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I hate alcohol. I really don’t understand how or why people drink

it. The smell of alcohol on people’s breath is disgusting. It’s
expensive and it gives you a bad headache. I drank when I was
much younger, but I haven’t touched a drop for years. I hated
hangovers so I decided to stop drinking altogether. I have a much
better time without alcohol. people say they need to drink to
relax. They drink and just act and look stupid. Their face goes
red and they can’t walk in a straight line. Alcohol is also the
most damaging drug in society. That’s what I think, anyway.
Alcohol causes many illnesses, traffic accidents, fights and
domestic violence. If you banned alcohol, people would be
healthier, richer and have a better family life.

There are aliens out there, somewhere. I strongly believe this.
Not sure what they look like, though. I really doubt they are
green, like they are in science fiction movies. I also don’t think
they look like us. But I’m sure they exist. I just don’t think we’ll
ever see any or find any. They live too far away. If you think
about it logically, there has to be aliens out there. All a planet
needs is to be warm and have water and life will exist. There
are billions and billions of planets in the universe, so there are
probably millions and millions that have life. Alien life. It’s also
likely that some of the aliens are much more intelligent than we
are. I wonder what we’d do if really intelligent aliens visited
Earth. What would we ask them?
I’m a real animal lover. I’m fascinated by the whole animal
kingdom. I loved animals when I was a kid. I used to read every
book I could find on animals. I knew all the different animal
species. The most exciting thing for me was going to the zoo. I
would spend hours just watching the animals walk around, sit, or
even sleep. When I was older, I went on a safari to Tanzania. I
saw real wild animals in the wild. Everyone should do this once
in their lives. Looking at animals in their natural habitat is a real
honor. Now I’m worried about the future of many animals. Some of
my favourite animals are in danger of dying out. We really need to
change our lifestyle so our children can have the chance of seeing
animals in the wild.

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