x are obliged by the principle of The Court’s Ruling
good faith to refrain from doing all
acts which would substantially This petition is bereft of merit.
impair the value of the undertaking
as signed. Procedural Issue: Locus Standi of Petitioner

C. Whether the x x Petitioner, through its three party-list

x Agreement constitutes an act representatives, contends that the issue of the
which defeats the object and validity or invalidity of the Agreement carries with
purpose of the Rome Statute of the it constitutional significance and is of paramount
International Criminal Court and importance that justifies its standing. Cited in this
contravenes the obligation of good regard is what is usually referred to as the
faith inherent in the signature of the emergency powers cases,12 in which ordinary
President affixed on the Rome citizens and taxpayers were accorded the
Statute of the International Criminal personality to question the constitutionality of
Court, and if so whether the x x executive issuances.
x Agreement is void and
unenforceable on this ground. Locus standi is "a right of appearance in a court of
justice on a given question."13 Specifically, it is "a
D. Whether the RP-US Non- party’s personal and substantial interest in a case
Surrender Agreement is void and where he has sustained or will sustain direct injury
unenforceable for grave abuse of as a result"14 of the act being challenged, and "calls
discretion amounting to lack or for more than just a generalized grievance."15 The
excess of jurisdiction in connection term "interest" refers to material interest, as
with its execution. distinguished from one that is merely
incidental.16 The rationale for requiring a party
II. WHETHER THE RP-US NON SURRENDER who challenges the validity of a law or international
AGREEMENT IS VOID AB INITIO FOR agreement to allege such a personal stake in the
CONTRACTING OBLIGATIONS THAT ARE outcome of the controversy is "to assure the
EITHER IMMORAL OR OTHERWISE AT concrete adverseness which sharpens the
VARIANCE WITH UNIVERSALLY presentation of issues upon which the court so
RECOGNIZED PRINCIPLES OF largely depends for illumination of difficult
INTERNATIONAL LAW. constitutional questions."17

III. WHETHER THE x x x AGREEMENT IS Locus standi, however, is merely a matter of

VALID, BINDING AND EFFECTIVE WITHOUT procedure and it has been recognized that, in some
THE CONCURRENCE BY AT LEAST TWO- cases, suits are not brought by parties who have
THIRDS (2/3) OF ALL THE MEMBERS OF THE been personally injured by the operation of a law
SENATE x x x.11 or any other government act, but by concerned
citizens, taxpayers, or voters who actually sue in
The foregoing issues may be summarized into the public interest.18 Consequently, in a catena of
two: first, whether or not the Agreement was cases,19 this Court has invariably adopted a liberal
contracted validly, which resolves itself into the stance on locus standi.
question of whether or not respondents gravely
abused their discretion in concluding it; Going by the petition, petitioner’s representatives
and second, whether or not the Agreement, which pursue the instant suit primarily as concerned
has not been submitted to the Senate for citizens raising issues of transcendental
concurrence, contravenes and undermines the
importance, both for the Republic and the citizenry cases22 and Kilosbayan v. Guingona, Jr.23 In cases of
as a whole. transcendental importance, we wrote again
in Bayan v. Zamora,24 "The Court may relax the
When suing as a citizen to question the validity of standing requirements and allow a suit to prosper
a law or other government action, a petitioner even where there is no direct injury to the party
needs to meet certain specific requirements before claiming the right of judicial review."
he can be clothed with standing. Francisco, Jr. v.
Nagmamalasakit na mga Manananggol ng mga Moreover, bearing in mind what the Court said
Manggagawang Pilipino, Inc.20 expounded on this in Tañada v. Angara, "that it will not shirk, digress
requirement, thus: from or abandon its sacred duty and authority to
uphold the Constitution in matters that involve
In a long line of cases, however, concerned citizens, grave abuse of discretion brought before it in
taxpayers and legislators when specific appropriate cases, committed by any officer,
requirements have been met have been given agency, instrumentality or department of the
standing by this Court. government,"25 we cannot but resolve head on the
issues raised before us. Indeed, where an action of
When suing as a citizen, the interest of the any branch of government is seriously alleged to
petitioner assailing the constitutionality of a have infringed the Constitution or is done with
statute must be direct and personal. He must be grave abuse of discretion, it becomes not only the
able to show, not only that the law or any right but in fact the duty of the judiciary to settle it.
government act is invalid, but also that he As in this petition, issues are precisely raised
sustained or is in imminent danger of sustaining putting to the fore the propriety of
some direct injury as a result of its enforcement, the Agreement pending the ratification of the
and not merely that he suffers thereby in some Rome Statute.
indefinite way. It must appear that the person
complaining has been or is about to be denied Validity of the RP-US Non-Surrender Agreement
some right or privilege to which he is lawfully
entitled or that he is about to be subjected to some Petitioner’s initial challenge against
burdens or penalties by reason of the statute or act the Agreement relates to form, its threshold
complained of. In fine, when the proceeding posture being that E/N BFO-028-03 cannot be a
involves the assertion of a public right, the mere valid medium for concluding the Agreement.
fact that he is a citizen satisfies the requirement of
personal interest.21 Petitioners’ contention––perhaps taken unaware
of certain well-recognized international doctrines,
In the case at bar, petitioner’s representatives have practices, and jargons––is untenable. One of these
complied with the qualifying conditions or specific is the doctrine of incorporation, as expressed in
requirements exacted under the locus standi rule. Section 2, Article II of the Constitution, wherein the
As citizens, their interest in the subject matter of Philippines adopts the generally accepted
the petition is direct and personal. At the very least, principles of international law and international
their assertions questioning the Agreement are jurisprudence as part of the law of the land and
made of a public right, i.e., to ascertain that adheres to the policy of peace, cooperation, and
the Agreement did not go against established amity with all nations.26 An exchange of notes falls
national policies, practices, and obligations bearing "into the category of inter-governmental
on the State’s obligation to the community of agreements,"27 which is an internationally
nations. accepted form of international agreement. The
United Nations Treaty Collections (Treaty
At any event, the primordial importance to Filipino Reference Guide) defines the term as follows:
citizens in general of the issue at hand impels the
Court to brush aside the procedural barrier posed An "exchange of notes" is a record of a routine
by the traditional requirement of locus standi, as agreement, that has many similarities with the
we have done in a long line of earlier cases, notably private law contract. The agreement consists of the
in the old but oft-cited emergency powers exchange of two documents, each of the parties
being in the possession of the one signed by the except that they do not require legislative
representative of the other. Under the usual concurrence and are usually less formal and deal
procedure, the accepting State repeats the text of with a narrower range of subject matters than
the offering State to record its assent. The treaties.33
signatories of the letters may be government
Ministers, diplomats or departmental heads. The Under international law, there is no difference
technique of exchange of notes is frequently between treaties and executive agreements in
resorted to, either because of its speedy terms of their binding effects on the contracting
procedure, or, sometimes, to avoid the process of states concerned,34 as long as the negotiating
legislative approval.28 functionaries have remained within their
powers.35 Neither, on the domestic sphere, can
In another perspective, the terms "exchange of one be held valid if it violates the
notes" and "executive agreements" have been Constitution.36 Authorities are, however, agreed
used interchangeably, exchange of notes being that one is distinct from another for accepted
considered a form of executive agreement that reasons apart from the concurrence-requirement
becomes binding through executive action. 29 On aspect.37 As has been observed by US
the other hand, executive agreements concluded constitutional scholars, a treaty has greater
by the President "sometimes take the form of "dignity" than an executive agreement, because its
exchange of notes and at other times that of more constitutional efficacy is beyond doubt, a treaty
formal documents denominated ‘agreements’ or having behind it the authority of the President, the
‘protocols.’"30 As former US High Commissioner to Senate, and the people;38 a ratified treaty, unlike
the Philippines Francis B. Sayre observed in his an executive agreement, takes precedence over
work, The Constitutionality of Trade Agreement any prior statutory enactment.39
Petitioner parlays the notion that the Agreement is
The point where ordinary correspondence of dubious validity, partaking as it does of the
between this and other governments ends and nature of a treaty; hence, it must be duly concurred
agreements – whether denominated executive in by the Senate. Petitioner takes a cue
agreements or exchange of notes or otherwise – from Commissioner of Customs v. Eastern Sea
begin, may sometimes be difficult of ready Trading, in which the Court reproduced the
ascertainment.31 x x x following observations made by US legal scholars:
"[I]nternational agreements involving political
It is fairly clear from the foregoing disquisition that issues or changes of national policy and those
E/N BFO-028-03––be it viewed as the Non- involving international arrangements of a
Surrender Agreement itself, or as an integral permanent character usually take the form of
instrument of acceptance thereof or as consent to treaties [while] those embodying adjustments of
be bound––is a recognized mode of concluding a detail carrying out well established national
legally binding international written contract policies and traditions and those involving
among nations. arrangements of a more or less temporary nature
take the form of executive agreements." 40
Senate Concurrence Not Required
Pressing its point, petitioner submits that the
Article 2 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of subject of the Agreement does not fall under any of
Treaties defines a treaty as "an international the subject-categories that are enumerated in
agreement concluded between states in written the Eastern Sea Trading case, and that may be
form and governed by international law, whether covered by an executive agreement, such as
embodied in a single instrument or in two or more commercial/consular relations, most-favored
related instruments and whatever its particular nation rights, patent rights, trademark and
designation."32 International agreements may be copyright protection, postal and navigation
in the form of (1) treaties that require legislative arrangements and settlement of claims.
concurrence after executive ratification; or (2)
executive agreements that are similar to treaties,
In addition, petitioner foists the applicability to the the admission of civil air craft, custom matters and
instant case of Adolfo v. CFI of Zambales and commercial relations generally, international
Merchant,41 holding that an executive agreement claims, postal matters, the registration of
through an exchange of notes cannot be used to trademarks and copyrights, etc. x x x
amend a treaty.
And lest it be overlooked, one type of executive
We are not persuaded. agreement is a treaty-authorized44 or a treaty-
implementing executive agreement, 45 which
The categorization of subject matters that may be necessarily would cover the same matters subject
covered by international agreements mentioned of the underlying treaty.
in Eastern Sea Trading is not cast in stone. There
are no hard and fast rules on the propriety of But over and above the foregoing considerations is
entering, on a given subject, into a treaty or an the fact that––save for the situation and matters
executive agreement as an instrument of contemplated in Sec. 25, Art. XVIII of the
international relations. The primary consideration Constitution46––when a treaty is required, the
in the choice of the form of agreement is the Constitution does not classify any subject, like that
parties’ intent and desire to craft an international involving political issues, to be in the form of, and
agreement in the form they so wish to further their ratified as, a treaty. What the Constitution merely
respective interests. Verily, the matter of form prescribes is that treaties need the concurrence of
takes a back seat when it comes to effectiveness the Senate by a vote defined therein to complete
and binding effect of the enforcement of a treaty the ratification process.
or an executive agreement, as the parties in either
international agreement each labor under Petitioner’s reliance on Adolfo47 is misplaced, said
the pacta sunt servanda42 principle. case being inapplicable owing to different factual
milieus. There, the Court held that an executive
As may be noted, almost half a century has elapsed agreement cannot be used to amend a duly ratified
since the Court rendered its decision in Eastern Sea and existing treaty, i.e., the Bases Treaty. Indeed,
Trading. Since then, the conduct of foreign affairs an executive agreement that does not require the
has become more complex and the domain of concurrence of the Senate for its ratification may
international law wider, as to include such subjects not be used to amend a treaty that, under the
as human rights, the environment, and the sea. In Constitution, is the product of the ratifying acts of
fact, in the US alone, the executive agreements the Executive and the Senate. The presence of a
executed by its President from 1980 to 2000 treaty, purportedly being subject to amendment by
covered subjects such as defense, trade, scientific an executive agreement, does not obtain under the
cooperation, aviation, atomic energy, premises.
environmental cooperation, peace corps, arms
limitation, and nuclear safety, among Considering the above discussion, the Court need
others.43 Surely, the enumeration in Eastern Sea not belabor at length the third main issue raised,
Trading cannot circumscribe the option of each referring to the validity and effectivity of
state on the matter of which the international the Agreement without the concurrence by at least
agreement format would be convenient to serve its two-thirds of all the members of the Senate. The
best interest. As Francis Sayre said in his work Court has, in Eastern Sea Trading,48 as reiterated
referred to earlier: in Bayan,49 given recognition to the obligatory
effect of executive agreements without the
x x x It would be useless to undertake to discuss concurrence of the Senate:
here the large variety of executive agreements as
such concluded from time to time. Hundreds of x x x [T]he right of the Executive to enter into
executive agreements, other than those entered binding agreements without the necessity of
into under the trade-agreement act, have been subsequent Congressional approval has been
negotiated with foreign governments. x x x They confirmed by long usage. From the earliest days of
cover such subjects as the inspection of vessels, our history, we have entered executive
navigation dues, income tax on shipping profits, agreements covering such subjects as commercial
and consular relations, most favored-nation rights, complementarity underpins the creation of the
patent rights, trademark and copyright protection, ICC. As aptly pointed out by respondents and
postal and navigation arrangements and the admitted by petitioners, the jurisdiction of the ICC
settlement of claims. The validity of these has is to "be complementary to national criminal
never been seriously questioned by our courts. jurisdictions [of the signatory states]."54 Art. 1 of
the Rome Statute pertinently provides:
The Agreement Not in Contravention of the Rome
Statute Article 1
The Court
It is the petitioner’s next contention that
the Agreement undermines the establishment of An International Crimininal Court ("the Court") is
the ICC and is null and void insofar as it unduly hereby established. It x x x shall have the power to
restricts the ICC’s jurisdiction and infringes upon exercise its jurisdiction over persons for the most
the effectivity of the Rome Statute. Petitioner serious crimes of international concern, as referred
posits that the Agreement was constituted solely to in this Statute, and shall be complementary to
for the purpose of providing individuals or groups national criminal jurisdictions. The jurisdiction and
of individuals with immunity from the jurisdiction functioning of the Court shall be governed by the
of the ICC; and such grant of immunity through provisions of this Statute. (Emphasis ours.)
non-surrender agreements allegedly does not
legitimately fall within the scope of Art. 98 of the Significantly, the sixth preambular paragraph of the
Rome Statute. It concludes that state parties with Rome Statute declares that "it is the duty of every
non-surrender agreements are prevented from State to exercise its criminal jurisdiction over those
meeting their obligations under the Rome Statute, responsible for international crimes." This
thereby constituting a breach of Arts. provision indicates that primary jurisdiction over
27,50 86,51 8952 and 9053 thereof. the so-called international crimes rests, at the first
instance, with the state where the crime was
Petitioner stresses that the overall object and committed; secondarily, with the ICC in
purpose of the Rome Statute is to ensure that appropriate situations contemplated under Art. 17,
those responsible for the worst possible crimes are par. 155 of the Rome Statute.
brought to justice in all cases, primarily by states,
but as a last resort, by the ICC; thus, any Of particular note is the application of the principle
agreement—like the non-surrender agreement— of ne bis in idem56 under par. 3 of Art. 20, Rome
that precludes the ICC from exercising its Statute, which again underscores the primacy of
complementary function of acting when a state is the jurisdiction of a state vis-a-vis that of the ICC.
unable to or unwilling to do so, defeats the object As far as relevant, the provision states that "no
and purpose of the Rome Statute. person who has been tried by another court for
conduct x x x [constituting crimes within its
Petitioner would add that the President and the jurisdiction] shall be tried by the [International
DFA Secretary, as representatives of a signatory of Criminal] Court with respect to the same conduct x
the Rome Statute, are obliged by the imperatives x x."
of good faith to refrain from performing acts that
substantially devalue the purpose and object of the The foregoing provisions of the Rome Statute,
Statute, as signed. Adding a nullifying ingredient to taken collectively, argue against the idea of
the Agreement, according to petitioner, is the fact jurisdictional conflict between the Philippines, as
that it has an immoral purpose or is otherwise at party to the non-surrender agreement, and the
variance with a priorly executed treaty. ICC; or the idea of the Agreement substantially
impairing the value of the RP’s undertaking under
Contrary to petitioner’s pretense, the Rome Statute. Ignoring for a while the fact that
the Agreement does not contravene or undermine, the RP signed the Rome Statute ahead of
nor does it differ from, the Rome Statute. Far from the Agreement, it is abundantly clear to us that the
going against each other, one complements the Rome Statute expressly recognizes the primary
other. As a matter of fact, the principle of jurisdiction of states, like the RP, over serious
crimes committed within their respective borders, Senate. Thus, it is only obliged to refrain from acts
the complementary jurisdiction of the ICC coming which would defeat the object and purpose of the
into play only when the signatory states are Rome Statute. Any argument obliging the
unwilling or unable to prosecute. Philippines to follow any provision in the treaty
would be premature.
Given the above consideration, petitioner’s
suggestion––that the RP, by entering into As a result, petitioner’s argument that State-
the Agreement, violated its duty required by the Parties with non-surrender agreements are
imperatives of good faith and breached its prevented from meeting their obligations under
commitment under the Vienna Convention57 to the Rome Statute, specifically Arts. 27, 86, 89 and
refrain from performing any act tending to impair 90, must fail. These articles are only legally binding
the value of a treaty, e.g., the Rome Statute––has upon State-Parties, not signatories.
to be rejected outright. For nothing in the
provisions of the Agreement, in relation to the Furthermore, a careful reading of said Art. 90
Rome Statute, tends to diminish the efficacy of the would show that the Agreement is not
Statute, let alone defeats the purpose of the ICC. incompatible with the Rome Statute. Specifically,
Lest it be overlooked, the Rome Statute contains a Art. 90(4) provides that "[i]f the requesting State is
proviso that enjoins the ICC from seeking the a State not Party to this Statute the requested
surrender of an erring person, should the process State, if it is not under an international obligation
require the requested state to perform an act that to extradite the person to the requesting State,
would violate some international agreement it has shall give priority to the request for surrender from
entered into. We refer to Art. 98(2) of the Rome the Court. x x x" In applying the provision, certain
Statute, which reads: undisputed facts should be pointed out: first, the
US is neither a State-Party nor a signatory to the
Article 98 Rome Statute; and second, there is an international
Cooperation with respect to waiver of immunity agreement between the US and the Philippines
and consent to surrender regarding extradition or surrender of persons, i.e.,
the Agreement. Clearly, even assuming that the
xxxx Philippines is a State-Party, the Rome Statute still
recognizes the primacy of international
2. The Court may not proceed with a request for agreements entered into between States, even
surrender which would require the requested State when one of the States is not a State-Party to the
to act inconsistently with its obligations under Rome Statute.
international agreements pursuant to which the
consent of a sending State is required to surrender Sovereignty Limited by International Agreements
a person of that State to the Court, unless the Court
can first obtain the cooperation of the sending Petitioner next argues that the RP has, through
State for the giving of consent for the surrender. the Agreement, abdicated its sovereignty by
bargaining away the jurisdiction of the ICC to
Moreover, under international law, there is a prosecute US nationals, government
considerable difference between a State-Party and officials/employees or military personnel who
a signatory to a treaty. Under the Vienna commit serious crimes of international concerns in
Convention on the Law of Treaties, a signatory the Philippines. Formulating petitioner’s argument
state is only obliged to refrain from acts which a bit differently, the RP, by entering into
would defeat the object and purpose of a the Agreement, does thereby abdicate its
treaty;58 whereas a State-Party, on the other hand, sovereignty, abdication being done by its waiving
is legally obliged to follow all the provisions of a or abandoning its right to seek recourse through
treaty in good faith. the Rome Statute of the ICC for erring Americans
committing international crimes in the country.
In the instant case, it bears stressing that the
Philippines is only a signatory to the Rome Statute We are not persuaded. As it were,
and not a State-Party for lack of ratification by the the Agreement is but a form of affirmance and
confirmance of the Philippines’ national criminal reclusive Philippines isolated from the rest of the
jurisdiction. National criminal jurisdiction being world. It even adheres, as earlier stated, to the
primary, as explained above, it is always the policy of cooperation and amity with all nations. 60
responsibility and within the prerogative of the RP
either to prosecute criminal offenses equally By their nature, treaties and international
covered by the Rome Statute or to accede to the agreements actually have a limiting effect on the
jurisdiction of the ICC. Thus, the Philippines may otherwise encompassing and absolute nature of
decide to try "persons" of the US, as the term is sovereignty. By their voluntary act, nations may
understood in the Agreement, under our national decide to surrender or waive some aspects of their
criminal justice system. Or it may opt not to state power or agree to limit the exercise of their
exercise its criminal jurisdiction over its erring otherwise exclusive and absolute jurisdiction. The
citizens or over US "persons" committing high usual underlying consideration in this partial
crimes in the country and defer to the secondary surrender may be the greater benefits derived
criminal jurisdiction of the ICC over them. As to from a pact or a reciprocal undertaking of one
"persons" of the US whom the Philippines refuses contracting party to grant the same privileges or
to prosecute, the country would, in effect, accord immunities to the other. On the rationale that the
discretion to the US to exercise either its national Philippines has adopted the generally accepted
criminal jurisdiction over the "person" concerned principles of international law as part of the law of
or to give its consent to the referral of the matter the land, a portion of sovereignty may be waived
to the ICC for trial. In the same breath, the US must without violating the Constitution. 61 Such waiver
extend the same privilege to the Philippines with does not amount to an unconstitutional diminution
respect to "persons" of the RP committing high or deprivation of jurisdiction of Philippine courts. 62
crimes within US territorial jurisdiction.
Agreement Not Immoral/Not at Variance
In the context of the Constitution, there can be no with Principles of International Law
serious objection to the Philippines agreeing to
undertake the things set forth in the Agreement. Petitioner urges that the Agreement be struck
Surely, one State can agree to waive jurisdiction— down as void ab initio for imposing immoral
to the extent agreed upon—to subjects of another obligations and/or being at variance with allegedly
State due to the recognition of the principle of universally recognized principles of international
extraterritorial immunity. What the Court wrote law. The immoral aspect proceeds from the fact
in Nicolas v. Romulo59—a case involving the that the Agreement, as petitioner would put it,
implementation of the criminal jurisdiction "leaves criminals immune from responsibility for
provisions of the RP-US Visiting Forces unimaginable atrocities that deeply shock the
Agreement—is apropos: conscience of humanity; x x x it precludes our
country from delivering an American criminal to
Nothing in the Constitution prohibits such the [ICC] x x x."63
agreements recognizing immunity from jurisdiction
or some aspects of jurisdiction (such as custody), in The above argument is a kind of recycling of
relation to long-recognized subjects of such petitioner’s earlier position, which, as already
immunity like Heads of State, diplomats and discussed, contends that the RP, by entering into
members of the armed forces contingents of a the Agreement, virtually abdicated its sovereignty
foreign State allowed to enter another State’s and in the process undermined its treaty
territory. x x x obligations under the Rome Statute, contrary to
international law principles.64
To be sure, the nullity of the subject non-surrender
agreement cannot be predicated on the postulate The Court is not persuaded. Suffice it to state in this
that some of its provisions constitute a virtual regard that the non-surrender agreement, as aptly
abdication of its sovereignty. Almost every time a described by the Solicitor General, "is an assertion
state enters into an international agreement, it by the Philippines of its desire to try and punish
voluntarily sheds off part of its sovereignty. The crimes under its national law. x x x The agreement
Constitution, as drafted, did not envision a is a recognition of the primacy and competence of
the country’s judiciary to try offenses under its Senate. But as earlier indicated, executive
national criminal laws and dispense justice fairly agreements may be validly entered into without
and judiciously." such concurrence. As the President wields vast
powers and influence, her conduct in the external
Petitioner, we believe, labors under the erroneous affairs of the nation is, as Bayan would put it,
impression that the Agreement would allow "executive altogether." The right of the President
Filipinos and Americans committing high crimes of to enter into or ratify binding executive
international concern to escape criminal trial and agreements has been confirmed by long practice. 66
punishment. This is manifestly incorrect. Persons
who may have committed acts penalized under the In thus agreeing to conclude the Agreement thru
Rome Statute can be prosecuted and punished in E/N BFO-028-03, then President Gloria Macapagal-
the Philippines or in the US; or with the consent of Arroyo, represented by the Secretary of Foreign
the RP or the US, before the ICC, assuming, for the Affairs, acted within the scope of the authority and
nonce, that all the formalities necessary to bind discretion vested in her by the Constitution. At the
both countries to the Rome Statute have been met. end of the day, the President––by ratifying, thru
For perspective, what the Agreement contextually her deputies, the non-surrender agreement––did
prohibits is the surrender by either party of nothing more than discharge a constitutional duty
individuals to international tribunals, like the ICC, and exercise a prerogative that pertains to her
without the consent of the other party, which may office.
desire to prosecute the crime under its existing
laws. With the view we take of things, there is While the issue of ratification of the Rome Statute
nothing immoral or violative of international law is not determinative of the other issues raised
concepts in the act of the Philippines of assuming herein, it may perhaps be pertinent to remind all
criminal jurisdiction pursuant to the non-surrender and sundry that about the time this petition was
agreement over an offense considered criminal by interposed, such issue of ratification was laid to
both Philippine laws and the Rome Statute. rest in Pimentel, Jr. v. Office of the Executive
Secretary.67 As the Court emphasized in said case,
No Grave Abuse of Discretion the power to ratify a treaty, the Statute in that
instance, rests with the President, subject to the
Petitioner’s final point revolves around the concurrence of the Senate, whose role relative to
necessity of the Senate’s concurrence in the the ratification of a treaty is limited merely to
Agreement. And without specifically saying so, concurring in or withholding the ratification. And
petitioner would argue that the non-surrender concomitant with this treaty-making power of the
agreement was executed by the President, thru the President is his or her prerogative to refuse to
DFA Secretary, in grave abuse of discretion. submit a treaty to the Senate; or having secured
the latter’s consent to the ratification of the treaty,
The Court need not delve on and belabor the first refuse to ratify it.68 This prerogative, the Court
portion of the above posture of petitioner, the hastened to add, is the President’s alone and
same having been discussed at length earlier on. As cannot be encroached upon via a writ of
to the second portion, We wish to state that mandamus. Barring intervening events, then, the
petitioner virtually faults the President for Philippines remains to be just a signatory to the
performing, through respondents, a task conferred Rome Statute. Under Art. 12569 thereof, the final
the President by the Constitution—the power to acts required to complete the treaty process and,
enter into international agreements. thus, bring it into force, insofar as the Philippines is
concerned, have yet to be done.
By constitutional fiat and by the nature of his or her
office, the President, as head of state and Agreement Need Not Be in the Form of a Treaty
government, is the sole organ and authority in the
external affairs of the country.65 The Constitution On December 11, 2009, then President Arroyo
vests in the President the power to enter into signed into law Republic Act No. (RA) 9851,
international agreements, subject, in appropriate otherwise known as the "Philippine Act on Crimes
cases, to the required concurrence votes of the Against International Humanitarian Law, Genocide,
and Other Crimes Against Humanity." Sec. 17 of RA derogation of Sec. 17 of RA 9851, such as requiring
9851, particularly the second paragraph thereof, the consent of the US before the Philippines can
provides: exercise such option, requires an amendatory law.
In line with this scenario, the view strongly argues
Section 17. Jurisdiction. – x x x x that the Agreement prevents the Philippines—
without the consent of the US—from surrendering
In the interest of justice, the relevant Philippine to any international tribunal US nationals accused
authorities may dispense with the investigation or of crimes covered by RA 9851, and, thus, in effect
prosecution of a crime punishable under this Act if amends Sec. 17 of RA 9851. Consequently, the view
another court or international tribunal is already is strongly impressed that the Agreement cannot
conducting the investigation or undertaking the be embodied in a simple executive agreement in
prosecution of such crime. Instead, the the form of an exchange of notes but must be
authorities may surrender or extradite suspected implemented through an extradition law or a treaty
or accused persons in the Philippines to the with the corresponding formalities.
appropriate international court, if any, or to
another State pursuant to the applicable Moreover, consonant with the foregoing view,
extradition laws and treaties. (Emphasis supplied.) citing Sec. 2, Art. II of the Constitution, where the
Philippines adopts, as a national policy, the
A view is advanced that the Agreement amends "generally accepted principles of international law
existing municipal laws on the State’s obligation in as part of the law of the land," the Court is further
relation to grave crimes against the law of nations, impressed to perceive the Rome Statute as
i.e., genocide, crimes against humanity and war declaratory of customary international law. In
crimes. Relying on the above-quoted statutory other words, the Statute embodies principles of
proviso, the view posits that the Philippine is law which constitute customary international law
required to surrender to the proper international or custom and for which reason it assumes the
tribunal those persons accused of the grave crimes status of an enforceable domestic law in the
defined under RA 9851, if it does not exercise its context of the aforecited constitutional provision.
primary jurisdiction to prosecute them. As a corollary, it is argued that any derogation from
the Rome Statute principles cannot be undertaken
The basic premise rests on the interpretation that via a mere executive agreement, which, as an
if it does not decide to prosecute a foreign national exclusive act of the executive branch, can only
for violations of RA 9851, the Philippines has only implement, but cannot amend or repeal, an
two options, to wit: (1) surrender the accused to existing law. The Agreement, so the argument
the proper international tribunal; or (2) surrender goes, seeks to frustrate the objects of the
the accused to another State if such surrender is principles of law or alters customary rules
"pursuant to the applicable extradition laws and embodied in the Rome Statute.
treaties." But the Philippines may exercise these
options only in cases where "another court or Prescinding from the foregoing premises, the view
international tribunal is already conducting the thus advanced considers
investigation or undertaking the prosecution of the Agreement inefficacious, unless it is embodied
such crime;" otherwise, the Philippines must in a treaty duly ratified with the concurrence of the
prosecute the crime before its own courts Senate, the theory being that a Senate- ratified
pursuant to RA 9851. treaty partakes of the nature of a municipal law
that can amend or supersede another law, in this
Posing the situation of a US national under instance Sec. 17 of RA 9851 and the status of the
prosecution by an international tribunal for any Rome Statute as constitutive of enforceable
crime under RA 9851, the Philippines has the domestic law under Sec. 2, Art. II of the
option to surrender such US national to the Constitution.
international tribunal if it decides not to prosecute
such US national here. The view asserts that this We are unable to lend cogency to the view thus
option of the Philippines under Sec. 17 of RA 9851 taken. For one, we find that the Agreement does
is not subject to the consent of the US, and any not amend or is repugnant to RA 9851. For
another, the view does not clearly state what jurisdiction in cases where "another court or
precise principles of law, if any, international tribunal is already conducting the
the Agreement alters. And for a third, it does not investigation or undertaking the prosecution of
demonstrate in the concrete how such crime," still, the tenor of the Agreement is not
the Agreement seeks to frustrate the objectives of repugnant to Sec. 17 of RA 9851. Said legal proviso
the principles of law subsumed in the Rome aptly provides that the surrender may be made "to
Statute. another State pursuant to the applicable
extradition laws and treaties." The Agreement can
Far from it, as earlier explained, already be considered a treaty following this
the Agreement does not undermine the Rome Court’s decision in Nicolas v. Romulo74 which cited
Statute as the former merely reinforces the Weinberger v. Rossi.75 In Nicolas, We held that "an
primacy of the national jurisdiction of the US and executive agreement is a ‘treaty’ within the
the Philippines in prosecuting criminal offenses meaning of that word in international law and
committed by their respective citizens and military constitutes enforceable domestic law vis-à-vis the
personnel, among others. The jurisdiction of the United States."76
ICC pursuant to the Rome Statute over high crimes
indicated thereat is clearly and unmistakably Likewise, the Philippines and the US already have
complementary to the national criminal an existing extradition treaty, i.e., RP-US
jurisdiction of the signatory states. Extradition Treaty, which was executed on
November 13, 1994. The pertinent Philippine law,
Moreover, RA 9851 clearly: (1) defines and on the other hand, is Presidential Decree No. 1069,
establishes the crimes against international issued on January 13, 1977. Thus, the Agreement,
humanitarian law, genocide and other crimes in conjunction with the RP-US Extradition Treaty,
against humanity;70 (2) provides penal sanctions would neither violate nor run counter to Sec. 17 of
and criminal liability for their commission; 71 and (3) RA 9851.
establishes special courts for the prosecution of
these crimes and for the State to exercise primary The view’s reliance on Suplico v. Neda77 is similarly
criminal jurisdiction.72 Nowhere in RA 9851 is there improper. In that case, several petitions were filed
a proviso that goes against the tenor of questioning the power of the President to enter
the Agreement. into foreign loan agreements. However, before the
petitions could be resolved by the Court, the Office
The view makes much of the above quoted second of the Solicitor General filed a Manifestation and
par. of Sec. 17, RA 9851 as requiring the Philippine Motion averring that the Philippine Government
State to surrender to the proper international decided not to continue with the ZTE National
tribunal those persons accused of crimes Broadband Network Project, thus rendering the
sanctioned under said law if it does not exercise its petition moot. In resolving the case, the Court took
primary jurisdiction to prosecute such persons. judicial notice of the act of the executive
This view is not entirely correct, for the above department of the Philippines (the President) and
quoted proviso clearly provides discretion to the found the petition to be indeed moot. Accordingly,
Philippine State on whether to surrender or not a it dismissed the petitions.
person accused of the crimes under RA 9851. The
statutory proviso uses the word "may." It is settled In his dissent in the abovementioned case, Justice
doctrine in statutory construction that the word Carpio discussed the legal implications of an
"may" denotes discretion, and cannot be executive agreement. He stated that "an executive
construed as having mandatory effect.73 Thus, the agreement has the force and effect of law x x x [it]
pertinent second pararagraph of Sec. 17, RA 9851 cannot amend or repeal prior laws."78 Hence, this
is simply permissive on the part of the Philippine argument finds no application in this case seeing as
State.1avvphi1 RA 9851 is a subsequent law, not a prior one.
Notably, this argument cannot be found in the ratio
Besides, even granting that the surrender of a decidendi of the case, but only in the dissenting
person is mandatorily required when the opinion.
Philippines does not exercise its primary
The view further contends that the RP-US protocol to such convention to which
Extradition Treaty is inapplicable to RA 9851 for the the United States is a party;
reason that under par. 1, Art. 2 of the RP-US
Extradition Treaty, "[a]n offense shall be an (2) Prohibited by Article 23, 25, 27 or
extraditable offense if it is punishable under the 28 of the Annex to the Hague
laws in both Contracting Parties x x x,"79 and Convention IV, Respecting the Laws
thereby concluding that while the Philippines has and Customs of War on Land, signed 18
criminalized under RA 9851 the acts defined in the October 1907;
Rome Statute as war crimes, genocide and other
crimes against humanity, there is no similar (3) Which constitutes a grave breach of
legislation in the US. It is further argued that, citing common Article 3 (as defined in
U.S. v. Coolidge, in the US, a person cannot be tried subsection [d]) when committed in the
in the federal courts for an international crime context of and in association with an
unless Congress adopts a law defining and armed conflict not of an international
punishing the offense. character; or

This view must fail. (4) Of a person who, in relation to an

armed conflict and contrary to the
On the contrary, the US has already enacted provisions of the Protocol on
legislation punishing the high crimes mentioned Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use
earlier. In fact, as early as October 2006, the US of Mines, Booby-Traps and Other
enacted a law criminalizing war crimes. Section Devices as amended at Geneva on 3
2441, Chapter 118, Part I, Title 18 of the United May 1996 (Protocol II as amended on 3
States Code Annotated (USCA) provides for the May 1996), when the United States is a
criminal offense of "war crimes" which is similar to party to such Protocol, willfully kills or
the war crimes found in both the Rome Statute and causes serious injury to
RA 9851, thus: civilians. 1avvphi1

(a) Offense – Whoever, whether inside or Similarly, in December 2009, the US adopted a law
outside the United States, commits a war that criminalized genocide, to wit:
crime, in any of the circumstances
described in subsection (b), shall be fined §1091. Genocide
under this title or imprisoned for life or any
term of years, or both, and if death results (a) Basic Offense – Whoever, whether in
to the victim, shall also be subject to the the time of peace or in time of war and with
penalty of death. specific intent to destroy, in whole or in
substantial part, a national, ethnic, racial or
(b) Circumstances – The circumstances religious group as such–
referred to in subsection (a) are that the
person committing such war crime or the (1) kills members of that group;
victim of such war crime is a member of the
Armed Forces of the United States or a (2) causes serious bodily injury to
national of the United States (as defined in members of that group;
Section 101 of the Immigration and
Nationality Act). (3) causes the permanent
impairment of the mental faculties
(c) Definition – As used in this Section the of members of the group through
term "war crime" means any conduct – drugs, torture, or similar
(1) Defined as a grave breach in any of
the international conventions signed at (4) subjects the group to conditions
Geneva 12 August 1949, or any of life that are intended to cause the
physical destruction of the group in Few believed there were wide differences between
whole or in part; the crimes under the jurisdiction of the Court and
crimes within the Uniform Code of Military Justice
(5) imposes measures intended to that would expose US personnel to the Court. Since
prevent births within the group; or US military lawyers were instrumental in drafting
the elements of crimes outlined in the Rome
(6) transfers by force children of the Statute, they ensured that most of the crimes were
group to another group; consistent with those outlined in the UCMJ and
gave strength to complementarity for the US. Small
shall be punished as provided in subsection (b). 81 areas of potential gaps between the UCMJ and the
Rome Statute, military experts argued, could be
Arguing further, another view has been advanced addressed through existing military laws. 87 x x x
that the current US laws do not cover every crime
listed within the jurisdiction of the ICC and that The report went on further to say that "[a]ccording
there is a gap between the definitions of the to those involved, the elements of crimes laid out
different crimes under the US laws versus the in the Rome Statute have been part of US military
Rome Statute. The view used a report written by doctrine for decades."88 Thus, the argument
Victoria K. Holt and Elisabeth W. Dallas, entitled proffered cannot stand.
"On Trial: The US Military and the International
Criminal Court," as its basis. Nonetheless, despite the lack of actual domestic
legislation, the US notably follows the doctrine of
At the outset, it should be pointed out that the incorporation. As early as 1900, the esteemed
report used may not have any weight or value Justice Gray in The Paquete Habana 89 case already
under international law. Article 38 of the Statute of held international law as part of the law of the US,
the International Court of Justice (ICJ) lists the to wit:
sources of international law, as follows: (1)
international conventions, whether general or International law is part of our law, and must be
particular, establishing rules expressly recognized ascertained and administered by the courts of
by the contesting states; (2) international custom, justice of appropriate jurisdiction as often as
as evidence of a general practice accepted as law; questions of right depending upon it are duly
(3) the general principles of law recognized by presented for their determination. For this
civilized nations; and (4) subject to the provisions purpose, where there is no treaty and no
of Article 59, judicial decisions and the teachings of controlling executive or legislative act or judicial
the most highly qualified publicists of the various decision, resort must be had to the customs and
nations, as subsidiary means for the determination usages of civilized nations, and, as evidence of
of rules of law. The report does not fall under any these, to the works of jurists and commentators
of the foregoing enumerated sources. It cannot who by years of labor, research, and experience
even be considered as the "teachings of highly have made themselves peculiarly well acquainted
qualified publicists." A highly qualified publicist is a with the subjects of which they treat. Such works
scholar of public international law and the term are resorted to by judicial tribunals, not for the
usually refers to legal scholars or "academic speculations of their authors concerning what the
writers."82 It has not been shown that the law ought to be, but for the trustworthy evidence
authors83 of this report are highly qualified of what the law really is. 90 (Emphasis supplied.)
Thus, a person can be tried in the US for an
Assuming arguendo that the report has weight, international crime despite the lack of domestic
still, the perceived gaps in the definitions of the legislation. The cited ruling in U.S. v.
crimes are nonexistent. To highlight, the table Coolidge,91 which in turn is based on the holding in
below shows the definitions of genocide and war U.S. v. Hudson,92 only applies to common law and
crimes under the Rome Statute vis-à-vis the not to the law of nations or international
definitions under US laws: law.93 Indeed, the Court in U.S. v. Hudson only
considered the question, "whether the Circuit
Courts of the United States can exercise a common the Statute of the ICJ.100 It is defined as the
law jurisdiction in criminal cases."94 Stated "general and consistent practice of states
otherwise, there is no common law crime in the US recognized and followed by them from a sense of
but this is considerably different from international legal obligation."101 In order to establish the
law. customary status of a particular norm, two
elements must concur: State practice, the
The US doubtless recognizes international law as objective element; and opinio juris sive
part of the law of the land, necessarily including necessitates, the subjective element. 102
international crimes, even without any local
statute.95 In fact, years later, US courts would apply State practice refers to the continuous repetition
international law as a source of criminal liability of the same or similar kind of acts or norms by
despite the lack of a local statute criminalizing it as States.103 It is demonstrated upon the existence of
such. So it was that in Ex Parte Quirin 96 the US the following elements: (1) generality; (2)
Supreme Court noted that "[f]rom the very uniformity and consistency; and (3)
beginning of its history this Court has recognized duration.104 While, opinio juris, the psychological
and applied the law of war as including that part of element, requires that the state practice or norm
the law of nations which prescribes, for the "be carried out in such a way, as to be evidence of
conduct of war, the status, rights and duties of a belief that this practice is rendered obligatory by
enemy nations as well as of enemy individuals."97 It the existence of a rule of law requiring it." 105
went on further to explain that Congress had not
undertaken the task of codifying the specific "The term ‘jus cogens’ means the ‘compelling
offenses covered in the law of war, thus: law.’"106 Corollary, "a jus cogens norm holds the
highest hierarchical position among all other
It is no objection that Congress in providing for the customary norms and principles."107 As a result, jus
trial of such offenses has not itself undertaken to cogens norms are deemed "peremptory and non-
codify that branch of international law or to mark derogable."108 When applied to international
its precise boundaries, or to enumerate or define crimes, "jus cogens crimes have been deemed so
by statute all the acts which that law condemns. An fundamental to the existence of a just international
Act of Congress punishing ‘the crime of piracy as legal order that states cannot derogate from them,
defined by the law of nations is an appropriate even by agreement."109
exercise of its constitutional authority, Art. I, s 8, cl.
10, ‘to define and punish’ the offense since it has These jus cogens crimes relate to the principle of
adopted by reference the sufficiently precise universal jurisdiction, i.e., "any state may exercise
definition of international law. x x x Similarly by the jurisdiction over an individual who commits certain
reference in the 15th Article of War to ‘offenders heinous and widely condemned offenses, even
or offenses that x x x by the law of war may be when no other recognized basis for jurisdiction
triable by such military commissions. Congress has exists."110 "The rationale behind this principle is
incorporated by reference, as within the that the crime committed is so egregious that it is
jurisdiction of military commissions, all offenses considered to be committed against all members
which are defined as such by the law of war x x x, of the international community"111 and thus
and which may constitutionally be included within granting every State jurisdiction over the crime. 112
that jurisdiction.98 x x x (Emphasis supplied.)
Therefore, even with the current lack of domestic
This rule finds an even stronger hold in the case of legislation on the part of the US, it still has both the
crimes against humanity. It has been held that doctrine of incorporation and universal jurisdiction
genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity to try these crimes.
have attained the status of customary international
law. Some even go so far as to state that these Consequently, no matter how hard one insists, the
crimes have attained the status of jus cogens. 99 ICC, as an international tribunal, found in the Rome
Statute is not declaratory of customary
Customary international law or international international law.
custom is a source of international law as stated in
The first element of customary international law, Duration therefore is not the most important
i.e., "established, widespread, and consistent element. More important is the consistency and
practice on the part of States,"113 does not, under the generality of the practice. x x x
the premises, appear to be obtaining as reflected
in this simple reality: As of October 12, 2010, only xxxx
114114 States have ratified the Rome Statute,
subsequent to its coming into force eight (8) years Once the existence of state practice has been
earlier, or on July 1, 2002. The fact that 114 States established, it becomes necessary to determine
out of a total of 194115 countries in the world, or why states behave the way they do. Do states
roughly 58.76%, have ratified the Rome Statute behave the way they do because they consider it
casts doubt on whether or not the perceived obligatory to behave thus or do they do it only as a
principles contained in the Statute have attained matter of courtesy? Opinio juris, or the belief that
the status of customary law and should be deemed a certain form of behavior is obligatory, is what
as obligatory international law. The numbers even makes practice an international rule. Without it,
tend to argue against the urgency of establishing practice is not law.116 (Emphasis added.)
international criminal courts envisioned in the
Rome Statute. Lest it be overlooked, the Evidently, there is, as yet, no overwhelming
Philippines, judging by the action or inaction of its consensus, let alone prevalent practice, among the
top officials, does not even feel bound by the Rome different countries in the world that the
Statute. Res ipsa loquitur. More than eight (8) years prosecution of internationally recognized crimes of
have elapsed since the Philippine representative genocide, etc. should be handled by a particular
signed the Statute, but the treaty has not been international criminal court.
transmitted to the Senate for the ratification
process. Absent the widespread/consistent-practice-of-
states factor, the second or the psychological
And this brings us to what Fr. Bernas, S.J. aptly said element must be deemed non-existent, for an
respecting the application of the concurring inquiry on why states behave the way they do
elements, thus: presupposes, in the first place, that they are
actually behaving, as a matter of settled and
Custom or customary international law means "a consistent practice, in a certain manner. This
general and consistent practice of states followed implicitly requires belief that the practice in
by them from a sense of legal obligation [opinio question is rendered obligatory by the existence of
juris] x x x." This statement contains the two basic a rule of law requiring it.117 Like the first element,
elements of custom: the material factor, that is the second element has likewise not been shown
how the states behave, and the psychological to be present.
factor or subjective factor, that is, why they behave
the way they do. Further, the Rome Statute itself rejects the concept
of universal jurisdiction over the crimes
xxxx enumerated therein as evidenced by it requiring
State consent.118 Even further, the Rome Statute
The initial factor for determining the existence of specifically and unequivocally requires that: "This
custom is the actual behavior of states. This Statute is subject to ratification, acceptance or
includes several elements: duration, consistency, approval by signatory States."119 These clearly
and generality of the practice of states. negate the argument that such has already
attained customary status.
The required duration can be either short or long.
xxx More importantly, an act of the executive branch
with a foreign government must be afforded great
xxxx respect. The power to enter into executive
agreements has long been recognized to be lodged
with the President. As We held in Neri v. Senate
Committee on Accountability of Public Officers and
Investigations, "[t]he power to enter into an May 1988 requiring respondent Hon. Raul
executive agreement is in essence an executive Gonzalez to show cause why he should not be
power. This authority of the President to enter into punished for contempt and/or subjected to
executive agreements without the concurrence of administrative sanctions for making certain public
the Legislature has traditionally been recognized in statements.
Philippine jurisprudence."120 The rationale behind
this principle is the inviolable doctrine of I
separation of powers among the legislative,
executive and judicial branches of the government. The pertinent facts are as follows:
Thus, absent any clear contravention of the law,
courts should exercise utmost caution in declaring Petitioner Zaldivar is one of several defendants in
any executive agreement invalid. Criminal Cases Nos.
12159-12161 and 12163-12177 (for violation of
In light of the above consideration, the position or the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act) pending
view that the challenged RP-US Non-Surrender before the Sandiganbayan. The Office of the
Agreement ought to be in the form of a treaty, to Tanodbayan conducted the preliminary
be effective, has to be rejected. investigation and filed the criminal informations in
those cases (originally TBP Case No. 86-00778).
WHEREFORE, the petition for certiorari,
mandamus and prohibition is hereby DISMISSED On 10 September 1987, petitioner filed with this
for lack of merit. No costs. Court a Petition for Certiorari, Prohibition and
mandamus (G.R. Nos. 79690-707) naming as
SO ORDERED. respondents both the Sandiganbayan and Hon.
Raul M. Gonzalez. Among other things, petitioner
G.R. Nos. 79690-707 October 7, 1988 assailed: (1) the 5 February 1987 Resolution 1 of
the "Tanodbayan" recommending the filing of
ENRIQUE A. ZALDIVAR, petitioner, criminal informations against petitioner Zaldivar
vs. and his co-accused in TBP Case No. 86-00778; and
THE HONORABLE SANDIGANBAYAN and (2) the 1 September 1987 Resolution 2 of the
HONORABLE RAUL M. GONZALEZ, claiming to be Sandiganbayan in Criminal Cases Nos. 12159-
and acting as Tanodbayan-Ombudsman under the 12161 and 1216312177 denying his Motion to
1987 Constitution, respondents. Quash the criminal informations filed in those
cases by the "Tanodbayan." In this respect,
G.R. No. 80578 October 7, 1988 petitioner alleged that respondent Gonzalez, as
Tanodbayan and under the provisions of the 1987
ENRIQUE A. ZALDIVAR, petitioner, Constitution, was no longer vested with power and
vs. authority independently to investigate and to
HON. RAUL M. GONZALEZ, claiming to be and institute criminal cases for graft and corruption
acting as Tanodbayan-Ombudsman ombudsman against public officials and employees, and hence
under the 1987 Constitution, respondent. that the informations filed in Criminal Cases Nos.
12159-12161 and 12163-12177 were all null and

