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Q4 – LESSON 5 Student’s name:...............................................Class: 8C................Date:..............

Questions 11 – 16. Complete the flow chart below.
Choose SIX answer from the box and write the correct letter, A – G, next to questions 11 – 16
A. air B. ash C. earth D. grass
E. sticks F. stones G. water


Dig a pit

Arrange a row of (11) ……………………. over the pit.

Place (12) ……………………. on top.

Light the wood and let it burn out.

Remove (13) …………………….

Insert a stick

Cover the pit with (14) …………………….

Place wrapped food on top, and cover it with (15) …………………….

Remove the stick and put (16) ……………………. into the hole.

Questions 17 - 18. Choose TWO letters, A – E. Which TWO characteristics apply to the bamboo
A. It’s suitable for windy weather.
B. The fire is lit below the bottom end of the bamboo.
C. The bamboo is cut into equal lengths.
D. The oven hangs from a stick.
E. It cooks food by steaming it.

Questions 19 – 20. Choose TWO letters, A – E. Which TWO pieces of advice does the speaker
give about eating wild fungi.
A. Cooking doesn’t make poisonous fungi edible.
B. Edible wild fungi can be eaten without cooking.
C. Wild fungi are highly nutritious.
D. Some edible fungi look very similar to poisonous varieties.
E. Fungi which cannot be identified should only be eaten in small quantities.

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 1
I. Choose the correct answer
1. The table was made ……………. a carpenter.
A. by B. with C. from
2. A jewellery shop ……………. last night.
A. was broken into B. has been broken into C. had been broken into
3. The flowers need ……………. once a day.
A. to being watered B. to be watered C. been watered
4. The building ……………. by a French architect.
A. will design B. will be designed C. will be designing
5. The omelette was made ……………. mushrooms and cheese.
A. by B. with C. from
6. The letter must ……………. immediately.
A. be sent B. being sent C. to be sent
7. Lisa likes ……………. flowers.
A. being given B. been given C. to being given
8. Breakfast ……………. at 8 o’clock every day.
A. was serve B. is served C. has been served

II. Reported the conversation

0. “I’m going to the park with my brother,” Paul said.
…Paul said (that) he was going to the park with his brother…
9. “We’re going to have a game of football,” he said.
He said that they were going to have a game of football.
10. “I might come too,” Stephen said.
Stephen said that she might come too.
11. “We’ll be in our usual place,” Paul said.
Paul said they would be in their usual place.
12. “I can’t stay long because my friends are coming at six,” Stephen said.
Stephen said that she couldn’t stay long because her friends were coming at six.
13. “They’re taking me to the skate park in Burnley,” he said.
He said they were taking him to the skate park in Burnley.
14. “I’ve never been there before,” he said.
He said he had never been there before.
15. “I’d like to go to the skate park in Manchester,” Paul said.
He said he would like to go to the skate park in Manchester.
16. “We could go together,” Stephen said.
Stephen said we could go together.

III. Write these sentences in indirect speech, changing words where necessary
17. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said.
She said she would see me the following day.
18. ‘I saw her today,” he said.
He said he had seen her this day.

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 2
19. “I don’t like this film,” she said.
She said she didn’t like that film.
20. She said, “We went swimming today.”
She said that they had gone swimming this day.
21. “I’ll see Mary on Sunday,” she said.
She said she would see Mary on Sunday.
22. “I met her about three months ago,” he said.
He said he had met her about three months ago.
23. “Pete and Sue are getting married tomorrow,” she said.
She said Pete and Sue were getting married the following day.
24. “Stephen’s bringing some records to the party tonight,” he said.
He said Stephen was bringing some records to the party the following night.
25. “I really like this furniture,” she said.
She said she really liked that furniture.
26. “My parents are arriving tomorrow,” she said.
She said her parents were arriving the following day.
27. “We visited her this morning,” they said.
They said they had visited her that morning.
28. “We’ll see her next week,” they said.
They said they would see her the following week.
29. “They were here three months ago,” he said.
He said they had been here three months ago.
30. “I’m meeting them at four o’clock today,” he said.
He said he was meeting them at four o’clock this day.
31. “I can see you tomorrow,” she said.
She said she could see me the following day.

IV. Put in the correct pronouns (I etc) or possessives (my etc)

0. “She likes me.” He knew she liked …him…
32. “I speak French.” He said he spoke French.
33.“I’m sorry.” She said she was sorry.
34.“Kate phoned me.” She said Kate had phoned her.
35.“We want our money.” They said they wanted their money.
36.‘I’m tired.” He said he was tired.
37.“I can’t help you.” She told me she couldn’t help me.
38.“We’re leaving.” They said they were leaving.
39.“I’ve lost my coat.” He said he had lost his coat.
40.“I like my job.” She told me she liked her job.
41.“Where are our tickets?” They asked where their tickets were.

