Bed Bath

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lth, HYGIENE - the science of dealing with the promotion and preservation FRAN - in medicine, hygiene practices are employed as preve’ reduce the incidence and spreading of disease lent who BED BATH- i given to provide cleanness and comfort 16 6 denty Is unable to be out of bed because of physical or ment " TYPES OF BATH: A. Cleansing bath 8, Therapeutic bath ‘A TYPES OF CLEANSING BATH 1. Complete bed bath- given to the client who is unable to perform any of the baths, 2. Partial Bed bath- given if the patient cannot tolerate a full or complete bath. Areas covered: face, neck, hands, axilla, perineum, and back [if the patient can tolerate) 3. Self bath- usually a complete bath, done if the patient is unable to take a shower or a tub bath but is able to move freely in bed. Nurse responsibility: + To provide the basin of water, bath blanket and any materials needed by the client: Assistance, if needed by the client, in washing the feet, legs, back and buttocks + Bock 1Ub should not be omitted just because patient is able to bath GAS unaided. 4, Tub bath- are generally use for cleaning purposes only, although at times therapeutic agent can be added 5. Shower- patient may take a shower, stonding sr sitting ina chair, wiichever the cliant prefers or can tolerate. B. TYPES-OF THERAPEUTIC BATH 1. Sitz bath- (also called a hip bath) is a type of bath in which only the hips and buttocks are soaked in water or saline solution. lis name comes from the German vert “sitzen," meaning "to sit.” - indicated to decrease pain and inflammation atter rectal or petineal surgery or for pain relief from hemorrhoids. 2. Hot/warm water bath- to relieve spasm and muscle tension, reduce and soothe pain, - water should be deep enough for immersion. The water temperature is dictated by the client's comfort level. Caution client about the time limit for soaking is 20 minutes. 3. Coo! water bath- To decrease fever and to relive muscle tension. Avoid chilling; water should be cool not cold {tap water) Ex. TSB 7 4, Oatmeal bath- soothes irritated skin, lubricates and softens dry scaly skin. + Sprinkle the oatmeal powder into a tub of running water and stir the water with your hand several fimes to ensure even distribution. Allow the client to soak in the tub for 15-20 minutes and pat dry with a soft towel rather than rubbing. 5. Comstarch bath- soothes iritated skin. - Fill the bathtub with warm water. Mix together % cup baking soda ‘and % cup comstarch. Pour the powder mixtvie into the water while it is running. Soak in the medicated bath for 15 minutes or so. age 1of2 Kpelle BEDRIDDEN- ‘A teim used to describe « person who is unable to leave the bed due to lness or injury Example: Very elderly, terminally il, or poralyzed, PURPOSES OF CLEANSING BED BATH + foclean and refresh patient * to increase elimination through the skin 2 {o Promote muscular relaxation and relieve feeling of fatigue + to promote circulation . “** Sponge starting from the FAR SIDE ALWAYS** (SOAP => RINSE => PATDRY) Sequence: 1. Byes: inner to outer cantus 8 Abdomen> pubic area 2. Forehead, cheek, chin- figure of $ 9% Farlegs> nearleys feet 3. Ears- front and back 10, Gentialla 4. Forehead, nose, mouth (then tum client to prone position) 5. Neck- downward stroke 11. Back ofthenes® = back 6 Forarm> near cia hands 12. Buttocks (massage figure of 8) 7. Chest-> umbilical area 18, Back rub/massge BACKMASSAGE ——_- promotes relaxation and comfort which can help induce sleep = done for 4-6 minutes Contraindications: + fib or vertebral fracture + burns + with open wound: OF SRG 1. EFFLEURAGE- long, smooth stroke, siding over the skin, relaxing and soothing. + done 8-10 times 2. 3-HANDED EFFLEURAGE- fast smooth stroking motion that gives the client an impression of being rubbed by 3 hands, + relieves tension of the neck 5 3. PETRISSAGE (large quick pinch)- kneading of the skin and underlying muscle + induces relaxation of tense or fight muscles and promotes circulation @. Rainfall- with the use of fingertins b, Rolling knuckles- roll knuckies ¢. Friction strokes- finy circle with both thumbs. The nurse massages the back from buttocks to the shoulder (both sides of the vertebral column) 4. Tapotement- rhythmic percussion or tapping, it should be done gently. + used particularly over tensed muscles Coniraindications: * elderly + patients who has decrease condition of the back @. Hacking: little finger side cf the hand is used in sharp hacking movement on the back b. Bronchial clapping- with cupped hands ¢. Bronchial tapping- with palms age 2 0f2 pe’) =

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