PER CURIAM: On 11 September 1987, this Court issued a

Resolution, which read:
The following are the subjects of this Resolution:
G.R. Nos. 79690-707 (Enrique A. Zaldivar
1) a Motion, dated 9 February 1988, to Cite in vs. The Honorable Sandiganbayan and
Contempt filed by petitioner Enrique A. Zaldivar Honorable Raul M. Gonzalez, Claiming To
against public respondent Special Prosecutor Be and Acting as Tanodbayan-
(formerly Tanodbayan) Raul M. Gonzalez, in Ombudsman under the 1987 Constitution
connection with G.R. Nos. 79690-707 and G.R. No. ).—Acting on the special civil action for
80578. and 2) a Resolution of this Court dated 2
certiorari, prohibition and mandamus In the meantime, however, on 20 November 1987
under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, with or four (4) days prior to issuance by this Court of a
urgent motion for preliminary elimination temporary restraining order in G.R. No. 80578, the
injunction, the Court Resolved, without Office of the Tanodbayan instituted Criminal Case
giving due course to the petition, to No. 12570 6 with the Sandiganbayan which issued
require the respondents to COMMENT on 23 November 1987 an Order of Arrest 7 for
thereon, within ten (10) days from notice. petitioner Zaldivar and his co-accused in Criminal
Case No. 12570. Upon Motion 8 of petitioner
The Court further Resolved to ISSUE a Zaldivar, this Court issued the following Resolution
effective immediately and continuing until
further orders from this Court, ordering G.R. No. 80578 (Enrique A. Zaldivar vs.
respondent Sandiganbayan to CEASE and Hon. Raul M. Gonzalez and
DESIST from hearing and trying Criminal Sandiganbayan). The motion filed by the
Cases Nos. 12159 to 12161 and 12163 to Solicitor General for respondents for an
12177 insofar as petitioner Enrique extension of thirty (30) days from the
Zaldivar is concerned and from hearing expiration of the original period within
and resolving the Special Prosecutor's which to file comment on the petition for
motion to suspend dated September 3, certiorari and prohibition with prayer for
1987. a writ of preliminary injunction or
restraining order is GRANTED.
The parties later filed their respective pleadings.
Acting on the manifestation with motion
Petitioner Zaldivar filed with this Court a second to treat the Sandiganbayan as party-
Petition for certiorari and Prohibition (G.R. No. respondent, the Court Resolved to (a)
80578) on 19 November 1987, initially naming only Consider IMPLEADED the Sandiganbayan
Hon. Raul M. Gonzalez as respondent. That Petition as party respondent; and (b) In pursuance
assailed the 24 September 1987 Resolution 3 of the of and supplementing the Temporary
"Tanodbayan" in TBP Case No. 87- 01304 Restraining Order of November 24, 1987
recommending that additional criminal charges for "ordering respondent Hon. Raul M.
graft and corruption be filed against petitioner Gonzalez to CEASE and DESIST from
Zaldivar and five (5) other individuals. Once again, further acting in TBP Case No. 87-01304
petitioner raised the argument of the entitled, "Commission on Audit vs. Gov.
Tanodbayan's lack of authority under the 1987 Enrique Zaldivar, et al." and particularly,
Constitution to file such criminal cases and to from filing the criminal information
investigate the same. Petitioner also moved for the consequent thereof and from conducting
consolidation of that petition with G.R. No. 79690- preliminary investigation therein" ISSUE a
effective immediately and continuing until
In a Resolution dated 24 November 1987, 4 this further orders from this Court, ordering
Court, without giving due course to the second respondents Hon. Raul M. Gonzalez and
petition: (1) required respondent Gonzalez to Sandiganbayan to CEASE and DESIST from
submit a comment thereon: and (2) issued a further acting in Criminal Case No. 12570,
temporary restraining order "ordering respondent entitled, "People of the Philippines vs.
Hon. Raul M. Gonzalez to CEASE and DESIST from Enrique M. Zaldivar, et al." and from
further acting in TBP Case No. 87-01394 ... and enforcing the order of arrest issued by the
particularly, from filing the criminal information Sandiganbayan in said case.
consequent thereof and from conducting
preliminary investigation therein." In a separate The Solicitor General filed a Comment 9 on the
resolution of the same date, 5 G.R. Nos. 79690-707 petition in G.R. No. 80578, and we required the
and G.R. No. 80578 were ordered consolidated by petitioner to submit a Reply 10 thereto.
the Court.
On 9 February 1988, petitioner Zaldivar filed with Acting on Zaldivar's petition, the high
the Court a Motion to Cite in Contempt 11 directed court stopped Gonzalez from
at respondent Gonzalez. The Motion cited as bases investigating a graft charge against the
the acts of respondent Gonzalez in: (1) having governor, and from instituting any
caused the filing of the information against complaint with the Sandiganbayan.
petitioner in Criminal Case No. 12570 before the
Sandiganbayan; and (2) issuing certain allegedly While President Aquino had been prodding
contemptuous statements to the media in relation me to prosecute graft cases even if they
to the proceedings in G.R. No. 80578. In respect of involve the high and mighty, the Supreme
the latter, petitioner annexed to his Motion a Court had been restraining me. Gonzalez
photocopy of a news article, reproduced here in said.
toto, which appeared in the 30 November 1987
issue of the "Philippine Daily Globe:" In accordance with the President's order,
Gonzalez said he had filed graft cases
Tanod Scores SC for Quashing Graft Case against two "very powerful" officials of the
Aquino government-Commissioner
TANODBAYAN Justice Raul M. Gonzalez Quintin Doromal of the Presidential
said yesterday the Supreme Court order Commission on Good Government and
stopping him from investigating graft Secretary Jiamil I.M. Dianlan of the Office
cases involving Antique Gov. Enrique of Muslim Affairs and Cultural
Zaldivar can aggravate the thought that Communities.
affluent persons "an prevent the progress
of a trial." While I don't wish to discuss the merits of
the Zaldivar petition before the Supreme
What I am afraid of (with the issuance of Court, I am a little bit disturbed that (the
the order) is that it appears that while rich order) can aggravate the thinking of some
and influential persons get favorable people that affluent persons can prevent
actions from the Supreme Court, it is the progress of a trial, he said.
difficult for an ordinary litigant to get his
petition to be given due course. Gonzalez He disclosed that he had a talk with the
told the Daily Globe in an exclusive Chief Executive over the weekend and
interview. that while she symphatizes with local
officials who are charged in court during
Gonzalez said the high tribunal's election time, 'She said that it might be a
order '"eightens the people's disservice to the people and the voters
apprehension over the justice system in who are entitled to know their candidates.
this country, especially because the people
have been thinking that only the small fly Gonzalez said that while some cases filed
can get it while big fishes go scot-free." against local officials during election time
could be mere harassment suits, the
Gonzalez was reacting to an order issued Constitution makes it a right of every
by the tribunal last week after Zaldivar citizen to be informed of the character of
petitioned the court to stop the tile candidate, who should be subject to
Tanodbayan from investigating graft cases scrutiny. (Emphasis supplied)
filed against him.
Acting on petitioner's Motion to Cite in Contempt,
Zaldivar had charged that Gonzalez was the Court on 16 February 1988 required
biased in his investigations because the respondent Gonzalez "to COMMENT on aforesaid
latter wanted to help promote the Motion within ten (10) days from notice." 12 On 27
political fortunes of a friend from Antique, April 1988, the Court rendered its Decision 13 (per
lawyer Bonifacio Alentajan. curiam) in the Consolidated Petitions. The
dispositive portion thereof read:
WHEREFORE, We hereby: embellishments thereof On 2 May 1988, the Court
issued the following Resolution in the Consolidated
(1) GRANT the consolidated petitions filed Petitions:
by petitioner Zaldivar and hereby NULLIFY
the criminal informations filed against him G.R. No. 79690-707 (Enrique Zaldivar vs.
in the Sandiganbayan; and The Hon. Sandiganbayan, et al. G.R. No.
80578 (Enrique A. Zaldivar vs. Hon. Raul
(2) ORDER respondent Raul Gonzalez to M. Gonzalez, etc).
cease and desist from conducting
investigations and filing criminal cases 1. Acting on the Motion for
with the Sandiganbayan or otherwise Reconsideration filed by respondent
exercising the powers and functions of the Gonzalez under date of April 28, 1988, the
Ombudsman. Court Resolved to REQUIRE the petitioner
to COMMENT thereon within ten (10)
SO ORDERED. days from notice hereof.

A Motion for Reconsideration 14 was filed by 2. It appearing that respondent Raul M.

respondent Gonzalez the next day, 28 April 1988. Gonzalez has made public statements to
In his Motion, respondent Gonzalez, after having the media which not only deal with
argued the legal merits of his position, made the matters subjudice but also appear
following statements totally unrelated to any legal offensive to and disrespectful of the Court
issue raised either in the Court's Decision or in his and its individual members and
own Motion: calculated, directly or indirectly, to bring
the Court into disrepute, discredit and
1. That he "ha(d) been ridicule and to denigrate and degrade the
approached twice by a leading member of administration of justice, the Court
the court ... and he was asked to 'go slow Resolved to require respondent Gonzalez
on Zaldivar and 'not to be too hard on to explain in writing within ten (10) days
him;' " from notice hereof, why he should not be
punished for contempt of court and/or
2. That he "was approached and asked to subjected to administrative sanctions for
refrain from investigating the COA report making such public statements reported
on illegal disbursements in the Supreme in the media, among others, in the issues
Court because 'it will embarass the of the "Daily Inquirer," the "Journal," the
Court;" and "Manila Times," the "Philippine Star," the
"Manila Chronicle" the "Daily Globe" and
3. That "(i)n several instances, the the "Manila Standard" of April 29 and 30,
undersigned respondent was called over and May 1, 1988, to wit:
the phone by a leading member of the
Court and was asked to dismiss the cases (a) That the Court resolution in question is
against (two Members of the Court)." merely "an offshoot of the position he had
taken that the SC Justices cannot claim
Respondent Gonzalez also attached three (3) immunity from suit or investigation by
handwritten notes 15 which he claimed were sent government prosecutors or motivated by
by "some members of this Honorable Court, a desire to stop him 'from investigating
interceeding for cases pending before this office cases against some of their proteges or
(i.e., the Tanodbayan)." He either released his friends;"
Motion for Reconsideration with facsimiles of said
notes to the press or repeated to the press the (b) That no less than six of the members of
above extraneous statements: the metropolitan the Court "interceded for and on behalf of
papers for the next several days carried long persons with pending cases before the
reports on those statements and variations and Tanodbayan," or sought "to pressure him
to render decisions favorable to their members of this Tribunal who will not be able to sit
colleagues and friends;" in judgment with substantial sobriety and
neutrality." Respondent Gonzalez closed out his
(c) That attempts were made to influence pleading with a prayer that the four (4) Members
him to go slow on Zaldivar and not to be of the Court Identified and referred to there by him
too hard on him and to refrain from inhibit themselves in the deliberation and
investigating the Commission on Audit resolution of the Motion to Cite in Contempt.
report on illegal disbursements in the
Supreme Court because it will embarass On 19 May 1988 17 after receipt of respondent's
the Court; Supplemental Motion for Reconsideration. 18 this
Court in an extended per
(d) That there were also attempts to cause 19
curiam Resolution denied the Motion and
the dismissal of cases against two Supplemental Motion for Reconsideration. That
Associate Justices; and denial was made "final and immediately executory.

(e) That the Court had dismissed judges' Respondent Gonzalez has since then filed the
without rhyme or reason' and disbarred following pleadings of record:
lawyers 'without due process.
1. Manifestation with Supplemental
3. It further appearing that three (3) Motion to Inhibition 20 dated 23 May
affidavits relative to the purpose of and 1988;
circumstances attendant upon the notes
written to said public respondent by three 2. Motion to Transfer Administrative
(3) members of the Court have since been Proceedures to the Integrated Bar of the
submitted to the Court and now form part Philippines 21 dated 20 May 1988
of its official records, the Court further
Resolved to require the Clerk of Court to 3. Urgent Motion for Additional Extension
ATTACH to this Resolution copies of said of Time to File Explanation Ex Abundante
sworn statements and the annexes Cautelam, 22 dated 26 May 1988;
thereto appended, and to DIRECT
respondent Gonzalez also to comment 4. Urgent Ex-Parte Omnibus Motion
thereon within the same period of ten
(10) days. (a) For Extension of Time

4. It finally appearing that notice of the (b) For Inhibition and

Resolution of February 16, 1988
addressed to respondent Gonzalez was (c) For Transfer of Administrative
misdelivered and therefore not served on Proceedings to the IBP, Under Rule 139-
him, the Court Resolved to require the B 23 dated 4 June 1988 (with Annex
Clerk of Court to CAUSE SERVICE of said "A;" 24 an anonymous letter dated 27 May
Resolution on the respondent and to 1988 from the alleged Concerned
REQUIRE the latter to comply therewith. Employees of the Supreme Court and
addressed to respondent):
Respondent Gonzalez subsequently filed with this
Court on 9 May 1988 an Omnibus Motion for 5. Ex-Parte Manifestation 25 dated 7 June
Extension and Inhibition 16 alleging, among other 1988;
things: that the above quoted 2 May 1988
Resolution of the Court "appears to have 6. Urgent Ex-Parte Motion for
overturned that presumption [of innocence] Reconsideration 26 1988; and
against him:" and that "he gravely doubts whether
that 'cold neutrality [of an impartial judge] is still 7. Urgent Ex-Parte Manifestation with
available to him" there being allegedly "at least 4 Motion 27 member 1988.
In compliance with the 2 May 1988 Resolution of Court. 35 Where the respondent is a lawyer,
this Court quoted earlier, respondent Gonzalez however, the Supreme Court's disciplinary
submitted on 17 June 1988 an Answer with authority over lawyers may come into play whether
Explanation and Comment 28 offering respondent's or not the misconduct with which the respondent
legal arguments and defenses against the is charged also constitutes contempt of court. The
contempt and disciplinary charges presently power to punish for contempt of court does not
pending before this Court. Attached to that exhaust the scope of disciplinary authority of the
pleading as Annex "A" thereof was respondent's Court over lawyers. 36 The disciplinary authority of
own personal Explanation/Compliance 29 second the Court over members of the Bar is but corollary
explanation called "Compliance," 30 with annexes, to the Court's exclusive power of admission to the
was also submitted by respondent on 22 July 1988. Bar. A lawyer is not merely a professional but also
an officer of the court and as such, he is called upon
II to share in the task and responsibility of dispensing
justice and resolving disputes in society. Any act on
We begin by referring to the authority of the his part which visibly tends to obstruct, pervert, or
Supreme Court to discipline officers of the court impede and degrade the administration of justice
and members of the Bar. The Supreme Court, as constitutes both professional misconduct calling
regulator and guardian of the legal profession, has for the exercise of disciplinary action against him,
plenary disciplinary authority over attorneys. The and contumacious conduct warranting application
authority to discipline lawyers stems from the of the contempt power.
Court's constitutional mandate to regulate
admission to the practice of law, which includes as It is sometimes asserted that in the exercise of the
well authority to regulate the practice itself of power to punish for contempt or of the disciplinary
law. 31 Quite apart from this constitutional authority of the Court over members of the Bar,
mandate, the disciplinary authority of the Supreme the Court is acting as offended party, prosecutor
Court over members of the Bar is an inherent and arbiter at one and the same time. Thus, in the
power incidental to the proper administration of present case, respondent Gonzalez first sought to
justice and essential to an orderly discharge of get some members of the Court to inhibit
judicial functions. 32 Moreover, the Supreme Court themselves in the resolution of this case for alleged
has inherent power to punish for contempt, to bias and prejudice against him. A little later, he in
control in the furtherance of justice the conduct of effect asked the whole Court to inhibit itself from
ministerial officers of the Court including lawyers passing upon the issues involved in this proceeding
and all other persons connected in any manner and to pass on responsibility for this matter to the
with a case before the Court. 33 The power to Integrated Bar of the Philippines, upon the ground
punish for contempt is "necessary for its own that respondent cannot expect due process from
protection against an improper interference with this Court, that the Court has become incapable of
the due administration of justice," "(it) is not judging him impartially and fairly. Respondent
dependent upon the complaint of any of the Gonzalez misconceives the nature of the
parties litigant. 34 proceeding at bar as well as the function of the
members of the Court in such proceeding.
There are, in other words, two (2) related powers
which come into play in cases like that before us Respondent's contention is scarcely an original
here; the Court's inherent power to discipline one. In In Re Almacen, 37 then Associate (later
attorneys and the contempt power. The Chief) Justice Fred Fruiz Castro had occasion to deal
disciplinary authority of the Court over members of with this contention in the following lucid manner:
the Bar is broader than the power to punish for
contempt. Contempt of court may be committee xxx xxx xxx
both by lawyers and non-lawyers, both in and out
of court. Frequently, where the contemnor is a It is not accurate to say, nor is it an
lawyer, the contumacious conduct also constitutes obstacle to the exercise of our authority in
professional misconduct which calls into play the the premises, that, as Atty. Almacen would
disciplinary authority of the Supreme have it appear, the members of the Court
are the 'complainants, prosecutors and their office. So that, in a very real sense, if
judges' all rolled up into one in this there be any complainant in the case at
instance. This is an utter bar, it can only be the Court itself, not the
misapprehension, if not a total distortion, individual members thereof—as well as
not only of the nature of the proceeding the people themselves whose rights,
at hand but also of our role therein. fortunes and properties, nay, even lives,
would be placed at grave hazard should
Accent should be laid on the fact that the administration of justice be
disciplinary proceedings like the present threatened by the retention in the Bar of
are sui generis. Neither purely civil nor men unfit to discharge the solemn
purely criminal, this proceeding is not— responsibilities of membership in the legal
and does not involve—a trial of an action fraternity.
or a suit, but is rather an investigation by
the Court into the conduct of its officers. Finally, the power to exclude persons from
Not being intended to inflict punishment, the practice of law is but a necessary
it is in no sense a criminal prosecution. incident of the power to admit persons to
Accordingly, there is neither a plaintiff nor said practice. By constitutional precept,
a prosecutor therein. It may be initiated by this power is vested exclusively in this
the Court motu proprio. Public interest is Court. This duty it cannot abdicate just as
its primary objective, and the real question much as it cannot unilaterally renounce
for determination is whether or not the jurisdiction legally invested upon it. So that
attorney is still a fit person to be allowed even if it be conceded that the members
the privileges as such. Hence, in the collectively are in a sense the aggrieved
exercise of its disciplinary powers, the parties, that fact alone does not and
Court merely calls upon a member of the cannot disqualify them from the exercise
Bar to account for his actuations as an of the power because public policy
officer of the Court with the end in view of demands that they, acting as a Court,
preserving the purity of the legal exercise the power in all cases which call
profession and the property and honest for disciplinary action. The present is such
administration of justice by purging the a case. In the end, the imagined anomaly
profession of members who by their of the merger in one entity of the
misconduct have proved themselves no personalities of complainant, prosecutor
longer worthy to be entrusted with the and judge is absolutely inexistent.
duties and responsibilities pertaining to
the office of an attorney. In such posture, xxx xxx xxx. 38
there can thus be no occasion to speak of
a complainant or a prosecutor. It should not be necessary for the members of this
Court expressly to disclaim any bias or prejudice
Undeniably, the members of the Court are, against the respondent that would prevent them
to a certain degree, aggrieved parties. Any from acting in accordance with the exacting
tirade against the Court as a body is requirements of their oaths of office. It also
necessarily and inextricably as much so appears to the Court that for all the members to
against the individual members thereof inhibit themselves from sitting on this case is to
But in the exercise of its disciplinary abdicate the responsibility with which the
powers, the Court acts as an entity Constitution has burdened them. Reference of
separate and distinct from the individual complaints against attorneys either to the
personalities of its members. Consistently Integrated Bar of the Philippines or to the Solicitor
with the intrinsic nature of a collegiate General is not mandatory upon the Supreme Court;
court, the individual members act not as such reference to the Integrated Bar of the
such individuals but only as a duly Philippines or to the Solicitor General is certainly
constituted court. The distinct not an exclusive procedure under the terms of Rule
individualities are lost in the majesty of 139-B of the Revised Rules of Court, especially
where the charge consists of acts done before the regard to the legal merits of the Zaldivar cases and
Supreme Court. There is no need for further had used the judicial process to impose private
investigation of facts in the present case for it is not punishment upon respondent for positions he had
substantially disputed by respondent Gonzalez that taken (unrelated to the Zaldivar cases) in carrying
he uttered or wrote certain statements attributed out his duties. It is very difficult to imagine a more
to him. In any case, respondent has had the serious affront to, or a greater outrage upon, the
amplest opportunity to present his defense; his honour and dignity of this Court than this.
defense is not that he did not make the statements Respondent's statement is also totally baseless.
ascribed to him but that those statements give rise Respondent's statements were made in complete
to no liability on his part, having been made in the disregard of the fact that his continuing authority
exercise of his freedom of speech. The issues which to act as Tanodbayan or Ombudsman after the
thus need to be resolved here are issues of law and effectivity of the 1987 Constitution, had been
of basic policy and the Court, not any other agency, questioned before this Court as early as 10
is compelled to resolve such issues. September 1987 in the Petition for Certiorari,
Prohibition and mandamus filed against him in
III these consolidated Petitions 40 that is, more than
seven (7) months before the Court rendered its
It is necessary to become very explicit as to what Decision. Respondent also ignores the fact that one
respondent Gonzalez was saying in his statements day later, this Court issued a Temporary
set out above. Respondent has not denied making Restraining Order effective immediately ordering
the above statements; indeed, he acknowledges the Sandiganbayan to cease and desist from
that the newspaper reports of the statements hearing the criminal cases filed against petitioner
attributed to him are substantially correct. 39 Zaldivar by respondent Gonzalez. Respondent also
disregards the fact that on 24 November 1987,
Respondent Gonzalez was in effect saying, firstly, upon the filing of a second Petition for certiorari for
that the Supreme Court deliberately rendered an Prohibition by Mr. Zaldivar, the Court issued a
erroneous or wrong decision when it rendered its Temporary Restraining Order this time requiring
per curiam Decision dated 27 April 1988 in G.R. the respondent to cease and desist from further
Nos. 79690-707 and 80578. That decision acting in TBP Case No. 87-0934. Thus, the decision
according to respondent Gonzalez, was issued as finally reached by this Court in April 1988 on the
an act of retaliation by the Court against him for constitutional law issue pending before the Court
the position he had taken "that the (Supreme for the preceding eight (8) months, could scarcely
Court) Justices cannot claim immunity from suit or have been invented as a reprisal simply against
investigation by government prosecutors," and in respondent.
order to stop respondent from investigating
against "some of (the) proteges or friends (of some A second charge that respondent Gonzalez hurled
Supreme Court Justices)." The Court cannot, of against members of the Supreme Court is that they
course, and will not debate the correctness of its have improperly Id pressured" him to render
Decision of 27 April 1988 and of its Resolution decisions favorable to their "colleagues and
dated 19 May 1988 (denying respondent Gonzalez friends," including dismissal of "cases" against two
Motion for Reconsideration) in the consolidated (2) members of the Court. This particularly
Zaldivar cases. Respondent Gonzalez, and anyone deplorable charge too is entirely baseless, as even
else for that matter, is free intellectually to accept a cursory examination of the contents of the
or not to accept the reasoning of the Court set out handwritten notes of three (3) members of this
in its per curiam Decision and Resolution in the Court addressed to respondent (which respondent
consolidated Zaldivar cases. This should not, attached to his Motion for Reconsideration of the
however, obscure the seriousness of the assault Decision of this Court of 27 April 1988 in the
thus undertaken by respondent against the Court consolidated Petitions) win show. It is clear, and
and the appalling implications of such assault for respondent Gonzalez does not pretend otherwise,
the integrity of the system of administration of that the subject matters of the said notes had no
justice in our country. Respondent has said that the relation at all to the issues in G.R. Nos. 79690-707
Court rendered its Decision and Resolution without and 80578. This charge appears to have been made
in order to try to impart some substance (at least effort to strengthen the judiciary and upgrade the
in the mind of respondent) to the first accusation membership of the Bar. It is appropriate to recall in
made by respondent that the Court had this connection that due process as a constitutional
deliberately rendered a wrong decision to get even precept does not, always and in all situations,
with respondent who had, with great fortitude, require the trial-type proceeding, 42 that the
resisted "pressure" from some members of the essence of due process is to be found in the
Court. Once again, in total effect, the statements reasonable opportunity to be heard and to submit
made by respondent appear designed to cast the any evidence one may have in support of one's
Court into gross disrepute, and to cause among the defense. 43 "To be heard" does not only mean
general public scorn for and distrust in the verbal arguments in court; one may be heard also
Supreme Court and, more generally, the judicial through pleadings. Where opportunity to be heard,
institutions of the Republic. either through oral arguments or pleadings, is
accorded, there is no denial of procedural due
Respondent Gonzalez has also asserted that the process. 44
Court was preventing him from prosecuting "rich
and powerful persons," that the Court was in effect As noted earlier, respondent Gonzalez was
discrimination between the rich and powerful on required by the Court to explain why he should not
the one hand and the poor and defenseless upon be punished for contempt and/or subjected to
the other, and allowing "rich and powerful" administrative discipline for making the statements
accused persons to go "scot-free" while adverted to above. In his subsequent pleadings
presumably allowing or affirming the conviction of where he asked the full Court to inhibit itself and to
poor and small offenders. This accusation can only transfer the administrative proceedings to the
be regarded as calculated to present the Court in Integrated Bar of the Philippines, respondent
an extremely bad light. It may be seen as intended made, among others, the following allegations:
to foment hatred against the Supreme Court; it is
also suggestive of the divisive tactics of (a) That the Members of the Court "should
revolutionary class war. inhibit [themselves] in the contempt and
administrative charges against the
Respondent, finally, assailed the Court for having respondent, in the light of the manifest
allegedly "dismissed judges 'without rhyme or prejudice and anger they hold against
reason' and disbarred lawyers 'without due respondent as shown in the language of
process.'" The Court notes that this last attack is the resolution on the Motion for
not without relation to the other statements made Reconsideration;"
by respondent against the Court. The total picture
that respondent clearly was trying to paint of the (b) That "the entire membership of the
Court is that of an "unjudicial" institution able and court has already lost that 'cold neutrality
willing to render "clearly erroneous" decisions by of an impartial judge' [to] be able to allow
way of reprisal against its critics, as a body that acts fairness and due process in the contempt
arbitrarily and capriciously denying judges and citation as well as in the possible
lawyers due process of law. Once again, the administrative charge;
purport of respondent's attack against the Court as
an institution unworthy of the people's faith and (c) That "respondent honestly feels that
trust, is unmistakable. Had respondent undertaken this court as angry and prejudiced as it is,
to examine the records 'of the two (2) judges and respondent has no china man's chance to
the attorney he later Identified in one of his get fair hearing in the contempt and
Explanations, he would have discovered that the possible administrative charges;"
respondents in those administrative cases had
ample opportunity to explain their side and submit (d) That one must consider "the milieu
evidence in support thereof. 41 He would have also before this Tribunal with, perhaps passion
found that there were both strong reasons for and and obfuscation running riot;"
an insistent rhyme in the disciplinary measures
there administered by the Court in the continuing
(e) That respondent, "after having been Court of Appeals in favor of the complainant with a
castigated with such venom by the entire veiled threat that he should interpose his next
Court in its decision denying the Motion appeal to the President of the Philippines. In his
for Reconsideration, does not have Motion for Reconsideration, he referred to the
confidence in the impartiality of the entire provisions of the Revised Penal Code on "knowingly
Court" and that he "funds it extremely rendering an unjust judgment," and "judgment
difficult to believe that the members of rendered through negligence" and implied that the
this Tribunal can still act with unbiased Court of Appeals had allowed itself to be deceived.
demeanor towards him;" and Atty. del Mar was held guilty of contempt of court
by the Court of Appeals. He then sued the three (3)
(f) That "the Tribunal is determined justices of the Court of Appeals for damages before
to disbar [respondent] without due the Court of First Instance of Cebu, seeking to hold
process" and that a specified Member of them liable for their decision in the appealed
the Court "has been tasked to be slander case. This suit was terminated, however, by
the ponente, or at least prepare the compromise agreement after Atty. del Mar
decision." (Underscoring in the original) apologized to the Court of Appeals and the justices
concerned and agreed to pay moral damages to
Thus, instead of explaining or seeking to mitigate the justices. Atty. del Mar some time later filed with
his statements earlier made, respondent sought to this Court a Petition for Review on certiorari of a
heap still more opprobrium upon the Court, decision of the Court of Appeals in a slander case.
accusing it of being incapable of judging his acts This Court denied the Petition for Review. Atty. del
and statements justly and according to law. Once Mar then filed a Motion for Reconsideration and
again, he paints this Court as a body not only addressed a letter to the Clerk of the Supreme
capable of acting without regard to due process Court asking for the names of the justices of this
but indeed determined so to act. A grand design to Court who had voted in favor of and those who had
hold up this Court to public scorn and disrespect as voted against his Motion for Reconsideration. After
an unworthy tribunal, one obfuscated by passion his Motion for Reconsideration was denied for lack
and anger at respondent, emerges once more. It is of merit, Atty. del Mar filed a Manifestation in this
very difficult for members of this Court to Court saying:
understand how respondent Gonzalez could
suppose that judges on the highest tribunal of the I can at this time reveal to you that, had
land would be ready and willing to violate their your Clerk of Court furnished me with
most solemn oath of office merely to gratify any certified true copies of the last two
imagined private feelings aroused by respondent. Resolutions of the Supreme Court
The universe of the Court revolves around the daily confirming the decision of the Court of
demands of law and justice and duty, not around Appeals in the case entitled Francisco M.
respondent nor any other person or group of Gica vs. Jorge Montecillo, I would have
persons. filed against the Justices supporting the
same, civil and criminal suits as I did to the
Whether or not the statements made by Justices of the Court of Appeals who,
respondent Gonzalez may reasonably be regarded rewarding the abhorent falsification
by this Court as contumacious or as warranting committed by Mr. Gica, reversed for him
exercise of the disciplinary authority of this Court the decisions of the City Court and the
over members of the Bar, may best be assayed by Court of First Instance of Cebu, not with a
examining samples of the kinds of statements view to obtaining a favorable judgment
which have been held in our jurisdiction as therein but for the purpose of exposing to
constituting contempt or otherwise warranting the the people the corroding evils extant in our
exercise of the Court's authority. Government, so that they may well know
them and work for their
1. In Montecillo v. Gica, 45 Atty. Quirico del Mar as extermination. (60 SCRA at 240;emphasis
counsel for Montecillo, who was accused in a supplied)
slander case, moved to reconsider a decision of the
Counsel was asked to explain why he should not be xxx xxx xxx.
administratively dealt with for making the above
statements. In his additional explanation, Atty. del As already stated, the decision of the
Mar made the following statements: Court of Appeals in C.A G.R. No. 46504-R
was based on its evaluation of the
... Graft, corruption and injustice are evidence on only one specific issue. We in
rampant in and outside of the turn denied in G.R. No. L-36800 the
Government. It is this state of things that petition for review on certiorari of the
convinced me that all human efforts to decision because We found no reason for
correct and/or reform the said evils will be disturbing the appellate court's finding
fruitless and, as stated in my and conclusion. In both instances, both
manifestation to you, I have already the Court of Appeals and this Court
decided to retire from a life of militancy to exercised judicial discretion in a case
a life of seclusion, leaving to God the filling under their respective jurisdiction. The
up deficiencies. (60 SCRA at 242) intemperate and imprudent act of
respondent del Mar in resorting to veiled
The Court suspended Atty. del Mar, "until further threats to make both Courts reconsider
orders," from the practice of law saying: their respective stand in the decision and
the resolution that spelled disaster for his
... Respondent is utilizing what exists in his client cannot be anything but pure
mind as state of graft, corruption and contumely for aid tribunals.
injustice allegedly rampant in and outside
of the government as justification for his It is manifest that respondent del Mar has
contemptuous statements. In other scant respect for the two highest Court of
words, he already assumed by his own the land when on the flimsy ground of
contemptuous utterances that because alleged error in deciding a case, he
there is an alleged existence of rampant proceeded to challenge the integrity of
corruption, graft and injustice in and out both Courts by claiming that they
of the government, We, by Our act in G.R. knowingly rendered unjust judgment. In
No. L-36800, are among the corrupt, the short, his allegation is that they acted with
grafters and those allegedly committing intent and malice, if not with gross
injustice. We are at a complete loss to ignorance of the law, in disposing of the
follow respondent del Mar's logic ... case of his client.

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

To aged brethren of the bar it may appear ... To those who are in the practice of law
belated to remind them that second only and those who in the future will choose to
to the duty of maintaining allegiance to enter this profession, We wish to point to
the Republic of the Philippines and to this case as a reminder for them to imprint
support the Constitution and obey the in their hearts and minds that an attorney
laws of the Philippines, is the duty of all owes it to himself to respect the courts of
attorneys to observe and maintain the justice and its officers as a fealty for the
respect due to the courts of justice and stability of our democratic institutions. (60
judicial officers (Sec. 20 (b) Rule 138, Rules SCRA at 242-247: emphasis supplied)
of Court). But We do remind them of said
duty to emphasize to their younger 2. In Surigao Mineral Reservation Board v.
brethren its paramount importance. A Cloribel, 46 four (4) members of the bar, acting as
lawyer must always remember that he is counsel for MacArthur International Minerals
an officer of the court exercising a high Company were required by this Court to explain
privilege and serving in the noble mission certain statements made in MacArthur's third
of administering justice. Motion for Reconsideration:
d. ...; and I the Supreme Court I has ethics, and makes a number of side
overlooked the applicable law due to the comments projecting what is claimed to
mis-representation and obfuscation of the be the patent wrongfulness of the July 31,
petitioners' counsel. (Last sentence, par. 1968 decision. It enumerates "incidents"
1, Third Motion for Reconsideration dated which, according to the motion, brought
Sept. 10, 1968). about respondent MacArthur's belief that
unjudicial prejudice had been caused it
e. ... Never has any civilized democratic and that there was 'unjudicial favoritism'
tribunal ruled that such a gimmick in favor of 'petitioners, their appointing
(referring to the "right to reject any and all authority and a favored party directly
bids") can be used by vulturous executives benefited by the said decision
to cover up and excuse losses to the (31 SCRA at 6-7)
public, a government agency or just plain
fraud ... and it is thus difficult, in the light Another attorney entered his appearance as new
of our upbringing and schooling, even counsel for MacArthur and filed a fourth Motion
under many of the incumbent justices, for Reconsideration without leave of court, which
that the Honorable Supreme Court Motion contained the following paragraphs:
intends to create a decision that in effect
does precisely that in a most absolute 4. The said decision is illegal because it
manner. (Second sentence, par. 7, Third was penned by the Honorable Chief
Motion for Reconsideration dated Sept. Justice Roberto Concepcion when in fact
10, 1968). (31 SCRA at 6) he was outside the borders of the
Republic of the Philippines at the time of
They were also asked to explain the statements the Oral Argument of the above-entitled
made in their Motion to Inhibit filed on 21 case—which condition is prohibited by
September 1968 asking the New Rules of Court—Section 1, Rule
51, and we quote: "Justices; who may take
Mr. Chief Justice Roberto Concepcion and part—... . Only those members present
Mr. Justice Fred Ruiz Castro to inhibit when any matter is submitted for oral
themselves from considering, judging and argument will take part in its
resolving the case or any issue or aspect consideration and adjudication ... ." This
thereof retroactive to January 11, 1967. requirement is especially significant in the
The motion charges "It that the brother of present instance because the member
the Honorable Associate Justice Castro is who penned the decision was the very
a vice-president of the favored party who member who was absent for
is the chief beneficiary of the false, approximately four months or more. This
erroneous and illegal decision dated provision also applies to the Honorable
January 31, 1968" and the ex- Justices Claudio Teehankee and Antonio
parte preliminary injunction rendered in Barredo.
the above-entitled case, the latter in
effect prejudging and predetermining this xxx xxx xxx
case even before the joining of an issue.
As to the Chief Justice, the motion states 6. That if the respondent MacArthur
[t]hat the son of the Honorable Chief International Minerals Company
Justice Roberto Concepcion was given a abandons its quest for justice in the
significant appointment in the Philippine Judiciary of the Philippine Government, it
Government by the President a short time will inevitably either raise the graft and
before the decision of July 31, 1968 was corruption of Philippine Government
rendered in this case. The appointment officials in the bidding of May 12, 1965,
referred to was as secretary of the newly- required by the Nickel Law to determine
created Board of Investments. The motion the operator of the Surigao nickel
presents a lengthy discourse on judicial deposits, to the World Court on grounds
of deprivation of justice and confiscation proceeds to state that 'it would seem that
of property and/or to the United States the principles thus established [the moral
Government, either its executive or and ethical guidelines for inhibition of any
judicial branches or both, on the grounds judicial authority by the Honorable
of confiscation of respondent's Supreme Court should first apply to itself.'
proprietary vested rights by the Philippine He puts forth the claim that lesser and
Government without either further removed conditions have been
compensation or due process of law and known to create favoritism, only to
invoking the Hickenlooper Amendment conclude that there is no reason for a
requiring the cutting off of all aid and belief that the conditions obtaining in the
benefits to the Philippine Government, case of the Chief Justice and Justice Castro
including the sugar price premium, would be less likely to engender favoritism
amounting to more than fifty million and prejudice for or against a particular
dollars annually, until restitution or cause or party.' Implicit in this at least is
compensation is made. that the Chief Justice and Justice Castro
(31 SCRA at 10-11) are insensible to delicadeza, which could
make their actuation suspect. He makes it
Finding their explanations unsatisfactory, the plain in the motion that the Chief Justice
Court, speaking through Mr. Justice Sanchez, held and Justice Castro not only were not free
three (3) attorneys guilty of contempt: from the appearance of impropriety but
did arouse suspicion that their
1. We start with the case of Atty. Vicente relationship did affect their judgment. He
L. Santiago. In his third motion for points out that courts must be above
reconsideration, we, indeed, find suspicion at all times like Ceasar's wife,
language that is not to be expected of an warns that loss of confidence for the
officer of the courts. He pictures Tribunal or a member thereof should not
petitioners as 'vulturous executives.' He be allowed to happen in our country,
speaks of this Court as a 'civilized, 'although the process has already begun.
democratic tribunal,' but by innuendo
would suggest that it is not. xxx xxx xxx

In his motion to inhibit, his first paragraph What is disconcerting is that Atty.
categorizes our decision of July 31, 1968 Santiago's accusations have no basis in
as 'false, erroneous and illegal' in a fact and in law. The slur made is not
presumptuous manner. He then charges limited to the Chief Justice and Mr. Justice
that the ex parte preliminary injunction Castro. It sweepingly casts aspersion on
we issued in this case prejudiced and the whole court. For, inhibition is also
predetermined the case even before the asked if, we repeated any other justices
joining of an issue. He accuses in a reckless who have received favors or benefits
manner two justices of this Court for being directly or indirectly from any of the
interested in the decision of this case: petitioners or any members of any board-
Associate Justice Fred Ruiz Castro, petitioner or their agents or principals,
because his brother is the vice president including the president.' The absurdity of
of the favored party who is the chief this posture is at once apparent. For one
beneficiary of the decision, and Chief thing, the justices of this Court are
Justice Roberto Concepcion, whose son appointed by the President and in that
was appointed secretary of the newly- sense may be considered to have each
created Board of Investments, 'a received a favor from the President.
significant appointment in the Philippine Should these justices inhibit themselves
Government by the President, a short every time a case involving the
time before the decision of July 31, 1968 Administration crops up? Such a thought
was rendered.' In this backdrop, he may not certainly be entertained. The
consequence thereof would be to amount to more than fifty million dollars
paralyze the machinery of this Court. We annually ...
would in fact, be wreaking havoc on the
tripartite system of government operating This is a clear attempt to influence or bend
in this country. Counsel is presumed to the blind of this Court to decide the case'
know this. But why the unfounded in its favor. A notice of appeal to the
charge? There is the not too-well World Court has even been embodied in
concealed effort on the part of a losing Meads return. There is a gross
litigant's attorney to downgrade this inconsistency between the appeal and the
Court. move to reconsider the decision. An
appeal from a decision presupposes that a
The mischief that stems from all of the party has already abandoned any move to
foregoing gross disrespect is easy to reconsider that decision. And yet, it would
discern. Such disrespect detracts much appear that the appeal to the World Court
from the dignity of a court of justice. is being dangled as a threat to effect a
Decidedly not an expression of faith, change of the decision of this Court. Such
counsel's words are intended to create an act has no aboveboard explanation.
atmosphere of distrust, of disbelief.
xxx xxx xxx
xxx xxx xxx
The dignity of the Court, experience
The precepts, the teachings, the teaches, can never be protected where
injunctions just recited are not unfamiliar infraction of ethics meets with
to lawyers. and yet, this Court finds in the complacency rather than punishment. The
language of Atty. Santiago a style that people should not be given cause to break
undermines and degrades the faith with the belief that a judge is the
administration of justice. The stricture in epitome of honor amongst men. To
Section 3 (d) of Rule 71 of the Rules against preserve its dignity, a court of justice
improper conduct tending to degrade the should not yield to the assaults of
administration of justice is thus disrespect. Punctilio of honor, we prefer to
transgressed. Atty. Santiago is guilty of think, is a standard of behavior so
contempt of court. desirable in a lawyer pleading a cause
before a court of justice. (31 SCRA at 13-
xxx xxx xxx 23; emphasis supplied)

Third. The motion contained an express 3. In In re Almacen, supra, Atty. Vicente Raul
threat to take the case to the World Court Almacen, in protest against what he asserted was
and/or the United States government. It "a great injustice committed against his client by
must be remembered that respondent the Supreme Court," filed a Petition to Surrender
MacArthur at that time was still trying to Lawyer's Certificate of Title. He alleged that his
overturn the decision of this Court of July client was deeply aggrieved by this Court's "unjust
31, 1968. In doing so, unnecessary judgment," and had become "one of the sacrificial
statements were in ejected. More victims before the altar of hypocrisy," saying that
specifically, the motion announced that "justice as administered by the present members
McArthur 'will inevitably ... raise the graft of the Supreme Court [was) not only blind, but also
and corruption of the Philippine deaf and dumb." Atty. Almacen vowed to argue the
government officials in the bidding of May cause of his client "in the people's forum" so that
12, 1965 ... to the World Court' and would "the people may know of this silent injustice
invoke 'the Hickenlooper Amendment committed by this Court' and that "whatever
requiring the cutting off of all aid and mistakes, wrongs and injustices that were
benefits to the Philippine Government, committed [may] never be repeated." Atty.
including the sugar price premium, Almacen released to the press the contents of his
Petition and on 26 September 1967, the "Manila cries for charity, generosity, fairness,
Times" published statements attributed to him as understanding, sympathy and for justice;
follows: dumb in the sense, that inspire of our
beggings, supplications, and pleadings to
Vicente Raul Almacen, in an give us reasons why our appeals has been
unprecedented petition, said he did not DENIED, not one word was spoken or
expose the tribunal's 'unconstitutional given ... We refer to no human defect or
and obnoxious' practice of arbitrarily ailment in the above statement. We only
denying petitions or appeals without any described the impersonal state of Things
reason. and nothing more.

