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AT&T Inc. is an American multinational conglomerate ( 聯合大企業) holding company that is

Delaware-registered but headquartered at Whitacre Tower in Downtown Dallas, Texas. It is the
world's largest telecommunications company; it is also the largest provider of mobile telephone
services in the U.S.

Unemployment can be a traumatic event for anyone. Unemployment is an especially

1. Liminal (between or belonging to two different places, states, etc.) - In architecture,
liminal spaces are defined as "the physical spaces between one destination and the next.
2. Disburse - to pay out money, usually from an amount that has been collected for a
particular purpose [ 撥 ( 款 ) ] The local authorities annually disburse between £50
million and £100 million on arts projects. 當地政府每年都為藝術項目撥款 5000 萬到
3. Crusade - a long and determined attempt to achieve something that you believe in
strongly & to make an effort to achieve something that you believe in strongly
4. Attaboy - an informal expression of encouragement or admiration to a man or boy.
5. Hoard - to collect large amounts of something and keep it in a safe, often secret, place 貯
藏,囤積 - There would be enough food on a daily basis if people were not hoarding it.
6. Appalling – very Bad
7. Alarming (causing worry or fear)
8. Emergency crematorium - a building where dead people's bodies are burned, usually as
part of a funeral ceremony
9. Chaos - a state of total confusion with no order 混亂;無秩序狀態
10. Antiquated - old-fashioned or unsuitable for modern society
11. Overwhelmed - to defeat someone or something by using a lot of force 用武力)制服,
12. Deliberately - intentionally 故意地
13. recipiency rate - reflection of a low overall application rate
14. eligible - having the necessary qualities or satisfying the necessary conditions 具備條件
15. laid off - to stop employing someone, usually because there is no work for them to do 解
16. Rule of thumb - In English, rule of thumb refers to an approximate method for doing
something, based on practical experience rather than theory.
17. Latitude - freedom to behave, act, or think in the way you want to
18. Decent - socially acceptable or good 正派的;體面的,正經的;像樣的,相當不錯的
19. Gig worker - 零工
20. Absurd - stupid and unreasonable, or silly in a humorous way 荒謬的,荒唐的;愚蠢的;
21. Myriad - a very large number of something 無數,極大數量
22. Overrepresented – inequity
23. Generous - 豐富的
24. Minstrel show - 由白人化妝飾演黑人,以取笑黑人為主題的歌舞滑稽演出
25. Can do attitude - by eager willingness to accept and meet challenges
26. Rhetoric - speech or writing intended to be effective and influence people 雄辯言辭;煽
27. Simmering - If a disagreement or negative emotion simmers, it grows slowly stronger
over a period of time and could become more serious at any moment.分歧或消極情緒)
28. Contempt - a strong feeling of disliking and having no respect for someone or something
29. Callous - unkind, cruel, and without sympathy or feeling for other people 冷酷無情的;
30. Disregard - the fact of showing no care or respect for something 忽視,漠視,無視
31. lieutenant governor - 副州長
32. if you were fired from your job for just cause - 如果你因正当理由被解雇
33. chronic absenteeism - 长期旷工
34. A blanket statement is one that attempts to cover all situations ("like a blanket") but is
actually not true in all situations.
35. Attempt - to try to do something, especially something difficult 尤指為完成難事而進