V. Complete the reported statements. Use one word in each gap

0. ‘I can’t understand this film,’ she said.
She said she couldn’t understand …the… film.
42. “I’m playing football this evening,” I told Tom.
I told Tom I was playing football that evening.

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 3
43.She said, “There was an accident here last year.”
She said there had been an accident there the year before.
44.“I ordered two books three weeks ago,” I told the shop assistant.
I told the shop assistant I’d ordered two books three weeks before.
45.On Sunday, Adam told me, “I’ve got an exam tomorrow.”
Adam told me he had an exam on Monday.
46.“I’ll be in your group next term,” she said.
She said she’d be in my group the following term.
47.“I’m leaving now,” she told us.
She told us she was leaving then.
48.“It’s really cold today,” Lucy told me.
Lucy told me it was really cold this day.
49.“I finished my exams last week,” he said.
He said he had finished his exams the previous week.

VI. Underline the correct answer

50. I said / told the driver I wanted to stop.
51. My mother said / told there was a letter for me.
52. Everybody said / told I looked beautiful.
53. Why did you say / tell the lessons were expensive?
54. Ross said / told the waiter he couldn’t pay.
55. I didn’t say / tell Peter that I was going away.
56. Nobody said / told me that the shop was closed.
57. Mia said / told that she would wait at the bus stop.

VII. Complete each sentence, using “say, tell, speak” in an appropriate form
58. Daniel told me that he was playing in the school basketball team.
59. I spoke to Helen, and she said she would phone you.
60. “You’re lucky.” Said Steve. “I tell you that you would win!”
61. A translator told the President what everyone was saying.
62. “Look,” I told her, “why don’t you tell me what you mean?”
63. I told my teacher that I was speaking Chinese, but she didn’t believe me.

I. Write one word in each gap.
Tourists to San Francisco are rarely disappointed (64) with the famous range of cultural and artistic
attractions the city has to offer. But San Francisco is more famous (65) for being on the San Andreas
fault, a notorious source of earthquakes. Over seven hundred people died in San Francisco in the great
earthquake of 1906, and more than 70 perished in another large quake in 1989. It’s hard (66) to imagine
why anyone would want to live in such a dangerous area, but millions of people choose to do so. They
are all familiar (67) with the faultline, and are aware (68) of the potential danger if there’s another
powerful quake. Yet nothing, it seems, will prevent people (69) from building in San Francisco. A quick
glance (70) at a photo of the city shows a large number of modern skyscrapers, many of them
completely covered (71) with glass.

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 4
Seismologists are constantly warning residents (72) against the possibility of ‘the next big quake’.
They expect it (73) will happen sooner rather than later. But San Franciscans are not short (74) of
courage. Except (75) for making doubly sure that their buildings are built to the highest safety standards,
they carry on with their daily lives as if nothing could ever disrupt them.

II. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.
76. The forecast said there was a high likelihood (LIKELY) of rain this weekend.
77. We all know that using our cars causes pollution (POLLUTE), but we still do it.
78. Forecasting the weather accuracy (ACCURATE) takes a great deal of training.
79. Litter is often a problem in residental (RESIDENT) areas.
80. According to environmentalist (ENVIRONMENT), we could be facing a crisis within fifty years.
81. It was a wonderfully sunny (SUN) day, so we decided to go to the beach.
82. The giant panda is dangerous (DANGER) because its habitat is being destroyed.
83. We didn’t enjoy our walk because it was absolutely freezing (FREEZE)!

Read the text below and choose the correct word from each space.
Before 1860 there was no quick way of getting mail (84) ……………… the east and the west of the
United States. There were no railways at that (85) ……………… and most mail was sent by coach. It
usually (86) ……………… at least 25 days for coaches to (87) ……………… the coast. So in 1860 it (88)
……………… decided to send mail by ‘Pony Express’, which was much faster. Riders (89) ………………
very fast horses were placed along the route.
They were at (90) ……………… distances from each other and the mail was handed from one rider
to the next. Riders were all (91) ……………… to travel between twenty and thirty kilometers (92)
……………… day on very bad roads. At each stop two minutes were (93) ……………… for exchanging
the mail bags, but riders were often held up by awful weather (94) ……………… closed the roads. With
the invention of the telegraph in 1861, the demand for Pony Express disappeared.

84. A. between B. from C. among D. by

85. A. time B. date C. age D. season
86. A. spent B. lasted C. took D. passed
87. A. get B. arrive C. come D. reach
88. A. had B. was C. has D. is
89. A. for B. off C. with D. behind
90. A. like B. equal C. same D. level
91. A. wished B. wanted C. expected D. hoped
92. A. a B. one C. some D. any
93. A. let B. allowed C. done D. made
94. A. which B. where C. what D. when

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm

27N7A KĐT Trung Hòa Nhân Chính – 0946 530 486 – 0964 177 322 5

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