Because of the tribunal's 'short-cut xxx xxx xxx

justice.' Almacen deplored, his client was
condemned to pay P120,000, without As we have stated, we have lost our faith
knowing why he lost the case. and confidence in the members of this
Court and for which reason we offered to
xxx xxx xxx surrender our lawyer's certificate, IN
TRUST ONLY. Because what has been lost
There is no use continuing his law today may be regained tomorrow. As the
practice, Almacen said in this offer was intended as our self-imposed
petition, 'where our Supreme Court is sacrifice, then we alone may decide as to
composed of men who are calloused to when we must end our self- sacrifice. If we
our pleas of justice, who ignore without have to choose between forcing ourselves
reason their own applicable decisions and to have faith and confidence in the
commit culpable violations of the members of the Court but disregard our
Constitution with impunity.' Constitution and to uphold the
Constitution and be condemned by the
xxx xxx xxx members of this Court, there is no choice,
we must uphold the latter. (31 SCRA at
He expressed the hope that by divesting 572; emphasis supplied)
himself of his title by which he earns his
living, the present members of the was found by the Court to be "undignified and
Supreme Court 'will become responsible cynical" and rejected. The Court indefinitely
to all cases brought to its attention suspended Almacen from the practice of law
without discrimination, and will purge holding, through Mr. Justice Fred Ruiz Castro, that
itself of those unconstitutional and Almacen had exceeded the boundaries of "fair
obnoxious "lack of merit' or "denied criticism."
resolutions. (31 SCRA at 565566;
emphasis supplied) 4. In Paragas V. Cruz, 47 Counsel, whose Petition
for Ceriorari ran was dismissed by this Court, made
Atty. Almacen was required by this Court to show the following statements in his Motion for
cause why disciplinary action should not be taken Reconsideration:
against him. His explanation, which in part read:
The petitioner respectfully prays for a
xxx xxx xxx reconsideration of the resolution of this
Honorable Court dated April 20,1966 on
The phrase, Justice is blind is symbolized the ground that it constitutes a violation
in paintings that can be found in all courts of Section 14 of Rule 11 2 of the Rules of
and government offices. We have added Court promulgated by this very Hon.
only two more symbols, that it is also deaf Supreme Court, and on the further ground
and dumb. Deaf in the sense that no that it is likewise a violation of the most
members of this Court has ever heard our important right in the Bill of Rights of the
Constitution of the Philippines, a culpable remarked in People vs. Carillo, 77 Phil.
violation which is a ground for 580-
Counsel should conduct himself towards
... The rule of law in a democracy should the judges who try his cases with that
always be upheld and protected by all courtesy all have a right to expect. As an
means, because the rule of law creates officer of the court, it is his sworn and
and preserves peace and order and gives moral duty to help build and not destroy
satisfaction and contentment to all unnecessarily that high esteem and regard
concerned. But when the laws and the towards the courts so essential to the
rules are violated, the victims resort, proper administration of justice.
sometimes, to armed force and to the
ways of the cavemen We do not want It in light and plausible that an attorney in
Verzosa and Reyes repeated again and defending the cause and rights of his
again, killed in the premises of the client, should do so with all the fervor and
Supreme Court and in those of the City Hall energy of which he is capable, but it is not,
of Manila. Educated people should keep and never will be so, for him to exercise
their temper under control at all times! said right by resorting to intimidation or
But justice should be done to all proceeding without the propriety and
concerned to perpetuate the very life of respect which the dignity of the courts
Democracy on the face of the earth. (14 require. (Salcedo vs. Hernandez, [In re
SCRA at 810; emphasis supplied) Francisco], 61 Phil. 729)' (1 4 SCRA at 811-
812; emphasis supplied)
The Court considered the above statements as
derogatory to the dignity of the Court and required 5. In In re Sotto, 48 a newspaper reporter, Mr. Angel
counsel to show cause why administrative action Parazo, invoking the Press Freedom Law, refused
should not be taken against him. Counsel later to divulge the source of the news item which
explained that he had merely related factual events carried his by-line and was sent to jail for so
(i.e., the killing of Verzosa and Reyes) and to refusing. Atty. Vicente Sotto, a senator and author
express his desire to avoid repetition of such acts. of said law, caused the publication of the following
The Court, through Mr. Justice J.B.L. Reyes, found item in a number of daily newspapers in Manila:
these explanations unsatisfactory and the above
statements contumacious. As author of the Press Freedom Law
(Republic Act No. 53), interpreted by the
... The expressions contained in the Supreme Court in the case of Angel
motion for reconsideration ... are plainly Parazo, reporter of a local daily, who now
contemptuous and disrespectful, and has to suffer 30 days imprisonment, for
reference to the recent killing of two his refusal to divulge the source of a news
employees is but a covert threat upon the published in his paper, I regret to say that
members of the Court. ... That such threats our High Tribunal has not only erroneously
and disrespectful language contained in a interpreted said law, but that it is once
pleading filed in courts are constitutive of more putting in evidence the
direct contempt has been repeatedly incompetency or narrow mindedness of
decided (Salcedo vs. Hernandez, 61 Phil. the majority of its members. In the wake
724; People vs. Venturanza, 52 Off. Gaz. of so many blunders and injustices
769; Medina vs. Rivera, 66 Phil. 151; De deliberately committed during these last
Joya vs. Court of First Instance of Rizal, 1, years, I believe that the only remedy to put
9785, September 19,1956; Sison vs. an end to so much evil, is to change the
Sandejas L- 9270, April 29,1959; Lualhati members of the Supreme Court. To this
vs. Albert, 57 Phil. 86). What makes the effect, I announce that one of the first
present case more deplorable is that the measures, which I will introduce in the
guilty party is a member of the bar; for, as coming congressional sessions, will have
as its object the complete reorganization the dignity and authority of this Court, to
of the Supreme Court. As it is now which he owes fidelity according to the
constituted, the Supreme Court of today oath he has taken as such attorney, and
constitutes a constant peril to liberty and not to promote distrust in the
democracy. It need be said loudly, very administration of justice. Respect to the
loudly, so that even the deaf may hear: courts guarantees the stability of other
The Supreme Court of today is a far cry institutions, which without such guaranty
from the impregnable bulwark of Justice would be resting on a very shaky
of those memorable times of Cayetano foundation. (82 Phil. at 601-602; emphasis
Arellano, Victorino Mapa, Manuel Araullo supplied)
and other learned jurists who were the
honor and glory of the Philippine 6. In Salcedo v. Hernandez, 49 Atty. Vicente
Judiciary. (82 Phil. at 597-598; emphasis Francisco filed a Motion before the Supreme Court
supplied) which contained the following paragraph (in
In finding Atty. Sotto in contempt, despite
his avowals of good faith and his We should like frankly and respectfully to
invocation of the constitutional guarantee make it of record that the resolution of
of free speech and in requiring him to this court, denying our motion for
show cause why he should not be reconsideration, is absolutely erroneous
disbarred, the Court, through Mr. Justice and constitutes an outrage to the rights of
Feria, said- the petitioner Felipe Salcedo and a
mockery of the popular will expressed at
To hurl the false charge that this Court has the polls in the municipality of Tiaong,
been for the last years committing Tayabas. We wish to exhaust all the
deliberately so many blunders and means within our power in order that this
injustices that is to say, that it has been error may be corrected by the very court
deciding in favor of one party knowing which has committed it, because we
that the law and justice is on the part of should not want that some citizen,
the adverse party and not on the one in particularly some voter of the municipality
whose favor the decision was rendered, in of Tiaong, Tayabas, resort to the press
many cases decided during the last years, publicly to denounce, as he has a right to
would tend necessarily to undermine the do, the judicial outrage of which the
coincidence of the people in the honesty herein petitioner has been the victim, and
and integrity of the members of this Court, because it is our utmost desire to
and consequently to lower and degrade safeguard the prestige of this honorable
the administration of justice by this court and of each and every member
Court. The Supreme Court of the thereof in the eyes of the public. But, at
Philippines is, under the Constitution, the the same time we wish to state sincerely
last bulwark to which the Filipino people that erroneous decisions like these, which
may repair to obtain relief for their the affected party and his thousands of
grievances or protection of their rights voters will necessarily consider unjust,
when these are trampled upon, and if the increase the proselytes of sakdalism and
people lose their confidence in the make the public lose confidence in the
honesty and integrity of the members of administration of justice. (61 Phil. at 726;
this Court and believe that they cannot emphasis supplied)
expect justice therefrom, they might be
driven to take the law into their hands, When required by the Court to show cause why he
and disorder and perhaps chaos might be should not be declared in contempt, Atty.
the result. As a member of the bar and an Francisco responded by saying that it was not
officer of the courts Atty. Vicente Sotto, contempt to tell the truth. Examining the
like any other, is in duty bound to uphold statements made above, the Court held:
... [they] disclose, in the opinion of this judicial outrage of which his client has
court, an inexcusable disrespect of the been the victim; and because he states in
authority of the court and an intentional a threatening manner with the intention
contempt of its dignity, because the court of predisposing the mind of the reader
is thereby charged with no less than against the court, thus creating an
having proceeded in utter disregard of the atmosphere of prejudices against it in
laws, the rights of the parties, and of the order to make it odious in the public
untoward consequences, or with having eye, that decisions of the nature of that
abused its power and mocked and flouted referred to in his motion to promote
the rights of Attorney Vicente J. distrust in the administration of justice
Francisco's client, because the acts of and increase the proselytes of sakdalism a
outraging and mocking from which the movement with seditious and
words 'outrage' and mockery' used revolutionary tendencies the activities of
therein are derived, means exactly the which, as is of public knowledge, occurred
same as all these, according to the in this country a few days ago. This cannot
Dictionary of the Spanish Language mean otherwise than contempt of the
published by the Spanish Academy dignity of the court and disrespect of the
(Dictionary of the Spanish Language, 15th authority thereof on the part of Attorney
ed., pages 132-513). Vicente J. Francisco, because he presumes
that the court is so devoid of the sense of
The insertion of the phrases in question in justice that, if he did not resort to
said motion of Attorney Vicente J. intimidation, it would maintain its error
Francisco, for many years a member of notwithstanding the fact that it may be
the Philippine bar, was neither justified proven, with good reasons, that it has
nor in the least necessary, because in acted erroneously.
order to call the attention of the court in
a special way to the essential points relied As a member of the bar and an officer of
upon in his argument and to emphasize this court, Attorney Vicente J. Francisco, as
the force thereof, the many reasons any attorney, is in duty bound to uphold its
stated in his said motion were sufficient dignity and authority and to defend its
and the phrases in question were integrity, not only because it had
superfluous. In order to appeal to reason conferred upon him the high privilege, not
and justice, it is highly improper and amiss a right (Malcolm, Legal Ethics, 158 and
to make trouble and resort to threats, as 160), of being what he now is: a priest of
Attorney Vicente J. Francisco has done, justice (In re Thatcher, 80 Ohio St., Rep.,
because both means are annoying and 492, 669), but also because in so doing, he
good practice can ever sanction them by neither creates nor promotes distrust in
reason of their natural tendency to disturb the administration of justice, and prevents
and hinder the free exercise of a serene anybody from harboring and encouraging
and impartial judgment, particularly in discontent which, in many cases, is the
judicial matters, in the consideration of source of disorder, thus undermining the
questions submitted for resolution. foundation upon which rests that bulwark
called judicial power to which those who
There is no question that said paragraph are aggrieved turn for protection and
of Attorney Vicente J. Francisco's motion relief (61 Phil. at 727-728; emphasis
contains a more or less veiled threat to supplied)
the court because it is insinuated therein,
after the author shows the course which It should not be supposed that the six (6)
the voters of Tiaong should follow in case cases above discussed exhaust our case
he fails in his attempt, that they will resort law on this matter. In the following cases,
to the press for the purpose of among others, the Supreme Court
denouncing, what he claims to be a punished for contempt or administratively
disciplined lawyers who had made system of administration of justice in the country.
statements not very different from those That respondent's baseless charges have had some
made in the cases discussed above: impact outside the internal world of subjective
intent, is clearly demonstrated by the filing of a
1) In re Wenceslao Laureta, 148 SCRA 382 complaint for impeachment of thirteen (13) out of
(1987); the then fourteen (14) incumbent members of this
Court, a complaint the centerpiece of which is a
2) Borromeo v. Court of appeals, 87 SCRA repetition of the appalling claim of respondent that
67 (1978); this Court deliberately rendered a wrong decision
as an act of reprisal against the respondent.
3) Rheem of the Philippines v. Ferrer, 20
SCRA 441 (1967); IV

4) Malolos v. Reyes, 1 SCRA 559 (1961); The principal defense of respondent Gonzalez is
that he was merely exercising his constitutional
5) De Joya, et al. v. Court of First Instance right of free speech. He also invokes the related
of Rizal, Pasay City Branch, 99 Phil. 907 doctrines of qualified privileged communications
(1956); and fair criticism in the public interest.

6) People v. Venturanza, et al., 98 Phil. 211 Respondent Gonzalez is entitled to the

(1956); constitutional guarantee of free speech. No one
seeks to deny him that right, least of all this Court.
7) In re Suzano A. Velasquez, per What respondent seems unaware of is that
curiam Resolution (unreported), freedom of speech and of expression, like all
Promulgated 29 April 1955; constitutional freedoms, is not absolute and that
freedom of expression needs on occasion to be
8) Cornejo v. Tan, 85 Phil. 772 (1950); adjusted to and accommodated with the
requirements of equally important public interests.
9) People v. Carillon, 77 Phil. 572 (1946); One of these fundamental public interests is the
maintenance of the integrity and orderly
10) Intestate Estate of Rosario 0lba; functioning of the administration of justice. There
Contempt Proceedings against Antonio is no antinomy between free expression and the
Franco, 67 Phil. 312 (1939); and integrity of the system of administering justice. For
the protection and maintenance of freedom of
11) Lualhati v. Albert, 57 Phil. 86 (1932). expression itself can be secured only within the
context of a functioning and orderly system of
Considering the kinds of statements of lawyers dispensing justice, within the context, in other
discussed above which the Court has in the past
words, of viable independent institutions for
penalized as contemptuous or as warranting delivery of justice which are accepted by the
application of disciplinary sanctions, this Court is general community. As Mr. Justice Frankfurter put
compelled to hold that the statements here made it:
by respondent Gonzalez clearly constitute
contempt and call for the exercise of the ... A free press is not to be preferred
disciplinary authority of the Supreme Court. to an independent judiciary, nor an
Respondent's statements, especially the charge independent judiciary to a free
that the Court deliberately rendered an erroneous press. Neither has primacy over the
and unjust decision in the Consolidated Petitions, other; both are indispensable to a
necessarily implying that the justices of this Court free society. The freedom of the
betrayed their oath of office, merely to wreak press in itself presupposes an
vengeance upon the respondent here, constitute independent judiciary through
the grossest kind of disrespect for the Court. Such which that freedom may, if
statements very clearly debase and degrade the necessary be vindicated. And one of
Supreme Court and, through the Court, the entire
the potent means for assuring justice 53 is heavier than that of a private practicing
judges their independence is a free lawyer.
press. 50
Respondent Gonzalez claims to be and he is, of
Mr. Justice Malcolm of this Court expressed the course, entitled to criticize the rulings of this Court,
same thought in the following terms: to point out where he feels the Court may have
lapsed into error. Once more, however, the right of
The Organic Act wisely criticism is not unlimited. Its limits were marked
guarantees freedom of speech and press. out by Mr. Justice Castro in In re Almacen which are
This constitutional right must be protected worth noting
in its fullest extent. The Court has
heretofore given evidence of its tolerant But it is the cardinal condition of all such
regard for charges under the Libel Law criticism that it shall be bonafide and shall
which come dangerously close to its not spill over the walls of decency and
violation. We shall continue in this chosen propriety. A wide chasm exists between
path. The liberty of the citizens must be fair criticism, on the one hand, and abuse
preserved in all of its completeness. But and slander of courts and the judges
license or abuse of liberty of the press and thereof, on the other. Intemperate and
of the citizens should not be confused with unfair criticism is a gross violation of the
liberty ill its true sense. As important as is duty of respect to courts. It is such a
the maintenance of an unmuzzled press misconduct that subjects a lawyer to
and the free exercise of the rights of the disciplinary action.
citizens is the maintenance of the
independence of the Judiciary. Respect for The lawyer's duty to render respectful
the Judiciary cannot be had if persons are subordination to the courts is essential to
privileged to scorn a resolution of the the orderly administration of
court adopted for good purposes, and if justice. Hence, in the assertion of their
such persons are to be permitted by clients' rights, lawyers even those gifted
subterranean means to diffuse inaccurate with superior intellect are enjoined to rein
accounts of confidential proceedings to up their tempers.
the embarassment of the parties and the
courts. 51 (Emphasis supplied) xxx xxx xxx 54

Only slightly (if at all) less important is the public (Emphasis supplied)
interest in the capacity of the Court effectively to
prevent and control professional misconduct on The instant proceeding is not addressed to the fact
the part of lawyers who are, first and foremost, that respondent has criticized the Court; it is
indispensable participants in the task of rendering addressed rather to the nature of that criticism or
justice to every man. Some courts have held, comment and the manner in which it was carried
persuasively it appears to us, that a lawyer's right out.
of free expression may have to be more limited
than that of a layman. 52 Respondent Gonzalez disclaims an intent to attack
and denigrate the Court. The subjectivities of the
It is well to recall that respondent Gonzalez, apart respondent are irrelevant so far as characterization
from being a lawyer and an officer of the court, is of his conduct or misconduct is concerned. He will
also a Special Prosecutor who owes duties of not, however, be allowed to disclaim the natural
fidelity and respect to the Republic and to this and plain import of his words and acts. 55 It is upon
Court as the embodiment and the repository of the the other hand, not irrelevant to point out that
judicial power in the government of the Republic. respondent offered no apology in his two (2)
The responsibility of the respondent "to uphold the explanations and exhibited no repentance. 56
dignity and authority of this Court' and "not to
promote distrust in the administration of
Respondent Gonzalez also defends himself ACCORDINGLY, the Court Resolved to SUSPEND
contending that no injury to the judiciary has been Atty. Raul M. Gonzalez from the practice of law
shown, and points to the fact that this Court denied indefinitely and until further orders from this
his Motion for Reconsideration of its per Court, the suspension to take effect immediately.
curiam Decision of 27 April 1988 and reiterated
and amplified that Decision in its Resolution of 19 G.R. No. 224936, September 04, 2019
May 1988. In the first place, proof of actual damage
sustained by a court or the judiciary in general is PNOC ALTERNATIVE FUELS CORPORATION,
not essential for a finding of contempt or for the PETITIONER, v. NATIONAL GRID CORPORATION OF
application of the disciplinary authority of the THE PHILIPPINES, RESPONDENT.
Court. Insofar as the Consolidated Petitions are
concerned, this Court after careful review of the DECISION
bases of its 27 April 1988 Decision, denied
respondent's Motion for Reconsideration thereof CAGUIOA, J.:
and rejected the public pressures brought to bear
upon this Court by the respondent through his Before the Court is an appeal via a Petition for
much publicized acts and statements for which he Certiorari1 (Petition) under Rule 45 of the Rules of
is here being required to account. Obstructing the Court filed by petitioner PNOC Alternative Fuels
free and undisturbed resolution of a particular case Corporation (petitioner PAFC), assailing the
is not the only species of injury that the Court has Order2 dated February 11, 2016 (assailed Order of
a right and a duty to prevent and redress. What is Expropriation) of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of
at stake in cases of this kind is the integrity of the Mariveles, Bataan, Branch 4 in SCA Case No. 104-
judicial institutions of the country in general and of ML entitled National Grid Corporation of the
the Supreme Court in particular. Damage to such Philippines v. PNOC Alternative Fuels Corporation,
institutions might not be quantifiable at a given et al.
moment in time but damage there will surely be if
The Facts and Antecedent Proceedings
acts like those of respondent Gonzalez are not
effectively stopped and countered. The level of
trust and confidence of the general public in the The instant case stems from a Complaint 3 for
Expropriation (Complaint) filed by respondent
courts, including the court of last resort, is not
easily measured; but few will dispute that a high National Grid Corporation of the Philippines
(respondent NGCP) on February 9, 2011 against
level of such trust and confidence is critical for the
petitioner PAFC, Orica Philippines, Inc. (Orica),
stability of democratic government.
Edgardo P. Manieda, Winy P. Manieda, Mercedes
Respondent Gonzalez lastly suggests that P. Manieda, Nemy Manieda Amado, Danilo P.
punishment for contempt is not the proper remedy Manieda, the Heirs of Leonardo Serios, 4and
in this case and suggests that the members of this Cresencia Toribio Soriano, represented by Imelda
Court have recourse to libel suits against him. S. Villareal.
While the remedy of libel suits by individual
members of this Court may well be available In the Complaint, respondent NGCP claims that it is
against respondent Gonzalez, such is by no means a private corporation engaged in the business of
an exclusive remedy. Moreover, where, as in the transmitting electric power from generating plants
instant case, it is not only the individual members of power producers to distrubutors.5 Respondent
of the Court but the Court itself as an institution NGCP was granted a "franchise to operate, manage
that has been falsely attacked, libel suits cannot be and maintain, and in connection therewith, to
an adequate remedy. 57 engage in the business of conveying or transmitting
electricity through high voltage back-bone system
The Court concludes that respondent Gonzalez is of interconnected transmission lines, substations
guilty both of contempt of court in facie curiae and and related facilities, system operations, and other
of gross misconduct as an officer of the court and activities that are necessary to support the safe and
member of the Bar. reliable operation of the transmission system and
constuct, install, finance, manage, improve,
expand, operate, maintain, rehabilitate, repair and petrochemical and related industries by itself or its
refurbish the present nationwide transmission subsidiaries or by any other entity or person it may
system of the Republic of the Philippines"6 under deem competent alone or in joint venture. 11
Republic Act (R.A.)No. 9511.
Subsequently, in 1981, P.D. No. 1803 was issued,
Respondent NGCP likewise alleged that, in order enlarging the area reserved for the Petrochemical
for it to construct and maintain the Mariveles- Industrial Zone established under P.D. No. 949. 12
Limay 230 kV Transmission Line Project, it sought
to expropriate, upon payment of just In 1993, petitioner PAFC, which originally had the
compensation, a certain area of a parcel of land name PNOC Petrochemicals Development
situated at Barangay Batangas II, Mariveles, Bataan Corporation (PPDC), was incorporated as a
and Barangay Lamao, Limay, Bataan, having a total subsidiary of PNOC for the primary purpose of
area of 101,290.42 square meters, more or less administering and operating the Petrochemical
(the subject property). The subject property is part Industrial Zone. In 2006, the articles of
of the Petrochemical Industrial Park. 7 incorporation of PPDC were amended, changing
the name of PPDC to PNOC Alternative Fuels
The Petrochemical Industrial Park was originally Corporation.13
part of a parcel of land of the public domain having
an approximate area of 621 hectares reserved by Subsequently, in 2011, respondent NGCP filed its
the government for the Lamao Horticultural Complaint seeking to expropriate the subject
Experiment Station through Executive Order (E.O.) property from petitioner PAFC. According to
No. 48, series of 1919.8 respondent NGCP, it sought to exercise its right of
eminent domain over the subject property because
Subsequently, in 1968, Presidential Proclamation negotiations conducted between petitioner PAFC
(P.P.) No. 361 was issued, withdrawing 418 out of and respondent NGCP on the establishment of
the 621 hectares of land of the public domain from transmission lines on the subject property were
the coverage of E.O. No. 48, and declaring the unsuccessful. Respondent NGCP invoked its
same as an industrial reservation to be general authority to exercise the right of eminent
administered by the National Power Corporation domain under Section 4 of R.A. No. 9511, which
(NPC).9 reads:
Section 4. Right of Eminent Domain. - Subject to
In 1969, P.P. No. 630 was issued amending P.P. No. the limitations and procedures prescribed by law,
361. P.P. No. 630 enlarged the area covered by P.P. the Grantee is authorized to exercise the right of
No. 361 and reserved the same for industrial eminent domain insofar as it may be reasonably
purposes, including the establishment of an necessary for the construction, expansion, and
industrial estate under the administration of the efficient maintenance and operation of the
National Development Company (NDC) or a transmission system and grid and the efficient
subsidiary thereof organized for such purposes. 10 operation and maintenance of the subtransmission
systems which have not yet been disposed by
In 1976, Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 949 was TRANSCO. The Grantee may acquire such private
issued, which transferred the administration, property as is actually necessary for the realization
management, and ownership of the parcel of land of the purposes for which this franchise is
of the public domain located at Lamao, Limay, granted: Provided, That the applicable law on
Bataan covered by P.P. No. 361, as amended by eminent domain shall be observed, particularly,
P.P. No. 630, to the Philippine National Oil the prerequisites of taking of possession and the
Company (PNOC). determination and payment of just compensation.
Orica filed its Answer14 on April 25,2011, alleging
According to P.D. No. 949, the PNOC shall manage, that it is a lessee of a portion of the Petrochemical
operate and develop the parcel of land as a Industrial Park, where it put up a manufacturing
petrochemical industrial zone and will establish, plant that produces commercial blasting explosives
develop and operate or cause the establishment, and initiating systems products. In its Answer, Orica
development and operation thereat of raised several special affirmative defenses to
oppose respondent NGCP's Complaint. For its part, establish defendants' valid claim of ownership to
petitioner PAFC filed its Answer15 on May 3,2011, be entitled for the payment of just compensation.
alleging, in sum, that several statutes and issuances
limit respondent NGCP's right to expropriate and SO ORDERED.19
that "the land sought to be appropriated is already In issuing the assailed Order of Expropriation, the
devoted to a public purpose, specifically to RTC held that "[n]owhere in the annals of
petrochemical and petrochemical related legislation and jurisprudence is it stated that a
industries which is considered as essential to the property already devoted to public use or purpose
national interest"16 and that "[i]t is only the is invulnerable to expropriation. Neither has it once
Congress of the Philippines which has the power to been held by the Constitution (sic) any law or
exercise the right of eminent domain over the particular jurisprudence that a property already
subject property as it is already devoted for a public expropriated, (sic) may no longer be subject to
purpose."17 Respondent NGCP filed its Reply18� another expropriation. Justice Isagani Cruz, one of
on May 12, 2011, defending its authority to the foremost constitutionalists in the country holds
exercise the right of eminent domain over the that property already devoted to public use is still
subject property. be (sic) subject to expropriation provided that it is
done directly by the national legislature or under a
During the pendency of the expropriation case, in specific grant of authority to the delegate."20
2013, R.A. No. 10516 was passed by Congress. The
said law expanded the use of the Petrochemical In relation to the foregoing, the RTC stressed that
Industrial Park to include businesses engaged in under R. A. No. 9511, respondent NGCP "has a
energy and energy-allied activities or energy- legislative franchise to engage in the business of
related infrastructure projects, or of such other conveying or transmitting electricity throughout
business activities that will promote its best the country. Under this law, [respondent NGCP]
economic use. was given the authority to exercise the power of
eminent domain. Hence, and pursuant to Sec[.] 4[,]
On June 6, 2013, the Department of Energy (DOE) Rule 67 of the Revised Rules of Court, the Court
issued Department Circular No. DC2013-06-0011 believes that [respondent NGCP] has a lawful right
or the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of to take the property sought to be expropriated for
R.A. No. 10516. The said IRR stated that the PNOC, the public use or purpose described in the
pursuant to its duty to manage, operate and complaint, upon payment of just compensation."21
develop the subject parcel of land as an industrial
zone, had organized petitioner PAFC and assigned Petitioner PAFC filed its Motion for
ownership of the property to petitioner Reconsideration22 of the RTC's assailed Order of
PAFC via Deed of Assignment dated August 11, Expropriation, which was denied by the RTC in its
1994. Further, petitioner PAFC, as owner of the Order23 dated April 18, 2016.
property, was mandated to manage, operate and
develop the property in accordance with R.A. No. Hence, the instant appeal before the Court under
10516 and its IRR. Rule 45 of the Rules of Court. Petitioner PAFC prays
that the Court set aside the RTC's Orders dated
Subsequently, the RTC issued the assailed Order of February 11, 2016 and April 18, 2016 and "hold
Expropriation and ruled that respondent NGCP has that [respondent] NGCP's expropriation of
a lawful right to expropriate the subject property [petitioner] PAFC's property is improper and
upon payment of just compensation. The without legal basis."24
dispositive portion of the assailed Order of
Expropriation reads: Respondent NGCP filed its Comment25 dated
WHEREFORE, the affirmative defense of January 26, 2017, alleging, in sum, that the issues
defendants PNOC-AFC and Orica Philippines, Inc. raised in the Petition are not considered legal
are hereby denied for lack of merit. Parties are questions because their determination requires
hereby directed to submit the names of the three the findings of facts, that petitioner PAFC's direct
(3) Commissioners to be appointed by the Court. recourse before the Court is improper, and that
Set this case for the reception of evidence to land already devoted to public use can still be
expropriated for another public purpose. sustaining the right to expropriate the property,
such as the assailed Order of Expropriation, may be
In response, petitioner PAFC filed its Reply26 dated appealed by any party aggrieved thereby. Such
July 14, 2017, reiterating its argument that R.A. No. appeal, however, shall not prevent the court from
9511 clearly limits respondent NGCP's right of determining the just compensation to be paid. It is
eminent domain to private property. clear from the foregoing that the proper remedy of
a defendant in an expropriation case who wishes to
Issue contest an order of expropriation is not to file
a certiorari petition and allege that the RTC
Stripped to its core, the instant Petition presents committed grave abuse of discretion in issuing the
two main issues for the Court's disposition: (1) order of expropriation. The remedy is to file an
whether petitioner PAFC was correct in filing its appeal of the order of expropriation.
Rule 45 Petition directly before the Court, and (2)
whether the RTC was correct in issuing the assailed Hence, under the aforementioned provision of the
Order of Expropriation, which held that respondent Rules of Court, petitioner PAFC had the right to
NGCP is empowered to expropriate the subject appeal the assailed Order of Expropriation. The
property under R.A. No. 9511. Court holds that the instant appeal, although
mistakenly worded by petitioner PAFC as a
The Court's Ruling "Petition for Certiorari", is for all intents and
purposes a petition for review on certiorari under
In deciding the merits of the instant Petition, the Rule 45. It must be noted that petitioner PAFC
Court resolves the aforementioned issues ad repeatedly invoked Rule 45 in filing the instant
seriatim. appeal, alleging that the instant appeal is "pursuant
to Rule 45 of the Rules of Court raising a pure
I.� The Appeal Of� An Order Of question of law to set aside or nullify the [assailed
Expropriation Order of Expropriation]."28

According to Section 4, Rule 67 of the Rules of It can be surmised from the instant Petition that
Court, if the objections to and the defenses against petitioner PAFC resorted to filing its appeal directly
the right of the plaintiff to expropriate the property before the Court instead of the Court of Appeals
are overruled, the court may issue an order of (CA) because it believed that the instant Petition
expropriation declaring that the plaintiff has a only involved pure questions of law. Under Rule 41
lawful right to take the property sought to be of the Rules of Court, in all cases where only
expropriated, for the public use or purpose questions of law are raised or involved, the appeal
described in the complaint, upon the payment of shall be filed directly before the Court, not via a
just compensation to be determined as of the date notice of appeal or record on appeal, but through
of the taking of the property or the filing of the a petition for review on certiorari in accordance
complaint, whichever came first. with Rule 45.
In the assailed Order of Expropriation, the RTC The critical question, therefore, is whether the
denied the objections and defenses raised by instant Petition raises pure questions of law, which
petitioner PAFC and Orica for lack of merit. The RTC warrants the direct filing of the appeal before the
held that respondent NGCP "has a lawful right to Court.
take the property sought to be expropriated for the
public use or purpose described in the complaint, Contrary to the view of respondent NGCP, the
upon payment of just compensation."27 The RTC Court holds that the instant Petition may be
also ordered the parties to submit the names of decided by dealing purely with questions of law.
three Commissioners to be appointed by the RTC,
and set the case for reception of evidence with The Court has previously held that "a question of
respect to payment of just compensation. law arises when there is doubt as to what the law
is on a certain state of facts, while there is a
Section 4 of Rule 67 further states that a final order question of fact when the doubt arises as to the
truth or falsity of the alleged facts."29 The Court ultimate right of the sovereign power to
further explained that for a question to be one of appropriate any property within its territorial
law, "the same must not involve an examination of sovereignty for a public purpose. The exercise of
the probative value of the evidence presented by this power, whether directly by the State or by its
the litigants or any of them. The resolution of the authorized agents, is necessarily in derogation of
issue must rest solely on what the law provides on private rights. Hence, it is considered to be one of
the given set of circumstances. Once it is clear that the harshest proceedings known to the law. 33
the issue invites a review of the evidence
presented, the question posed is one of fact."30 Because the right of eminent domain is a power
inherent in sovereignty, it is a power which need
Here, petitioner PAFC raises the argument that the not be granted by any fundamental law. 34 Hence,
expropriation of the subject property by Article III, Section 9 of the 1987 Constitution, which
respondent NGCP is invalid because such exercise states that "private property shall not be taken for
of eminent domain was neither done directly by public use without just compensation" is not a
Congress nor pursuant to a specific grant of grant, but only a limitation of the State's power to
authority. It is readily apparent that this primary expropriate.35
argument is legal in nature. To be sure, the Court
will be able to decide on the validity of the assailed The expropriation of property consists of two
Order of Expropriation by merely looking at the stages. The first stage is concerned with "the
applicable law and jurisprudence on eminent determination of the authority of the plaintiff to
domain, as well as the law granting respondent exercise the power of eminent domain and the
NGCP the right of eminent domain, i.e., R.A. No. propriety of its exercise in the context of the facts
9511. The Court need not review the evidence on involved in the suit."36 The second stage is
record to assess the correctness of the assailed concerned with "the determination by the court of
Order of Expropriation. 'the just compensation for the property sought to
be taken'. This is done by the court with the
In fine, the Court rules that petitioner PAFC did not assistance of not more than three (3)
commit a procedural error in filing the instant� commissioners."37
appeal via a Rule 45 petition directly before the
Court. Who Wields� The� Power� To
II. The Validity Of The RTC's
Assailed Order Of Expropriation Considering that the right of eminent domain has
been described as one of the great, inherent
Having disposed of the procedural issue, the Court powers of the State, is the exercise of this right
now resolves the substantive merits of the instant exclusive to the State?
It has been held that, as an inherent sovereign
The Concept Of The Right Of Eminent prerogative, the power to expropriate pertains
Domain primarily to the legislature. The power of eminent
domain is lodged in the legislative branch of
The power of eminent domain, which is also called government.38
the power of expropriation, is the inherent right of
the State to condemn private property for public However, the power to expropriate is not exclusive
use upon payment of just compensation. 31 to Congress. The latter may delegate the exercise
of the power to government agencies, public
The right of eminent domain has been described as officials and quasi-public entities.39 According to
'"the highest and most exact idea of property eminent constitutionalist and one of the framers of
remaining in the government' that may be the 1987 Constitution, Fr. Joaquin G. Bernas, S.J.,
acquired for some public purpose through a "[t]he authority of the legislature to delegate the
method 'in nature of a compulsory sale to the right of eminent domain to private entities
State.'"32 The right of eminent domain is an operating public utilities has never been
questioned."40 Section 4 of R.A. No. 9511 is clear, plain, and free
from any ambiguity. Respondent NGCP is allowed
In the hands of government agencies, local to exercise the right of eminent domain only with
governments, public utilities, and other persons respect to private property. Therefore, this
and entities, the right to expropriate is not inherent unequivocal provision of the law must be given its
and is only a delegated power. In fact, even as to literal meaning and applied without any other
municipal corporations, it has been held that they interpretation.
can exercise the right of eminent domain only if
some law exists conferring the power upon them.41 Land of Public Dominion v. Private
Hence, with the right of eminent domain not being
an inherent power for private corporations, whose Considering that respondent NGCP is empowered
right to expropriate is granted by mere legislative to expropriate private properties exclusively, the
fiat, the delegate's exercise of the right of eminent concept of private property vis-a-vis land of the
domain is restrictively limited to the confines of the public dominion must be distinguished.
delegating law. The scope of this delegated
legislative power is necessarily narrower than that Article 419 of the Civil Code classifies property as
of the delegating authority and may only be either of (1) public dominion (dominio publico) or
exercised in strict compliance with the terms of the (2) of private ownership (propiedad privado).44
delegating law.42
Article 420, in turn, identifies lands of public
Respondent� NGCP� May Only dominion as either (1) those intended for public
Expropriate Private Property. use, such as roads, canals, rivers, torrents, ports
and bridges constructed by the State, banks,
Therefore, with respondent NGCP's power to shores, roadsteads, and others of similar character;
expropriate being a mere delegated power from or (2) those which belong to the State, without
Congress by virtue of R.A. No. 9511, respondent being for public use, and are intended for
NGCP's exercise of the right of eminent domain some public service or for the development of the
over the subject property must conform to the national wealth.
limits set under the said law. What then is the type
of property that may be expropriated by Hence, based on Article 420 of the Civil Code, there
respondent NGCP under R.A. No. 9511? are three kinds of property of public dominion: (1)
those for public use, which may be used by
Upon a simple perusal of Section 4 of R.A. No. anybody, such as roads and canals; (2) those for
9511, it states in no equivocal terms that "[t]he public service, which may be used only by certain
Grantee (referring to respondent NGCP) may duly authorized persons, although used for the
acquire such private property as is actually benefit of the public; and (3) those used for the
necessary for the realization of the purposes for development of national wealth, such as our
which this franchise is granted[.]" natural resources.45

The Court has previously held that under the There are certain defining characteristics of
principles of statutory construction, if a statute is properties of the public dominion that distinguish
clear, plain and free from ambiguity, it must be them from private property.
given its literal meaning and applied without
attempted interpretation. This plain-meaning rule Land of the public domain is outside the commerce
or verba legis derived from the maxim, index animi of man and, thus, cannot be leased, donated, sold,
sermo est (speech is the index of intention) "rests or be the object of any contract, except insofar as
on the valid presumption that the words employed they may be the object of repairs or improvements
by the legislature in a statute correctly express its and other incidental things of similar
intent or will and preclude the court from character.46 Hence, they cannot be appropriated
construing it differently."43 or alienated.47 Inalienability is an inherent
characteristic of property of the public dominion.
This characteristic necessarily clashes with an under Article 424; and (3) property belonging to
express declaration of alienability and private individuals under Article 425.55
disposability, in that when public land is explicitly
declared by the State to be subject to disposition, Hence, the mere fact that a parcel of land is owned
it ceases to be land of the public dominion. by the State or any of its instrumentalities does not
Necessarily,� as lands of public dominion are necessarily mean that such land is of public
inalienable, they cannot be acquired through dominion and not private property. If land owned
prescription and cannot be registered under the by the State is considered patrimonial property,
Land Registration Law and be the subject of a then such land assumes the nature of private
Torrens Title.48 property.