36. Stigmatize - 侮辱 - People should not be stigmatized on the basis of race.人們不應因其
37. Surge - a sudden and great increase
38. Flagged - 标记
39. Flagrant - 公然的例子
40. Recoup - to get back money that you have spent or lost 補償;彌補;收回(成本
41. absurd eligibility - 荒谬的资格
42. vestigial - a vestigial organ/limb/tail 退化的器官/上肢/尾巴
43. Throw out a guess - 猜一猜
44. Impede - 妨礙,阻礙;阻止 Although he's shy, it certainly hasn't impeded his career in
any way.儘管他很害羞,但這顯然一點也沒有妨礙他的事業。
45. Rolled out - o make a new product, service, or system available for the first time 推出
46. Plague - to cause worry, pain, or difficulty to someone or something over a period of time
47. Glitches - The system has been plagued with glitches ever since its launch. 系統自啟動
48. Testament - The detail of her wildlife paintings is (a) testament to (= proof of) her powers
of observation. 她畫野生動物十分細緻,這證明她有很強的觀察能力。
49. white-knuckle - A white-knuckle experience or activity makes you feel very frightened
and often excited.驚險刺激的;令人捏把汗的
50. lax - 馬虎的
51. remedy - This mistake must be remedied immediately. 這一錯誤必須立即予以糾正。
52. nauseous - the nauseous smell of rotting flesh 令人作嘔的腐肉氣味
53. scramble - to compete with other people for something there is very little of 爭搶
[ + to infinitive ] People are scrambling to buy property before prices rise even further.
54. Admission - the act of agreeing that something is true, especially unwillingly 尤指不情
55. Pop up – Unexpected
56. Sentient - able to experience feelings 有知覺力的;有感覺力的
Coronavirus [Part 1]
1. Dominate - to be the largest, most important, or most noticeable part of something
2. Dive straight in - to start doing something with enthusiasm
3. Gargle - o move a liquid around in your throat without swallowing, especially to clean it
or stop it feeling painful(尤指為清潔口腔或止痛)漱口,漱喉,含漱
4. Mortality rate - the number of deaths within a particular society and within a particular
period of time
5. Digest - to read or hear new information and take the necessary time to understand it
6. On behalf – representing
7. Literally - 確實地;名副其實地
8. Premise - an idea or theory on which a statement or action is based
9. Upsetting - making someone feel worried, unhappy, or angry
10. Vulnerable - able to be easily physically, emotionally, or mentally hurt, influenced, or
11. Crop out - to happen or appear unexpectedly 意外發生;冒出;突然出現
12. Dystopian - relating to a very bad or unfair society in which there is a lot of suffering,
especially an imaginary society in the future, or to the description of such a society:
13. Amuse - to entertain someone, especially by humorous speech or action or by making
them laugh or smile
14. Improvise - 臨時做;即興做 [I hadn't prepared a speech so I suddenly had to improvise.
15. Indulge - allow (someone) to enjoy something desired.
16. Fetish - a sexual interest in an object or a part of the body other than the sexual organs
17. Hazmat - 危險物品(hazardous material 的縮寫)
18. Inflatable - a boat or something similar that must be filled with air in order to float on the
water 充氣小艇
19. Culinary - connected with cooking or kitchens
20. Resourcefulness - the ability to make decisions and act on your own 機敏;足智多謀
21. whistle-blower - a person who tells someone in authority about something illegal that is
happening, especially in a government department or a company(尤指政府部門或公司
22. genuine - 真正的;非僞造的;名副其實的
23. botched - used to describe something, usually a job, that is done badly 尤指工作一團糟