Properties owned by the State which do not have As further held in Republic v. Spouses
the aforementioned characteristics of a land of Alejandre,56 patrimonial property are either: (1)
public dominion are patrimonial properties of the "by nature or use" or those covered by Article 421,
State.49 Patrimonial properties are properties which are not property of public dominion or
owned by the State in its private or proprietary imbued with public purpose based on the State's
capacity.50 current or intended use; or (2) "by conversion" or
those covered by Article 422, which previously
As explained by recognized Civil Law assumed the nature of property of public dominion
Commentator, former CA Justice Eduardo P. by virtue of the State's use, but which are no longer
Caguioa, "[o]ver this kind of property[,] the State being used or intended for said purpose.
has the same rights and has the same power of
disposition as private individuals in relation to their Furthermore, the aforesaid case holds that "upon
own property, but of course, subject to rules and the declaration of alienability and disposability x x
regulations. The purpose of this property is in order x the land ceases to possess the characteristics
that the State may attain its economic ends, to inherent in properties of public dominion that they
serve as a means for its subsistence and are outside the commerce of man, cannot be
preservation and in that way to be able to better acquired by prescription, and cannot be registered
fulfill its primary mission."51 Examples of under the land registration law, and accordingly
patrimonial property of the State are those assume the nature of patrimonial property of the
properties acquired by the government in State that is property owned by the State in its
execution or tax sales and mangrove lands and private capacity."57 Simply stated, land of the
mangrove swamps. Even public agricultural lands public dominion expressly deemed by the State to
that are made alienable and disposable by the be alienable and disposable, susceptible to the
State are considered patrimonial properties. 52 In commerce of man through sale, lease, or any other
fact, in our jurisprudence, despite dealing with the mode of disposition, assumes the nature of
management of water, which is a natural resource patrimonial property.
and an essential public utility, waterworks have
been categorized as property owned by municipal In Sps. Modesto v. Urbina,58 the Court held that
corporations in their proprietary character. 53 private persons can claim possessory rights over a
particular property once it is declared alienable and
Even if patrimonial property refers to land owned disposable. This illustrates that once property of
by the State or any of its instrumentalities, such is public dominion is declared by the State as
still deemed private property as it is property held alienable and disposable, it becomes subject of
by the State in its private and proprietary capacity, private rights, such as possessory claims, since such
and not in its public capacity, in order to attain declaration operates to convert property of public
economic ends. As recently explained by the Court dominion, which is inalienable property, to
in Republic v. Spouses Alejandre54 the Civil Code patrimonial property held by the State in its private
classifies property of private ownership into three capacity.
categories: (1) patrimonial property of the State
under Articles 421 and 422 of the Civil Code; (2) The Subject Property Is Patrimonial
patrimonial property of Local Government Units Property That Assumes The Nature of
Private Property.� the said law, the Petrochemical Industrial Park was
described as an industrial and commercial estate,
The next issue that must be resolved is the wherein private sector investment is encouraged in
characterization of the subject property. the development of "industrial and commercial
activities/enterprises in said Industrial
Petitioner PAFC posits the argument that the Estate." According to the IRR, the industrial
subject property is a land of die public domain as it estate may be used in any manner to achieve its
is devoted to public use or purpose, i.e the best economic use, allowing "any activity or series
development of the petrochemical industry which, of activities regularly engaged in as a means of
it argues is a matter of national inteest Thus, livelihood or with a view to profit."63 Hence, it is
according to petitioner PAFC, the subject property crystal clear that the management of the land
,s nTprivatf property. Hence, since respondent where the subject property is located
NGCP is only allowed to expropriate private is commercial in nature and that the State, through
property, necessarily, it has no authority to petitioner PAFC, is operating the said property in
expropriate the subject property. its proprietary capacity, in order to serve
economic, and not sovereign, ends.
The Court disagrees with petitioner PAFC. The
subject property, though owned by a State Petitioner PAFC's insistence that the petrochemical
instrumentality, is considered patrimonial property industry is an industry endowed with national
that assumes the nature of private property. interest is unconvincing. The sheer fact that one of
the allowable activities inside the industrial estate
First and foremost, it is admitted by all parties that pertains to the development of the petrochemical
the subject property, sitting within the industry is not enough to characterize the subject
Petrochemical Industrial Park, is an industrial zone. property as land of the public domain. To reiterate,
In fact, the crux of petitioner PAFC's Petition is the the Court has previously characterized waterworks
argument that since the Petrochemical Industrial as patrimonial property despite the fact that such
Park has been declared by law as an industrial zone properties deal with the management of an
dedicated to the development of the important natural resource and an essential public
petrochemical industry, it should be deemed a land utility, for the reason that the operations of
dedicated to public use, i.e., a land of public waterworks by municipal corporations are often in
dominion. the nature of a business venture. 64 In the instant
case, it is apparent from P.D. No. 949, as amended
However, in Republic v. East Silverlane Realty by R.A. No. 10516, that the Petrochemical
Development Corp.,59 the Court held that when the Industrial Park is intended and accordingly devoted
subject property therein was classified by the by law as a commercial and business venture.
government as an industrial zone, the subject
property therein "had been Furthermore, as already discussed at length, the
declared patrimonial and it is only then that the defining characteristic of land of public domain
prescriptive period began to run." 60 is inalienability. To reiterate, upon the explicit
declaration of alienability and disposability, the
Further, it is apparent from R.A. No. 10516 and its land ceases to possess the characteristics inherent
IRR that the industrial estate is being owned, in properties of public dominion, namely, that they
managed, and operated by the State, not in its are outside the commerce of man, cannot be
sovereign capacity, but rather in its private acquired by prescription, and cannot be registered
capacity. Simply stated, the management and under the land registration law, and accordingly
operation of the industrial estate is proprietary in assume the nature of patrimonial property of the
character, serving the economic ends of the State. State, that is property owned by the State in its
private capacity. Hence, an express declaration of
P.D. No. 949, as amended by R.A. No. 10516, calls alienability and disposability by the State negates
for the development of the industrial estate by the characterization of property as land of public
introducing "business activities that will promote dominion.
its best economic use."61 In addition, in the IRR of
Applying the foregoing in the instant case, the laws business as determined by the PNOC is operated by
governing the subject property have unequivocally private entities or persons, whether or not in joint
declared that the subject property is alienable, venture with the PNOC or its subsidiaries, the
disposable, appropriable, may be conveyed to PNOC may lease, sell and/or convey such portions
private persons or entities, and is subject to private of the industrial zone to such private entities or
rights. persons.66
Petitioner PAFC's argument that the subject
Under P.D. No. 949, the Petrochemical Industrial property is strictly confined and restricted to the
Park was explicitly made alienable and disposable development of the petrochemical industry is
for lease, sale, and conveyance to private entities manifestly erroneous. The law itself unequivocally
or persons for the conduct of related industrial allows the establishment of businesses engaged in
activities: energy and energy-allied activities or energy-
Section 2. The Philippine National Oil Company related infrastructure projects, which obviously
shall manage, operate and develop the said parcel includes the establishment of transmission towers.
of land as a petrochemical industrial zone and will The law permits, and even highly encourages, the
establish, develop and operate or cause the conduct of commercial activities in the industrial
establishment, development and operation estate by allowing the transfer of the subject
thereat of petrochemical and related industries by property to private investors.
itself or its subsidiaries or by any other entity or
person it may deem competent alone or in joint Hence, with the subject property expressly
venture; Provided, that, where any petrochemical declared by law, i.e., P.D. No. 949, as amended by
industry is operated by private entities or persons, R.A. No. 10516, to be an industrial and commercial
whether or not in joint venture with the Philippine estate that may be transferred or conveyed to
National Oil Company or its subsidiaries, the private persons so that business activities may be
Philippine National Oil Company mav lease, sell conducted therein, there is no doubt in the mind of
and/or convey such portions of the petrochemical the Court that the subject property is patrimonial
industrial zone to such private entities or property. In other words respondent NGCP has the
persons.65 authority under Section 4 of R.A. No. 9511 to
expropriate the subject property.
The alienable and disposable nature of the
Petrochemical Industrial Park was further Reasonableness And Necessity Of The
expanded when P.D. No. 949 was subsequently Expropriation
amended by R.A. No. 10516. The said law
allowed the lease, sale, and conveyance of the The determination of the validity of the assailed
Petrochemical Industrial Park for purposes Order of Expropriation does not stop with the
of commercial utilization by private sector identification of the subject property as
investors: patrimonial property. As previously discussed at
SECTION 2. Purpose of Land Use. - The PNOC shall length, the delegated power to exercise the right
manage, operate and develop the said parcel of of eminent domain may only be exercised in strict
land as an industrial zone and will establish, compliance within the terms of the delegating law.
develop and operate or cause the establishment,
development and operation thereat of Under Section 4 of R.A. No. 9511, respondent
petrochemical and related industries, as well as of NGCP's right to expropriate must be "reasonably
businesses engaged in energy and energy-allied necessary for the construction, expansion, and
activities or energy-related infrastructure projects, efficient maintenance and operation of the
or of such other business activities that will transmission system and grid and the efficient
promote its best economic use, as determined by operation and maintenance of the subtransmission
the PNOC Board of Directors, by itself or its systems."67 The said provision likewise states that
subsidiaries or by any other entity or person it may "[respondent NGCP] may acquire such private
deem competent alone or in joint property as is actually necessary for the realization
venture: Provided, That, where any petrochemical of the purposes for which this franchise is
or energy-related industry or any such other granted[.]"68
Agreement74 on August 17, 2012, whereby the
Even without the foregoing provision of the law, parties, including petitioner PAFC, acknowledged
considering that the expropriation is done, not that it was necessary for respondent NGCP to
directly, but by another government agency or a establish the Mariveles-Limay 230 kV Transmission
municipal corporation, and by virtue of an Line Project due to the increased demand for
authorizing statute which does not specify the electricity in the provinces of Bataan and Zambales,
property to be taken, jurisprudence holds that the and that the technical teams of the parties already
courts may look into the necessity of the taking.69 agreed on a revised route that provided for a safe
and viable route for the transmission lines, taking
In its Amended Complaint, respondent NGCP into consideration the safety and security concerns
alleged that "[t]o enable plaintiff to construct and of Orica.75
maintain the Mariveles-Limay 230 kV Transmission
Line Project, it is both necessary and urgent to Therefore, the Court is sufficiently convinced that
acquire, upon payment of just compensation, the respondent NGCP's act of expropriating the subject
above-described portions of the subject property property was reasonably necessary for the
to ensure stability and reliability of power supply in realization of the purposes for which its franchise
the provinces of Bataan and Zambales, and in the is granted.
future, in other parts of the
country."70 Respondent NGCP also alleged that Premises considered, the Court upholds the
during the negotiations conducted between the assailed Order of Expropriation issued by the RTC,
parties, petitioner PAFC proposed another route considering that respondent NGCP validly
(at the back portion of the subject property), which expropriated the subject property.
was found to be not technically sound. 71
WHEREFORE, the instant appeal is DENIED. The
It must be stressed that in the instant Petition, Order dated February 11, 2016 of the Regional Trial
petitioner PAFC does not allege that the Mariveles- Court of Mariveles, Bataan, Branch 4 issued in SCA
Limay 230 kV Transmission Line Project is Case No. 104-ML is AFFIRMED.
unnecessary and unreasonable. It only alleges that
the subject property is already devoted by law for SO ORDERED.
a specific purpose and that it is a property devoted
to public use.
G.R. No. 211269, June 15, 2016
The Court also observes that petitioner PAFC, in its
Answer to Amended Complaint,72did not make any RUBEN E. TIU, Petitioner, v. HON. NATIVIDAD G.
specific denial as to the allegations made by DIZON, ACTING CHAIRPERSON OF THE BOARD OF
respondent NGCP in its Amended Complaint that PARDONS AND PAROLE, HON. FRANKLIN JESUS
the Mariveles-Limay 230 kV Transmission Line BUCAYU, DIRECTOR OF THE BUREAU OF
Project is necessary and urgent to ensure the CORRECTIONS, HON. SECRETARY LEILA M. DE LIMA
stability and reliability of power supply in the OF THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, HON. PAQUITO
provinces of Bataan and Zambales, and that the N. OCHOA JR., THE EXECUTIVE
alternative route proposed by petitioner PAFC to SECRETARY, Respondents.
respondent NGCP was not found to be technically
feasible. DECISION

It is an elementary rule in remedial law that PERLAS-BERNABE, J.:

material averments in the complaint, other than
those as to the amount of unliquidated Before the Court is a petition for habeas
damages, shall be deemed admitted when not corpus1 filed by petitioner Ruben E. Tiu
specifically denied.73 (petitioner), who is detained at the Sablayan Prison
and Penal Farm in Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro,
It is also telling that after the Complaint was filed in seeking his immediate release from prison on the
2011, the parties entered into a Tripartite strength of his conditional pardon without parole
conditions, as well as the automatic reduction of
his sentence by virtue of his status as a penal In the meantime, President Benigno Simeon C.
colonist.2chanrobleslaw Aquino III signed into law Republic Act No. (RA)
10592,18 which, subject to its provisions, would
The Facts substantially increase the Good Conduct Time
Allowance (GCTA) of qualified inmates. Thus, on
On June 16, 2000, petitioner and two others 3 were July 27, 2013, petitioner's carpeta was returned to
found guilty beyond reasonable doubt by the the Bureau of Corrections in Muntinlupa City for
Regional Trial Court of Makati City, Branch 143, of the re-computation of his time
selling, delivering, and giving away to a poseur- served.19chanrobleslaw
buyer 1,977 grams of methamphetamine
hydrochloride, commonly known as "shabu" a On July 7, 2014, petitioner filed the instant
regulated drug, without authority of law or Amended Petition for Habeas Corpus,20 insisting
corresponding license therefor.4 Consequently, on the efficacy and enforceability of his conditional
they were sentenced to suffer the penalty pardon without parole conditions, which allegedly
of reclusion perpetua and to pay the fine of necessitates his release from prison. Further, he
P10,000,000.00 each.5 Their conviction, which was claims that he is entitled to nineteen (19) years and
affirmed by the Court in a Decision6 dated March seven (7) months of GCTA, computed hereafter,
10, 2004, became final and executory on July 29, which, when tacked to his actual service of
2004.7chanrobleslaw fourteen (14) years and nine (9) months, would add
up to thirty-four (34) years and four (4) months, or
On March 24, 2009, the Board of Pardons and more than his alleged reduced sentence of thirty
Parole (BPP) issued Resolution No. 022-3- (30) years:21
098 recommending the grant of executive
clemency to petitioner, among many others. On DAYS MONTHLY
June 3, 2010, acting on said recommendation, then GCTA GCTA
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (PGMA)
granted9 him "conditional pardon without parole 01 October 1999 -
20 days 24 months
conditions,"10 but was, nonetheless, still "subject 01 October 2001
to the conditions indicated in [the individual
pardon papers]."11 It turned out, however, that no 01 October 2002 -
23 days 36 months
such papers were issued in petitioner's favor. Thus, 01 October 2005
petitioner repeatedly requested12 for a certificate
of conditional pardon without parole conditions 01 October 2006 -
25 days 178 months
from the Legal Affairs Office of the Office of the 01 October 2010
President (OP), but said requests were denied by
Deputy Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs 01 October 2011 -
30 days 44 months
Michael G. Aguinaldo (Deputy Executive Secretary 01 July 2014
Aguinaldo) in three (3) separate letters dated
March 13, 2013,13 August 12, 2013,14 and August He argues that, since he was granted a "colonist
14, 2013,15 informing petitioner that the records of status" by then Director of Corrections Gaudencio
his case were referred back to the BPP. Respondent S. Pangilinan (Director of Corrections Pangilinan)
Natividad G. Dizon, Chairman of the BPP, on December 21, 2011, as contained in
confirmed in a letter16 dated September 5, 2013 Correction's Order No. 015-5-2012,22 his sentence
that: (a) petitioner's Certificate of Conditional was automatically reduced to thirty (30)
Pardon without Parole Conditions was not signed years23 pursuant to Section 7 (b), Chapter 3, Part II,
by PGMA; (b) consequently, the documents Book I of the Bureau of Corrections Operating
relative to petitioner's case were returned to the Manual (BuCor-OM), the pertinent portions of
BPP; and (c) the BPP had resolved to defer action which read as follows:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
thereon pending compliance with all the basic SECTION 7. Privileges of a colonist. - A colonist shall
requirements for executive have the following
clemency.17chanrobleslaw privileges:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary
a. credit of an additional GCTA of five (5) benefit of this section during the first two years of
days for each calendar month while he imprisonment unless authorized by the Director of
retains said classification aside from Prisons [(now Director of Corrections)] for special
the regular GCTA authorized under reasons. (Emphases and underscoring supplied)
Article 97 of the Revised Penal Code; Section 6, Chapter 3, Part II, Book I of the BuCor-
b. automatic reduction of the life Section 6. Colonist. - The Director may, upon the
sentence imposed on the colonist to a recommendation of the Classification Board,
sentence of thirty (30) years; classify an inmate who has the following
qualifications as a colonist:
x x x x (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)
To bolster his claim of reduction of sentence, a. be at least a first class inmate and has
petitioner cites24 Sections 5 and 7 of Act No. served one (1) year immediately
2489,25cralawred which provide for automatic preceding the completion of the
modification of sentence from life imprisonment to period specified in the following
thirty (30) years for prisoners receiving and qualifications;
retaining the classification of penal colonists or
trusties. He theorizes26 that, although said b. has served imprisonment with good
law requires executive approval for such conduct for a period equivalent to one
classification, his colonist status was nonetheless fifth (1/5) of the maximum term of his
"regularly awarded" by the Director of Corrections prison sentence, or seven (7) years in
whose authority to so classify him as such is the case of a life sentence. (Emphasis
derived from Section 6, Chapter 3, Part II, Book I of and underscoring supplied)
the BuCor-OM. The aforementioned provisions
read:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary Finally, petitioner invokes Section 527 of RA 10592,
Provisions in Act No. 2489 which provides that the time allowances for good
conduct once granted shall not be revoked.28 He
Section 5. Prisoners serving sentences of life further proposes that RA 10592 be given
imprisonment receiving and retaining the retroactive effect in light of the liberal construction
classification of penal colonists or trusties will provided for in the rules to favor detained or
automatically have the sentence of life convicted prisoners like him.29chanrobleslaw
imprisonment modified to a sentence of thirty
years when receiving the executive approval for On the other hand, herein respondents, through
this classification upon which the regular credit the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG),
now authorized by law and special credit maintain30 that a prisoner serving a sentence of life
authorized in the preceding paragraph, for good imprisonment receiving and retaining classification
conduct, may be made. as a penal colonist will automatically have his
sentence modified to thirty (30) years of
Section 7. The provisions of this Act as applied in imprisonment only "when receiving the executive
the case of penal colonists and trusties may, by approval for this classification."31 However,
executive approval and upon recommendation of petitioner failed to obtain such executive approval.
the Director of Prisons [(now Director of They argue further against petitioner's reliance on
Corrections)], be made applicable to all first-class the BuCor-OM, which is a mere administrative rule
workmen confined in Bilibid Prison who have or regulation that cannot amend Act No. 2489 by
earned the privilege of classification as penal abridging or expanding its scope.32 Petitioner's
colonists or trusties by serving one-fifth of the time colonist status granted merely by the Director of
sentence as imposed by the court, or seven years Corrections, without executive approval, did not
in the case of a life-sentenced prisoner, in addition modify his sentence.33 Hence, there being no
to the compensation allowed, if any of such first- unlawful restraint, no writ of habeas corpus should
class workmen shall by written petition elect to be issued in his favor.
remain in the industrial division at Bilibid
Prison: Provided, That no prisoner shall receive the The Issue Before the Court
papers were issued in petitioner's favour, thereby
The essential issue for the Court's resolution is rendering the grant of executive clemency to him
whether or not a writ of habeas corpus should be as incomplete and ineffective, as clarified by
issued in favor of petitioner. Deputy Executive Secretary Aguinaldo. 40 The
necessity for the individual pardon papers is best
The Court's Ruling explained by the nature of a conditional pardon,
which is "a contract between the sovereign power
The petition lacks merit. or the Chief Executive and the convicted criminal
to the effect that the former will release the latter
The object of the writ of habeas corpus is to inquire subject to the condition that if he does not comply
into the legality of the detention, and, if the with the terms of the pardon, he will be
detention is found to be illegal, to require the recommitted to prison to serve the unexpired
release of the detainee. Well-settled is the rule portion of the sentence or an additional one. By the
that the writ will not issue where the person in pardonee's consent to the terms stipulated in this
whose behalf the writ is sought is in the custody of contract, the pardonee has thereby placed himself
an officer under process issued by a court or judge under the supervision of the Chief Executive or his
with jurisdiction or by virtue of a judgment or order delegate who is duty-bound to see to it that the
of a court of record.34 The writ is denied if the pardonee complies with the terms and conditions
petitioner fails to show facts that he is entitled of the pardon."41 The individual pardon papers,
thereto ex merito justicias.35chanrobleslaw therefore, contain the terms and conditions of the
contract of pardon, the compliance of which is
In this case, petitioner is serving sentence by virtue essential to the pardonee's freedom from
of a final judgment convicting him of the offense of recommitment to prison.
selling and delivering prohibited drugs defined and
penalized under Section 15, Article III of RA Notably, when the records of petitioner's case
6425,36 as amended by RA 7659.37 He failed to were referred back to the BPP, it required
show, however, that his further incarceration is no compliance first with all the basic requirements for
longer lawful and that he is entitled to relief under executive clemency before acting thereon.42 This is
a writ of habeas corpus. not to say, however, that petitioner's pardon
papers may not have been issued due to non-
First. Petitioner's insistence on the efficacy and compliance with the requirements, which is a
enforceability of the conditional pardon without matter that the Court shall not, and could not,
parole conditions granted to him by PGMA on June resolve here. This is because the grant of pardon
3, 2010 deserves scant consideration. and the determination of the terms and conditions
of a conditional pardon are purely executive acts
It must be emphasized that pardon is an act of which are not subject to judicial
grace, proceeding from the power entrusted with scrutiny.43chanrobleslaw
the execution of the laws, which exempts the
individual, on whom it is bestowed, from the Second. As correctly argued by the OSG, the
punishment the law inflicts for a crime he has conferment by the Director of Corrections of a
committed. It is the private, though official act of colonist status to petitioner did not operate to
the executive magistrate, delivered to the reduce the latter's sentence. Section 5 of Act No.
individual for whose benefit it is intended and not 2489 is clear and unambiguous: "[p]risoners
communicated officially to the court. A pardon is a serving sentences of life imprisonment receiving
deed, to the validity of which delivery is and retaining the classification of penal colonists or
essential.38chanrobleslaw trusties will automatically have the sentence of life
imprisonment modified to a sentence of thirty
The executive clemency extended by PGMA on years when receiving the executive approval for this
June 3, 2010 to a number of prisoners including classification upon which the regular credit now
petitioner was made "subject to the conditions authorized by law and special credit authorized in
indicated in the corresponding documents."39 It is the preceding paragraph, for good conduct, may be
undisputed, however, that no individual pardon made."44chanrobleslaw
various executive departments are the alter egos
The wording of the law is such that the act of of the President, and, thus, the actions taken by
classification as a penal colonist or trustie is such heads in the performance of their official
separate from and necessarily precedes the act of duties are deemed the acts of the President unless
approval by the Executive. Under Section 6, the President himself should disapprove such
Chapter 3, Part II, Book I of the BuCor-OM quoted acts."52chanrobleslaw
earlier, the Director of Corrections may, upon the
recommendation of the Classification Board 45 of In sum, there being no unlawful restraint on
the Bureau of Corrections, classify an inmate as a petitioner's liberty, no relief under a writ of habeas
colonist. It is crucial, however, that the prisoner not corpus can be granted to him.
only receives, but retains such classification,
because the grant of a colonist status may, for WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED.
cause, be revoked at any time by the
Superintendent with the approval of the Director SO ORDERED.chanRoblesvirtualL
of Corrections pursuant to Section 946 of the same
Chapter. It is the classification of the penal colonist
and trustie of the Director of Corrections which G.R. No. 220598
subsequently receives executive approval.
The foregoing is bolstered by the fact that the vs.
reduction of a prisoner's sentence is a partial PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES AND THE
pardon,47and our Constitution reposes in the SANDIGANBAYAN, (First Division), Respondents
President the power and the exclusive prerogative
to extend the same.48 The 1987 Constitution, RESOLUTION
specifically under Section 19, Article VII thereof,
provides that the President possesses the power to BERSAMIN,, J.:
grant pardons, along with other acts of executive
clemency,49 which petitioner explicitly recognized On July 19, 2016, the Court promulgated its
by applying for commutation of sentence even decision, disposing:
during the pendency of his request for the
implementation of the conditional WHEREFORE, the Court GRANTS the petitions
pardon. Section 19, Article VII of the 1987 for certiorari; ANNULS and SETS ASIDE the
Constitution reads:ChanRoblesVirtualawlibrary resolutions issued in Criminal Case No. SB-12-CRM-
Section 19. Except in cases of impeachment, or as 0174 by the Sandiganbayan on April 6, 2015 and
otherwise provided in this Constitution, the September 10, 2015; GRANTS the petitioners'
President may grant reprieves, commutations, and respective demurrers to evidence; DISMISSES
pardons, and remit fines and forfeitures, after Criminal Case No. SB-12-CRM-0174 as to the
conviction by final judgment. petitioners GLORIAMACAPAGAL-
ARROYO and BENIGNOAGUAS for insufficiency of
He shall also have the power to grant amnesty with evidence; ORDERS the immediate release from
the concurrence of a majority of all the Members detention of said petitioners; and MAKES no
of the Congress. pronouncements on costs of suit.
It has long been recognized that the exercise of the
pardoning power, notwithstanding the judicial SO ORDERED. 1
determination of guilt of the accused, demands
the exclusive exercise by the President of the On August 3, 2016, the State, through the Office of
constitutionally vested power.51 Stated otherwise, the Ombudsman, has moved for the
since the Chief Executive is required by the reconsideration of the decision, submitting that:
Constitution to act in person, he may not delegate
the authority to pardon prisoners under the
doctrine of qualified political agency, which TO A CERTIORARI ACTION ASSAILING AN
"essentially postulates that the heads of the INTERLOCUTORY ORDER DENYING DEMURRER TO
EVIDENCE VIOLA TES RULE 119, SECTION 23 OF In contrast, the petitioners submit that the decision
THE RULES OF COURT, WHICH PROVIDES THAT AN has effectively barred the consideration and
ORDER DENYING THE DEMURRER TO EVIDENCE granting of the motion for reconsideration of the
SHALL NOT BE REVIEWABLE BY APPEAL OR BY State because doing so would amount to the re-
CERTIORARI BEFORE JUDGMENT. prosecution or revival of the charge against them
despite their acquittal, and would thereby violate
II. THE HONORABLE COURT COMMITTED GRAVE the constitutional proscription against double
RIGHT TO DUE PROCESS OF LAW. Petitioner Gloria M. Macapagal-Arroyo (Arroyo)
points out that the State miserably failed to prove
A. THE DECISION the corpus delicti of plunder; that the Court
REQUIRES ADDITIONAL ELEMENTS IN THE correctly required the identification of the main
PROSECUTION OF plunderer as well as personal benefit on the part of
PLUNDER, VIZ. IDENTIFICATION OF THE the raider of the public treasury to enable the
MAIN PLUNDERER AND PERSONAL successful prosecution of the crime of plunder;
BENEFIT TO HIM/HER, BOTH OF WHICH that the State did not prove the conspiracy that
ARE NOT PROVIDED IN THE TEXT OF justified her inclusion in the charge; that to sustain
REPUBLIC ACT (R.A.) NO. 7080. the case for malversation against her, in lieu of
plunder, would violate her right to be informed of
B. THE EVIDENCE PRESENTED BY THE the accusation against her because the information
PROSECUTION WAS NOT FULLY TAKEN did not necessarily include the crime of
INTO ACCOUNT, INCLUDING BUT NOT malversation; and that even if the information did
LIMITED TO THE IRREGULARITIES IN THE so, the constitutional prohibition against double
CONFIDENTIAL/INTELLIGENCE FUND (CIF) jeopardy already barred the re-opening of the case
FUNDS AND AGUAS' REPORTS TO THE Petitioner Benigno B. Aguas echoes the
COMMISSION ON AUDIT (COA) THAT BULK contentions of Arroyo in urging the Com1 to deny
OF THE PHP365,997,915.00 WITHDRAWN the motion for reconsideration.
SWEEPSTAKES OFFICE'S (PCSO) CIF In reply, the State avers that the prohibition against
WERE DIVERTED TO THE ARROYO-HEADED double jeopardy does not apply because it was
OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT. denied its day in court, thereby rendering the
decision void; that the Court should re-examine the
C. ARROYO AND AGUAS, BY INDISPENSABLE facts and pieces of evidence in order to find the
COOPERATION, IN CONSPIRACY WITH petitioners guilty as charged; and that the
THEIR COACCUSED IN SB-12-CRM-0174, allegations of the information sufficiently included
COMMITTED PLUNDER VIA· A COMPLEX all that was necessary to fully inform the
ILLEGAL SCHEME WHICH DEFRAUDED petitioners of the accusations against them.
PESOS. Ruling of the Court

D. EVEN ASSUMING THAT THE ELEMENTS The Court DENIES the motion for reconsideration
OF PLUNDER WERE NOT PROVEN BEYOND for its lack of merit.
PRESENTED BY THE PEOPLE SHOWS, To start with, the State argues' that the
BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT, THAT consolidated petitions for certiorari were improper
ARROYO, AGUAS AND THEIR COACCUSED remedies in light of Section 23, Rule 119 of
IN SB-12-CRM-0174 ARE GUILTY OF the Rules of Court expressly prohibiting the review
MALVERSATION.2 of the denial of their demurrer prior to the
judgment in the case either by appeal or
by certiorari; that the Court has thereby limited its the proper recourse of the demurring accused was
own power, which should necessarily prevent the to go to trial, and that in case of their conviction
giving of due course to the petitions they may then appeal the conviction, and assign
for certiorari, as well as the undoing of the order the denial as among the errors to be reviewed.
denying the petitioners' demurrer to evidence; Indeed, it is doctrinal that the situations in which
that the proper remedy under the Rules of the writ of certiorari may issue should not be
Court was for the petitioners to proceed to trial limited, because to do so -
and to present their evidence-in-chief thereat; and
that even if there had been grave abuse of x x x would be to destroy its comprehensiveness
discretion attending the denial, the and usefulness. So wide is the discretion of the
Court's certiorari powers should be exercised only com1 that authority is not wanting to show
upon the petitioners' compliance with the that certiorari is more discretionary than either
stringent requirements of Rule 65, particularly with prohibition or mandamus. In the exercise of
the requirement that there be no plain, speedy or oursuperintending control over other courts, we
adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law, are to be guided by all the circumstances of each
which they did not establish. particular case 'as the ends of justice may require.'
So it is that the writ will be granted where
Section 23, Rule 119 of the Rules of necessary to prevent a substantial wrong or to do
Court, pertinently provides: substantial justice.

Section 23. Demurrer to evidence. – xxx The Constitution itself has imposed upon the Court
and the other courts of justice the duty to correct
xxxx errors of jurisdiction as a result of capricious,
arbitrary, whimsical and despotic exercise of
The order denying the motion for leave of court to discretion by expressly incorporating in Section 1 of
file demurrer to evidence or the demurrer itself Article VIII the following provision:
shall not be reviewable by appeal or
by certiorari before judgment. (n) Section 1. The judicial power shall be vested in one
Supreme Court and in such lower courts as may be
The argument of the State, which is really a established by law.
repetition of its earlier submission, was squarely
resolved in the decision, as follows: Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of
justice to settle actual controversies involving
The Court holds that it should take cognizance of rights which are legally demandable and
the petitions for certiorari because enforceable, and to determine whether or not
the Sandiganbayan, as shall shortly be there has been a grave abuse of discretion
demonstrated, gravely abused its discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction. part of any branch or instrumentality of the
Government. The exercise of this power to correct
The special civil action for certiorari is generally not grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
proper to assail such an interlocutory order issued excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch or
by the trial court because of the availability of instrumentality of the Government cannot be
another remedy in the ordinary course of law. thwarted by rules of procedure to the contrary or
Moreover, Section 23, Rule 119 of the Rules of for the sake of the convenience of one side. This is
Court expressly provides that "the order denying because the Court has the bounden constitutional
the motion for leave of court to file demurrer to duty to strike down grave abuse of
evidence or the demurrer itself shall not be discretion whenever and wherever it is committed.
reviewable by appeal or by certiorari before Thus, notwithstanding the interlocutory character
judgment." It is not an insuperable obstacle to this and effect of the denial of the demurrers to
action, however, that the denial of the demurrers evidence, the petitioners as the accused could avail
to evidence of the petitioners was an interlocutory themselves of the remedy of certiorari when the
order that did not terminate the proceedings, and denial was tainted with grave abuse of discretion.
As we shall soon show, the Sandiganbayan as the The requirements for the identification of the main
trial court was guilty of grave abuse of discretion plunderer and for personal benefit in the predicate
when it capriciously denied the demurrers to act of raids on the public treasury have been
evidence despite the absence of competent and written in R.A. No. 7080 itself as well as embedded
sufficient evidence to sustain the indictment for in pertinent jurisprudence. This we made clear in
plunder, and despite the absence of the factual the decision, as follows:
bases to expect a guilty verdict.3
A perusal of the information suggests that what the
We reiterate the foregoing resolution, and stress Prosecution sought to show was an implied
that the prohibition contained in Section 23, Rule conspiracy to commit plunder among all of the
119 of the Rules of Court is not an insuperable accused on the basis of their collective actions prior
obstacle to the review by the Court of the denial of to, during and after the implied agreement. It is
the demurrer to evidence through certiorari. We notable that the Prosecution did not allege that the
have had many rulings to that effect in the past. For conspiracy among all of the accused was by express
instance, in Nicolas v. Sandiganbayan,4the Court agreement, or was a wheel conspiracy or a chain
expressly ruled that the petition for certiorari was conspiracy.
the proper remedy to assail the denial of the
demurrer to evidence that was tainted with grave This was another fatal flaw of the Prosecution.
abuse of discretion or excess of jurisdiction, or
oppressive exercise of judicial authority. In its present version, under which the petitioners
were charged, Section 2 of Republic Act No. 7080
Secondly, the State submits that its right to due (Plunder Law) states:
process was violated because the decision imposed
additional elements for plunder that neither ' Section 2. Definition of the Crime of Plunder:
Republic Act No. 7080 nor jurisprudence had Penalties. - Any public officer who, by himself or in
theretofore required, i.e., the identification of the connivance with members of his family, relatives
main plunderer, and personal benefit on the part by affinity or consanguinity, business associates,
of the accused committing the predicate crime of subordinates or other persons, amasses,
raid on the public treasury. The State complains accumulates or acquires ill-gotten wealth through
that it was not given the opportunity to establish a combination or series of overt criminal acts as
such additional elements; that the imposition of described in Section 1 (d) hereof in the aggregate
new elements fu1iher amounted to judicial amount or total value of at least Fifty million pesos
legislation in violation of the doctrine of separation (₱50,000,000.00) shall be guilty of the crime of
of powers; that the Court nitpicked on the different plunder and shall be punished by reclusion
infirmities of the information despite the issue perpetua to death. Any person who participated
revolving only around the sufficiency of the with the said public officer in the commission of an
evidence; and that it established all the elements offense contributing to the crime of plunder shall
of plunder beyond reasonable doubt. likewise be punished for such offense. In the
imposition of penalties, the degree of participation
The State cites the plain meaning rule to highlight and the attendance of mitigating and extenuating
that the crime of plunder did not require personal circumstances, as provided by the Revised Penal
benefit on the part of the raider of the public Code, shall be considered by the court. The court
treasury. It insists that the definition of raids on the shall declare any and all ill-gotten wealth and their
public treasury, conformably with the plain interests and other incomes and assets including
meaning rule, is the taking of public money through the properties and shares of stocks derived from
fraudulent or unlawful means, and such definition the deposit or investment thereof forfeited in favor
does not require enjoyment or personal benefit on of the State. [As Amended by Section 12, Republic
the part of plunderer or on the part of any of his Act No. 7659 (The Death Penalty Law)]
co-conspirators for them to be convicted for
plunder. Section l(d) of Republic Act No. 7080 provides:

The submissions of the State are unfounded.

Section 1. Definition of terms. - As used in this Act, acquired or accumulated ill-gotten wealth because
the term: it plainly states that plunder is committed by any
public officer who, by himself or in connivance with
xxxx members of his family, relatives by affinity or
consanguinity, business associates, subordinates
d. "Ill-gotten wealth" means any asset, property, or other persons, amasses, accumulates or
business enterprise or material possession of any acquires ill-gotten wealth in the aggregate amount
person within the purview of Section two (2) or total value of at least ₱50,000,000.00 through
hereof, acquired by him directly or indirectly a combination or series of overt criminal acts as
through dummies, nominees, agents, subordinates described in Section l(d) hereof. Surely, the law
and/or business associates by any combination or requires in the criminal charge for plunder against
series of the following means or similar schemes: several individuals that there must be a main
plunderer and her co-conspirators, who may be
1. Through misappropriation, conversion, members of her family, relatives by affinity or
misuse, or malversation of public funds or consanguinity, business associates, subordim1tes
raids on the public treasury; or other persons. In other words, the allegation of
the wheel conspiracy or express conspiracy in the
2. By receiving, directly or indirectly, any information was appropriate because the main
commission, gift, share, percentage, plunderer would then be identified in either
kickbacks or any/or entity in connection manner. Of course, implied conspiracy could also
with any government contract or project or identify the main plunderer, but that fact must be
by reason of the office or position of the properly alleged and duly proven by the
public officer concerned; Prosecution.

3. By the illegal or fraudulent conveyance or This interpretation is supported by Estrada v.

disposition of assets belonging to the Sandiganbayan, where the Court explained the
National Government or any of its nature of the conspiracy charge and the necessity
subdivisions, agencies or instrumentalities for the main plunderer for whose benefit the
or government-owned or controlled amassment, accumulation and acquisition was
corporations and their subsidiaries; made, thus:

4. By obtaining, receiving or accepting There is no denying the fact that the "plunder of an
directly or indirectly any shares of stock, entire nation resulting in material damage to the
equity or any other form of interest or national economy" is made up of a complex and
participation including the promise of manifold network of crimes. In the crime of
future employment in any business plunder, therefore, different parties may be united
enterprise or undertaking; by a common purpose. In the case at bar, the
different accused and their different criminal acts
5. By establishing agricultural, industrial or have a commonality - to help the former President
commercial monopolies or other amass, accumulate or acquire ill-gotten wealth.
combinations and/or implementation of Sub-paragraphs (a) to (d) in the Amended
decrees and orders intended to benefit Information alleged the different participation of
particular persons or special interests; or each accused in the conspiracy. The gravamen of
the conspiracy charge, therefore, is not that each
6. By taking undue advantage of official accused agreed to receive protection money from
positi0n, authority, relationship, illegal gambling, that each misappropriated a
connection or influence to unjustly enrich portion of the tobacco excise tax, that each
himself or themselves at the expense and accused ordered the GSIS and SSS to purchase
to the damage and prejudice shares of Belle Corporation and receive
commissions from such sale, nor that each unjustly
The law on plunder requires that a particular public enriched himself from commissions, gifts and
officer must be identified as the one who amassed, kickbacks; rather, it is that each of them, by their
individual acts, agreed to participate, directly or The phrase raids on the public treasury is found in
indirectly, in the amassing, accumulation and Section 1 (d) of R.A. No. 7080, which provides:
acquisition of ill-gotten wealth of and/or for former
President Estrada. 5 [bold underscoring supplied Section l .Definition of Terms. – xxx
for emphasis]
Indeed, because plunder is a crime that only a
public official can commit by amassing, d) Ill-gotten wealth means any asset, prope1iy,
accumulating, or acquiring ill-gotten wealth in the business enterprise or material possession of any
aggregate amount or total value of at least person within the purview of Section Two (2)
₱50,000,000.00, the identification in the hereof, acquired by him directly or indirectly
information of such public official as the main through dummies, nominees, agents, subordinates
plunderer among the several individuals thus and/or business associates by any combination or
charged is logically necessary under the law itself. series of the following means or similar schemes:
In particular reference to Criminal Case No. SB-12-
CRM-0174, the individuals charged therein - 1) Through misappropriation, conversion, misuse,
including the petitioners - were 10 public officials; or malversation of public funds or raids on the
hence, it was only proper to identify the main public treasury;
plunderer or plunderers among the 10
accused who herself or himself had amassed, xxxx
accumulated, or acquired ill-gotten wealth with the
total value of at least ₱50,000,000.00. To discern the proper import of the phrase raids on
the public treasury, the key is to look at the
The phrase raids on the public treasury as used in accompanying words: misappropriation,
Section 1 (d) of R. A. No. 7080 is itself ambiguous. conversion, misuse or malversation of public
In order to ascertain the objective meaning of the funds. This process is conformable with the maxim
phrase, the act of raiding the public treasury of statutory construction noscitur a sociis, by
cannot be divided into parts. This is to differentiate which the correct construction of a particular word
the predicate act of raids on the public or phrase that is ambiguous in itself or is equally
treasury from other offenses involving property, susceptible of various meanings may be made by
like robbery, theft, or estafa. Considering that R.A. considering the company of the words in which the
No. 7080 does not expressly define this predicate word or phrase is found or with which it is
act, the Court has necessarily resorted to statutory associated. Verily, a word or phrase in a statute is
construction. In so doing, the Court did not adopt always used in association with other words or
the State's submission that personal benefit on the phrases, and its meaning may, therefore, be
part of the accused need not be alleged and shown modified or restricted by the latter.
because doing so would have defeated the clear
intent of the law itself,6 which was to punish the To convert connotes the act of using or disposing of
amassing, accumulating, or acquiring of ill-gotten another's property as if it were one's own; to
wealth in the aggregate amount or total value of at misappropriate means to own, to take something
least ₱150,000,000.00 by any combination or for one's own benefit; misuse means "a good,
series of acts of misappropriation, conversion, substance, privilege, or right used improperly,
misuse, or malversation of public funds or raids on unforcsccably, or not as intended;"
the public treasury. and malversation occurs when "any public officer
who, by reason of the duties of his office, is
As the decision has observed, the rules of statutory accountable for public funds or property, shall
construction as well as the deliberations of appropriate the same or shall take or
Congress indicated the intent of Congress to misappropriate or shall consent, through
require personal benefit for the predicate act abandonment or negligence, shall permit any other
of raids on the public treasury, viz.: person to take such public funds, or property,
wholly or partially." The common thread that binds
all the four terms together is that the public
officer used the property taken. Considering The President. That was stricken out already in the
that raids on the public treasury is in the company Committee amendment.
of the four other terms that require the use of the
property taken, the phrase raids on the public Senator Tañada. Yes, Mr. President. Lines 1 to 4
treasury similarly requires such use of the property and part of line 5 were stricken out in the
taken. Accordingly, the Sandiganbayan gravely Committee amendment. But, as I said, the
erred in contending that the mere accumulation examples of the Minority Floor Leader are still
and gathering constituted the forbidden act worth spreading the Record. And, I believe that in
of raids on the public treasury. Pursuant to the those examples, the Court will have just to take
maxim of noscitur a sociis, raids on the public into consideration all the other circumstances
treasury requires the raider to use the property prevailing in the case and the evidence that will be
taken impliedly for his personal benefit. 7 submitted.