24. cruise - to travel on ships for pleasure
25. staging - the performance of a play or show 上演,演出
26. Airtight - completely closed so that no air can get in or out 密封的,氣密的,不透氣的
27. Distinction - a difference between two similar things
28. Debacle - a complete failure, especially because of bad planning and organization
29. Downplay - to make something seem less important or less bad than it really is
30. Peddle - 散播,宣揚
31. Reassure - to comfort someone and stop them from worrying
32. Recede - to move further away into the distance, or to become less clear or less bright
33. Baseless - not based on facts
34. Reservoir - a place for storing liquid, especially a natural or artificial lake providing
water for a city or other area
35. Totalitarian - of or being a political system in which those in power have complete
control and do not allow people freedom to oppose them 極權主義的
36. Dictator - a leader who has complete power in a country and has not been elected by the
37. Civilized - (社會或國家)文明的,開化的
38. Vague - not clearly expressed, known, described, or decided 含糊的,不明確的
39. Underway - If something is underway, it is happening now.
40. Alarmist - 危言聳聽的;製造恐慌的
41. Complacent - feeling so satisfied with your own abilities or situation that you feel you do
not need to try any harder 自滿的,自鳴得意的
42. CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Coronavirus [Part 2]

1) Abstraction - the situation in which a subject is very general and not based on real
2) Foreseeable - as far into the future as you can imagine or plan for
3) Spiral - 形勢)急劇惡化
4) Midst - the middle of a group of people or things / [I'm sorry but I'm too busy - I'm in the
midst of writing a report.]
5) Catastrophic - causing sudden and very great harm or destruction:
1) Colonoscopy - a medical examination of the colon (= the lower part of the tube that takes
solid waste out of your body)結腸鏡檢查
2) Apocalyptic - showing or describing the total destruction and end of the world, or
extremely bad future events 預示大災難的,預言世界末日的
3) Marvel – surprise
4) Compelling - 令人信服的,很有說服力的
5) Logging - the activity of cutting down trees in order to use their wood
6) A lumberjack is someone who cuts down trees professionally.
7) Immense - 巨大的,無限的
8) Displaced workers are defined as persons 20 years of age and over who lost or left jobs
because their plant or company closed or moved,
9) deep-seated - strongly felt or believed and very difficult to change or get rid of
10) hitch - a temporary difficulty that causes a short delay\
11) conviction - the fact of officially being found to be guilty of a particular crime, or the act
of officially finding someone guilty 定 罪 , 判 罪 / a feeling of being certain about
something 堅信,深信;確信
12) occasional - not happening or done often or regularly
13) Overblown - bigger or more important or impressive than it should be 誇張的;過分渲
14) Twerp - a silly or annoying person.
15) Nimble- quick and exact either in movement or thoughts (行動)靈活的,敏捷的;
16) Moot - to suggest something for discussion 提出…供討論
17) Episodic - happening only sometimes and not regularly 偶爾發生的;不定期的

[ Psychics]
1. Psychics - having a special mental ability, for example so that you are able to know what
will happen in the future or know what people are thinking 通靈的;有特異功能的
2. Misplace confidence - salah kepercayaan
3. Toddler - 幼童
4. Scrubs - loose clothes worn by doctors and nurses in a hospital 醫院工作服
5. Litigate- to ask for a disagreement to be discussed in a court of law so that a judgment
can be made that must be accepted by both sides in the argument
6. Utter - complete or extreme 完全的;十足的;極度的
7. Incidental - less important than the thing something is connected with or part of 次要的;
8. Predatory - 掠奪
9. Insidious - (of something unpleasant or dangerous) gradually and secretly causing harm
10. Dignity - calm, serious, and controlled behaviour that makes people respect you 莊重,
11. Grace - 風度 Ken is sadly lacking in social graces.糟糕的是,肯在社交場合很沒有風

12. Cold reading - Theatrical cold reading is reading aloud from a script or other text with
little or no rehearsal, practice or study in advance
13. Dementia - The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer's disease.最常見的癡呆病
14. Vast - extremely big 巨大的;廣大的
15. Underworld - the part of society consisting of criminal organizations and activities 黑社

16. Vultures - 趁火打劫的人(或機構);乘人之危的人(或機構)
17. Adamant - impossible to persuade, or unwilling to change an opinion or decision 固執的;
18. Segment - a short piece of film that forms part of a television or radio programme, or that
is broadcast on the internet 電視、廣播或互聯網節目的)節,段
19. Interrogate - to ask someone a lot of questions for a long time in order to get information,
sometimes using threats or violence 訊問,審問,盤問
20. Foolhardy - brave in a silly way, taking unnecessary risks 有勇無謀的,莽撞的
21. Pseudoscience - a system of thought or a theory that is not formed in a scientific way:
22. Resonates - 使産生聯想;引起共鳴
23. Merciless – cruelless


1. Dented - His confidence was badly dented when he didn't get the job 他沒能得到那個工
2. Unfounded – not facts
3. Powerhouse - Germany is an economic powerhouse.德國是經濟強國
4. Manifested - The workers chose to manifest their dissatisfaction in a series of strikes. 工