The Prosecution asserts that the Senate The President. In any event, 'knowingly benefited'
deliberations removed personal benefit as a has already been stricken off."
requirement for plunder. In not requiring personal
benefit, the Sandiganbayan quoted the following The exchanges between Senator Enrile and
exchanges between Senator Enrile and Senator Senator Tañada reveal, therefore, that what was
Tafiada, viz.: removed from the coverage of the bill and the final
version that eventually became the law was a
Senator Enrile. The word here, Mr. President, "such person who was not the main plunderer or a co-
public officer or person who conspired or conspirator, but one who personally benefited
knowingly benefited". One does not have to from the plunderers' action. The requirement of
conspire or rescheme. The only element needed is personal benefit on the part of the main plunderer
that he "knowingly benefited". A candidate for the or his co-conspirators by virtue of their plunder
Senate for instance, who received a political was not removed.
contribution from a plunderer, knowing that the
contributor is a plunderer and therefore, he As a result, not only did the Prosecution fail to show
knowingly benefited from the plunder, would he where the money went but, more importantly, that
also suffer the penalty, Mr. President, for life GMA and Aguas had personally benefited from the
imprisonment? same. Hence, the Prosecution did not prove the
predicate act of raids on the public treasury beyond
Senator Tafiada. In the committee amendments, reasonable doubt. 8
Mr. President, we have deleted these lines 1 to 4
and part of line 5, on page 3. But, in a way, Mr. Thirdly, the State contends that the Court did not
President, it is good that the Gentleman is bringing appreciate the totality of its evidence, particularly
out these questions, I believe that under the the different irregularities committed in the
examples he has given, the Court will have to... disbursement of the PCSO funds, i.e., the
commingling of funds, the non-compliance with
Senator Enrile. How about the wife, Mr. President, LOI No. 1282, and the unilateral approval of the
he may not agree with the plunderer to plunder the disbursements. Such totality, coupled with the fact
country but because she is a dutiful wife or a of the petitioners' indispensable cooperation in the
faithful husband, she has to keep her or his vow of pilfering of public funds, showed the existence of
fidelity to the spouse. And, of course, she enjoys the conspiracy to commit plunder among all of the
the benefits out of the plunder. Would the accused.
Gentleman now impute to her or him the crime of
plunder simply because she or he knowingly The contention lacks basis.
benefited out of the fruits of the plunder and,
therefore, he must suffer or he must suffer the As can be readily seen from the decision, the Court
penalty of life imprisonment? expressly granted the petitioners' respective
demurrers to evidence and dismissed the plunder
case against them for insufficiency of evidence Fifthly, the State posits that it established at least a
because: case for malversation against the petitioners.

x x x the Sandiganbayan as the trial court was guilty Malversation is defined and punished under Article
of grave abuse of discretion when it capriciously 217 of the Revised Penal Code, which reads thusly:
denied the demurrers to evidence despite the
absence of competent and sufficient evidence to Article 217. Malversation of public funds or
sustain the indictment for plunder, and despite the property; Presumption of malversation. - Any
absence of the factual bases to expect a guilty public officer who, by reason of the duties of his
verdict. 9 office, is accountable for public funds or property,
shall appropriate the same or shall take or
Such disposition of the Court fully took into misappropriate or shall consent, through
consideration all the evidence adduced against the abandonment or negligence, shall permit any other
petitioners. We need not rehash our review of the person to take such public funds, or property,
evidence thus adduced, for it is enough simply to wholly or partially, or shall otherwise be guilty of
stress that the Prosecution failed to establish the misappropriation or malversation of such funds
the corpus delicti of plunder - that any or all of the or property, shall suffer:
accused public officials, particularly petitioner
Arroyo, had amassed, accumulated, or acquired ill- 1. The penalty of prision correccional in its
gotten wealth in the aggregate amount or total medium and maximum periods, if the
value of at least ₱50,000,000.00. amount involved in the misappropriation or
malversation does not exceed two hundred
Fourthly, in accenting certain inadequacies of the pesos.
allegations of the information, the Court did not
engage in purposeless nitpicking, and did not 2. The penalty of prision mayor in its
digress from the primary task of determining the minimum and medium periods, if the
sufficiency of the evidence presented by the State amount involved is more than two hundred
against the petitioners. What the Court thereby pesos but does not exceed six thousand
intended to achieve was to highlight what would pesos.
have been relevant in the proper prosecution of
plunder and thus enable itself to discern and 3. The penalty of prision mayor in its
determine whether the evidence of guilt was maximum period to reclusion temporal in
sufficient or not. In fact, the Court categorically its minimum period, if the amount involved
clarified that in discussing the essential need for is more than six thousand pesos but is less
the identification of the main plunderer it was not than twelve thousand pesos.
harping on the sufficiency of the information, but
was only enabling itself to search for and to find the 4. The penalty of reclusion temporal, in its
relevant proof that unequivocally showed medium and maximum periods, if the
petitioner Arroyo as the "mastermind" - which was amount involved is more than twelve
how the Sandiganbayan had characterized her thousand pesos but is less than twenty-two
participation - in the context of the implied thousand pesos. If the amount exceeds the
conspiracy alleged in the information. But the latter, the penalty shall be reclusion
search came to naught, for the information temporal in its maximum period
contained nothing that averred her commission of to reclusion perpetua.
the overt act necessary to implicate her in the
supposed conspiracy to commit the crime of In all cases, persons guilty of malversation shall also
plunder. Indeed, the Court assiduously searched suffer the penalty of perpetual special
for but did not find the sufficient incriminatory disqualification and a fine equal to the amount of
evidence against the petitioners. Hence, the the funds malversed or equal to the total value of
Sandiganbayan capriciously and oppressively the property embezzled.
denied their demurrers to evidence.
The failure of a public officer to have duly unlawfully and criminally 'amass,, accumulate
forthcoming any public funds or property with and/or acquire directly or indirectly, ill-gotten
which he is chargeable, upon demand by any duly wealth in the aggregate amount or total value of
authorized officer, shall be prima facie evidence THREE HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE MILLION NINE
that he has put such missing funds or property to HUNDRED NINETY SEVEN THOUSAND NINE
personal use. (As amended by RA 1060). HUNDRED FIFTEEN PESOS (PHP365,997,915.00),
more or less, through any or a combination or a
The elements of malversation are that: (a) the series of overt or criminal acts, or similar schemes
offender is an accountable public officer; (b) or means, described as follows:
he/she is responsible for the misappropriation of
public funds or property through intent or (a) diverting in several instances, funds
negligence; and (c) he/she has custody of and from the operating budget of PCSO to its
received such funds and property by reason of Confidential/Intelligence Fund that could
his/her office. 10 be accessed and withdrawn at any time
with minimal restrictions, and converting,
The information in Criminal Case No. SB-12-CRM- misusing, and/or illegally conveying or
017411 avers: transferring the proceeds drawn from said
fund in the aforementioned sum, also in
The undersigned Assistant Ombudsman and Graft several instances, to themselves, in the
Investigation and Prosecution Officer III, Office of guise of fictitious expenditures, for their
the Ombudsman, hereby accuse GLORIA personal gain and benefit;
SERGIO O. VALENCIA, MANUEL L. MORATO, JOSE R. (b) raiding the public treasury by
TARUC V, RAYMUNDO T. ROQUERO, MA. FATIMA withdrawing and receiving, in several
AS. VALDES, BENIGNO B. AGUAS, REYNALDO A. instances, the above-mentioned amount
VILLAR and NILDA B. PLARAS, of the crime from the Confidential/Intelligence Fund
of PLUNDER, as defined by, and penalized under from PCSO's accounts, and or unlawfully
Section 2 of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7080, as transferring or conveying the same into
amended by R.A. No. 7659, committed, as follows: their possession and control through
irregularly issued disbursement vouchers
That during the period from January 2008 to June and fictitious expenditures; and
2010 or sometime prior or subsequent thereto, in
Quezon City, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction (c) taking advantage of their respective
of this Honorable Court, accused GLORIA official positions, authority, relationships,
MACAPAGAL-ARROYO, then the President of the connections or influence, in several
Philippines, ROSARIO C. URIARTE, then General instances, to unjustly enrich themselves in
Manager and Vice Chairman, SERGIO 0. VALENCIA, the aforementioned sum, at the expense
then Chairman of the Board of Directors, MANUEL of, and the damage and prejudice of the
L. MORA TO, JOSE R. TARUC V, RAYMUNDO T. Filipino people and the Republic of the
ROQUERO, MA. FATIMA AS. VALDES, then Philippines.
members of the Board of Directors, BENIGNO B.
AGUAS, then Budget and Accounts Manager, all of CONTRARY TO LAW.
the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO),
REYNALDO A. VILLAR, then Chairman, and NILDA B. In thereby averring the predicate act of
PLARAS, then Head of Intelligence/Confidential malversation, the State did not sufficiently allege
Fund Fraud Audit Unit, both of the Commission on the aforementioned essential elements of
Audit, all public officers committing the offense in malversation in the information. The omission
relation to their respective offices and taking from the information of factual details descriptive
undue advantage of their respective official of the aforementioned elements of malversation
positions, authority, relationships, connections or highlighted the insufficiency of the allegations.
influence, conniving, conspiring and confederating Consequently, the State's position is entirely
with one another, did then and there willfully, unfounded.
Lastly, the petitioners insist that the consideration jeopardy will not attach is when the RTC acted with
and granting of the motion for reconsideration of grave abuse of discretion, thus:
the State can amount to a violation of the
constitutional prohibition against double jeopardy ... The only instance when double ,jeopardy will not
because their acquittal under the decision was a attach is when the trial court acted with grave
prior jeopardy within the context of Section 21, abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
Article III (Bill of Rights) of the 1987 Constitution, to jurisdiction, such as where the prosecution was
wit: denied the opportunity to present its case or
where the trial was a sham. However,
Section 21. No person shall be twice put in while certiorari may be availed of to correct an
jeopardy of punishment for the same offense. If an erroneous acquittal, the petitioner in such an
act is punished by a law and an ordinance, extraordinary proceeding must clearly
conviction or acquittal under either shall constitute demonstrate that the trial court blatantly abused
a bar to another prosecution for the same act. its authority to a point so grave as to deprive it of
its very power to dispense justice. 13
The insistence of the petitioners is fully warranted.
Indeed, the consideration and granting of the The constitutional prohibition against placing a
motion for reconsideration of the State will person under double jeopardy for the same
amount to the violation of the constitutional offense bars not only a new and independent
guarantee against double jeopardy. prosecution but also an appeal in the same action
after jeopardy had attached. 14 As such,
The Court's consequential dismissal of Criminal every acquittal becomes final immediately upon
Case No. SB-12- CRM-0174 as to the petitioners for promulgation and cannot be recalled for
insufficiency of evidence amounted to correction or amendment. With the acquittal being
their acquittal of the crime of plunder charged immediately final, granting the State's motion for
against them. In People v. Tan, 12the Court shows reconsideration in this case would violate the
why: Constitutional prohibition against double jeopardy
because it would effectively reopen the
In People v. Sandiganbayan, this Com1 explained prosecution and subject the petitioners to a second
the general rule that the grant of a demurrer to jeopardy despite their acquittal.
evidence operates as an acquittal and is, thus, final
and unappealable, to wit: It is cogent to remind in this regard that the
Constitutional prohibition against double jeopardy
The demurrer to evidence in criminal cases, such as provides to the accused three related protections,
the one at bar, is ''filed after tile prosecution had specifically: protection against a second
rested its case," and when the same is granted, it prosecution for the same offense after acquittal;
calls "for an appreciation of the evidence adduced protection against a second prosecution for the
by the prosecution and its sufficiency to warrant same offense after conviction; and protection
conviction beyond reasonable doubt, resulting in against multiple punishments for the same
a dismissal of the case on the merits, tantamount offense. 15The rationale for the three protections is
to an acquittal of the accused." Such dismissal of a expounded in United States v. Wilson: 16
criminal case by the grant of demurrer to evidence
may not be appealed, for to do so would be to The interests underlying these three protections
place the accused in double jeopardy. The verdict arc quite similar. When a defendant has been once
being one of acquittal, the case ends there. convicted and punished for a particular crime,
principles of fairness and finality require that he
xxxx not be subjected to the possibility of further
punishment by being again tried or sentenced for
The rule on double jeopardy, however, is not the same offense. Ex pa rte Lange, 18 Wall 163
without exceptions. In People v. Laguio, Jr., this (1874); In re Nielsen, 131 U.S. 176 (1889). When a
Court stated that the only instance when double defendant has been acquitted of an offense, the
Clause guarantees that the State shall not be
permitted to make repeated attempts to convict partial reconsideration of the first assailed
him, resolution.

"thereby subjecting him to embarrassment, The Facts

expense and ordeal, and compelling him to live in
a continuing state of anxiety and insecurity, as well The case arose from the complaint dated May 11,
as enhancing the possibility that, even though 2015 filed by the Field Investigation Office I (FIO I)
innocent, he may be found guilty." of the Office of the Ombudsman against petitioner
Johanne Edward B. Labay (Petitioner Labay) for his
Green v. United States, 355 U.S. 184, 187-188 participation in the alleged anomalous utilization of
(1957). the Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF)
of former Representative of the 1st District of
The policy of avoiding multiple trials has been Davao del Sur, Marc Douglas C. Cagas IV (Rep.
regarded as so important that exceptions to the Cagas IV). The complaint was for violation of Article
principle have been only grudgingly allowed. 217 (Malversation of Public Funds or Property),
Initially, a new trial was thought to be unavailable Article 171 (Falsification of Public Documents),
after appeal, whether requested by the paragraphs (1), (2), (4), and (7), Article 217 in
prosecution or the defendant. See United States v. relation to Article 171 (Malversation thru
Gibert, 25 F. Cas. 1287 (No. 15,204) (CCD Mass. Falsification of Public Documents), all of the
1834) (Story, J.). It was not until 1896 that it was Revised Penal Code (RPC), as well as Section 3,
made clear that a defendant could seek a new trial paragraphs (a) and (e) of Republic Act (R.A.) No.
after conviction, even though the Government 3019, as amended. The case was docketed as OMB-
enjoyed no similar right. United States v. Ball, 163 C-C-15-0152.3
U.S. 662. (Bold underscoring supplied for
emphasis) The complaint alleged that Rep. Cagas IV, in
conspiracy with other public officials and private
WHEREFORE, the Court DENIES the motion for individuals such as petitioner Labay, through the
reconsideration for lack of merit. Technology Resource Center (TRC), sought the
release and transfer of his PDAF in the total
SO ORDERED. amount of Php6,000,000.00 to Farmer-business
Development Corporation (FDC), which was led by
G.R. Nos. 235937-40, July 23, 2018 its then president, herein petitioner Labay.
However, upon field verification conducted by the
JOHANNE EDWARD B. FIO I, it appears that the livelihood projects funded
LABAY, Petitioner, v. SANDIGANBAYAN, THIRD by Rep. Cagas IV's PDAF were never implemented
DIVISION, AND PEOPLE OF THE and were considered to be "ghost projects."4
PHILIPPINES, Respondents.
In a Joint Order dated September 1, 2015, the
DECISION Ombudsman directed respondents to file their
respective counter-affidavits.5 Several
VELASCO JR., J.: respondents filed their respective counter-
affidavits. However, copies of this Order could not
The Case be served on petitioner Labay.6

Before the Court is a Petition for Certiorari under According to the Ombudsman, it exerted diligent
Rule 65 of the Rules of Court from the Resolutions efforts to serve copies of the September 1, 2015
dated July 10, 20171 and October 19, 20172 of the Joint Order on petitioner Labay through his office
Sandiganbayan, Third Division in Criminal Case Nos. and at his last known address. However, the copies
SB-17-CRM-0642 to 0643 and Criminal Case Nos. were returned unserved because he was no longer
SB-17-CRM-0644 to 0645. The first assailed employed in that office and he was unknown at the
resolution denied petitioner's motion for given residential address. As such, the Ombudsman
reinvestigation, among others, while the second proceeded with the preliminary investigation
assailed motion denied petitioner's motion for
without any counter-affidavit or participation from More importantly, petitioner prayed that he be
petitioner Labay.7 furnished copies of the complaint�-affidavit and
other supporting documents and that he be given
In a Resolution dated May 10, 2016, 8 the time to gather his evidence and submit his answer
Ombudsman found probable cause to indict Rep. to the complaint. At the same time, he prayed for
Cagas IV and his co-respondents, including the deferment of the filing of any charges against
petitioner Labay, for conspiracy in the commission him arising out of the May 10, 2016 Resolution
of two counts of Violation of Section 3(e) of RA pending the reinvestigation of the case. 13
3019, one count of Malversation of Public Funds,
and one count of Malversation thru Falsification. In its Order dated November 25, 2016, 14 the
Ombudsman denied petitioner Labay's Omnibus
Petitioner alleges that it was unknown to him that Motion, ruling thus:
preliminary investigations for the charges against This Office had exerted diligent efforts to serve on
him were being conducted by the Ombudsman. Labay copies of the 1 September 2015 Order
According to him, it was only sometime in October directing him to submit his counter-affidavit and
2016 that he learned of the cases when his the 10 May 2016 Resolution finding him probably
daughter, Atty. Jo Blanca P.B. Labay, came across guilty of the charges. The same were sent to his
the press releases of the Ombudsman wherein office and at his last known address and were
petitioner was mentioned as among those who are returned unserved because he was no longer
facing charges.9 employed in that office, or was unknown at the
given address. There was sufficient compliance
On October 3, 2016, Atty. Labay, on behalf of her with due process.
father, attempted to secure information on the
cases from the Central Records of the The filing by Labay of the Omnibus Motion for
Ombudsman, but she was advised to submit a Reinvestigation on 16 November 2016 cured
written request. Accordingly, Atty. Labay sent the whatever defect in the observance of due
Ombudsman a letter dated October 4, 2016 in process. Denial of due process cannot he success.
compliance with the said directive. 10 fully invoked by a party who has had the
opportunity to be heard on his motion for
In a letter dated October 10, 2016, the reconsideration.
Ombudsman replied to Atty. Labay's request and
served on her copies of its May 10, 2016 WHEREFORE, this Office, through the
Resolution. At the same time, the Ombudsman undersigned, DENIES respondents Marc Douglas C.
directed Atty. Labay to file a motion for Cagas IV's Motion for Reconsideration dated 10
reconsideration of the said Resolution within five August 2016; Maria Rosalinda M.
days from receipt thereof.11 Lacsamana's Motion for Reconsideration dated 08
August 2016; Consuela Lilian R. Espiritu's Motion
Accordingly, petitioner, through Atty. Labay, filed for Reconsideration dated 10 August 2016; Marivic
an Omnibus Motion for Reinvestigation and V. Jover's Motion for Reconsideration dated 13
Deferment of Filing of Information with Request for September 2016; and Johanne Edward B.
Copies of Complaint-Affidavit and Supporting Labay's Motion for Reinvestigation and Deferment
Documents dated November 16, 2016.12 In said of Filing of Information with Request for Copies of
Omnibus Motion, petitioner prayed that the Complaint-Affidavits and Supporting
Ombudsman conduct a reinvestigation on his Documents dated 16 November 2016.
alleged participation in the crimes charged and
take into consideration his answer and counter- All indictments against them, as originally
evidence which he would present. He pointed out embodied in the Resolution dated 10 May
that he had neither been notified that a complaint 2016, STAND.
had been filed against him nor was furnished a
copy of the same. Thus, he argued that he was not SO ORDERED.15 (Emphasis in the original)
afforded an opportunity to present his defense and Dissatisfied with this ruling, petitioner Labay filed
to participate during the preliminary investigation. an Omnibus Motion for Reconsideration (of the
Order dated 25 November 2016) and Deferment of
Entry of Appearance dated April 4, 2017,
Filing of Information with Reiterative Request for
filed by accused Marc Douglas Chan
Copies of Complaint-Affidavit and Supporting
Cagas IV; and the Motion To Set Aside No
Documents dated January 30, 2017.16 Petitioner
Bail Recommendation in Crim Case No.
essentially reiterated his arguments in his first
SB-17-CRM-0644 for Malversation
omnibus motion, but added that the filing of the
Through Falsification and To Fix the
said omnibus motion did not cure the defects in the
Amount of Bail in Crim Case No. SB-17-
Ombudsman's failure to observe due process. 17
CRM-0644 for Malversation Through
Falsification filed by accused Johanne
The Ombudsman treated this second Omnibus
Edward B. Labay; and
Motion as a second motion for reconsideration and
denied the same for lack of merit in its Order dated
February 1, 2017.18
(3) DENIES the Motion For Reinvestigation
and To Defer the Issuance of Warrants of
On March 24, 2017, the Ombudsman filed four (4)
Arrest filed by accused Johanne Edward
Informations before the Sandiganbayan against
B. Labay for lack of merit.
petitioner Labay and his co-accused.19

It was only on March 28, 2017, four days after the SO ORDERED.22
Informations had already been filed with the Aggrieved, petitioner filed a Motion for Partial
Sandiganbayan, that petitioner Labay was Reconsideration23 dated August 3, 2017. However,
furnished a copy of the Complaint-Affidavit and its this was denied for lack of merit and for being pro
supporting evidence.20 forma in the second assailed Resolution dated
October 19, 2017.24
On April 4, 2017, petitioner Labay received copies
of the Informations filed by the Ombudsman with Hence, this Petition for Certiorari.
the Sandiganbayan. Immediately thereafter, on
April 5, 2017, petitioner Labay filed an Extremely The Petition
Urgent Motion of even date, arguing that he is
entitled to a reinvestigation of the case to prevent In the present petition, petitioner prays for the (1)
injustice against him brought about by the issuance of a temporary restraining order and/or
wrongful filing of charges without affording him his writ of injunction; (2) nullification and setting aside
right to a complete preliminary investigation. 21 of the assailed Resolutions; (3) remand of the case
to the Office of the Ombudsman for a
Ruling of the Sandiganbayan reinvestigation of petitioner; and (4) suspension of
the criminal proceedings with respect to petitioner
In the assailed Resolution dated July 10, 2017, the Labay, pending the resolution of the
Sandiganbayan denied petitioner's motion, the reinvestigation before the Office of the
dispositive portion of which reads: Ombudsman.
WHEREFORE, the Court -
� Petitioner argues that the Sandiganbayan
committed grave abuse of discretion amounting to
(1) DECLARES the existence of probable
lack or excess of jurisdiction when it denied him the
cause in these cases. Accordingly, let
constitutional right to due process by denying his
warrants of arrest be issued against all
prayer for a reinvestigation. Essentially, petitioner
the accused except for accused Marc
argues that he was not accorded a reasonable
Douglas Chan Cagas IV who had already
opportunity to be heard since he could not have
posted bail;
effectively and intelligently moved for the
reconsideration of the Ombudsman's May 10,
2016 Resolution due to the latter's failure to
(2) NOTES the Urgent Motion for Judicial
furnish him with a copy of the complaint affidavit
Determination of Probable Cause With
and its attachments upon which the resolution was
based. for reinvestigation and ruling that he was not
deprived of due process.
In a Resolution25 dated March 21, 2018, this Court
required respondent to file its Comment on the The Court's Ruling
Petition and at the same time issued a temporary
restraining order enjoining respondent The petition is meritorious.
Sandiganbayan to suspend the criminal
proceedings against petitioner Labay. After a judicious review of the records of the case,
the Court finds that petitioner's constitutional right
On April 2, 2018, the People of the Philippines to due process was violated when he was not
represented by the Office of the Ombudsman, furnished a copy of the complaint affidavit and its
through its counsel, the Office of the Special attachments during the preliminary investigation.
Prosecutor (OSP), filed an Entry of Appearance with
Comment and Motion to Dissolve the Temporary Section 1, Article III of the 1987 Constitution
Restraining Order Issued on 21 March 2018.26 It guarantees the right of every person to due
claimed that the Sandiganbayan did not act with process before they are deprived of their life,
grave abuse of discretion in denying petitioner liberty, or property. Due process in criminal
Labay's Motion for Partial Reconsideration. It prosecutions is further emphasized under Section
argued that there was no violation of his 14, Article III which provides that no person shall be
constitutional right to due process held to answer for a criminal offense without due
process of law. The same provision also states that
considering that he was given the opportunity to the accused shall be presumed innocent until the
present countervailing evidence through the contrary is proved and shall enjoy the right to be
Ombudsman's effort to issue subpoenas at his last informed of the nature and cause of the accusation
known addresses, especially since the government against him.
substantially complied with the requirements of
the law in doing so.27 Criminal due process requires that the procedure
established by law or the rules be followed to
Aside from the effort exerted in issuing subpoenas, assure that the State makes no mistake in taking
the OSP contended that petitioner Labay was the life or liberty except that of the guilty. All the
eventually informed of the nature of the necessary measures must be taken to guarantee
accusations against him when he was furnished a procedural due process throughout all stages of a
copy of the Ombudsman's May 10, 2016 criminal prosecution-from the inception of
Resolution, in response to which he was able to file custodial investigation until rendition of
an omnibus motion. It further maintains that judgment.29
petitioner Labay had the opportunity to refute the
charges against him and present any countervailing A preliminary investigation is defined as an inquiry
evidence he may have, but faults him for hiding on or proceeding for the purpose of determining
technicalities and insisting that he was denied due whether there is sufficient ground to engender a
process without presenting any evidence to well-founded belief that a crime has been
support his claim of having a valid and meritorious committed and that the respondent is probably
defense. In other words, the OSP asserted that guilty thereof, and should be held for trial. 30
petitioner Labay was afforded due process when
he filed two motions seeking reinvestigation and The right to have a preliminary investigation
reconsideration of the Ombudsman's rulings. 28 conducted before being bound over to trial for a
criminal offense and be formally at risk of
From the arguments presented by the parties, the incarceration or some other penalty is not a mere
Court is now faced with the issue of whether the formal or technical right. It is a substantive right
Sandiganbayan committed grave abuse of since the accused in a criminal trial is inevitably
discretion amounting to lack or excess of exposed to prolonged anxiety, aggravation,
jurisdiction in denying petitioner Labay's motion humiliation, not to speak of expense, and the right
to an opportunity to avoid a painful process is a
valuable right.31 It is meant to secure the innocent investigating officer shall issue an order, attaching
against hasty, malicious and oppressive thereto a copy of the affidavits and other
prosecution and to protect him from an open and supporting documents, directing the respondents
public accusation of a crime, from the trouble, to submit, within ten (10) days from receipt
expenses and anxiety of a public trial. It is also thereof, his counter-affidavits and controverting
intended to protect the state from having to evidence with proof of service thereof on the
conduct useless and expensive trials. Indeed, to complainant. The complainant may file reply
deny a person's claim to a preliminary investigation affidavits within ten (10) days after service of the
would be to deprive him the full measure of his counter-affidavits.
right to due process.32
c) If the respondent does not file a counter-
Administrative Order (A.O.) No. 07 otherwise affidavit, the investigating officer may consider the
known as the Rules of Procedure of the Office of comment filed by him, if any, as his answer to the
the Ombudsman (Ombudsman Rules of Procedure) complaint. In any event, the respondent shall have
lays down the procedure to be followed in handling access to the evidence on record.
preliminary investigations of criminal complaints
brought before the Ombudsman for offenses in d) No motion to dismiss shall be allowed except for
violation of R.A. 3019, as amended, R.A. 1379 as lack of jurisdiction. Neither may a motion for a bill
amended, R.A. 6713, Title VII, Chapter II, Section 2 of particulars be entertained. If respondents desire
of the Revised Penal Code, and for such other any matter in the complainant's affidavit to be
offenses committed by public officers and clarified, the particularization thereof may be done
employees in relation to their office. 33 It provides: at the time of clarificatory questioning in the
Section 3. Preliminary investigation; who may manner provided in paragraph (f) of this section.
conduct. Preliminary Investigation may be
conducted by any of the following: e) If the respondents cannot be served with the
order mentioned in paragraph 6 hereof, or having
1) Ombudsman Investigators; been served, does not comply therewith, the
complaint shall be deemed submitted for
2) Special Prosecuting Officers; resolution on the basis of the evidence on the
3) Deputized Prosecutors;
f) If, after the filing of the requisite affidavits and
4) Investigating Officials authorized by law to their supporting evidences, there are facts material
conduct preliminary investigations or to the case which the investigating officer may
need to be clarified on, he may conduct a
5) Lawyers in the government service, so clarificatory hearing during which the parties shall
designated by the Ombudsman. be afforded the opportunity to be present but
without the right to examine or cross-examine the
Section 4. Procedure - The preliminary witness being questioned. Where the appearance
investigation of cases falling under the jurisdiction of the parties or witnesses is impracticable, the
of the Sandiganbayan and Regional Trial Courts clarificatory questioning may be conducted in
shall be conducted in the manner prescribed in writing, whereby the questions desired to be asked
Section 3, Rule 112 of the Rules of Court, subject to by the investigating officer or a party shall be
the following provisions: reduced into writing and served on the witness
concerned who shall be required to answer the
a) If the complaint is not under oath or is based same in writing and under oath.
only on official reports, the investigating officer
shall require the complainant or supporting g) Upon the termination of the preliminary
witnesses to execute affidavits to substantiate the investigation, the investigating officer shall forward
complaints. the records of the case together with his resolution
to the designated authorities for their appropriate
b) After such affidavits have been secured, the action thereon.
affidavits and documents, the respondent shall
No information may be filed and no complaint may submit his counter-affidavit and that of his
be dismissed without the written authority or witnesses and other supporting documents relied
approval of the Ombudsman in cases falling within upon for his defense. The counter-affidavits shall
the jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan, or of the be subscribed and sworn to and certified as
proper Deputy Ombudsman in all other cases. provided in paragraph (a) of this section, with
Section 3, Rule 112 of the Revised Rules of Criminal copies thereof furnished by him to the
Procedure also provides similar guidelines in the complainant. The respondent shall not be allowed
conduct of preliminary investigation, to wit: to file a motion to dismiss in lieu of a counter-
Section 3. Procedure. - The preliminary affidavit.
investigation shall be conducted in the following
manner: (d) If the respondent cannot be subpoenaed, or if
subpoenaed, does not submit counter-affidavits
(a) The complaint shall state the address of the within the ten (10) day period, the investigating
respondent and shall be accompanied by the officer shall resolve the complaint based on the
affidavits of the complainant and his witnesses, as evidence presented by the complainant.
well as other supporting documents to establish
probable cause. They shall be in such number of (e) The investigating officer may set a hearing if
copies as there are respondents, plus two (2) there are facts and issues to be clarified from a
copies for the official file. The affidavits shall be party or a witness. The parties can be present at
subscribed and sworn to before any prosecutor or the hearing but without th. right to examine or
government official authorized to administer oath, cross-examine. They may, however, submit to the
or, in their absence or unavailability, before a investigating officer questions which may be asked
notary public, each of who must certify that he to the party or witness concerned.
personally examined the affiants and that he is
satisfied that they voluntarily executed and The hearing shall be held within ten (10) days from
understood their affidavits. submission of the counter-affidavits and other
documents or from the expiration of the period for
(b) Within ten (10) days after the filing of the their submission. It shall be terminated within five
complaint, the investigating officer shall either (5) days.
dismiss it if he finds no ground to continue with the
investigation, or issue a subpoena to the (f) Within ten (10) days after the investigation, the
respondent attaching to it a copy of the complaint investigating officer shall determine whether or
and its supporting affidavits and documents. not there is sufficient ground to hold the
respondent for trial. (3a)
The respondent shall have the right to examine the It is clear from the foregoing that an accused in a
evidence submitted by the complainant which he criminal case has the right to be informed of the
may not have been furnished and to copy them at charges against him,34 to submit a counter�
his expense. If the evidence is voluminous, the affidavit, and to have access to and examine all
complainant may be required to specify those other evidence submitted by the complainant. 35
which he intends to present against the
respondent, and these shall be made available for In the case before Us, a complaint was filed by the
examination or copying by the respondent at his FIO I of the Office of the Ombudsman against
expense. petitioner Labay for representing the
Farmerbusjness Development Corporation (FDC) in
Objects as evidence need not be furnished a party the alleged anomalous utilization of the PDAF of
but shall be made available for examination, Rep. Cagas IV.36 The Ombudsman directed those
copying, or photographing at the expense of there charged to file their respective counter-
questing party. affidavits,37 but copies of this Order could not be
served on petitioner Labay.38 It appears that the
(c) Within ten (10) days from receipt of the Ombudsman attempted to serve copies of the
subpoena with the complaint and supporting September 1, 2015 Joint Order on petitioner Labay
at his office at the National Anti-Poverty had the opportunity to be heard when he filed the
Commission (NAPC) and at his last known Omnibus Motion.45
residence. However, the copies were returned
unserved because he was no longer employed in Aggrieved, petitioner Labay filed another Omnibus
that office and he was unknown at the given Motion essentially reiterating his arguments in his
residential address. As such, the Ombudsman first omnibus motion, but additionally argued that
proceeded with the preliminary investigation the filing of the first omnibus motion did not cure
without any counter-affidavit or participation from the defects in the Ombudsman's failure to observe
petitioner Labay.39 due process when it failed to serve on him copies
of the complaint affidavit.46 The Ombudsman
Thereafter, the Ombudsman found probable cause treated this second Omnibus Motion as a second
to indict petitioner and his co-respondents for motion for reconsideration and denied the same
conspiracy in the commission of two counts of for lack of merit in its Order dated February 1,
Violation of Section 3(e) of RA 3019, one count of 2017.47
Malversation of Public Funds, and one count of
Malversation thru Falsification. Thereafter, on March 24, 2017, the Ombudsman
filed four (4) Informations before the
Upon learning from press releases of the Sandiganbayan against petitioner Labay and his
Ombudsman about the criminal charges against co�-accused.48 It was only on March 28, 2017
him,40 petitioner Labay, through his daughter, Atty. that petitioner Labay was furnished a copy of the
Labay, attempted to secure information on the Complaint-Affidavit and its supporting evidence.49
cases from the Central Records of the
Ombudsman. Upon being advised to submit a Upon receiving copies of the Informations filed by
written request, Atty. Labay sent the Ombudsman the Ombudsman, petitioner Labay immediately
a letter dated October 4, 2016 in compliance with filed an Extremely Urgent Motion with the
the said directive.41 In response to Atty. Labay's Sandiganbayan arguing that he is entitled to a
letter request, the Ombudsman replied to Atty. reinvestigation of the case to prevent injustice
Labay's request through a letter dated October 10, against him brought about by the wrongful filing of
2016 and served on her copies of its May 10, 2016 charges without affording him his right to a
Resolution. In the letter, the Ombudsman directed complete preliminary investigation.50
Atty. Labay to file a motion for reconsideration of
the said Resolution within five days from receipt The Sandiganbayan, however, sustained the
thereof.42 Ombudsman's position in the assailed Resolution
dated July 10, 2017, ruling that petitioner's right to
Petitioner filed an Omnibus Motion for due process was not violated since he was afforded
Reinvestigation and Deferment of Filing of reasonable opportunity to address the charges
Information with Request for Copies of Complaint- against him when he filed two motions with the
Affidavit and Supporting Documents dated Ombudsman. The Sandiganbayan ruled, thus:
November 16, 2016,43 praying, among others, that The Court finds accused Labay's motion for
a reinvestigation be conducted on his behalf, reinvestigation bereft of merit.
asserting that he was not afforded an opportunity
to present his defense and to participate during the The essence of due process is that a party is
preliminary investigation since he had neither been afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard in
notified that a complaint had been filed against him support of his case. What the law abhors and
nor was furnished a copy of the same. Petitioner prohibits is the absolute absence of the
also prayed that he be furnished copies of the opportunity to be heard. When the party seeking
complaint-affidavit and other supporting due process was in fact given several opportunities
documents and that he be given time to gather his to be heard and to air his side, but it was by his own
evidence and submit his answer to the fault or choice that he squandered these chances,
complaint.44 However, the Ombudsman denied then his cry for due process must fail.
petitioner Labay's Omnibus Motion, ruling that his
right to due process had not been violated since he �Admittedly, there is no showing that accused
Labay was served a copy of the order requiring him There is no dispute that the Ombudsman was
to file his counter-affidavit. The record shows, unable to serve copies of the complaint or of its
however, that on October 4, 2016, accused Labay September 1, 2015 Joint Order on petitioner Labay
wrote the Office of the Ombudsman requesting prior to or even during the preliminary
information on case numbers and titles of the investigation of the case. This was never denied by
cases it referred to in its press release where his the OSP in its Comment, stating thus:
name appears. In reply to the said letter, the Office 20. By Joint Order dated 01 September 2015, the
of the Ombudsman confirmed that accused Labay Office of the Ombudsman directed therein
is a respondent in two (2) cases and furnished him respondents (including Labay) to file their
copies of the Resolutions dated May 10, 2016 and respective counter-affidavits.
June 3, 2016. It also reminded accused Labay that
he has five (5) days from notice within which to file 21. Despite earnest efforts, copies of the Joint
a motion for reconsideration. Order could not be served in the last known or
given addresses of Cunanan, Semillano, Carrasco,
Thus, on November 16, 2016, accused Labay filed a Reyes, and herein petitioner Labay, after they have
Motion for Reinvestigation and Deferment of Filing been noted to be unknown in said addresses, or
of Information with Request for Copies of had moved out and left no forwarding
Complaint-Affidavits and Supporting Documents address.51 (emphasis in the original)
assailing the Office of the Ombudsman's As pointed out by petitioner, the Ombudsman only
Resolution dated May 10, 2016, finding probably tried to effect service of the order to file his
cause to indict him. The said motion was denied by counter affidavit on petitioner on one instance,
the Office of the Ombudsman in its Order dated albeit to two different addresses. However, this
November 25, 2016 upon the following service failed since petitioner was no longer
ratiocination: employed at his former office at NAPC, as
confirmed by the letter sent by the NAPC Secretary
x x x x and Lead Convenor, and since he was no longer
residing at the residential address where the order
Thereafter, accused Labay filed an Omnibus was sent.
Motion for Reconsideration and Deferment of
Filing of Information assailing the above order. In In its Comment, the OSP seeks refuge in paragraph
denying the said motion, the Office of the (e), Section 4 of the Ombudsman Rules of
Ombudsman pointed out that while accused Labay Procedure which provides that in cases where the
asserted that he did not commit the crimes respondents cannot be served with the order to file
imputed to him and that he did not participate in their counter-affidavit, or having been served but
any conspiracy in the commission of the crimes, he does not comply therewith, the complaint shall be
prayed that the Office of the Ombudsman conduct deemed submitted for resolution on the basis of
a reinvestigation, furnish him a copy of the the evidence on the record.
complaint, allow him to gather evidence and
submit counter-affidavit. Further, the Office of the While the Ombudsman was correct in resolving the
Ombudsman held that when accused Labay filed complaint based on the evidence presented in
his second motion, he already exhausted his accordance with Paragraph (e), Section 4 of the
remedy under Section 7(a), Rule II of the Rules of Ombudsman Rules of Procedure, the situation,
Procedure of the Office of the Ombudsman which however, effectively changed when petitioner
allows the filing of only one (1) motion for made himself available to the Ombudsman when
reconsideration or reinvestigation. he requested access to the case records. The
Ombudsman had a clear opportunity to furnish
The above circumstances unerringly show that petitioner with copies of the complaint affidavit
accused Labay was accorded due process by filing and its supporting documents. Instead, it merely
two (2) motions before the Office of the decided to furnish petitioner with a copy of its May
Ombudsman. 10, 2016 Resolution.
We disagree.
Even assuming that the Ombudsman was merely
complying with Atty. Labay's request for conduct of a proper preliminary investigation with
information when it responded with the case titles respect to petitioner Labay's participation in the
and docket numbers of the cases pending against crimes charged. Instead, it chose to turn a blind eye
petitioner Labay, it should have exercised its duty towards the injustice committed against
to inform petitioner of the charges filed against petitioner.
him by furnishing him copies of the complaint
affidavit and its supporting documents. Or at the Time and again, the Court has held that
very least, it should have directed and allowed suppression of evidence, regardless of its nature, is
petitioner to access these records at its office. This, enough to violate the due process rights of the
however, was not done by the Ombudsman. accused.52 In the present case, it was not only the
prosecution's evidence which was withheld from
We also cannot subscribe to the Sandiganbayan's petitioner. In denying petitioner Labay's multiple
justification that petitioner was afforded requests for copies of the complaint affidavit, the
reasonable opportunity to address the charges Ombudsman deprived him of his right to
against him since he was able to file a motion for sufficiently and reasonably know the charges and
reinvestigation with the Ombudsman. By the mere accusations against him. This is a patent violation
fact that petitioner was not yet even furnished a of his constitutional right to due process.
copy of the complaint affidavit at the time he
received the Ombudsman's May 10, 2016 In Duterte v. Sandiganbayan,53 this Court ordered
Resolution, it is clear that he could not effectively the dismissal of the criminal case against the
and sufficiently address the allegations against accused when they were not sufficiently apprised
him. Petitioner Labay should not be blamed for of the charges against them during preliminary
being unable to raise any substantive defense in investigation, thus:
either the omnibus motions he filed with the We have judiciously studied the case records and
Ombudsman since he had not even seen any of the we find that the preliminary investigation of the
allegations filed against by the FIO. More charges against petitioners has been conducted
importantly, he could not have been expected to not in the manner laid down in Administrative
seek appropriate evidence to support his defense Order No. 07.
when he was not even given any access to the
documents submitted by the FIO in support of its In the 12 November 1991 Order of Graft
complaint. Investigator Manriquez, petitioners were merely
directed to submit a point-by-point comment
In fact, the violation of petitioner's constitutional under oath on the allegations in Civil Case No.
right to due process is made even more evident 20,550-91 and SAR No. 91-05. The said order was
when the Ombudsman unceremoniously denied not accompanied by a single affidavit of any person
his request to be furnished copies of the complaint charging petitioners of any offense as required by
affidavit and its supporting documents in the first law. They were just required to comment upon the
omnibus motion that he filed, and reiterated in his allegations in Civil Case No. 20,550-91 of the
second omnibus motion. In both orders denying Regional Trial Court of Davao City which had earlier
the two omnibus motions, the Ombudsman been dismissed and on the COA Special Audit
seemingly ignored petitioner's requests and Report. Petitioners had no inkling that they were
effectively denied petitioner of his right to secure being subjected to a preliminary investigation as in
copies of the complaint affidavit. This should not be fact there was no indication in the order that a
tolerated. preliminary investigation was being conducted. If
Graft Investigator Manriquez had intended merely
Unfortunately, the Sandiganbayan committed to adopt the allegations of the plaintiffs in the civil
grave abuse of discretion when it failed to grant case or the Special Audit Report (whose
petitioner Labay's Extremely Urgent Omnibus recommendation for the cancellation of the
Motion despite the glaring violations committed by contract in question had been complied with) as his
the Ombudsman. The Sandiganbayan should have basis for criminal prosecution, then the procedure
recognized these patent violations and ordered the was plainly anomalous and highly irregular. As a
remand of the case to the Ombudsman for the
consequence, petitioners constitutional right to HERNANDO, J.:
due process was violated. (citations omitted)
While the Duterte case is not on all fours with the This Petition for Review on Certiorari1 assails the
case before Us, We find that the Ombudsman's March 20, 2015 Decision2 of the Court of Appeals
failure to furnish petitioner Labay with copies of (CA) in CA G.R. CV No. 04404, which granted the
the complaint affidavit and its supporting appeal of the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG).
documents despite the latter's numerous attempts
and requests to secure the same is more severe as Factual Antecedents:
it gravely endangers petitioner's right to liberty
through no fault of his own. Undeniably, petitioner On July 4, 2008, Sheila Marie G. Uy-Bel!eza
Labay's receipt of the May 10, 2016 Resolution is (petitioner) filed a Petition for Correction of Entry
not equivalent to receipt of the complaint affidavit in the Civil Registry3 before the Regional Trial Court
and its supporting documents. (RTC) of Tacloban City, Branch 34 docketed as SR
Proc. No. 2008-07-40. The petition sought the
The OSP's assertion in its comment that petitioner correction of the entry in her birth certificate
deliberately evaded the Ombudsman's attempts to stating that the nationality of her mother Adelaida
serve its orders on him is purely hypothetical and is Go Uy (Adelaida) is "Chinese" instead of "Filipino".
not supported by any concrete proof. There is also
no merit in the OSP's position that it was After finding the petition sufficient in form and
incumbent on petitioner Labay to justify his substance, the RTC gave due course to the petition
whereabouts during the time that the Ombudsman and ordered its publication in a newspaper of
was attempting service of the subpoena on him general circulation for three consecutive weeks
since no law or regulation requires an accused in a and to furnish the OSG a copy of the petition. 4
preliminary investigation to submit himself to the
Ombudsman or at the very least update the latter The OSG deputized Prosecutor Danilo L. Yee to
of his latest address. The burden should not be appear for the State as its representative. 5
placed on the accused since it is the State which
has the responsibility to use its resources for the After compliance with the required
proper implementation of the law. To rule publication and entry of appearance of counsel
otherwise would effectively curtail the for both parties, the RTC ordered Atty. Roselyn
constitutionally protected rights of the people to Fallorina, Officer-in-Charge Clerk of Court of RTC-
be secure with their life, liberty and property. Br. 34, to receive the evidence of petitioner and
submit her report after the termination of the
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The proceeding.7
Resolutions dated July 10, 2017 and October 19,
2017 issued by the Sandiganbayan, Third Division In support of the petition, petitioner submitted the
in Criminal Case Nos. SB-17-CRM-0642 to 0643 and following:
Criminal Case Nos. SB-17-CRM-0644 to 0645 are
hereby ANNULLED and SET ASIDE. The Office of 1. Petitioner's Certificate of Live Birth issued by the
the Special Prosecutor is ORDERED to file motions National Statistics Office (NSO);8
to withdraw Information in the aforedescribed
criminal cases. 2. Petitioner's Certificate of Birth issued by the
Local Civil Registrar;9
3. Marriage Contract of the petitioner's parents
issued by the NSO showing that Adelaida Go is a
G.R. No. 218354, September 15, 2021 Filipino citizen;10

SHEILA MARIE G. UY-BELLEZA, Petitioner, v. THE 4. Adelaida's Certificate of Registration as a Voter

CIVIL REGISTRAR OF TACLOBAN CITY, Respondent. issued by the Commission on Elections;11

DECISION 5. Certificate of Live Birth of Jerome Uy, petitioner's

brother, reflecting the citizenship of their mother
Adelaida as "Fil":12 and The trial court gave weight to the Philippine
passport and voter's certification issued to
6. Adelaida's Expired Philippine Passport. 13 Adelaida to prove her citizenship. It noted that
passports are not indiscriminately issued by the
Aside from her documentary evidence, petitioner Department of Foreign Affairs without proof of
also took the stand to attest to the Filipino Filipino citizenship. Coupled, with the fact that the
citizenship of her mother, Adelaida.14 The latter OSG did not present any countervailing evidence,
herself testified that she is an illegitimate daughter the trial court ruled that preponderance of
of Lino Go, a Chinese national and Teodora Guinto, evidence tilts in favor of the petitioner.
a Filipino citizen and that her failure to present her
birth certificate was because she was born in 1942 Thereafter, the OSG filed before the CA an
during World War II and thus could not have appeal21 docketed as CA G.R. CV No. 04404.
registered her birth.15
Ruling of the Court of Appeals:
Ruling of the Regional Trial
Court: The OSG maintained its argument that the totality
of the evidence presented by petitioner did not
On January 4, 2009, the Commissioner's prove that her mother Adelaida is a Filipino citizen.
Report16 was submitted in court. On March 18, It contended that a Philippine passport is
2011, the trial court issued a Resolution17 granting insufficient to prove Adelaida's citizenship
the petition, the dispositi ve part of which considering that she did not submit a birth
states:chanroblesvirtualawlibrary certificate when she submitted her application but
merely executed, an affidavit. Neither can a voter's
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Petition is certification prove Filipino citizenship since
hereby GRANTED. exercise by a person of the rights and/or privileges
granted, to Filipino citizens is not conclusive proof
The Civil Registry of Tacloban City and the Civil of Filipino citizenship.
Registrar General, National Statistics Office are
hereby ordered to correct the error in the The OSG further argued that petitioner failed to
Certificate of Live Birth of Sheila Marie G. Uy- prove that Adelaida is a Filipino citizen since there
Belleza changing the entry thereof in the column was no evidence presented, to show that her
under the Nationality of her mother Adelaida Go mother's birth was registered in the local civil
from "CHINESE" to '"FILIPINO" and the supplied registrar or had a late registration. The OSG
name "SHEILA MARIE" of the petitioner at the Local likewise questioned the Filipino citizenship of
Civil Registry of Tacloban City be affirmed as her petitioner's grandmother, Adelaida's mother,
correct first name directing likewise the NSO to there being no evidence to show that Teodora was
enter said name in her Certificate of Live Birth. a Filipino and beneficiary of the Philippine Bill of
1902. Lastly, the OSG cited that no evidence was
SO ORDERED.18 adduced to show that Adelaida elected Filipino
Dissatisfied, the OSG filed a Motion for citizenship through a positive act.
Reconsideration19 contending that the totality of
the evidence presented by petitioner did not prove On March 20, 2015, the CA granted the appeal and
that her mother is a Filipino citizen so as to warrant reversed the ruling the RTC.22 In granting the
the correction sought. The OSG posited that other appeal, the CA ratiocinated in this
than the bare allegation of Adelaida that she was wise:chanroblesvirtualawlibrary
the illegitimate daughter of a Chinese father and a x x x [T]he Court finds that the evidence of the
Filipino mother, there was no other evidence appellee has not satisfactorily and conclusively
presented to prove this claim. established that her mother Adelaida is a Filipino
citizen so as to warrant the petition to change the
The trial court denied the OSG's motion for entry in her birth records.
reconsideration in its March 23, 2012 Order. 20
The established rule that an illegitimate child of a of the records of this case however reveals that
Fiiipina need not perform any act to confer upon Adelaida herself testified that she merely executed
him/her all the rights and privileges attached to an affidavit for the purpose of securing a passport.
citizens of the Philippines cannot apply in The propriety and legality of the issuance of the
Adelaida's favor. Other than the bare claim of Philippine passport to Adelaida on the basis of a
Adelaida that she is an illegitimate child of a mere affidavit is beyond the cognizance of this
Chinese father and a Filipina mother, no evidence Court in this case. x x x
was presented to corroborate the same. First of all,
the records are in dire need of any evidence to x x x
prove that Adelaida's mother was Filipino.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant
x x x appeal is GRANTED. The decision of the Regional
Trial Court, Branch 34, Tacloban City dated March
x x x Neither has the appellee presented a 18, 2011 granting the petition for the change of the
certification of loss or destruction of record Issued entry in the column under the Nationality of her
by the Office of the Civil Registrar nor any kind of mother Adelaida Go from "CHINESE" to "FILIPINO"
evidence which could have at least corroborated in the birth records of Sheila Marie G. Uy-Belleza is
the appellee's claim of her mother Adelaida's ANNULLED AND SET ASIDE.
Filipino citizenship such as a baptismal certificate Hence, the instant Petition.
or the testimony of relatives.
In the same vein, the appellee's contention that her
mother Adelaida had elected Philippine citizenship Petitioner asserts that the CA committed:
miserably fails as the alleged election was legally
ineffectual. x x x I. Grave error in the application of Section 1,
Commonwealth Act No. 625 by totally distrusting
x x x legitimate processes of government agencies
declaring that the petitioner's mother is a non-
x x x The appellee cannot assert that her mother filipino when this case is merely for a. plain
Adelaida's exercise of suffrage and the correction of entry of a pure error in the certificate
participation in election exercises constitutes a of live birth;
positive act of election of Philippine citizenship
since the law specifically lays down the II. Grave error in requiring, in effect, the quantum
requirements for acquisition of citizenship by of proof beyond reasonable doubt on this civil case
election. The mere exercise of suffrage and other that petitioner's mother is a Filipino where
similar acts showing exercise of Philippine petitioner already established preponderance of
citizenship cannot take the place of election of evidence in this civil case which evidences were not
Philippine citizenship. At most, her registration as a rebutted by a single piece of whatever evidence by
voter indicates her desire to exercise s right the Republic; and
appertaining exclusively to Filipino citizens. The
exercise of the rights and privileges granted only to III. Grave error in discrediting the value of sworn
Filipinos is not conclusive proof of citizenship, statement/affidavit in securing the Philippine
because a person may misrepresent passport and the voter's registration of petitioner's
himself/herself to be a Filipino and thus enjoy the mother.23
rights and privileges of citizens of this country.
In essence, petitioner attributes grave error oil the
x x x part of the CA when it ruled that the pieces of
evidence presented were insufficient to support
In ruling that the appellee had satisfactorily proven the correction of Adelaide's citizenship from
her mother Adelaida's citizenship as a Filipino, the "Chinese" to "Filipino".
trial court gave much weight on the fact that she
was issued a Philippine passport. A careful scrutiny Our Ruling
brother,30 whose genuineness and authenticity
The petition is with merit. was also not disputed by the OSG, stated the
citizenship of Adelaida as "Fil". Hence, to disallow
Records reveal that petitioner was able to the correction in petitioner's birth record of her
sufficiently establish her petition for correction of mother's citizenship would perpetuate an
entry as to her mother Adelaide's citizenship. inconsistency in the natal circumstances of the
siblings who are unquestionably natural children of
First, Adelaida was issued a Philippine passport, the the same mother and father. 31
genuineness and authenticity of which was not
disputed at all by the OSG. Lastly, the testimony of Adelaida regarding her
illegitimacy and the citizenship of her mother,
A passport is "a document Issued by the Philippine Teodora Guinto, was never questioned by the
government to its citizens requesting other prosecutor. The pertinent portions of Adelaida's
governments to allow its citizens to pass safely and cross-examination are hereunder
freely, and in case of need, to give him/her all quoted:chanroblesvirtualawlibrary
lawful aid and protection."24 It is an official
document of identity of Philippine citizenship of Pros. Danilo L. Lee on Cross Examination:
the holder issued for travel purposes.25 A passport
proves that the country which issued it recognizes Q. Mrs. Uy, did I hear you correctly when
the person named therein as its national. 26 In fact, you said that your father was a Chinese
the very first page27 of a Philippine passport Citizen and your mother was a Filipino?
explicitly recognizes the bearer as its citizen. It
states:chanroblesvirtualawlibrary A. Yes, sir.
The Government of the Republic of the Philippines
requests all concerned to permit the bearer, a
citizen of the Philippines, to pass safely and freely Q. Did I hear you also correctly when you
and, in case of need, to give him/her all lawful aid said that they were never married?
and protection. (Emphasis supplied.)
The government's issuance of a Philippine passport A. Yes, sir.
to Adelaida in effect, is a recognition of her Filipino
Q. Did they subsequently marry? Do you
The fact that Adelaida merely executed an affidavit know if they got married?
when she applied for a passport, instead of
submitting a birth certificate, will not overturn the A. No, sir, until he died.32
presumption of regularity in its issuance. To
Verily, records reveal that the prosecution did not
successfully overcome such presumption of
file any opposition to the petition.33 In addition, the
regularity, case law demands that the evidence
prosecutor did not file any comment or opposition
against it must be clear and convincing. Absent the
when petitioner filed her formal offer of evidence.
requisite quantum of proof to the contrary, the
Also, the sufficiency of the evidence submitted
presumption stands deserving of faith and credit. 28
before the trial court relating to Adelaida's
citizenship was never questioned. In fact, the
In this case, the OSG did not present any evidence
prosecutor did not present any countervailing
to overcome the presumption. The reliance on the
evidence to defeat the petition for correction of
requirement of submission of a birth certificate or
a baptismal certificate in applying for a Philippine
passport as set forth in Section 529 of Republic Act
Given the foregoing, the correction of entry in the
No. (RA) 8239 ("Philippine Passport Act of 1996") is
Certificate of Live Birth of petitioner involving the
misplaced. Adelaida's passport was issued in 1988,
change of the citizenship of her mother Adelaida
long before RA 8239 was enacted.
from "Chinese" to "Filipino" is in order.
Second, the certificate of live birth of petitioner's
Contrary to the findings of the appellate court and
the contention of the OSG, petitioner need not LOUIS "BAROK" C. BIRAOGO, Petitioner,
prove that her mother complied with the vs.
constitutional and statutory requirements to NATIONAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION and
become a Filipino citizen. PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE, Respondents.

The requirement of electing Filipino citizenship x-----------------------x

when a child reached the age of majority under
Article IV, Section 1 of the 1935 Constitution, 34 the G.R. No. 203306
governing law when Adelaida was born on
November 24, 1942, and Section 1 of ALAB NG MAMAMAHAYAG (ALAM), HUKUMAN NG
Commonwealth Act No. 625,35 applied only to MAMAMAYAN MOVEMENT, INC., JERRY S. YAP,
legitimate children.36 These would not apply in the BERTENI "TOTO" CAUSING, HERNANI Q. CUARE,
case of Adelaida who is an illegitimate child, PERCY LAPID, TRACY CABRERA, RONALDO E.
considering that her Chinese father and Filipino RENTA, CIRILO P. SABARRE, JR., DERVIN CASTRO, ET
mother were never married. As such, she was not AL., Petitioners,
required to comply with said constitutional and vs.
statutory requirements to become a Filipino OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, represented by
citizen. By being an illegitimate child of a Filipino President Benigno Simeon Aquino III, SENATE OF
mother, Adelaida automatically became a Filipino THE PHILIPPINES, and HOUSE OF
upon birth. Stated differently, she is a Filipino since REPRESENTATIVES, Respondents.
birth without having to elect Filipino citizenship
when she reached the age of majority. 37 x-----------------------x

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant G.R. No. 203359

petition is hereby GRANTED. The March 20, 2015
Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA G.R. CV No. SENATOR TEOFISTO DL GUINGONA III, Petitioner,
04404 is SET ASIDE. The March 18, 2011 Resolution vs.
and March 23, 2012 Order of the Regional Trial EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, THE SECRETARY OF

G.R. No. 203335 February 11, 2014 x-----------------------x


G.R. No. 203299 TECHNOLOGY, Respondents.
x-----------------------x G.R. No. 203440


ANAKBAYAN, MA. KATHERINE ELONA OF THE Rights Center), Petitioners,
OF THE PHILIPPINES, ET AL., Petitioners, Executive Secretary, HONORABLE LEILA DE LIMA in
vs. her capacity as Secretary of Justice, HONORABLE
PAQUITO N. OCHOA, JR., in his capacity as MANUEL ROXAS in his capacity as Secretary of the
Executive Secretary and alter-ego of President Department of Interior and Local Government, The
Benigno Simeon Aquino III, LEILA DE LIMA in her CHIEF of the Philippine National Police, The
capacity as Secretary of Justice, Respondents. DIRECTOR of the National Bureau of Investigation
(all of the Executive Department of
x-----------------------x Government), Respondents.

G.R. No. 203407 x-----------------------x


LABOG, Chairperson of Kilusang Mayo Uno, (PPI), CENTER FOR MEDIA FREEDOM AND
Anakpawis Party-List, LANA R. LINABAN, Secretary IN THE e-PETITION
General Gabriela Women's Party, ADOLFO ARES P. ra10175/, Petitioners,
Secretary of the Department of Justice, LOUIS PERSONS ACTING UNDER THEIR INSTRUCTIONS,
the Information and Communications Technology IMPLEMENTATION OF REPUBLIC ACT NO.
Office, NONNATUS CAESAR R. ROJAS, Director of 10175, Respondents.
the National Bureau of Investigation, D/GEN.
NICANOR A. BARTOLOME, Chief of the Philippine x-----------------------x
National Police, MANUEL A. ROXAS II, Secretary of
the Department of the Interior and Local G.R. No. 203454
Government, Respondents.
x-----------------------x ANDRES, Petitioners,
THE HON. SECRETARY OF JUSTICE THE HON. official capacity as Executive Director, Information
SECRETARY OF INTERIOR AND LOCAL and Communications Technology Office;
GOVERNMENT, Respondents. NONNATUS CAESAR R. ROJAS, in his official
capacity as Director of the National Bureau of
x-----------------------x Investigation; and DIRECTOR GENERAL NICANOR A.
BARTOLOME, in his official capacity as Chief of the
G.R. No. 203469 Philippine National Police, Respondents.

ANTHONY IAN M. CRUZ; MARCELO R. LANDICHO; x-----------------------x

PINOY EXPAT/OFW BLOG AWARDS, INC. x-----------------------x
vs. G.R. No. 203515
capacity as President of the Republic of the NATIONAL PRESS CLUB OF THE PHILIPPINES, INC.
Philippines; SENATE OF THE PHILIPPINES, represented by BENNY D. ANTIPORDA in his
represented by HON. JUAN PONCE ENRILE, in his capacity as President and in his personal
capacity as Senate President; HOUSE OF capacity, Petitioner,
BELMONTE, JR., in his capacity as Speaker of the OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, PRES. BENIGNO
OCHOA, JR., in his capacity as Executive Secretary; DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR AND LOCAL
CASAMBRE, in his capacity as Executive Director, DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT
Information and Communications Technology AND ALL OTHER GOVERNMENT
capacity as Director, National Bureau of PASSAGE AND/OR IMPLEMENTATION OF REPUBLIC
Investigation; and P/DGEN. NICANOR A. ACT 10175, Respondents.
BARTOLOME, in his capacity as Chief, Philippine
National Police, Respondents. x-----------------------x

x-----------------------x G.R. No. 203518


PHILIPPINE BAR ASSOCIATION, INC., Petitioner, MODERN HEROISM, represented by Leni Velasco,
vs. PARTIDO LAKAS NG MASA, represented by Cesar S.
official capacity as President of the Republic of the ANTHONY ROMASANTA TONSON, TEODORO A.
official capacity as Executive Secretary; HON. LEILA ORALES, JAMES MATTHEW B. MIRAFLOR, JUAN
M. DE LIMA, in her official capacity as Secretary of G.M. RAGRAGIO, MARIA FATIMA A. VILLENA,
MARCO VITTORIA TOBIAS SUMAYAO, IRENE CHIA, companies, public utilities, hospitals, and
KENNETH KENG, ANA ALEXANDRA C. 5. Communicate in writing or by voice with
CASTRO, Petitioners, any person through his e-mail address or
vs. telephone.
JUSTICE, THE SECRETARY OF INTERIOR AND LOCAL This is cyberspace, a system that accommodates
GOVERNMENT, THE SECRETARY OF SCIENCE AND millions and billions of simultaneous and ongoing
TECHNOLOGY, THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE individual accesses to and uses of the internet. The
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY OFFICE, THE cyberspace is a boon to the need of the current
DIRECTOR OF THE NATIONAL BUREAU OF generation for greater information and facility of
INVESTIGATION, THE CHIEF, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL communication. But all is not well with the system
POLICE, THE HEAD OF THE DOJ OFFICE OF since it could not filter out a number of persons of
CYBERCRIME, and THE OTHER MEMBERS OF THE ill will who would want to use cyberspace
CYBERCRIME INVESTIGATION AND COORDINATING technology for mischiefs and crimes. One of them
CENTER, Respondents. can, for instance, avail himself of the system to
unjustly ruin the reputation of another or bully the
DECISION latter by posting defamatory statements against
him that people can read.
And because linking with the internet opens up a
These consolidated petitions seek to declare user to communications from others, the ill-
several provisions of Republic Act (R.A.) 10175, the motivated can use the cyberspace for committing
Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012, theft by hacking into or surreptitiously accessing
unconstitutional and void. his bank account or credit card or defrauding him
through false representations. The wicked can use
The Facts and the Case the cyberspace, too, for illicit trafficking in sex or
for exposing to pornography guileless children who
The cybercrime law aims to regulate access to and have access to the internet. For this reason, the
use of the cyberspace. Using his laptop or government has a legitimate right to regulate the
computer, a person can connect to the internet, a use of cyberspace and contain and punish
system that links him to other computers and wrongdoings.
enable him, among other things, to:
Notably, there are also those who would want, like
1. Access virtual libraries and encyclopedias vandals, to wreak or cause havoc to the computer
for all kinds of information that he needs systems and networks of indispensable or highly
for research, study, amusement, useful institutions as well as to the laptop or
upliftment, or pure curiosity; computer programs and memories of innocent
individuals. They accomplish this by sending
2. Post billboard-like notices or messages, electronic viruses or virtual dynamites that destroy
including pictures and videos, for the those computer systems, networks, programs, and
general public or for special audiences like memories. The government certainly has the duty
associates, classmates, or friends and read and the right to prevent these tomfooleries from
postings from them; happening and punish their perpetrators, hence
the Cybercrime Prevention Act.
3. Advertise and promote goods or services
and make purchases and payments; But petitioners claim that the means adopted by
the cybercrime law for regulating undesirable
4. Inquire and do business with institutional cyberspace activities violate certain of their
entities like government agencies, banks, constitutional rights. The government of course
stock exchanges, trade houses, credit card asserts that the law merely seeks to reasonably put
order into cyberspace activities, punish n. Section 13 on Preservation of Computer
wrongdoings, and prevent hurtful attacks on the Data;
o. Section 14 on Disclosure of Computer
Pending hearing and adjudication of the issues Data;
presented in these cases, on February 5, 2013 the
Court extended the original 120-day temporary p. Section 15 on Search, Seizure and
restraining order (TRO) that it earlier issued on Examination of Computer Data;
October 9, 2012, enjoining respondent
government agencies from implementing the q. Section 17 on Destruction of Computer
cybercrime law until further orders. Data;

The Issues Presented r. Section 19 on Restricting or Blocking

Access to Computer Data;
Petitioners challenge the constitutionality of the
following provisions of the cybercrime law that s. Section 20 on Obstruction of Justice;
regard certain acts as crimes and impose penalties
for their commission as well as provisions that t. Section 24 on Cybercrime Investigation
would enable the government to track down and and Coordinating Center (CICC); and
penalize violators. These provisions are:
u. Section 26(a) on CICC’s Powers and
a. Section 4(a)(1) on Illegal Access; Functions.

b. Section 4(a)(3) on Data Interference; Some petitioners also raise the constitutionality of
related Articles 353, 354, 361, and 362 of the RPC
c. Section 4(a)(6) on Cyber-squatting; on the crime of libel.

d. Section 4(b)(3) on Identity Theft; The Rulings of the Court

e. Section 4(c)(1) on Cybersex; Section 4(a)(1)

f. Section 4(c)(2) on Child Pornography; Section 4(a)(1) provides:

g. Section 4(c)(3) on Unsolicited Section 4. Cybercrime Offenses. – The following

Commercial Communications; acts constitute the offense of cybercrime
punishable under this Act:
h. Section 4(c)(4) on Libel;
(a) Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity
i. Section 5 on Aiding or Abetting and and availability of computer data and systems:
Attempt in the Commission of Cybercrimes;
(1) Illegal Access. – The access to the whole or any
j. Section 6 on the Penalty of One Degree part of a computer system without right.
Petitioners contend that Section 4(a)(1) fails to
k. Section 7 on the Prosecution under both meet the strict scrutiny standard required of laws
the Revised Penal Code (RPC) and R.A. that interfere with the fundamental rights of the
10175; people and should thus be struck down.

l. Section 8 on Penalties; The Court has in a way found the strict scrutiny
standard, an American constitutional
m. Section 12 on Real-Time Collection of construct, useful in determining the
Traffic Data; constitutionality of laws that tend to target a class
of things or persons. According to this standard, a
legislative classification that impermissibly (a) Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity
interferes with the exercise of fundamental right or and availability of computer data and systems:
operates to the peculiar class disadvantage of a
suspect class is presumed unconstitutional. The xxxx
burden is on the government to prove that the
classification is necessary to achieve a compelling (3) Data Interference. – The intentional or reckless
state interest and that it is the least restrictive alteration, damaging, deletion or deterioration of
means to protect such interest.2 Later, the strict computer data, electronic document, or electronic
scrutiny standard was used to assess the validity of data message, without right, including the
laws dealing with the regulation of speech, gender, introduction or transmission of viruses.
or race as well as other fundamental rights, as
expansion from its earlier applications to equal Petitioners claim that Section 4(a)(3) suffers from
protection.3 overbreadth in that, while it seeks to discourage
data interference, it intrudes into the area of
In the cases before it, the Court finds nothing in protected speech and expression, creating a
Section 4(a)(1) that calls for the application of the chilling and deterrent effect on these guaranteed
strict scrutiny standard since no fundamental freedoms.
freedom, like speech, is involved in punishing what
is essentially a condemnable act – accessing the Under the overbreadth doctrine, a proper
computer system of another without right. It is a governmental purpose, constitutionally subject to
universally condemned conduct.4 state regulation, may not be achieved by means
that unnecessarily sweep its subject broadly,
Petitioners of course fear that this section will thereby invading the area of protected
jeopardize the work of ethical hackers, freedoms.7 But Section 4(a)(3) does not encroach
professionals who employ tools and techniques on these freedoms at all. It simply punishes what
used by criminal hackers but would neither essentially is a form of vandalism, 8 the act of
damage the target systems nor steal information. willfully destroying without right the things that
Ethical hackers evaluate the target system’s belong to others, in this case their computer data,
security and report back to the owners the electronic document, or electronic data message.
vulnerabilities they found in it and give instructions Such act has no connection to guaranteed
for how these can be remedied. Ethical hackers are freedoms. There is no freedom to destroy other
the equivalent of independent auditors who come people’s computer systems and private
into an organization to verify its bookkeeping documents.
All penal laws, like the cybercrime law, have of
Besides, a client’s engagement of an ethical hacker course an inherent chilling effect, an in terrorem
requires an agreement between them as to the effect9 or the fear of possible prosecution that
extent of the search, the methods to be used, and hangs on the heads of citizens who are minded to
the systems to be tested. This is referred to as the step beyond the boundaries of what is proper. But
"get out of jail free card."6 Since the ethical hacker to prevent the State from legislating criminal laws
does his job with prior permission from the client, because they instill such kind of fear is to render
such permission would insulate him from the the state powerless in addressing and penalizing
coverage of Section 4(a)(1). socially harmful conduct.10 Here, the chilling effect
that results in paralysis is an illusion since Section
Section 4(a)(3) of the Cybercrime Law 4(a)(3) clearly describes the evil that it seeks to
punish and creates no tendency to intimidate the
Section 4(a)(3) provides: free exercise of one’s constitutional rights.

Section 4. Cybercrime Offenses. – The following Besides, the overbreadth challenge places on
acts constitute the offense of cybercrime petitioners the heavy burden of proving that under
punishable under this Act: no set of circumstances will Section 4(a)(3) be
valid.11 Petitioner has failed to discharge this for which he uses the name that the law condemns.
burden. The law is reasonable in penalizing him for
acquiring the domain name in bad faith to profit,
Section 4(a)(6) of the Cybercrime Law mislead, destroy reputation, or deprive others who
are not ill-motivated of the rightful opportunity of
Section 4(a)(6) provides: registering the same. The challenge to the
constitutionality of Section 4(a)(6) on ground of
Section 4. Cybercrime Offenses. – The following denial of equal protection is baseless.
acts constitute the offense of cybercrime
punishable under this Act: Section 4(b)(3) of the Cybercrime Law

(a) Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity Section 4(b)(3) provides:

and availability of computer data and systems:
Section 4. Cybercrime Offenses. – The following
xxxx acts constitute the offense of cybercrime
punishable under this Act:
(6) Cyber-squatting. – The acquisition of domain
name over the internet in bad faith to profit, xxxx
mislead, destroy the reputation, and deprive
others from registering the same, if such a domain b) Computer-related Offenses:
name is:
(i) Similar, identical, or confusingly similar
to an existing trademark registered with (3) Computer-related Identity Theft. – The
the appropriate government agency at the intentional acquisition, use, misuse, transfer,
time of the domain name registration; possession, alteration, or deletion of identifying
information belonging to another, whether natural
(ii) Identical or in any way similar with the or juridical, without right: Provided: that if no
name of a person other than the registrant, damage has yet been caused, the penalty
in case of a personal name; and imposable shall be one (1) degree lower.

(iii) Acquired without right or with Petitioners claim that Section 4(b)(3) violates the
intellectual property interests in it. constitutional rights to due process and to privacy
and correspondence, and transgresses the
Petitioners claim that Section 4(a)(6) or cyber- freedom of the press.
squatting violates the equal protection clause 12 in
that, not being narrowly tailored, it will cause a The right to privacy, or the right to be let alone, was
user using his real name to suffer the same fate as institutionalized in the 1987 Constitution as a facet
those who use aliases or take the name of another of the right protected by the guarantee against
in satire, parody, or any other literary device. For unreasonable searches and seizures. 13 But the
example, supposing there exists a well known Court acknowledged its existence as early as 1968
billionaire-philanthropist named "Julio Gandolfo," in Morfe v. Mutuc,14 it ruled that the right to
the law would punish for cyber-squatting both the privacy exists independently of its identification
person who registers such name because he claims with liberty; it is in itself fully deserving of
it to be his pseudo-name and another who constitutional protection.
registers the name because it happens to be his
real name. Petitioners claim that, considering the Relevant to any discussion of the right to privacy is
substantial distinction between the two, the law the concept known as the "Zones of Privacy." The
should recognize the difference. Court explained in "In the Matter of the Petition for
Issuance of Writ of Habeas Corpus of Sabio v.
But there is no real difference whether he uses Senator Gordon"15 the relevance of these zones to
"Julio Gandolfo" which happens to be his real name the right to privacy:
or use it as a pseudo-name for it is the evil purpose
Zones of privacy are recognized and protected in would be hindered from accessing the unrestricted
our laws. Within these zones, any form of intrusion user account of a person in the news to secure
is impermissible unless excused by law and in information about him that could be published. But
accordance with customary legal process. The this is not the essence of identity theft that the law
meticulous regard we accord to these zones arises seeks to prohibit and punish. Evidently, the theft of
not only from our conviction that the right to identity information must be intended for an
privacy is a "constitutional right" and "the right illegitimate purpose. Moreover, acquiring and
most valued by civilized men," but also from our disseminating information made public by the user
adherence to the Universal Declaration of Human himself cannot be regarded as a form of theft.
Rights which mandates that, "no one shall be
subjected to arbitrary interference with his The Court has defined intent to gain as an internal
privacy" and "everyone has the right to the act which can be established through the overt acts
protection of the law against such interference or of the offender, and it may be presumed from the
attacks." furtive taking of useful property pertaining to
another, unless special circumstances reveal a
Two constitutional guarantees create these zones different intent on the part of the perpetrator. 20 As
of privacy: (a) the right against unreasonable such, the press, whether in quest of news reporting
searches16 and seizures, which is the basis of the or social investigation, has nothing to fear since a
right to be let alone, and (b) the right to privacy of special circumstance is present to negate intent to
communication and correspondence.17 In gain which is required by this Section.
assessing the challenge that the State has
impermissibly intruded into these zones of privacy, Section 4(c)(1) of the Cybercrime Law
a court must determine whether a person has
exhibited a reasonable expectation of privacy and, Section 4(c)(1) provides:
if so, whether that expectation has been violated
by unreasonable government intrusion. 18 Sec. 4. Cybercrime Offenses.– The following acts
constitute the offense of cybercrime punishable
The usual identifying information regarding a under this Act:
person includes his name, his citizenship, his
residence address, his contact number, his place xxxx
and date of birth, the name of his spouse if any, his
occupation, and similar data.19 The law punishes (c) Content-related Offenses:
those who acquire or use such identifying
information without right, implicitly to cause (1) Cybersex.– The willful engagement,
damage. Petitioners simply fail to show how maintenance, control, or operation, directly or
government effort to curb computer-related indirectly, of any lascivious exhibition of sexual
identity theft violates the right to privacy and organs or sexual activity, with the aid of a computer
correspondence as well as the right to due process system, for favor or consideration.
of law.
Petitioners claim that the above violates the
Also, the charge of invalidity of this section based freedom of expression clause of the
on the overbreadth doctrine will not hold water Constitution.21 They express fear that private
since the specific conducts proscribed do not communications of sexual character between
intrude into guaranteed freedoms like speech. husband and wife or consenting adults, which are
Clearly, what this section regulates are specific not regarded as crimes under the penal code,
actions: the acquisition, use, misuse or deletion of would now be regarded as crimes when done "for
personal identifying data of another. There is no favor" in cyberspace. In common usage, the term
fundamental right to acquire another’s personal "favor" includes "gracious kindness," "a special
data. privilege or right granted or conceded," or "a token
of love (as a ribbon) usually worn
Further, petitioners fear that Section 4(b)(3) conspicuously."22 This meaning given to the term
violates the freedom of the press in that journalists "favor" embraces socially tolerated trysts. The law
as written would invite law enforcement agencies controlling, or operating, directly or indirectly, the
into the bedrooms of married couples or lascivious exhibition of sexual organs or sexual
consenting individuals. activity with the aid of a computer system as
Congress has intended.
But the deliberations of the Bicameral Committee
of Congress on this section of the Cybercrime Section 4(c)(2) of the Cybercrime Law
Prevention Act give a proper perspective on the
issue. These deliberations show a lack of intent to Section 4(c)(2) provides:
penalize a "private showing x x x between and
among two private persons x x x although that may Sec. 4. Cybercrime Offenses. – The following acts
be a form of obscenity to some."23 The constitute the offense of cybercrime punishable
understanding of those who drew up the under this Act:
cybercrime law is that the element of "engaging in
a business" is necessary to constitute the illegal xxxx
cybersex.24 The Act actually seeks to punish cyber
prostitution, white slave trade, and pornography (c) Content-related Offenses:
for favor and consideration. This includes
interactive prostitution and pornography, i.e., by xxxx
(2) Child Pornography. — The unlawful or
The subject of Section 4(c)(1)—lascivious prohibited acts defined and punishable by Republic
exhibition of sexual organs or sexual activity—is Act No. 9775 or the Anti-Child Pornography Act of
not novel. Article 201 of the RPC punishes 2009, committed through a computer system:
"obscene publications and exhibitions and Provided, That the penalty to be imposed shall be
indecent shows." The Anti-Trafficking in Persons (1) one degree higher than that provided for in
Act of 2003 penalizes those who "maintain or hire Republic Act No. 9775.
a person to engage in prostitution or
pornography."26 The law defines prostitution as It seems that the above merely expands the scope
any act, transaction, scheme, or design involving of the Anti-Child Pornography Act of 200931 (ACPA)
the use of a person by another, for sexual to cover identical activities in cyberspace. In
intercourse or lascivious conduct in exchange for theory, nothing prevents the government from
money, profit, or any other consideration.27 invoking the ACPA when prosecuting persons who
commit child pornography using a computer
The case of Nogales v. People28 shows the extent system. Actually, ACPA’s definition of child
to which the State can regulate materials that serve pornography already embraces the use of
no other purpose than satisfy the market for "electronic, mechanical, digital, optical, magnetic
violence, lust, or pornography.29 The Court or any other means." Notably, no one has
weighed the property rights of individuals against questioned this ACPA provision.
the public welfare. Private property, if containing
pornographic materials, may be forfeited and Of course, the law makes the penalty higher by one
destroyed. Likewise, engaging in sexual acts degree when the crime is committed in
privately through internet connection, perceived cyberspace. But no one can complain since the
by some as a right, has to be balanced with the intensity or duration of penalty is a legislative
mandate of the State to eradicate white slavery prerogative and there is rational basis for such
and the exploitation of women. higher penalty.32 The potential for uncontrolled
proliferation of a particular piece of child
In any event, consenting adults are protected by pornography when uploaded in the cyberspace is
the wealth of jurisprudence delineating the bounds incalculable.
of obscenity.30 The Court will not declare Section
4(c)(1) unconstitutional where it stands a Petitioners point out that the provision of ACPA
construction that makes it apply only to persons that makes it unlawful for any person to "produce,
engaged in the business of maintaining, direct, manufacture or create any form of child
pornography"33 clearly relates to the prosecution
of persons who aid and abet the core offenses that (bb) The commercial electronic
ACPA seeks to punish.34 Petitioners are wary that a communication does not purposely
person who merely doodles on paper and imagines disguise the source of the electronic
a sexual abuse of a 16-year-old is not criminally message; and
liable for producing child pornography but one who
formulates the idea on his laptop would be. (cc) The commercial electronic
Further, if the author bounces off his ideas on communication does not purposely
Twitter, anyone who replies to the tweet could be include misleading information in
considered aiding and abetting a cybercrime. any part of the message in order to
induce the recipients to read the
The question of aiding and abetting the offense by message.
simply commenting on it will be discussed
elsewhere below. For now the Court must hold that The above penalizes the transmission of unsolicited
the constitutionality of Section 4(c)(2) is not commercial communications, also known as
successfully challenged. "spam." The term "spam" surfaced in early internet
chat rooms and interactive fantasy games. One
Section 4(c)(3) of the Cybercrime Law who repeats the same sentence or comment was
said to be making a "spam." The term referred to a
Section 4(c)(3) provides: Monty Python’s Flying Circus scene in which actors
would keep saying "Spam, Spam, Spam, and Spam"
Sec. 4. Cybercrime Offenses. – The following acts when reading options from a menu.35
constitute the offense of cybercrime punishable
under this Act: The Government, represented by the Solicitor
General, points out that unsolicited commercial
xxxx communications or spams are a nuisance that
wastes the storage and network capacities of
(c) Content-related Offenses: internet service providers, reduces the efficiency of
commerce and technology, and interferes with the
xxxx owner’s peaceful enjoyment of his property.
Transmitting spams amounts to trespass to one’s
(3) Unsolicited Commercial Communications. – The privacy since the person sending out spams enters
transmission of commercial electronic the recipient’s domain without prior permission.
communication with the use of computer system The OSG contends that commercial speech enjoys
which seeks to advertise, sell, or offer for sale less protection in law.
products and services are prohibited unless:
But, firstly, the government presents no basis for
(i) There is prior affirmative consent from holding that unsolicited electronic ads reduce the
the recipient; or "efficiency of computers." Secondly, people,
before the arrival of the age of computers, have
(ii) The primary intent of the already been receiving such unsolicited ads by
communication is for service and/or mail. These have never been outlawed as nuisance
administrative announcements from the since people might have interest in such ads. What
sender to its existing users, subscribers or matters is that the recipient has the option of not
customers; or opening or reading these mail ads. That is true with
spams. Their recipients always have the option to
(iii) The following conditions are present: delete or not to read them.

(aa) The commercial electronic To prohibit the transmission of unsolicited ads

communication contains a simple, would deny a person the right to read his emails,
valid, and reliable way for the even unsolicited commercial ads addressed to him.
recipient to reject receipt of further Commercial speech is a separate category of
commercial electronic messages speech which is not accorded the same level of
(opt-out) from the same source;
protection as that given to other constitutionally or both, in addition to the civil action which may be
guaranteed forms of expression but is nonetheless brought by the offended party.
entitled to protection.36 The State cannot rob him
of this right without violating the constitutionally The libel provision of the cybercrime law, on the
guaranteed freedom of expression. Unsolicited other hand, merely incorporates to form part of it
advertisements are legitimate forms of expression. the provisions of the RPC on libel. Thus Section
4(c)(4) reads:
Articles 353, 354, and 355 of the Penal Code
Sec. 4. Cybercrime Offenses. — The following acts
Section 4(c)(4) of the Cyber Crime Law constitute the offense of cybercrime punishable
under this Act:
Petitioners dispute the constitutionality of both the
penal code provisions on libel as well as Section xxxx
4(c)(4) of the Cybercrime Prevention Act on
cyberlibel. (c) Content-related Offenses:

The RPC provisions on libel read: xxxx

Art. 353. Definition of libel. — A libel is public and (4) Libel. — The unlawful or prohibited acts of libel
malicious imputation of a crime, or of a vice or as defined in Article 355 of the Revised Penal Code,
defect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission, as amended, committed through a computer
condition, status, or circumstance tending to cause system or any other similar means which may be
the dishonor, discredit, or contempt of a natural or devised in the future.
juridical person, or to blacken the memory of one
who is dead. Petitioners lament that libel provisions of the penal
code37 and, in effect, the libel provisions of the
Art. 354. Requirement for publicity. — Every cybercrime law carry with them the requirement of
defamatory imputation is presumed to be "presumed malice" even when the latest
malicious, even if it be true, if no good intention jurisprudence already replaces it with the higher
and justifiable motive for making it is shown, standard of "actual malice" as a basis for
except in the following cases: conviction.38 Petitioners argue that inferring
"presumed malice" from the accused’s defamatory
1. A private communication made by any statement by virtue of Article 354 of the penal code
person to another in the performance of infringes on his constitutionally guaranteed
any legal, moral or social duty; and freedom of expression.

2. A fair and true report, made in good faith, Petitioners would go further. They contend that
without any comments or remarks, of any the laws on libel should be stricken down as
judicial, legislative or other official unconstitutional for otherwise good jurisprudence
proceedings which are not of confidential requiring "actual malice" could easily be
nature, or of any statement, report or overturned as the Court has done in Fermin v.
speech delivered in said proceedings, or of People39 even where the offended parties
any other act performed by public officers happened to be public figures.
in the exercise of their functions.
The elements of libel are: (a) the allegation of a
Art. 355. Libel means by writings or similar means. discreditable act or condition concerning another;
— A libel committed by means of writing, printing, (b) publication of the charge; (c) identity of the
lithography, engraving, radio, phonograph, person defamed; and (d) existence of malice. 40
painting, theatrical exhibition, cinematographic
exhibition, or any similar means, shall be punished There is "actual malice" or malice in fact 41 when
by prision correccional in its minimum and medium the offender makes the defamatory statement
periods or a fine ranging from 200 to 6,000 pesos, with the knowledge that it is false or with reckless
disregard of whether it was false or not.42 The
reckless disregard standard used here requires a But, where the offended party is a private
high degree of awareness of probable falsity. There individual, the prosecution need not prove the
must be sufficient evidence to permit the presence of malice. The law explicitly presumes its
conclusion that the accused in fact entertained existence (malice in law) from the defamatory
serious doubts as to the truth of the statement he character of the assailed statement. 45 For his
published. Gross or even extreme negligence is not defense, the accused must show that he has a
sufficient to establish actual malice. 43 justifiable reason for the defamatory statement
even if it was in fact true.46
The prosecution bears the burden of proving the
presence of actual malice in instances where such Petitioners peddle the view that both the penal
element is required to establish guilt. The defense code and the Cybercrime Prevention Act violate
of absence of actual malice, even when the the country’s obligations under the International
statement turns out to be false, is available where Covenant of Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). They
the offended party is a public official or a public point out that in Adonis v. Republic of the
figure, as in the cases of Vasquez (a barangay Philippines,47 the United Nations Human Rights
official) and Borjal (the Executive Director, First Committee (UNHRC) cited its General Comment 34
National Conference on Land Transportation). to the effect that penal defamation laws should
Since the penal code and implicitly, the cybercrime include the defense of truth.
law, mainly target libel against private persons, the
Court recognizes that these laws imply a stricter But General Comment 34 does not say that the
standard of "malice" to convict the author of a truth of the defamatory statement should
defamatory statement where the offended party is constitute an all-encompassing defense. As it
a public figure. Society’s interest and the happens, Article 361 recognizes truth as a defense
maintenance of good government demand a full but under the condition that the accused has been
discussion of public affairs.44 prompted in making the statement by good
motives and for justifiable ends. Thus:
Parenthetically, the Court cannot accept the
proposition that its ruling in Fermin disregarded Art. 361. Proof of the truth. — In every criminal
the higher standard of actual malice or malice in prosecution for libel, the truth may be given in
fact when it found Cristinelli Fermin guilty of evidence to the court and if it appears that the
committing libel against complainants who were matter charged as libelous is true, and, moreover,
public figures. Actually, the Court found the that it was published with good motives and for
presence of malice in fact in that case. Thus: justifiable ends, the defendants shall be acquitted.