 We moved into this house last month, but we still haven’t settled down.
 If you wish us to reserve an alternative room, please let us know immediately.
 You do such a thing once too often and get punished
 I admit this may not be the best way of doing it
 I will lend you some money unconditionally, on condition that you will repay it in a week
 You ought to take advantage of this opportunity, for it may not come again.
 Brian, in his pajamas is engaged in reading in the house in the morning.
 Granted that you are right. We still have to persuade him first
 The Siberian railway is at once the longest and best-known railway in the world.
 This is the a secret just between you and me, so don’t let it split slip out.
 Should he be given another chance, he would do his best
 That job was not every interesting, but on the other hand it was well paid.
 In general, the communication between doctors and patients is most important part of
medical treatment
 It I had known about it; I would have changed my plan.
 The town is apply with water from the rest of water in the hill
The town is supplied with water from a reservoir in the hills.
 In the US, you usually have to show identification in order to buy alcohol.
 All the houses in the neighborhood look so much alike that I can’t tell them apart
 There is nothing for me to do except to obey the order.
 But today, a lot of young people are following her example.
 After we had walked for sometimes, we came to the lake.
 I am very sorry but I must cancel our appointment for February 27.
 At last, he stopped before an old house, and caught another glimpse of the town.

[Ant War]
Some groups just don’t get long. Every day, billions of soldiers fight a merciless war on
thousands of fronts, and it is been going on for over 100 million years. The World War of the
Ants are ancient being arose around 160 million years ago and tool over a wide variety of
ecological niches so successfully that become one of the dominant animals on planet Earth.
Today, they count more than 16,000 different species with over 10,000 trillion individuals.
Collectively, ants make up 205 of the entire animal biomasses on land. Similar to humans, their
recipe of success is collaboration. While a single ant is pretty useless, together, they are able to
achieve stunning feats. They construct complex colonies, care for livestock, pursue agriculture,
or have complex symbiotic relationship. And of course, ants wage war.
Even among the same species, a constant state of conflict is pretty common. Skirmishes,
symbiotic symbioticraids, and full on invasions are happening every day, causing millions of
casualties. Eciton; the army ant, a swarm made of war. The ants groups consist of 200 different
species. Army ants do not build nests; they live a sort of nomadic lifestyle with groups of
millions of individuals. On the haunt, some species form large columns up to 100 metres long,
killing and immediately dismembering every insect or small vertebrate they encounter. The
biggest hunting parties can kill up to 500,000 animals per day. Some army ants specialize in
hunting and consuming other social insects. Like termites, wasps, and especially other ants.
Wasps are fierce and may seem invulnerable , but it a swarm make its way to their colonies, they
don’t even stand a chance. The much bigger and stronger wasps might kill a few of them, but
they are quickly overwhelmed. Even if their queen survives an attack, the army ants steal the
colony’s larvae and quickly devour them. There is no recovery from that. When army ants
discovering another ant colony, they immediately attack. Now you might think this would be a
more even battle, but it’s not. Because army ants act as a social unit, they are especially
dangerous and effective. Most army ants are not particularly impressive individually, but they
can overwhelm their victims with sheer numbers before the victim colony can mount an effective
defense. And so, the invasion tends to be wont by the attackers, and the prey colony is damaged
significantly or is exterminated.
Interestingly, army ants don’t fight with army ants. When two swarms encounter each
other in the wild, they either pass through each other, ignoring the other swarm, or both colonies
just move away, which make sense from an evolutionary standpoint. Army ants that fought other
army ants probably eradicated themselves millions of years ago. Indeed, they are so deadly that
other ant species had to specialize to survive their presence. Many species just panic and
evacuate their nest when they notice army ant scouts carrying as many larvae with them as they
can, in order to rebuild and return after the attack. Other species have invented living bunkers
since fighting is so futile. They have worker classes that have big square heads, when the army
ant showed up, they use them to block the entrances to the nest, so that the attackers have to give
up after a while.
But not everybody is afraid of army ants. Leafcutter ants form some of the largest and
more complex societies if any animals other than humans. They live in extensive nests, many
metres deep and across hadboring millions of citizen with highly sophisticated division of labor.
Like huge soldiers, 100 times more massive than a worker. Their sole purpose might be to
defend their colonies against army ants. They still have a nemesis though.
1. How to move: exercising after having Covid -19.

Even a mild Covid inflection can cause lingering fatigue, but exercise plays a crucial role in
The omicron variant has caused an avalanche of covid-19 cases in Australia in the past
months. While most people who catch the disease experience mild symptoms, many reports
feeling short of breath and sluggish for weeks afterward.

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