It can be gleaned from her testimony that Proof of the truth of an imputation of an act or
petitioner had the motive to make defamatory omission not constituting a crime shall not be
imputations against complainants. Thus, petitioner admitted, unless the imputation shall have been
cannot, by simply making a general denial, made against Government employees with respect
convince us that there was no malice on her part. to facts related to the discharge of their official
Verily, not only was there malice in law, the article duties.
being malicious in itself, but there was also malice
in fact, as there was motive to talk ill against In such cases if the defendant proves the truth of
complainants during the electoral campaign. the imputation made by him, he shall be acquitted.
(Emphasis ours)
Besides, the UNHRC did not actually enjoin the
Indeed, the Court took into account the relatively Philippines, as petitioners urge, to decriminalize
wide leeway given to utterances against public libel. It simply suggested that defamation laws be
figures in the above case, cinema and television crafted with care to ensure that they do not stifle
personalities, when it modified the penalty of freedom of expression.48 Indeed, the ICCPR states
imprisonment to just a fine of ₱6,000.00. that although everyone should enjoy freedom of
expression, its exercise carries with it special duties
and responsibilities. Free speech is not absolute. It
is subject to certain restrictions, as may be Petitioners assail the constitutionality of Section 5
necessary and as may be provided by law. 49 that renders criminally liable any person who
willfully abets or aids in the commission or
The Court agrees with the Solicitor General that attempts to commit any of the offenses
libel is not a constitutionally protected speech and enumerated as cybercrimes. It suffers from
that the government has an obligation to protect overbreadth, creating a chilling and deterrent
private individuals from defamation. Indeed, effect on protected expression.
cyberlibel is actually not a new crime since Article
353, in relation to Article 355 of the penal code, The Solicitor General contends, however, that the
already punishes it. In effect, Section 4(c)(4) above current body of jurisprudence and laws on aiding
merely affirms that online defamation constitutes and abetting sufficiently protects the freedom of
"similar means" for committing libel. expression of "netizens," the multitude that avail
themselves of the services of the internet. He
But the Court’s acquiescence goes only insofar as points out that existing laws and jurisprudence
the cybercrime law penalizes the author of the sufficiently delineate the meaning of "aiding or
libelous statement or article. Cyberlibel brings with abetting" a crime as to protect the innocent. The
it certain intricacies, unheard of when the penal Solicitor General argues that plain, ordinary, and
code provisions on libel were enacted. The culture common usage is at times sufficient to guide law
associated with internet media is distinct from that enforcement agencies in enforcing the law. 51 The
of print. legislature is not required to define every single
word contained in the laws they craft.
The internet is characterized as encouraging a
freewheeling, anything-goes writing style.50 In a Aiding or abetting has of course well-defined
sense, they are a world apart in terms of quickness meaning and application in existing laws. When a
of the reader’s reaction to defamatory statements person aids or abets another in destroying a
posted in cyberspace, facilitated by one-click reply forest,52 smuggling merchandise into the
options offered by the networking site as well as by country,53 or interfering in the peaceful picketing
the speed with which such reactions are of laborers,54 his action is essentially physical and
disseminated down the line to other internet users. so is susceptible to easy assessment as criminal in
Whether these reactions to defamatory statement character. These forms of aiding or abetting lend
posted on the internet constitute aiding and themselves to the tests of common sense and
abetting libel, acts that Section 5 of the cybercrime human experience.
law punishes, is another matter that the Court will
deal with next in relation to Section 5 of the law. But, when it comes to certain cybercrimes, the
waters are muddier and the line of sight is
Section 5 of the Cybercrime Law somewhat blurred. The idea of "aiding or abetting"
wrongdoings online threatens the heretofore
Section 5 provides: popular and unchallenged dogmas of cyberspace
Sec. 5. Other Offenses. — The following acts shall
also constitute an offense: According to the 2011 Southeast Asia Digital
Consumer Report, 33% of Filipinos have accessed
(a) Aiding or Abetting in the Commission of the internet within a year, translating to about 31
Cybercrime. – Any person who willfully million users.55 Based on a recent survey, the
abets or aids in the commission of any of Philippines ranks 6th in the top 10 most engaged
the offenses enumerated in this Act shall be countries for social networking. 56 Social
held liable. networking sites build social relations among
people who, for example, share interests,
(b) Attempt in the Commission of activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections.57
Cybercrime. — Any person who willfully
attempts to commit any of the offenses Two of the most popular of these sites are
enumerated in this Act shall be held liable. Facebook and Twitter. As of late 2012, 1.2 billion
people with shared interests use Facebook to get blog on (blog service provider).
in touch.58 Users register at this site, create a She needs the internet to access her blog so she
personal profile or an open book of who they are, subscribes to Sun Broadband (Internet Service
add other users as friends, and exchange Provider).
messages, including automatic notifications when
they update their profile.59 A user can post a One day, Maria posts on her internet account the
statement, a photo, or a video on Facebook, which statement that a certain married public official has
can be made visible to anyone, depending on the an illicit affair with a movie star. Linda, one of
user’s privacy settings. Maria’s friends who sees this post, comments
online, "Yes, this is so true! They are so immoral."
If the post is made available to the public, meaning Maria’s original post is then multiplied by her
to everyone and not only to his friends, anyone on friends and the latter’s friends, and down the line
Facebook can react to the posting, clicking any of to friends of friends almost ad infinitum. Nena, who
several buttons of preferences on the program’s is a stranger to both Maria and Linda, comes across
screen such as "Like," "Comment," or "Share." this blog, finds it interesting and so shares the link
"Like" signifies that the reader likes the posting to this apparently defamatory blog on her Twitter
while "Comment" enables him to post online his account. Nena’s "Followers" then "Retweet" the
feelings or views about the same, such as "This is link to that blog site.
great!" When a Facebook user "Shares" a posting,
the original "posting" will appear on his own Pamela, a Twitter user, stumbles upon a random
Facebook profile, consequently making it visible to person’s "Retweet" of Nena’s original tweet and
his down-line Facebook Friends. posts this on her Facebook account. Immediately,
Pamela’s Facebook Friends start Liking and making
Twitter, on the other hand, is an internet social Comments on the assailed posting. A lot of them
networking and microblogging service that enables even press the Share button, resulting in the
its users to send and read short text-based further spread of the original posting into tens,
messages of up to 140 characters. These are known hundreds, thousands, and greater postings.
as "Tweets." Microblogging is the practice of
posting small pieces of digital content—which The question is: are online postings such as "Liking"
could be in the form of text, pictures, links, short an openly defamatory statement, "Commenting"
videos, or other media—on the internet. Instead of on it, or "Sharing" it with others, to be regarded as
friends, a Twitter user has "Followers," those who "aiding or abetting?" In libel in the physical world,
subscribe to this particular user’s posts, enabling if Nestor places on the office bulletin board a small
them to read the same, and "Following," those poster that says, "Armand is a thief!," he could
whom this particular user is subscribed to, enabling certainly be charged with libel. If Roger, seeing the
him to read their posts. Like Facebook, a Twitter poster, writes on it, "I like this!," that could not be
user can make his tweets available only to his libel since he did not author the poster. If Arthur,
Followers, or to the general public. If a post is passing by and noticing the poster, writes on it,
available to the public, any Twitter user can "Correct!," would that be libel? No, for he merely
"Retweet" a given posting. Retweeting is just expresses agreement with the statement on the
reposting or republishing another person’s tweet poster. He still is not its author. Besides, it is not
without the need of copying and pasting it. clear if aiding or abetting libel in the physical world
is a crime.
In the cyberworld, there are many actors: a) the
blogger who originates the assailed statement; b) But suppose Nestor posts the blog, "Armand is a
the blog service provider like Yahoo; c) the internet thief!" on a social networking site. Would a reader
service provider like PLDT, Smart, Globe, or Sun; d) and his Friends or Followers, availing themselves of
the internet café that may have provided the any of the "Like," "Comment," and "Share"
computer used for posting the blog; e) the person reactions, be guilty of aiding or abetting libel? And,
who makes a favorable comment on the blog; and in the complex world of cyberspace expressions of
f) the person who posts a link to the blog thoughts, when will one be liable for aiding or
site.60 Now, suppose Maria (a blogger) maintains a
abetting cybercrimes? Where is the venue of the special concern for two reasons. First, the CDA is a
crime? content-based regulation of speech. The
vagueness of such a regulation raises special U.S.
Except for the original author of the assailed Const. amend. I concerns because of its obvious
statement, the rest (those who pressed Like, chilling effect on free speech. Second, the CDA is a
Comment and Share) are essentially knee-jerk criminal statute. In addition to the opprobrium and
sentiments of readers who may think little or stigma of a criminal conviction, the CDA threatens
haphazardly of their response to the original violators with penalties including up to two years in
posting. Will they be liable for aiding or abetting? prison for each act of violation. The severity of
And, considering the inherent impossibility of criminal sanctions may well cause speakers to
joining hundreds or thousands of responding remain silent rather than communicate even
"Friends" or "Followers" in the criminal charge to arguably unlawful words, ideas, and images. As a
be filed in court, who will make a choice as to who practical matter, this increased deterrent effect,
should go to jail for the outbreak of the challenged coupled with the risk of discriminatory
posting? enforcement of vague regulations, poses greater
U.S. Const. amend. I concerns than those
The old parameters for enforcing the traditional implicated by certain civil regulations.
form of libel would be a square peg in a round hole
when applied to cyberspace libel. Unless the xxxx
legislature crafts a cyber libel law that takes into
account its unique circumstances and culture, such The Communications Decency Act of 1996 (CDA),
law will tend to create a chilling effect on the 47 U.S.C.S. § 223, presents a great threat of
millions that use this new medium of censoring speech that, in fact, falls outside the
communication in violation of their statute's scope. Given the vague contours of the
constitutionally-guaranteed right to freedom of coverage of the statute, it unquestionably silences
expression. some speakers whose messages would be entitled
to constitutional protection. That danger provides
The United States Supreme Court faced the same further reason for insisting that the statute not be
issue in Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union, 61 a overly broad. The CDA’s burden on protected
case involving the constitutionality of the speech cannot be justified if it could be avoided by
Communications Decency Act of 1996. The law a more carefully drafted statute. (Emphasis ours)
prohibited (1) the knowing transmission, by means
of a telecommunications device, of Libel in the cyberspace can of course stain a
person’s image with just one click of the mouse.
"obscene or indecent" communications to any Scurrilous statements can spread and travel fast
recipient under 18 years of age; and (2) the across the globe like bad news. Moreover,
knowing use of an interactive computer service to cyberlibel often goes hand in hand with
send to a specific person or persons under 18 years cyberbullying that oppresses the victim, his
of age or to display in a manner available to a relatives, and friends, evoking from mild to
person under 18 years of age communications disastrous reactions. Still, a governmental purpose,
that, in context, depict or describe, in terms which seeks to regulate the use of this cyberspace
"patently offensive" as measured by contemporary communication technology to protect a person’s
community standards, sexual or excretory reputation and peace of mind, cannot adopt means
activities or organs. that will unnecessarily and broadly sweep, invading
the area of protected freedoms. 62
Those who challenged the Act claim that the law
violated the First Amendment’s guarantee of If such means are adopted, self-inhibition borne of
freedom of speech for being overbroad. The U.S. fear of what sinister predicaments await internet
Supreme Court agreed and ruled: users will suppress otherwise robust discussion of
public issues. Democracy will be threatened and
The vagueness of the Communications Decency with it, all liberties. Penal laws should provide
Act of 1996 (CDA), 47 U.S.C.S. §223, is a matter of reasonably clear guidelines for law enforcement
officials and triers of facts to prevent arbitrary and As already stated, the cyberspace is an
discriminatory enforcement.63 The terms "aiding incomparable, pervasive medium of
or abetting" constitute broad sweep that generates communication. It is inevitable that any
chilling effect on those who express themselves government threat of punishment regarding
through cyberspace posts, comments, and other certain uses of the medium creates a chilling effect
messages.64 Hence, Section 5 of the cybercrime on the constitutionally-protected freedom of
law that punishes "aiding or abetting" libel on the expression of the great masses that use it. In this
cyberspace is a nullity. case, the particularly complex web of interaction
on social media websites would give law enforcers
When a penal statute encroaches upon the such latitude that they could arbitrarily or
freedom of speech, a facial challenge grounded on selectively enforce the law.
the void-for-vagueness doctrine is acceptable. The
inapplicability of the doctrine must be carefully Who is to decide when to prosecute persons who
delineated. As Justice Antonio T. Carpio explained boost the visibility of a posting on the internet by
in his dissent in Romualdez v. Commission on liking it? Netizens are not given "fair notice" or
Elections,65 "we must view these statements of the warning as to what is criminal conduct and what is
Court on the inapplicability of the overbreadth and lawful conduct. When a case is filed, how will the
vagueness doctrines to penal statutes as court ascertain whether or not one netizen’s
appropriate only insofar as these doctrines are comment aided and abetted a cybercrime while
used to mount ‘facial’ challenges to penal statutes another comment did not?
not involving free speech."
Of course, if the "Comment" does not merely react
In an "as applied" challenge, the petitioner who to the original posting but creates an altogether
claims a violation of his constitutional right can new defamatory story against Armand like "He
raise any constitutional ground – absence of due beats his wife and children," then that should be
process, lack of fair notice, lack of ascertainable considered an original posting published on the
standards, overbreadth, or vagueness. Here, one internet. Both the penal code and the cybercrime
can challenge the constitutionality of a statute only law clearly punish authors of defamatory
if he asserts a violation of his own rights. It prohibits publications. Make no mistake, libel destroys
one from assailing the constitutionality of the reputations that society values. Allowed to cascade
statute based solely on the violation of the rights of in the internet, it will destroy relationships and,
third persons not before the court. This rule is also under certain circumstances, will generate enmity
known as the prohibition against third-party and tension between social or economic groups,
standing.66 races, or religions, exacerbating existing tension in
their relationships.
But this rule admits of exceptions. A petitioner may
for instance mount a "facial" challenge to the In regard to the crime that targets child
constitutionality of a statute even if he claims no pornography, when "Google procures, stores, and
violation of his own rights under the assailed indexes child pornography and facilitates the
statute where it involves free speech on grounds of completion of transactions involving the
overbreadth or vagueness of the statute. dissemination of child pornography," does this
make Google and its users aiders and abettors in
The rationale for this exception is to counter the the commission of child pornography
"chilling effect" on protected speech that comes crimes?68 Byars highlights a feature in the
from statutes violating free speech. A person who American law on child pornography that the
does not know whether his speech constitutes a Cybercrimes law lacks—the exemption of a
crime under an overbroad or vague law may simply provider or notably a plain user of interactive
restrain himself from speaking in order to avoid computer service from civil liability for child
being charged of a crime. The overbroad or vague pornography as follows:
law thus chills him into silence.67
No provider or user of an interactive computer
service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker
of any information provided by another None of these offenses borders on the exercise of
information content provider and cannot be held the freedom of expression.
civilly liable for any action voluntarily taken in good
faith to restrict access to or availability of material The crime of willfully attempting to commit any of
that the provider or user considers to be these offenses is for the same reason not
obscene...whether or not such material is objectionable. A hacker may for instance have
constitutionally protected.69 done all that is necessary to illegally access another
party’s computer system but the security
When a person replies to a Tweet containing child employed by the system’s lawful owner could
pornography, he effectively republishes it whether frustrate his effort. Another hacker may have
wittingly or unwittingly. Does this make him a gained access to usernames and passwords of
willing accomplice to the distribution of child others but fail to use these because the system
pornography? When a user downloads the supervisor is alerted.72 If Section 5 that punishes
Facebook mobile application, the user may give any person who willfully attempts to commit this
consent to Facebook to access his contact details. specific offense is not upheld, the owner of the
In this way, certain information is forwarded to username and password could not file a complaint
third parties and unsolicited commercial against him for attempted hacking. But this is not
communication could be disseminated on the basis right. The hacker should not be freed from liability
of this information.70 As the source of this simply because of the vigilance of a lawful owner
information, is the user aiding the distribution of or his supervisor.
this communication? The legislature needs to
address this clearly to relieve users of annoying Petitioners of course claim that Section 5 lacks
fear of possible criminal prosecution. positive limits and could cover the
innocent.73 While this may be true with respect to
Section 5 with respect to Section 4(c)(4) is cybercrimes that tend to sneak past the area of
unconstitutional. Its vagueness raises free expression, any attempt to commit the other
apprehension on the part of internet users because acts specified in Section 4(a)(1), Section 4(a)(2),
of its obvious chilling effect on the freedom of Section 4(a)(3), Section 4(a)(4), Section 4(a)(5),
expression, especially since the crime of aiding or Section 4(a)(6), Section 4(b)(1), Section 4(b)(2),
abetting ensnares all the actors in the cyberspace Section 4(b)(3), and Section 4(c)(1) as well as the
front in a fuzzy way. What is more, as the actors aiding and abetting the commission of such
petitioners point out, formal crimes such as libel acts can be identified with some reasonable
are not punishable unless consummated. 71 In the certainty through adroit tracking of their works.
absence of legislation tracing the interaction of Absent concrete proof of the same, the innocent
netizens and their level of responsibility such as in will of course be spared.
other countries, Section 5, in relation to Section
4(c)(4) on Libel, Section 4(c)(3) on Unsolicited Section 6 of the Cybercrime Law
Commercial Communications, and Section 4(c)(2)
on Child Pornography, cannot stand scrutiny. Section 6 provides:

But the crime of aiding or abetting the commission Sec. 6. All crimes defined and penalized by the
of cybercrimes under Section 5 should be Revised Penal Code, as amended, and special laws,
permitted to apply to Section 4(a)(1) on Illegal if committed by, through and with the use of
Access, Section 4(a)(2) on Illegal Interception, information and communications technologies
Section 4(a)(3) on Data Interference, Section shall be covered by the relevant provisions of this
4(a)(4) on System Interference, Section 4(a)(5) on Act: Provided, That the penalty to be imposed shall
Misuse of Devices, Section 4(a)(6) on Cyber- be one (1) degree higher than that provided for by
squatting, Section 4(b)(1) on Computer-related the Revised Penal Code, as amended, and special
Forgery, Section 4(b)(2) on Computer-related laws, as the case may be.
Fraud, Section 4(b)(3) on Computer-related
Identity Theft, and Section 4(c)(1) on Cybersex. Section 6 merely makes commission of existing
crimes through the internet a qualifying
circumstance. As the Solicitor General points out, The same is true with child pornography
there exists a substantial distinction between committed online. Section 4(c)(2) merely expands
crimes committed through the use of information the ACPA’s scope so as to include identical
and communications technology and similar crimes activities in cyberspace. As previously discussed,
committed using other means. In using the ACPA’s definition of child pornography in fact
technology in question, the offender often evades already covers the use of "electronic, mechanical,
identification and is able to reach far more victims digital, optical, magnetic or any other means."
or cause greater harm. The distinction, therefore, Thus, charging the offender under both Section
creates a basis for higher penalties for cybercrimes. 4(c)(2) and ACPA would likewise be tantamount to
a violation of the constitutional prohibition against
Section 7 of the Cybercrime Law double jeopardy.

Section 7 provides: Section 8 of the Cybercrime Law

Sec. 7. Liability under Other Laws. — A prosecution Section 8 provides:

under this Act shall be without prejudice to any
liability for violation of any provision of the Revised Sec. 8. Penalties. — Any person found guilty of any
Penal Code, as amended, or special laws. of the punishable acts enumerated in Sections 4(a)
and 4(b) of this Act shall be punished with
The Solicitor General points out that Section 7 imprisonment of prision mayor or a fine of at least
merely expresses the settled doctrine that a single Two hundred thousand pesos (Ph₱200,000.00) up
set of acts may be prosecuted and penalized to a maximum amount commensurate to the
simultaneously under two laws, a special law and damage incurred or both.
the Revised Penal Code. When two different laws
define two crimes, prior jeopardy as to one does Any person found guilty of the punishable act
not bar prosecution of the other although both under Section 4(a)(5) shall be punished with
offenses arise from the same fact, if each crime imprisonment of prision mayor or a fine of not
involves some important act which is not an more than Five hundred thousand pesos
essential element of the other. 74 With the (Ph₱500,000.00) or both.
exception of the crimes of online libel and online
child pornography, the Court would rather leave If punishable acts in Section 4(a) are committed
the determination of the correct application of against critical infrastructure, the penalty of
Section 7 to actual cases. reclusion temporal or a fine of at least Five hundred
thousand pesos (Ph₱500,000.00) up to maximum
Online libel is different. There should be no amount commensurate to the damage incurred or
question that if the published material on print, both, shall be imposed.
said to be libelous, is again posted online or vice
versa, that identical material cannot be the subject Any person found guilty of any of the punishable
of two separate libels. The two offenses, one a acts enumerated in Section 4(c)(1) of this Act shall
violation of Article 353 of the Revised Penal Code be punished with imprisonment of prision mayor or
and the other a violation of Section 4(c)(4) of R.A. a fine of at least Two hundred thousand pesos
10175 involve essentially the same elements and (Ph₱200,000.00) but not exceeding One million
are in fact one and the same offense. Indeed, the pesos (Ph₱1,000,000.00) or both.
OSG itself claims that online libel under Section
4(c)(4) is not a new crime but is one already Any person found guilty of any of the punishable
punished under Article 353. Section 4(c)(4) merely acts enumerated in Section 4(c)(2) of this Act shall
establishes the computer system as another means be punished with the penalties as enumerated in
of publication.75 Charging the offender under both Republic Act No. 9775 or the "Anti-Child
laws would be a blatant violation of the Pornography Act of 2009:" Provided, That the
proscription against double jeopardy.76 penalty to be imposed shall be one (1) degree
higher than that provided for in Republic Act No.
9775, if committed through a computer system.
Any person found guilty of any of the punishable electronic means traffic data in real-time
acts enumerated in Section 4(c)(3) shall be associated with specified communications
punished with imprisonment of arresto mayor or a transmitted by means of a computer system.
fine of at least Fifty thousand pesos (Ph₱50,000.00)
but not exceeding Two hundred fifty thousand Traffic data refer only to the communication’s
pesos (Ph₱250,000.00) or both. origin, destination, route, time, date, size,
duration, or type of underlying service, but not
Any person found guilty of any of the punishable content, nor identities.
acts enumerated in Section 5 shall be punished
with imprisonment one (1) degree lower than that All other data to be collected or seized or disclosed
of the prescribed penalty for the offense or a fine will require a court warrant.
of at least One hundred thousand pesos
(Ph₱100,000.00) but not exceeding Five hundred Service providers are required to cooperate and
thousand pesos (Ph₱500,000.00) or both. assist law enforcement authorities in the collection
or recording of the above-stated information.
Section 8 provides for the penalties for the
following crimes: Sections 4(a) on Offenses Against The court warrant required under this section shall
the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of only be issued or granted upon written application
Computer Data and Systems; 4(b) on Computer- and the examination under oath or affirmation of
related Offenses; 4(a)(5) on Misuse of Devices; the applicant and the witnesses he may produce
when the crime punishable under 4(a) is and the showing: (1) that there are reasonable
committed against critical infrastructure; 4(c)(1) on grounds to believe that any of the crimes
Cybersex; 4(c)(2) on Child Pornography; 4(c)(3) on enumerated hereinabove has been committed, or
Unsolicited Commercial Communications; and is being committed, or is about to be committed;
Section 5 on Aiding or Abetting, and Attempt in the (2) that there are reasonable grounds to believe
Commission of Cybercrime. that evidence that will be obtained is essential to
the conviction of any person for, or to the solution
The matter of fixing penalties for the commission of, or to the prevention of, any such crimes; and (3)
of crimes is as a rule a legislative prerogative. Here that there are no other means readily available for
the legislature prescribed a measure of severe obtaining such evidence.
penalties for what it regards as deleterious
cybercrimes. They appear proportionate to the evil Petitioners assail the grant to law enforcement
sought to be punished. The power to determine agencies of the power to collect or record traffic
penalties for offenses is not diluted or improperly data in real time as tending to curtail civil liberties
wielded simply because at some prior time the act or provide opportunities for official abuse. They
or omission was but an element of another offense claim that data showing where digital messages
or might just have been connected with another come from, what kind they are, and where they are
crime.77 Judges and magistrates can only interpret destined need not be incriminating to their senders
and apply them and have no authority to modify or or recipients before they are to be protected.
revise their range as determined by the legislative Petitioners invoke the right of every individual to
department. privacy and to be protected from government
snooping into the messages or information that
The courts should not encroach on this prerogative they send to one another.
of the lawmaking body.78
The first question is whether or not Section 12 has
Section 12 of the Cybercrime Law a proper governmental purpose since a law may
require the disclosure of matters normally
Section 12 provides: considered private but then only upon showing
that such requirement has a rational relation to the
Sec. 12. Real-Time Collection of Traffic Data. — Law purpose of the law,79 that there is a compelling
enforcement authorities, with due cause, shall be State interest behind the law, and that the
authorized to collect or record by technical or provision itself is narrowly drawn. 80 In assessing
regulations affecting privacy rights, courts should Evidently, it is only real-time traffic data collection
balance the legitimate concerns of the State or recording and a subsequent recourse to court-
against constitutional guarantees.81 issued search and seizure warrant that can succeed
in ferreting them out.
Undoubtedly, the State has a compelling interest in
enacting the cybercrime law for there is a need to Petitioners of course point out that the provisions
put order to the tremendous activities in of Section 12 are too broad and do not provide
cyberspace for public good.82 To do this, it is within ample safeguards against crossing legal boundaries
the realm of reason that the government should be and invading the people’s right to privacy. The
able to monitor traffic data to enhance its ability to concern is understandable. Indeed, the Court
combat all sorts of cybercrimes. recognizes in Morfe v. Mutuc88 that certain
constitutional guarantees work together to create
Chapter IV of the cybercrime law, of which the zones of privacy wherein governmental powers
collection or recording of traffic data is a part, aims may not intrude, and that there exists an
to provide law enforcement authorities with the independent constitutional right of privacy. Such
power they need for spotting, preventing, and right to be left alone has been regarded as the
investigating crimes committed in cyberspace. beginning of all freedoms.89
Crime-fighting is a state business. Indeed, as Chief
Justice Sereno points out, the Budapest But that right is not unqualified. In Whalen v.
Convention on Cybercrimes requires signatory Roe,90 the United States Supreme Court classified
countries to adopt legislative measures to privacy into two categories: decisional privacy and
empower state authorities to collect or record informational privacy. Decisional privacy involves
"traffic data, in real time, associated with specified the right to independence in making certain
communications."83 And this is precisely what important decisions, while informational privacy
Section 12 does. It empowers law enforcement refers to the interest in avoiding disclosure of
agencies in this country to collect or record such personal matters. It is the latter right—the right to
data. informational privacy—that those who oppose
government collection or recording of traffic data
But is not evidence of yesterday’s traffic data, like in real-time seek to protect.
the scene of the crime after it has been committed,
adequate for fighting cybercrimes and, therefore, Informational privacy has two aspects: the right not
real-time data is superfluous for that purpose? to have private information disclosed, and the right
Evidently, it is not. Those who commit the crimes to live freely without surveillance and
of accessing a computer system without intrusion.91 In determining whether or not a matter
right,84 transmitting viruses,85 lasciviously is entitled to the right to privacy, this Court has laid
exhibiting sexual organs or sexual activity for favor down a two-fold test. The first is a subjective test,
or consideration;86 and producing child where one claiming the right must have an actual
pornography87 could easily evade detection and or legitimate expectation of privacy over a certain
prosecution by simply moving the physical location matter. The second is an objective test, where his
of their computers or laptops from day to day. In or her expectation of privacy must be one society
this digital age, the wicked can commit cybercrimes is prepared to accept as objectively reasonable. 92
from virtually anywhere: from internet cafés, from
kindred places that provide free internet services, Since the validity of the cybercrime law is being
and from unregistered mobile internet connectors. challenged, not in relation to its application to a
Criminals using cellphones under pre-paid particular person or group, petitioners’ challenge
arrangements and with unregistered SIM cards do to Section 12 applies to all information and
not have listed addresses and can neither be communications technology (ICT) users, meaning
located nor identified. There are many ways the the large segment of the population who use all
cyber criminals can quickly erase their tracks. sorts of electronic devices to communicate with
Those who peddle child pornography could use one another. Consequently, the expectation of
relays of computers to mislead law enforcement privacy is to be measured from the general public’s
authorities regarding their places of operations.
point of view. Without reasonable expectation of in the same way. To be connected by the service
privacy, the right to it would have no basis in fact. provider, the sender reveals his cellphone number
to the service provider when he puts his call
As the Solicitor General points out, an ordinary ICT through. He also reveals the cellphone number to
user who courses his communication through a the person he calls. The other ways of
service provider, must of necessity disclose to the communicating electronically follow the same
latter, a third person, the traffic data needed for basic pattern.
connecting him to the recipient ICT user. For
example, an ICT user who writes a text message In Smith v. Maryland,94 cited by the Solicitor
intended for another ICT user must furnish his General, the United States Supreme Court
service provider with his cellphone number and the reasoned that telephone users in the ‘70s must
cellphone number of his recipient, accompanying realize that they necessarily convey phone
the message sent. It is this information that creates numbers to the telephone company in order to
the traffic data. Transmitting communications is complete a call. That Court ruled that even if there
akin to putting a letter in an envelope properly is an expectation that phone numbers one dials
addressed, sealing it closed, and sending it through should remain private, such expectation is not one
the postal service. Those who post letters have no that society is prepared to recognize as reasonable.
expectations that no one will read the information
appearing outside the envelope. In much the same way, ICT users must know that
they cannot communicate or exchange data with
Computer data—messages of all kinds—travel one another over cyberspace except through some
across the internet in packets and in a way that may service providers to whom they must submit
be likened to parcels of letters or things that are certain traffic data that are needed for a successful
sent through the posts. When data is sent from any cyberspace communication. The conveyance of
one source, the content is broken up into packets this data takes them out of the private sphere,
and around each of these packets is a wrapper or making the expectation to privacy in regard to
header. This header contains the traffic data: them an expectation that society is not prepared to
information that tells computers where the packet recognize as reasonable.
originated, what kind of data is in the packet (SMS,
voice call, video, internet chat messages, email, The Court, however, agrees with Justices Carpio
online browsing data, etc.), where the packet is and Brion that when seemingly random bits of
going, and how the packet fits together with other traffic data are gathered in bulk, pooled together,
packets.93 The difference is that traffic data sent and analyzed, they reveal patterns of activities
through the internet at times across the ocean do which can then be used to create profiles of the
not disclose the actual names and addresses persons under surveillance. With enough traffic
(residential or office) of the sender and the data, analysts may be able to determine a person’s
recipient, only their coded internet protocol (IP) close associations, religious views, political
addresses. The packets travel from one computer affiliations, even sexual preferences. Such
system to another where their contents are pieced information is likely beyond what the public may
back together. expect to be disclosed, and clearly falls within
matters protected by the right to privacy. But has
Section 12 does not permit law enforcement the procedure that Section 12 of the law provides
authorities to look into the contents of the been drawn narrowly enough to protect individual
messages and uncover the identities of the sender rights?
and the recipient.
Section 12 empowers law enforcement authorities,
For example, when one calls to speak to another "with due cause," to collect or record by technical
through his cellphone, the service provider’s or electronic means traffic data in real-time.
communication’s system will put his voice message Petitioners point out that the phrase "due cause"
into packets and send them to the other person’s has no precedent in law or jurisprudence and that
cellphone where they are refitted together and whether there is due cause or not is left to the
heard. The latter’s spoken reply is sent to the caller discretion of the police. Replying to this, the
Solicitor General asserts that Congress is not The Solicitor General points out that Section 12
required to define the meaning of every word it needs to authorize collection of traffic data "in real
uses in drafting the law. time" because it is not possible to get a court
warrant that would authorize the search of what is
Indeed, courts are able to save vague provisions of akin to a "moving vehicle." But warrantless search
law through statutory construction. But the is associated with a police officer’s determination
cybercrime law, dealing with a novel situation, fails of probable cause that a crime has been
to hint at the meaning it intends for the phrase committed, that there is no opportunity for getting
"due cause." The Solicitor General suggests that a warrant, and that unless the search is
"due cause" should mean "just reason or motive" immediately carried out, the thing to be searched
and "adherence to a lawful procedure." But the stands to be removed. These preconditions are not
Court cannot draw this meaning since Section 12 provided in Section 12.
does not even bother to relate the collection of
data to the probable commission of a particular The Solicitor General is honest enough to admit
crime. It just says, "with due cause," thus justifying that Section 12 provides minimal protection to
a general gathering of data. It is akin to the use of internet users and that the procedure envisioned
a general search warrant that the Constitution by the law could be better served by providing for
prohibits. more robust safeguards. His bare assurance that
law enforcement authorities will not abuse the
Due cause is also not descriptive of the purpose for provisions of Section 12 is of course not enough.
which data collection will be used. Will the law The grant of the power to track cyberspace
enforcement agencies use the traffic data to communications in real time and determine their
identify the perpetrator of a cyber attack? Or will it sources and destinations must be narrowly drawn
be used to build up a case against an identified to preclude abuses.95
suspect? Can the data be used to prevent
cybercrimes from happening? Petitioners also ask that the Court strike down
Section 12 for being violative of the void-for-
The authority that Section 12 gives law vagueness doctrine and the overbreadth doctrine.
enforcement agencies is too sweeping and lacks These doctrines however, have been consistently
restraint. While it says that traffic data collection held by this Court to apply only to free speech
should not disclose identities or content data, such cases. But Section 12 on its own neither regulates
restraint is but an illusion. Admittedly, nothing can nor punishes any type of speech. Therefore, such
prevent law enforcement agencies holding these analysis is unnecessary.
data in their hands from looking into the identity of
their sender or receiver and what the data This Court is mindful that advances in technology
contains. This will unnecessarily expose the allow the government and kindred institutions to
citizenry to leaked information or, worse, to monitor individuals and place them under
extortion from certain bad elements in these surveillance in ways that have previously been
agencies. impractical or even impossible. "All the forces of a
technological age x x x operate to narrow the area
Section 12, of course, limits the collection of traffic of privacy and facilitate intrusions into it. In
data to those "associated with specified modern terms, the capacity to maintain and
communications." But this supposed limitation is support this enclave of private life marks the
no limitation at all since, evidently, it is the law difference between a democratic and a totalitarian
enforcement agencies that would specify the society."96 The Court must ensure that laws
target communications. The power is virtually seeking to take advantage of these technologies be
limitless, enabling law enforcement authorities to written with specificity and definiteness as to
engage in "fishing expedition," choosing whatever ensure respect for the rights that the Constitution
specified communication they want. This evidently guarantees.
threatens the right of individuals to privacy.
Section 13 of the Cybercrime Law
Section 13 provides: responsibility for their loss or deletion while in its
Sec. 13. Preservation of Computer Data. — The
integrity of traffic data and subscriber information At any rate, as the Solicitor General correctly points
relating to communication services provided by a out, the data that service providers preserve on
service provider shall be preserved for a minimum orders of law enforcement authorities are not
period of six (6) months from the date of the made inaccessible to users by reason of the
transaction. Content data shall be similarly issuance of such orders. The process of preserving
preserved for six (6) months from the date of data will not unduly hamper the normal
receipt of the order from law enforcement transmission or use of the same.
authorities requiring its preservation.
Section 14 of the Cybercrime Law
Law enforcement authorities may order a one-time
extension for another six (6) months: Provided, Section 14 provides:
That once computer data preserved, transmitted
or stored by a service provider is used as evidence Sec. 14. Disclosure of Computer Data. — Law
in a case, the mere furnishing to such service enforcement authorities, upon securing a court
provider of the transmittal document to the Office warrant, shall issue an order requiring any person
of the Prosecutor shall be deemed a notification to or service provider to disclose or submit
preserve the computer data until the termination subscriber’s information, traffic data or relevant
of the case. data in his/its possession or control within seventy-
two (72) hours from receipt of the order in relation
The service provider ordered to preserve computer to a valid complaint officially docketed and
data shall keep confidential the order and its assigned for investigation and the disclosure is
compliance. necessary and relevant for the purpose of
Petitioners in G.R. 20339197 claim that Section 13
constitutes an undue deprivation of the right to The process envisioned in Section 14 is being
property. They liken the data preservation order likened to the issuance of a subpoena. Petitioners’
that law enforcement authorities are to issue as a objection is that the issuance of subpoenas is a
form of garnishment of personal property in civil judicial function. But it is well-settled that the
forfeiture proceedings. Such order prevents power to issue subpoenas is not exclusively a
internet users from accessing and disposing of judicial function. Executive agencies have the
traffic data that essentially belong to them. power to issue subpoena as an adjunct of their
investigatory powers.98
No doubt, the contents of materials sent or
received through the internet belong to their Besides, what Section 14 envisions is merely the
authors or recipients and are to be considered enforcement of a duly issued court warrant, a
private communications. But it is not clear that a function usually lodged in the hands of law
service provider has an obligation to indefinitely enforcers to enable them to carry out their
keep a copy of the same as they pass its system for executive functions. The prescribed procedure for
the benefit of users. By virtue of Section 13, disclosure would not constitute an unlawful search
however, the law now requires service providers to or seizure nor would it violate the privacy of
keep traffic data and subscriber information communications and correspondence. Disclosure
relating to communication services for at least six can be made only after judicial intervention.
months from the date of the transaction and those
relating to content data for at least six months from Section 15 of the Cybercrime Law
receipt of the order for their preservation.
Section 15 provides:
Actually, the user ought to have kept a copy of that
data when it crossed his computer if he was so Sec. 15. Search, Seizure and Examination of
minded. The service provider has never assumed Computer Data. — Where a search and seizure
warrant is properly issued, the law enforcement Section 17 provides:
authorities shall likewise have the following powers
and duties. Sec. 17. Destruction of Computer Data. — Upon
expiration of the periods as provided in Sections 13
Within the time period specified in the warrant, to and 15, service providers and law enforcement
conduct interception, as defined in this Act, and: authorities, as the case may be, shall immediately
and completely destroy the computer data subject
(a) To secure a computer system or a of a preservation and examination.
computer data storage medium;
Section 17 would have the computer data,
(b) To make and retain a copy of those previous subject of preservation or examination,
computer data secured; destroyed or deleted upon the lapse of the
prescribed period. The Solicitor General justifies
(c) To maintain the integrity of the relevant this as necessary to clear up the service provider’s
stored computer data; storage systems and prevent overload. It would
also ensure that investigations are quickly
(d) To conduct forensic analysis or concluded.
examination of the computer data storage
medium; and Petitioners claim that such destruction of
computer data subject of previous preservation or
(e) To render inaccessible or remove those examination violates the user’s right against
computer data in the accessed computer or deprivation of property without due process of
computer and communications network. law. But, as already stated, it is unclear that the
user has a demandable right to require the service
Pursuant thereof, the law enforcement authorities provider to have that copy of the data saved
may order any person who has knowledge about indefinitely for him in its storage system. If he
the functioning of the computer system and the wanted them preserved, he should have saved
measures to protect and preserve the computer them in his computer when he generated the data
data therein to provide, as is reasonable, the or received it. He could also request the service
necessary information, to enable the undertaking provider for a copy before it is deleted.
of the search, seizure and examination.
Section 19 of the Cybercrime Law
Law enforcement authorities may request for an
extension of time to complete the examination of Section 19 empowers the Department of Justice to
the computer data storage medium and to make a restrict or block access to computer data:
return thereon but in no case for a period longer
than thirty (30) days from date of approval by the Sec. 19. Restricting or Blocking Access to Computer
court. Data.— When a computer data is prima facie found
to be in violation of the provisions of this Act, the
Petitioners challenge Section 15 on the assumption DOJ shall issue an order to restrict or block access
that it will supplant established search and seizure to such computer data.
procedures. On its face, however, Section 15
merely enumerates the duties of law enforcement Petitioners contest Section 19 in that it stifles
authorities that would ensure the proper freedom of expression and violates the right
collection, preservation, and use of computer against unreasonable searches and seizures. The
system or data that have been seized by virtue of a Solicitor General concedes that this provision may
court warrant. The exercise of these duties do not be unconstitutional. But since laws enjoy a
pose any threat on the rights of the person from presumption of constitutionality, the Court must
whom they were taken. Section 15 does not appear satisfy itself that Section 19 indeed violates the
to supersede existing search and seizure rules but freedom and right mentioned.
merely supplements them.

Section 17 of the Cybercrime Law

Computer data99 may refer to entire programs or The Court is therefore compelled to strike down
lines of code, including malware, as well as files Section 19 for being violative of the constitutional
that contain texts, images, audio, or video guarantees to freedom of expression and against
recordings. Without having to go into a lengthy unreasonable searches and seizures.
discussion of property rights in the digital space, it
is indisputable that computer data, produced or Section 20 of the Cybercrime Law
created by their writers or authors may constitute
personal property. Consequently, they are Section 20 provides:
protected from unreasonable searches and
seizures, whether while stored in their personal Sec. 20. Noncompliance. — Failure to comply with
computers or in the service provider’s systems. the provisions of Chapter IV hereof specifically the
orders from law enforcement authorities shall be
Section 2, Article III of the 1987 Constitution punished as a violation of Presidential Decree No.
provides that the right to be secure in one’s papers 1829 with imprisonment of prision correctional in
and effects against unreasonable searches and its maximum period or a fine of One hundred
seizures of whatever nature and for any purpose thousand pesos (Php100,000.00) or both, for each
shall be inviolable. Further, it states that no search and every noncompliance with an order issued by
warrant shall issue except upon probable cause to law enforcement authorities.
be determined personally by the judge. Here, the
Government, in effect, seizes and places the Petitioners challenge Section 20, alleging that it is
computer data under its control and disposition a bill of attainder. The argument is that the mere
without a warrant. The Department of Justice failure to comply constitutes a legislative finding of
order cannot substitute for judicial search warrant. guilt, without regard to situations where non-
compliance would be reasonable or valid.
The content of the computer data can also
constitute speech. In such a case, Section 19 But since the non-compliance would be punished
operates as a restriction on the freedom of as a violation of Presidential Decree (P.D.)
expression over cyberspace. Certainly not all forms 1829,102 Section 20 necessarily incorporates
of speech are protected. Legislature may, within elements of the offense which are defined therein.
constitutional bounds, declare certain kinds of If Congress had intended for Section 20 to
expression as illegal. But for an executive officer to constitute an offense in and of itself, it would not
seize content alleged to be unprotected without have had to make reference to any other statue or
any judicial warrant, it is not enough for him to be provision.
of the opinion that such content violates some law,
for to do so would make him judge, jury, and P.D. 1829 states:
executioner all rolled into one.100
Section 1. The penalty of prision correccional in its
Not only does Section 19 preclude any judicial maximum period, or a fine ranging from 1,000 to
intervention, but it also disregards jurisprudential 6,000 pesos, or both, shall be imposed upon any
guidelines established to determine the validity of person who knowingly or willfully obstructs,
restrictions on speech. Restraints on free speech impedes, frustrates or delays the apprehension of
are generally evaluated on one of or a combination suspects and the investigation and prosecution of
of three tests: the dangerous tendency doctrine, criminal cases by committing any of the following
the balancing of interest test, and the clear and acts:
present danger rule.101 Section 19, however,
merely requires that the data to be blocked be x x x.
found prima facie in violation of any provision of
the cybercrime law. Taking Section 6 into Thus, the act of non-compliance, for it to be
consideration, this can actually be made to apply in punishable, must still be done "knowingly or
relation to any penal provision. It does not take into willfully." There must still be a judicial
consideration any of the three tests mentioned determination of guilt, during which, as the
above. Solicitor General assumes, defense and
justifications for non-compliance may be raised. standards for the CICC to follow when it provided a
Thus, Section 20 is valid insofar as it applies to the definition of cybersecurity.
provisions of Chapter IV which are not struck down
by the Court. Cybersecurity refers to the collection of tools,
policies, risk management approaches, actions,
Sections 24 and 26(a) of the Cybercrime Law training, best practices, assurance and
technologies that can be used to protect cyber
Sections 24 and 26(a) provide: environment and organization and user’s
assets.104 This definition serves as the parameters
Sec. 24. Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating within which CICC should work in formulating the
Center.– There is hereby created, within thirty (30) cybersecurity plan.
days from the effectivity of this Act, an inter-
agency body to be known as the Cybercrime Further, the formulation of the cybersecurity plan
Investigation and Coordinating Center (CICC), is consistent with the policy of the law to "prevent
under the administrative supervision of the Office and combat such [cyber] offenses by facilitating
of the President, for policy coordination among their detection, investigation, and prosecution at
concerned agencies and for the formulation and both the domestic and international levels, and by
enforcement of the national cybersecurity plan. providing arrangements for fast and reliable
international cooperation."105 This policy is clearly
Sec. 26. Powers and Functions.– The CICC shall adopted in the interest of law and order, which has
have the following powers and functions: been considered as sufficient standard. 106 Hence,
Sections 24 and 26(a) are likewise valid.
(a) To formulate a national cybersecurity plan and
extend immediate assistance of real time WHEREFORE, the Court DECLARES:
commission of cybercrime offenses through a
computer emergency response team (CERT); x x x. 1. VOID for being UNCONSTITUTIONAL:

Petitioners mainly contend that Congress invalidly a. Section 4(c)(3) of Republic Act
delegated its power when it gave the Cybercrime 10175 that penalizes posting of
Investigation and Coordinating Center (CICC) the unsolicited commercial
power to formulate a national cybersecurity plan communications;
without any sufficient standards or parameters for
it to follow. b. Section 12 that authorizes the
collection or recording of traffic
In order to determine whether there is undue data in real-time; and
delegation of legislative power, the Court has
adopted two tests: the completeness test and the c. Section 19 of the same Act that
sufficient standard test. Under the first test, the authorizes the Department of
law must be complete in all its terms and Justice to restrict or block access to
conditions when it leaves the legislature such that suspected Computer Data.
when it reaches the delegate, the only thing he will
have to do is to enforce it.1avvphi1 The second test 2. VALID and CONSTITUTIONAL:
mandates adequate guidelines or limitations in the
law to determine the boundaries of the delegate’s a. Section 4(a)(1) that penalizes
authority and prevent the delegation from running accessing a computer system
riot.103 without right;

Here, the cybercrime law is complete in itself when b. Section 4(a)(3) that penalizes
it directed the CICC to formulate and implement a data interference, including
national cybersecurity plan. Also, contrary to the transmission of viruses;
position of the petitioners, the law gave sufficient
c. Section 4(a)(6) that penalizes
cyber-squatting or acquiring
domain name over the internet in n. Section 24 that establishes a
bad faith to the prejudice of others; Cybercrime Investigation and
Coordinating Center (CICC);
d. Section 4(b)(3) that penalizes
identity theft or the use or misuse o. Section 26(a) that defines the
of identifying information belonging CICC’s Powers and Functions; and
to another;
p. Articles 353, 354, 361, and 362 of
e. Section 4(c)(1) that penalizes the Revised Penal Code that
cybersex or the lascivious exhibition penalizes libel.
of sexual organs or sexual activity
for favor or consideration; Further, the Court DECLARES:

f. Section 4(c)(2) that penalizes the 1. Section 4(c)(4) that penalizes online libel
production of child pornography; as VALID and CONSTITUTIONAL with
respect to the original author of the post;
g. Section 6 that imposes penalties but VOID and UNCONSTITUTIONAL with
one degree higher when crimes respect to others who simply receive the
defined under the Revised Penal post and react to it; and
Code are committed with the use of
information and communications 2. Section 5 that penalizes aiding or
technologies; abetting and attempt in the commission of
cybercrimes as VA L I D and
h. Section 8 that prescribes the CONSTITUTIONAL only in relation to
penalties for cybercrimes; Section 4(a)(1) on Illegal Access, Section
4(a)(2) on Illegal Interception, Section
i. Section 13 that permits law 4(a)(3) on Data Interference, Section
enforcement authorities to require 4(a)(4) on System
service providers to preserve traffic
data and subscriber information as Interference, Section 4(a)(5) on Misuse of Devices,
well as specified content data for six Section 4(a)(6) on Cyber-squatting, Section 4(b)(1)
months; on Computer-related Forgery, Section 4(b)(2) on
Computer-related Fraud, Section 4(b)(3) on
j. Section 14 that authorizes the Computer-related Identity Theft, and Section
disclosure of computer data under 4(c)(1) on Cybersex; but VOID and
a court-issued warrant; UNCONSTITUTIONAL with respect to Sections
4(c)(2) on Child Pornography, 4(c)(3) on Unsolicited
k. Section 15 that authorizes the Commercial Communications, and 4(c)(4) on
search, seizure, and examination of online Libel.1âwphi1
computer data under a court-issued
warrant; Lastly, the Court RESOLVES to LEAVE THE
DETERMINATION of the correct application of
l. Section 17 that authorizes the Section 7 that authorizes prosecution of the
destruction of previously preserved offender under both the Revised Penal Code and
computer data after the expiration Republic Act 10175 to actual cases, WITH THE
of the prescribed holding periods; EXCEPTION of the crimes of:

m. Section 20 that penalizes 1. Online libel as to which, charging the

obstruction of justice in relation to offender under both Section 4(c)(4) of
cybercrime investigations; Republic Act 10175 and Article 353 of the
Revised Penal Code constitutes a violation
of the proscription against double PANGKALAHATANG SANGGUNIAN MANILA AND
2. Child pornography committed online as
to which, charging the offender under both DECISION
Section 4(c)(2) of Republic Act 10175 and
Republic Act 9775 or the Anti-Child HERNANDO, J.:
Pornography Act of 2009 also constitutes a
violation of the same proscription, and, in Before this Court are Consolidated Petitions
respect to these, is VOID and for Certiorari1 filed under Rule 65 of the Rules of
UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Court assailing the Orders issued by the Regional
Trial Court (RTC) of Manila, Branch 26, in Civil Case
SO ORDERED. No. 03-106101, on the following dates: April 27,
2009,2 May 5, 2009,3 June 23, 20094 and July 7,
[ G.R. No. 188760, June 30, 2020 ] 20095 (collectively referred to as the Assailed
BUREAU OF CUSTOMS, REPRESENTED BY ITS The material and relevant facts are as follows:
T. PAMPILO, JR., IN HIS CAPACITY AS PRESIDING On March 21, 2003, private respondent Social
JUDGE OF THE REGIONAL TRIAL COURT, MANILA, Justice Society (SJS), a political parry duly
BRANCH 26, SOCIAL JUSTICE SOCIETY AND registered with the Commission of Elections, filed
VLADIMIR ALARIQUE T. CABIGAO, RESPONDENTS; with the RTC of Manila, a Petition for Declaratory
Relief,6 docketed as Civil Case No. 03-106101,
PANGKALAHATANG SANGGUNIAN MANILA AND against Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation
SUBURBS DRIVER'S ASSOCIATION NATIONWIDE (Shell); Caltex Philippines, Inc. (Caltex), and Petron
(PASANG MASDA), INCORPORATED, RESPONDENT- Corporation (Petron), collectively referred to as the
INTERVENOR; "Big 3." In its Petition, private respondent SJS raised
as an issue the oil companies' business practice of
PILIPINAS SHELL PETROLEUM CORPORATION, increasing the prices of their petroleum products
CALTEX PHILIPPINES, INC., AND PETRON whenever the price of crude oil increases in the
CORPORATION, NECESSARY PARTIES. world market despite that fact that they had
purchased their inventories at a much lower price
[G.R. No. 189060 long before the increase. SJS argued that such
practice constitutes monopoly and combination in
CHEVRON PHILIPPINES, INC., PETITIONER, VS. restraint of trade, prohibited under Article 1867 of
HON. SILVINO T. PAMPILO, JR., PRESIDING JUDGE, the Revised Penal Code (RPC). SJS likewise
REGIONAL TRIAL COURT OF MANILA, BRANCH 26, contended that the acts of these oil companies of
SOCIAL JUSTICE SOCIETY AND VLADIMIR ALARIQUE increasing the prices of its oil products whenever
T. CABIGAO, RESPONDENTS; their competitors increase their prices fall under
the term "combination or concerted action" used
PANGKALAHATANG SANGGUNIAN MANILA AND in Section 11 (a)8 of Republic Act (RA) No. 8479,
SUBURBS DRIVER'S ASSOCIATION NATIONWIDE otherwise known as the Downstream Oil Industry
(PASANG MASDA), INCORPORATED, RESPONDENT- Deregulation Act of 1998 (Approved on February
INTERVENOR; 10, 1998). The Petition was later amended to
include private respondent Atty. Vladmir Alarique
[G.R. No. 189333] T. Cabigao (Cabigao), a member of private
respondent SJS, as an additional petitioner to the
The Big 3 separately moved for the dismissal of the products, delivery receipts, sales invoices and
case on the grounds of lack of legal standing, lack other related documents on the purchases of the
of cause of action, lack of jurisdiction, and failure petroleum products covering the period January
to exhaust administrative remedies.10 2003 to December 2003. The three government
agencies are hereby ordered to take necessary
On December 17, 2003, public respondent RTC actions to comply with the Order of this Court.
issued an Order11 denying the motions to dismiss
and directing the parties to refer the matter to the Furnish copy of this Order to the [COA], [BIR], and
Joint Task Force of the Department of Energy (DOE) [BOC].
and Department of Justice (DOJ) pursuant to
Section 11 of RA 8479. In the meantime, public SO ORDERED.16
respondent RTC ordered the suspension of the
proceedings. The Big 3 separately sought
reconsideration.17 Private respondents, on the
Chevron sought reconsideration but public other hand, moved18 for the production of records
respondent RTC denied the same in its June 30, and the inclusion of private respondent Cabigao as
2004 Order.12 part of the team that would open and examine the
books of accounts of the Big 3.
Thereafter, the DOE-DOJ Joint Task Force
submitted its Report13 finding no clear evidence On May 5, 2009, public respondent RTC issued the
that the Big 3 violated Article 186 of the RPC or second assailed Order, directing the Chairman of
Section 11 (a) of RA 8479. Based on the said report, COA and the Commissioners of the BIR and the BOC
the Big 3 orally moved for the dismissal of the to form a panel of examiners to conduct an
case.14 Private respondents, on the other hand, examination of the books of a9counts of the Big 3
moved to open and examine the books of account and to submit a report thereon within three (3)
of the Big 3 to enable the court to determine months from receipt of the Order.19
whether Section 11 (a) of RA 8479 had been
violated.15 Though not parties to the case, the COA, the BIR,
and the BOC, through the Office of the Solicitor
Ruling of the Regional Trial Court General (OSG), were constrained to file a Motion
for Reconsideration20 of the April 27 and May 5,
On April 27, 2009, public respondent RTC issued 2009 Orders on the ground that the order of
the first assailed Order, which resolved to: examination is unwarranted and beyond their
respective jurisdictions.
-1 deny the motions to dismiss of the Big 3;
Meanwhile, private respondent-
-2 grant private respondents' motion to open and intervenor Pangkalahatang Sanggunian Manila and
examine the books of accounts of the Big 3; and Suburbs Drivers' Association Nationwide (Pasang
Masda), Inc. filed a Motion for Intervention with
-3 order the Commission on Audit (COA), Bureau of attached Petition-in-Intervention,21 which the Big
Internal Revenue (BIR), and the Bureau of Customs 3 opposed.
(BOC) to open and examine the books of accounts
of the Big 3. On June 23, 2009, public respondent RTC issued
the third assailed Order, granting Pasang
The dispositive portion of the Order reads: Masda's Motion for Intervention and thereby
admitting its Petition-in-Intervention.22
IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the Motion[s] to
Dismiss [are] hereby DENIED and Motion for the On July 7, 2009, the RTC issued the fourth assailed
Opening and Examination of the Books of Account Order denying the motions for reconsideration of
of the [Big 3 is hereby GRANTED. Accordingly, the the Big 3 and the OSG and granting private
[COA], [BIR], and [BOC] are hereby ordered to open respondents' motion to include private respondent
and examine the cash receipts, cash disbursement Cabigao as part of the panel of examiners.23 Public
books, the purchase orders on the petroleum
respondent RTC stood pat on its April 27, 2009 Orders of public respondent RTC. Both Petitions
Order citing the doctrine of parens patriae.24 were consolidated with G.R. No. 188760.32

A few days later, on July 24, 2009, the RTC, acting Shell, on the other hand, filed with the Court of
on the manifestation of private respondents that Appeals (CA) a Petition for Certiorari with prayer
the government agencies have not acted to comply for the issuance of a TRO and/or a writ of
with its order, directed the COA, the BIR, and the preliminary injunction, docketed as CA-G.R. SP No.
BOC to explain within 72 hours from notice why 110050,33 assailing the April 27, June 23, and July
they should not be cited in contempt for failure to 7, 2009 Orders of public respondent RTC.
On August 6, 2010, the CA rendered a
After the lapse of the 72-hour period, private Decision34 on the Petition for Certiorari, docketed
respondents moved for the issuance of a warrant as CA-G.R. SP No. 110050. Finding grave abuse of
of arrest against the Chairman of COA and the discretion on the part of public respondent RTC,
Commissioners of the BIR and BOC for their refusal the CA reversed and set aside the April 27, June 23,
to obey the orders of the RTC.26 Accordingly, the and July 7, 2009 Orders, and ordered the dismissal
RTC issued an Order27 giving the Chairman of COA of the case for declaratory relief for lack of cause of
and the Commissioners of the BIR and BOC five (5) action. The appellate court, in essence, opined that
days from receipt of the notice within which to file the issues raised by private respondents cannot be
a comment or opposition to the motion for the made subject of an action for declaratory relief. As
issuance of a warrant of arrest against them. to the propriety of the intervention of Pasang
Masda, it ruled that Pasang Masda had no legal
Left with no other recourse, the COA, represented interest in the matter.
by its Chairman, the BIR and the BOC, represented
by their respective Commissioners, through the Aggrieved, private respondents sought to have the
OSG, filed before this Court, on July 31, 2009, a August 6, 2010 Decision reconsidered. However,
Petition for Certiorari with Application for having been informed of the existence of G.R. No.
Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) and/or Writ of 188760 assailing the same Orders of public
Preliminary Injunction,28 docketed as G.R. No. respondent RTC, the CA resolved in its November
188760, assailing the April 27 and May 5, 2009 12, 2010 Resolution35 to defer any action on the
Orders of the public respondent RTC. Direct resort case.
to this Court was made because the issues raised
were purely legal, which is an exception to the On June 4, 2013, this Court issued a
doctrine of hierarchy of courts. Resolution36 directing the CA to resolve the
pending motion for reconsideration in CA-G.R. SP
Finding the application for TRO meritorious, this No. 110050 with dispatch and to inform the Court
Court on August 4, 2009 issued a TRO,29 enjoining of whatever action in may take thereon.
the implementation of the April 27 and May 5,
2009 Orders of public respondent RTC. In compliance with this Court's directive, on August
6, 2013, the CA issued a Resolution37 denying the
Chevron and Petron followed suit and filed with Motion for Reconsideration filed by private
this Court their respective petitions for certiorari. respondents.
Chevron filed a Petition for Certiorari and
Prohibition with Application for TRO and/Writ of Issues
Preliminary Injunction with Motion for
Consolidation,30 docketed as G.R. No. 189060, Hence, the instant consolidated Petitions, raising
assailing the April 27 and July 7, 2009 Orders while the following issues:
Petron filed a Petition for Certiorari (with prayer
for issuance of TRO and/or Writ of Preliminary In G.R. No. 188760, the OSG contends that public
Injunction),31 docketed as G.R. No. 189333, respondent RTC gravely abused [its] discretion in
assailing the April 27, June 23, and July 7, 2009 that:
[It] ordered [the COA, the BIR, and the BOC] to do FOR DECLARATORY RELIEF MERELY SEEKS AN
a patently ultra vires act, directing COA to audit ADVISORY OPINION OF THE COURT ON WHETHER
beyond its constitutional mandate and directing X X X PETRON AND THE OTHER OIL COMPANIES,
BIR and BOC to examine outside their statutory PILIPINAS SHELL PETROLEUM CORPORATION AND

[It] invoked parens patriae and Rule 27 on B.

Production or Inspection of Documents in [its]
compulsory designation of COA, BIR and BOC as [PUBLIC RESPONDENT RTC] COMMITTED GRAVE
anti-trust auditors while usurping the authority of ABUSE OF DISCRETION AMOUNTING TO LACK OR
the [DOE-DOJ Joint] Task Force created by the Oil EXCESS OF JURISDICTION WHEN
Deregulation Law for anti-trust monitoring. [IT] DENIED PETRON'S MOTION TO DISMISS
[It] disregarded Due Process, to enforce [its] void CASE "FOR THE SPEEDY DISPOSITION OF THE
contempt despite lack of notice and being non- DATED APRIL 17, 2008 THAT THERE IS NO
In G.R. No. 189060, Chevron interposes the PETRON, SHELL AND CHEVRON.
following issues:

In G.R. No. 189333, Petron alleges that:
Simply put, the issues to be resolved are as follows:
(1) Whether public respondent RTC
[PUBLIC RESPONDENT RTC] COMMITTED GRAVE committed grave abuse of discretion in not
dismissing the Amended Petition for BIR, and the BOC to examine the books of accounts
Declaratory Relief; of the Big 3,46 and that such order is a violation of
the Big 3's right to due process.47
(2) Whether public respondent RTC
committed grave abuse of discretion in G.R. No. 189060
ordering the COA, the BIR, and the BOC to
examine the books of accounts of the Big 3 Chevron ascribes grave abuse of discretion on the
and in including private respondent part of the RTC in issuing the April 27 and July 7,
Cabigao as part of the "panel of examiners;" 2009 Orders. Chevron argues that the Amended
and Petition for Declaratory Relief filed by private
respondents failed to raise a justiciable
(3) Whether public respondent RTC controversy and to establish a cause of action for a
committed grave abuse of discretion in declaratory relief.48 Chevron points out that there
allowing Pasang Masda to intervene in the is no factual allegation in the Petition that private
case. respondents' rights are being threatened or that
there is an imminent violation thereof that should
The Parties' Arguments be prevented by the declaratory relief
sought.49 Instead, from the allegations, it appears
G.R. No. 188760 that private respondents want public respondent
RTC to investigate and render an opinion on
The OSG assails the April 27 and May 5, 2009 whether the Big 3 violated Article 186 of the RPC or
Orders of the RTC on the ground that it would be Section 11 of RA 8479.50 This, however, is not the
legally impossible for the COA, the BIR, and the function of the court.51 Rather, it is the DOE-DOJ
BOC to comply with the said Orders because it is Joint Task Force that has primary jurisdiction to
beyond the mandates of these government investigate whether there was a violation of
agencies to examine the books of accounts of the Section 11 of RA 8479.52 Thus, the RTC exceeded
Big 3.41 Also, the OSG asserts that the orders are its power or authority when it created its own
not sanctioned by the Rules of Court, specifically procedure, ordering the government agencies to
Rule 27 on the Production or Inspection of investigate the Big 3 and allowing private
Documents or Things, and RA 8479.42 In fact, respondent Cabigao to become part of the panel of
under RA 8479, it is the DOE-DOJ Joint Task Force examiners.53 To justify its orders, the RTC cites the
which has the power and authority to monitor or doctrine of parens patriae. Chevron, however,
investigate oil companies, and initiate the filing of avers that this doctrine is inapplicable as this only
a complaint, if necessary.43 In this case, applies to measures taken by the State to protect
considering that public respondent RTC already those who cannot protect themselves such as
referred the case to the DOE-DOJ Joint Task Force minors, insane, and incompetent persons.54
for investigation, there was no need for public
respondent RTC to issue said orders as it is bound G.R. No. 189333
by the task force's finding that no violation was
committed by the Big 3 under the doctrine of Petron imputes grave abuse of discretion on the
conclusive finality.44 part of the public respondent trial court in issuing
the April 27, June 23 and July 7, 2009 Orders.
Shell Echoing the arguments of Chevron, Petron posits
that a petition for declaratory relief is not available
Shell, impleaded as a necessary party, likewise in the instant case because the requisites for an
argues that public respondent RTC committed action for declaratory relief are not present,
grave abuse of discretion in ordering the opening specifically there is no justiciable controversy, and
of the books of accounts of the Big 3 as this is that a reading of the petition readily shows that
beyond the scope of a petition for declaratory private respondents are merely asking for an
relief, which is only limited to the declaration of advisory opinion, which courts are proscribed from
legal rights.45 Shell claims that it is beyond the rendering.55 Neither do private respondents have
mandates and statutory powers of the COA, the a cause of action in view of the factual findings of
the DOE-DOJ Joint Task Force that the Big 3 did not government entities because as a member of the
commit any violation of Section 11 of RA 8479 and United Nations Board of Auditors (UNBOA), it was
Article 186 of the RPC.56 Also, public respondent previously deployed as part of the auditing team of
RTC exceeded its authority when it ordered the 17 UN agencies.66 In addition, Pasang Masda cites
COA, the BIR, and the BOC to inspect and examine the case of Manila Electric Company (MERALCO) v.
the books of accounts of the Big 3 because under Lualhati,67 where the COA was tasked by the
RA 8479, it is the DOE-DOJ Joint Task Force which Energy Regulatory Commission to audit MERALCO,
has the primary jurisdiction to monitor, investigate, as precedent for the orders of public respondent
and file the necessary cases in court against any RTC.68 It also posits that the creation of the DOE-
person or entity in the oil industry.57 Moreover, DOJ Joint Task Force cannot divest the court of its
public respondent RTC cannot use the doctrine judicial power over the instant case and that its
of parens patriae to justify its order because the findings are merely recommendatory.69 Regarding
doctrine only refers to the inherent power of the its intervention, Pasang Masda claims that there
State to provide protection to those who lack the had been cases where the court allowed a party to
legal capacity to act on their own behalf.58 With intervene despite the fact that the parties have
regard to the June 23, 2009 Order, Petron already submitted a compromise agreement as
contends that public respondent RTC committed long as the intervenor had an interest in the
grave abuse of discretion in allowing Pasang case.70 In this case, it insists that it has an interest
Masda to intervene despite the fact that it lacked in the outcome of the case as consumers of oil
legal interest in the subject matter of products.71
litigation.59 Furthermore, Petron claims that
the Pasang Masda's Petition-in-Intervention was Ruling
filed beyond the time allowed by the rules as the
parties have already pleaded their respective The Petitions are meritorious.
positions and the DOE-DOJ Joint Task Force had
already submitted its Report.60 An action for declaratory relief is not the proper
Private respondents' arguments
A petition for declaratory relief is an action
Private respondents, on the other hand, assert that instituted by a person interested in a deed, will,
they availed of the proper recourse and that all the contract or other written instrument, executive
requisites for a declaratory relief are order or resolution, to determine any question of
present.61 They maintain that the RTC has construction or validity arising from the
jurisdiction over their Petition and that the rule on instrument, executive order or regulation, or
primary jurisdiction invoked by the Big 3 is not a statute and for a declaration of his rights and duties
hard-and-fast rule.62 They insist that the thereunder.72 It must be filed before the breach or
jurisdiction of the DOE-DOJ Joint Task Force is not violation of the statute, deed or contract to which
exclusive and that its findings are not it refers; otherwise, the court can no longer
conclusive.63 As regards the order of public assume jurisdiction over the action.73 Thus, "[t]he
respondent RTC to open and examine the books of only issue that may be raised in such [an action] is
accounts of the Big 3, private respondents opine the question of construction or validity of
that this is in accordance with the principles of provisions in an instrument or statute."74
social justice and Article 24 of the Civil Code, which
grants power to the court to issue such order to In the instant case, private respondents, in their
protect the consuming public.64 Amended Petition, alleged that "[the Big 3 now and
then increase the price of their petroleum
Pasang Masda's arguments products" and that "an increase in prices declared
by one of them is inevitably followed by increases
Similarly, Pasang Masda banks on the social justice by the others."75 Private respondents, thus,
provisions of the Constitution as legal basis for the interposed the following issues:
orders of public respondent RTC.65 It avers that
the auditing powers of the COA is not limited to
(A) WHETHER X X X THE ACT OF OIL x x x if an action for declaratory relief were to be
COMPANIES, INCLUDING [THE BIG 3, IN allowed in this case, after a breach of the statute,
INCREASING THE PRICE OF THEIR OIL the decision of the court in the action for
PRODUCTS WHENEVER THE PRICE OF declaratory relief would prejudge the action for
CRUDE OIL IN THE WORLD MARKET violation of the barter law.
HAD PURCHASED THEIR INVENTORY OF The institution of an action for declaratory relief
CRUDE OIL LONG BEFORE SUCH INCREASE after a breach of contract or statute, is
IN WORLD MARKET PRICE AND AT A MUCH objectionable on various grounds, among which is
LOWER PRICE, IS VIOLATIVE OF THE that it violates the rule on multiplicity of suits. If the
FOREGOING LEGAL PROVISIONS. case at bar were allowed for a declaratory relief,
the judgment therein notwithstanding, another
(B) WHETHER X X X THE ACT OF AN OIL action would still lie against the importer
COMPANY IN INCREASING THE PRICES OF respondent for violation of the barter law. So,
ITS OIL PRODUCTS WHENEVER ITS instead of one case only before the courts in which
PROPOSED COMPETITORS INCREASE THEIR all issues would be decided, two cases will be
PRICES FALLS UNDER THE TERM allowed, one being the present action for
'COMBINATION OR CONCERTED ACTIONS' declaratory relief and a subsequent one for the
USED IN SECTION 11 (A) OF [RA] 8479.76 confiscation of the importations as a consequence
of the breach of the barter law.
Based on the foregoing, the core issue involved in
the Amended Petition is whether the business The impropriety of allowing an action for
practice of the Big 3 violates the RPC and RA 8479. declaratory relief, after a breach of the law, can be
This, however, cannot be made the subject matter seen in the very decision of the court itself, which
of a declaratory relief. is now subject of the appeal. Whereas the case at
bar was purported to bring about a simple
Private respondents filed their Amended Petition declaration of the rights of the parties to the
based on acts already committed or being action, the judgment goes further than said
committed by the Big 3, which they believe are in declaration and decrees that the importation by
violation of the RPC and RA 8479. It appears the respondent corporation violates the law, and
therefore that the filing of the Amended Petition further directs that the legal importation be
was done on the assumption that there was confiscated under the provisions of the law
already a breach or violation on the part of the Big (Section 1 (e), R.A. No. 1194). This confiscation
3, which cannot be the subject of a declaratory directed by the court lies clearly beyond the scope
relief. It must be stressed that an action for and nature of an action for declaratory relief, as the
declaratory relief presupposes that there has been judgment of confiscation goes beyond the issues
no actual breach as such action is filed only for the expressly raised, and to that extent it is null and
purpose of securing an authoritative statement of void.81
the rights and obligations of the parties under a
contract, deed or statute.77 It cannot be availed of Similarly, in this case, an action for declaratory
if the statute, deed or contract has been breached relief may no longer be allowed considering that
or violated because, in such a case, the remedy is private respondents are not merely asking for a
for the aggrieved party to file the appropriate declaration of their rights but are actually asking
ordinary civil action in court.78 Thus, the Court has public respondent RTC to determine whether there
consistently ruled that "[i]f adequate relief is was a violation of Section 11 of RA 8479, for which
available through another form or action or the Big 3 may be prosecuted and found criminally
proceeding, the other action must be preferred liable. And since there is already an alleged breach,
over an action for declaratory relief."79 it cannot be the subject of a declaratory relief.
Public respondent RTC therefore committed grave
Worth mentioning at this point is the ruling abuse of discretion in not dismissing the Amended
in Sarmiento v. Hon. Capapas,80 where the Court Petition.
explained that:
The DOE-DOJ Joint Task Force is duly authorized by Task Force. In the event that the Joint Task
law to investigate and to order the prosecution of Force determines that there has been a
cartelization. violation of Section 11 of this Act, the
private person or entity shall be entitled to
Moreover, the determination of such issue lies sue for and obtain injunctive relief, as well
with the DOE-DOJ Joint Task Force. Section 13 of as damages, in the Regional Trial Court
RA 8479 pertinently provides: having jurisdiction over any of the parties,
under the same conditions and principles
SEC. 13. Remedies. - as injunctive relief is granted under the
Rules of Court.
a) Government Action - Whenever it is
determined by the Joint Task Force created Corollarily, DOE Department Circular No.
under Section 14 (d) of this Act, that there 98-03-004 or the Rules and Regulations
is a threatened, imminent or actual Implementing [RA] 8479, "Downstream Oil
violation of Section 11 of this Act, it shall Industry Deregulation Act of 1998"
direct the provincial or city prosecutors provides in Section 17 thereof, viz.:
having jurisdiction to institute an action to
prevent or restrain such violation with the SECTION 17. Remedies
Regional Trial Court of the place where the
defendant or any of the defendants reside The DOE-DOJ Task Force, created under Section 14
or has his place of business. Pending (d) of the Act, shall take the following remedial
hearing of the complaint and before final measures:
judgment, the court may at any time issue
a [TRO] or an order of injunction as shall be a. investigate and act upon complaints or
deemed just within the premises, under the reports from any person of an
same conditions and principles as unreasonable rise in the prices of
injunctive relief is granted under the Rules petroleum products and may motu proprio,
of Court. investigate and/or file the necessary
complaint with the proper court or agency;
Whenever it is determined by the Joint Task
Force that the Government or any of its b. investigate and act upon complaints or
instrumentalities or agencies, including reports of commission of the prohibited
government-owned or controlled acts under Section 11 of the Act, and after
corporations, shall suffer loss or damage in determination of such violation endorse
its business or property by reason of the same to the provincial or city
violation of Section 11 of this Act, such prosecutor having jurisdiction for
instrumentality, agency or corporation may institution of the appropriate action;
file an action to recover damages and the
costs of suit with the Regional Trial Court c. prepare and submit a report to the
which has jurisdiction as provided above. Secretary of Energy and Secretary of Justice
embodying its findings and
b) Private Complaint. - Any person or entity recommendations as a result of its
shall report any violation of Section 11 of investigation of the alleged violation of
this Act to the Joint Task Force. The Joint Section 11 of the Act;
Task Force shall investigate such reports in
aid of which the DOE Secretary may d. investigate and act upon a complaint by
exercise the powers granted under Section any instrumentality or agency of the
15 of this Act. The Joint Task Force shall Government including government-owned
prepare a report embodying its findings or -controlled corporations, that loss or
and recommendations as a result of any damage has been suffered or incurred by
such investigation, and the report shall be such instrumentality, agency or
made public at the discretion of the Joint
government corporation by reason of x x x The remedy against the perceived failure of
violation of Section 11 of the Act; and the Oil Deregulation Law to combat cartelization is
not to declare it invalid, but to set in motion its anti-
e. perform such other functions as may trust safeguards under Sections 11, 12, and 13.
jointly be assigned by the Secretary of
Energy and the Secretary of Justice. xxxx

In Cong. Garcia v. Hon. Corona,82 the Court made x x x R.A. No. 8479, x x x does not condone these
it clear that it is the DOE-DOJ Task Force which has acts; indeed, Section 11 (a) of the law expressly
the power to investigate and cause the prosecution prohibits and punishes cartelization, which is
of violators. It ruled that: defined in the same section as "any agreement,
combination or concerted action by refiners,
Article 186 of the [RPC], as amended, punishes as a importers and/or dealers, or their
felony the creation of monopolies and representatives, to fix prices, restrict outputs or
combinations in restraint of trade. The Solicitor divide markets, either by products or by areas, or
General, on the other hand, cites provisions of RA allocate markets, either by products or by areas, in
8479 intended to prevent competition from being restraint of trade or free competition, including any
corrupted or manipulated. Section 11, "Anti-Trust contractual stipulation which prescribes pricing
Safeguards," defines and prohibits cartelization levels and profit margins." This definition is broad
and predatory pricing. It penalizes the persons and enough to include the alleged acts of overpricing or
officers involved with imprisonment of three (3) to price-fixing by the Big 3. R.A. No. 8479 has
seven (7) years and fines ranging from One Million provided, aside from prosecution for cartelization,
to Two million pesos. For this purpose, a Joint Task several other anti-trust mechanisms, including the
Force from the [DOE] and [DOJ] is created under enlarged scope of the [DOE's] monitoring power
Section 14 to investigate and order the prosecution and the creation of a Joint Task Force to
of violations. immediately act on complaints against
unreasonable rise in the price of petroleum
xxxx products. Petitioner Garcia's failure is that he failed
to show that he resorted to these measures before
Section 13 of the Act provides for "Remedies," filing the instant petition. His belief that these
under which the filing of actions by government oversight mechanisms are unrealistic and
prosecutors and the investigation of private insufficient does not permit disregard of these
complainants by the Task Force is provided. remedies.85
Sections 14 and 15 provide how the [DOE] shall
monitor .and prevent the occurrence of collusive Here, the RTC initially resolved to refer the instant
pricing in the industry. case to the DOE-DOJ Joint Task Force for
investigation and determination of whether the Big
It can be seen, therefore, that instead of the price 3 were in violation of Section 11 of RA 8479.
controls advocated by the petitioner, Congress .has However, upon receipt of the report of the DOE-
enacted anti-trust measures which it believes will DOJ Joint Task Force that there was no violation
promote free and fair competition. Upon the other committed by the Big 3, the RTC, instead of
hand, the disciplined, determined, consistent and dismissing the case, ordered the COA, the BIR, and
faithful execution of the law is the function of the the BOC to open and examine the books of
President. As stated by public respondents, the accounts of the Big 3 and even allowed private
remedy against unreasonable price increases is not respondent Cabigao to be part of the panel of
the nullification of Section 19 of R.A. 8479 but the examiners. In doing so, the trial court divested the
setting into motion of its various other DOE-DOJ Joint Task Force of its power and
provisions.83 authority and vested the same to the COA, the BIR,
the BOC and private respondent Cabigao.
Again, in Congressman Garcia v. The Executive
Secretary, et al.,84 the Court declared that: To justify its orders, the public respondent trial
court invokes the doctrine of parens patriae.
Under the doctrine of parens patriae (father of his equity, directly or indirectly, from or through the
country), the judiciary, as an agency of the State, Government, which are required by law or the
has the supreme power and authority to intervene granting institution to submit to such audit as a
and to provide protection to persons non sui juris - condition of subsidy or equity. However, where the
those who because of their age or incapacity are internal control system of the audited agencies is
unable to care and fend for inadequate, the Commission may adopt such
themselves.86 In Maynilad Water Services, Inc. v. measures, including temporary or special pre-
Secretary of the Department of Environment and audit, as are necessary and appropriate to correct
Natural Resources,87 this Court even went further the deficiencies. It shall keep the general accounts
and ruled that "Filipino consumers have become of the Government and, for such period as may be
such persons of disability deserving protection by provided by law, preserve the vouchers and other
the State, as their welfare are being increasingly supporting papers pertaining thereto.
downplayed, endangered, and overwhelmed by
business pursuits." The COA was envisioned by our Constitutional
framers to be a dynamic, effective, efficient and
This doctrine, however, cannot be applied in this independent watchdog of the Government. It
case considering that Congress by enacting RA granted the COA the authority to determine
8479 has already provided for the mechanism to whether government entities comply with laws and
protect the interest of the Filipino consumers. regulations in disbursing government funds, and to
Public respondent RTC, therefore, cannot create a disallow illegal or irregular disbursements of
new panel of examiners to replace the DOE-DOJ government funds.
Joint Task Force as this goes against RA 8479.
In the case of Funa v. Manila Economic and Cultural
It is beyond the mandates of the COA, the BIR, and Office, et al., this Court enumerated and clarified
the BOC to open and examine the books of the COA's jurisdiction over various governmental
accounts of the Big 3 in the instant case. entities. In that case, this Court stated that the
COA's audit jurisdiction extends to the following
Besides, it is beyond the mandates of the COA, the entities:
BIR, and the BOC to open and examine the books
of accounts of the Big 3. 1. The government, or any of its
subdivisions, agencies and
In Fernando v. [COA],88 the Court explained the instrumentalities;
audit jurisdiction of the COA:
2. GOCCs with original charters;
Section 2, Article IX-D of the 1987 Constitution
provides for the COA's audit jurisdiction: 3. GOCCs without original charters;

SECTION 2. (1) The [COA] shall have the power, 4. Constitutional bodies, commissions and
authority, and duty to examine, audit, and settle all offices that have been granted fiscal
accounts pertaining to the revenue and receipts of, autonomy under the Constitution; and
and expenditures or uses of funds and property,
owned or held in trust by, or pertaining to, the 5. Non-governmental entities receiving
Government, or any of its subdivisions, agencies, or subsidy or equity, directly or indirectly,
instrumentalities, including government-owned or from or through the government, which are
controlled corporations with original charters, and required by law or the granting institution
on a post-audit basis: (a) constitutional bodies, to submit to the COA for audit as a
commissions and offices that have been granted condition of subsidy or equity.
fiscal autonomy under this Constitution; (b)
autonomous state colleges and universities; (c) COA's authority to examine and audit the accounts
other government-owned or controlled of government and, to a certain extent, non-
corporations and their subsidiaries; and (d) such governmental entities, is consistent with Section
nongovernmental entities receiving subsidy or (Sec.) 29 (1) of Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1445
otherwise known as the Auditing Code of the xxx xxx xxx
Philippines, which grants the COA visitorial
authority over the following non-governmental As can be gleaned from the foregoing, the COA's
entities: audit jurisdiction generally covers public entities.
However, its authority to audit extends even to
1. Non-governmental entities "subsidized non-governmental entities insofar as the latter
by the government;" receives financial aid from the government. Thus,
it is clear that the determination of COA's
2. Non-governmental entities "required to jurisdiction over a specific entity does not merely
pay levy or government share;" require an examination of the nature of the entity.
Should the entity be found to be non-
3. Non-governmental entities that have governmental, further determination must be had
"received counterpart funds from the as to the source of its funds or the nature of the
government;" and account sought to be audited by the COA.

4. Non-governmental entities "partly In the analysis of an entity's nature, this Court, in

funded by donations through the prior cases, examined the statutory origin, the
government." charter, purpose and the relations that a particular
entity has with the State.
COA's audit jurisdiction is also laid down in Section
11, Chapter 4, Subtitle B, Title I, Book V of the In Phil. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Administrative Code of 1987: Animals v. [COA], this Court clarified that totality of
an entity's relations with the State must be
SECTION 11. General Jurisdiction. (1) The considered. If the corporation is created by the
Commission on Audit shall have the power, State as the latter's own agency or instrumentality
authority, and duty to examine, audit, and settle all to help it in carrying out its governmental
accounts pertaining to the revenue and receipts of, functions, then that corporation is considered
and expenditures or uses of funds and property, public; otherwise, it is private. This Court examined
owned or held in trust by, or pertaining to, the the charter of therein petitioner, Philippine Society
Government, or any of its subdivisions, agencies, or for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, its
instrumentalities, including government-owned or employees' membership to social insurance
controlled corporations with original charters, and system, and the presence of x x x government
on a post-audit basis: (a) constitutional bodies, officials in its board, among others. In that case,
commissions and offices that have been granted this Court ruled that the mere public purpose of an
fiscal autonomy under this Constitution; (b) entity's existence does not, per se, make it a public
autonomous state colleges and universities; (c) corporation:
other government-owned or controlled
corporations and their subsidiaries; and (d) such Fourth. The respondents contend that the
non-governmental entities receiving subsidy or petitioner is a "body politic" because its primary
equity, directly or indirectly, from or through the purpose is to secure the protection and welfare of
Government, which are required by law or the animals which, in turn, redounds to the public
granting institution to submit to such audit as a good.
condition of subsidy or equity. However, where the
internal control system of the audited agencies is This argument, is, at best, specious. The fact that a
inadequate, the Commission may adopt such certain juridical entity is impressed with public
measures, including temporary or special pre- interest does not, by that circumstance alone,
audit, as are necessary and appropriate to correct make the entity a public corporation, inasmuch as
the deficiencies. It shall keep the general accounts a corporation may be private although its charter
of the Government and, for such period as may be contains provisions of a public character,
provided by law, preserve the vouchers and other incorporated solely for the public good. This class
supporting papers pertaining thereto. of corporations may be considered quasi-public
corporations, which are private corporations that
render public service, supply public wants or the same concerning BSP's governing body, its
pursue other eleemosynary objectives. While classification and relationship with the National
purposely organized for the gain or benefit of its Government, specifically as an attached agency of
members, they are required by law to discharge then Department of Education, Culture and Sports
functions for the public benefit. Examples of these (DECS), as well as its sources of funds.
corporations are utility, railroad, warehouse,
telegraph, telephone, water supply corporations Without a doubt, the case of the Big 3 would not
and transportation companies. It must be stressed fall under the audit jurisdiction of COA. They are
that a quasi-public corporation is a species of not public entities nor are they non governmental
private corporations, but the qualifying factor is entities receiving financial aid from the
the type of service the former renders to the government.
public: if it performs a public service, then it
becomes a quasi-public corporation. As to Pasang Masda's reliance on the case
of Meralco v. Lualhati,89 this is misplaced. That
Authorities are of the view that the purpose alone case involves a situation different from the present
of the corporation cannot be taken as a safe guide, case as what was in issue therein was the authority
for the fact is that almost all corporations are of the COA under Section 22 of the Administrative
nowadays created to promote the interest, good, Code of 1987 to examine the books, records and
or convenience of the public. A bank, for example, accounts of public utilities in connection with the
is a private corporation; yet, it is created for a fixing of rates for the purpose of determining
public benefit. Private schools and universities are franchise taxes. Thus, it cannot be used as
likewise private corporations; and yet, they are precedent to justify the orders of public
rendering public service. Private hospitals and respondent RTC.
wards are charged with heavy social
responsibilities. More so with all common carriers. With respect to the BIR, its Commissioner is
On the other hand, there may exist a public authorized to examine books, paper, record, or
corporation even if it is endowed with gifts or other data of taxpayers but only to ascertain the
donations from private individuals. correctness of any return, or in making a return
when none was made, or in determining the
Meanwhile, in Engr. Feliciano v. [COA], this Court liability of any person for any internal revenue tax,
ruled that regardless of the nature of the or in collecting such liability, or evaluating the
corporation, the determining factor of COA's audit person's tax compliance.90 The BOC, on the other
jurisdiction is government ownership or control of hand, is authorized to audit or examine all books,
the corporation. In this case, the Court found that records, and documents of importers necessary or
local water districts (LWDs), are owned and relevant for the purpose of collecting the proper
controlled by the government, as evidenced from duties and taxes.91 Since there are no taxes or
the fact that "there [was] no private party involved duties involved in this case, the BIR and the BOC
in their creation, ownership of the national or local likewise have no power and authority to open and
government of their assets, the manner of examine the books of accounts of the Big 3.
appointment of their board of directors and their
employees' being subject to civil service laws." The As previously discussed, it is the DOE-DOJ Joint
Court also noted as an indication of the Task Force that has the sole power and authority to
government's control, the latter's power to monitor, investigate, and endorse the filing of
appoint LWD directors, to provide for their complaints, if necessary, against oil companies.
compensation, as well as the Local Water Utilities And considering that the remedy against
Administration's power to require LWDs to merge cartelization is already provided by law, the public
or consolidate their facilities or operations. respondent trial court exceeded its jurisdiction and
gravely abused its discretion when it ordered the
In Boy Scouts of the Philippines v. [COA], the Court, COA, the BIR, and the BOC to open and examine
in arriving at the conclusion that BSP is subject to the books of account of the Big 3 and allowed
the COA's audit jurisdiction, examined its charter, private respondent Cabigao, a certified public
Commonwealth Act No. 111, and the provisions of accountant, to become part of the panel of
examiners. Clearly, the RTC not only failed to WHEREFORE, the Consolidated Petitions are
uphold the law but worse, he contravened the law. hereby GRANTED. The April 27, 2009, May 5, 2009,
June 23, 2009, and July 7, 2009 Orders of the
Pasang Masda failed to satisfy all the requirements Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch 26, in Civil
for intervention. Case No. 03-106101 are hereby REVERSED and SET
ASIDE. The Temporary Restraining Order dated
As regards the issue of intervention, Section August 4, 2009 is hereby made PERMANENT.
1,92 Rule 19 of the Rules of Court requires that: (1) Accordingly, the Petition for Declaratory Relief is
the movant must have a legal interest in the matter ordered DISMISSED.
being litigated; (2) the intervention must not
unduly delay or prejudice the adjudication of the SO ORDERED.
rights of the parties; and (3) the claim of the
intervenor must not be capable of being properly
decided in a separate proceeding. The right to
intervene, however, is not an absolute right as the
granting of a motion to intervene is addressed to
the sound discretion of the court and may only be
allowed if the movant is able to satisfy all the

In this case, Pasang Masda's allegation that its

members consume petroleum products is not
sufficient to show that they have legal interest in
the matter being litigated considering that there
are other oil players in the market aside from the
Big 3. Jurisprudence mandates that legal interest
must be actual, substantial, material, direct and
immediate, and not simply contingent or
expectant.94 Such is not the situation in this case.
In fact, there is no showing that Pasang Masda has
something to gain or lose in the outcome of the
case. Thus, it was grave abuse of discretion on the
part of public respondent RTC in allowing Pasang
Masda to intervene despite its failure to comply
with the first requirement.

Besides, even if the Court relaxes the definition of

"legal interest" in the instant case, the granting of
the motion to intervene would still be improper
because the subject matter of the petition-in-
intervention, just like the petition, cannot be the
subject of an action for declaratory relief Since an
intervention is not an independent action but is
ancillary and supplement to the main case, the
dismissal of the main case would necessarily
include the dismissal of the ancillary case.95

All told, the Court finds grave abuse of discretion

on the part of public respondent RTC as to its
issuance of the Assailed Orders.

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